MIE :: Volume #5

#2: Emergency rescue

After Magic Refill Station slightly makes the recuperation, Kennard and Ambassador Hakanin start off.'' 补魔站略作休整后,肯纳德哈坎因大使重新上路。`` The Magic Power sedan is going of slightly dream fast, Grandmaster Hakanin kept chatting the story in the car(riage) and Kennard. 魔力轿车在微梦之森里快速行驶着,哈坎因大师在车内和肯纳德不停地聊着刚才的见闻。 Compares that small-scale Magic Power dryer, he instead and turns on the water the automatic watering system that washes the hands to be interested to can the automatic flushing water. 相比起那个小型魔力烘干机,他反而对能够自动冲水和放水洗手的自动供水系统更感兴趣。 Sees him to focus on the automatic watering system, in the Kennard heart slightly feels surprisedly. 见他把关注点放在自动供水系统上,肯纳德心中略感惊讶。 Because Ambassador Hakanin usually displays extremely incompetently, Kennard thought he will not see to compare in the small-scale Magic Power dryer absolutely, actually the automatic watering influence of system is bigger, has not actually thought that he asked the matter about this aspect unexpectedly on own initiative. 因为哈坎因大使平时表现得极为无能,肯纳德本来觉得他绝对不会看出相比较于小型魔力烘干机,其实自动供水系统影响更大的,却没想到他居然主动问起了关于这方面的事情。 Thinks, Kennard decided considers seriously. 想了想,肯纳德决定郑重相告。 This automatic watering system, as the name suggests, does not need the manpower control, but can supply the place that needs the water automatically. The urinal flushing water and washing the hands water used that Ambassador Hakanin, you saw a moment ago, are part of automatic watering system.” “这个自动供水系统,顾名思义,就是不需要人力操控,而能够自动把水供应到需要的地方。哈坎因大使,您刚才看到的便池冲水和洗手用水,都属于自动供水系统的一部分。” Oh? said that if I want to make these water put other places automatically, for example family's kitchen and bathroom, in garden, is completely possible?” Appearance that Ambassador Hakanin is interested. 哦?这么说如果我想让这些水自动放到其它地方,比如家里的厨房、浴室,还有花园里,也是完全可能的?”哈坎因大使非常感兴趣的样子。 Yes.” Kennard nods. In fact this system main facility is the feed piping, for example washed the hands when a moment ago, water pipe that is used to turn on the water, is actually a terminal.” “是的。”肯纳德点点头。“实际上这个系统主要的设施就是供水管道,比如说刚才洗手时,用来放水的水管,其实就是其中一个终端。” Sees some Ambassador Hakanin expression doubts, Kennard explains: „ This terminal the concept is our Sir President proposes. So-called terminal, refers to discharging the corresponding system surface action finally the thing. Places in this automatic watering system, is water cocks.” “见哈坎因大使表情有些疑惑,肯纳德解释道:“这个‘终端’的概念是我们的会长大人提出的。所谓‘终端’,就是指最终施放出相应系统表面作用的东西。放在这个自动供水系统上,就是一个个水龙头。” Ambassador Hakanin appears to understand but not really understand nods: In brief i.e . So long as I want. Only must arrange an automatic watering system. Can turn on the water in any place?” 哈坎因大使似懂非懂地点了点头:“总之就是说。只要我愿意。只需布置一个自动供水系统。就能在任何地方放出水来?” Yes.” “是的。” Where does the water in that this automatic watering system come? Why will these water from put from the faucet after these pipelines?” “那这个自动供水系统里的水又是从哪儿来的?这些水又凭什么会从经过那些管道从水龙头放出来呢?” Kennard shows a faint smile: „The water of automatic watering system, actually sucks in the prepared reservoir the water using the Magic Power water pump, then obtains the clean hygienic using the filtration facility the water, finally sends to favor the water tank of high place, sends in each faucet through the feed piping.” 肯纳德微微一笑:“自动供水系统的水,其实都是利用魔力抽水机将水抽入事先准备好的蓄水池,然后再利用过滤设施获得干净卫生的水,最后再送入利于高处的水塔,通过供水管道送入各个水龙头。” „...... Ambassador Hakanin is suddenly enlighted so that's how it is. „The water that no wonder put a moment ago looks that clean, I even thought that...... drinks with the mouth directly does not have the issue probably.” “原来如此……”哈坎因大使恍然大悟。“难怪刚才放出来的水看起来那么干净,我甚至觉得……直接用嘴喝好像都没问题。” Naturally does not have the issue.” The smiling face on Kennard face put on a pride. „The filtration system of this automatic watering system used the secret recipe of elf clan and ensure these water absolute health are clean, compared with underground well water that the average person uses. Was the water that obtained from brook Hasuri must directly.” “当然没问题。”肯纳德脸上的笑容戴上了一丝自豪。“这个自动供水系统的过滤系统可是采用了精灵族的秘方,保证这些水绝对卫生干净,比起普通人使用的地下井水。或者是直接从溪流河水里获得的水要强多了。” Unexpectedly the secret recipe of elf clan?” Some Ambassador Hakanin surprise. Had heard that the elf clan and your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce relate closely, has not actually thought that the elf clan is even willing to take to use for you their secret recipes. This was really astounding.” “居然还有精灵族的秘方?”哈坎因大使有些诧异。“早就听说精灵族和你们新飞商会关系密切,却没想到精灵族甚至连他们的秘方都肯拿出来供你们使用。这实在是太让人惊奇了。” Your surprised matter are many......” in the Kennard heart titter. On the mouth said: This is only the elf clan and one of the we chamber of commerce cooperation projects, does not give for nothing us to use. For example this automatic watering system, our chamber of commerce must share with the elf clan. Currently of slightly dream the elf clan is also using this automatic watering system, all facilities are our chamber of commerce erect for them free.” “你惊奇的事情还多着呢……”肯纳德心中偷笑。嘴上却道:“这只是精灵族和我们商会的合作项目之一,并不是白给我们用的。比如这个自动供水系统,我们商会就必须和精灵族共同分享。现在微梦之森里的精灵族也在使用这个自动供水系统,所有设施都是我们商会免费为他们架设的。” Can let the elf clan and you cooperates, this is inconceivable enough.” Ambassador Hakanin repeatedly, will continue to ask, actually sees the Kennard vision to congeal suddenly. “能够让精灵族和你们合作,这已经够不可思议了。”哈坎因大使啧啧连声,正要继续发问,却见肯纳德目光突然一凝。 Ambassador Hakanin is startled, but also thinks that had/left what accident/surprise, turns the head to look following the Kennard vision. Then sees right under a front road big tree, seems lying down a person's shadow. 哈坎因大使一怔,还以为出了什么意外,顺着肯纳德目光转头望去。便看到前方的公路右边的一颗大树下,似乎躺着一个人影。 Parking.” “停车。” Kennard told one to the front driver. 肯纳德向前面的司机吩咐了一声。 The driver understands the Kennard intention obviously. In that man radical that lies down on the ground stopped. 司机显然明白肯纳德的意图。在那个躺在地上的人旁边停了下来。 The Kennard quick arrange/cloth got out, arrives at that person of side to look at two, traces on his neck with the hand, then to with the driver told: Looks at his situation, perhaps cannot move heedlessly, relates the ambulance.” 肯纳德快布下车,来到那人身边看了两眼,用手在他的脖子上摸了摸,回头向跟下来的司机吩咐道:“看他的情况,恐怕不能乱动,联系救护车。” The driver nods, pulls out a small rectangular all box directly from the bosom, pressed several above, then to metal box say/way: First-aid center? Here discovered an acute disease patient, please send the ambulances and medical personnel immediately treats and cures. Right, of slightly dream, Lugong Road......” 司机点点头,从怀中掏出一个小小的径直的长方形尽数盒子,在上面按了几下,然后对着金属盒子道:“急救中心吗?我这里发现了一个急症病人,请立即派救护车和医护人员来救治。对,在微梦之森里,斯鲁公路……” The driver, looked around , to continue said: Between 483 tenders and 484 tenders. Right, in roadside, please hurry up, this person situation is not quite as if good.” 司机顿了顿,前后张望了一下,续道:“483标段和484标段之间。对,就在路旁,请快点儿,这个人情况似乎不太好。” Completes these, Kennard as if still some did not feel relieved, but he does not understand any medicine to rescue the knowledge, does not do moves heedlessly this person rashly, actually also helpless. 做完这些,肯纳德似乎依然有些不放心,但是他不懂任何医救知识,又不干贸然乱动这人,却也无能为力。 Knit the brows to think, he wants to remember anything suddenly, touched in the bosom, put out a cylinder, then lifted, to the sky, turned on the above cover. 皱眉想了一下,他忽然想是想起了什么,在怀里摸了一下,拿出一个圆筒,然后举起来,冲着天空,打开上面的盖子。 Bang-” “砰-” After a light sound, the pale-green smog flushed to the flexibility in together, non-stop flies the heaven. 一声轻响过后,一道淡绿色的烟雾冲圆通中冲了出来,直飞上天。 After about five minutes, nearby woods resound one suddenly rustle the leaf sound sound, immediately two slender person's shadows jump down from the tree suddenly. 大约五分钟过后,旁边的树林忽然响起一阵沙沙的树叶响动声,随即两个修长的人影突然从树上跳了下来。 Ambassador Hakanin fixes the eyes on looks, discovered that these two person's shadow ears high-pitched and fine, the appearance is elegant, unexpectedly is two elf clans! 哈坎因大使定睛一看,发现这两个人影耳朵尖细,容貌秀美,竟是两名精灵族! Although can be No. 1 character in the Candela empire, but Ambassador Hakanin has not actually seen the elf clan in the Candela empire, this is the first time that the entire life saw the living elf! 尽管在坎德拉帝国内算得上是一号人物,但哈坎因大使坎德拉帝国内却从来没有见过精灵族,这还是生平第一次见到活生生的精灵! That two elves nod to Kennard, had not asked that what's the matter, because they have seen to lie down in that person of roadside. 那两名精灵向肯纳德点了点头,也没问是怎么回事,因为他们已经看到躺在路旁的那个人。 Saw that two elves arrive at side that person, starts to inspect that person of situation earnestly, on elf even emitted a green light, obviously conducted the first aid in the attempt with elf clan Magic to this person, Ambassador Hakanin cannot bear rub own eye, the whole face was astonished. 看到两名精灵走到那人身边,开始认真检查起那人的情况,其中一名精灵手上甚至冒出了一丝绿光,显然是在尝试用精灵族魔法对这个人进行初步治疗,哈坎因大使忍不住揉了揉自己的眼睛,满脸惊愕。 Lies down in that person of ground, is a human! 躺在地上的那个人,可是一名人类啊! When will the elf clan so help treat and cure human unexpectedly conscientiously? 什么时候精灵族居然会如此尽心尽力地帮助救治人类了? These two elf clans should the summon of Kennard come a moment ago, enough has made Ambassador Hakanin be startled, now sees these two elf clans to be willing to be willing to treat and cure this human with Magic unexpectedly. This makes Ambassador Hakanin feel inconceivable. 刚才这两名精灵族应肯纳德的召唤而来,就已经足够让哈坎因大使吃惊了,现在见这两名精灵族居然肯舍得用魔法来救治这名人类。这就更加让哈坎因大使感到不可思议。 ...... Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Stantin Duchy relations between elf clans. Unexpectedly as good as this situation? 难道说……新飞商会斯坦丁公国内的精灵族之间的关系。居然已经好到这个地步了? With the help of elf clan special treatment Magic. That person of situation obviously obtained improvement, even can also open the eye slightly. 在精灵族特殊的治疗魔法的帮助下。那人的情况明显获得了好转,甚至还能微微睁开眼睛。 But he is still weak, is the words cannot even say. 只不过他依然虚弱,却是连话都说不出来。 In this time, the road front resounds short actually not rapid soaring songs and calls exactly, probably the strange big bird has been approaching unceasingly general. 恰在此时,公路前方响起一阵短促却并不急促的高昂鸣叫声,像是一直奇异的大鸟正在不断靠近一般。 Hears this sound, Kennard and driver have that two elves is a facial expression loosen. 听到这个声音,肯纳德和司机还有那两名精灵都是神情一松。 After the moment, a semblance color spread pure white to mix with medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle of two red lines to speed along from the corner of road, sharply stopped directly side Kennard. 片刻后,一辆外表颜色涂成了纯白中夹杂了两个红色线条的中型客运魔力机车从公路的转角飞驰了过来,直接急停在肯纳德身边。 The young man who two wear the white long gown carries a stretcher to get out. One of them made to inspect in that person, then two people then began together, lifted up the stretcher that person, lifted up again obviously after the re-equipping, medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle that behind opened the door, sped along to go before long. 两名身穿白色长袍的年轻男子抬着一副担架下了车。其中一人在那人身上做了一下检查,然后两人便一起动手,将那人抬上了担架,再抬上显然经过改装,后面开门的中型客运魔力机车,不一会儿又飞驰而去。 In the entire process, the movements of these two people are quite fast smooth, obviously this matter is done are innumerable, seems extremely skilled. 整个过程中,这两个人的动作都极为流畅快速,显然这种事情做过无数次,显得极为熟练。 But in nearby several people, only had Kennard to confess several to two people. Other anything had not said. 而一旁的几个人中,也就只有肯纳德向两人交代了几句。其余的什么都没说。 When medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle vanishes does not see, two elf clans then salute to Kennard. The jumping up tree trunk, vanishes similarly does not see. 待中型客运魔力机车消失不见,两名精灵族便向肯纳德行了个礼。跳上树干,同样消失不见。 Looks that the driver and Kennard make the Magic Power sedan, a Ambassador Hakanin face is inexplicable. 看着司机和肯纳德重新做上魔力轿车,哈坎因大使一脸莫名。 Kennard chief executive officer, you, since wants to save that person, why isn't meddlesome achieves the bottom? Finds a good doctor, determined that he does change for the better?” 肯纳德首席执行官,你既然想要救那个人,为什么不好事做到底?找一个好医生,确定他好转呢?” I have given the first-aid center him, the remaining matter natures are processed by the people of first-aid center, did not need me to meddle.” Kennard answered. “我已经把他交给急救中心了,剩下的事情自然由急救中心的人去处理,就不需要我插手了。”肯纳德笑答。 This what first-aid center makes what?” Ambassador Hakanin wonders. Specifically is used to save others?” “这个什么急救中心是做什么的?”哈坎因大使更加纳闷。“难道是专门用来救人的吗?” Yes, this is Sir President allocates funds to construct specially. At present in Stantin Duchy, altogether eight first-aid centers, is distributed across the duchy. Sir President said that this also by far insufficient, according to the plan, at least needs to set up over 100 first-aid centers to be good in the duchy.” “是的,这是会长大人专门拨款建造的。目前在斯坦丁公国内,总共有八个急救中心,分布在公国各地。会长大人说这还远远不够,按照计划,至少要在公国内建立超过一百个急救中心才行。” Ambassador Hakanin is somewhat in a daze: How much money can that spend? I thought that you did that not give money a moment ago, this first-aid center should be the pure public welfare nature?” 哈坎因大使有些发呆:“那得花多少钱?我看你刚才那样子连钱都不给,这个急救中心应该是纯公益性质的吧?” Said that is the pure public welfare nature is not right.” Kennard shakes the head with a smile. Although according to the stipulation of Sir President, these first-aid centers when patient, in facing to need to administer first aid, must first consider to treat and cure, but in fact must collect fees. Usually if has others to deliver to seek the treatment, same must collect fees.” “说是纯公益性质也不对。”肯纳德笑着摇摇头。“虽然按照会长大人的规定,这些急救中心在面对需要急救的病人时,必须先考虑救治,但是实际上还是要收费的。平时如果有其他人送过来寻求救治,也一样要收费。” That a moment ago the treatment expense of that person......” “那刚才那个人的救治费用……” I told them, temporarily in my account.” “我跟他们说了,暂时记在我的账上。” „Didn't that in your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce account, what with have to distinguish free?” In the Ambassador Hakanin heart the unstated criticism, in the surface actually approved one with a smile: „The Kennard chief executive officer, you also are really kind.” “那还不是记在你们新飞商会的账上,和免费有什么区别?”哈坎因大使心中腹诽,表面上却笑着赞了一句:“肯纳德首席执行官,你还真是宅心仁厚。” Kennard laughs: Overpraised.” 肯纳德哈哈一笑:“过奖了。” Looks the appearance that a Kennard face not cares, in the Ambassador Hakanin heart has doubts. 看着肯纳德一脸毫不在意的模样,哈坎因大使心中疑惑。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sets up the intention of this first-aid center, should be in the Candela empire these chambers of commerce is all right will donate some gruel vegetables/dishes and clothes to the poor person free, makes the charity. 新飞商会设立这个急救中心的用意,应该就是和坎德拉帝国内那些商会没事会免费给穷人布施一些粥菜和衣服,算是做慈善。 Intention of his doubts Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but is these things that the doubts saw a moment ago. 他并没有疑惑新飞商会的用意,而是疑惑刚才所看到的那些东西。 First is the intimate relation of elf clan and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 首先是精灵族和新飞商会的亲密关系。 And a moment ago Kennard and that two elf clans were together the shape from the automatic watering system, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and relation of elf clan was not only close is so perhaps simple. 从自动供水系统和刚才肯纳德和那两名精灵族相处时的形态来看,新飞商会和精灵族的联系恐怕不仅仅是紧密这么简单。 That exquisite metal box that directly next...... the driver took a moment ago. 其次……就是刚才司机取出来的那个小巧径直的金属盒子。 Why he to this that box said how many words, will have Magic Powered Vehicle that the treatment uses immediately to catch up? 为什么他对这那个盒子说几句话,就会有救治用的魔力机车立即赶来呢? Is that small box, what mysterious thing? 那个小小的盒子,到底又是什么神奇的东西? Ambassador Hakanin discovered, oneself and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce contacts many, more discovered that this Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce takes to his surprise many. 哈坎因大使发现,自己和新飞商会接触得越多,就越发现这个新飞商会带给他的惊奇越多。 Does not know when sees President Xu again, what he will bring to himself surprised?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 不知道再次见到许会长时,他又会给自己带来什么样的惊奇呢?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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