MIE :: Volume #5

#9: Tried to outdo others Great Magician and elf head of the clan is old

The dim light of night covers the vault of heaven gradually. 夜色渐渐笼罩天穹。 Looks that the Teresa light purple long skirt skirt vanishes in the darkness outside manor, Xu Yi cannot bear sighs gently. 看着泰瑞莎的淡紫色长裙裙角消失在庄园外的黑暗之中,许亦忍不住轻轻叹了一口气。 Teresa revealed own origin and life experience to him finally, is in this case, is really makes him somewhat unable to anticipate. 泰瑞莎终于向他袒露了自己的来历、身世,却是在这种情况下,实在是让他有些意料不到。 From " Lanpali Weekly report » on report, Teresa could can be loner one now completely. 从《兰帕里周报》上的报道来看,泰瑞莎现在完全已经可以算得上是孤家寡人一个。 Treason, in Lanpali Kingdom, is in Sakk Kingdom, even in any country in this mainland is the most serious charges. 叛国罪,无论是在兰帕里王国,还是在萨克王国,甚至在这片大陆上的任何一个国家中都是最为严重的罪名。 Since Viscount Dolan Carlo involves the treason sinful subjects, was confiscated and beheaded by the entire clan is without a doubt. 多罗卡兰子爵既然涉及到叛国罪民,那么被满族抄斩是毫无疑问的。 If were not Teresa left the home ahead of time, now only fears that will also be sent to the execution grounds, even might also meet a more pitiful destiny. 如果不是泰瑞莎提前离开了家,现在只怕也会被送上刑场,甚至还有可能遇上更加悲惨的命运。 However makes Teresa feel broken-hearted truly, actually exactly because of this point. 然而真正让泰瑞莎感到极度悲伤的,却恰恰是因为这一点。 According to the description of Teresa, in fact she left the home at that time, enters Lanpali Kingdom time, Viscount Dolan Carlo basic had not said to his anything, but made the trusted subordinate deliver her. 根据泰瑞莎的描述,实际上她当时离开家,进入兰帕里王国的时候,多兰卡罗子爵根本对他什么都没有说,只是让亲信将她送了过来。 But after here, the trusted subordinate disclosed to her Viscount Dolan Carlo urging, making her henceforth do not return to Sakk Kingdom again, finds a place to live well in Lanpali Kingdom. 而到了这边后,亲信才向她透露了多兰卡罗子爵的叮嘱,让她从此不要再回到萨克王国,在兰帕里王国内好好找个地方生活下去。 Viscount Dolan Carlo had arranged the escape route through oneself in the relations of Lanpali Kingdom to Teresa in secret, actually without thinking just entered Lanpali Kingdom, was given to sell to the Lanpali Kingdom aspect by here so-called aiding person. 原本多兰卡罗子爵已经通过自己私下里在兰帕里王国的关系给泰瑞莎安排好了退路,却没想到刚一进入兰帕里王国,就被这边所谓的接应人给出卖给了兰帕里王国方面。 In order to protect Teresa, the trusted subordinate of Viscount Lolan Caro fights vigorously dead, only then Teresa escaped under masquerading reluctantly. 为了保护泰瑞莎,罗兰卡罗子爵的亲信力战而死,只有泰瑞莎在乔装打扮下勉强逃了出来。 Although Teresa thinks very much run back Sakk Kingdom secretly. Asked why to Viscount Dolan Carlo. But actually could not find any means and method. 泰瑞莎虽然很想自己偷偷跑回萨克王国。向多兰卡罗子爵问个究竟。但却根本找不到任何办法和门路。 To avoid pursuing troops. Teresa even can only to south, toward run away from the Sakk Kingdom more and more far place. 而为了躲避追兵。泰瑞莎甚至只能一路向南,向着距离萨克王国越来越远的地方逃遁。 Finally, she relied on is being the Magician ability escapes reluctantly Bunta City, actually already, because in journey laborious, but the physical strength completely lost, was because to all things did not determine that nearly lost the survival. 最终,她凭借着自己身为魔法师的能力勉强逃到了邦塔城,却已经因为路途上的辛苦而体力尽失,更是因为对所有事情的不确定而差点儿失去生存的。 „If not hug at heart must know that actually the father why must deliver this idea me, perhaps I have been deliberately bad.” Teresa when spoke these words, in the look disclosed that a strength, immediately actually becomes broken-hearted immediately. But I know the answer now. Actually discovered oneself do not have the means.” “如果不是心里抱着一定要知道父亲究竟为什么要把我送出来这个想法,我恐怕早就自暴自弃了。”泰瑞莎在说这句话的时候,眼神中透露出一丝坚强,随即却立即变得极度悲伤。“可是现在我知道了答案。却发现自己更加没有办法。” Xu Yi can only be silent regarding this. 许亦对此只能默然。 Anybody after knowing news that own entire family died, impossible tranquil. 任何人在得知自己全家都死去的消息后,都不可能平静。 Let alone, Teresa is one seems like the so delicate little miss. 更何况,泰瑞莎还是一个看起来如此娇弱的小姑娘。 However regarding the Teresa bitter experience, Xu Yi actually also can only respond with the sympathy, similarly does not have the means to make anything. 不过对于泰瑞莎的遭遇,许亦却也只能报以同情,同样没办法做出任何事情来。 Viscount Dolan Carlo was confiscated and beheaded by the entire clan, this is because he on suspicion of the treason, does not have with the Xu Yi least bit relations from the start. 多兰卡罗子爵被全族抄斩,这是因为他涉嫌叛国,压根和许亦半点儿关系也没有。 Even if Xu Yi wants to manage this matter, still has no possibility. 而就算许亦想要管这件事,也根本没有任何可能。 This is the established facts, therefore Xu Yi can do only, to Teresa expressed that he can provide the help that any she needs to Teresa. 这已经是既定事实了,所以许亦唯一能做的,就是向泰瑞莎表示他可以给泰瑞莎提供任何她所需要的帮助。 But Teresa actually shakes the head to the aid that Xu Yi extends gently. 泰瑞莎却对许亦伸出的援手轻轻摇头。 Sir President. This matter are not related with you. I look for you, does not want to get your help....... Besides you, I do not have the means to disclose this matter to anybody. I want to find a person to pour out......” 会长大人。这件事跟您没有关系。我来找您,并不是希望获得您的帮助。只是……只是除了您之外,我没办法向任何人透露这件事情。我只是想找一个人倾诉罢了……” The Teresa miserable sadness yields in the person always cannot help but center of the earth to have one to love dearly, however Xu Yi does not have the means eventually, can only comfort several reluctantly. 泰瑞莎凄凉的悲容让人总是不由自主地心中生出一丝心疼,然而许亦却终究毫无办法,只能勉强宽慰几句。 But Teresa also does not look that delicate like her surface, after Xu Yi poured out, although the whole face is still low-spirited, actually returned to reluctantly normal, immediately said goodbye to depart. 泰瑞莎也并不像她表面看起来那么柔弱,向许亦倾诉完后,虽然依然满脸黯然,却勉强恢复了平静,随即告辞离去。 Xu Yi have no reason to detain, naturally has to gaze after her to depart. 许亦没有理由挽留,自然只好目送她离去。 Looks the direction that Teresa vanishes, in the Xu Yi heart sighs with emotion. 看着泰瑞莎消失的方向,许亦心中感慨。 Although since Teresa has been passed in the three years continuously here lonely, but also has the family member relative to miss after all at heart, but now a «Lanpali Weekly report» on news, actually completely cuts off reading in her heart to think. 虽说泰瑞莎这三年多以来一直都算是在这里孤独度过,但毕竟心里还有家人亲属可以挂念,而现在《兰帕里周报》上的一则消息,却彻底断绝了她心中的念想。 From that moment on, Teresa it can be said that turned into true lonely one person. 从这一刻起,泰瑞莎可以说是变成了真正的孤独一人。 Lets Vivian and Evita cared that she was good.” Xu Yi wants to say silently. “还是让薇薇安艾薇塔多关心一下她好了。”许亦默然想道。 Teresa treats in the Xu Yi family/home after a period of time, among the relations with Vivian is good. 泰瑞莎许亦家里待过一段时间,和薇薇安之间的关系不错。 But after entering Magic Research Institute, continuously and Evita is together well. 而进入魔法研究院之后,一直都和艾薇塔相处不错。 Make their many care about Teresa, will make her feel better. 让她们两人多去关心关心泰瑞莎,想必会让她好过一些。 In addition, Xu Yi actually could not think of any good way. 除此之外,许亦却是想不到什么好办法了。 In the Mechanical Engineering aspect, Xu Yi is a talent, on Magic, he is also the talent. 机械工程方面,许亦是个天才,在魔法上面,他也算是天才。 However in worldly wise, thoughts of little miss, Xu Yi confessed particularly is always extremely simple-hearted, does not excel to this aspect extremely. 但是在人情世故方面,尤其是小姑娘的心思方面,许亦却自认一直以来都是极其木讷,对这方面极为不擅长。 Thinks that the Teresa present mood, Xu Yi cannot bear sighs again, shakes the head to plan to return to the room. 想到泰瑞莎现在的心情,许亦忍不住再次叹了一口气,摇摇头打算回到屋中。 Just about to turns around, suddenly saw that the distant place two rays outside manor shine, is approached by the distant place rapidly. 刚要转身,忽然看到庄园外的远处两道光芒亮起,由远方迅速靠近。 In a while, these two rays then already from beyond four kilometers the flying farm all arrived at the road not far away outside manor newly. 没过多久,这两道光芒便已经从远在四公里之外的新飞农场所有来到了庄园外的公路不远处。 But Xu Yi also heard the bellow of extremely familiar Magic Power engine from the wind. 许亦也从风中听到了极为熟悉的魔力发动机的轰鸣声。 Saw that these two dazzling rays as if cut the horizon the lightning to be common, cut the dim light of night, then reaches directly into the manor, Xu Yi only thought that on the forehead the blue vein jumps, the corners of the mouth could not bear twitch. 看到这两道刺眼光芒仿佛划破天际的闪电一般,划破夜色,然后直直驶入庄园,许亦只觉得额头上青筋一跳,嘴角忍不住抽搐了一下。 Squeak-” “吱-” Two extremely long violent brake sounds resound in the front courtyard open area of manor. 两下极长的猛烈刹车声在庄园的前院空地上响起。 Two rays extinguish, in the manor Magic light, revealed that pure black and a fiery red color Magic Power sedan came out. 两道光芒熄灭,在庄园外面的魔法灯光中,显露出了一辆纯黑色和一辆火红颜色的魔力轿车出来。 The pure black Magic Power automobile door opens, Great Magician Camilla walked from above, has a good laugh. 纯黑色的魔力轿车车门打开,卡米拉大魔法师从上面走了下来,仰天大笑。 Haha, is I first, haha......” “哈哈,还是我先到,哈哈……” The fiery-red Magic Power automobile door opens, getting down is actually the Lisanya elder. 火红色的魔力轿车车门打开,下来的却是利桑亚长老。 Shoots a look at Great Magician Camilla that a face happily laughed, Lisanya elder cold snort/hum. 瞥了一眼一脸得意大笑的卡米拉大魔法师,利桑亚长老冷哼一声。 What to be self-satisfied? Do not forget you first to start for enough two seconds compared with me, if calculates. Should be I first. I won.” “得意什么?别忘了你比我先起步足足两秒钟,如果这么算的话。应该是我先到。我赢了。” Great Magician Camilla disdain shot a look at Lisanya elder one eyes: „Isn't start quickly I the proof that you are stronger than? Who makes you start is so slow? Enough two seconds! Such long time. Were you in a daze at that time?” 卡米拉大魔法师不屑地瞥了利桑亚长老一眼:“起步快难道不是我比你强的证明吗?谁让你起步那么慢的?足足两秒啊!这么长的时间。难道你当时在发呆吗?” The Lisanya elder got angry stared Great Magician Camilla one: You are in a daze! My this car(riage) had/left a small problem, at that time started delayed, this late two seconds. Otherwise I will definitely not start you am slower than!” 利桑亚长老怒瞪了卡米拉大魔法师一眼:“你才在发呆!我这辆车出了点儿小问题,当时发动延迟了一下,这才会晚了两秒。不然我肯定不会起步比你慢!” Great Magician Camilla beckons with the hand: Do not find the objective excuse. If in the arena, you started slowly has lost. Do not tell me you not to know this truth.” 卡米拉大魔法师摆了摆手:“不要找客观理由。如果是在赛场上,你起步慢就已经输了。别告诉我你不知道这个道理。” The Lisanya elder frown raises up slightly, cold snort/hum, does not pay attention to Great Magician Camilla, actually turns the head to look to nearby Xu Yi. 利桑亚长老双眉微微竖起,冷哼一声,不理会卡米拉大魔法师,却转头看向一旁的许亦 President Xu, helping me have a look at my Magic Power sedan what's the matter? Why will start a moment ago for successive two times is defeated?” 许会长,帮我看看我这辆魔力轿车是怎么回事?为什么刚才会连续两次发动都失败了?” Xu Yi is smiling bitterly shaking the head. Thought that Great Magician Camilla this year 64 years old, but Lisanya elder even at least over 400 years old, convert the adult class age also to be close to 70, why will they like the child, always mump to bicker for this matter? 许亦苦笑着摇了摇头。心想卡米拉大魔法师今年都64岁了,而利桑亚长老甚至最少超过400岁,换算成人类年龄也接近70,为什么他们俩还总是像个小孩子一样,会为这种事情斗气斗嘴呢? Great Magician Camilla , the Lisanya elder is one all along for the elf clan that the noble graceful demeanor is famous! 卡米拉大魔法师也就罢了,利桑亚长老可是一名一贯以高贵优雅风度著称的精灵族啊! Even she is an honored elf head of the clan is old! 甚至她还是一名尊贵的精灵族长老! Does not know that is because the Lisanya elder is irritable, because attended the race car to let change her personality.” “也不知道是因为利桑亚长老本身性格火爆,还是因为参加赛车让改变了她的性格。” In the Xu Yi heart whispered, accompanied the smiling face to arrive by the fiery-red Magic Power sedan hastily. 许亦心中嘀咕一句,连忙陪着笑容走到了火红色魔力轿车旁边。 After doing inspected, Xu Yi soon then discovered the issue. 做了一下检查后,许亦很快便发现了问题。 The starter of this Magic Power sedan connected the Magic Power wire between Magic Power engines to appear became less crowded a little, causing the kind to belong to the bad contact on electric circuit. Then causes the beforehand two start failure. 这辆魔力轿车的启动装置连接魔力发动机之间的魔力导线出现了一点儿松动,导致类属于电路上的接触不良。这才导致之前的两次启动失败。 This is a small issue, Xu Yi helps the Lisanya elder be solved very much with ease. 这是个小问题,许亦很轻松地就帮利桑亚长老解决掉。 After trying several times continual started is successful . The Lisanya elder referred to Great Magician Camilla: Come, we go to compare again.” 试了几次连续启动成功后。利桑亚长老向卡米拉大魔法师指了指:“来,我们再去比一场。” Great Magician Camilla cold snort/hum: Compared with on ratio, but also feared that you are inadequate?” 卡米拉大魔法师冷哼一声:“比就比,还怕你不成?” Xu Yi blocked hastily Great Magician Camilla that plans to get in the Magic Power sedan, smiles bitterly to say to two people: So was late, outside is dark, but how also to compete?” 许亦连忙拦住了打算钻进魔力轿车的卡米拉大魔法师,向两人苦笑道:“都这么晚了,外面黑灯瞎火的,还怎么比赛?” This to our influence.” Great Magician Camilla flung starting, bends/bow the lower part of the body to plan to get in the car(riage) again. “这对我们没影响。”卡米拉大魔法师甩了下手,弓下身就打算再钻进车内。 Xu Yi blocks him hastily again. 许亦连忙再次拦住他。 Has not affected on you, but will be influential to others., It was so easy to frighten others late. Also, you go out to compete now, who times to you? It is difficult to create the fair competition environment to be good?” “对你们是没影响,但是会对别人有影响。这么晚了,很容易吓到别人的。再说了,你们现在出去比赛,谁给你们计时?根本很难创造公平的比赛环境好不好?” Great Magician Camilla and Lisanya elder looks at each other one, one wants is also right, this nodded gently, gives up going to compare an idea again. 卡米拉大魔法师利桑亚长老对视一眼,一想也对,这才轻轻点头,放弃了再去比一场的想法。 Xu Yi then long exhales. 许亦这才长出了一口气。 Because plans to hold the specialized car race, Xu Yi starting from the spring of this year, held a sports event of small range on by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce name in Stantin Duchy, specifically was used for the race car. 因为打算举办专业的赛车比赛,许亦在今年春天开始,就以新飞商会的名义在斯坦丁公国举办起了一个小范围的赛事,专门用来赛车。 But heard after this competition, Great Magician Camilla and Lisanya elder first chose registration. 而听说这个比赛后,卡米拉大魔法师利桑亚长老第一时间选择了报名参加。 Because these two are powerful, usually drives the Magic Power sedan time does not need to be worried about what accident, therefore they very early drive the Magic Power sedan at the by race car general limiting velocity frequently, the nature adapts compared with other participants. 因为这两位都是实力强大,平时驾驶魔力轿车的时候根本不用担心出什么事故,所以他们很早就经常以以赛车一般的极限速度驾驶魔力轿车,自然比其他参赛者更加适应。 But by two people strong Magic strengths, makes their physical qualities be better than the average man by far, uses is certainly more fearful at the race car. 而以两人超强的魔法实力,也使得他们的身体素质远远优于常人,用在赛车上当然更加可怕。 Therefore after several times competition, two people almost swept all champion and second-place finishers. 于是数次比赛后,两人几乎包揽了所有的冠亚军。 But till today's this competition, two people scores are more or less flat. 而到今天这场比赛为止,两人的战绩基本持平。 Therefore two people are not convinced very much, wants to press the opposite party, they will even look like the child to take to heart for an ordinary victory and defeat generally. 于是两人互相之间都很不服气,都很想压过对方,以至于他们甚至会为了平常的一次胜负而像小孩子一般耿耿于怀。 Now two people put down the dispute with great difficulty, although Xu Yi is very curious to the result of afternoon competition, actually also can only repress for the time being, does not dare to propose this topic. 现在两人好不容易放下了争执,许亦虽然对下午比赛的结果十分好奇,却也只能暂且按捺住,不敢提这个话题。 Looked at Great Magician Camilla, in the Xu Yi heart moved, suddenly remembered a matter. 看了一眼卡米拉大魔法师,许亦心中一动,忽然想起一件事情来。 Right, Grandfather, the Lanpali Kingdom Magic association and Kingdom Parliament also receive a letter, hopes that you participate in them specially for the ceremonial celebration that you prepare, are you willing to go?” “对了,爷爷,兰帕里王国魔法协会和王国议会都同时来信,希望您去参加他们专程为您准备的庆祝仪式,您愿意去吗?” Hears this issue, Great Magician Camilla the complexion sinks immediately.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 听到这个问题,卡米拉大魔法师立即脸色一沉。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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