MIE :: Volume #5

#8: Teresa life experience

Xu Yi is startled slightly, set out to welcome hastily, asked kindly: Teresa, how? What matter had/left?”. 许亦微微一怔,连忙起身迎了过去,关切地问道:“泰瑞莎,怎么了?出什么事情了吗?”。 Teresa raised the head, in a big eye the tears flash, the corner of the eye has seeped out the tears, actually suppresses is not cried by oneself. 泰瑞莎抬起头,一双大眼睛里泪光闪动,眼角更是已经渗出了泪水,却强忍着并不让自己哭出来。 Sees this appearance, in the Xu Yi heart strange. 看到她这幅样子,许亦心中奇怪。 Since Teresa was rescued accidentally in Bunta City by him, by the present more than three years, in these three years long-term contact, Xu Yi had fully realized that this is handsome, the makings delicate little miss innermost feelings are very actually strong, will never reveal the innermost feelings one side in the face of others the frailty, now actually emits such a facial expression suddenly, certainly comes across truly the matter that let her broken-hearted. 自从泰瑞莎被他在邦塔城中无意中救下,到现在已经三年多了,在这三年的长期接触中,许亦深知这个容貌秀丽,气质柔弱的小姑娘其实内心十分坚强,从来不会在其他人面前流露出自己内心的脆弱一面,现在却突然冒出这么一副神情,一定是遇到了真正让她极度悲伤的事情。 Thinks of here, Xu Yi slows down the tone, the gentle voice continues to ask: Teresa, had what difficulty saying that directly, you have treated here for more than three years, I have regarded your head of household, nothing cannot say with me.” 想到这里,许亦放缓口气,柔声继续问道:“泰瑞莎,有什么困难就直接说吧,你在这里已经待了三年多了,我早就把你当家人看待,没有什么事情是不能和我说的。” Teresa looked at Xu Yi quled, in the eye the tears kept flashing, finally the corner of the eye tears gathered the drop, fell the face instantaneously. 泰瑞莎怔怔地看了许亦一quled儿,眼中泪光不停闪动,终于眼角泪水汇聚成滴,瞬间滑落脸庞。 Meets...... Sir President, I...... I......” “会……会长大人,我……我……” Said not two, Teresa squatted fiercely, both hands surround the knee, sobs. 说了没两句,泰瑞莎猛地蹲了下去,双手环抱膝盖,抽泣起来。 During looks to fall into is sad Teresa, Xu Yi is somewhat helpless. 看着陷入悲伤之中的泰瑞莎,许亦有些手足无措。 He rarely has the experience of girl the comfort weeps bitterly, at this time what to do did not know should. 他很少有安慰痛哭的女孩子的经验,根本不知道这时候应该怎么办。 Thinks, he sighed: I look for Stille to come, if you had anything not to say to me conveniently, can tell her, was the same.” 想了想,他叹了口气道:“我去找斯蒂尔过来,你如果有什么事情不方便向我说,可以告诉她,都是一样的。” However Xu Yi just took the footsteps. Actually felt that the bottom of pants leg was pulled taut. 然而许亦刚迈出脚步。却感觉到裤脚被扯住。 Turns head to look. Discovered that Teresa extends the small hand closely to hold on the Xu Yi bottom of pants leg. Is supine the small face to look at Xu Yi, in the look full is the meaning of plea entreaty. 扭头一看。就发现泰瑞莎伸出小手紧紧拉住许亦的裤脚。仰着小脸看着许亦,眼神中满是恳求哀求之意。 In Xu Yi heart strange. 许亦心中奇怪。 What matter Teresa came across, has not asked others to pour out, actually found oneself head? 泰瑞莎到底是遇到了什么事情,没有找别人倾诉,却找到了自己头上来? Or...... do I look for Evita to come?” Xu Yi is trying asking. “要不……我去找艾薇塔过来?”许亦尝试着问道。 For these years Teresa has worked in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, contacted quite many with Evita, because also the working ability made Evita praise her in front of Xu Yi splendidly repeatedly, therefore Xu Yi thought that private relationship between she and Evita should be quite close. 这几年泰瑞莎一直在新飞商会魔法研究院里工作,和艾薇塔接触得比较多,还因为工作能力出色使得艾薇塔多次在许亦面前表扬过她,所以许亦觉得她和艾薇塔之间的私人关系应该比较密切。 Also both sides were the young girl, Evita also be bigger than several years old Teresa. Should be easier to exchange some. 再说双方都是年轻女孩儿,艾薇塔还要比泰瑞莎大了几岁。理应更容易交流一些。 But Teresa actually shakes the head, a face starts to speak but hesitates. 可是泰瑞莎却摇了摇头,一脸欲言又止。 Xu Yi was somewhat helpless, thinks, took possession to draw Teresa, is staring at her eyes, earnest said/tunnel: Teresa, I had said a moment ago, I have regarded the family member to regard you, regardless of you encountered anything and difficulty, can treat as the family member to pour out me generally. If I can help. I will certainly help you with every effort. Do you understand my meaning?”. 许亦有些无奈,想了一下,附身将泰瑞莎拉了起来,盯着她的双眼,认真地道:“泰瑞莎,我刚才说过,我一直把你当成家人看待,所以无论你遇到了什么事情和困难,都可以把我当做家人一般倾诉。如果是我能够帮忙的。我就一定会尽力帮你。你明白我的意思吗?”。 Teresa looked at Xu Yi a while, slowly nod. 泰瑞莎怔怔地看了许亦一会儿,缓缓点头。 Good. Sits down, told me, accident sentiment.” Xu Yi referred to nearby chair, then sits in the opposite. “那好。坐下吧,告诉我,到底出了什么事情。”许亦指了指一旁的椅子,然后在对面坐好。 Teresa clenches teeth gently, finally sat by the chair. 泰瑞莎轻轻咬了咬牙,终于挨着椅子坐了下来。 Is welcoming the Xu Yi sincere vision, on the Teresa face flashes through low-spirited, some little time, said in a soft voice: Sir President, I already in your more than three years, but where you had not asked me to come right?”. 迎着许亦真诚的目光,泰瑞莎脸上又是闪过一丝黯然,好一会儿后,才轻声道:“会长大人,我已经在您身边三年多了,但是您却一直没有问过我到底是从哪里来的对吗?”。 Xu Yi nods gently, said indifferently: „Everyone has her secret, I will not demand others to tell me. Since you do not want to say that I will not ask. I only know in any case, you are called Teresa to be good.” 许亦轻轻点了点头,淡然道:“每个人都有她的秘密,我并不会强求别人告诉我。你既然不想说,我也就不会多问。反正我只知道,你叫做泰瑞莎就好了。” Xu Yi is lying. 许亦在说谎。 In fact in the family/home suddenly are many a stranger to come out, even if this stranger appearance is beautiful, the physique is delicate, seems like a human and animals harmless small white rabbit general, Xu Yi same is impossible to admit with ease. 事实上家里突然多出一个陌生人出来,就算这个陌生人容貌绝美,体格柔弱,看起来就像是一个人畜无害的小白兔一般,许亦也一样不可能就这么轻松接纳。 After receiving Teresa, Xu Yi has nosed the Teresa real situation through the polytropic relation. 在接收泰瑞莎之后,许亦通过多方关系查探过泰瑞莎的真实情况。 However this Teresa actually seems like general that jumps from the stone, in Lanpali Kingdom radically almost any about her information. 然而这个泰瑞莎却像是从石头里蹦出来的一般,在兰帕里王国内根本差不多任何关于她的信息。 This made Xu Yi once suspect to her. 这让许亦一度对她十分怀疑。 With the Teresa excellent education, should came from absolutely the aristocratic family, and her appearance is so splendid, should some fame be right. 泰瑞莎过人的教养,绝对应该是出身贵族家庭,并且她的容貌如此出色,理应有些名气才对。 But investigates Laicha goes, almost any relevant information, this was really strange. 可是查来查去,都差不多任何相关信息,这就实在是太奇怪了。 Therefore when just started, Xu Yi actually to some Teresa also alerts. 于是在刚开始的时候,许亦其实对泰瑞莎还有些戒备。 Even if Teresa exposed own Magic talent afterward, and supreme understanding of Magic machinery, entered the Magic Research Institute work, Xu Yi still has controlled in secret is not making her be close to the core research. 就算泰瑞莎后来展露出了自己的魔法天赋,以及对魔法机械的超人理解,进入了魔法研究院工作,许亦也一直暗中控制着不让她接近核心研究。 However Teresa treats here is more than three years, although between still has not nosed about her any information, but in Teresa has displayed in the three years very normally. 不过泰瑞莎在这里一待就是三年多,虽然之间依然没有查探出关于她的任何信息,但这三年里泰瑞莎一直都表现得十分正常。 Gradually, Xu Yi also neglected her identity issue gradually, but regards an ordinary little miss to regard her, is the life experience somewhat is at most strange. 久而久之,许亦也就渐渐忽略了她的身份问题,而把她当成一个普通的小姑娘看待,顶多就是身世有些古怪罢了。 Let alone before more than one year, Teresa has given a pretext to move from Xu Yi here, moreover lived in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute Research Institute dormitory. 何况在一年多前,泰瑞莎已经借口从许亦这里搬了出去,另外住到了新飞商会魔法研究院研究院宿舍中。 Except that regularly one side will come back one to see with Xu Yi, Stille and the others, eats meal, she recently with the contact of Xu Yi actually already quite few. 除了隔三差五的会回来一趟和许亦斯蒂尔等人见一面,吃个饭,她最近和许亦的接触其实已经相当少。 Today she runs over suddenly, and reveals this exciting mood in front of Xu Yi, is really somewhat strange. 今天她突然跑过来,并在许亦面前流露出这种激动的情绪,实在是有些奇怪。 Hears the Xu Yi words, the Teresa facial expression is somewhat excited, the deep breath several times, this made an effort to nod, slightly hesitates, small sound said: Meets...... Sir President, you...... still remember before more than three years , when saves me situation?”. 听到许亦的话,泰瑞莎神情有些激动,深呼吸了几次,这才用力点点头,略一沉吟,小声道:“会……会长大人,您……还记得三年多前救下我时的情形吗?”。 Xu Yi shows a faint smile: Naturally remembers. At that time you fainted before me, I also think young beggar who where you came. Finally after you bring, takes a bath, I discovered oneself picked an impressive beautiful woman.” 许亦微微一笑:“当然记得。当时你昏倒在我面前,我还以为你是从哪儿来的小乞丐呢。结果把你带回来后,一洗完澡,我才发现自己捡回来了一个让人惊叹的美女。” Teresa smiles reluctantly, immediately is face sad appearance/allow, took a deep breath , to continue again said: Sir President,...... I escaped enough more than 2000 kilometers at that time, strength that simply has not continued to escape, faith that also has not continued to survive. If you do not exert the aid to me, I affirmed that has died in the Bunta City street.” 泰瑞莎勉强笑了笑,随即又是一脸悲容,再次深吸了一口气,续道:“会长大人,当时……我可是逃亡了足足两千多公里,已经根本没有继续逃亡的力气,也没有继续生存下去的信念。如果您不对我施加援手,我肯定已经死在邦塔城的街头了。” Escapes more than 2000 kilometers?” Xu Yi discovered the key point in Teresa words keenly. “逃亡两千多公里?”许亦敏锐地发现了泰瑞莎话中的重点。 Lanpali Kingdom is not the super power, regardless of the thing north and south penetration, the entire journey is vertically and horizontally impossible over 2000 kilometers. 兰帕里王国并不是什么超级大国,无论东西纵横还是南北贯通,全程都不可能超过两千公里。 Then Bunta City south Lanpali Kingdom, Teresa from words more than 2000 kilometers away, only possibly came from another country even inevitably. 那么就算邦塔城兰帕里王国南方,泰瑞莎来自两千多公里之外的话,必然就只可能是来自另外一个国家。 Sees the Xu Yi surprised expression, Teresa nods gently: Yes, Sir President, I had not told you my origin, because...... I actually do not come from Lanpali Kingdom any place, but came from...... Sakk Kingdom.” 看到许亦惊讶的表情,泰瑞莎轻轻点头:“是的,会长大人,我一直没有告诉您我的来历,因为……我其实并不是来自兰帕里王国的任何一处地方,而是来自……萨克王国。” Xu Yi stared in a big way some eyes slightly, immediately returned to normal. 许亦略微瞪大了一些眼睛,随即恢复平静。 Although this answer is surprising, but Xu Yi changes mind thinks, does not feel extremely accidentally/surprisingly. 这个答案虽然让人惊讶,但许亦转念一想,却也并不觉得太过意外。 Only then this answer, can explain why must pass Xu Yi not to search for any news about Teresa in Lanpali Kingdom everywhere. 只有这个答案,才能解释得通许亦为什么在兰帕里王国内到处都搜寻不到关于泰瑞莎的任何消息。 Sakk Kingdom is the Lanpali Kingdom enemy, wants to investigate the news about Sakk Kingdom, naturally is a very difficult matter. 萨克王国兰帕里王国的敌国,想要探查到关于萨克王国的消息,自然是一件十分困难的事情。 Thinks, the Xu Yi smile said: Also has nothing from Sakk Kingdom. Although Sakk Kingdom and Lanpali Kingdom are enemies, but does not mean that Sakk Kingdom everyone is an enemy. Teresa, you do not use, because this has the psychological burden.” 想了想,许亦微笑道:“来自萨克王国也没什么。虽然萨克王国兰帕里王国是敌国,但并不意味着萨克王国的所有人都是敌人。泰瑞莎,你不用因为这个有心理负担。” Teresa looked at Xu Yi one, in the look passed over gently and swiftly a gratitude. 泰瑞莎看了许亦一眼,眼神中掠过一丝感激。 Sir President, I know, you are always such magnanimous. You even the slaves can equality of treatment, therefore I believe that you will definitely not come from Sakk Kingdom to have what prejudice to me. However...... I was escape after all Lanpali Kingdom, Lanpali Kingdom person not like Sir President you magnanimous, therefore I can only hide my identity. Sir President, won't you...... blame me?” 会长大人,我知道,您一向都是这样大度的。您甚至连奴隶都能平等对待,所以我相信你肯定不会对我来自萨克王国有什么偏见。但是……我毕竟是逃到了兰帕里王国,兰帕里王国的人并不会都像会长大人您这样大度,所以我只能一直隐瞒着自己的身份。会长大人,您……不会怪我吧?” Xu Yi shrugs: I will certainly not blame you. However Teresa, said for quite a while, you as if also not speaking of key point. You had treated here for more than three years, you said that you escape to come from Sakk Kingdom, before no matter that you, is how, why to escape, more than three years in the past, all had passed. Today why do you...... meet this appearance?” 许亦耸了耸肩:“我当然不会怪你。不过泰瑞莎,说了半天,你似乎还没有说到重点。你已经在这里待了三年多了,你说你是从萨克王国逃亡而来,那么不管你以前是怎么样,为什么逃亡,三年多过去,想必一切都已经过去了。为什么今天你……会这幅样子?” Did not ask fortunately, this asked, on the Teresa face allowed to reappear sadly, in a big eye gushed out the billowing tears instantaneously. 不问还好,这一问,泰瑞莎脸上悲容浮现,一双大眼睛中瞬间又涌出滚滚泪水。 Xu Yi looks silently Teresa lowers the head to shed tears, calmly waits for her to continue to open the mouth. 许亦默然看着泰瑞莎低头垂泪,静静地等待她继续开口。 If not want to ask itself to pour out, Teresa should not this manner before oneself. 如果不是想要找自己倾诉,泰瑞莎应该不会在自己面前这幅神态。 But according to matter that she said a moment ago, she meets can let she so sad matter, perhaps escapes this matter to be related from Sakk Kingdom with her. 而根据她刚才说的事情来看,她遇到的能够让她如此悲伤的事情,恐怕就和她从萨克王国逃亡过来这件事相关。 Xu Yi retrieved Teresa initially, has not disclosed to besides Stille anybody her matter, even if lets the person the nosing Teresa relevant message, still conducts secretly. 许亦当初救回了泰瑞莎,却没有把她的事情透露给除了斯蒂尔之外的任何人,就算让人去查探泰瑞莎的相关讯息,也是秘密进行。 Therefore now Teresa comes across the matter in this aspect, meets first thinks that looks for Xu Yi, is the natural matter. 所以现在泰瑞莎遇到这方面的事情,会第一时间想到来找许亦,也是理所当然的事情。 Teresa after all is a strong girl, after flowed a while tears silently, the wipe shedding tears water, raised the head gently again, puts out a hand into the bosom, touched, puts out one to be folded the neat newspaper. 泰瑞莎毕竟是个坚强的女孩儿,默默地流了一会儿泪后,轻轻擦拭掉泪水,再抬起头,伸手入怀,摸了一下,拿出一份被叠得整整齐齐的报纸来。 Xu Yi receives looked, discovered in the newspaper also has the obvious moistened trace, thought that this perhaps is tears of Teresa when seeing this newspaper drops to send. 许亦接过来一看,发现报纸上还有很明显的被打湿的痕迹,心想这恐怕是泰瑞莎在看到这份报纸时泪水滴落而致。 Opens the newspaper to look, actually discovered this is «Lanpali Weekly report». 打开报纸一看,却发现这是一份《兰帕里周报》。 Xu Yi knits the brows to look to Teresa, Teresa said in a soft voice: Sir President, please look at p. 7.” 许亦皱眉看向泰瑞莎,泰瑞莎轻声道:“会长大人,请看第七页。” P. 7?” Xu Yi knits the brows slightly. “第七页?”许亦微微皱眉。 If he did not remember incorrectly, «Lanpali Weekly report» from p. 7 to p. 8, reports the news of some surrounding countries. 如果他没记错的话,《兰帕里周报》从第七页到第八页,是报道一些周边国家的新闻。 According to the word opens p. 7, seeing is one line is then moistened the ink somewhat to even be disorderly by the water mark, causing the character not to look at clear title. 依言翻开第七页,入目便是一行被水痕打湿得连墨水都有些杂乱,导致字都看得不太清楚的标题。 Sakk Kingdom Domick city finance officer Viscount Dolan Carlo on suspicion of the treason, was sentenced the entire clan to confiscate and behead.” 萨克王国多米克城财政官多罗卡兰子爵涉嫌叛国,被判全族抄斩。” Xu Yi raised the head fiercely, looks to whole face sad appearance/allow Teresa. 许亦猛地抬头,看向满脸悲容的泰瑞莎 Teresa deeply inspires: „ Viscount Dolan Carlo, is( To be continued......) 泰瑞莎深深地吸了一口气:“多罗卡兰子爵,就是我的父亲。”(未完待续……) Chapter 8 Teresa life experience: 第8章泰瑞莎的身世: ... ...
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