MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4375: Old trick heavy

Hears this sound, Ma Chengying and others is the body one tight. 听闻这个声音,马成英等人皆是身躯一紧。 Because of this sound, so familiar-sounding, but to them, this sound, is actually the sound that they most do not want to hear. 因为这个声音,是如此的耳熟,可对他们而言,这个声音,却是他们最不想听到的声音。 But waits and sees along the sound, facial features that previously also lit up with pleasure, then petrifies the solidification instantaneously. 而顺声观望,先前还喜笑颜开的面容,则是瞬间石化凝固。 The vision in their eye, were then replaced by the thick fear. 紧接着,他们眼中的目光,便被浓浓的恐惧所代替。 They saw that person. 他们看到了那个人。 That person, is situated in above void of not far away, smiling visits them. 那个人,正立于不远处的虚空之上,笑眯眯的看着他们。 But that person, precisely Chu Feng!!! 而那个人,正是楚枫!!! The same place, the same position, that previously nearly massacred their people, appeared!!! 相同的地点,相同的位置,那个先前险些杀掉他们的人,又出现了!!! Li Rui Senior Brother, saves us quickly, he... his he came, his he, he is that Chu Feng!!!” 李锐师兄,快救我们,他…他他来了,他他他,他就是那个楚枫!!!” Was seeing with own eyes Chu Feng appears, Ma Chengying and others, rushed to hide Li Rui behind. 眼见着楚枫出现,马成英等人,赶忙躲到了李锐的身后。 Even some people, but also hysteric shouts. 甚至有的人,还歇斯底里的大喊起来。 Matter that they most are afraid happened, Chu Feng asked them to revenge seriously. 他们最害怕的事情发生了,楚枫当真来找他们报仇了。 But at present, can rescue only their, only then this Li Rui. 而眼下,唯一能够救他们的,就只有这个李锐了。 Your courage is really big enough.” “你的胆子还真够大的。” „Don't you fear death?” “你就不怕死吗?” That Li Rui is narrowing the eye, compared with having interest is sizing up Chu Feng. 李锐眯着眼睛,较有兴致的打量着楚枫 Compares in frightened scared shitless Ma Chengying and others, body of this Li Rui, not too many fears. 相比于已经被吓的屁滚尿流的马成英等人,这李锐的身上,并没有太多恐惧。 He to Chu Feng is quite curious. 他对楚枫则是比较好奇。 After narration of Ma Chengying and others, he had previously known the Chu Feng's matter. 经过先前马成英等人的讲述,他已经知道了楚枫的事情。 In his opinion, Chu Feng the whereabouts has exposed, since can escape, had fled this mountain range inevitably early, definitely will not have the courage to come back. 在他看来,楚枫已经行踪暴露,既然能逃,必然已经早早的逃离了这片山脉,绝对不会有胆子回来。 But Chu Feng came back, this is to make Li Rui be the surprised place. 可是偏偏楚枫回来了,这是让李锐感到意外的地方。 The Chu Feng's guts, are at least not as he expected. 至少楚枫的胆量,是出乎他的预料的。 Today some indeed many people must die, but is actually not I.” “今天的确有很多人要死,但却不是我。” Chu Feng said this saying time, sweeps the vision to Ma Chengying and others. 楚枫说这话的时候,将目光扫向马成英等人 Although Chu Feng is narrowing the eyes, that appearance is smiling, when that vision, falls to the Ma Chengying and others body, Ma Chengying and others is actually trembling that frightens, does not dare with Chu Feng looking at each other. 虽然楚枫眯着双眼,那个样子乃是在笑,可偏偏那目光,落到马成英等人身上时,马成英等人却是吓的瑟瑟发抖,都不敢与楚枫对视。 Frightened, extreme fear. 恐惧,极度的恐惧。 Their first time, on a junior, feels the so fearful vision, soon diverges the soul that even they frighten. 他们还是第一次,在一个小辈身上,感受到如此可怕的目光,将他们吓的连魂魄都快要散去。 But does not blame them being timid, after all before then, they had determined, Chu Feng is not human, but is the monster. 但也不怪他们胆小,毕竟在此之前,他们就已经确定,楚枫不是人类,而是怪物。 Really suffices to be extremely arrogant.” “果然够狂妄。” This words saying that Li Rui body shakes, immediately the strong winds erupts, change constantly. 此话说完,那李锐的身躯一震,顿时狂风大作,风云变幻。 Powerful aura, releases from its within the body, floods this side world instantaneously. 一股强大的气息,自其体内释放而出,瞬间充斥这方天地。 That is the pressure, the Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable Realm pressure. 那是威压,六品至尊境的威压。 Looks at that Li Rui with own eyes, its pressure release, but . 只是亲眼看着那李锐,将其威压释放而出后。 Chu Feng not only does not fear, instead contemptuous smiles. 楚枫不仅不惧,反而轻蔑的一笑。 They have not told you, your Flying Flower Sect, has, with your same cultivation realm person, died in my hand?” “他们难道没有告诉你,你们飞花斋,已经有一名,与你一样修为的人,死在了我的手里?” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Snort, can that type of waste, how place on a par with me?” “哼,那种废物,怎能与我相提并论?” Hears, your Spirit Formation technique strength, endures to compare Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable.” “听闻,你的结界之术战力,堪比六品至尊。” I also just want to ask for advice, the Spirit Formation technique strength, actually strong to what situation.” “我也刚好想领教一下,结界之术的战力,究竟会强到何种地步。” Therefore you, but do not disappoint me.” “所以你,可千万不要让我失望。” This words saying that Li Rui then figure one vertical, changes to together the flowing light, directly soars Chu Feng. 此话说完,那李锐便身形一纵,化作一道流光,直奔楚枫而来。 He has not displayed any Martial Technique, but is utilizes own mortal body ? Attacked to Chu Feng. 他没有施展任何武技,而是运用自己的肉身,?向楚枫攻了过来。 His fist, was then pounding to the Chu Feng's surface gate. 他的拳头,正对楚枫的面门便砸了过来。 But, facing the attack of Li Rui, Chu Feng actually does not dodge does not hide, motionless, only has the smile of corners of the mouth, becomes thicker. 可是,面对李锐的攻击,楚枫却是不闪不躲,一动不动,唯有嘴角的笑容,变得更浓。 The taunt, that is an extremely contemptuous taunt. 嘲讽,那是一种极其轻蔑的嘲讽。 That manner, has not placed in Li Rui the eye completely. 那种神态,完全就是没有将李锐放在眼中。 Extremely arrogant.” “狂妄。” The Chu Feng's contempt, making Li Rui angry. 楚枫的轻视,让李锐变得恼怒。 Therefore, he changed the thoughts. 于是,他改变了心思。 Originally is an exploratory fist, starts becomes vicious. 本是试探性的一拳,开始变得更为凶狠。 He changed the attention, he no longer wants to probe Chu Feng, he is to rely on this fist, writes off Chu Feng. 他改变了注意,他不再只是想试探一下楚枫,他是想要凭借这一拳,将楚枫抹杀。 Suddenly, he has arrived at the Chu Feng near. 眨眼间,他已来到楚枫近前。 A fist of that hidden killing intent, is directly soars the Chu Feng's surface gate to pound. 那暗藏杀意的一拳,更是直奔楚枫的面门砸来。 Do not look at this is only a fist of human, but the might of this fist, actually may be called to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands. 别看这只是一个人类的拳头,可这一拳的威力,却堪称毁天灭地 But facing such a fist, Chu Feng actually does not dodge as before does not hide, the smile of corners of the mouth, instead was also thick several points. 可是面对这样的一拳,楚枫却依旧不闪不躲,就连嘴角的笑容,反而又浓了几分。 Clang- 铛- Finally, this fist falls. 终于,这拳落下。 Not only everything may become vulnerable, sent out grating thundering. 不仅地动山摇,更是发出了刺耳的轰鸣。 After this fist falls, that Li Rui is actually sore looking fierce, again and again back down. 只是这一拳落下之后,那李锐却是疼的龇牙咧嘴,连连后退 But looked again to fist that own rumbles, has been bruised and lacerated, physique break, covered with blood. 而再看向自己轰出的拳头,早已是皮开肉绽,筋骨断裂,血肉模糊。 As for Chu Feng, then stands in same place, complete unscathed as before, has not fallen including a fine hair. 至于楚枫,则是依旧站在原地,完好无损,连一根汗毛都没有落下。 This, has not said that Li Rui shock. 这一幕,没说那李锐震惊。 Ma Chengying and others, is dumbfounded. 马成英等人,更是目瞪口呆。 Isn't Li Rui the person of initiative attack? 李锐不是主动攻击的人吗? Why Chu Feng has not been wounded, instead is Li Rui is injured? 为何楚枫没有负伤,反而是李锐受了伤? Is Spirit Formation technique?” “是结界之术吗?” Li Rui stares at Chu Feng to ask. 李锐盯着楚枫问道。 He knows, he had not previously hit Chu Feng. 他知道,先前他没有击中楚枫 His fist, kept off by the invisible strength. 他的拳头,被无形的力量挡了下来。 precisely that invisible strength, making his fist bruised and lacerated. 正是那无形的力量,使得他的拳头皮开肉绽。 He cannot see that strength, but he felt that should be the Chu Feng's method. 只是,他看不到那力量,而他觉得,那应该就是楚枫的手段。 That is Spirit Formation technique. 那是结界之术 thing that under continuously blocks you attack, is actually what not to know?” “连挡下你攻击的东西,究竟是什么都不知道吗?” In my opinion, you with that previously I killed, does not have any difference.” “依我看,你与先前我杀的那位,也没有什么区别嘛。” Regarding the Li Rui issue, Chu Feng does not have the direct reaction, instead is the speaking shame. 对于李锐的问题,楚枫没有直接回答,反而是出言羞辱。 Extremely arrogant thing, I will make you know, the young master true strength.” “狂妄的东西,我会让你知道,小爷真正的力量。” Li Rui was enraged by Chu Feng thoroughly, originally handsome face, by its fiery red. 李锐彻底被楚枫所激怒,原本英俊的脸庞,都被其的火红。 Qiāng lang lang- 呛啷啷- Sees only the arm to delimit from cosmos sack , the cold light emerges together. 只见手臂自乾坤袋内划过,一道寒光涌现开来。 Is a silver long sword. 乃是一把银色长剑。 The silver long sword appears, immediately releases the aura that the agitation changes constantly. 银色长剑出现,顿时释放出搅动风云变幻的气息。 that is Incomplete Venerable Armament!!! 那乃是一把半成尊兵!!! But Incomplete Venerable Armament in the hand, that Li Rui strength increases immediately. 半成尊兵在手,那李锐的战力顿时大增。 Li Rui pinches to decide single-handed, but in that Incomplete Venerable Armament, is the ray surges, later Li Rui is wielding to Chu Feng suddenly. 紧接着,李锐单手捏决,而那半成尊兵内,更是光芒涌动,随后李锐对着楚枫猛然一挥。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- In an instant, everywhere azure Sword Qi, blotting out the sky goes to Chu Feng killing. 刹那间,漫天的青色剑气,铺天盖地的对楚枫扑杀而去。 But that is not common Sword Qi, that is Martial Technique. 但那可不是寻常的剑气,那是一种武技 Is Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill!!! 乃是尊禁武技!!! And Fourth Rank Venerable Taboo. 并且还是四段尊禁 After previously that fist attack failure, this Li Rui does not dare to be negligent. 在先前那一拳攻击失败之后,这李锐也是不敢大意。 This attack, is his genuine card in a hand. 这一次的攻击,才是他真正的底牌。 This is, strongest method that he grasps. 这是他所掌握的,最强的手段。 Sword Qi passed over gently and swiftly void, then arrives at the Chu Feng near quickly. 剑气掠过虚空,很快便来到楚枫近前。 Bang bang bang bang- 砰砰砰砰- Everywhere Sword Qi, is ordinary like the fireworks, blooms in front of Chu Feng's unceasingly. 漫天的剑气,如同烟花一般,不断在楚枫的面前绽放。 Sees this secretly, not to mention Ma Chengying and others, the frightened whole body shivers, that Li Rui complexion, is becomes especially ugly. 只是见到这一幕后,莫说马成英等人,吓的浑身颤抖,就连那李锐的脸色,也是变得格外难看起来。 In eye pupil that in his is proud, finally emerged the color of fear. 在他那自负的眼眸之中,终于涌现出了恐惧之色。 He feared. 他怕了。 Because even if his strongest method, Fourth Rank Venerable Taboo that this cultivation utmost has become, before is actually not able to penetrate the Chu Feng body, that invisible barrier. 因为哪怕是他的最强手段,这已修炼至大成的四段尊禁,却也无法击穿楚枫身前那无形的屏障。 Everywhere Sword Qi that his Fourth Rank Venerable Taboo, releases, without exception, kept off all. 他那四段尊禁,所释放的漫天剑气,无一例外,尽数被挡了下来。 Damn.” “该死。” At this moment, Li Rui also has to acknowledge, he underestimated Chu Feng. 事到如今,李锐也不得不承认,他低估了楚枫 Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique, far exceeded his estimate, he is not the Chu Feng's opponent. 楚枫的结界之术,远远超出了他的预想,他根本就不是楚枫的对手。 Saw with own eyes that own offensive is useless. 眼见自己的攻势无用。 Li Rui but actually not hesitant, turns around then to escape. 李锐倒也没有犹豫,转身便逃。 But this Li Rui, calculates some consciences, he have not escaped. 但这李锐,也算有些良心,他并没有自己逃跑。 When escapes, the big sleeve wields, utilizes own Martial Power, carries off Ma Chengying and others completely. 而是逃跑之时,大袖一挥,运用自己的武力,将马成英等人全部带走。 Saw the direction that they escape, Chu Feng shakes the head with a smile. 看到他们所逃的方向,楚枫则是笑着摇了摇头。 Direction that because they escape, is the main formation direction. 因为他们所逃的方向,乃是主阵法的方向。 Exactly said, they escaped to that can block the formation power canyon. 确切的说,他们是逃向了那个,能够封锁结界之力的峡谷。 Previously, Ma Chengying and others, can block the formation power canyon by that say/way, reversed the aspect. 先前,马成英等人,就是凭借那道可以封锁结界之力的峡谷,扭转了局面。 But present Li Rui, obviously thinks old trick heavy. 而现在的李锐,明显是想故技重施。
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