The millions and millionsthunder, drops from the clouds, the unceasingbombardmentin the position that Chu Fengis.亿万雷霆,从天而降,不断的轰击在楚枫所在的位置。Underthisbombardment, almost allpeoplefelt,Chu Fengdecidedhowever the soulto flyto be shattered.
所以他们也感到不解。SinceChu Feng the flying ashannihilation, whythatthunder, isunceasing , the position that Chu Fengis atlaunches the offensive
既然楚枫已经飞灰湮灭,为何那雷霆,还是不断的向,楚枫所在的位置发动攻势呢Andthisoffensive, is unexpectedly getting more and more fierce
并且这攻势,竟越来越凶猛Puzzled , the vision of people, insteadlocksin the position that Chu Fengis, buthas not rotated.
不解之下,众人的目光,反而锁定在楚枫所在的位置,而没有转动。Therefore, no onenotices, inthatcloud layer, the human formraybody, lowers the headunexpectedly, seems like, itis also gazing at the position that Chu Feng to be ordinary.
因此,没有人注意到,那云层之中,人形光芒体,竟然低下了头,就好像,它也在注视着楚枫所在的位置一般。Butin fact, indeedso.
而事实上,也的确如此。Hasvisiontogether, projectsfrom the eye of thathuman formraybody, justfallson the position that Chu Fengwas.
有着一道目光,从那人形光芒体的眼中射出,刚好落在了楚枫所在的位置。Butthatvision, is extremely vague, no onecandetect, even if Chu Feng, could not detect.
只不过那目光,太过隐晦,没有任何人能够察觉的到,哪怕是楚枫,也察觉不到。Thatvisionkeeps aloof, despisesworthlesslyjust like the Spiritual God.
那目光高高在上,宛如神灵藐视草芥。And, is also flooding the meaning of teasingunexpectedly.
It seems like, at this timeshellstoChu Feng's, isChu Fengchallengesitsprice.
就好像,此时对楚枫的轰击,就是楚枫挑战它的代价。Butit, is punishingChu Feng.
“”Butsuddenly, thatvisionhad the change.
可忽然,那目光有了变化。It that previouslyalsokept aloof, in the eyeemerged the extremeshock and fearunexpectedly.
先前还高高在上的它,眼中竟涌现出了极度的震惊与恐惧。But fear that after fears, in his eyes, emergedjoyfully.
轰隆隆Suddenly, thundertribulationalsohad the change.
The millions and millionsthunder, met the strongsuctionprobably, pulls outfrom the cloud layerunexpectedlyleaves, dashes about wildlyto goto the samedirection.亿万雷霆,就好像遇到了强大的吸力,竟然从云层之中抽离,向同一个方向狂奔而去。Butplace that place, preciselyChu Fengis.
而那个地方,正是楚枫所在的地方。Because the thunder are too really many, thereforethisscene, after continuingoneto meet, the thunder above thatcloud layerthoroughlyvanishes.
因为雷霆实在太多,所以这个场面,持续了有一会之后,那云层之上的雷霆才彻底消失。Afterallthundervanish, peoplecansee, direction that Chu Fengis, has a personunexpectedly.
而当所有雷霆消失之后,人们能够看到,楚枫所在的方向,竟有一个人。Thisperson, the bodyis twining the millions and millionsthunder.
此人,身上缠绕着亿万雷霆。Althoughis unable to see clearlyhisappearance, butthataura, preciselyChu Fengwithout doubt.
虽然无法看清他的容貌,但那个气息,正是楚枫无疑。„Chu Fenghe, is actually also living”
“楚枫他,竟然还活着”Peopleopen the eye, is all startled.
人们睁大眼睛,皆是吃惊不已。That10,000thunder, quickthenintegrateChu Fengwithin the bodythoroughly.
那一万雷霆,很快便彻底融入楚枫体内。Chu Feng'smortal body, wascompletereappearingin the peopleat present.楚枫的肉身,也是完整的浮现在了众人的眼前。This timeChu Feng, unexpectedlycompleteunscathed.
此时的楚枫,竟然完好无损。Has not received an injury.
没有受到一丝伤害。„Thisis how possible”
“这怎么可能”„Hehowpossiblyundersuchpowerfulthunderoffensive, but can also senddoes not damage”
The peoplefeeldifficultbelieving.
众人感觉难以置信。Butin fact, Chu Feng, feelsdifficultbelievingsimilarly.
可实际上,就连楚枫自己,也同样是感觉难以置信。Chu Fengprevious, before challenging the thundertribulation, firstwithSpirit Formation technique, changes to the thunder.楚枫先前,挑战雷劫之前,先用结界之术,化作雷霆。This act, does not wantto usethatthunder, practices trickery, avoidsthundertribulation the attack.
此举,根本就不是想用那雷霆,瞒天过海,躲避雷劫的攻击。Chu Fengfully realized,thundertribulationfierce, byhisSpirit Formation technique, is unable to deceivethundertribulation.楚枫深知,那雷劫有多厉害,以他的结界之术,根本无法欺瞒过雷劫。Especiallythatcultivationtreasure, Chu Fengsaw,ithas the life.
尤其是那修炼至宝,楚枫更是看出,它是具有生命的。So the thing of intelligence, suchhelplesslyis staring atChu Feng, howChu Fenghas possibly deceivedit
如此灵性之物,就那样眼睁睁的盯着楚枫,楚枫怎么可能欺瞒过它ButChu Fengthis act, indeedhas the confusingintention.
The Chu Fengforgethunder, is also attackingownmortal body.楚枫伪造的雷霆,也在攻击自己的肉身。Evenletsthatforgethunder, attacksownsoul, byownmortal body and soul, was attackedby the thunder, evennootherslitsdo not stay behind.
甚至让那伪造的雷霆,攻击自己的灵魂,让自己的肉身与灵魂,都遭受雷霆攻击,甚至不没有其他缝隙留下。As the matter stands, whenthundertribulationdrops from the clouds, even the bombardment, stillshells the Chu Feng'smortal body.
这样一来,等到那雷劫从天而降,就算轰击,也只是轰击到楚枫的肉身。Even ifcaninjureto the soul, maybe also insufficientto capture the Chu Fenglife.
哪怕可以伤到灵魂,可也不至于夺取楚枫性命。After allChu Feng'swithin the body, has filledhas been attacking the Chu Feng'sthunder.
毕竟楚枫的体内,已经充满了正在攻击楚枫的雷霆。Naturally, Chu Fengalsofully realizesthatthundertribulationgreat strength.
当然,楚枫也深知那雷劫的强大。AlthoughChu Fenghasto reduce and solve the method, actuallycannotguaranteecertainsuccess.
尽管楚枫已有化解手段,却也不能保证一定成功。If not forcompelsto have no other choice, Chu Fengwill not challengethundertribulationabsolutelyon own initiative.
若不是逼不得已,楚枫绝对不会主动挑战雷劫。AfterChu Fengtruechallengethundertribulation, allwith are the same, thatthundertribulation that Chu Fengestimatesis quite terrifying.
而当楚枫真正挑战雷劫之后,一切与楚枫预想的一样,那雷劫极为恐怖。Even ifChu Fengwithin the body, has filled the forgethunder.
哪怕楚枫体内,已经充满了伪造的雷霆。Butthatthundertribulationpermeatedwithin the body, attacked the Chu Feng'ssoul.
可那雷劫还是渗入到了体内,攻击到了楚枫的灵魂。Andthatattack, is quite fierce.
并且那攻击,极为凶猛。Under the attack of thatsavage, Chu Fengevenfelt the threat of death.
在那凶残的攻击之下,楚枫甚至感受到了死亡的威胁。Howevershortly, Chu Fenghad lost the consciousness.
But when Chu Fengregains consciousness, the discovery, he is not only actually living, and bodydoes not have a pain, the injury of justsuffering, unexpectedlyto recover completely.
可当楚枫苏醒来的时候,却发现,他不仅活着,并且身上没有一丝痛楚,刚刚遭受的伤害,竟然痊愈了。ThereforeChu Feng, do not know why this timehe, cansendunscathed.
It is not clear, exactlyhadanything.
更是不明白,到底发生了什么。„It is not right, in my body.”
“不对,我这身体中。”Suddenly, Chu Fenglookbig change.
忽然,楚枫神色大变。Hediscovered,inhisbody, indantian, there is an enormouschange.
他发现,他的身体之中,丹田之内,有了极大的变化。„Lookedquickly that cultivationtreasuredisappears.”
“快看,那修炼至宝不见了。”Suddenly, in the people in purplestardifferent, hasto point atvoidabove the cloud layer, sent outcalling out in alarm.
猛然间,紫星异界内的众人之中,有着指着虚空之上的云层,发出了惊呼。Almost allpeoplediscovered, inthatcloud layer, not only the millions and millionsthundervanishesdoes not see.
紧接着,几乎所有人都发现,那云层之中,不仅亿万雷霆消失不见。cultivationtreasure in thatlegend, vanishesdoes not see.
就连那传说中的修炼至宝,也是消失不见。Therefore, everyone'svision, went toChu Feng.
于是,所有人的目光,都投向了楚枫。Chu Fengresistedthundertribulation the offensive.楚枫抗住了雷劫的攻势。Properly speaking, heshouldobtaincultivationtreasure.
按理来说,他就应该得到修炼至宝。Butjust, millions and millionsthunder, almostallfloods intoChu Fengwithin the body.
而刚刚,亿万雷霆,又几乎全部涌入楚枫体内。Has the possibilityvery much, thatcultivationtreasure, isas the thunder, enteredChu Fengwithin the body.
很有可能,那修炼至宝,也是随着雷霆,进入了楚枫体内。In fact, the peoplehave not guessedwrong.
实际上,众人并没有猜错。Chu Fengis surprised , because inhisdantian, is surging the millions and millionsthunder.楚枫之所以如此吃惊,就是因为他的丹田之内,涌动着亿万雷霆。Whatis main, thathuman formraybody, at this timeunexpectedlyalsoinChu Feng'sdantian.
最主要的是,那个人形光芒体,此时竟也在楚枫的丹田之中。But the millions and millionsthunder, is similar to the protectorto be common, regardingthathuman formraybody.
而亿万雷霆,就如同守护者一般,围绕着那人形光芒体。„Cannot think, myunexpectedlyreallysuccess.”
“想不到,我竟真的成功了。”„Ichallengethatthundertribulation, succeeded”
“我挑战那雷劫,成功了”„But, howIsucceed”
“可是,我是怎么成功的”Chu Fengdo not know how hesucceeds.楚枫自己都不知道,他是怎么成功的。Obviously, heis unable to withstand the offensive of thunder, has soon died
明明,他无法承受雷霆的攻势,已经快要死了啊No matter what, Chu Fengis wild with joy.
但不管怎么样,楚枫还是欣喜若狂。Becausehecanimagine, fierce of thiscultivationtreasure.
因为他能够想象,这件修炼至宝的厉害。Therefore, Chu Fengcan ignore the vision of peoplethatexclamation.
于是,楚枫也顾不得众人那惊叹的目光。Butrushesto useowninduction force, projectstodantian, observesthathuman formraybody.
To look, thiscultivationtreasure, what kind ofabilityhas.
想要看一看,这件修炼至宝,到底有着怎样的能耐。But the Chu Fengastonisheddiscovery, hisinduction force, is unable to penetratethatmillions and millionsthunder, let aloneobservedthathuman formraybody.
可是楚枫惊愕的发现,他的感应力,根本无法穿透那亿万雷霆,就更别说观察到那人形光芒体了。„It seems likethisthing, is not very goodto cope.”
“看来这东西,很不好对付。”Seesthissituation, Chu Fengpreviouslyalso the wild with joymood, immediatelychangedwas low.
见此情形,楚枫先前还狂喜的心情,顿时变的低落起来。Without a doubt, thathuman formraybody, is inthispurplestardifferent, cultivationtreasure in legend.
But if is unable to useforoneself, eveninowndantian, thatdoes not have the significance.
可若是无法为自己所用,就算在自己的丹田之中,那也是没有意义。Looking likethatSeed of God Tree is the same.
就像是那颗神树种子一样。Thatseed, not onlycannothelpChu Fengcultivation realmbreak through.
那颗种子,不仅不能帮助楚枫修为突破。Insteadwheneverthunderhuge beast in within the body, refining upthatSeed of God Treetime, two'sbattle, will causeChu Feng'scultivation realmto drop.
反而每当自己体内的雷霆巨兽,去炼化那神树种子的时候,二者的争斗,都会导致楚枫的修为下降。ThereforeChu Fengknows, ifcannotuseforoneself, evenfiercetreasure in within the body, does not have the significance.
所以楚枫知道,若是不能为自己所用的话,就算再厉害的至宝在体内,也是没有意义。„Hee hee, cannot think in within the body of your little rascal, not onlythere isto protectformation technique, unexpectedlysotreasure.”
“嘻嘻,想不到你这小鬼的体内,不仅有守护阵法,竟然还有如此宝物。”But, Chu Fenghearsin the meantime, inowndantian, broadcast a voice of female.
可就在此时,楚枫听到,自己的丹田之内,传来了一道女子的声音。Butthatsound, preciselytransmitsfromthathuman formraybody.
而那个声音,正是自那人形光芒体所传来。AndChu Feng can also see, thathuman formraybody, is staring atSeed of God Tree.
并且楚枫还能看到,那人形光芒体,正在盯着神树种子。Chu Fengdiscovered that millions and millionsthunder, goestoSeed of God Treesurroundingunexpectedly.
紧接着,楚枫发现,那亿万雷霆,竟向神树种子包围而去。Quick, thatmillions and millionsthunder, before thenarrived atSeed of God Tree .
很快,那亿万雷霆,便来到了神树种子之前。Changes to the innumerableonlythundergreathands, besiegesto gotoSeed of God Tree.
“呃啊”Butat this moment, Chu Fengfelt that owndantian and soul, mustblast open.
The achewantscertainly, thenexuded the pitifulcry.
疼痛欲绝之下,便发出了凄惨的叫声。WhatmaymostmakeChu Fenganxiousis, hehad discovered that so-calledcultivationtreasure, isveryfearfulthing.
可最令楚枫不安的是,他已经发现,那所谓的修炼至宝,是一件非常可怕的东西。Itnot onlyhas the life, itentersChu Fengwithin the body, but alsohasitsgoal.
它不仅具有生命,它进入楚枫体内,还有着它的目的。Butitsgoal, does not seem to helpChu Feng.
而它的目的,好像根本就不是要帮助楚枫。Is more like, mustcapture the Chu Feng'sstrength
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