MIE :: Volume #5

#1: Advances to footsteps Chapter 1 of mainland to enter the Candela empire

A bright silver Magic Power sedan crossed Rudson Kingdom and Stantin Duchy border line fast steadily, on the cliff that separated both countries drops down from before under. & \ { } . \ { } 一辆亮银色的魔力轿车快速平稳地越过了鲁尔逊王国斯坦丁公国的边境线,从之前将两国隔开的悬崖上直落而下。&\{}..\{} After the moment, then has driven into the Lugong Road Stantin Duchy road section, formally entered in Stantin Duchy. 片刻后,便已经驶入斯鲁公路斯坦丁公国路段,正式进入了斯坦丁公国境内。 Was higher than a ground dozens meters roadbed to pick up Lugong Road just to enter the Stantin Duchy road section, went to edge from ground enough dozens meters high , from the car(riage) introverted, was similar to go high-speed in the clouds is ordinary. 一条高出地面数十米的路基托起了斯鲁公路刚刚进入斯坦丁公国的路段,又去边缘处距离地面足足有几十米高,从车内向两边望去,就仿佛自己高速行驶在云端一般。 Occasionally can see that several sharp sharp giant tree peaks scrape past from the side, made in the person heart increase this intense feeling of placing the high place. 偶尔能够看到几个尖尖的巨木顶端从身旁擦身而过,更让人心中增加了这份身处高处的紧张感觉。 Candela empire in Ambassador Rudson Kingdom Redden? Hakanin put down the glass, the poking head in whereabouts far-end looked at one, could not bear in the heart sigh with emotion. 坎德拉帝国驻鲁尔逊王国大使雷登?哈坎因放下车窗,探出头去向远端看了一眼,忍不住心中感慨。 Such as if constructs in the road in space, but also really makes one praise to the heavens. After returning to the Candela empire, I must advise to the emperor, constructs such a road in our Candela empire, moreover must construct greatly, is grander!” “这样一条仿佛修建在天上的一条公路,还真是让人叹为观止。等回到坎德拉帝国后,我一定要向皇帝陛下进言,在我们坎德拉帝国内也修建这样一条公路,而且要修建得更大,更雄伟!” Sits Kennard near his right hand shows a faint smile, thought that this Ambassador Hakanin is really does not forget to show off at any time as the pride of Candela empire person. 坐在他右手边的肯纳德微微一笑,心想这位哈坎因大使真是任何时候都不忘记显摆一下自己身为坎德拉帝国人的骄傲。 This Lugong Road constructs finally successfully, the total construction cost reaches as high as 2.13 million gold coins, this connection cliff high and low both sides, made a connection with Rudson Kingdom and Stantin Duchy road section length freely only eight kilometers, the construction cost over 800,000 gold coins, had accounted for entire 1300-km Lugong Road being close half of total construction cost. 这条斯鲁公路最终修建成功,总造价高达两百一十三万金币,其中这一段连通悬崖上下两端,打通了鲁尔逊王国斯坦丁公国的路段长度尽管只有区区八公里,造价就已经超过八十万金币,占了整条长达1300公里的斯鲁公路的总造价的接近一半。 Thus it can be seen, construction such as if constructs in the road in space, the expenditure is how astonishing. 由此可见,修建这样一条仿佛建在天上的公路,花费是多么惊人。 This Ambassador Hakanin opens the mouth wants to make the Candela empire also construct a same road. Even must be bigger and be grander. However he only feared that has not considered the cost issue. 这个哈坎因大使张口就想让坎德拉帝国也修建同样的一条公路。甚至要更大、更雄伟。但是他只怕根本就没有考虑过成本问题。 Although the Candela empire is Sainz Continent one on two big empires. National strength by far Lanpali Kingdom and Rudson Kingdom like this small country, but optional waste so much money use on constructing a road, perhaps the emperors in Candela empire will not easily comply. 虽说坎德拉帝国是赛恩斯大陆上的两大帝国之一。国力远胜兰帕里王国鲁尔逊王国这样的小国家,但随意浪费这么多钱用在修建一条公路上,恐怕坎德拉帝国的皇帝陛下也绝不会轻易答应。 Naturally, this idea also only transfers the revolutions in the Kennard mind, naturally cannot say swept the Ambassador Hakanin interest. 当然,这个想法也就只在肯纳德脑海里转转,自然不会说出来扫了哈坎因大使的兴致。 After speaking thoughtlessly echoed several, the Magic Power sedan on this road has fallen half, the path two sides trees start gradually to camouflage entire to reform the entire path. 随口附和了几句后,魔力轿车已经在这条公路上下落了一半,道路两边的树木开始逐渐遮蔽整条改过整条道路。 Because the forest is crowded, the entire path became slightly gloomy. 因为林木密集,整条道路变得略显阴暗了一些。 However at this time the road front presented rows of big iron poles. Above the iron pole is hanging the glass spheres, is sending out bunch of brilliant white rays to outside, the gloomy woods will illuminate clearly discernible. 然而此时公路前方却出现了一排排高大的铁柱。铁柱上方悬挂着一个个玻璃圆球,正向外散发出一团团亮白色的光芒,将阴暗的树林照得清晰可见。 The Ambassador Hakanin vision cannot help but falls to these lights, cannot bear say: „The Kennard chief executive officer, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also is really filthy rich. This place will also place the street light unexpectedly, is really unexpected.” 哈坎因大使的目光不由自主地落向这些灯光上,忍不住赞道:“肯纳德首席执行官,你们新飞商会还真是财大气粗。这种地方居然还会安置路灯,实在是让人意想不到。” Kennard shows a faint smile: Sir President said that this road is at present only one directly the road to lead to Stantin Duchy, is the most convenient key communication line. In order to welcome the guests from other mainland places, this road must achieve well, therefore each detail part considered.” 肯纳德微微一笑:“会长大人说了,这条公路是目前唯一一条直接通向斯坦丁公国的公路,也是最为便捷的一条交通要道。为了迎接来自大陆其它地方的宾客,这条公路一定要做到最好,所以每一个细节部分都有考虑到。” Ambassador Hakanin could not bear smile: ” Said the roads in other places in Stantin Duchy is inferior to this road? Cannot think your President Xu pay great attention to the superficial work very much. ” 哈坎因大使忍不住笑了起来:”这么说在斯坦丁公国内其它地方的公路就不如这条公路喽?想不到你们的许会长还是很注重表面功夫的嘛。” Kennard smiles. Are not many explains. 肯纳德笑了笑。并不多做解释。 The Magic Power sedan sinks, when must fall with woods of ground parallel altitude slightly dream shortly. The front woods suddenly become open, red passed. 魔力轿车一路下沉,眼看就要落入和微梦之森地面平行的高度时。前方树林忽然变得开阔起来,一点红色透了出来。 Ambassador Hakanin, front was Magic Refill Station, we stopped there, to the vehicle supplemented that Magic Crystal, rested while convenient, how did you look?” Kennard points at the front the red building that as if braves suddenly from the woods to ask. 哈坎因大使,前面就是补魔站了,我们在那里停一下,给车子补充点儿魔力水晶,顺便也休息一下,您看怎么样?”肯纳德指着前方从树林中仿佛突然冒出来的红色建筑物问道。 Un, the guest does as the host pleases, listens to your arrangement.” Ambassador Hakanin nods. “嗯,客随主便,听你的安排。”哈坎因大使点点头。 The driver who the front is responsible for driving moves slightly, the Magic Power sedan slowed down the speed, just slid the Magic Refill Station dead center to stop. 前方负责开车的司机微微一动,魔力轿车放缓了速度,刚好滑行到了补魔站正中心停了下来。 Ambassador Hakanin in Kennard invitation one after next the Magic Power sedan, observed the situation about, discovered that this Magic Refill Station is not very actually big, the area also only has 1000 square meters probably. 哈坎因大使肯纳德的邀请下下了魔力轿车,环视左右,发现这座补魔站其实并不算特别大,占地面积大概也就只有一千来平米。 However although the house sparrow is small, is fully equipped. 不过麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。 This small Magic Refill Station not only has two machine that highly concentrated Magic Crystal that is responsible for providing after the refinement, a row of small one-story house, being counted is the Magic Refill Station office, meanwhile a small store, sold some scattered daily necessities in inside. 这个小小的补魔站不仅拥有两台负责提供经过提炼的高浓度魔力水晶的机器,还有一排小平房,算作是补魔站的办公室,同时还开了一家小商店,在里面售卖一些零散的生活用品。 Moreover here also small maintenance station, but helps come across the issue Magic Powered Vehicle to provide some help. 另外这里还有一个小小的维修站,可是帮助遇到问题的魔力机车提供一些帮助。 In addition, here even also constructed a restroom specially. 除此之外,这里甚至还特意修建了一个厕所。 At first sees this restroom time, is completely different because of its outlook and ordinary restroom, moreover looks from outside extremely cleanly, therefore Ambassador Hakanin does not know that this is actually a restroom, but also thinks that is a housing. 起初看到这个厕所的时候,因为它的外型和普通的厕所完全不同,而且从外面看极为干净,所以哈坎因大使并不知道这其实是一个厕所,还以为是一栋住房。 Until Kennard asked tactfully he must go to the bathroom, caused his sensation to urinate, then after he takes to bring, he knows that this seems like very pretty neat small house from the semblance, unexpectedly is used for convenience the place. 直到肯纳德委婉地问他要不要方便一下,引起了他的尿意,然后把他带进来之后,他才知道这个从外表看起来十分漂亮整洁的小房子,居然是用来“方便”的地方。 In somewhat strange, but after actually in the extremely clean urinal facilitates, Ambassador Hakanin glimpsed Kennard to press on the urinal above metal button, immediately a water current flushed, washed out the urinal, then all broke in a following eyelet not to see, immediately the big feeling was surprised. 在有些奇怪,但是却极为干净的便池里方便过后,哈坎因大使瞥见肯纳德在便池上方一个金属按钮上按了一下,随即一股水流冲了出来,将便池冲刷一遍,然后全部冲入下面的一个小孔不见,顿时大感惊奇。 Studied the Kennard appearance to press on the urinal above button that oneself used, looks that the water current was clean the urinal washout, Ambassador Hakanin had bright becoming aware. 学着肯纳德的样子在自己使用的这个便池上方的按钮上按了一下,看着水流将便池冲刷干净,哈坎因大使心生明悟。 No wonder this restroom seems like such clean neat, can clean besides some people evidently regularly, this automatic flushing device also plays the enormous role absolutely. 难怪这个厕所看起来这么干净整洁,看样子除了有人会定期打扫之外,这个自动冲洗装置绝对也起到了极大的作用。 The Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce association/will causes some strange thing, has not actually thought the restroom that even they arrange also is so unexpectedly unusual. 都说新飞商会总会弄出一些稀奇古怪的玩意,却没想到连他们布置的厕所居然也如此与众不同。 Turned the head and saw that Kennard arrives, by the thing of wash bowl appearance an outside stone makes, similarly pressed an above metal button, then above metal pipe of a fluent flowed from wash bowl. 一转头又看到肯纳德走到外间一个石头制成的、脸盆模样的东西旁边,同样按了一下上面的金属按钮,然后一股水流从脸盆上方的一个金属管子里流了出来。 Kennard put out a hand to flush. Puts in both hands a scoop channel that wash bowl nearby grotesque thing leaves behind again. Along with even if hears in the scoop channel to resound a gust sound. 肯纳德伸手冲洗了一下。再将双手放入脸盆旁边一个怪模怪样的东西留下的一个凹槽里。随即便听到凹槽中响起一阵风声。 After a while. Kennard takes up both hands, unexpectedly is completely been dry by both hands that the water moistened! 过了一会儿。肯纳德拿起双手,原本被水打湿的双手竟然完全干了! Saw a Ambassador Hakanin face astonished expression, Kennard gave a hand signal to Ambassador Hakanin with a smile, hinted him also to comply. 看到哈坎因大使一脸惊异的表情,肯纳德笑着向哈坎因大使做了个手势,示意他也照做。 Ambassador Hakanin hesitant, first studied the Kennard appearance to wash both hands, then also hesitated a while, this under the demonstration of Kennard, put in both hands that scoop channel. 哈坎因大使犹豫了一下,先学着肯纳德的样子洗了一下双手,然后又犹豫了一会儿,这才在肯纳德的示范下,将双手放入那个凹槽中。 Both hands just put. Ambassador Hakanin felt immediately blows out one not too to be big from the scoop channel, is quite rapid, and also brings warm feeling wind. 双手刚一放进去。哈坎因大使立即感觉到从凹槽里面吹出一股并不算太大,却较为急促、并且还带着一丝暖意的风。 Studied the Kennard appearance to change both hands up and down back and forth, then on feeling water stain rapid the transpiration volatility under swaying of warm braw, among the moments made a pair of hand re-enter dry and clear. 学着肯纳德的样子上下来回翻动了一下双手,便感觉手上的水渍迅速在暖风的吹拂下蒸腾挥发,片刻之间就让一双手重回干爽。 Ambassador Hakanin withdrawing both hands, cannot bear the surprise in heart eventually, asked to Kennard: What thing are these? Why will have such mysterious function?” 哈坎因大使抽回双手,终究还是忍不住心中的诧异,向肯纳德问道:“这些到底是什么东西?为什么会有这么神奇的功能?” After Kennard smiles the urinal that is referring to both sides using a moment ago, washes the hands with the wash bowl, replied: This is only very simple running water, and has nothing unusually.” 肯纳德微笑着指了指刚才双方使用的便池以及之后洗手用的脸盆,答道:“这只是很简单的自来水,并没什么稀奇。” Said that aims at that grotesque scoop channel. 说罢指向那个怪模怪样的凹槽。 As for this thing, is the small-scale Magic Power dryer that our chamber of commerce researches and develops newly. This model specifically is used to dry both hands, after when facilitating washes the hands, does not have the thing to dry both hands uses. Ambassador Hakanin. After you use, how feels?” “至于这个东西,则是我们商会新研发出来的小型魔力烘干机。这个型号是专门用来烘干双手的,方便洗完手后却没有东西擦干双手时使用。哈坎因大使。您使用后觉得怎么样?” Ambassador Hakanin changed both hands to look, nods. 哈坎因大使翻动了一下双手看了看,点点头。 This thing was too simply mysterious! Unexpectedly does not need towel cleaning. Can make my hand change does completely, was really easy-to-use!” Also does not wait for Kennard to explain again, he stretches out a finger to Kennard directly. Other thing first did not say, this small-scale Magic Power dryer, but also hopes that your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can first prepare 100 to me.” “这东西简直太神奇了!居然不需要毛巾擦拭。就能让我的手完全变干,真是太好用了!”也不等肯纳德再做解释,他直接向肯纳德伸出一根手指。“别的东西先不说,这个小型魔力烘干机,还希望你们新飞商会能够先给我准备个一百台。” Kennard nods with a smile: This naturally does not have the issue. Sir President confessed specially, so long as is Ambassador Hakanin your request, we first will certainly satisfy.” 肯纳德含笑点头:“这当然没问题。会长大人特别交代了,只要是哈坎因大使您的要求,我们一定会优先满足。” Ambassador Hakanin laughs: President Xu has been straightforward, this I always know.” 哈坎因大使哈哈一笑:“许会长一直豪爽,这我是一向知道的。” The smiling face on Kennard face cannot help but flashes through to ridicule the meaning. 肯纳德脸上的笑容不由自主地闪过一丝讥讽之意。 In Ambassador Hakanin mouth so-called straightforward, Sir President that naturally refers to delivered to him in these two years time amounted to the value to surpass 3000 gold coins various type home Magic machineries. 哈坎因大使口中所谓的“豪爽”,当然是指的会长大人在这两年的时间内足足给他送了总计价值超过三千金币的各式家用魔法机械。 Otherwise, will this greedy fellow display politely, is even willing to follow Kennard to arrive at Stantin Duchy now to make to inspect together on the spot? 不然的话,这个贪婪的家伙又怎么会表现得这么客气,现在甚至愿意跟随肯纳德一起来到斯坦丁公国来做一下实地考察呢? However Sir President also obtained very good return in the investment on this fellow making. 不过会长大人在这个家伙身上做的投资也得到了非常不错的回报。 Ambassador Hakanin new year's celebration time returns to the Candela empire to report on activities again , before , Xu Yi gave his various type home Magic machineries one and brought back to the Candela empire. 哈坎因大使过年的时候再次回到坎德拉帝国述职,也将之前许亦送给他的各式家用魔法机械一并带回了坎德拉帝国。 These novel thing aroused the interests of others rapidly, and received a high praise of imperial capital Wimbledon City large crowd aristocrat. 这些新奇的玩意迅速引起了其他人的关注,并受到了王都温布尔登城一大群人贵族的好评。 Aristocrats who these and Ambassador Hakanin is on good terms not like Ambassador Hakanin incompetent, many many vision original people. 这些和哈坎因大使交好的贵族们可不都像哈坎因大使这样无能,其中不乏很多眼光独到之人。 From these novel home Magic machineries, many people saw the opportunity exists, therefore then the aristocrats in several Candela empires exhort Ambassador Hakanin to inquire clearly the information about these home Magic machineries, even some people passed Ambassador Hakanin to make the order to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce directly. 从这些新奇的家用魔法机械身上,很多人都看到了商机存在,于是便有好几名坎德拉帝国的贵族嘱咐哈坎因大使打听清楚关于这些家用魔法机械的情报,甚至有人直接通过哈坎因大使新飞商会下了订单。 This Ambassador Hakanin meeting is willing to run up to Stantin Duchy to come far away, mainly to complete these requests. 这次哈坎因大使之所以会愿意大老远跑到斯坦丁公国来,主要就是为了完成这些委托。 This and these asked the Ambassador Hakanin Candela empire aristocrats perhaps to be only a minor matter regarding Ambassador Hakanin, but regarding Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce was actually an important matter. 这对于哈坎因大使和那些拜托了哈坎因大使坎德拉帝国贵族们或许只是一件小事,但对于新飞商会来说却是一件大事。 Because this means that the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce product will be very likely to enter the Candela empire. 因为这意味着新飞商会的产品将极有可能打入坎德拉帝国。 Compares Lanpali Kingdom, Rudson Kingdom, Drake Duchy and Milano Duchy these small countries, the Candela empire radically is a colossus. 相比起兰帕里王国鲁尔逊王国德拉克公国米兰多公国这些小国家,坎德拉帝国根本是一个庞然大物。 If the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce product can open this colossus officially the market, without doubt will make Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtain the qualitative leap.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 如果新飞商会的产品能够正式打开这个庞然大物的市场,无疑会让新飞商会获得质的飞跃。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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