MIE :: Volume #5

#7: Earnestly seeking of Rudson Kingdom

Listens to the Newmann words, Xu Yi is silent. 听完纽曼的话,许亦沉默下来。 If possible, he naturally hopes that is controlled all technologies of military Magic mechanical aspect by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce completely, does not leak. 如果可以的话,他当然希望由新飞商会完全掌控军用魔法机械方面的所有技术,坚决不外泄。 Because only then this can guarantee oneself advantage in strength, can thus control the entire situation well. 因为只有这样才能保证自己在实力上的优势,从而能够更好地控制整个局势。 However he is very clear, in the beforehand Lanpali Kingdom civil war, is in later Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to Grand Duke Velun by and counter-attack of Sakk Kingdom allied armies , the military Magic machinery exposed the powerful incomparable might, the possibility of simply not having leaked. 然而他心里很清楚,无论是在之前的兰帕里王国内战中,还是在随后的新飞商会威纶大公以以及萨克王国联军的反击中,军用魔法机械都展露出了强悍无比的威力,根本没有不外泄的可能。 The Candela empire beyond several thousand kilometers, on this transportation communication very not developed Sainz Continent, naturally does not have the means to obtain about these two wars in the military Magic machinery exposes the might the detailed information, therefore the Candela empire revealed an interest in the military Magic machinery, was actually far positively, Xu Yi concealed Ambassador Hakanin with ease. 坎德拉帝国远在数千公里之外,在这个交通通讯都非常不发达的赛恩斯大陆上,自然没办法获得关于这两场战争中军用魔法机械展露威力的详细信息,所以坎德拉帝国只是对军用魔法机械流露出了一丝兴趣,却谈不上积极,以至于许亦轻松地就将哈坎因大使瞒混了过去。 However Rudson Kingdom and Rhambha both countries as well as Stantin Duchy are neighboring, has various thorough relations, naturally in the details to these two wars inquires extremely clearly, naturally also has the profound recognition to the great power of military Magic machinery. 然而鲁尔逊王国和兰帕两国以及斯坦丁公国相邻,互相之间还有着多方面的深入联系,当然对这两场战争中的细节打探得极为清楚,对军用魔法机械的强大威力自然也有着深刻认识。 Rudson Kingdom will have the interest in the military Magic machinery, the matter that can definitely have completely, Xu Yi also has the expectation early. 鲁尔逊王国会对军用魔法机械产生兴趣,完全是必然会发生的事情,许亦也早有预料。 But according to the plan of Xu Yi, he indeed has completed opened part of military Magic machinery related things to Rudson Kingdom. 而按照许亦的规划,他的确已经做好了向鲁尔逊王国开放一部分军用魔法机械相关的东西。 The only issue, opens many. 唯一的问题,就是开放多少。 After hesitation moment, Xu Yi asked with a smile: Does not know that which military Magic machineries the king is interested?” 沉吟片刻后,许亦笑着问道:“不知道国王陛下对哪些军用魔法机械感兴趣呢?” Completely.” Newmann stretched out the arm to draw a great-circle, sincere say/way: President Xu. The king hopes that can acquire all military Magic machinery related technologies.” “全部。”纽曼伸出胳膊画了一个大圈,正色道:“许会长。国王陛下希望能够获得所有军用魔法机械相关的技术。” This is impossible.” Xu Yi categorically rejects. About the military Magic machinery. Some many related technologies our chamber of commerce also still in research and development process. Is impossible to transfer. Moreover...... said that sentence impolite words, even we are willing to transfer, your Rudson Kingdom cannot make the corresponding military Magic machinery.” “这不可能。”许亦断然拒绝。“关于军用魔法机械。有很多相关技术我们商会也依然在研发过程中。不可能转让。而且……说句不客气的话,就算我们愿意转让,你们鲁尔逊王国也根本做不出来相应的军用魔法机械。” Newmann smiles, does not care to the Xu Yi words. 纽曼嘿嘿一笑,对许亦的话一点儿也不在意。 This is not a problem, so long as your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is willing to cooperate, I think that we can always grasp.” “这不成问题,只要你们新飞商会愿意合作,我想我们总能掌握的。” Xu Yi shakes the head: Newmann, making the military Magic machinery is a matter of need complete system support, will not mean us the related technical transfer to you. You can manufacture immediately. Even had the technology base, but you do not have with its necessary material foundation and artificial foundation now, therefore wants to grasp the manufacture of military Magic machinery now is impossible.” 许亦摇摇头:“纽曼,制造军用魔法机械是一个需要完整体系支撑的事情,并不是说我们将相关的技术转让给你们。你们就立即能够制作出来。就算有了技术基础,但是与其配套的材料基础以及人工基础你们现在都不具备,所以现在就想要掌握军用魔法机械的制造是根本不可能的。” Newmann stares at the eye of Xu Yi, Xu Yi is looking straight ahead his vision confidently, does not move aside. 纽曼盯着许亦的眼睛,许亦则坦然直视他的目光,毫不躲闪。 He said is the facts. 他说的都是事实。 The Rudson Kingdom talents and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation less than two years, the Magic industrial infrastructure is quite weak, until now, Rudson Kingdom even making Magic Powered Fan cannot achieve, how also possibly to grasp the military Magic machinery of need high-tech request. 鲁尔逊王国才和新飞商会合作不到两年时间,魔法工业基础还相当薄弱,到现在为止,鲁尔逊王国甚至连制造出一台魔力风扇都做不到,又怎么可能掌握需要更高技术要求的军用魔法机械。 Newmann silent after long time, sinking sound said: President Xu. Frankly, the king is interested in the military Magic machinery. Actually mainly because of the Lanpali Kingdom aspect......” 纽曼沉默半晌后,沉声道:“许会长。实不相瞒,国王陛下之所以对军用魔法机械非常感兴趣。其实主要是因为兰帕里王国方面……” Xu Yi shows a being suddenly enlighted expression. 许亦露出一个恍然大悟的表情。 Newmann said actually very straightforwardly. 纽曼倒是说得挺直白的。 Compares Rudson Kingdom, Lanpali Kingdom now already in the cooperation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, grasped the manufacture of volume quite low level part of military Magic machineries initially, and gave Lanpali king Dui to assemble Magic Repeating Crossbow in this year massively, the small sub the Magic bazooka, making the Lanpali Kingdom army battle efficiency increase. 相比起鲁尔逊王国,兰帕里王国现在已经在和新飞商会的合作中,初步掌握了额较为低级的一部分军用魔法机械的制作,并且在今年内给兰帕里王队大量装配了魔法连弩,小部分装配了魔法火箭筒,使得兰帕里王国的军队战斗力为之大增。 A month ago, place of Lanpali Kingdom Northern Guard Regiment north Murto Mountain Range, enters Sakk Kingdom domestic position, had the continual conflict with Sakk Kingdom Greedy Wolf Regiment. 在一个多月前,兰帕里王国镇北军穆尔托山脉以北的地方,进入萨克王国境内的位置,和萨克王国贪婪军团发生了连续冲突。 In this conflicted several times, Lanpali Kingdom Northern Guard Regiment wins total victories, expelled the Murto Mountain Range range Sakk Kingdom Greedy Wolf Regiment thoroughly, making Sakk Kingdom lose thoroughly the control to Murto Mountain Range. 在这数次冲突中,兰帕里王国镇北军大获全胜,将萨克王国贪婪军团彻底赶出了穆尔托山脉的范围,使萨克王国彻底失去了对穆尔托山脉的控制权。 Therefore first, Sakk Kingdom also completely lost Murto Mountain Range this natural barrier, is the entire kingdom exposes under the threat of Lanpali Kingdom Northern Guard Regiment on the contrary. 因此一来,萨克王国也就完全失去了穆尔托山脉这个天然的屏障,反倒是整个王国都暴露在兰帕里王国镇北军的威胁之下。 Since Lanpali Kingdom has founded a nation for several hundred years, this is Lanpali Kingdom, when facing Sakk Kingdom, initiates an attack for the second time, and won. 兰帕里王国建国数百年以来,这还是兰帕里王国在面对萨克王国的时候,第二次主动出击,并且都获得了胜利。 In this battles twice, plays the decisive effect, is the military Magic machinery of Northern Guard Regiment assembly. 而且在这两次作战中,起到决定性作用的,就是镇北军装配的军用魔法机械。 The Lanpali Kingdom unusual action brought certainly to the high attention of surrounding countries, even if Rudson Kingdom is always the Lanpali Kingdom friend side country, actually still same noticed this point. 兰帕里王国的反常举动当然引起了周边国家的高度重视,鲁尔逊王国即便一直以来都是兰帕里王国的友方国家,却也一样注意到了这一点。 Rudson Kingdom is interested in the military Magic machinery, perhaps the main issue, is hopes that can retain the strength to be balanced with Lanpali Kingdom. 鲁尔逊王国对军用魔法机械感兴趣,最主要的问题,恐怕就是希望能够和兰帕里王国之间保持实力平衡。 The Xu Yi hesitation moment, should say: I understand the worry of King Trutz, but Newmann, you, since is so honest, then I also told the facts. By your Rudson Kingdom present Magic industrial infrastructure, is in a short time the fabrication technology that is absolutely impossible to grasp the military Magic machinery. If worries the Lanpali Kingdom aspect, the most realistic approach, is actually purchases the corresponding military Magic machinery to enhance the army strength from our chamber of commerce directly.” 许亦沉吟片刻,应道:“我明白特鲁茨国王陛下的顾虑,但是纽曼,你既然这么坦白,那么我也实话实说。以你们鲁尔逊王国现在的魔法工业基础,是绝对不可能短时间内就掌握军用魔法机械的制造工艺的。如果顾虑到兰帕里王国方面,最现实的做法,其实是直接向我们商会购买相应的军用魔法机械来提升军队实力。” The Newmann complexion took a look at Xu Yi one strangely: President Xu, you refuse to transfer the related technology in military Magic mechanical aspect to us, actually to sell to us?” 纽曼脸色古怪地瞅了许亦一眼:“许会长,你拒绝向我们转让军用魔法机械方面的相关技术,其实就是为了向我们推销吧?” Xu Yi cracks into a smile: You can say, but I said does not have the least bit lie. What judgment finally makes, this is made the decision by King Trutz.” 许亦咧嘴一笑:“你可以这么说,但是我说的却没有半点儿假话。最终做出什么样的判断,这个就由特鲁茨国王陛下自己做决定。” Newmann was also silent a while, sighed one lightly, nods: Good, I will pass on truthfully to the king.” 纽曼又沉默了一会儿,轻叹一声,点了点头:“好吧,我会如实转告给国王陛下的。” Said that on the face appeared a smiling face: „The matter in this aspect first this, we said that the beforehand topic, increases the specific matter of investment about Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in our Rudson Kingdom, the king said, can give you chamber of commerce to give preferential benefit in many aspects, main centralized in......” 说罢顿了顿,脸上重新浮现出一丝笑容:“这方面的事情先这样,我们说回之前的话题,关于新飞商会在我们鲁尔逊王国内加大投资的具体事宜,国王陛下表示,可以在很多方面给你们商会优惠,主要集中在……” # # # ### After packing off Newmann, Xu Yi sits on the stool is lost in thought. 送走纽曼后,许亦坐在凳子上陷入了沉思。 Obviously, the surrounding several countries had realized that the great power of military Magic machinery, started to use various methods to come the army assembly military Magic machinery of country to strengthen own strength to oneself. 很显然,周围的几个国家都已经认识到了军用魔法机械的强大威力,都开始采用各种方法来给自己国家的军队装配军用魔法机械来加强自身的实力。 Because Lanpali Kingdom has the exceptional superiority, therefore be in the lead much compared with other countries in this aspect. 兰帕里王国因为有着得天独厚的优势,所以在这方面要比其它国家都领先不少。 So far, Lanpali Kingdom not only can first obtain the military Magic machinery to provide from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce here, but also voluntarily since construction several military Magic machine shops, and had completely grasped for example Magic Repeating Crossbow and fabrication technology of small-scale Magic bazooka. 到目前为止,兰帕里王国不仅能够从新飞商会这里优先获得军用魔法机械提供,还自行建造起了数个军用魔法机械工厂,并且已经完全掌握了譬如魔法连弩和小型魔法火箭筒的制造工艺。 But because other countries do not have between Lanpali Kingdom and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this sincere relation, therefore the best method, purchases the military Magic machinery from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce directly. 而其它国家因为并不具备兰帕里王国新飞商会之间这种深切的联系,所以最好的方法,就是直接向新飞商会购买军用魔法机械。 In this regard, Drake Duchy and Milano Duchy do is quite thorough. 在这方面,德拉克公国米兰多公国做的比较彻底。 These two duchies are the small country, the army are not many, therefore purchases the military Magic machinery that all can purchase to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce very much simply directly. 这两个公国都是小国家,军队不多,所以很干脆地直接向新飞商会采购了所有能够采购的军用魔法机械。 Compares Lanpali Kingdom, is the armies' of these two small duchies assembly in military Magic mechanical aspect is on the contrary more complete and high-end. 相比起兰帕里王国,反倒是这两个小公国的军队在军用魔法机械方面的装配更加完整和高端一些。 Naturally, limited to the army quantity, the battle efficiency naturally cannot compared with Lanpali net country. 当然,限于军队数量,战斗力自然不能和兰帕里网国方面相比。 But the Rudson Kingdom aspect is different from these two small duchies. 鲁尔逊王国方面则和这两个小公国不同。 According to the statistics, the army total that Rudson Kingdom has now surpasses 100,000, the army of royal family subordinate reaches as high as 60,000. 根据统计,鲁尔逊王国现在拥有的军队总数超过十万,其中王室直属的军队就高达六万之多。 If according to labelling of Drake Duchy and Milano Duchy conducts the complete military Magic mechanical appliance, amounts to must spend to surpass 20 million gold coins lowly. 如果按照德拉克公国米兰多公国的标注来进行完整军用魔法机械装备的话,总计最低要花费超过两千万金币之多。 Even the Rudson Kingdom current economic condition has been much stronger than Lanpali Kingdom, but 20 million gold coin such terrifying amounts, still far exceeded the burden. 就算鲁尔逊王国的经济条件一直都比兰帕里王国强得多,但两千万金币这么恐怖的金额,依然远远超出了负担。 Therefore Rudson Kingdom hopes that can acquire the related technology of military Magic machinery, indenpendently producing is also natural. 所以鲁尔逊王国希望能够获得军用魔法机械的相关技术,自行生产也是理所当然的。 But just like Xu Yi said, the Rudson Kingdom present Magic industrial infrastructure is weak, did not have the possibility of indenpendently producing the military Magic machinery, therefore they realistic approach, from the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce direct purchase. 但正如许亦所说,鲁尔逊王国现在的魔法工业基础薄弱,还不具备自行生产军用魔法机械的可能,所以他们现实一些的做法,就是从新飞商会直接购买。 So long as does not purchase similar large-scale Magic Power rocket launcher and so on high-level military Magic machinery, expenditure, in addition in acceptable degree. 只要不购买类似大型魔力火箭炮之类的高级军用魔法机械,花费尚且在可以接受的程度。 Let alone the Lanpali Kingdom current chief enemy is Sakk Kingdom, Rudson Kingdom also has enough time to complete to the replacement of army. 何况兰帕里王国目前的主要敌人是萨克王国,鲁尔逊王国还有足够的时间来完成对军队的换装。 Xu Yi is certain, after King Trutz giving careful consideration, finally will comply with this approach. 许亦可以肯定,特鲁茨国王陛下经过慎重考虑后,最终还是会答应这个做法。 In the final analysis, Rudson Kingdom like Candela empire colossus, is not impossible to rely on the hard strength to invade Stantin Duchy directly, seizes Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 说到底,鲁尔逊王国并不像坎德拉帝国这种庞然大物,是不可能凭借硬实力直接入侵斯坦丁公国,抢占新飞商会的。 This point, Grand Duke Velun had not achieved with the support of Sakk Kingdom before, Rudson Kingdom will not overreach oneself. 这一点,之前威纶大公在萨克王国的支持下没有做到,鲁尔逊王国不会这么不自量力。 Thinks of Sakk Kingdom again, in the Xu Yi heart emits a question. 再次想到萨克王国,许亦心中冒出一个疑问。 Because period between Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom, before because, Sakk Kingdom even supports Grand Duke Velun to launch the attack to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, therefore Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce impossible to start the cooperation with Sakk Kingdom absolutely, Sakk Kingdom wants to acquire the related technology of military Magic machinery from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce here, even is the direct purchase military Magic machinery is the impossible things. 因为新飞商会兰帕里王国之间的紧密联系,也因为之前萨克王国甚至支持威纶大公对新飞商会发动攻击,所以新飞商会是绝对不可能和萨克王国展开合作的,萨克王国想要从新飞商会这里获得军用魔法机械的相关技术,甚至是直接购买军用魔法机械都是不可能的事情。 However Sakk Kingdom definitely also is very that clear the powerful role the military Magic machinery plays, naturally cannot give up to earnestly seeking of this aspect. 但是萨克王国肯定也很清楚军用魔法机械起到的强大作用,自然不会放弃对这方面的渴求。 On does not have the means to gain outwardly, then Sakk Kingdom will certainly have the movement secretly. 明面上没办法获取,那么暗地里萨克王国一定会有动作。 As for this movement is anything, Xu Yi does not have the relevant information, does not have the means to make the prediction. 至于这个动作是什么,许亦没有相关情报,却是没办法做出预测。 Was pondering this issue time, the front door place resounds several knocks suddenly. 正在思考着这个问题的时候,大门处忽然响起几下敲门声。 Xu Yi raised the head startled, sees Teresa to stand in the entrance of wide open, on the face full is sincere sad appearance/allow.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 许亦愕然抬起头,就看到泰瑞莎站在敞开的大门口,脸上满是深切的悲容。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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