MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4291: Change of Gusu

„Does your father, name?” “你的父亲,叫什么名字?” On void, the sound that terrifying has resounds. 虚空上,那恐怖存在的声音响起。 My father?” “我的父亲?” senior, why do you want to ask this matter?” 前辈,您为何要问此事?” In the Chu Feng heart fills puzzled, is faint is troubled. 楚枫心中充满不解,隐隐间更是感到不安。 Such terrifying existence, inquired own father suddenly. 这样一个恐怖的存在,忽然询问起自己的父亲。 Chu Feng always felt, this does not seem like any good deed. 楚枫总觉得,这好像不是一件什么好事。 Main body is harmless, doesn't need to cover up?” “本尊并无恶意,没必要遮遮掩掩吧?” That terrifying exists to say. 那恐怖存在说道。 „The meaning of junior not disrespecting.” 晚辈并无不敬之意。” Does not know senior, why inquired my father suddenly.” “只是不知前辈,为何突然询问起我的父亲。” You know my father, has the reason?” “你是认识我的父亲,还是另有缘由?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Actually Chu Feng fears void on that very much. 其实楚枫很怕虚空上的那位。 Because the opposite party was too strong. 因为对方实在太强了。 Concerns own father, Chu Feng wants to clarify the reason. 只是关乎自己的父亲,楚枫还是想要弄清楚缘由。 Even if knows oneself replied like this, being possible to make the opposite party not happy, but Chu Feng chooses so. 哪怕知道自己这样的回答,有可能会让对方不高兴,但楚枫还是选择如此。 Your this little rascal, with compared with, the progress was enormous initially, the talent is good.” “你这小鬼,与当初相比,进展极大,天赋不错。” „, like father, like son, the main body guessed your father inevitably also non- common generation.” “正所谓,虎父无犬子,本尊猜测你之父亲必然也非寻常之辈。” Therefore curious, if you are not willing saying that when the main body has not asked.” “所以好奇罢了,你若不愿说,就当本尊没有问过吧。” However, making Chu Feng be that what was surprised, this terrifying existed, not only has not been angry, instead in his words, praised the meaning of Chu Feng. 然而,令楚枫感到意外的是,这恐怖存在不仅没有生气,反而他的话语之中,还有夸赞楚枫之意。 In this case, Chu Feng thinks thinks, if oneself had not replied, rather extremely in having to lose the formality. 这种情况下,楚枫想了又想,若是自己还不回答,未免太过于有失礼节。 Let alone is only the name, knows that whose the Chu Feng father is, in Great Thousand Upper Realm, is almost innumerable. 更何况只是名字而已,知道楚枫父亲是谁的,在大千上界,几乎数不胜数。 senior, my father named Chu Xuanyuan.” 前辈,家父名为楚轩辕。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Un, knew.” “嗯,知道了。” You go back, the matter of that three female baby, the main body will process.” “你回去吧,那三个女娃娃的事情,本尊会处理好。” That terrifying exists to say. 那恐怖存在说道。 senior, that junior said goodbye.” 前辈,那晚辈告辞了。” After Chu Feng salutes, then turned around to enter in Teleportation Formation. 楚枫施礼之后,便转身进入了传送阵中。 But after Chu Feng leaves, that void above great eye, is becomes looking pensive. 楚枫离开后,那虚空之上的巨目,则是变得若有所思。 Chu Xuanyuan?” 楚轩辕吗?” ...... …… After Chu Feng returns to Quick Wind Hunting Clan, Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head receives the instruction that the terrifying has, has not made Chu Feng leave directly. 楚枫回到疾风猎族之后,疾风猎族族长已是接到恐怖存在的指示,并没有让楚枫直接离开。 But arranges Quick Wind Hunting Clan Chu Feng, in a noble palace waits. 而是将楚枫安排到疾风猎族,一座尊贵的宫殿中进行等待。 But what Chu Feng does not know, he in palace, three people in secret with. 楚枫不知道的是,他在宫殿的时候,有三个人暗中跟了进来。 These three people, are Xianhai Shaoyu, Xianhai Xin'er, the Xianhai Gusu three people. 这三个人,便是仙海少禹,仙海馨儿,仙海姑苏三人。 Naturally, they are hide the condition, Chu Feng simply had not detected. 当然,他们乃是隐藏状态,楚枫根本没有丝毫察觉。 Looks at Little Brother Chu Feng, this happy appearance, discussed was very smooth.” “看楚枫兄弟,这高兴的样子,谈的很顺利。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 If not for Young Lord acts, possibly was two result.” “若不是少主出面,可能就是两个结果了。” Sir Gusu said. 姑苏大人说道。 I feel uncertain actually, Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head, as if also has the person of principle.” “我倒是觉得不一定,疾风猎族族长,似乎也是有着原则之人。” He had discovered, the Chu Feng two people plan to submerge, but has not begun directly, after when instead the Chu Feng two people enter, begins, explained that he really may not kill Chu Feng.” “他早就发现,楚枫二人打算潜入其中,但没有直接动手,反而等到楚枫二人进入后,才动手,说明他可能不会真的杀了楚枫。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 No matter how, if not for Young Lord acts, he will be impossible such smooth knowledge Daoyi to cut.” “不管如何,若不是少主出面,他不可能会这么顺利的知道一切。” Is only Sir Young Lord, in the future should never not be possible so.” “只是少主大人,日后切勿不可如此了。” Suddenly, the tone of Sir Gusu, had the change. 忽然,姑苏大人的语气,有了变化。 In his tone, clearly is the meaning of hope, but on her face, actually covered entirely dignifiedly. 他的语气之中,分明是祈求之意,但在她的脸上,却布满了凝重。 Senior Gusu, you want to say anything, might as well spoke frankly.” 姑苏前辈,您想说什么,不妨直说。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 I know, Sir Young Lord, always sticks to one's own way of doing things, you work to have your own judgment.” “我知道,少主大人,向来我行我素,你做事有你自己的判断。” But... you and Chu Feng, actually not too many friendship.” “但…您与楚枫,其实并无太多情义可言。” Does not need, takes so the risk for him.” “没必要,为他冒如此风险。” Previously, that fearful fellow, luckily was only the test.” “先前,那个可怕的家伙,幸亏只是考验。” If not but for tests? Young Lord may probably face possibly the danger of death.” “但若不是考验呢?少主可就要面临可能死亡的危险了。” Xianhai Gusu said. 仙海姑苏说道。 Senior Gusu, I by doing so, am because I thought that Little Brother Chu Feng is worth.” 姑苏前辈,我之所以这样做,是因为我觉得楚枫兄弟值得。” Let alone, amn't I all right?” “更何况,我不是也没事吗?” Xianhai Shaoyu said with a smile. 仙海少禹笑着说道。 Sir Young Lord, this was your issue.” 少主大人,这就是你的问题所在了。” You are my Xianhai Yu Clan in the future the successor of throne.” “你可是我仙海鱼族未来王位的继承人。” Your noble, how could is outsider, but will put in the dangerous situation?” “您之尊贵,岂能为一个外人,而将自己置于危险境地?” You, stands in the angle of entire clan does not change.” “无论是您个人,还是站在全族的角度都是不改。” Sir Young Lord, you, if also continues this, the subordinate then can only report Sir Clan Head truthfully.” 少主大人,您若还继续这样,属下便只能如实禀告族长大人了。” Sir Gusu said that this words, Shenshen serves with a ritual. 姑苏大人说完此话,深深的施以一礼。 Senior Gusu, is your is threatening me?” 姑苏前辈,您这是在威胁我吗?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 仙海少禹问道。 Subordinate does not dare to threaten Sir Young Lord.” “属下不敢威胁少主大人。” Is only the subordinate has the responsibility to protect Sir Young Lord the safety, there is a responsibility to make Sir Young Lord avoid the dangerous situation.” “只是属下有责任保护少主大人安危,也有责任让少主大人避开危险境地。” Subordinate witnesses, Sir Young Lord makes the danger to decide, but does not prevent, is subordinate dereliction of duty.” “属下亲眼目睹,少主大人做出危险决定,而不加以阻止,便是属下的失职。” If Sir Young Lord, really presents the accident, the subordinate then makes the dreadful huge mistake.” “若少主大人,真的出现三长两短,属下便是犯下了滔天大错了。” Sir Gusu this words saying, knelt on the ground unexpectedly. 姑苏大人此话说完,竟跪在了地上。 Good, where is so serious.” “好了好了,哪里有这么严重。” Senior Gusu, is quick, later listens your is.” 姑苏前辈,快起来吧,以后听您的便是。” Sees that Xianhai Shaoyu rushed to support by the arm Sir Gusu. 见状,仙海少禹赶忙将姑苏大人搀扶了起来。 During this period, Xianhai Xin'er did not say a word. 在此期间,仙海馨儿则是一言不发。 If before, she, the choice will stand Sir Gusu without hesitation, persuades Xianhai Shaoyu. 若是之前,她会毫不犹豫的,选择站在姑苏大人这边,去劝说仙海少禹 After but contacts with Chu Feng, she also feels Chu Feng to be good, she also hopes that can help one group of Chu Feng. 可是当与楚枫接触过后,她也觉得楚枫不错,她也希望能够多帮一帮楚枫 But Xianhai Xin'er, is Xianhai Shaoyu, has not noticed. 但无论是仙海馨儿,还是仙海少禹,都没有注意到。 When they felt, all return to normal, previous is not happy, in light of this past time. 当他们觉得,一切恢复正常,先前的不愉快,就此过去的时候。 When Sir Gusu, looks again to Chu Feng, the vision is faint had some changes. 姑苏大人,再度看向楚枫时,目光已经隐隐间有了一些变化。 Xianhai Gusu, is Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head, arranges in Xianhai Shaoyu person. 仙海姑苏,乃仙海鱼族族长,安排在仙海少禹身旁的人。 Her responsibility, is guarantee Xianhai Shaoyu security outside. 她之职责,就是保证仙海少禹在外的安全。 Therefore she can resort to all means that even can achieve callous Wúqíng/Heartless. 为此她可以不择手段,甚至可以做到冷酷无情 Regardless to wrong, so long as can make the Xianhai Shaoyu safety be safeguarded. 无论对错,只要能够让仙海少禹的安危得到保障。 She will clean, all she thinks that is the person of barrier. 她会扫除,所有她认为是障碍之人。 Beforehand she, never thought that Chu Feng can be the barrier. 之前的她,从不觉得楚枫会是障碍。 Even to the Chu Feng impression is also quite good. 甚至对楚枫印象也是相当不错。 But the current day, personally experienced, after killing intent that terrifying has. 可当今日,亲身经历了,那恐怖存在的杀意后。 She to Chu Feng, has the new view. 她对楚枫,已经有了新的看法。 Creaking 嘎吱 But the palace gate that in the meantime, that shuts tightly opens suddenly. 而就在此时,那紧闭的殿门忽然打开。 Three beautiful figures then walk into from the palace gate. 紧接着,三道倩影便从殿门走入。 These three, precisely Yan Ruyu, Murong Wan, as well as Ya Fei three people. 这三位,正是颜如玉,慕容婉,以及雅妃三人。 Sees these three, Chu Feng rushes to set out. 看到这三位,楚枫赶忙起身。 Especially after seeing they three people of this time vision, the Chu Feng's innermost feelings are to become complex. 尤其是看到她们三人此时的目光后,楚枫的内心更是变得复杂起来。 That is excited with the mood that feeling sorry interweaves. 那是激动与歉疚所交织的情绪。 Although, the Yan Ruyu three people, as before are the Quick Wind Hunting Clan images, is not their original appearances. 虽然,颜如玉三人,依旧是疾风猎族的形象,并非她们本来的容貌。 But looks at they three people of vision, Chu Feng knows, true they, have come back. 但只是看着她们三人的目光,楚枫就知道,真正的她们,已经回来了。
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