MIE :: Volume #5

#4: Connects the Candela empire with the road

About after 20 minutes, before the Magic Power sedan is carrying Kennard and Ambassador Hakanin left , that small town of process, arrives at south the small town in an stretch of open area about ten kilometers away. 大约二十分钟后,魔力轿车载着肯纳德哈坎因大使驶离了之前经过的那个小城,来到小城南面大约十公里外的一片空地上。 In the open area used one to seem like fence one thing to encircle big lands, then can hear in the circle to keep by far hearing the clamoring sound. 空地上用一圈似乎是围墙一样的东西圈起了一大片的土地,远远地便能听到圈内不停地传来喧哗声。 Beyond this circle, opened a stretch of open area specially, above is listening to different color Magic Power sedans and medium as well as large passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle, in addition is mixing with several horse-drawn vehicles. 在这个圈之外,专门开辟出了一片空地,上面听着一辆辆不同颜色的魔力轿车和中型以及大型客运魔力机车,另外还夹杂着几辆马车。 Sees these horse-drawn vehicles, in the Ambassador Hakanin heart emits warm feelings suddenly. 看到这几辆马车,哈坎因大使心中忽然冒出一股亲切感。 After entering Stantin Duchy, all things that almost see, all things make him hear something never heard of before, made him produce itself to arrive at the illusion of another world. 进入斯坦丁公国后几乎看到的所有东西,遇到的所有事情都让他闻所未闻,以至于让他产生了自己是不是来到了另一个世界的幻觉。 Now after seeing these familiar horse-drawn vehicles, makes him feel that oneself still situated in Sainz Continent on, rather than after cliff, arrived at a completely new world. 现在看到这几辆熟悉的马车后,才让他感觉到自己依然是处于赛恩斯大陆上,而不是从悬崖上下来后,就来到了一个全新的世界。 quled outside square open area last this time gathered a large crowd, is welling up to that lands that were encircled. quled外面的广场空地上此时聚集了一大批人,都在向被圈起来的那片土地中涌去。 On everyone's face is hanging one excited and anticipation, the thing that as if will soon see makes them pay attention extremely. 所有人的脸上都挂着一丝兴奋和期待,似乎即将看到的东西让他们极为关注。 Comes as a surprise to Ambassador Hakanin, the Magic Power sedan that they take has not actually stopped with other Magic Power sedans in the same place, but circled curved, arrives at the rear area of this fence, drove from an opening gate. 出乎哈坎因大使的意料,他们乘坐的这辆魔力轿车却并没有和其它魔力轿车停在一起,而是绕了个弯,来到这个围墙的后方,从一个打开的门驶了进去。 After getting out, Ambassador Hakanin knows oneself are completely wrong outside observation. 下了车后,哈坎因大使才知道自己在外面的观察完全错误。 This is not a simple fence, but is one has the construction of depth and thickness. 这根本就不是简单的一圈围墙,而是一个非常有深度和厚度的建筑。 They come from the front door, as if entered a cave general. Is profoundly difficult to be bright. 他们从大门进来,仿佛进入了一个山洞一般。幽深难明。 If not the front cave entrance is disclosing the light. He will even suspect that Kennard own brought what secret place. 如果不是前方一个洞口透露着光明。他甚至会怀疑肯纳德把自己带到了什么隐秘的地方。 Under the leadership of Kennard. Two people enter nearby leafed door, walked a while in a long road, arrives in front of a front door. 肯纳德的带领下。两人又进入旁边一扇门,在一个长长的甬道里走了一会儿,来到一个大门面前。 Kennard opens the front door, a giant voice transmitted suddenly, frightens Ambassador Hakanin to jump. 肯纳德拉开大门,一阵巨大的声浪忽然传来,吓了哈坎因大使一跳。 When he calms down, this discovered oneself must arrive at outside unknowingly. 待他定下神来,这才发现自己已经不知不觉得走到了外面。 About looked, he discovered oneself is above a stage, all around is bottom-up stair compositions. 左右一看,他发现自己正处于一个高台之上,前后左右都是一条条由上而下的台阶组成。 Stair last this time was filled with the person everywhere. The highest place from the ground feared that is less than ten meters, most low spot only from ground less than two meters. 台阶上此时到处都坐满了人。最高处距离地面怕不是有十余米,最低处只距离地面不到两米而已。 Originally this looks to seem like the thing of fence from outside, is actually a viewing platform same thing.” Ambassador Hakanin is sizing up this arena that with the curious vision seems like in the Candela empire to find at everywhere, actually wanted in a big way the innumerable time of constructions, thought that wanted to build up this building, perhaps spent few must over 3 million gold coins. “原来这个从外面看像是围墙的东西,其实是一个观景台一样的玩意。”哈坎因大使用好奇的目光打量着这个像是坎德拉帝国内随处可见的斗兽场,却要大了无数倍的建筑,心想想要建起这个建筑,恐怕花费最少也要超过三百万金币。 However one wants Kennard to say a moment ago Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce constructs these building one only to need to invest 400,000 gold coins, he cannot determine. 不过一想刚才肯纳德新飞商会建造那些大楼一座只需要投入四十万金币,他又不敢确定了。 In this time, a somewhat familiar-sounding sound is resounding in the front. 正在此时,一个有些耳熟的声音在面前响起。 Hey, dear Ambassador Hakanin, welcome to Stantin Duchy.” “嘿,亲爱的哈坎因大使,欢迎来到斯坦丁公国。” The Ambassador Hakanin vision takes back. Then discovered does not know when presents Xu Yi before his body. 哈坎因大使目光收回。便发现了不知道什么时候出现在他身前的许亦 Haha, President Xu. Finally saw you.” Ambassador Hakanin is laughing immediately moving forward to meet somebody, made a warm hug with Xu Yi. “哈哈,许会长。终于见到你了。”哈坎因大使立即大笑着迎了上去,和许亦做了一个热情的拥抱。 If solely looks at two people present appearances, who guesses when obtains them to meet for the first time plays out, nearly attacks brutally? 如果单单看两人现在的模样,又有谁会猜得到他们第一次见面时就已经剑拔弩张,差点儿大打出手呢? Ambassador, catches up from the Roggah city over a thousand kilometers away, is very certainly laborious?” Xu Yi invited Ambassador Hakanin , in a seat that spread the cushioning sat down, while asked with a smile. “大使阁下,从上千公里之外的库拉卡城一路赶来,一定十分辛苦吧?”许亦一边邀请哈坎因大使在一个铺了软垫的席位上坐下,一边笑着问道。 „, It is not laborious.” Ambassador Hakanin shakes the head with a smile. All the way this walks is the smoothest road, but also is taking the most comfortable Magic Power sedan, the entire journey also used day of time. Compared to rush to Roggah city that to be half a month journey from our Candela empire, but wanted with ease innumerable times.” “不不不,一点儿也不辛苦。”哈坎因大使笑着摇摇头。“这一路上走的都是最平坦的公路,还乘坐着最舒适的魔力轿车,全程也不过就用了一天时间而已。相比起从我们坎德拉帝国赶到库拉卡城那长达半个月的旅程,可是要轻松了无数倍。” Oh? from imperial capital Wimbledon of Candela empire to Roggah city is also more than 3000 kilometers appearances, how also to use in less than half a month again?” Xu Yi asked. 哦?坎德拉帝国的王都温布尔登到库拉卡城也就是三千多公里的样子吧,再怎么样也用不到半个月之久吧?”许亦问道。 Ambassador Hakanin knit the brows to shoot a look at Xu Yi one, visits him surprised puzzled, does not know this fellow was intentional or had no intention. 哈坎因大使皱眉瞥了许亦一眼,看着他一脸惊讶不解,也不知道这家伙到底是故意的还是无意的。 This...... coughs, President Xu, from Wimbledon City before Roggah city, may not have the road to connect. Moreover I take the carriage all the way, where has the Magic Power sedan to be quick.” “这个……咳,许会长,从温布尔登城到库拉卡城之前,可还没有公路连通。而且我一路上都是乘坐马车,哪有魔力轿车快。” „, Right.” Xu Yi taps the head, makes a being suddenly enlighted appearance, thinks, continues said: Good, to let the ambassador your later journey is more relaxed, is expressed that you first arrives at welcome of Stantin Duchy to the ambassador, I represent Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to present our chamber of commerce newest product to you Magic Power sedan, how do you look?” “哦,对了。”许亦一拍脑袋,做出一副恍然大悟的模样,想了想,续道:“好吧,为了让大使阁下您以后的旅途更轻松一些,也算是表示对大使阁下您初次来到斯坦丁公国的欢迎,我代表新飞商会向您赠送一辆我们商会最新出品的魔力轿车,您看怎么样?” Really? That was good!” Ambassador Hakanin immediately great happiness. “真的?那太好了!”哈坎因大使顿时大喜。 Is called as the Magic Power sedan from Roggah city to here this him all the way, naturally fully realized that the Magic Power sedan compared the carriage comfortably innumerable times. 从库拉卡城到这里这一路上他都是称作魔力轿车的,当然深知魔力轿车相比马车舒适了无数倍。 Although in Roggah city also has sale of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce before, Roggah city and even in entire Rudson Kingdom also had countless aristocrat merchants to purchase Xinfei Magic Power sedan, but Ambassador Hakanin has snorted contemptuously to the Magic Power sedan, thought that compared the noble carriage, the Magic Power sedan radically was only the iron lump, could not appear the noble air completely. 虽然之前库拉卡城里也早就有了新飞商会的售卖点,库拉卡城乃至整个鲁尔逊王国内也有无数的贵族商人们购买了新飞牌魔力轿车,但是哈坎因大使一直对魔力轿车嗤之以鼻,觉得相比起高贵的马车,魔力轿车根本只是个铁疙瘩,完全显不出贵气。 But these has experienced time seriously after the feeling of taking the Magic Power sedan, he discovered immediately, he prejudice to the Magic Power sedan exploded before simply stupid. 可是这一次当真体验过乘坐魔力轿车的感受后,他立即发现,自己之前对魔力轿车的偏见简直蠢爆了。 Puts such comfortable transportation vehicle not to use, actually must sit almost must each time own buttocks to the carriage of shattering, why bother is this? 放着这么舒服的交通工具不用,却非要坐每次都几乎要把自己屁股给震裂的马车,这又是何苦呢? Therefore actually this he had planned one all the way will buy a Magic Power sedan use to Roggah city, has not actually thought that now Xu Yi proposes unexpectedly must deliver him one, actually coup. 所以其实这一路上他早就打算一会到库拉卡城就买一辆魔力轿车使用,却没想到现在许亦居然主动提出要送他一辆,倒是意外之喜。 According to the present market price, an most common Xinfei Magic Power sedan selling price also in 800 gold coins above, but the latest Xinfei Magic Power sedan, 2000 gold coins could not have taken. 按照现在的市价,一辆最普通的新飞牌魔力轿车售价也在八百金币以上,而最新款的新飞牌魔力轿车,没有两千金币根本拿不下来。 After joyful a while, Ambassador Hakanin thinks of an issue suddenly, immediately complexion slightly stiff. 欣喜了一会儿后,哈坎因大使忽然想到一个问题,顿时脸色微僵。 What's wrong?” Discovered his expression change, Xu Yi asked. “怎么了?”发现了他的表情变化,许亦问道。 Ambassador Hakanin is smiling bitterly shaking the head of: President Xu, even if you give me the Magic Power sedan, perhaps I cannot open our Candela empire it. Because of...... from Roggah city to a Wimbledon 3000 kilometers journey, only then in Rudson Kingdom and Milano Duchy have the road to exist, other road surfaces......” 哈坎因大使苦笑着摇了摇头:“许会长,就算你送给我魔力轿车,恐怕我也不能把它开回我们坎德拉帝国去。因为……从库拉卡城到温布尔登的三千公里路途,只有鲁尔逊王国米兰多公国内有公路存在,其它的路面……” Ambassador Hakanin shakes the head, thought that the Magic Power sedan also can only run fast on the road, only does not fear on the bumpy soil stoneway compared with carriage many. 哈坎因大使摇了摇头,心想魔力轿车也就只能在公路上跑得飞快,在坑坑洼洼的泥土石子路上只怕不比马车强多少。 As if saw the Ambassador Hakanin thoughts, Xu Yi showed a faint smile, said: Ambassador , I have considered in this regard. This time gives your Magic Power sedan, is our chamber of commerce researches and develops most newly, has the high-quality Magic Power sedan of certainly cross country function. And on this new Magic Power sedan also supplemented the air Magic air cushion buffer mechanism, can make you go in not the smooth road surface cannot feel too bumpy. I ensure you will like it.” 仿佛看出了哈坎因大使的心思,许亦微微一笑,道:“大使阁下,关于这一点,我早就考虑到了。这次送给您的这辆魔力轿车,是我们商会最新研发出来的,具备一定越野功能的高级魔力轿车。并且这个新型魔力轿车上面还附带了空气魔法气垫缓冲装置,可以让您行驶在并不平坦的路面上也感受不到太多颠簸。我保证您会喜欢上它的。” Ambassador Hakanin is astonished however looks to Xu Yi, in the heart some does not believe. 哈坎因大使讶然看向许亦,心中有些不信。 Is the Magic Power sedan so powerful? Unexpectedly can also go easily and freely on that type of broken road? 魔力轿车难道有这么强大?居然在那种破路上也能如履平地? Xu Yi guessed correctly his idea, has not actually explained much, but, said: Naturally, even the performance of Magic Power rubber tired vehicles again how powerful, still might as well improve the state of roads really to come. The ambassador, had discussed with you before, constructs proposition that a road that connects Milano Duchy to Wimbledon, have you raised to the emperor?”. 许亦猜到了他的想法,却也没多做解释,而是顿了顿,又道:“当然了,就算魔力胶车的性能再怎么强大,也不如改善路况来得更实在。大使阁下,之前和您讨论过的,修建一条连通米兰多公国温布尔登的公路的提议,您向皇帝陛下提过了吗?”。 Hears this issue, Ambassador Hakanin the spirit shakes immediately, nods saying: I have raised, moreover your majesty said that is interested. However these a little need to be solved difficultly. Also must pass by three countries from Wimbledon City to Milano Duchy, wants to construct a road to connect, certainly must pass through these three countries.” 听到这个问题,哈坎因大使立即精神一震,点点头道:“我提过了,而且陛下表示非常感兴趣。不过这其中有点儿困难需要解决。从温布尔登城米兰多公国之间还要路过三个国家,想要修建一条公路连通,肯定要途经这三个国家。” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: So long as your Candela empire spoke, that three countries will not oppose absolutely.” 许亦微微一笑:“只要你们坎德拉帝国发话了,那三个国家绝对不会反对的。” That natural.” A Ambassador Hakanin face favorite said/tunnel: That three small national where dare to go against the will of our Candela empire. However President Xu, the emperor thought that constructs such a road is not good rashly, what benefit he wants first to have a look at the road to provide, then makes the decision. Therefore......” “那当然。”哈坎因大使一脸得意地道:“那三个小国家哪里敢违背我们坎德拉帝国的意志。不过许会长,皇帝陛下觉得贸然修建这样一条公路并不好,他想先看看公路能够带来什么样的好处,再做决定。所以……” Therefore hopes that we do go to the Candela empire to construct a road?” Xu Yi said. “所以希望我们去坎德拉帝国修建一条公路?”许亦道。 Right.” “没错。” Xu Yi hesitation moment, gently nod: Emperor thinks like this right, but constructs the road actually with our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce irrelevant, but is the work of Amul Chamber of Commerce, this point also needs the ambassador you to go to and Amul Chamber of Commerce discussion.” 许亦沉吟片刻,轻轻点头:“皇帝陛下这样想没错,不过修建公路却和我们新飞商会无关,而是阿姆利商会的工作,这一点还需要大使阁下您去和阿姆利商会商谈。” I think that Amul Chamber of Commerce will definitely not refuse to come from the invitation of our Candela empire.” A Ambassador Hakanin face said with a smile contentedly. Moreover these Magic machineries about your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production, the military Magic machinery, the emperor expressed particularly is interested, therefore hoped permits......” “我想阿姆利商会肯定不会拒绝来自我们坎德拉帝国的邀请。”哈坎因大使一脸自得地笑道。“另外关于你们新飞商会生产的那些魔法机械,尤其是军用魔法机械,皇帝陛下表示十分感兴趣,所以希望许……” Bang-” “砰-” Suddenly a great firecracker starts, gave the interruption the Ambassador Hakanin words in the throat. 忽然一声巨响爆开,将哈坎因大使的话给截断在了喉咙里。 Immediately in the location bursts into mountainous cry tsunami deafening cheers suddenly, the voice sweeps across, making Ambassador Hakanin even say that anything did not listen clearly. 随即场地内忽然爆发出一阵山呼海啸般震耳欲聋的欢呼声,声浪席卷过来,让哈坎因大使甚至在说什么都听不清楚。 Ambassador Hakanin saw that the mouth of Xu Yi opened, the Xu Yi sound spread to his ear clearly. 哈坎因大使看到许亦的嘴张了张,许亦的声音清清楚楚的传入了他的耳朵。 Ambassador, after these things, spoke in detail, as for the present, we first watches the competition with single-hearted devotion.” “大使阁下,这些事情等以后再详谈,至于现在,我们还是先专心观看比赛吧。” Looks at the smiling face on Xu Yi face, in the Ambassador Hakanin actually heart shakes slightly. 看着许亦脸上的笑容,哈坎因大使却心中微微一震。 Can send in his ear in the so noisy environment own sound clearly, only if specially excel military or is Magician of Great Magician rank can achieve by oneself grasping to space Magic by own aura. 能够在如此嘈杂的环境中把自己的声音清晰地送入他的耳朵,那除非是特别高强的武者凭借自己的气息或者是大魔法师级别的魔法师凭借自己对空间魔法的掌握才能做到。 Xu Yi naturally is not specially excel military, because is well-known he is Magician. 许亦当然不是特别高强的武者,因为人尽皆知他是一位魔法师 But......, but he can grasp this situation space Magic unexpectedly. 可是……可是他居然能够将空间魔法掌握到这种地步。 ...... Is he Great Magician?( To be continued......) 难道说……他已经是一位大魔法师了?(未完待续……) Chapter 4 connects the Candela empire with the road: 第4章用公路连通坎德拉帝国: ... ...
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