MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4470: Grandfather's matter

In the main hall, no longer only has Chu Feng one person. 大殿之内,已不再是只有楚枫一人。 Main hall deep place, before the seat, is standing together the form. 大殿深处,座椅之前,站立着一道身影。 That is old person, sends the silk like the snow, the facial features are straight, the attire is very appropriate. 那是一名老者,发丝如雪,面容端正,衣着更是十分得体。 White-Cloak, spotless, is pure whiter than the white snow. 一席白袍,一尘不染,比白雪还要洁白。 In addition temperament of his whole person, not the air/Qi of this world, just like the unique common custom, is similar to the immortal to be common. 再加上他整个人的气质,并无凡尘之气,宛如超脱世俗,就如同仙人一般。 Such old person, but sees its appearance/portrait, apparent he is not simple. 这样的老者,只是见其真容,便知他不简单。 But, his whole person, attire or main body, translucent, explained that he is not the complete life body, is very likely together the soul body. 但,他整个人,无论是衣着还是本体,都是半透明的,说明他不是完整的生命体,很有可能是一道灵魂体。 But he is not the simple soul body, is life form that Chu Feng is unable to determine. 可他又不是简单的灵魂体,是一种楚枫也无法确定的生命形态。 What life form however no matter he is, Chu Feng actually on his body, felt thing of another no small matter. 不过不管他是什么样的生命形态,楚枫却在他的身上,感受到了另一种非同小可的东西 That is his aura. 那就是他的气息。 On his body, gives out Ancient Era aura. 在他的身上,散发远古时期的气息。 This ancient times aura was so strong, was not the simple Ancient Organisms descendant is so simple. 这远古气息如此浓厚,可不是简单的远古生物的后裔那么简单。 He, should from Ancient Era, survive today's existence. 他,应该是从远古时期,存活到了今日的存在。 He is, has experienced existence of Ancient Era. 他是,经历过远古时期的存在。 junior Chu Feng, greets senior.” 晚辈楚枫,拜见前辈。” Although this, feels the mysterious feeling at present, Chu Feng is knows nothing to him. 虽说眼前这位,充满神秘之感,楚枫对他乃是一无所知。 But Chu Feng sees him, actually does not dare to neglect, but rushes to serve with the big ritual. 楚枫见到他,却不敢怠慢,而是赶忙施以大礼。 Because Chu Feng felt, this likely knows the matter about his grandfather. 因为楚枫觉得,这位很可能知道关于他爷爷的事。 No, cannot withstand obsolete, strict, you are the obsolete Young Lord person, how can salute obsolete?” “别,老朽承受不起,严格来讲,你可是老朽的少主人,怎可向老朽施礼?” However, Chu Feng just saluted, the opposite party main hall deep place, before the twinkling arrives at the Chu Feng body always doing nothing but, supports by the arm Chu Feng. 然而,楚枫刚刚施礼,对方竟自大殿深处,瞬息来到楚枫身前,将楚枫搀扶起来。 Although is the soul body, but his strength, is immeasurably deep. 虽是灵魂体,可他的实力,却深不可测。 senior, do you know my grandfather?” 前辈,您认识我爷爷?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Chu Feng these words, seem like asking, was determining actually. 楚枫这句话,看似在问,实则是在确定。 He is to determine, this old person, with his grandfather whether has the relations. 他就是要确定,这位老者,与他爷爷是否有关系。 May know incessantly is so simple.” “可不止认识那么简单。” That old person smiles lightly, may be meaningful. 老者淡淡一笑,可却意味深长。 old person this words saying is very tranquil. 老者此话说的很是平静。 But this saying enters in the Chu Feng ear, Chu Feng is actually not able to be tranquil again. 可这话进入楚枫耳中,楚枫却再也无法平静了。 Before, regardless of experienced anything, Chu Feng is unable to determine. 之前,无论经历什么,楚枫都无法确定。 But the reply of this old person, actually gave the Chu Feng affirmative answer. 可这位老者的回答,却给予了楚枫肯定的答案。 Here, is seriously related with his grandfather, Chu Hanxian on that map, is his grandfather without doubt. 这里,当真与他爷爷有关,那地图上的楚瀚仙,就是他的爷爷无疑。 senior, you may know where my grandfather is at?” 前辈,您可知道我爷爷在哪?” Chu Feng holds the both arms of old person, closely examines. 楚枫抓住老者的双臂,追问起来。 You first calm.” “你先冷静一下。” old person wear a look of light happy expression looks at Chu Feng. 老者面带淡淡笑意的看着楚枫 But he said like this that is because of the Chu Feng's body, starts to shiver, in the eye is hopeful, but his mood, nearly loses control. 而他之所以这样说,那是因为楚枫的身体,都开始颤抖起来,眼中更是充满渴望,而他的情绪,更是近乎失控。 If understands the Chu Feng's person, sees Chu Feng this time appearance, is very inevitably accidental. 若是了解楚枫的人,看到楚枫此时的模样,必然很是意外。 Because of Chu Feng, is always calm, rarely has the matter, can let him so. 因为楚枫,向来沉着冷静,很少有事情,能够让他这般。 Heard old person to say like this, Chu Feng was also realized oneself were rude. 听闻老者这样说,楚枫也是意识到自己失态了。 Rushes to let loose grabs the hand of old person. 赶忙放开抓住老者的手。 senior, was junior is rude.” 前辈,是晚辈失态了。” About my grandfather he, junior really wants to know.” “只是关于我爷爷他,晚辈实在太想知道。” senior, you whether to tell junior, my grandfather he, now also here?” 前辈,您能否告诉晚辈,我爷爷他,现在还在这里吗?” Chu Feng asked again. 楚枫再度问道。 When actually you asked these words, should you have the answer?” “其实当你问出这句话的时候,你心里应该也有答案了吧?” old person said. 老者说道。 My grandfather he, not here?” “我爷爷他,不在这里了?” Some Chu Feng's firmly early guesses, if his grandfather here, had also appeared mostly, will not make this old person receive him. 楚枫的确早有猜测,若是他爷爷还在这里,多半早就出现了,不会让这位老者来接待他。 Since his grandfather has not appeared, mostly already not in this place. 既然他爷爷没有出现,多半就是已经不在此地了。 Although early some guesses, but in Chu Feng heart, still expectation. 虽然早有猜测,可楚枫心中,仍有一丝期望。 That expectation, looks like at the anticipation miracle happened. 那种期望,就像是在期待奇迹发生。 But miracle that Chu Feng anticipates, on the time is his grandfather in this place. 楚枫期待的奇迹,就期是他爷爷就在此地。 He is expecting, today, can unable to meet with his grandfather. 他期望着,在今日,就能与他爷爷见上一面。 This old person words, let an expectation that Chu Feng only saves, was shattered. 只是这位老者的话,却让楚枫仅存的一丝期望,也破灭了。 His grandfather Chu Hanxian, really not here. 他的爷爷楚翰仙,果然不在这里了。 He had walked, leaves this place, already nearly millenniums.” “他早就走了,离开此地,已有近千年了。” That old person said. 老者说道。 Nearly millenniums?” “近千年?” senior, my grandfather leaves this place, how many years concrete is, can you remember?” 前辈,我爷爷离开此地,具体是多少年,您可记得?” Chu Feng pursues asks. 楚枫追问道。 Is unclear, but should less than 1000.” “记不清了,但应该不到一千年吧。” old person said. 老者说道。 senior, do you definitely know the matter about my grandfather?” 前辈,您一定知道关于我爷爷的事情吧?” You whether to inform junior, matter about my grandfather?” “您可否告知晚辈,关于我爷爷的事情?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 You also care about your grandfather very much.” “你还真是很关心你爷爷啊。” Actually sees you, obsolete is also very surprised, he was the grandfather unexpectedly.” “其实看到你,老朽也很惊讶,他居然都做爷爷了。” Originally just felt you close to this place time, but also thinks that you are a his son.” “本来刚刚感受到你靠近此地的时候,还以为你是他的儿子。” If not you said personally, Chu Hanxian is your grandfather, I cannot think really, he has been others' grandfather unexpectedly.” “若非你亲口说,楚瀚仙是你爷爷,我真是想不到,他居然已经做了别人的爷爷。” After all in the past he came time, is only a junior.” “毕竟当年他来的时候,也还只是一个小辈啊。” That old person has not replied Chu Feng, instead is with smile on the face, sighs with emotion. 老者没有回答楚枫,反而是面带微笑,感慨起来。 Junior?” “小辈?” You said my grandfather just knew your time, but also is only a junior?” “您说我爷爷刚认识您的时候,还只是一个小辈?” Hears this words, the mood that Chu Feng lost, then again becomes somewhat is excited. 听闻此话,楚枫原本失落的情绪,则是再度变得有些激动起来。 About his father's matter, he also knows Daoyi some, is about his grandfather, Chu Feng knows little. 关于他父亲的事情,他还知道一些,可是关于他的爷爷,楚枫所知甚少。 But this senior, says at present unexpectedly, dares to know his grandfather time, his grandfather or junior. 可眼前这位前辈,竟说,敢认识其爷爷的时候,其爷爷还是小辈。 And previously this old person added, his grandfather leaves has nearly millennium. 并且先前这位老者还说,其爷爷离开已有近千年时间。 May know according to Chu Feng, his grandfather and now Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, as well as Supreme Elder Chu Hanpeng, is the same generation of cultivator. 可据楚枫所知,他爷爷与当今楚氏天族族长,以及太上长老楚翰鹏,乃是同一代的修武者 His grandfather's present age, should have to long live. 他爷爷如今的年龄,应该也有上万岁。 Even since millenniums ago, this old person, has not seen his grandfather again. 就算自从千年之前,这位老者,就再也没有见过他爷爷。 May from his grandfather or the junior time, this old person has known his grandfather. 可从他爷爷还是小辈的时候,这位老者就已经认识他的爷爷。 Among this, has enough 9000. 这中间,有着足足九千年的时间。 Proof this old person, has the unusual friendship with own grandfather sufficiently. 足以证明这位老者,与自己的爷爷有着非同一般的交情。 Then the matter about his grandfather, this old person is inevitably clear. 那么关于他爷爷的事情,这位老者必然非常清楚。 Even if his grandfather already not in this place, but if can from this old person mouth, know the matter about his grandfather, then to Chu Feng, is still a big harvest. 就算他爷爷已经不在此地,可若能够从这位老者口中,得知关于他爷爷的事情,那对楚枫而言,也是不小的收获。 Yes, obsolete sees his time for the first time, he is also only a junior, said, compared with your age at the worst many.” “是啊,老朽第一次看到他的时候,他还只是一个小辈,说起来,比你年龄大不了多少。” That cultivation realm little rascal, can enter this secret place, obsolete at that time was also very surprised.” “那种修为的小鬼,能进入这秘地,老朽当时也是十分吃惊。” The old person words to here, the corners of the mouth look at the day, the hand caresses the beard. 老者话到此处,嘴角望天,手抚胡须。 That appearance, should recall the same day scene. 那模样,应该是回想起了当日的情景。 But the Chu Feng's innermost feelings, have actually been hard to take excitedly. 可是楚枫的内心,却早已经激动难耐。 senior, can inform junior, your matter about my grandfather?” 前辈,能否告知晚辈,您关于我爷爷的事情?” Chu Feng asked again. 楚枫再度问道。 And Chu Feng this time words, were say in the tone of hope. 楚枫此时的话,乃是以祈求的语气说的。 He really wants to know, matter about his grandfather. 他实在是太想知道,关于他爷爷的事情了。 Matter how you are so curious your grandfather?” “你怎么如此好奇你爷爷的事情?” „, Your grandfather never said with you, about his matter?” “难道,你爷爷从来不与你说,关于他的事情吗?” Sees Chu Feng to closely examine continuously, old person vision, becomes some surprise. 楚枫连续追问,老者的目光,也是变得有些诧异。 Is open about the facts senior, junior since birth, has never seen my grandfather.” “不瞒前辈,晚辈从出生至今,从未见过我爷爷。” My grandfather he has been missing for many years, is still missing, life and death unknown.” “我爷爷他已经失踪多年,至今下落不明,生死未知。” „The matter about my grandfather, junior knows little.” “关于我爷爷的事情,晚辈所知甚少。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Oh?” “喔?” „Have you never seen your grandfather unexpectedly?” “你竟从未见过你爷爷?” Hears this words, that originally throughout wear a look of happy expression old person, not only receives the smile, unexpectedly also brow slightly wrinkle. 听闻此话,那原本始终面带笑意的老者,不仅收起笑容,竟还眉头微皱。 No, is not only frowns that simply. 不,不仅仅是皱起眉头那么简单。 In his profound eye pupil, emerges the complex mood. 他那深邃的眼眸之中,更是涌现出了复杂的情绪。 That is sad, worried. 那是难过,也有担忧。 He seems like, thought of anything, will therefore have such mood. 他似乎是,想到了什么事情,所以才会有这样的情绪。 Oh, I have urged him, do not do that matter.” “唉,我早就劝过他,不要去做那件事的。” Should, really not have an accident?” “该不会,真的出事了吧?” Suddenly, old person sighed. 忽然,老者叹道。
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