MIE :: Volume #5

#5: Relieves the servile status

Sees Xu Yi to walk, Stille held immediately has been preparing the good sobering up soup to move forward to meet somebody. 看到许亦走进来,斯蒂尔立即捧着早就准备好的醒酒汤迎了上去。 How with Ambassador Hakanin to discuss?” Stille asked. “和哈坎因大使谈得怎么样?”斯蒂尔笑问。 Xu Yi received the sobering up soup to fill one, puts out the one breath, felt the dizziness of head well many. 许亦接过醒酒汤灌了一口,吐出一口气,感觉脑袋的眩晕好了不少。 Other Ambassador Hakanin ability has nothing worthwhile, the alcohol capacity is really actually fearful. 哈坎因大使别的能力乏善可陈,倒是酒量实在可怕。 Before Xu Yi, has confessed the alcohol capacity to be good, even if with being addicted to alcohol such as dwarf of life can still dispute, has not actually thought at noon facing Ambassador Hakanin time, is the rout returns unexpectedly, nearly took down by Ambassador Hakanin directly. 许亦之前一直自认酒量不错,就算和嗜酒如命的矮人们也能够较量一下,却没想到中午面对哈坎因大使的时候,竟是大败而回,差点儿被哈坎因大使直接放倒。 Naturally, this is also because he reduced for these years as far as possible treats with courtesy, controlling the drinking number of times is related. 当然,这也是因为这几年他尽量减少应酬,控制自己喝酒次数有关。 Also Ok.” Xu Yi nods to reply. „The Candela empire has many aristocrats and big merchants is interested in the Magic machinery of our chamber of commerce, this Ambassador Hakanin comes to search a rumor as their cutting edges, later should have many Candela chambers of commerce to send out the representative to come to discuss the practical thing with us.” “还可以吧。”许亦点点头答道。“坎德拉帝国有很多贵族和大商人都对我们商会的魔法机械非常感兴趣,这一次哈坎因大使来只是作为他们的先锋来探个口风而已,之后应该会有不少坎德拉商会派出代表来和我们洽谈具体事情。” Un...... I have said that the Magic machinery is so easy-to-use and novel thing, will definitely make these people in Candela empire welcome. This point was proven in periphery these several countries.” The Stille smile said. “嗯……我早就说过了,魔法机械这么好用又新奇的东西,肯定会让坎德拉帝国的那些人非常欢迎。这一点可是在周围这好几个国家里得到了验证。”斯蒂尔微笑道。 Xu Yi laughs, thought oneself never suspected to this point. 许亦哈哈一笑,心想自己对这一点从不怀疑。 However disclosed from Ambassador Hakanin news that perhaps Candela Empire Royal Family has noticed the military Magic machinery, and had certain interest. 不过从哈坎因大使透露出的消息来看,坎德拉帝国皇室恐怕已经注意到了军用魔法机械,并产生了一定的兴趣。 However speculated from the Ambassador Hakanin attitude, the understanding of Candela Empire Royal Family military Magic machinery should not be deep, therefore is only some interests. Not is too thick. Therefore appears is not specially positive. 但是从哈坎因大使的态度来推测,坎德拉帝国皇室对军用魔法机械的了解应该并不深,所以只是有些兴趣。却并不算太浓厚。所以显得不是特别积极。 But according to Xu Yi own plan. The present is not the military Magic machine promotion to the good time in entire mainland. 而按照许亦自身的规划。现在并不是将军用魔法机械推广到整个大陆的好时机。 If even the Candela empire and Marlow empire such colossus also stared at the military Magic machinery, by the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce present strength, is very difficult to persevere. 因为如果连坎德拉帝国和玛洛帝国这样的庞然大物也盯上了军用魔法机械,以新飞商会现在的实力,很难坚守住。 If the technology in this aspect stared by two big empires, perhaps Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will also direct the calamity upper body. 而如果这方面的技术被两大帝国盯上,新飞商会说不定还会引祸上身。 Therefore before and Ambassador Hakanin discussion time, is talking about the military Magic mechanical aspect, Xu Yi talks ambiguously, deliberately pulled down the function of military Magic machinery. 所以之前和哈坎因大使商谈的时候,在谈及到军用魔法机械方面,许亦含糊其辞,刻意压低了军用魔法机械的作用。 Xu Yi rejoiced what the Candela empire sends is Ambassador Hakanin this dependence relationship through female relatives sits the ambassador position the fellow, otherwise he is very difficult to think that the means cheated the past. Let the emphasis of Candela empire put aside from the military Magic mechanical aspect temporarily. 许亦非常庆幸坎德拉帝国派来的是哈坎因大使这个依靠裙带关系坐上大使职位的家伙,否则他很难想到办法哄骗过去。让坎德拉帝国的关注点从军用魔法机械方面暂时移开。 Beside the military Magic machinery, Xu Yi replied actually very refreshedly. 在军用魔法机械之外,许亦倒是回答得很爽快。 Ambassador Hakanin hopes that can go back these aristocrat big merchants of samples of some Magic machineries to Candela empire to have a look from the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce belt/bring, Xu Yi readily agrees. 哈坎因大使希望能够从新飞商会带回去一些魔法机械的样品给坎德拉帝国内的那些贵族大商人们看看,许亦一口答应。 But perhaps Ambassador Hakanin obtained some prompts from the actions of these aristocrat big merchants, proposed oneself also want to purchase a number of home Magic machineries from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce here, Xu Yi complied similarly, and indicated by the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President status, the home Magic machinery that this batch provide to Ambassador Hakanin can by quite preferential price sell. 哈坎因大使或许是从这些贵族大商人的举动中获得了一些提示,提出自己也想从新飞商会这里购买一批家用魔法机械,许亦同样应了下来,并以新飞商会会长身份表示,这批提供给哈坎因大使的家用魔法机械可以以相当优惠的价格出售。 Therefore the Ambassador Hakanin great happiness, the both sides nature discussed really happy. 于是哈坎因大使大喜,双方自然相谈甚欢。 After hesitation moment, Xu Yi received moistened the towel from the Stille hand, made an effort to scratch scratching on the face. 沉吟片刻后,许亦斯蒂尔手中接过打湿了的毛巾,用力在脸上擦了擦。 Even now is summer. The iced water seeped specially on the face, still made the Xu Yi spirit feel pumped up. 即便现在已经是炎炎夏日。特意加了冰块的水沁在脸上,依然让许亦精神为之一振。 Sees appearance that Xu Yi makes strenuous efforts. Stille knits the brows slightly. 看到许亦强打精神的样子。斯蒂尔微微皱眉。 Looks at your appearance, or doesn't go in the afternoon?” “看你这个样子,要不下午就不去了吧?” Xu Yi shakes the head: No, afternoon ceremony is very important, I must arrive personally.” 许亦摇摇头:“不,下午的仪式很重要,我必须要亲自到场。” Stille sighed gently, no longer persuaded. 斯蒂尔轻轻叹了口气,不再劝说。 The importance of her very clear afternoon this ceremony, very clear Xu Yi extremely attaches great importance to the significance of this ceremony representative. 她很清楚下午这个仪式的重要性,也很清楚许亦对这个仪式代表的意义极为重视。 You first under the rest, I look for Janice to come.” “那你先休息下,我去找亚妮丝过来。” Janice?” Xu Yi was startled being startled, actually sees Stille to leave directly. 亚妮丝?”许亦怔了怔,却见斯蒂尔已经径直离开。 Xu Yi stayed, sees the time also early, is disinclined to return to the bedroom, goes to behind the manor to back on the cliff on the flat roof, lay down on the deck chair. 许亦呆了一下,见时间还早,也懒得回到卧室去,来到庄园后面背靠悬崖的露台上,在躺椅上躺了下来。 Although is first month of summer, but the flat roof backs on the cliff, faced with the sea, the sea breeze blows gently at this time, the sunlight is not sinister, lies down in the shade, is quite comfortable. 虽然已经是初夏时分,但露台背靠悬崖,面临大海,此时海风习习,阳光也不算毒辣,躺在阴凉处,极为舒适。 Before long, Xu Yi then rested. 不一会儿,许亦便睡了过去。 Blurry has not known how long, Xu Yi awakened suddenly. 迷迷糊糊不知道过了多久,许亦忽然惊醒过来。 Opened eyes to look at Sun in a distant sea level, Xu Yi judged this time should also less than 2 : 00 pm, the time of but from the ceremony formally starting is not far, then made an effort to rub a face, the body. 睁眼看了一眼远方海面上的太阳,许亦判断出此时应该还不到下午 2 点,不过距离仪式正式开始的时间已经不远,便使劲揉了一把脸,弹身而起。 Just stood, then felt that the head transmitted a tear ache. 刚一站好,便感觉到脑袋传来一阵撕裂般的疼痛。 Xu Yi can't help it smiles bitterly. 许亦禁不住苦笑一声。 The ache after liquor is really unable to think, even he now as Great Magician, still does not have the solution. 酒后的疼痛真是无法可想,即便他现在已经身为大魔法师,却依然对此毫无解决办法。 Xu Yi, did you awake?” 许亦,你醒了?” Broadcasts the Stille sound. 身后传来斯蒂尔的声音。 Xu Yi has turned head, discovered that Stille and Janice walked from the room together. 许亦回过头,发现斯蒂尔亚妮丝一起从屋内走了出来。 I am preparing to call you to get out of bed, the ceremony soon started.” Stille drew the Janice half step to walk, then signals with the eyes to Janice. “我正准备来叫你起床呢,仪式快要开始了。”斯蒂尔拉着亚妮丝快步走了过来,然后向亚妮丝使了个眼色。 Saw that both hands of Janice search to oneself head, Xu Yi some god. 看到亚妮丝的双手向自己的脑袋探过来,许亦有些愣神。 Does?” “干什么?” Makes you more comfortable.” Janice shows a bright smiling face, both hands has pasted by the head of Xu Yi. “让你舒服一些。”亚妮丝露出一个灿烂的笑容,双手已经贴在许亦的脑袋两侧。 After the moment, Xu Yi then felt that Janice Magic Power flowing, pastes both hands on own head to show a cool meaning, slowly permeating scalp, along with, even if felt that has a headache greatly is alleviated. 片刻后,许亦便感觉到亚妮丝身上的魔力流动,贴在自己脑袋上的双手透出一丝清凉之意,缓缓渗入头皮,随即便感觉到头疼大幅得到缓解。 After continuing for about two minutes, Xu Yi actually cannot feel the little headache, the whole person also becomes healthy and vigorous. 持续了大约两分钟之后,许亦竟然感觉不到一点点头疼,整个人也变得精神奕奕起来。 What Magic is this?” Xu Yi is astonished greatly however. “这是什么魔法?”许亦大为讶然。 Janice hee hee is smiling, the facial expression slightly appears intent. 亚妮丝嘻嘻笑着,神情略显得意。 This is our elf clan unique spirit is one of the Magic, the technique, can make your spirit return to with rapt attention normal.” “这是我们精灵族特有的精神系魔法之一,凝神术,可以让你的精神恢复正常。” Is so mysterious?” Xu Yi sighed. “这么神奇?”许亦啧啧叹道。 The elf clan worthily is in this world the most ancient race, can always master the knowledge that so many other races do not have, is also the same on Magic. 精灵族不愧是这个世界中最为古老的种族,总是能够掌握这么多其他种族所没有的知识,在魔法上也一样。 The spirit is Magic is also at the research stage in human Magician. But used Magic that from Janice a moment ago. Obviously the elf clan is the research attainments on Magic is extremely deep in the spirit. 精神系魔法在人类魔法师之中还只是处于研究阶段。但从亚妮丝刚才使用的魔法来看。显然精灵族在精神系魔法上的研究造诣极深。 What kind of? Was the feeling comfortable?” Janice asked with a smile. “怎么样?感觉舒服了吗?”亚妮丝笑着问道。 Un. Was more comfortable.” Looks at Janice smart-alecky to have a self-satisfied smiling face, Xu Yi unable to bear put out a hand on her tall very/straight nose to pinch. Such easy-to-use Magic, later can find the time to teach me.” “嗯。舒服多了。”看着亚妮丝俏皮中带着一丝得意的笑容,许亦忍不住伸出手在她高挺的鼻子上捏了一下。“这么好用的魔法,以后可以找时间教给我。” Janice is startled, somewhat feels embarrassed the said/tunnel: This is our elf clan the secret of not passing on......” 亚妮丝一怔,有些为难地道:“这是我们精灵族的不传之秘……” Sees on the Janice face to reappear a shame, Xu Yi laughs, racket her shoulder: Since the secret of not passing on, then on forget it. If I want to study, then asks that the Ailucia elder was good. Striving makes her comply.” 看到亚妮丝脸上浮现出一丝羞愧,许亦哈哈一笑,拍拍她的肩膀:“既然是不传之秘,那就算了。我如果想学的话,回头去问问艾露希亚长老好了。争取让她答应。” Un, the elder will perhaps comply with............” the Janice not too definite said/tunnel. “嗯,长老说不定会答应……吧……”亚妮丝不太确定地道。 This said on later, I first walked.” “这个就以后再说了,我先走了。” Xu Yi raises hand, said goodbye to two people. 许亦扬了扬手,向两人告辞。 Just walked two steps, resounded shouting of Stille. 刚走了两步,身后响起斯蒂尔的呼喊。 „Does Xu Yi, come back in the evening earlier? Tomorrow I must walk......” 许亦,晚上早点儿回来好吗?明天我就要走了……” Xu Yi puts out a hand, made one ok the hand signal. 许亦伸出手,做了一个“ok”的手势。 This hand signal Stille has long known that is what meaning, then the chuckle nods. 这个手势斯蒂尔早就知道是什么意思,便轻笑点头。 Xu Yi across the manor room, arrives at the front courtyard, just saw Frye that Liz and Linda and jump entered the front door together. 许亦穿过庄园房间,来到前院,刚好看到丽丝和琳达和蹦蹦跳跳的弗莱娅一起进了大门。 On the lower abdomen that the vision in Liz and Linda stick out slightly has swept. Xu Yi cannot bear smile. 目光在丽丝和琳达两人略微隆起的小腹上扫过。许亦忍不住笑了笑。 Liz and Linda already and unified to surpass for two years, before no sound. This new year crosses, two people actually made half probably, unexpectedly on bosom. 丽丝和琳达已经和自己结合超过两年了,之前都没有什么动静。今年新年一过,两人却像是约好了一半,居然都怀上了。 Stille were many to oneself these days some entangled crazily, even expressed the evening to oneself a moment ago impatiently oneself accompanied her meaning, not being able to do well was because received Liz and Linda's stimulation. 斯蒂尔这段时间对自己多了些痴缠,刚才甚至迫不及待地向自己表达出晚上希望自己陪伴她的意思,搞不好就是因为受到了丽丝和琳达的刺激。 Mentioning is also, oneself and Stille married already for more than four years, now Frye crosses three years old, the belly of Stille did not have the sound again, she will worry no wonder. 说来也是,自己和斯蒂尔结婚已经四年多了,如今弗莱娅都过了三岁,斯蒂尔的肚子却一直再也没有动静,也难怪她会着急。 Hey, does Frye, want to go out to play with the father?” Xu Yi holds Frye that to/clashes, asked to her. “嘿,弗莱娅,想和爸爸一起出去玩吗?”许亦一把抱起冲过来的弗莱娅,向她问道。 Good! I must go!” Frye should say happily loudly. “好啊!我要去!”弗莱娅高兴地大声应道。 With Liz and Linda gawked, said hastily: Master, in the afternoon do not attend the important ceremony? How can bring Frye to go? Makes us bring Frye.” 跟过来的丽丝和琳达两人愣了一下,连忙道:“主人,您下午不是要参加重要的仪式吗?怎么能带弗莱娅去呢?还是让我们带着弗莱娅吧。” Hears two people words, Frye stares the big eye immediately, is staring at Xu Yi, a face hope. 听到两人的话,弗莱娅立即瞪大眼睛,直直地盯着许亦,一脸期盼。 She has crossed three years old, starts to know some worldly wisdom, very clear in the home, oneself father has very high authority, his decision decided finally. 她已经过了三岁,开始知道一些人情世故,很清楚在这个家里,自己的父亲拥有很高的权威,他的决定才是最终决定。 Xu Yi shakes the head with a smile: Doesn't matter, making me lead her to go. Frye grew up, this/should participates in the important matter of our chamber of commerce. After all she grew up the association/will to participate, making others know that our small Frye should also be.” 许亦笑着摇摇头:“没关系,让我带着她去。弗莱娅长大了,也该多参与一下我们商会的大事。毕竟她长大了总会参与进来的,让其他人多认识认识我们的小弗莱娅也是应该的。” Liz and Linda look at each other one, nods. 丽丝和琳达对视一眼,同时点头。 According to Xu Yi Frye when more than three years was just born announcement, Frye is the Xu Yi definite sole heir, then on the tradition according to Sainz Continent, after Frye grows up, will definitely replace the Xu Yi position, becomes Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce new President. 按照许亦早在三年多前弗莱娅刚刚出生时的宣告,弗莱娅许亦确定的唯一继承人,那么依照赛恩斯大陆上的传统,弗莱娅长大后就会必然会接替许亦的位置,成为新飞商会新的会长 Even according to the tradition, Frye may also become their new hosts. 甚至按照传统,弗莱娅还有可能成为她们两人的新主人。 The Xu Yi vision has swept Liz and Linda's lower abdomen again, suddenly said: Right, Liz, Linda, I had officially handed in the application to Congress, hopes that Congress cancels your servile statuses officially. If as expected, you can get out of this servile status quickly.” 许亦的目光再次扫过丽丝和琳达的小腹,忽然道:“对了,丽丝,琳达,我已经向国会正式提出了申请,希望国会正式取消你们的奴隶身份。不出意外的话,你们很快就可以摆脱这个奴隶身份了。” Liz and Linda gawked, immediately great happiness. 丽丝和琳达愣了一下,随即大喜。 Real?” Two people covered the mouth excitedly, a face does not dare to believe. “真的吗?”两人激动地捂住了嘴,一脸的不敢置信。 On Sainz Continent, once becomes the slave, the possibility of almost not having stood up from failure. 赛恩斯大陆上,一旦成为奴隶,就几乎没有翻身的可能。 Because the slave-owner has the absolute power regarding the slave, even lives to kill the power to grasp willfully, therefore in most people's eyes, the slave radically and ordinary domestic domestic animal has no difference. 因为奴隶主对于奴隶拥有着绝对的权力,甚至连生杀大权都可以任意掌握,所以在绝大多数人的眼中,奴隶根本和普通的家养牲畜没有任何区别。 Liz and Linda by seal in the status of slave, they simply had not been expected since childhood before can get out of this status. 丽丝和琳达从小就被印上了奴隶的身份,她们之前根本没有奢望过能够摆脱这个身份。 Can bump into Xu Yi this master, making them realize treatment of equality, even can also on the bosom the Xu Yi child, they feel about the present life now extremely happily. 能够碰到许亦这个主人,让她们体会到了平等的对待,甚至现在还能怀上许亦的孩子,她们对现在的生活已经感到极其幸福。 But they have not thought, Xu Yi actually will really find the way to relieve their servile statuses! And openly handed in this application to Congress! 而她们万万没有想到,许亦竟然会真的想办法解除她们的奴隶身份!并且还是向国会公开提出这个申请! On Sainz Continent, this behavior simply in challenge tradition! 赛恩斯大陆上,这种行为简直就是在挑战传统! Sees the Xu Yi affirmative look, Liz and Linda cannot repress the excitement and joy in heart, simultaneously flowed out the boiling hot tears. 看到许亦肯定的眼神,丽丝和琳达按捺不住心中的激动和喜悦,同时流出了滚烫的泪水。 Xu Yi understands certainly excitements in their heart, smiles , to continue said: You two are pregnant now, before the action was inferior convenient, I have said with Stille, making her ask some servants to come in again, replaces your work, you feel at ease to recuperate.” 许亦当然理解她们心中的激动,笑了笑,续道:“你们两个现在都怀孕了,行动不如以前方便,我已经和斯蒂尔说过了,让她再找一些仆人进来,代替你们的工作,你们就安心休养。” Liz and Linda are happy that is unable to say the words to come, can only sob is making an effort to nod. 丽丝和琳达已经高兴得无法说出话来,只能哽咽着用力点了点头。 Xu Yi shows a faint smile, picks up Frye, making her ride to sit on own neck, moves toward outside the manor with stride. 许亦微微一笑,将弗莱娅托起,让她骑坐在自己的脖子上,大步走向庄园外。 Liz and Linda look at the back that Xu Yi departs, the line of sight by the tears are moistened a fuzziness.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 丽丝和琳达看着许亦离去的背影,视线被泪水打湿得一片模糊。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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