MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4292: Such merit

Ya Fei, Yan Ruyu, Murong Wan three people. 雅妃,颜如玉,慕容婉三人。 At this time looks to Chu Feng, the vision is somewhat complex. 此时看向楚枫,目光皆是有些复杂。 After all relations between they and Chu Feng, somewhat were complex. 毕竟她们与楚枫之间的关系,本就有些复杂。 But what can determine, regardless had what grudge in the past, now their three people look in the Chu Feng's vision, has not hated. 但可以确定的是,无论当年有何恩怨,如今她们三人看楚枫的目光中,都没有仇恨可言。 For a long time does not see.” “好久不见啊。” After short silence, Chu Feng took the lead to open the mouth actually. 短暂的沉默后,倒是楚枫率先开口了。 After Chu Feng opens the mouth, these three unexpectedly eyes one red, later plop. 只是楚枫开口之后,这三位竟然双眼一红,随后噗通一声。 These three, knelt on the ground unexpectedly simultaneously. 这三位,竟同时跪在了地上。 „Is your does do?” “你们这是干嘛?” Sees that Chu Feng rushes to go forward, supported by the arm three people. 见状,楚枫赶忙上前,将三人搀扶了起来。 Chu Feng, thank you for the matter that we do.” 楚枫,谢谢你为我们做的事。” But Yan Ruyu three people, actually as before eyeful gratitude. 颜如玉三人,却依旧满眼的感激。 I?” “我?” Has not made anything.” “并没有做什么啊。” Chu Feng is somewhat vacant. 楚枫则是有些茫然。 Chu Feng, we knew.” 楚枫,我们都知道了。” If not for you, we are impossible to be original.” “若不是你,我们不可能做回本来的自己。” Is more impossible to have such opportunity.” “更不可能有这样的机遇。” The Yan Ruyu three people said with that grateful tone. 颜如玉三人用那感激的语气说道。 Afterward, after a simple conversation, Chu Feng knows, the Yan Ruyu three people, so will be why grateful to oneself. 随后,经过一番简单的交谈,楚枫才知道,为何颜如玉三人,对自己会如此感激。 The reason is that terrifying exists unexpectedly. 原因竟是那恐怖存在。 The terrifying exists, has received their three people officially is disciple. 恐怖存在,已经正式收她们三人为弟子 And the terrifying existed also says with them. 并且恐怖存在还与她们说了。 Reason that is willing to grant them the strength, is willing to receive their three people are disciple , because of Chu Feng. 之所以愿意赐予她们力量,又愿意收她们三人为弟子,乃是因为楚枫 In brief, takes to them obviously three changes, is that terrifying exists. 总之,明明带给她们三个改变的,是那恐怖存在。 But that terrifying exists, actually this merit, gave Chu Feng. 但那恐怖存在,却将这个功劳,送给了楚枫 Although Chu Feng does not know why the terrifying exists does this, what is without a doubt, this to the Yan Ruyu three people, position of Chu Feng in their heart, there is an enormous change. 虽然楚枫也不知道,恐怖存在为何这样做,但毋庸置疑的是,这对颜如玉三人而言,楚枫在她们心中的地位,又有了极大的改变。 After all they are cultivator. 毕竟她们都是修武者 They also long for the strength. 她们也都渴望力量。 Can their talent, not be possible to have today the achievement. 可以她们自身的天赋,不可能有今日成就。 Especially at present, in their bodies, has powerful the strength from Ancient Era. 尤其是眼下,她们身体内,拥有着来自远古时期的强大的力量。 If that strength awakens, their talents will have the transformation thoroughly, in the future achievement, unimaginable. 若那力量觉醒,她们的天赋将彻底发生蜕变,未来成就,不可想象。 But in their eyes, such kindness, simply is the graciousness of restoration. 而在她们看来,此等恩惠,简直就是再造之恩。 The nature feels grateful about Chu Feng. 自然对楚枫感激不已。 Do not misunderstand, I and that is not ripe.” “你们不要误会,我与那位也不熟。” You have this change, has not actually related with me, you must thank must feel grateful, must feel grateful that.” “你们有此改变,与我其实没有关系,你们要感谢要感激,也是要感激那位。” Chu Feng to their three people, in the heart had the shame. 楚枫对她们三人,本就心中有愧。 Although has wanted to make up for them, but does not have really to make anything. 虽然一直想弥补她们,但却始终没有真的做过什么。 But such as such merit, Chu Feng does not dare to receive fraudulently at present, otherwise he understanding anxious. 而如眼前这样的功劳,楚枫更是不敢冒领,否则他会心中不安。 But how regardless of Chu Feng explained, the Yan Ruyu three people have no change. 但无论楚枫如何解释,颜如玉三人却都没有任何变化。 Their three people always believe that if not for Chu Feng, that exists, is impossible to help them. 她们三人始终认为,若不是楚枫,那位存在,不可能帮她们。 All merit, are Chu Feng, they because of Chu Feng, will have such transformation, can become the Quick Wind Hunting Clan princess, will have the future to be possible the life of time. 一切功劳,都是楚枫,她们是因为楚枫,才会有如此蜕变,才能成为疾风猎族的公主殿下,才有了未来可期的人生。 But Chu Feng knows, the strengths in Yan Ruyu three human body, awakening needs to guide. 楚枫知道,颜如玉三人体内的力量,觉醒是需要引导的。 Therefore their three people of future, will definitely continue to keep in Quick Wind Hunting Clan. 所以她们三人未来,必然会继续留在疾风猎族之中。 But that exists had promised, after their within the body strength awakens, can leave this place at any time, no one anybody dares to stop them. 但那位存在已经许诺,待得她们体内力量觉醒后,可以随时离开此地,没有人任何人敢阻拦她们。 At that time, they want to make anything, where wants to go. 那个时候,她们想做什么,想去哪里都可以。 But what Chu Feng is more curious, that terrifying exists, actually to give them three people of what kind of strengths. 楚枫更加好奇的是,那位恐怖存在,究竟给予了她们三人怎样的力量。 Therefore, Chu Feng asked finally: „Are strengths in your three human body, actually what?” 于是,楚枫终于问道:“你们三人体内的力量,究竟是什么样的?” This, we are not clear, but it has not awakened, if after awakening, we will certainly transform.” “这个,我们也不清楚,只是它目前尚未觉醒,若是觉醒之后,我们必将蜕变。” Although, the Yan Ruyu three people, have not given the Chu Feng clear answer. 虽然,颜如玉三人,没有给予楚枫明确的答案。 But said these words time, their three people are actually an anticipation of face, even is excited. 可是说这番话的时候,她们三人却都是一脸的期待,甚至为之兴奋起来。 Although they do not know, actually the strength of that within the body is anything, may look that their appearances of that anticipation know, if that strength awakens, inevitable no small matter. 尽管她们也不知道,那体内的力量究竟是什么,可看她们那期待的样子就知道,那力量若是觉醒,必然非同小可。 Later, Chu Feng also chatted the period of time then to leave with three people. 之后,楚枫又与三人聊了一阵子便离开了。 Saw that their three people are all right, instead obtained the opportunity, Chu Feng had so felt relieved. 见到她们三人没事,反而得到了如此机遇,楚枫已然放心。 Ox-nosed and others that but does not understand the true situation, but also is worried about Chu Feng. 但不明真相的牛鼻子等人,还在担心着楚枫 Therefore Chu Feng must find them as soon as possible, making them feel relieved that is good. 所以楚枫必须尽快找到他们,让他们放下心来才行。 After Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others gathers, because of that terrifying exists, does not let its matter divulging. 牛鼻子老道等人汇聚后,因那恐怖存在,不让将它的事情泄露。 Therefore Chu Feng has not mentioned the matter that terrifying has. 所以楚枫没有提及那恐怖存在的事。 But the Yan Ruyu three people, obtained the opportunity probably, the nonhazardous matter, told Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others. 但还是大概将颜如玉三人,是得到了机遇,并无危险的事,告诉了牛鼻子老道等人 As for Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others, actually does not care about the Yan Ruyu three people. 而至于牛鼻子老道等人,其实并不关心颜如玉三人。 They come this, but to help Chu Feng. 他们来此,只是为了帮助楚枫罢了。 Sees Chu Feng to return safely, they also felt relieved. 楚枫安然归来,他们也就放心了。 However Grandmaster Tang Chen , some matters want to look for the Ox-nosed help. 不过汤臣大师,也是有一些事想找牛鼻子帮忙。 Therefore they, then first returned to Seven Sun Mountain Range. 所以他们,便先回到了七阳山脉 „Is that?” “那是?” When they arrive at outside Seven Sun Mountain Range. 只是,当他们来到七阳山脉外的时候。 Actually discovered two forms. 却发现了两道身影。 Originally, two guests, coming here to visit Chu Feng. 原来,是有两个客人,来此处拜会楚枫 That is Fumo Shaoyu, Fumo Xin'er. 那便是伏魔少禹,伏魔馨儿 Sees their brother and sister, although Chu Feng is pleasantly surprised, what are more is the accident/surprise. 看到他们兄妹二人,楚枫虽然惊喜,但更多的是意外。 Because Chu Feng has not mentioned with them obviously, the matter of Seven Sun Mountain Range. 因为楚枫明明没有与他们说起过,七阳山脉之事。 Chu Feng does not know, their brother and sister, how seek here. 楚枫不知道,她们兄妹二人,是如何寻到此处的。
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