MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4374: Doubles presents also

Your this small did bastard, what make?” “你这小畜生,到底做了什么?” Why your control to this great formation, will exceed the old man?” “为什么你对这大阵的掌控力,会超越老夫?” Guest official Elder with weak sound, hysteric bellows. 那客卿长老用虚弱的声音,歇斯底里的大吼起来。 A pair of old eyes is perfectly round that stares, in the eye is completely puzzled. 一双老眼更是瞪的溜圆,眼中尽是不解。 Isn't clear?” “还不明白吗?” Such being the case, I let dying content that you die.” “既然如此,我就让你死的瞑目。” During the Chu Feng speeches, the thought rotates again. 楚枫说话间,意念再度转动。 On the body of that formation technique big dragon, then emerged the unusual aura. 在那阵法巨龙的身上,便涌现出了奇特的气息。 formation bloodlines that aura, precisely Chu Feng is in sole possession. 那气息,正是楚枫独有的结界血脉。 The strength of formation bloodlines, passed through the entire formation big dragon, is similar to the soul of formation big dragon to be the same, with it is inalienable. 结界血脉的力量,贯穿了整条结界巨龙,就如同结界巨龙的灵魂一般,与其已是不可分割。 You... you... you ......... “你…你…你………” Guest official Elder, could not have spoken. 那客卿长老,已经说不出话来。 He had actually guessed correctly this point early, but he does not like to believe all these. 他其实早就早猜到了这一点,只是他不愿意相信这一切。 But after he sees with one's own eyes, he actually has to believe all these. 但当他亲眼看到之后,他却不得不去相信这一切。 Chu Feng using the formation bloodlines, operated the main formation strength. 楚枫运用结界血脉,操纵了主阵法的力量。 Thorough, had the main formation control. 彻彻底底,掌握了主阵法的掌控权。 Although he has long known, Chu Feng's formation bloodlines no small matter. 尽管他早就知道,楚枫的结界血脉非同小可。 If not but personally sees, he is how regardless of not to believe, some unexpectedly people can rely on the formation bloodlines, captures a great formation control forcefully. 可若非亲眼所见,他是无论如何也不会相信,竟有人可以凭借结界血脉,强行夺取一座大阵的掌控权。 Especially this great formation, that is the Flying Flower Sect Headmaster writing skill!!! 尤其这座大阵,那可是飞花斋掌教的手笔啊!!! Old man knows, I could not live, I will not beg for mercy to you brazenly.” “老夫知道,我活不成了,我也不会厚着脸皮向你求饶。” But I hope, looks in everyone is in the World Spiritist shares, you can tell me a matter, lets dying content that the old man dies truly.” “但我希望,看在大家都是界灵师的份上,你能告诉我一件事,真正的让老夫死的瞑目。” Guest official Elder said. 那客卿长老说道。 What matter?” “什么事?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Actually are you who?” “你究竟是谁?” You from where?” “你是来自哪里?” Guest official Elder asked this words time, a pair of old eyes, is also staring at Chu Feng. 那客卿长老问此话的时候,一双老眼,也在凝视着楚枫 He really wants to know, is actually what influence, can give at present this little rascal, so tyrannical formation bloodlines. 他是真的很想知道,究竟是什么势力,能够给予眼前这个小鬼,如此强横的结界血脉。 „......” “呵……” Hears this issue, Chu Feng had not only replied, instead is smiles. 只是听到这个问题,楚枫不仅没有回答,反而是笑了笑 What meaning do you smile are?” “你笑是什么意思?” The guest official Elder brow tight wrinkle, he from the Chu Feng's smile, saw not wonderful thing. 那客卿长老眉头紧皱,他从楚枫的笑容中,看到了不妙的东西 What smiles?” “笑什么?” I smile your despicable villain.” “我笑你这种卑鄙小人。” You do not match to know where I come from.” “你不配知道我来自哪里。” Chu Feng said that this words, then the big sleeve grasps. 楚枫说完此话,便大袖一抓。 Swish Swish Swish 唰唰唰 Guest official Elder cosmos sack, as well as on him all treasures, succeeded in obtaining by the Chu Feng capture. 那客卿长老乾坤袋,以及他身上的所有宝物,都被楚枫抓取到了手中。 …… 嗷呜 That main formation strength changes again. 紧接着,那主阵法的力量再度变化。 The sharp claws of formation technique big dragon drop from the clouds, pricked that guest official Elder body directly. 阵法巨龙的利爪从天而降,直接刺入了那客卿长老的身躯。 Not only destroyed his dantian, the strength of formation technique big dragon, but also infiltrated his soul, destroyed his Spirit power. 不仅破坏了他的丹田,阵法巨龙的力量,还渗透到了他的灵魂,摧毁他的精神力 „” “啊” Guest official Elder, sends out the rending pitiful yell. 客卿长老,发出撕心裂肺的惨叫。 He knows, not only his cultivation realm, was being erased by Chu Feng, his formation power, was being erased by Chu Feng. 他知道,不仅仅他的修为,正在被楚枫抹除,就连他的结界之力,也正在被楚枫抹除。 Although he has long known that is difficult to escape dies, may work as the death arrived, he feared, therefore he did not have the beforehand strength of spirit, started to beg for mercy to Chu Feng. 虽然他早就知道难逃一死,可当死亡降临的时候,他还是怕了,于是他没了之前的骨气,开始向楚枫求饶。 young hero, lets off me, gives me means of livelihood.” 少侠,放过我吧,给我一条活路。” Your my does not have the enmity without the injustice, you come to that World's Rare Objects, since you have gone well, why to be ruthless to me?” “你我本无冤无仇,你是冲着那天地奇物而来,既然你已经得手,何必对我赶尽杀绝?” Forgave me, my cultivation realm was abolished by you, keeps my life, I am willing to win the treasure that saves me, gives you.” “饶了我吧,我的修为都被你废除了,留我一命,我愿将我必胜积攒的宝物,都给你。” The sound that guest official Elder begs for mercy resounds through unceasingly, but Chu Feng actually cannot hear to be the same probably. 客卿长老求饶的声音响彻不断,但楚枫却好像听不见一样。 Regarding Chu Feng, lets off this guest official Elder, is the not possible matter. 对于楚枫而言,放过这个客卿长老,是不可能的事。 After all this old fogy, previously planned to refine while still alive lethal. 毕竟这个老家伙,先前可是打算活活将自己炼化致死。 How to call was so pitiful, this just started.” “怎么叫的这么凄惨啊,这才刚刚开始。” Anxious should not be anxious, keeps a strength, waits for some you to call.” “别急别急,留着点力气,等一下有你叫的。” Chu Feng said after this words, then lifts the hand. 楚枫说完此话后,便抬起手来。 Guest official Elder body, with the Chu Feng's movement, float. 那客卿长老的身躯,也是随着楚枫的动作,漂浮而起。 Afterward, Chu Feng then that guest official Elder, lost in the bronze tripod, started to refine that guest official Elder. 随后,楚枫便将那客卿长老,丢到了铜鼎之中,开始炼化那客卿长老 But, this bronze tripod, had been fudged by Chu Feng by Chu Feng time. 但,这一次的铜鼎,已经被楚枫楚枫动了手脚。 Chu Feng not easily will make this guest official Elder die. 楚枫不会轻易的将让这客卿长老死。 Chu Feng must the pain that oneself previously felt, hundred times, thousand times of presenting also go back. 楚枫要将自己先前感受的痛楚,百倍,千倍的奉还回去。 He wants full suffering dead this guest official Elder. 他要满满的折磨死这个客卿长老 „” “呃啊” Small bastard, you die like a dog, even if the old man makes trouble, will not let off you.” “小畜生,你不得好死,老夫就算做鬼,也不会放过你啊。” , Killed me, you killed me!!!” “啊,啊,呃啊,杀了我,你杀了我吧!!!” Falls into the bronze tripod, the pitiful yell of guest official Elder, is really more pitiful. 落入铜鼎之中,那客卿长老的惨叫,果然更加凄惨。 Knew that is difficult to escape dies, he starts crack cursed, exhausts the virulent language to insult Chu Feng. 自知已经难逃一死,他开始破口大骂,用尽恶毒语言侮辱楚枫 But Chu Feng hears this scolding sound, is not only not mad, instead finds it ridiculous. 楚枫听到这种骂声,不仅不气,反而觉得可笑。 cultivator, always spoke by the strength, when its withstood the opposite party to take to his pain, actually can only to insult retaliated, exactly showed his being incapable. 修武者,向来以实力说话,当其承受对方带给他的痛楚,却只能以辱骂回敬的时候,恰恰彰显了他的无力。 Chu Feng took a fast look around one, that occupies all life above land. 楚枫扫视了一眼,那盘踞在大地之上的各方生灵。 Buzz Suddenly, the Chu Feng thought moves, in this mountain range, presented a giant formation gate that passes through the world. 忽然,楚枫意念一动,在这片山脉之中,出现了一道贯穿天地的巨大结界门。 That is Chu Feng, utilizes the main formation strength, the opening formation gate. 那是楚枫,运用主阵法的力量,开启的结界门。 This formation gate, can lead to beside the mountain range directly. 这道结界门,可以直接通往山脉之外。 After opening the formation gate, Chu Feng these also living the life, liberates completely. 开启结界门后,楚枫又将那些还活着的生灵,全部解放开来。 Sir many thanks.” 多谢大人。” These lives, not only there is World's Rare Objects, came from each strength monster beast. 这些生灵,不仅有天地奇物,还有来自各个实力的妖兽 These monster beast, actually have no difference from common cultivator. 这些妖兽,与寻常修武者其实没有任何区别。 They understand all, knows that was Chu Feng saved them, at this time started to kneel on the ground, served with the worshipping on bended knees big ritual to Chu Feng. 他们明白一切,都知道是楚枫救了他们,此时都开始跪在地上,向楚枫施以跪拜大礼。 They know, if not for Chu Feng this, they will approach other lives to be the same today. 他们都知道,若不是楚枫今日来此,他们都将向其他生灵一样。 By this guest official Elder, living refining up lethal. 被这个客卿长老,活生生的炼化致死。 Walks quickly, after leaving here, hides in the distant point as far as possible, be not grasped again.” “快走吧,离开这里之后,就尽量躲远点,别再被抓回来了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Chu Feng this words fall, immediately everything may become vulnerable, these lives started insanely generally, to that said that the formation gate dashed about wildly to go. 楚枫此话落下,顿时地动山摇,那些生灵都开始疯了一般,向那道结界门狂奔而去。 But is actually not all lives, is considering only running away. 但却也不是所有生灵,都只顾着逃窜。 The thin and small ray body, grazes to be obsolete from Chu Feng side together, suddenly settles down, asked to Chu Feng. 一道瘦小的光芒体,自楚枫身边飞掠而过时,忽然驻足,对楚枫问道。 Sir, don't you... walk?” “大人,您…不走吗?” That ray body, made the gentle sound. 那光芒体,发出了温柔的声音。 It is World's Rare Objects, not accomplishment, but has bred the life and wisdom. 它是一个天地奇物,还未大成,但已孕育出生命和智慧。 I have the matter to do.” “我还有事要做。” Chu Feng said that this words, then figure one vertical, left this main formation. 楚枫说完此话,便身形一纵,离开了这座主阵法 But Chu Feng has not actually left this mountain range. 楚枫却并没有离开这片山脉。 ............ ………… Because Chu Feng utilizes main formation, made the reason of false appearance. 因为楚枫运用主阵法,制造了假象的原因。 Almost all can contact the formation technique person, had been deceived by Chu Feng. 几乎所有能接触到阵法的人,都已经被楚枫所欺骗。 The people in all Formation Aperture, thought that World's Rare Objects will soon build up the success. 所有阵眼内的人,都觉得那天地奇物即将炼化成功。 Therefore at present, is not only that Supreme Elder, everyone in Formation Aperture, is stimulating to movement formation technique full power, wants to refine World's Rare Objects as soon as possible. 所以眼下,不仅仅是那位太上长老,阵眼内的所有人,都在全力催动阵法,希望尽快将天地奇物炼化而成。 After all so long as refining up World's Rare Objects, to them, is great merit one. 毕竟只要将天地奇物炼化而成,对他们而言,也是大功一件。 However, actually some people are the exceptions, that not person in Formation Aperture. 不过,却有一些人是例外,那就是不在阵眼之中的人。 For example, Ma Chengying and other disciple. 比如,马成英弟子 They also in the place that before rests. 他们还在之前休息的地方。 Do not look at these people, usually in puts on despicable airs, just like immortal of keeping aloof. 别看这些人,平日里人模狗样,宛如高高在上的仙人。 But in fact, is one crowd of wicked matters makes generation of the drifting along completely. 可实际上,就是一群恶事做尽的苟且之辈。 Rest time, handles anything has, mostly indecently. 休息的时候,做什么事情的都有,大多不堪入目。 However also has one group of people, regarding that Supreme Elder disciple, Li Rui. 不过却也有着一群人,围绕着那个太上长老弟子,李锐 These people, are patting that Li Rui horse buttocks. 这些人,都在拍着那李锐的马屁。 After all this Li Rui, is Supreme Elder close-door disciple, not only cultivation realm above them, the status in sect, above them. 毕竟这李锐,可是太上长老的闭门弟子,不仅修为在他们之上,宗门内的身份,也是在他们之上。 They want to maintain the relations with this Li Rui. 他们都想和这个李锐搞好关系。 As for Li Rui, regarding their flattering, pours also accepts with pleasure. 至于李锐,对于他们的阿谀奉承,倒也是欣然接受。 On his face, always hangs is wiping happily. 在其脸上,始终挂着一抹得意。 Yo, haven't you escape unexpectedly?” “哟,你们居然没有逃?” But suddenly, the sound broke the peace of this place together. 可忽然间,一道声音打破了此地的宁静。
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