MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4094: Challenges thunder tribulation

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huge Youyang, body burned black, such as had been burnt down by the roaring flame generally, has changed beyond all recognition, just since the upper air flies to fall under. 庞悠扬,身上焦黑,如被烈焰焚烧过一般,已是面目全非,正自高空飞落而下。 But his wailing sound, can make people imagine, what kind of pain he is withstanding at this time. 而他的哀嚎声,更是能够让人们想象,他此时承受着怎样的痛楚。 Solemn Purple Star Hall Supreme Elder, is unable anti- to live including the thunder unexpectedly together, and ends up the so pitiful fate. 堂堂紫星堂太上长老,竟连一道雷霆都无法抗住,并落得如此凄惨的下场。 This lets everyone, true feeling, the might of that thunder. 这让所有人,都真正的感受到了,那雷霆的威力。 Grandpa huge.” “庞爷爷。” But at this time, Li Mengyue then prepares to go forward, wants to catch that to crash, but below huge Youyang. 而此时,李梦玥便准备上前,想要接住那坠落而下的庞悠扬。 Do not go.” “别去。” But Chu Feng, was actually rushes to put out a hand to block Li Mengyue. 楚枫,却是赶忙伸手拦住了李梦玥 Meanwhile, the Chu Feng arm lifts, then has formation power, the waterfall that such as wells up but is actually common, grazes in his palm. 与此同时,楚枫手臂一抬,便有结界之力,如倒涌的瀑布一般,在其掌中飞掠而出。 That formation power, the moment that huge Youyang supports, in huge Youyang within the body, starts to release the innumerable say/way unexpectedly immediately, tiny thunder snakes. 结界之力,将庞悠扬托住的一刻,在庞悠扬的体内,竟然开始立刻释放出无数道,细小的雷蛇 That thunder snakes is also the white, in the thunder with thunder clouds, has the similar aura. 雷蛇也是白色,与雷云之中的雷霆,有着同样的气息。 Although was inferior that fierceness above thunder clouds, was cannot be underestimated, the space is actually also torn the smashing. 虽然不如雷云之上的凶猛,却也是不容小觑,空间都被撕裂成了粉碎。 And that thunder snakes, starts to follow formation power, spreads to Chu Feng. 并且那雷蛇,开始顺着结界之力,向楚枫蔓延而来。 Is good because of some Chu Feng early expectations, not only separates with the contact of formation power and arm. 好在楚枫早有预料,不仅断开与结界之力与手臂的联系。 That thunder snakes, is unable to attack Chu Feng, is wreaking havoc void. 雷蛇,无法攻击楚枫,便在虚空肆虐。 After wreaking havoc some little time, weakens gradually. 肆虐了好一会之后,才渐渐减弱。 Thanked.” “谢了。” Sees this situation, Li Mengyue looks to Chu Feng, in the eye is full of the gratitude. 见此情形,李梦玥看向楚枫,眼中充满感激。 If not for Chu Feng stops, she will act surely personally, catches huge Youyang. 若不是楚枫阻拦,她定会亲自出手,将庞悠扬接住。 But that result, hidden in thunder snakes of huge Youyang within the body gushes out, attacks to her. 但那结果,就是隐藏在庞悠扬体内的雷蛇涌出,向她攻击。 That thunder snakes is so fierce, he fears difficult to withstand. 雷蛇如此凶猛,他恐怕难以承受。 Even if not die, still must carry the severe wound. 就算不死,也必然要身负重伤。 Is Chu Feng, making her avoid this tribulation. 楚枫,让她躲过了这一劫。 Now, does not say thanks.” “现在,可不是说谢的时候。” Chu Feng stimulates to movement formation power, before huge Youyang body, brought the Li Mengyue side. 楚枫催动结界之力,将庞悠扬的身前,带到了李梦玥的身旁。 But the Chu Feng's vision, is actually staring at the thunder clouds above top of the head. 楚枫的目光,却始终盯着头顶之上的雷云。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Rumble 轰隆隆 Void above, the thunder is turbulent. 虚空之上,雷霆汹涌。 Compared with it previous, becomes more fearful. 比之先前,变得更加可怕。 But what is most fearful, that thunder clouds are descending slowly, drop from the clouds. 但最可怕的是,那雷云正在缓缓降落,从天而降。 If Chu Feng said that after touching that thunder, triggering the thunder tribulation to arrive. 楚枫所言,触碰那雷霆之后,引发雷劫降临。 Chu Feng young hero, should we now, what to do?” 楚枫少侠,我们现在,该怎么办?” Looks at this time change, almost all people flustered. 看着此时的变化,几乎所有人都慌了。 That thunder is too strong, together, lets Fifth Rank Supreme Venerable Realm huge Youyang, was nearly killed. 那雷霆太强,只是一道,就让五品至尊境的庞悠扬,险些丧命。 If that millions and millions thunder chops to fall, all of them, want the flying ash annihilation. 若是那亿万雷霆劈落而下,他们所有人,都要飞灰湮灭。 In fact, not only the person in field is scared. 事实上,不仅场内的人恐慌。 Outside person, does not hope, saw them dead. 就连场外的人,也是不希望,看到他们死去。 But, thunder Jietai is strong, and purple star different does not have the outlet, no one knows how should rescue them. 可,那雷劫太强,且紫星异界已是没有出路,谁都不知道,该如何解救他们。 Even if Purple Star Hall hall master, does not know how, when to rescue. 哪怕紫星堂堂主,也不知道当如何解救。 At this moment, can only take risk to try.” “事到如今,只能冒险一试了。” Chu Feng opened the mouth again, his words saying, the tone was quite tranquil, seemed him to make some decision. 楚枫再度开口了,他此话说出的时候,语气极为平静,就好像他已经做了某个决定。 Chu Feng, do you, want to challenge that thunder tribulation?” 楚枫,难道你,要挑战那雷劫?” Li Mengyue asked. 李梦玥问道。 Chu Feng young hero, does not may, Sir even/including huge Youyang, difficult undergoes is occupied by that thunder tribulation strikes, how you are possible anti- living.” 楚枫少侠,万万不可啊,连庞悠扬大人,都难以经受的住那雷劫的一击,你怎么可能抗的住。” Seeing Chu Feng must challenge thunder tribulation, others also dissuade. 楚枫要挑战雷劫,其他人也是纷纷劝阻。 Such thunder tribulation, by cultivation realm, cannot anti- getting down.” “此等雷劫,根本就不是凭借修为,能够抗的下来的。” By, is the will, as well as method.” “靠的,乃是毅力,以及方法。” Dies in any case in any case, sits waiting for death with it, might as well takes risk to try.” “反正横竖都是死,与其坐以待毙,还不如冒险一试。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Chu Feng didn't young hero, in addition, have other methods?” 楚枫少侠,难道除此之外,就没有其他方法了吗?” The people asked that did not think the Chu Feng adventure. 众人纷纷问道,并不想楚枫冒险。 Actually, even if Chu Feng died, they have the shame oversensitively, but will not be sad. 其实,就算楚枫死了,他们最多心有惭愧,但不会多么难过。 But Chu Feng is actually at present, only the person who can look through thunder tribulation. 楚枫却是眼下,唯一能够看破雷劫的人。 If Chu Feng died, they really can only sit waiting for death. 倘若楚枫死了,他们就真的只能坐以待毙了。 Before perhaps also had other methods.” “之前也许还有其他方法。” But after contact mines tribulation, did not have other paths to elect.” “但触发雷劫之后,就没有其他道路可选了。” Only can choose the anti- under this tribulation.” “只能选择抗下此劫。” If everyone having courage quantity, may try.” “若是诸位有这个胆量,也可一试。” Perhaps, can help my helping hand.” “也许,能够助我一臂之力。” Chu Feng said this words time, looked to the people on the scene. 楚枫说此话的时候,看向了在场的众人。 But facing the vision that Chu Feng casts, the people actually dodge in abundance, no one dares with Chu Feng looking at each other. 可是面对楚枫投来的目光,众人却是纷纷闪躲,没有人敢与楚枫对视。 Before huge Youyang acts, some of their indeed people have moved, challenges that thunder tribulation thought. 在庞悠扬出手之前,他们的确有人动过,挑战那雷劫的念头。 After all so treasure, they do not want to miss. 毕竟如此至宝,他们不想错过。 But when sees with one's own eyes, after even/including huge Youyang difficult shoulders to frighten that thunder tribulation . 可当亲眼看到,连庞悠扬都难以扛吓那雷劫之后。 They fully realized, even if acts, still courts death. 他们深知,就算出手,也是找死。 But sees the people so, Chu Feng is also smiles, later raise one's head will wait and see, looks at that to inundate the Heavenly Thunder thunderclap. 而见众人如此,楚枫也是笑了笑,随后抬头观望,将目光投向了那漫天雷霆。 It seems like, this thunder tribulation, can only challenge by me.” “看来,这雷劫,只能由我来挑战了。” Chu Feng finishes speaking, his clothing then starts to wave with the wind, flap flap makes noise. 楚枫话音刚落,他的衣衫便开始随风舞动,猎猎作响。 The Chu Feng's body, starts to approach to that thunder tribulation. 楚枫的身体,开始向那雷劫靠近。 But Chu Feng and huge Youyang are different. 楚枫与庞悠扬不同。 He does not have at the maximum speed, inundates the Heavenly Thunder thunderclap direct impact on go to that instead raises slowly. 他没有以最快的速度,向那漫天雷霆直冲而去,反而是缓缓升起。 People can see, on Chu Feng's, starts to release the thunder. 紧接着,人们能够看到,楚枫的身上,开始释放出雷霆。 That thunder is also the white, but that thunder has not injured Chu Feng. 那雷霆也是白色,但那雷霆并没有伤害到楚枫 This makes people puzzled, why does not understand on Chu Feng's, will have such change. 这让人们不解,不明白为何楚枫的身上,会有如此变化。 I knew, Chu Feng young hero he, with Spirit Formation technique, changes to the thunder, camouflages itself.” “我知道了,楚枫少侠他,是用结界之术,化作雷霆,伪装自己。” Quick, some people say. 很快,有人开口说道。 But such remarks, wins the approval of people immediately. 而此话一出,也是立刻得到了众人的赞同。 This indeed is a method, but can achieve this point, only then Chu Feng young hero, the technique of his World Spirit was exquisite, except for him, we do not have the means that fabricates that thunder.” “这的确是一个方法,不过能够做到这一点的,也只有楚枫少侠了,毕竟他界灵之术精湛,除了他,我们都没有办法,伪造那雷霆。” Hopes that Chu Feng young hero can be successful.” “希望楚枫少侠能够成功。” At this time, almost all people hope that Chu Feng succeeds. 此时,几乎所有人都希望楚枫成功。 After all Chu Feng carrying/sustaining their final hopes, if Chu Feng were defeated, that also indicates, they must die. 毕竟楚枫承载着他们最后的希望,若是楚枫失败了,那也就预示着,他们都要死。 Succeeded, Chu Feng young hero he, was probably successful.” “成功了,楚枫少侠他,好像成功了。” Was seeing with own eyes Chu Feng is getting more and more near from the thunder clouds, may not have the thunder to divide to fall under. 眼见着楚枫距离雷云越来越近,可却没有雷霆劈落而下。 In some people of eyes, reveals the joyful color. 有人眼中,露出喜悦之色。 huge Youyang, previously was close to the thunder clouds, has not approached truly, has the thunder to divide to fall under. 庞悠扬,先前只是接近雷云,还并未真正靠近,就有雷霆劈落而下。 But this time Chu Feng, compared in huge Youyang is previously divided the distance, was nearer. 但此时的楚枫,相比于先前庞悠扬被劈中的距离,则是更近。 Although the thunder is also surging, but has not actually attacked the Chu Feng's situation. 尽管雷霆也在涌动,可却也没有攻击楚枫的态势。 This makes people feel the Chu Feng's strategy may be very successful. 这让人们觉得,很可能是楚枫的战略成功。 Is he uses the camouflage of Spirit Formation technique, has successfully deceived that thunder tribulation. 是他用结界之术的伪装,成功骗过了那雷劫。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Rumble 轰隆隆 But, this idea just produced, thundering in that thunder clouds, becomes especially grating. 可是,这种想法刚刚产生,那雷云之中的轰鸣,就变得格外刺耳。 But thunder of that galloping, becomes even more crazy. 而那奔腾的雷霆,也变得越发疯狂。 Sees this situation, everyone is the complexion big change, they felt, the change of that thunder, was an extremely ominous omen. 见此情形,所有人都是脸色大变,他们感觉到了,那雷霆的变化,乃是一种极为不详的预兆。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Suddenly, the white light twinkle, inundates the Heavenly Thunder thunderclap, simultaneously chops to fall, directly soars Chu Feng to go. 猛然间,白光闪烁,漫天雷霆,同时劈落而下,直奔楚枫而去。 However suddenly, Chu Feng had been covered by that millions and millions thunder. 不过眨眼之间,楚枫已被那亿万雷霆所覆盖。 At this moment, the Chu Feng's form disappears does not see. 这一刻,楚枫的身影消失不见。 At this moment, the Chu Feng's aura vanishes does not see. 这一刻,楚枫的气息消失不见。 People can see, only then the thunder of that everywhere, packages the position that Chu Feng was previously. 人们能够看到的,只有那漫天的雷霆,包裹住了楚枫先前所在的位置。 People can feel, only then the power and influence of that terrifying, sweeps across this side world. 人们能够感受到的,只有那恐怖的威势,席卷这方天地。 Bad.” “糟了。” Sees this situation, the person of presence, is ashen-faced. 见此情形,在场之人,皆是面如死灰 They most undesired, happened eventually. 他们最不希望发生的一幕,终究还是发生了。 Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique, has not deceived that thunder tribulation successfully. 楚枫的结界之术,并没有成功欺骗过那雷劫。 Instead encountered the destructive offensive. 反而是遭到了毁灭性的攻势。 Thinks, the thunder, causes heavy losses to huge Youyang together sufficiently. 想一想,一道雷霆,都足以重创庞悠扬。 This millions and millions thunder, rumbles simultaneously on Chu Feng, and in crazy wreaking havoc. 亿万雷霆,同时轰在楚枫身上,且还在疯狂的肆虐。 not to mention is Chu Feng, even Purple Star Hall hall master, must die without doubt. 莫说楚枫,就算是紫星堂堂主,也是必死无疑啊。
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