MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4096: Catches bloodline power

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That cultivation treasure, as before gives out ray, although is unable to see its appearance/portrait, but actually obviously sacred. 修炼至宝,依旧散发光芒,虽无法见其真容,可却更显神圣。 But that millions and millions thunder, the power and influence does not reduce as before, the only difference is, it from purple star different, shifted the Chu Feng's dantian world. 而那亿万雷霆,依旧威势不减,唯一的区别就是,它从紫星异界,转移到了楚枫的丹田世界。 At present, under the stimulation of movement of that cultivation treasure, that late thunder, is attacking Seed of God Tree crazily, wants to rip the smashing Seed of God Tree, possesses. 眼下,在那修炼至宝的催动下,那一晚雷霆,正疯狂的攻击神树种子,是想要将神树种子撕成粉碎,占为己有。 However, Seed of God Tree is not the ordinary person. 然而,神树种子也绝非等闲之辈。 Even thunder huge beast of Chu Feng within the body, is unable to refine Seed of God Tree, this millions and millions thunder, is not so naturally easy. 楚枫体内的雷霆巨兽,都无法炼化神树种子,这亿万雷霆,自然也没这么容易。 Sure enough, after that Seed of God Tree was attacked, then initiates immediately counter-attacks. 果不其然,那神树种子遭到攻击之后,便立刻发起反攻。 Two as powerful as strength of difficult estimate, started Chu Feng never to see the fight. 两股强大到难以估算的力量,开始了楚枫从未见过的战斗。 Properly speaking, their battle, did not close the Chu Feng's matter. 按理来说,它们争斗,本不关楚枫的事。 After all thunder huge beast in Chu Feng dantian, has conducted the battle with Seed of God Tree repeatedly. 毕竟楚枫丹田内的雷霆巨兽,也多次与神树种子进行过争斗。 Their battles, although causes Chu Feng cultivation realm to back up, but has not actually suffered the pain. 它们的争斗,虽导致楚枫修为倒退,可却并没有遭受痛楚。 Why does not know, this time, that cultivation treasure offensive, let withstand so painfully, seemed like own soul, must be torn general. 不知为何,这一次,那修炼至宝的攻势,却让承受了如此痛苦,就好像自己的灵魂,都要被撕裂一般。 If not must explain, perhaps because of that cultivation treasure, is the external thing, and newcomer is bad. 若非要解释的话,也许是因为那修炼至宝,乃是外来之物,并且来者不善吧。 …… Suddenly, the electric light interlocks, thunderous intermittent, but in that deafening thunderous, spread frightening angry roaring. 忽然,电光交错,雷鸣阵阵,而那震耳欲聋的雷鸣之中,更是传出了令人胆战心惊的怒吼。 Meanwhile, in this dantian world, starts the fierce tremor. 与此同时,这丹田世界之内,也开始剧烈的颤动。 Originally is, nine thunder huge beast Yu Kong come. 原来是,九只雷霆巨兽御空而来。 Nine thunder huge beast, are declaring oneself Overlord position probably. 九只雷霆巨兽,就好像在宣示着自己的霸主地位。 After appearing, directly soars that cultivation treasure to go. 出现之后,直奔那修炼至宝而去。 Nine thunder huge beast Yu Kong line, not only the momentum is enormous and powerful, is the day swings shakes. 九只雷霆巨兽御空而行,不仅声势浩荡,更是天摇地晃。 All of this side world, were affected by them. 这方世界的一切,都被它们所牵动。 That and other power and influence, even Chu Feng is afraid. 那等威势,连楚枫都感到恐惧。 Although, nine thunder huge beast, are Chu Feng's bloodline power. 虽说,九只雷霆巨兽,乃是楚枫的血脉之力 But so many years, Chu Feng has not conquered these nine thunder huge beast. 可这么多年,楚枫始终未曾征服过这九只雷霆巨兽 Especially in this dantian world, they are more like the lord of all living things, has to control all strengths. 尤其在这丹田世界之内,它们更像是万物之主,拥有主宰一切的力量。 They are this world, deserving king. 它们就是这个世界,当之无愧的王。 Trivial Heaven rank bloodlines, wants to resist with me.” “区区天级血脉,也想与我抗争。” I come here, subdues you, you will become my slave.” “我来此处,就是收服你们,你们将成为我的奴隶。” But who once thinks, facing so power and influence thunder huge beast, that cultivation treasure actually exuded the ridicule sound of satire. 可谁曾想,面对如此威势的雷霆巨兽,那修炼至宝却发出了讽刺的嘲笑声。 That cultivation treasure ray, starts the crazy creeping motion, is separated from its body to be the same probably. 紧接着,那修炼至宝身上的光芒,开始疯狂的蠕动,就好像脱离它的身体一般。 Sure enough, that ray body, was separated from the cultivation treasure main body, starts to shoot up to the sky. 果不其然,那光芒体,脱离了修炼至宝的本体,开始冲天而起。 Was separated from the ray body of cultivation treasure, seems the fierce tiger to emerge, all strengths obtained the release. 脱离了修炼至宝的光芒体,就好像猛虎出笼,所有的力量都得到了释放。 Therefore, that ray body is getting bigger and bigger, actually occupies a side world, is ordinary just like Sun, shines the world. 于是,那光芒体越来越大,竟然占据一方世界,宛如太阳一般,普照天地。 The formation of that ray body, causes this originally dark world, becomes brilliantly illuminated. 那光芒体的形成,使得这原本幽暗的世界,都变得灯火通明。 When that ray is separated from his body, collects after the top of the head, that cultivation treasure true body, is appears. 而当那光芒脱离其身体,汇集于头顶之后,那修炼至宝的真身,也是浮现而出。 The Chu Feng astonished discovery, this cultivation treasure, unexpectedly is a little girl. 楚枫惊愕的发现,这修炼至宝,竟是一个小女孩。 Golden hair, is quite attractive. 一头金发,极为漂亮。 But his five senses, are fine. 而其五官,更是精致的很。 That beautiful moving small appearance, is the true beautiful woman ruffian. 那个美丽动人的小模样,乃是真正的美人痞子。 However although appearance beautiful, but is immature. 不过容颜虽美,但却非常稚嫩。 Therefore her young girls are far, indeed is a child. 所以她连少女都谈不上,的确还是一个孩子。 Probably one about 13 -year-old child. 像是一个十三岁左右的孩子。 Because is a child, therefore her attire, does not match with her semblance. 正因为是一个孩子,所以她的衣着,与她的外表非常不配。 She puts on, is a golden skirt, but that skirt, has not been the child smart-alecky lovable, instead performs obviously dignifiedly, is more like king robe. 她所穿着的,乃是一件金色的裙子,但那裙子,没有属于孩子的俏皮可爱,反而尽显威严,更像是一件王袍。 But Chu Feng, simply does not have the thoughts, cares about the wear of this little girl. 楚枫,根本没心思,顾及这小女孩的穿着。 Because of this time little girl, collects in the ray body of its top of the head, very fearful. 因为此时的小女孩,汇集在其头顶的光芒体,非常的可怕。 Nine thunder huge beast, each single body, very huge. 九只雷霆巨兽,每一只单体,都是非常的庞大。 But nine thunder huge beast, put together even if the volume, actually is also inferior to 1/1000 of that ray body. 可哪怕九只雷霆巨兽,放在一起的体积,却也不如那光芒体的千分之一。 Not is only this big to the fearful volume, only said its strength, similarly cannot be underestimated. 不仅是这大到可怕的体积,只说其力量,也同样不容小觑 That ray body, is comprised of the extremely complex strength, resembling is treasure, but is not only treasure, resembling is the bloodlines, but is not only the bloodlines. 那光芒体,是由极为复杂的力量组成,似是至宝,但又不仅是至宝,似是血脉,但又不仅是血脉。 In brief, it very fearful, sees it to Chu Feng fearfully, is unable automatic control shivering, that to be the strength of far exceeding Chu Feng the cognition. 总之,它非常的可怕,可怕到楚枫只是看到它,都无法自控的颤抖,那是一种远远超出了楚枫所认知的力量。 Is one type, strength that present Chu Feng, can only look up. 是一种,如今的楚枫,只能仰视的力量。 But the one who most made Chu Feng shocking was, in just like solar bright ray body, is surging generally unexpectedly the innumerable say/way thunder. 而最令楚枫震惊的是,在宛如太阳一般明亮的光芒体之中,竟涌动着无数道雷霆。 Carefully looks, that is not the common thunder, but is thunder huge beast. 仔细一看,那根本就不是寻常的雷霆,而是雷霆巨兽 Is tens of thousands of only thunder huge beast. 是成千上万只雷霆巨兽 These thunder huge beast, seemed like assimilated generally, does not have the individuality distinct color, changed to the white completely, was like that ray body color. 只是那些雷霆巨兽,就好像是被同化了一般,已经没有了个性分明的颜色,全部都化作了白色,与那光芒体颜色相同。 If carefully does not watch, but also is really does not discover their existence. 若不仔细观看,还真是发现不到它们的存在。 And, they in that ray body, the volume also changed small. 并且,它们在那光芒体之内,体积也变小了许多。 At least compared with Chu Feng these nine thunder huge beast, thunder huge beast of that ray within the body, changed small thousand times to continue. 至少与楚枫这九只雷霆巨兽相比,那光芒体内的雷霆巨兽,变小了千倍不止。 These thunder huge beast, are struggling, obviously they, want to flee that ray body. 那些雷霆巨兽,正在挣扎,显然它们,很想逃离那光芒体。 But their struggling, are unproductive, that ray body, seems like a giant cage, these thunder huge beast, was stranded in completely. 但它们的挣扎,却是徒劳的,那光芒体,就好像是一座巨大的牢笼,将那些雷霆巨兽,全部困在了其中。 Bad.” “糟了。” could it be that, that so-called cultivation treasure, must utilize that ray body, catches my bloodline power?” 难道说,那所谓的修炼至宝,要运用那光芒体,捕捉我的血脉之力?” Sees this situation, Chu Feng does not shout secretly well. 见此情形,楚枫暗叫不好。 Only with the naked eye looked that also knows, ray body that cultivation treasure releases, is not the common strength. 只用肉眼看的,也知道,那修炼至宝所释放的光芒体,不是寻常的力量。 That is more like catches Shoujia. 那更像是一个捕兽夹。 But it catches, is not common ferocious beast, but is thunder huge beast, what capture is the bloodlines strength. 只不过它捕捉的,不是寻常的猛兽,而是雷霆巨兽,捕捉的乃是血脉力量。 Suddenly, that ray body, gives out had/left the boundless suction. 忽然间,那光芒体,散发出了磅礴的吸力。 Of suction, even this vast void, twists the change. 吸力之强,连这浩瀚虚空,都扭曲变化。 But that suction, directly soars nine thunder huge beast to go at this time. 而那吸力,此时直奔九只雷霆巨兽而去。 That stance, is to swallow nine thunder huge beast. 那个架势,就是要将九只雷霆巨兽吞噬其中。 After that ray body launches the offensive, Chu Feng pain, more and more difficult endures unexpectedly. 而当那光芒体发动攻势之后,楚枫身上的痛苦,竟也是越来越难以忍受。 Chu Feng felt that own soul, soon disrupts. 楚枫感觉自己的灵魂,就快要碎裂。 In this case, Chu Feng consciousness, becomes gradually fuzzy. 这种情况下,楚枫就连意识,都变得渐渐模糊。 Wa Wa 呜哇 But suddenly, a pitiful yell transmits. 可忽然之间,一阵惨叫传来。 Is a little girl's pitiful yell. 是一个小女孩的惨叫。 Is the pitiful yell of that cultivation treasure. 是那修炼至宝的惨叫。 After that pitiful yell resounds, sweeps across Chu Feng pain, starts to dissipate unexpectedly. 当那惨叫响起之后,席卷楚枫身上的痛楚,竟然开始消散。 In this case, the Chu Feng's consciousness is also starts to restore. 这种情况下,楚枫的意识也是开始恢复。 Chu Feng can see that besieges the Seed of God Tree thunder, defeated probably was the same, is dissipating. 楚枫能够看到,那围攻神树种子的雷霆,就好像战败了一样,正在消散。 But that wheel, the gives out terrifying suction, wanting to the giant ray body that nine thunder huge beast swallow, had the enormous change. 而那轮,散发恐怖吸力,欲要将九只雷霆巨兽吞噬掉的巨大光芒体,也是有了极大的变化。 In that ray surface, covered entirely nine-colored lightning unexpectedly. 在那光芒表面,竟然布满了九色雷霆 That nine-colored lightning, just like the innumerable giant whips, is brushing the ray body crazily. 九色雷霆,宛如无数条巨大的鞭子,正在疯狂的抽打着光芒体。 Although ray body powerful incomparable, may under the winding and attack of that thunder, shivers unexpectedly fiercely, and makes the strange sound, wails in the pitiful yell probably. 光芒体虽然强大无比,可在那雷霆的缠绕与攻击之下,竟然剧烈颤动,且发出诡异的声音,就好像在惨叫哀嚎。 But at the same time, that main body for cultivation treasure of little girl, is both hands holds the head, squats above the midair. 而与此同时,那本体为小女孩的修炼至宝,也是双手抱头,蹲在半空之上。 When that fine small face, covered entirely the color of pain, and clenching jaws , is to make the painful sound. 在那精致的小脸之上,布满了痛苦之色,且咬牙切齿之际,也是不是的发出痛苦的声音。 Originally is nine thunder huge beast. 原来是九只雷霆巨兽 At this time, nine thunder huge beast bodies, compared with it previous, unexpectedly big hundred times. 此时,九只雷霆巨兽的身躯,比之先前,竟然大了百倍。 Was they releases the thunder, is attacking that ray body. 是它们释放出了雷霆,攻击着那光芒体。 And, their bodies, were still increasing unceasingly. 并且,它们的身躯,仍在不断变大。 Meanwhile, on them gives out power and influence, in growth doubled and re-doubled. 与此同时,它们身上所散发的威势,也在成倍的增长。 To the offensive of that ray body, in growth doubled and re-doubled. 对那光芒体的攻势,也在成倍的增长。
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