MIE :: Volume #5

#6: Going to sea

Today is a sunny day. 今天是个晴朗的日子。 First month of summer the sea breeze is warm, but is not dry and hot, blew from the sea level, was involved in the seashore one group of moist temperate aura, smokes however to lie down simply to fall asleep. 初夏时分的海风温暖而不燥热,从海面上吹了过来,将海边卷入了一团湿润温和的气息之中,熏熏然简直想让人就地躺下睡着。 Xu Yi makes an effort to shake the head, flung this sleepiness. 许亦用力摇了摇头,将这一丝睡意甩了出去。 Today is the first open sea fleet that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce forms officially the day that goes to sea to start to voyage, this departure ceremony significance is great, makes no mistake. 今天是新飞商会组建的第一支远洋舰队正式下海开始远航的日子,这个出发仪式意义重大,不容有失。 Sir President, are you all right?” Nearby Nival sees the Xu Yi movement, some worries asked. 会长大人,您没事吧?”一旁的涅瓦尔看到许亦的动作,有些担心地问。 All right.” Xu Yi inspires, the entrance is actually air of one group of sea fishy smell. “没事。”许亦吸了一口气,入口却是一团略带海腥气的空气。 Although feels is a little disgusting, the spirit on the contrary was better. 虽然感觉有点儿恶心,精神却反倒更好了一些。 Turned the head to look to the body and face skin sun-tanned Nival, Xu Yi cannot bear smile completely. 转头看向身上、脸上皮肤全部晒得黝黑的涅瓦尔,许亦忍不住笑了起来。 Was appointed by Xu Yi as Nival of first open sea fleet commander-in-chief is excited, for serveral days almost treated every day day in day out 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship and this year recently completed 'Morning Sun' Ship and 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship on these two large Magic Power steamboats, oneself will expose to the sun the black coal to be common. 许亦任命为第一支远洋舰队总指挥官的涅瓦尔非常兴奋,这些天几乎每天都是一天到晚待在展翅号和今年新建成的“朝阳号”和“胜利女神伊利斯号”这两艘大型魔力轮船上,将自己晒成了黑炭一般。 Prepared?” Xu Yi asked. “都准备好了吗?”许亦笑问。 Un, prepared!” Nival makes an effort to nod. Can momentarily!” “嗯,都准备好了!”涅瓦尔用力点头。“随时可以出发!” Good, the ceremony can formally start.” “那好,仪式可以正式开始了。” Xu Yi nods, steps onto on the beach to lay down the good stage. 许亦点点头,走上海滩上早就铺设好的高台。 Because this ceremony, gathered a large crowd in the sand beach long time ago, majority was the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce staff, remaining periphery had comes to see the lively resident, but also after combining is receiving the message , the mix that from other countries makes a special trip. 因为这个仪式,在沙滩上早早就聚集起了大批人,其中大部分是新飞商会的员工,剩下的则有周围来看热闹的居民,还混杂着收到消息后从其它国家专程而来的各色人等。 As for stage on, then also stands the envoy who Rudson Kingdom is sending specially. Is Newmann. 至于台上,则还站着鲁尔逊王国专程派来的使者。就是纽曼 Destination that because Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this open sea fleet navigates for the first time. Is south Rudson Kingdom biggest port city Western city. 因为新飞商会这支远洋舰队第一次航行的目的地。就是鲁尔逊王国南方最大的海港城市尼西城。 On three large Magic Power steamboats. Is loading large quantities of Magic Power machineries that transport to Rudson Kingdom. 在三艘大型魔力轮船上。装载着运往鲁尔逊王国的大批魔力机械。 Although this navigation according to the estimate, the entire journey probably needs of half a month, compared with walked the land transportation only to need to spend less than two days of time from Siku road to be slower, but the loading packets of these three large-scale Magic Power steamboats were the astonishing 15,000 tons! 虽然这次航行按照预计,全程可能需要半个月之久,比起从斯库公路上走陆运只需要花费不到两天时间慢了很多,但是这三艘大型魔力轮船的装载总量达到了惊人的一万五千吨! But currently Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce design maximum loading the loading of large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle is also only 20 tons, these three Magic Power steamboats navigate one time, can be as good as use large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle to transport 750 times sufficiently, is actually the efficiency many. 而目前新飞商会设计的最大装载量的大型货运魔力机车的装载量也不过只有二十吨,这三艘魔力轮船航行一次,足以抵得上使用大型货运魔力机车运输七百五十次之多,却是更加效率得多。 Moreover Magic Power steamboat, because walks the marine transportation, in the energy consumption on the road compares to use large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle also to have very big advantage. 而且魔力轮船因为走海运,在路上能源消耗上相比采用大型货运魔力机车也有着非常大的优势。 This navigation. Operation that even if, according to Magic Research Institute makes back and forth, highly concentrated standard Magic Crystal that needs to spend should still be about 100 tons, total price not over 20,000 gold coins. 这一次航行。就算来回一趟,按照魔法研究院做出的运算,所需要花费的高浓度标准魔力水晶应该也不过就是一百吨左右,总价不超过两万金币。 But with the large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle words, even if takes most convenient Lugong Road, highly concentrated standard Magic Crystal still value 50 gold coins of back and forth consumption about. 而用大型货运魔力机车的话,即便走最便捷的斯鲁公路,一趟来回消耗的高浓度标准魔力水晶也价值五十金币左右。 Words, this consumption will reach as high as 37,500 gold coins the 750 times, is almost equivalent to the marine transportation two times. 七百五十次的话,这个消耗将高达三万七千五百金币,几乎相当于走海运的两倍。 What is more important, wants to ship 15,000 tons cargo with the land transportation, needs very many. Is obviously enormous to the traffic pressure that Lugong Road results. 更重要的是,采用陆运想运输一万五千吨的货物,需要非常多趟。对斯鲁公路造成的交通压力显然极大。 Naturally, the land transportation has the time to be shorter. Also was not limited these merits by the harbor, poured cannot say that had been pressed by the marine transportation completely. 当然,陆运有着时间更短。也不受港口限制这些优点,倒也不能说完全被海运压过。 Xu Yi is on the stage, exchanged a smiling face with Newmann, then the announcement ceremony starts. 许亦登上高台,和纽曼交换了一个笑容,然后宣布仪式开始。 In front of this fleet launching ceremony is only the ordinary flow, was introduced by Xu Yi this fleet composes and affects, and elaborated to the people powerful significance that this fleet has, later expressed on behalf of Rudson Kingdom by Newmann Rudson Kingdom puts through attaching great importance to as well as welcome of both sides ocean navigation route to this fleet. 这个舰队启动仪式前面都只是普通的流程,由许亦介绍了一下这支舰队的组成和作用,并向众人阐述了这支舰队所具备的强大意义,之后再由纽曼代表鲁尔逊王国表示了鲁尔逊王国对这支舰队接通双方海上航行路线的重视以及欢迎。 Again later, mounted the stage the fleet that represented newly comprised to give the speech Nival , indicating own excitement at the same time, indicated to everyone fervently, oneself will certainly lead this fleet with every effort, was Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce makes a connection with the marine path to try hard. 再之后,则由涅瓦尔上台代表新组成的舰队发表了演讲,表示一下自己的激动之情的同时,也慷慨激昂地向所有人表明,自己一定会尽力率领好这支舰队,为新飞商会打通海上道路而努力。 After slating applause, Xu Yi mounts the stage again, announced that the fleet goes to sea officially. 雷鸣般的掌声过后,许亦再次上台,宣布舰队正式下海。 Everyone's vision shifted to the seashore completely newly flying harbor. 所有人的目光全部转向了海边的新飞港口。 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, 'Morning Sun' Ship and 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship stopped early in the harbor wharf, and has prepared all. 展翅号朝阳号胜利女神伊利斯号早早地就停在了港口码头,并且已经做好了所有准备。 Nival received to represent the command jurisdiction from the Xu Yi hand the scepter, boards a hood Magic Power sedan of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce new research and development, stops the chest, moves to the wharf powerfully. 涅瓦尔许亦手中接过代表指挥权的权杖,登上一辆新飞商会新研发的敞篷魔力轿车,停止胸膛,威风凛凛地驶向码头。 When he mounts 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, on the beach the innumerable group bright fireworks explode simultaneously, followed also has bright extraordinary splendor that has the Magic effect innumerably, the entire sand beach complementing during a piece is radiant. 待他登上展翅号,海滩上无数团灿烂的烟花同时爆开,伴随着的还有无数具备魔法效果的灿烂异彩,将整个沙滩映衬在一片璀璨之中。 Afterward three giant Magic Power steamboats exude the giant bellow simultaneously, actually loads on three putting on large-scale Magic Power artilleries emits a round of shell as echoing. 随后三艘巨大的魔力轮船同时发出一下巨大的轰鸣声,却是装载在三艘穿上的大型魔力火炮放出一发炮弹作为呼应。 After the moment, the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship giant hull vibrated, starts to leave the wharf slowly. 片刻后,展翅号巨大的船身震动了一下,开始缓慢离开码头。 When 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship leaves the wharf completely, 'Morning Sun' Ship and 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship in tandem followed to go. 展翅号完全离开码头,朝阳号胜利女神伊利斯号一前一后跟着行驶了出去。 Three Magic Power steamboats the speed is quite at first slow, after coastline far, then gradually increases speed, how long to be useless, had turned into the three sunspots in sea level, later vanishes above the boundless sea. 三艘魔力轮船起初速度还较为缓慢,待距离海岸线已经远了之后,便逐渐提速,没用多久,就已经变成了海面上的三个黑点,之后消失在茫茫大海之上。 Xu Yi takes back looks to the vision of deep sea, puts out the one breath gently. 许亦收回看向深海的目光,轻轻吐出一口气。 Is worried very much?” Nearby Newmann asked. “很担心吗?”一旁的纽曼笑问。 Said that is not worried to be definitely false.” Xu Yi smiled saying with a smile. After all this is the first open sea fleet of our chamber of commerce . Moreover the this first navigation must over 2000 kilometers, have any accident/surprise is not strange on the way.” “说不担心肯定是假的。”许亦笑了笑道。“毕竟这是我们商会的第一支远洋舰队,而且这第一次航行就要超过两千公里,途中出现任何意外都不奇怪。” Has the accident/surprise not to need to fear.” Newmann on the contrary is an extremely confident appearance. Such big three ships, may be much stronger than any wooden sea boat. Before small can that wooden boat from Stantin Duchy here oceangoing voyage to our Rudson Kingdom sea area, how these three ships be able is not good continually?” “有意外也不用怕啊。”纽曼反倒是一副极有信心的模样。“这么大三艘船,可比任何一艘木制海船要强得多了。以前连那么小的木船都能从斯坦丁公国这里远洋航行到我们鲁尔逊王国的海域,这三艘船怎么会不行?” Xu Yi shakes the head gently: Marine accident/surprise too cannot forecast, although the preparation had done before very fully, but I always worried that can have the accident/surprise that cannot expect.” 许亦轻轻摇头:“海上的意外太不可预测了,虽然之前我们的准备已经做得很充分,但是我总担心会出现不能预料的意外。” „Isn't that the matter that we can take care to obtain not?” Newmann shrugs. „The preparatory work has been done in any case enough fully, the remaining things must give them.” “那也不是我们能够管得到的事情不是吗?”纽曼耸耸肩。“反正准备工作已经做得足够充分了,剩下的事情就要交给他们自己。” The Xu Yi hesitation moment, nods: Un, this was I am swayed by personal gains and losses. I should to them confident.” 许亦沉吟片刻,点点头:“嗯,这是我患得患失了。我应该对他们有信心。” Then right.” Newmann patted the shoulder of Xu Yi with a smile. “这才对嘛。”纽曼笑着拍了拍许亦的肩膀。 Xu Yi also smiles, thought that actually he will also worry compared with Newmann, is completely because these three Magic Power steamboats perhaps on Sainz Continent are the super first-class powerful sea boats, but places on Earth actually insufficiently to look completely. 许亦也笑了笑,心想其实他之所以会比纽曼还担心,完全是因为这三艘魔力轮船或许在赛恩斯大陆上算是超级一流的强大海船,但是放在地球上却完全不够看。 On Earth these equipment high-tech tool, the sea boat that even the gps satellite assists to locate may have an accident in the sea, these missed do not know many Magic Power steamboat had an accident possibly naturally increased. 地球上那些配备着高科技工具,甚至还有gps卫星协助定位的海船都有可能在海上出事,这些差了不知道多少的魔力轮船出事的可能自然大增。 Naturally, this is also because Xu Yi and Newmann regard the angle of issue to be different. 当然,这也是因为许亦纽曼看待问题的角度不同。 From the Newmann perspective, these three Magic Power steamboats without doubt be stronger than is too many that type of simple wooden sea boat, is impossible to have an accident. 纽曼的角度来看,这三艘魔力轮船无疑要比那种简单的木制海船强出太多,根本不可能出事。 Right, speaking of the marine accident/surprise...... actually between Stantin Duchy and our Rudson Kingdom sea areas, many pirates......” told only half, Newmann shows a self-ridiculing smiling face suddenly, shakes the head. Good, my worry does not need. If I have not guessed that wrong, you definitely provided large number of military Magic machineries on that three ships is right?” “对了,说到海上的意外……其实在斯坦丁公国和我们鲁尔逊王国的海域之间,有很多海盗……”说到一半,纽曼忽然露出一个自嘲的笑容,摇了摇头。“好吧,我这个担心更加没有必要。如果我没猜错的话,你肯定在那三艘船上配备了大量的军用魔法机械对不对?” Xu Yi laughs, did not reply. 许亦哈哈一笑,并不回答。 Newmann reveals the smiling face of immediately understanding clearly in chest/heart, no longer asked much. 纽曼立即露出一个了然于胸的笑容,却也不再多问。 Three Magic Power steamboats vanished in the open sea deep place, the ceremony naturally also come to an end. 三艘魔力轮船消失在远洋深处,仪式自然也宣告结束。 Xu Yi invited Newmann to go to own manor to be a guest. 许亦邀请纽曼来到自己的庄园做客。 This Newmann makes a special trip to here, naturally to attend this ceremony incessantly is so simple. 这一次纽曼专程来到这里,当然不止是为了参加这个仪式这么简单。 He also brought the decree of King Trutz. 他还带来了特鲁茨国王陛下的旨意。 President Xu, the king wants to continue to deepen relation between our Rudson Kingdom and your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, therefore hopes that your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can strengthen the investment in our kingdom. According to the statistics, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has invested to construct 37 each family to use the Magic machine shop in our Rudson Kingdom now, and many. However pools capital to construct with you and Lanpali Kingdom reaches compared with 143 various type Magic machine shops, but missed many.” Newmann sincere say/way. 许会长,国王陛下很想继续加深我们鲁尔逊王国和你们新飞商会之间的联系,所以希望你们新飞商会能够加强在我们王国的投资。按照统计,现在你们新飞商会已经在我们鲁尔逊王国内投资兴建了三十七家家用魔法机械工厂,算起来并不少。但是和你们和兰帕里王国合资兴建的多达一百四十三家各式魔法机械工厂相比,可就差得太多了。”纽曼正色道。 Xu Yi shows a faint smile: This cannot compare. Lanpali Kingdom is the place that our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce establishment builds up, our chamber of commerce is deepest in the Lanpali Kingdom foundation, will naturally establish the factory to be most in Lanpali Kingdom.” 许亦微微一笑:“这本来就不能比吧。兰帕里王国可是我们新飞商会成立起家的地方,我们商会在兰帕里王国的根基最深,自然会在兰帕里王国建立工厂最多。” Newmann nods: Un, this point king can also understand, but your majesty felt, since our kingdom's support to your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is even bigger than Lanpali Kingdom, why President Xu you cannot consider that increases the investment in our Lanpali Kingdom? Must know that...... your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce light/only surpassed 1 million gold coins in the payment of taxes that our kingdom paid last year, got the profit did not need me to say much......” 纽曼点点头:“嗯,这一点国王陛下也能理解,不过陛下觉得,既然我们王国对你们新飞商会的支持力度甚至比兰帕里王国还要大,那么许会长你为什么不能考虑在我们兰帕里王国加大投资呢?要知道……去年你们新飞商会光是在我们王国交的赋税就超过了一百万金币,获得了的利润就不用我多说了吧……” The Xu Yi hesitation moment, nods saying: I know King Trutz's great support to our chamber of commerce, thanked. About strengthening investment in your Rudson Kingdom aspect, I have also been making the plan in this aspect. According to the plan, in the second half of this year, we hope that increases the investments of over 2 million gold coins in your Ruhr news kingdom, and had reached the cooperation agreement with the 26 chambers of commerce of your kingdom......” 许亦沉吟片刻,点点头道:“我知道特鲁茨国王陛下对我们商会的大力支持,也非常感谢。关于加强在你们鲁尔逊王国方面的投资,我也一直在做这方面的规划。按照计划,今年下半年,我们就希望在你们鲁尔讯王国增加超过两百万金币的投资,并且已经和你们王国的二十六家商会达成了合作协议……” This is insufficient.” Newmann interrupted the Xu Yi words suddenly, the flashing eyes was staring at Xu Yi: President Xu, actually you should guess correctly my meaning clearly. Cooperation that the king said that besides in the cooperation in home Magic mechanical aspect, more important...... is actually the military Magic mechanical aspect.”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “这还不够。”纽曼忽然打断了许亦的话,目光炯炯地盯着许亦:“许会长,其实你应该明白猜到了我的意思。国王陛下所说的合作,除了在家用魔法机械方面的合作之外,更重要的……其实是军用魔法机械方面。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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