MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4293: Can save my person

Chu Feng and others, does not want to cause others to pay attention. 楚枫等人,不想引起旁人注意。 Originally hidden the condition. 本来是隐藏状态。 However after seeing Fumo Shaoyu and Fumo Xin'er, Chu Feng is actually rushes to reveal the appearance/portrait, and flies to fall under. 但是看到伏魔少禹伏魔馨儿之后,楚枫却是赶忙露出真容,且飞落而下。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you really came, estimates me may be quicker.” 楚枫兄弟,你真的来了,比我预想的可要快啊。” Sees Chu Feng to make an appearance, a happiness of Fumo Shaoyu face. 看到楚枫露面,伏魔少禹一脸的高兴。 Brother Shaoyu, Young Lady Xin'er, how did you come to here?” 少禹兄,馨儿姑娘,你们怎么来这里了?” How you know, I will come here?” “你们是如何知道,我会到这里的?” Chu Feng directly asked own puzzled. 楚枫直接问出了自己的不解。 This you did not need to manage, we were Fumo Clan, wanted to find a person, there are our unique methods.” “这你就不用管了,我们好歹是伏魔一族,想要找一个人,还是有我们独特的手段的。” Fumo Shaoyu said. 伏魔少禹说道。 But saw the opposite party to say like this, Chu Feng also no longer asked anything. 而见对方这样说,楚枫也不再多问什么。 No matter how Fumo Shaoyu knows Chu Feng will come to here. 不管伏魔少禹是如何知道楚枫会来这里的。 He can determine in any case, Fumo Shaoyu is the trustworthy person. 反正他可以确定,伏魔少禹是信得过的人。 Little Friend Chu Feng, called your friend, went to say.” 楚枫小友,叫你的朋友,进去说吧。” Near the Chu Feng ear, broadcast the Grandmaster Tang Chen sound. 楚枫耳边,传来了汤臣大师的声音。 This Seven Sun Mountain Range, is no one can enter. 七阳山脉,可不是什么人都能进的。 But since is the Chu Feng friend, they naturally welcome. 但既然是楚枫朋友,他们自然非常欢迎。 But after Grandmaster Tang Chen opens the mouth, Chu Feng also invites Fumo Shaoyu, and Fumo Xin'er brother and sister, enter Seven Sun Mountain Range to be a guest. 汤臣大师开口后,楚枫也是邀请伏魔少禹,以及伏魔馨儿兄妹二人,进入七阳山脉做客。 But who once thinks, Fumo Shaoyu actually shakes the head. 可谁曾想,伏魔少禹却是摇了摇头。 Little Brother Chu Feng, Seven Sun Mountain Range I do not go.” 楚枫兄弟,七阳山脉我就不进去了。” I come here, is thinks see again/goodbye one side you, said goodbye with you officially.” “我来此处,就是想再见你一面,正式与你告个别。” Fumo Shaoyu said. 伏魔少禹说道。 Official farewell?” “正式告别?” Brother Shaoyu, where do you want to go to?” 少禹兄,你们要去哪里?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Had not determined, the anti- precisely decision, left Saint Light Galaxy.” “还没确定,反正是决定,离开圣光天河了。” Fumo Shaoyu said. 伏魔少禹说道。 Leaves Saint Light Galaxy?” “离开圣光天河吗?” Chu Feng is somewhat surprised, he thinks, Fumo Shaoyu they, will understand some Saint Light Galaxy, then cultivation. 楚枫有些意外,他本以为,伏魔少禹他们,会多了解一些圣光天河,然后再修炼一番。 After all even if outside arriving the wanderer, still needs enough cultivation realm. 毕竟就算到外闯荡,也需要足够的修为 Naturally, Chu Feng thinks like this that is because Chu Feng does not know, actually Fumo Shaoyu and Fumo Xin'er are not brother and sister, the surname is false. 当然,楚枫会这样想,那是因为楚枫不知道,其实伏魔少禹伏魔馨儿不是兄妹,就连姓氏都是假的。 They actually come from powerful Xianhai Yu Clan, is called Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Xin'er respectively. 他们其实来自强大的仙海鱼族,分别叫做仙海少禹仙海馨儿 Chu Feng to their understanding, but also stays in status that in two people camouflage. 楚枫对他们二人的了解,还停留在二人伪装的身份之中。 „The world is so big, must have a look after all, my Fumo Shaoyu must rush, rushes to most tyrannical Galaxy.” “世界那么大,总归要去看看,我伏魔少禹要闯,就闯最强横的天河。” Little Brother Chu Feng, by your talent, must leave here sooner or later.” 楚枫兄弟,以你的天赋,早晚也是要离开这里的。” martial cultivation world, although is very big, vast boundless.” 修武界虽然很大,浩瀚无边。” But I felt, we also meet see again/goodbye inevitably.” “但我觉得,我们必然还会再见。” You know why I do have so self-confidently?” “你知道,我为何有着如此自信吗?” Fumo Shaoyu pats the Chu Feng's shoulder to say. 伏魔少禹拍着楚枫的肩膀说道。 Why?” “为何?” Chu Feng is also curious asking. 楚枫也是好奇的问道。 Because, martial cultivation realm, has the apex finally.” “因为,修武境界,终有顶点。” But can crawl to most peak, eventually is few people.” “但能够爬到最顶峰的,终究是极少数的人。” I feel me to be able, but Little Brother Chu Feng you, to that and other realm, the place that we must go , is also same, how can there be the principle of not meeting?” “我觉得我可以,而楚枫兄弟你也可以,到了那等境界,我们要去的地方,也是相同的,岂有不遇之理?” Fumo Shaoyu said. 伏魔少禹说道。 Said, pouring is also.” “这么说,倒也是。” Chu Feng is undeniable, some indeed truth that Fumo Shaoyu said. 楚枫不可否认,伏魔少禹说的的确有些道理。 Although Chu Feng believes, present are very small and weak. 虽然楚枫自认为,现在的自己很是弱小。 Especially just in Misty Peak, ancient times in the region, saw that terrifying to exist. 尤其是刚刚在飘渺仙峰,远古区域内,见过了那恐怖存在。 Realizes own tiny. 更是认识到了自己的渺小。 But Chu Feng also has this self-confidence. 楚枫却也有着这个自信。 , His Chu Feng will mount to cultivate/repair Realm finally on the 1st the peak. 终有一日,他楚枫会登上修武境界的顶峰。 Fumo Shaoyu, after expressing the purpose in coming, has not chatted are too many, then brought Fumo Xin'er to depart. 伏魔少禹,表达来意之后,并没有闲谈太多,便带着伏魔馨儿离去。 But Chu Feng, does not want is too many, but along with Grandmaster Tang Chen and others, returned to Seven Sun Mountain Range. 楚枫,也没有想太多,而是随汤臣大师等人,回到了七阳山脉之中。 But what Chu Feng does not know, actually Fumo Shaoyu they, have not really left. 楚枫不知道的是,其实伏魔少禹他们,并未真的离开。 But quietly, with hiding from Sir Gusu in hidden place converges. 而是悄悄的,与躲在暗处的姑苏大人汇合。 Young Lord, can you really open it?” 少主,您真的要开启它?” At this time, Sir Gusu, looks in the Xianhai Shaoyu hand that black black mole, in the eye filled anxiously. 此时,姑苏大人,看着仙海少禹手中那黑色的黑子,眼中充满了不安。 This box, is the Ancient Era goods, originally already by Shengguang Clan obtained. 这个盒子,乃是远古时期的物品,本已被圣光一族所得。 Is Xianhai Shaoyu, snatches from Shengguang Clan there. 仙海少禹,从圣光一族那里抢过来的。 But this box no small matter, wants to open it is not easy. 但这盒子非同小可,想要开启它可不容易。 If forcefully opening, is extremely dangerous. 若是强行开启,更是极其危险。 Even to determine, the risk of this box opening, they also from found Celestial Master Dong Cha to predict forcefully specially, but that prediction result, is not very optimistic. 甚至为了确定,这盒子强行开启的危险性,他们还从特意找到了洞察天师进行预言,而那预言的结果,也很不乐观。 But this box, reason that lets Xianhai Shaoyu, is so interested, naturally also has the reason. 而这个盒子,之所以让仙海少禹,如此感兴趣,自然也是有着原因的。 In their Galaxy, has legend about this box. 在他们的天河,就有关于这个盒子的传说 This box, was the thing of ancient times, news has it that...... this was a Ancient Era super powerhouse, the collection world energy, as well as many Heaven and Earth Treasure built. 这个盒子,乃是远古之物,据传闻……这是远古时期的一位超级强者,集天地能量,以及诸多天材地宝打造而成。 Can open the person of this box, person who can step into martial cultivation world most peak inevitably. 能够开启这个盒子的人,必然是可以踏入修武界最顶峰的人。 As for these, actually to have what treasure, that was unknown. 至于这其中,究竟有何宝物,那就不得而知了。 But Xianhai Shaoyu, he did not care whether in this box has treasure. 仙海少禹,他并不关心,这盒子之内是否有至宝 He wants through this box, to determine that... he is that can stand in the martial cultivation world most peak person. 他是想通过这个盒子,来确定…他是不是那个,可以站在修武界最顶峰的人。 Senior Gusu, do not urge me.” 姑苏前辈,你就不要劝我了。” I arrive at Saint Light Galaxy, for is it.” “我来到圣光天河,为的就是它。” I want to try, my Xianhai Shaoyu talent, which step can arrive.” “我很想试一试,我仙海少禹的天赋,到底能够走到哪一步。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 Young Lord, you are not a person of letter/believes life.” 少主,您不是一个信命的人。” Should not blindly believe in this.” “不该迷信于此。” Sir Gusu said. 姑苏大人说道。 This is not the superstition, but is the true test.” “这不是迷信,而是真正的考验。” If endures its test, depended, but genuine materials.” “若要经受住它的考验,靠的可是真材实料。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 „The Young Lord talent, obtains the entire clan to approve, really does not need to take so the risk.” 少主的天赋,已得到全族认可,真的没必要冒如此风险。” „The side that yes Sir Young Lord, Sir Gusu said is, your talent, does not need to test, really does not need.” “是啊少主大人,姑苏大人说的极是,您的天赋,已不需要进行测试,真的没必要。” Sir Gusu still wants to advise. 姑苏大人仍想劝阻。 Xianhai Xin'er, is opens the mouth to advise. 就连仙海馨儿,也是开口劝阻。 Do not urge me again, you cannot block me.” “不要再劝我了,你们也拦不住我。” Urged me with it, help would rather.” “与其劝我,倒不如帮我一个忙。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 „Is Young Lord, what matter?” 少主,是何事?” Sir Gusu asked. 姑苏大人问道。 Xianhai Shaoyu does not have the direct reaction, but takes out from the bosom talismans, gave Sir Gusu. 仙海少禹没有直接回答,而是将一张符纸从怀中取出,递给了姑苏大人。 Sir Young Lord, is your what intention?” 少主大人,您这是何意啊?” Sees this talismans, Sir Gusu was more hurried. 看到这张符纸,姑苏大人则是更加慌了。 This is the life symbol, can feel the Xianhai Shaoyu life aura. 这是生命符,能够感受到仙海少禹的生命气息。 Knows why I can open it here?” “知道,我为何要在这里开启它吗?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 仙海少禹问道。 But Sir Gusu, is Xianhai Xin'er, shakes the head. 而无论是姑苏大人,还是仙海馨儿,都是摇了摇头。 They do not understand Xianhai Shaoyu, why chooses turns on this box here. 他们不明白仙海少禹,为何选择在这里开启这盒子。 If really I cannot shoulder the strength in this box.” “倘若真的我扛不住这盒子内的力量。” Here, some people can save me.” “这里,有人可以救我。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 Sir Young Lord, how can you believe that two World Spiritist?” 少主大人,您怎能相信那两个界灵师?” They grasped Sense of Dragon Transformation Saint-cloak, regarding this thing, has no alternative radically.” “他们只是掌握了龙变之感圣袍而已,对于此物,根本无可奈何。” Sir Gusu said. 姑苏大人说道。 Because he first thinks that is Ox-nosed Old Daoist, with Grandmaster Tang Chen. 因为他第一时间想到的,是牛鼻子老道,和汤臣大师 However Xianhai Shaoyu actually shakes the head, said: 然而仙海少禹却是摇了摇头,说道: Can save my person, is not they.” “能救我的人,可不是他们。” But is Chu Feng.” “而是楚枫。”
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