MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4468: Finally when you

If previously also had the suspicion. 如果说先前还有怀疑。 Then Chu Feng can determine now, the monsters of these person hammers, come to their three people. 那么现在楚枫能够确定,那些人身狼头的怪物,就是冲着他们三人而来的。 But those who most made Chu Feng anxious was, that killing intent is also sweeping across itself, they have not let off Chu Feng's meaning. 而最令楚枫不安的是,那杀意也席卷着自己,它们并没有放过楚枫的意思 Chu Feng, is the target that they attack. 楚枫,也是它们攻击的目标。 …… …… But, Chu Feng behind two old person, took out a token in the meantime respectively. 可就在此时,楚枫身后的两位老者,分别取出了一块令牌。 That token is the wood/blockhead makes, but above, is actually carving and that map, as well as in formation gate close spell. 那令牌乃是木头制成,可上面,却刻着与那地图,以及结界门上相近的符咒。 After this token puts out, these monsters, put aside from two old person the vision unexpectedly. 这令牌拿出后,那些怪物,竟将目光从两位老者身上移开。 Their that devils, the killing intent full vision, only locks on a body of person now, that is Chu Feng. 它们那凶神恶煞,杀意满满的目光,现在只锁定在一个人的身上,那就是楚枫 This......” “这……” This makes Chu Feng very depressed. 这让楚枫十分郁闷。 He realized that two old person, have treasure that avoids these monster attacks, that treasure is a token. 他意识到,那两位老者,有躲避这些怪物攻击的宝物,那宝物便是令牌。 But Chu Feng, anything does not have. 楚枫,却什么都没有。 Present Chu Feng, awkward, was just still threatening that two old person obviously. 眼下的楚枫,尴尬不已,明明刚刚还在威胁那两位老者 But now, Chu Feng becomes this place protector unexpectedly, object who wants to attack only. 可现在,楚枫竟成了此地守护者,唯一想要攻击的对象。 Chu Feng knows, he basic was unable to deceive that two old person again. 楚枫知道,他基本已经无法再欺骗那两个老者了。 Unexpectedly useful, this thing has not bought white/in vain.” “居然有用,这东西没有白买。” Is looking at the token in hand, two old people also relax, later looks to Chu Feng, on the face raises the curve of satire. 看着手中的令牌,两位老人也是松了一口气,随后再看向楚枫,脸上扬起讽刺的弧度。 Little rascal, you did not say, your grandfather is the master of this place, aren't that these monsters, your servant?” “小鬼,你不是说,你的爷爷是此地的主人吗,那这些怪物,不就是你的仆人?” But I look at this stance, how don't they seem to recognize you?” “可我看这个架势,怎么它们好像不认得你?” Two old people taunted, they have not acted to Chu Feng, but is watching the fun. 两个老人冷嘲热讽,他们也没有对楚枫出手,而是看着热闹。 Chu Feng guessed right. 楚枫猜对了。 If previous they, were frightened by the Chu Feng's words. 如果说先前的他们,还有被楚枫的话所吓唬到的话。 Then they have known now, Chu Feng these words deceived people. 那么现在他们已经知道,楚枫那些话是骗人的。 They had determined, Chu Feng's Grandfather, is not the master of this place, otherwise these monsters, killing intent will not be full, walks to Chu Feng. 他们已经确定,楚枫的爷爷,根本就不是此地的主人,否则这些怪物,不会杀意满满的,向楚枫走来。 Now lets loose me, I forgive your way out.” “现在放开我,我饶你们一条生路。” Otherwise, do not want to live departure.” “否则,你们可别想活着离开。” Chu Feng said to that two old person. 楚枫对那两位老者说道。 Actually, he is to set out to leave. 其实,他是想要起身离开。 Although that monster is fearful, but the approaching speed is not fast. 那怪物虽然可怕,可行进速度并不快。 So long as Chu Feng the present leaves this place, can save the life, is only the Chu Feng's body, by that two old person, was actually lived with pressure bound. 楚枫只要现在离开此地,便可保住性命,只是楚枫的身体,却被那两位老者,用威压束缚住了。 Although Chu Feng also knows, these two old people have no longer believed themselves, but Chu Feng does not have the means that can only refuse to abandon hope. 虽然楚枫也知道,这两个老人已经不再相信自己,可楚枫没有办法,只能死马当活马医了。 Still is putting on airs?” “还在装腔作势?” Since you are so fierce, asked your servant to massacre us?” “既然你那么厉害,就叫你的仆人来杀掉我们啊?” Two old people look at Chu Feng ridiculing, and during the speeches also goes to back down, stood in that formation gate entrance place. 两位老人戏谑的看着楚枫,且说话间还向后退去,站在了那结界门的入口处。 Really, they were no longer deceived by Chu Feng. 果然,他们不再被楚枫所欺骗。 senior, now only then you can save me.” 前辈,现在只有您能救我了。” Do not stand by.” “你可不要袖手旁观啊。” Seeing with own eyes, oneself is unable to frighten these two old people again. 眼见着,自己无法再吓到这两个老人。 Chu Feng must seek help from Divine Deer of own within the body. 楚枫只得向自己体内的神鹿求助。 This is the only way of Chu Feng difficulty-relief. 这是楚枫脱困的唯一方法。 Otherwise, then can only wait for death. 否则,便只能等死。 You may really be useless.” “你可真是没用啊。” But those who made Chu Feng joyful was, that Divine Deer sound resounded unexpectedly. 而令楚枫欣喜的是,那神鹿的声音竟然响起。 While that sound resounds, the Chu Feng's form then changes to a white light, plunders to the corridor deep place. 在那声音响起的同时,楚枫的身影便化作一道白光,向长廊深处掠去。 „Did the little rascal, which go?” “那小鬼,去哪了?” Is seeing with own eyes Chu Feng, vanishes in own eyelid background, that two old person were also somewhat ignorant. 眼见着楚枫,在自己眼皮底子消失,那两位老者也是有些懵了。 At first, they somewhat are flustered, are afraid Chu Feng really to have what special connection with this secret. 起初,他们还有些慌张,害怕楚枫真的与这秘地有何特殊关联。 But when, they discovered, after Chu Feng vanishes, these monsters then received killing intent, not only no longer continued, instead neat stand wall both sides. 可是,当他们发现,当楚枫消失之后,那些怪物便收起了杀意,不仅不再继续前行,反而整齐的站到墙壁两端。 That is, is allowing to pass through for their two people. 那是,在为他们二人让路。 They determined again, Chu Feng with this place and independence, because after is Chu Feng leaves, these monsters receive killing intent. 他们再度确定,楚枫与此地并无关联,因为是楚枫离开后,那些怪物才收起杀意的。 In other words, Chu Feng runs away. 也就是说,楚枫是逃走的。 The method of running away, is not quite simple. 只是逃走的手段,比较不简单罢了。 „The body of it seems like that little rascal, is some secrets.” “看来那小鬼的身上,还是有些秘密的。” Big brother, cannot put him to leave, must catch him, his body has some treasure inevitably, will otherwise not run away is so quick.” “大哥,不能放他离开,必须抓到他,他的身上必然有着某种至宝,否则不会逃的那么快。” Black robe old person said. 黑袍老者说道。 Un, bets that little rascal, has not left this place.” “嗯,就赌那个小鬼,没有离开此地吧。” White-Cloak old person spoke, then took out a treasure, blocked entrance of this formation gate, was, does not want to make Chu Feng flee. 白袍老者说话间,便取出一件宝物,将这结界门的入口封锁起来,为的,就是不想让楚枫逃离。 Naturally, he is unable to determine whether Chu Feng has left. 当然,他也无法确定,楚枫是否已经离开。 Afterward, they then continue thoroughly. 随后,他们二人便继续深入。 When close to these monsters, they are also trembling with fear. 当靠近那些怪物的时候,他们二人也是战战兢兢 But when they passes through after these monsters, these monsters and have no change, just like changing to the statue is ordinary. 可当他们从那些怪物身旁走过之后,那些怪物并无任何异动,宛如化作雕像一般。 their two people, relax thoroughly. 他们二人,才彻底松了一口气。 This token, but also is really useful, that auctions Grandmaster, has not deceived us actually.” “这令牌,还真是有用,那个拍卖大师,倒是没有骗咱们。” Is looking at the token in hand, two people sighed again. 看着手中的令牌,二人再度感叹起来。 This token, is they, when obtains that map, obtains. 这令牌,乃是他们在得到那地图的时候,同时得到的。 Even the price of this token, is more precious than that map. 甚至这令牌的价格,比那地图还要贵重。 Naturally, they are willing to spend on this price , because, that auctioneer said, will enter secret to encounter the danger, but this token may guarantee them to be peaceful. 当然,他们之所以愿意花上这个价钱,乃是因为,那个拍卖师说,进入秘地会遇到危险,但这令牌可保他们安宁。 At that time, they are also doubtful, but now, they are believe firmly without doubt. 当时,他们也是半信半疑,但现在,他们已是确信无疑。 Some tokens in hand, two old people like attaining Forbidden to Kill Writ, swaggering goes to secret deep place line. 有令牌在手,两位老人就像拿到了免死令牌,大摇大摆的向秘地深处行去。 But Chu Feng, their one step, has taken the lead to arrive at the end of this secret place quickly. 楚枫,已经快他们一步,率先来到了这秘地的尽头。 Here, is a main hall!!! 这里,是一座大殿!!! Chu Feng can so fast arriving end, naturally because of the Divine Deer strength. 楚枫能够如此快速的来到尽头,自然是因为神鹿的力量。 Chu Feng just can escape, was Divine Deer helped Chu Feng using the strength. 楚枫刚刚能够逃脱,便是神鹿运用力量帮助了楚枫 Divine Deer, after the Chu Feng belt/bring to here, then vanishes again. 只是神鹿,将楚枫带到此处后,便再度消失。 senior, you help the person help , do you first bring junior to leave this place?” 前辈,您帮人帮到底,要不,您先带晚辈离开此地吧?” Chu Feng was still summoning that Divine Deer. 楚枫仍在呼唤着那神鹿 At present Chu Feng situated in a main hall, this main hall, although is broad, but Chu Feng actually cannot see any advantage, the main hall is empty, has a seat besides the main hall end, then anything does not have, let alone what treasure, or special strength. 眼下楚枫位于一座大殿之中,这座大殿虽然恢宏,可楚枫却看不到任何好处,大殿空荡荡的,除了大殿尽头有着一张座椅外,便什么都没有,就更别说什么宝物,或者说特殊的力量了。 Although that corridor is long, but Chu Feng knows that two old people will arrive at this place sooner or later. 那长廊虽长,可楚枫知道,那两个老人迟早会来到此地。 If Chu Feng returns alone, definitely will run into that two old people. 楚枫若是独自返回,必然会遇到那两个老人。 The present aspect, is evades not to be possible to evade. 眼下的局面,是避无可避。 Only if that Divine Deer, is willing to bring Chu Feng to leave, otherwise Chu Feng, mostly is the dead end. 除非那神鹿,愿意带着楚枫离开,否则楚枫,多半是死路一条。 Regardless how Chu Feng summoned, does not have any response. 只是楚枫无论怎么呼唤,都没有任何回应。 That Divine Deer, gave up Chu Feng again. 神鹿,再一次放弃了楚枫 It seems like, can only depend on itself.” “看来,只能靠自己了。” Under Chu Feng has no alternative, took out Celestial Master's Whisk. 楚枫无可奈何之下,取出了天师拂尘 This time Celestial Master's Whisk, does not have the meaning of awakening. 此时的天师拂尘,也没有觉醒之意。 Celestial Master's Whisk that has not awakened, Chu Feng arranges tyrannical formation technique even, is unable to release to exceed own strength. 没有觉醒的天师拂尘,楚枫就算布置出强横的阵法,也无法释放出超越自身的力量。 The present situation is not wonderful, Divine Deer is not willing to help itself, Celestial Master's Whisk is not willing to help itself. 现在的情况非常不妙,神鹿不愿帮自己,天师拂尘也不愿帮自己。 Therefore Chu Feng said, he can only depend on itself. 所以楚枫才说,他只能靠自己了。 Chu Feng prepares to arrange to hide formation technique, the attempt hides itself again. 楚枫准备布置隐藏阵法,尝试再度隐藏自己。 Although this decision is very risky, but at this moment, Chu Feng also has no other alternative. 虽然这个决定很是冒险,可事到如今,楚枫却也是别无他法。 Chu Feng grasps Celestial Master's Whisk, looks at the direction of corridor, then prepares to arrange formation technique. 楚枫手握天师拂尘,看着长廊的方向,便准备布置阵法 Finally waited till you.” “终于等到你了。” But, Chu Feng's behind, actually broadcast a sound in the meantime suddenly. 可就在此时,楚枫的身后,却忽然传来了一道声音。
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