MIE :: Volume #5

#3: Red Light stops the green light line

Magic Power sedan again fast vanguard, a half after about hour, finally drove out of the woods of slightly dream. * , 魔力轿车再次快速前行,大约半个小时后,终于驶出了微梦之森。*,, The both sides towering giant tree falls back on behind, suddenly sees the light at present immediately, a as if vast plain appears in the front. 两旁参天巨木退到身后,眼前顿时豁然开朗,一片似乎一望无际的平原出现在面前。 The Ambassador Hakanin vision sweeps to the front, cannot help but towered by the front rows of tall buildings in land captures the attention. 哈坎因大使的目光扫向前方,不由自主地被前方耸立在大地上的一排排高楼吸引住了目光。 Although still separates, but Ambassador Hakanin can actually judge with ease, these seem like pillars to set up the tall building above land generally, least also exceeded 20 meters high. 虽然依然隔得很远,但哈坎因大使却可以轻松判断出,这些像是一根根柱子一般立在大地之上的高楼,最少也超过了二十米高。 But highest, perhaps over 30 meters! 而其中最高的一个,恐怕会超过三十米! Such high construction, still is quite even rare in the Candela empire. 这么高的建筑,就算是在坎德拉帝国内也极为少见。 Has seen on by Ambassador Hakanin, probably also only then a Candela imperial palace highest ceremony hall can reach such astonishing altitude. 就以哈坎因大使所见过的,大概也就只有坎德拉皇宫最高的一个仪式大厅才能达到这样惊人的高度。 In addition, should only then the Divine Light Church cathedral can be so high. 除此之外,应该就只有圣光教廷的大教堂能够有这么高了。 However Candela imperial palace and Divine Light Church cathedral, but in the Candela empire the most important two buildings, they can construct such high, but gathered extremely terrifying manpower and resources to complete. 然而坎德拉皇宫和圣光教廷的大教堂可是坎德拉帝国内最为重要的两个建筑,他们能够修建得这么高,可是集中了极其恐怖的人力物力才能完成。 But now in front of Ambassador Hakanin, as far as eyes can reach, fears did not have enough more than ten tall buildings to reach this astonishing altitude. 而现在在哈坎因大使面前,一眼望去,怕不是有足足十余座高楼都达到了这个惊人的高度。 Even when the Magic Power sedan gradually approaches that tall building architectural complex, Ambassador Hakanin also discovered that several are at the beginning construction condition the work site, but on these work sites also has several tall buildings being built. 甚至当魔力轿车逐渐靠近那片高楼建筑群的时候,哈坎因大使还发现有几个正处于动工状态的工地,而这些工地上同样有几座正在建造中的高楼。 Although has not completed completely, but Ambassador Hakanin is certain, once these buildings complete, will not compare on surrounding tall building short many absolutely. 尽管还没完全建成,但哈坎因大使可以肯定,这几座大楼一旦建成,绝对不会比周围的高楼矮上多少。 Ambassador Hakanin looked at these tall building a while dull. Cannot bear asks to Kennard: These tall buildings are your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce construct?” 哈坎因大使呆呆地看了这些高楼一会儿。忍不住向肯纳德问道:“这些高楼都是你们新飞商会建的吗?” No. We invest. The concrete construction is completed by Amul Chamber of Commerce.” The Kennard smile replied. “不。只是我们投资的。具体建造则是由阿姆利商会完成。”肯纳德微笑答道。 Ambassador Hakanin swallowed spit difficultly. 哈坎因大使艰难地吞了一口吐沫。 In the Candela imperial palace the highest ceremony hall constructs around the city it is said always invests reaches as high as 7 million gold coins, but the Divine Light Church cathedral amounts to the expenditure to surpass the astonishing 10 million gold coins from all sides. 坎德拉帝国皇宫内最高的仪式大厅建城前后据说总投入高达七百万金币,而圣光教廷的大教堂更是前前后后总计花费超过惊人的一千万金币。 At present although these buildings definitely cannot compare these two buildings, but can construct so big, the investment little will not be absolutely many. 眼前这些大楼虽然肯定比不上这两栋建筑,但能够建得如此高大,投资绝对也不会少太多。 But in the meaning according to Kennard words, taking a broad view to look at so many tall buildings unexpectedly is completely the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce investment construction! 而按照肯纳德话里的意思,放眼望去这么多高楼居然全部都是新飞商会投资建造的! Is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce...... unexpectedly so unexpectedly rich? 新飞商会居然……居然这么有钱吗? Kennard sees the Ambassador Hakanin complexion, knew in the heart that he misunderstood certainly anything, then smiled saying with a smile: Ambassador Hakanin, you feel such a tall building. How much money altogether needs to spend?” 肯纳德看到哈坎因大使的脸色,心知他一定是误会了什么事情,便笑了笑道:“哈坎因大使,您觉得这样一栋高楼。总共需要花多少钱呢?” Front Ambassador Hakanin takes a look, because gradually approaches, but appears more and more magnificent grand buildings, in the heart pondered over a while, not too replied definite: Least...... least also 2 million gold coins?” 哈坎因大使瞅了瞅前面因为逐渐靠近,而显得越来越壮观宏伟的一座座大楼,心中琢磨了一会儿,不太确定地答道:“最少……最少也得两百万金币吧?” This number was Ambassador Hakanin said intentionally, in fact according to his innermost feelings estimate sincerely, such a grand magnificent building, wanted to complete lowly completely, least must invest 4 million gold coins to be good. 这个数字是哈坎因大使故意说低了的,实际上按照他真心的内心估算,这样一座宏伟壮观的大楼,想要完全建成,最少也得投入四百万金币才行。 However hears his reply, Kennard actually shakes the head with a smile. 然而听到他的回答,肯纳德却笑着摇了摇头。 Ambassador, if a building takes 2 million gold coins. That here is altogether 17 buildings, complete in addition words. But needs to invest 30 million gold coins. Although our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also calculates the benefit to be good, has not actually had money to this situation.” “大使阁下,如果一栋楼就要两百万金币。那这里可是总共有十七栋楼,全部加起来的话。可是需要投资三千万金币。我们新飞商会虽然还算效益不错,却也没有有钱到这种地步。” Ambassador Hakanin one wants also to be, immediately asked: How many does that building need to invest?” 哈坎因大使一想也是,立即问道:“那一栋楼需要投资多少?” Kennard stretches out four fingers. 肯纳德伸出四根手指。 „An average building, total investment 400,000 gold coins.” “平均一栋大楼,总投资四十万金币。” 400,000 gold coins?” “才四十万金币?” If not sit in the Magic Power sedan, perhaps Ambassador Hakanin will shock to jump directly. 如果不是还坐在魔力轿车里,哈坎因大使恐怕会震惊得直接跳了起来。 This number was too not as he expected. 这个数字实在太出乎他的意料了。 Such looks to reach to the sky from below, the incomparably magnificent building, the total investment only needs 400,000 gold coins unexpectedly! 这样一栋从下面看高耸入云,无比壮观的大楼,总投资居然只需要四十万金币! This were also too few! 这也太少了吧! Kennard smilingly looks at face shocking Ambassador Hakanin, thought that if the matter in this aspect can bring to the attention of Ambassador Hakanin, making him propagandize the Candela empire him, that helped busy of Amul Chamber of Commerce. 肯纳德笑眯眯地看着一脸震惊的哈坎因大使,心想如果这方面的事情能够引起哈坎因大使的注意,让他将其宣传到坎德拉帝国的话,那就帮了阿姆利商会的大忙。 The words that President Cruise knows, will certainly thank themselves layer on layer/heavily. 克鲁斯会长知道的话,一定会重重地感谢自己。 Naturally, this is also Sir President ahead of time on the arrangement of prepare, the words that President Cruise really must thank, first needs to thank Sir President. 当然,这也是会长大人提前就布置好的安排,克鲁斯会长真要感谢的话,首先需要感谢会长大人 However in the final analysis, uses the reinforced concrete structure to construct the creativity of tall building about this type, Sir President teaches to Amul Chamber of Commerce. 但是说到底,关于这种采用钢筋混凝土结构来建造高楼的创意,还是会长大人传授给阿姆利商会的。 If not Sir President has no interest in the construction industry, is not one's turn Amul Chamber of Commerce to do this matter. 如果不是会长大人对建筑行业没兴趣的话,根本轮不到阿姆利商会来干这种事情。 The Magic Power sedan continues, before long, has then been away from these tall buildings to be close. 魔力轿车继续前行,不一会儿,便已经距离那些高楼近在咫尺。 To near, looks up to these tall buildings from below, makes people think grand magnificent. 离得近了,从下面仰望这些高楼,就更让人觉得雄伟壮观。 Ambassador Hakanin finds out the glass the head, wants to enter well sizes up these tall buildings, actually by the present lively scene capturing attention. 哈坎因大使将脑袋探出车窗,本想好好就进打量一下这些高楼,却被眼前的热闹景象给吸引住了目光。 The region that this stretch of building towers naturally and is not only only these tall buildings. 这片大楼耸立的区域当然并不仅仅只是这些高楼。 Under the tall building, spacious smooth roads spread across, this region division method uniform regions. 高楼之下,一条条宽敞平坦的公路纵横交错,将这片区域划分成了一块块整齐划一的区域。 In each region one tall building stands upright, but around tall building, then has slightly short different style house, even also has tree room that is full of the elf clan style. 每片区域中都只有一栋高楼挺立,而在高楼四周,则另外有略矮一些的不同风格的房屋,其中甚至还有充满精灵族风格的树屋。 These different-styled houses regarding the tall building four directions, are the unification are actually setting up all kinds of stores to this side of road. 这些风格各异的房屋围绕着高楼四方,面向公路的这一边却都是统一开办着各式各样的商铺。 Sweeps, can see that the commodities of these stores are dazzling, is almost dazzling. 一眼扫过去,可以看到这些商铺的商品琳琅满目,几乎让人眼花缭乱。 By the road, is in these stores, is the tide of people surges everywhere, complements extremely busyly here. 无论是公路两旁,还是这些商铺里,到处都是人潮涌动,将这里映衬得热闹非凡。 On the street and stream of people that passes in and out from the store, often can also see the form of dwarf clan and elf clan, even can also see the image to vary, even seemingly ugly-looking all kinds of Beast-men Clan. 在街上和从商铺进进出出的人流中,不时还能看到矮人族和精灵族的身影,甚至还能看到形象各异,甚至看起来面目狰狞的各种各样的兽人族 In the Ambassador Hakanin cognition, the different race beyond human has to be hostile about human, is very difficult and human peaceful coexistence. 哈坎因大使的认知中,人类之外的异种族都对人类心存仇视,很难和人类和平共处。 Especially the Beast-men Clan natural disposition is tyrannical, even also has to eat uncooked existence of human. 尤其是兽人族生性暴虐,其中甚至还有生吃人类的存在。 But here. No matter the dwarf clan is also good. Elf clan. These appearance strange Beast-men Clan, are very obvious and human is together harmoniously, cannot see extremely, even if signs of a wee bit hostility. 而在这里。不管是矮人族也好。精灵族也罢。还是这些长相奇怪的兽人族,却很明显和人类相处得极为融洽,根本看不出哪怕一丁点儿仇视的迹象。 Even Ambassador Hakanin also saw in crowd that on the street passes through, in several crowds mixes in human and other races. 甚至哈坎因大使还看到街上走过的人群中,有几群里混在着人类和其他种族。 both sides walk in the same place, loudly chatting, probably for many years the old friend was common, the atmosphere is warm. 双方走在一起,高声谈笑着,像是经年老友一般,气氛热烈。 Ambassador Hakanin cannot bear exude one to sigh lightly: Had heard that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce even can let all different races and human peaceful coexistence, before had not seen with own eyes. Always is not willing to believe. Now really sees...... I have to express to the President Xu ability acclaim.” 哈坎因大使忍不住发出一声轻叹:“早就听说新飞商会甚至能够让所有的异种族和人类和平共处,之前没有亲眼见到。总是不肯相信。现在真的看到了……我不得不对许会长的能力深表赞叹。” Kennard laughs, thought that other Sir President ability not to mention, does well the ability of relations with the different race is no one can absolutely. 肯纳德哈哈一笑,心想会长大人别的能力暂且不说,和异种族搞好关系的能力绝对是无人能及。 Otherwise, Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe these two elf will tribe deliver to side Sir President to make him the elf clan beautiful women choose on own initiative willfully? 不然的话,夜歌部族月影部族这两个精灵部族又怎么会主动把精灵族美女送到会长大人身边让他任意挑选呢? In addition even/including always arrogant elf clan so, Beast-men Clan not to mention. 连一向高傲的精灵族尚且如此,兽人族就更不用说了。 It is said the first beautiful woman Miss Hervel of fox clan adores to Sir President, claimed that non- Sir President does not marry. 据说狐族的第一美女艾薇儿小姐就对会长大人倾心,声称非会长大人不嫁。 But the Beast-men Clan beautiful woman who other expressed like this was innumerable. 而其他这样表示的兽人族美女更是数不胜数。 ...... Does not have the means as for the dwarf clan, really does not conform to the human the aesthetic standard, no one thinks actually this aspect goes. 至于矮人族嘛……没办法,实在不符合人类的审美观,倒是没人会想到这方面去。 At the same time is thinking when Sir President by the different race beautiful woman surrounds the helpless appearance, Kennard can be borne show a happy smiling face, then told to the front driver: Front turn left. Goes to the velodrome.” 一边想着会长大人被异种族美女环绕时无奈的模样,肯纳德忍不住露出一丝愉快的笑容,然后向前面的司机吩咐道:“前面左转。去赛车场。” Velodrome?” Ambassador Hakanin hears this new term, will inquire. Actually the discovery automobile body shakes, has not turned left according to the instruction of Kennard, instead stopped. “赛车场?”哈坎因大使听到这个新名词,正要询问。却发现车身一震,并没有依照肯纳德的吩咐向左转,反而停了下来。 The Kennard frown raises, will ask, actually glimpses the path front situation, nods: Red Light, that wait/etc..” 肯纳德双眉一扬,正要发问,却瞥见道路前面的情况,点点头:“红灯啊,那等等吧。” Red Light?” Ambassador Hakanin wonders, looked at the past following the Kennard vision to front, discovered that the front two highway crossings intersection place, stood erect to come the high pillar from the ground four meters probably, above came horizontally a cross rod, on the cross rod is hanging three magic array. 红灯?”哈坎因大使更加纳闷,顺着肯纳德刚才的目光向前面望过去,发现前面两条公路交叉的十字路口处,屹立着一个大概距离地面四米来高的柱子,上面横过来一条横杆,横杆上挂着三盏魔法阵 At this time the leftmost Magic lamp is shining, is sending out the red ray. 此时其中最左边的魔法灯亮着,散发着红色的光芒。 Is stopping medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle and two Magic Power sedans in front of the Magic Power sedan that they take, in the crossroad, calmly looks to cross obediently, but on the road there are vehicles coming and going. 在他们乘坐的这辆魔力轿车前面停着一辆中型客运魔力机车和两辆魔力轿车,都乖乖地等在了路口,静静地看着横贯而过的这条公路上车来车往。 Sees this strange scene, Ambassador Hakanin cannot bear ask: „Is this Red Light? What do you mean?” 看到这幅诡异的景象,哈坎因大使忍不住问道:“这就是红灯?什么意思?” Red Light stops, green light line, this is the transportation rules of here most foundation. Ambassador Hakanin, hopes that you can remember this point, if later comes to here again, please observe as far as possible.” The Kennard smile answered. 红灯停,绿灯行,这是这里最基础的交通守则。哈坎因大使,希望你能记住这一点,以后如果再来这里的话,请尽量遵守。”肯纳德微笑解释道。 „Does Red Light stop? Green light line? This......” 红灯停?绿灯行?这……” Ambassador Hakanin must ask again, on Magic lamp that the front crossroad is hanging, Red Light starts to glitter, before long, Red Light extinguishes, a rightmost Magic lamp glitters the yellow ray, immediately Ambassador Hakanin then saw on the road that crosses these Magic Powered Vehicle stopped in abundance. 哈坎因大使还要再问,前面路口悬挂的魔法灯上,红灯开始闪烁起来,不一会儿,红灯熄灭,最右边的一个魔法灯闪烁起黄色的光芒,随即哈坎因大使便看到横贯的公路上那些魔力机车纷纷停了下来。 After the moment, the middle Magic lamp shone suddenly, is actually the green. 片刻后,中间的魔法灯忽然亮了起来,却是绿色。 Immediately front that medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle and two Magic Power sedans started, the Magic Power sedan that they take also starts later, turns left from the crossroad. 随即前面的那辆中型客运魔力机车和两辆魔力轿车先后开动,他们乘坐的这辆魔力轿车也随后启动,从路口向左转去。 Ambassador Hakanin then looked at one crossroad, can't help it expressed admiration behind. 哈坎因大使回头看了一眼身后路口,禁不住啧啧称奇。 Although this custom is very strange, so long as everyone observed, indeed will make this crossroad systematic, will not have the confusion. 这个规矩虽然很古怪,但是只要大家都遵守好了,却的确会让这个路口井然有序,不会出现混乱。 Naturally, this matter does not absoltely need in other places. 当然,这种事情在其它地方根本没必要。 Because besides here, has no place to have so many Magic Powered Vehicle to come and go. 因为除了这里之外,根本没有哪个地方会拥有这么多的魔力机车在来来往往。 Ambassador Hakanin, Sir President is waiting for your presence in the velodrome at this time. As welcome, Sir President will accompany you to watch a car race.” 哈坎因大使,会长大人此时正在赛车场等待着您的光临。作为欢迎,会长大人会陪同你观赏一场赛车比赛。” The Kennard sound pulls back from the ponder Ambassador Hakanin. 肯纳德的声音将哈坎因大使从沉思中拉了回来。 Car race?” The Ambassador Hakanin brow slightly wrinkle, has not actually continued to ask. “赛车比赛?”哈坎因大使眉头微皱,却没有继续发问。 Since has entered Stantin Duchy, almost every type of thing that he sees is disclosing novelly, making him always feel very freshly. 自从进入斯坦丁公国以来,他见到的几乎每样东西都透露着新奇,让他总是觉得十分新鲜。 Asked a lot, he cannot help but feel oneself looked like the countryside farmer who just entered a city to be common simply, too has not experienced. 问得多了,他不免觉得自己简直就像是刚刚进城的乡下农民一般,实在是太没见识。 Therefore he shuts up, decided that observes patiently well.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 于是他闭上嘴,决定耐心地好好观察。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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