MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4376: Shows Martial Power

After knowing their intentions, Chu Feng not anxiously pursuing, but slowly with the past. 知道他们的意图后,楚枫并没有急着追,而是缓缓的跟了过去。 That action, seems the cat catch mouse to be the same, before massacring the opposite party, wants to play. 那个举动,就好像猫捉老鼠一般,在杀掉对方之前,更想玩耍一番。 As if only has does this, can make Chu Feng eliminate the complaint in heart. 似乎唯有这样做,才更能让楚枫消除心中的怨念。 Li Rui and others, actually does not know the Chu Feng's idea completely, does not know that present Chu Feng, is grasping anything. 只是李锐等人,却是完全不知道楚枫的想法,也根本不知道如今的楚枫,掌握着什么。 He spells to go all-out to escape, finally arrived in that canyon. 他拼尽全力逃跑,终于来到了那道峡谷之中。 Enters this canyon, Ma Chengying and others also feels relieved, is long breathes a sigh of relief. 进入这道峡谷,马成英等人也都如释重负,纷纷是长舒了一口气。 Finally was safe, entering here us was safe.” “终于安全了,进入这里我们就安全了。” Damn, that Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique, then how is tyrannical, unexpectedly Senior Brother Li is not his opponent.” “该死的,那个楚枫的结界之术,怎么那么强横,居然连李师兄都不是他的对手。” Among the world, has the World Spiritist strength unexpectedly, can strong cultivator? This fellow is really the monster.” “天下间,竟有界灵师的战力,能够强过修武者?这家伙果然是怪物。” Fortunately, his formation power, although fearful to some heaven defying, but its traveling speed seems slow, cannot catch up with Senior Brother Li.” “不过还好,他的结界之力虽然可怕到有些逆天,不过其移动速度似乎很慢,根本就追不上李师兄。” Now, he sees us to enter here, it is estimated that does not dare to come.” “现在,他见我们进入这里,估计也不敢进来了。” After all in this canyon, his formation power will be blocked, even if he has the big skill unable to display, he does not dare to come in absolutely.” “毕竟在这峡谷之中,他的结界之力会被封锁,就算他有再大的本事也是施展不出来,他绝对不敢进来。” The Ma Chengying and others mood, is similar to escapes from the tiger's den to be the same, sighed. 马成英等人的心情,就如同逃出虎穴一般,不由感叹起来。 Who was said that I don't dare to come in?” “是谁说我不敢进来?” But suddenly, the Chu Feng's sound actually resounds again. 可突然之间,楚枫的声音却再度响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, the Chu Feng's form has appeared beside the canyon. 顺声观望,楚枫的身影已经出现在了峡谷之外。 Seeing only Chu Feng treads to be spatial and good, step by step approaches to Ma Chengying and others. 只见楚枫踏空而行,正在一步一步的向马成英等人靠近。 Quick, Chu Feng stepped into this canyon. 很快,楚枫就踏入了这道峡谷之中。 Ma Chengying, what's the matter?” 马成英,怎么回事?” You did not say, he doesn't dare to come in?” “你们不是说,他不敢进来吗?” At this time, most hurried is actually Li Rui. 此时,最慌的却是李锐 After all he does not have to see with own eyes, pitiful condition of Chu Feng in this canyon, but listened to Ma Chengying and others to say. 毕竟他没有亲眼见到,楚枫在这峡谷内的惨状,只是听马成英等人说的。 According to Ma Chengying and others said, Chu Feng previously almost died here, not possible to dare to come in again. 马成英等人所说,楚枫先前差点死在这里,不可能敢再进来。 But the present situation, obviously says incompatible with Ma Chengying. 可眼下的情况,明显与马成英所说不符。 This makes Li Rui be scared immediately. 这让李锐顿时慌了神。 If this canyon, is invalid to Chu Feng, they may want the dead end!!! 若是这峡谷,对楚枫无效,那他们可就都要死路一条!!! „The strength of this canyon, can absolutely bound his formation power, this was we previously personally saw.” “这峡谷的力量,绝对可以束缚他的结界之力,这是我们先前亲眼所见。” Cannot think, his courage such big, dares bluff unexpectedly.” “只是想不到,他胆子如此之大,竟然还敢虚张声势。” Since he so acts recklessly, I helped him.” “既然他如此不知死活,那我就成全了他。” Senior Brother Li, these makes me tidy up him time.” 李师兄,这一次让我来收拾他。” Suddenly, angrily roars to resound. 突然间,一声怒吼响起。 Is that Ma Chengying. 是那马成英 Ma Chengying grasps Incomplete Venerable Armament, later is dividing to cut to Chu Feng suddenly under. 马成英手握半成尊兵,随后对着楚枫猛然劈斩而下。 During Martial Power galloping, changes to huge ferocious beast unexpectedly, goes to Chu Feng killing. 武力奔腾间,竟化作一只巨大的猛兽,向楚枫扑杀而去。 That similarly is Fourth Rank Venerable Taboo. 那同样是四段尊禁 Although the might is inferior to Li Rui previous, but similarly cannot be underestimated. 虽威力不如李锐先前的强,但同样不容小觑 Previously let Ma Chengying that Chu Feng escaped from by luck, at this time does not dare to have a general idea/careless again. 先前让楚枫侥幸逃脱的马成英,此时也不敢再有所大意。 His acts, similarly is his strongest card in a hand, he thinks a move of system enemy, wants to rely on this move, cuts to kill Chu Feng in this directly. 他这一出手,同样是他的最强底牌,他想一招制敌,想要凭借这一招,直接将楚枫斩杀于此。 Does not want to give the opportunity that Chu Feng escapes from again. 不想再给楚枫逃脱的机会。 Rumble 轰隆隆 That Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill arrives at around the Chu Feng surface, actually scatters in all directions immediately. 只是,那尊禁武技来到楚枫面前后,却立刻四散开来。 Kept off. 被挡了下来。 But carefully watches, Ma Chengying and others is the surface like the white paper. 而仔细观看,马成英等人更是面如白纸。 They with astonishment discovered, the Chu Feng's body, has the enormous change. 他们惊愕的发现,楚枫的身体,已经有了极大的变化。 Above the Chu Feng's forehead, surges this Divine [神] Word Thunder Mark, but in his whole body, with is hovering Lightning Armour. 楚枫的额头之上,涌动这神字雷纹,而在他的周身,用是游动着雷霆铠甲 Thunder Mark and Lightning Armour, two strengths also emerge, this Supreme Venerable Realm, is the not possible matter. 雷纹雷霆铠甲,两种力量同时涌现,这在至尊境来说,是不可能的事情。 But this matter, actually happened, and happened on Chu Feng's completely. 可偏偏这种事情,却发生了,并且全部发生在了楚枫的身上。 But most makes them feel what fear is, Chu Feng's cultivation realm, had the enormous change at this time. 但最让他们感到恐惧的是,楚枫的修为,此时也有了极大的变化。 When Lightning Armour, emerges after Divine rank Thunder Mark, Chu Feng's cultivation realm achieved Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable Realm. 雷霆铠甲,与神级雷纹涌现之后,楚枫的修为达到了六品至尊境 Why this is he, with ease the reason that can keep off the Ma Chengying attack is. 这就是为何他,能够轻松挡面马成英攻击的原因所在。 How you... can you?” “你…你怎么会?” Why your cultivation realm.” “为何你的修为。” Ma Chengying and others was scared seriously, their corners of the mouth are extracting, but on their faces, is full is shocking, even some cannot believe all that at present sees. 马成英等人当真吓傻了,他们嘴角都在抽出,而在他们的脸上,更是满满的都是震惊,甚至有些不敢相信眼前所看到的一切。 Strength that Chu Feng displays at this time, even if thing that the common talent cannot achieve. 楚枫此时表现的力量,哪怕是寻常天才都做不到的事。 But since has such ability, why did not cause before, instead was humiliated by Ma Chengying and others like that? 可既然有如此本领,为何之前不使出来,反而被马成英等人那般凌辱? They did not understand, because was not understanding, feels difficult believing. 他们不理解,正因不理解,才感觉难以置信。 You what's the matter?” “你们怎么回事?” Did not say that his cultivation realm is extremely weak?” “不是说他修为极弱吗?” Suddenly, angrily roars to transmit, to angry roaring that Ma Chengying and others gives out. 忽然,一声怒吼传来,是冲着马成英等人发出的怒吼。 But exudes this to angrily roar, precisely Li Rui. 而发出这声怒吼的,正是李锐 What's wrong, did you fear?” “怎么,你怕了?” Chu Feng smiles looks at Li Rui. 楚枫笑眯眯的看着李锐 However what has not thought that Chu Feng such remarks, that Li Rui unexpectedly coldly snorted. 不过没想到的是,楚枫此话一出,那李锐冷哼一声。 Feared?” “怕?” Snort, not only did not fear, the father is very excited.” “哼,不仅不怕,老子还很兴奋。” „The technique of your World Spirit is indeed tyrannical, I acknowledged that I am not your opponent.” “你的界灵之术的确强横,我承认我不是你的对手。” „But if competes Martial Power, I have not really feared you.” “但若是比拼武力,我还真就不怕你。” Li Rui said to Chu Feng. 李锐楚枫说道。 Although, Chu Feng can display simultaneously, Divine rank Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour two methods. 虽说,楚枫能同时施展出,神级雷纹,雷霆铠甲两种手段。 Such method, indeed startled is a Celestial. 这样的手段,的确惊为天人。 He, was frightened by the Chu Feng's method. 就连他,也被楚枫的手段吓到了。 But Chu Feng uses two after the method of even if promoting cultivation realm, cultivation realm is also like him, achieves Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable Realm. 可哪怕楚枫使用两种提升修为的手段后,修为也只是与他一样,达到六品至尊境而已。 With is Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable, Li Rui did not think that he will lose. 同为六品至尊,李锐并不觉得他会输。 After Li Rui shows the domineering attitude, by being scared Ma Chengying and others, had been poured also changed for the better slightly. 李锐表现出强势的态度后,原本已经被吓破了胆的马成英等人,倒也是稍微好转了一些。 Yes, although Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique, is indeed tyrannical. 是啊,虽然楚枫的结界之术,的确强横。 But if competes Martial Power, that Li Rui may be not necessarily able to lose. 可若比拼武力,那李锐可未必会输。 After all the Li Rui strength, they are clear, with realm, Li Rui has not as if defeated. 毕竟李锐的战力,他们是清楚的,同境界之下,李锐似乎还从来没有败过。 The Li Rui strength, is quite powerful!!! 李锐的战力,极为强大!!! Clang A long sword revolution in Li Rui hand, its aura is strengthened again. 李锐手中的长剑一转,其气息再度增强。 That is not only the Incomplete Venerable Armament strength, other strengths. 那不仅仅是半成尊兵的战力,还有其他力量。 forbidden medicine, when does not know, Li Rui swallowed forbidden medicine, no wonder he has such energy. 禁药,不知何时,李锐吞服了禁药,难怪他有如此底气。 Under the forbidden medicine strength, the Li Rui strength, without doubt becomes stronger. 禁药的力量之下,李锐的战力,无疑变得更强。 His whole body has purple Mist to linger, the aura of whole person had the change, murderous aura to linger, arrives just like the devil. 他周身有紫色气焰萦绕,整个人的气息都有了变化,杀气萦绕,宛如恶魔降临。 Sees the Li Rui condition, the Ma Chengying and others confidence multiplies at this time. 看到此时李锐的状态,马成英等人信心倍增。 Even cannot bear the sigh, good Li Rui is the allied force, otherwise they are quite inevitably flurried at this time. 甚至忍不住感叹,还好李锐是友军,否则他们此时必然极为慌乱。 Because of the present Li Rui condition, but also is really somewhat scary. 因为眼下李锐的状态,还真是有些吓人。 However, what surprising them somewhat was, obviously the Li Rui condition, is so terrifying, even its strength, has been close to Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable infinitely. 不过,令他们有些意外的是,明明李锐的状态,已是如此恐怖,甚至其战力,已经无限接近七品至尊 But Chu Feng, actually does not fear, instead in his corners of the mouth, emerges the curve that wipes to go up again. 楚枫,却是丝毫不惧,反而在其嘴角,再度涌现出一抹上翘的弧度。 Buzz Suddenly, Chu Feng ray circulation, the space trembles, later four huge beast Phantom, faint and presently, the powerful and sacred aura, fills the air from Chu Feng within the body. 突然间,楚枫身上光芒流转,紧接着空间震颤,随后四只巨兽虚影,隐隐而现,强大而神圣的气息,更是自楚枫体内弥漫。 But at the same time, Chu Feng's cultivation realm changes again, Chu Feng's cultivation realm promotes again. 而与此同时,楚枫的修为再度变化,楚枫的修为再度提升。 From Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable Realm, promoted the Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable Realm situation!!! 六品至尊境,提升到了七品至尊境的地步!!!
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