MIE :: Volume #4

#159: Situation calm( vol. 4 «Throne» ends)

After one hour, from a brown rice harbor Northwest about 50 kilometers sea level, is fluttering everywhere the giant plank detritus.[][] .[] 一个小时后,距离黑米港口西北方大约五十公里的海面上,到处飘荡着巨大的木板碎屑。[][]..[] Several completely silent steamships have not been trading the submersion in the sea level at this time, carried over several huge vortex, as well as had not died the Sakk Kingdom first fleet soldiers who have not actually escaped from enough time to inhale the seabed of being too deep to see the bottom the surrounding sawdust completely. 几艘还未完全沉默的大船此时正在海面上换换下沉,带出了几个巨大的漩涡,把周围的木屑以及还未身亡却没来得及逃脱的萨克王国第一舰队士兵们全部吸入了深不见底的海底。 The deep blue sea water was dyed one piece blood red to combine the burned black pitiful color red, represented in sharpest through the Salker empire's first fleet of this sea area was also dividing the fleet to turn into the trace of history a moment ago powerfully at this time, vanished without a trace. 原本碧蓝的海水被染成了一片血红红混杂着焦黑的凄惨颜色,代表着刚才还威风凛凛地通过这片海域的萨尔克王国第一舰队中最精锐的一只分舰队此时已经变成了历史的痕迹,消失得无影无踪。 In the sky is floating several several Sack kingdom that follows the first fleet to come * section respective high-level Magician, their all face may not believe looks at the following sea level, looks in float in the sea level, as if mountain huge 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, the whole face is generally shocking. 天空中漂浮着几名跟随着第一舰队而来的几名萨克王**部所属的高级魔法师,他们全都一脸不可置信地看着下面的海面,看着在悬浮在海面上,仿佛一座山一般巨大的展翅号,满脸震惊。 When 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship just appeared in everyone front, they are also only astonished in the hugeness of this ship, and is built to be shocked by the metal for this ship unexpectedly all over the body. 展翅号刚刚出现在所有人面前时,他们还只是惊异于这艘船的巨大,并为这艘船居然通体是由金属打造而感到震惊。 When recognizes this ship to be in the information has mentioned, when respective Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce giant Magic Power steamboat, they prepared to launch the attack immediately. 当认出这艘船应该就是情报中提到过的,所属新飞商会的巨大魔力轮船时,他们立即准备好了展开攻击。 However they have not thought that 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship when forefront distance that sea boat is also enough two and three kilometers, suddenly the big group flame emits from 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, along with, even if saw blots out the sky, tows the powerful Magic Power ray Magic rocket projectile to fly from 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship. 但是他们万万没有想到,展翅号在距离最前面的那艘海船还有足足两、三公里的时候,忽然间就有一大团火光从展翅号上冒出,随即便看到铺天盖地的、拖曳着强大魔力光芒的魔法火箭弹从展翅号上飞来。 Under the attack of so crowded Magic rocket projectile, simply does not have one to put on to escape by luck. 在如此密集的魔法火箭弹的攻击下,根本没有一艘穿能够幸免。 But these sea boats of Sakk Kingdom first fleet are completely wooden, although compared the sea boat that the ordinary fisherman used in protecting from fire, in the impact resistance made the strengthening treatment. However was hit after by these Magic rocket projectiles . Actually received the extremely serious damage immediately. 萨克王国第一舰队的这些海船全部都是木制,虽然相比起普通渔民用的海船已经在防火、抗冲击上做了强化处理。但是被这些魔法火箭弹击中后。却立即受到了极其严重的损伤。 Is only the first round of attacks. The sea boat that the Sakk Kingdom first fleet these are proud all went to the battle efficiency unexpectedly instantaneously. 仅仅只是第一轮攻击。萨克王国第一舰队这些引以为傲的海船居然瞬间全部是去了战斗力。 After the second round of Magic rocket projectile flies, has no place to hide radically, without all sea boats of ability avoidance, how long without insisting was then attacked and sunk all. 而等到第二轮魔法火箭弹飞过来后,根本无处可躲,也没有能力躲避的所有海船,没坚持多久便被尽数击沉。 Sharpest minute of fleet of this in the first fleet, almost can call it the invincible minute of fleet in the peripheral sea area, under offensive that actually in only 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship launches, cannot insist unexpectedly including five minutes, was annihilated! 这支在第一舰队里最为精锐的分舰队,在周边海域里几乎可以被称之为无敌的分舰队,却在区区一艘展翅号发动的攻势下,竟然连五分钟都没能坚持到,就全军覆没了! In entire process. They have not even made any counter-attack! 整个过程中。他们甚至连任何反击都没有做出! These Magician that only saves stayed the long time, wants to turn around escapes, but thinks that the military law the severity, after thinking invited the description on report, mutually looked at one, decided to act. 仅存的这些魔法师们呆了半晌,很想掉头就逃,可是想到军法的严厉,想到请报上的描述后,互相看了一眼,决定出手。 Perhaps by collaborations of their so many Magician, may capture this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship. 凭借他们这么多魔法师的联手,说不定有可能俘获这艘展翅号 So long as can obtain this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, then the losses of these sea boats cannot be regarded anything. 只要能够获得这艘展翅号,那么这些海船的损失根本算不得什么。 When on these Magician Magic Power just flowed, when will send out Magic, their front spaces actually seemed like cave in suddenly all of a sudden went in general. The entire space turned into shiny black one piece of being too deep to see the bottom. 然而当这些魔法师们身上魔力刚刚流动,正要发出魔法时,他们面前的空间却忽然像是一下子塌陷了进去一般。整个空间变成了深不见底的黑黝黝一片。 Sakk Kingdom Magician sucked in cold air simultaneously. 萨克王国魔法师们同时倒抽了一口凉气。 Unexpectedly is space Magic! They have Great Magician unexpectedly!” “居然是空间魔法!他们居然有大魔法师!” These Magician have a look mutually, does not hesitate. Turns around then to fly to the north Sakk Kingdom direction. 这些魔法师们互相看看,再不犹豫。掉头便向北方萨克王国的方向飞去。 Xu Yi took back the hand, stopped the Magic Power fluctuation. 许亦收回了手,停下了魔力波动。 Turns the head to look at a face delay President Cruise, Xu Yi shows a faint smile: Now do you also suspect me and strength of our chamber of commerce?” 转头看着一脸呆滞的克鲁斯会长,许亦微微一笑:“现在你还怀不怀疑我和我们商会的实力呢?” President Cruise heaved a deep sigh, sigh with emotion said/tunnel: Xu Yi, you simply is a monster. You proficiently built Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, similarly is a monster.” 克鲁斯会长长叹一声,感慨地道:“许亦,你简直就是个怪物。你一手创建的新飞商会,同样是个怪物。” Xu Yi laughs, told to Nival: Sails back.” 许亦哈哈一笑,向涅瓦尔吩咐道:“回航。” 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship delimits an exquisite curve in the sea level, turns around to drive to the Stantin Duchy sea area. 展翅号在海面上划出一个优美的弧度,掉头向斯坦丁公国的海域驶去。 # # # ### After two days, General Lalor with the Sakk Kingdom first fleet main fleet that leads has the fierce combat after fitting out 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship on the Stantin Duchy northwest sea area. 两日后,经过整备的展翅号斯坦丁公国西北方向的海域上和柯莱勒将军率领的萨克王国第一舰队主力舰队发生激战。 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship returns safe and sound, the Sakk Kingdom first fleet principal force only escapes from three ships, other completely all submerge. 展翅号毫发无伤,萨克王国第一舰队主力部队只逃出三艘船,其余尽皆沉没。 The Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce main base blocked coastline can be unimpeded. 新飞商会主基地被封锁的海岸线得以畅通。 Five in the future, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard is coordinating the grand total 5000 guards who and other chambers of commerce hire from Amul Chamber of Commerce, Armani Chamber of Commerce, Rimet Chamber of Commerce, Falcao Chamber of Commerce, suddenly counter-attacks from the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce main base. 五日后,新飞商会护卫队配合着从阿姆利商会阿玛尼商会、雷米特商会、法尔考商会等六家商会雇佣来的总计五千名护卫,突然从新飞商会主基地内反攻而出。 Under the fierce incomparable offensive, the subordinate of Grand Duke Velun does not have the strength of resisting, was broken through the defense line instantaneously thoroughly. 在猛烈无比的攻势下,威纶大公的部下根本毫无抵挡之力,瞬间被彻底攻破防线。 Grand Duke Velun blockade to the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce comes to an end thoroughly. 威纶大公对新飞商会的封锁彻底告终。 A week later, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce continues to launch the offensive, defeats Grand Duke Velun continuously four defense lines, storms into the private manor of Grand Duke Velun. 一个星期后,新飞商会继续发动攻势,连续击破威纶大公手下的四道防线,攻入威纶大公的私人庄园。 Grand Duke Velun smells there is something wrong, ahead of time escapes, does not know the trace. 威纶大公见势不妙,提前逃逸,不知所踪。 Lost Grand Duke Velun direction, in addition lost the supplies, is unable to play the might of military Magic machinery, the subordinate of Grand Duke Velun is also incapable of revolting again. 失去了威纶大公的指挥,再加上失去了补给,无法发挥出军用魔法机械的威力,威纶大公的部下再也无力反抗。 Half a month later, routed Grand Duke Velun completely, took over control of under the Velun big common noun Xu Yi of all territories to be not as everyone expected, unexpectedly has not received the hand, instead launched the attack to the neighboring another two feudal lords directly. 半个月后,完全击溃了威纶大公,接管了威纶大公名下所有领地的许亦出乎所有人的意料,居然没有就此收手,反而直接向相邻的另外两位领主发动攻击。 Used ten days of time, the private guard under Xu Yi name then to rout these two feudal lords merely thoroughly, took over control of their all territories. 仅仅只是用了十天时间,许亦名下的私人卫队便已经彻底击溃了这两位领主,接管了他们的所有领地。 This later Xu Yi revised enough 20 days of time. 这之后许亦修正了足足二十天时间。 While everyone thinks that Xu Yi will stop like this, but when not like beforehand Grand Duke Velun crazily to other feudal lords launch the attack, Xu Yi actually suddenly moves. 正当所有人以为许亦就会这样停下来,而不会像之前的威纶大公那样疯狂地对其他领主发动攻击时,许亦却突然又动了。 Motionless already, moves the thunder. 不动则已,一动雷霆。 The private guard that in a month, Xu Yi sends out then broke through one after another reached seven feudal lords, took back under the territories of these seven feudal lords the name completely. 一个月内,许亦派出的私人卫队便接连攻破了多达七位领主,将这七位领主的领地完全收归名下。 In all fights, relies on the strong firepower advantage that massive military Magic machineries are creating, other feudal lords simply cannot form any effective resistance, was routed without exception thoroughly. 在所有的战斗中,凭借着大量军用魔法机械造成的强大火力优势,其它领主根本没能形成任何有效的反抗,无一例外地被彻底击溃。 By this time, other feudal lords in Stantin Duchy understand finally. 到了这个时候,斯坦丁公国内的其他领主终于明白。 Although Xu Yi is not Grand Duke Velun, but he threatens Grand Duke Velun is bigger than! 许亦虽然不是威纶大公,但是他比威纶大公威胁更要大! Therefore the Stantin Duchy remaining all feudal lords rare entirety assemble, plans to revolt against the offensive that Xu Yi launches together. 于是斯坦丁公国剩下的所有领主们罕见的全部集结起来,打算一起反抗许亦发动的攻势。 However the brutal reality actually crushed in their hearts the last ray of hope. 然而无情的现实却击碎了他们心中最后一丝希望。 Xu Yi only sends out 5000 private guards merely. Then exceptionally routs 40,000 armies who these feudal lords built up in the frontal battlefield with ease. 许亦仅仅只派出五千私人卫队。便在正面战场上异常轻松地击溃了这些领主们集结起来的四万大军。 Moreover the entire fight is the Xu Yi private guard occupies from beginning to end actively absolutely. With complete advantage. 而且整个战斗从头到尾都是许亦的私人卫队占据着绝对主动。和完全的优势。 Before the Xu Yi private guard. The subordinates of these feudal lords seem the child to be common facing the Sir, was hung the share that hits, is incapable of revolting radically. 许亦的私人卫队面前。这些领主们的手下就好像小孩子面对大人一般,只有被吊打的份,根本无力反抗。 This fight completely crushed the resistance thoughts of other feudal lords, after this one post-war, most feudal lords choose surrender to Xu Yi on own initiative, a few positions curl up oneself property secretly, fled Stantin Duchy, same does not know the trace with Grand Duke Velun. 这一次战斗彻底粉碎了其它领主们的反抗意念,经此一战后,大部分领主选择主动向许亦投降,少数几位则偷偷卷起自己的财物,逃离了斯坦丁公国,和威纶大公一样不知所踪。 Used less than merely for two months. Xu Yi then routed other feudal lords in Stantin Duchy completely, before achieving Grand Duke Velun, truly has thought matter that has not actually achieved, that integrates during entire Stantin Duchy own control. 前后仅仅只是用了不到两个月。许亦便完全击溃了斯坦丁公国内的其它所有领主,真正做到了威纶大公之前想过却没有做到的事情,那就是将整个斯坦丁公国纳入自己的掌控之中。 However not as everyone expected, Xu Yi actually the hope that declines a large crowd to convey jointly he succeeds Grand Duke Stantin request, instead announced that forms a Stantin Duchy state council, is called the Stantin Duchy Congress, is mainly responsible for managing all big or small government affairs in Stantin Duchy. 然而出乎所有人的意料,许亦却拒绝了一大群人联名提出的希望他继任斯坦丁大公的请求,反而宣布组建一个斯坦丁公国国务委员会,简称斯坦丁公国国会,主要负责管理斯坦丁公国内的一切大小政务。 Meanwhile, Xu Yi recommended that Count Angkelu is the chairman of this state council, recommends in Stantin Duchy several young feudal lords, but also selected several civilians to enter Congress from the Stantin Duchy civilians. Similarly is the committee member, assists Count Angkelu to manage the duchy government affairs together. 同时,许亦推举盎克鲁伯爵担任这个国务委员会的委员长,推举斯坦丁公国内几位年轻的领主,还从斯坦丁公国的平民中选拔了几位平民进入国会。同样担任委员,共同协助盎克鲁伯爵管理公国政务。 As for Xu Yi. Then enrolled a title of special adviser in Congress, does not participate in the government affairs managing specifically, but proposed the opinion and assistance when needed. 至于许亦自己。则只是在国会里挂名了一个特别顾问的头衔,并不具体参与政务管理,只是在需要的时候提出意见和协助。 Naturally, this is his public view, but in everyone opinion, depending on him to the Stantin Duchy strong control, the government affairs in Stantin Duchy possibly cajoles into him now? 当然,这是他自己公开的说法,而在所有人看来,凭他现在对斯坦丁公国的强大掌控力,斯坦丁公国内的政务又怎么可能绕得开他? Said immodestly, although Xu Yi does not have the name of Grand Duke Stantin, completely has the reality of Grand Duke Stantin. 不客气地说,虽然许亦并没有斯坦丁大公之名,却完全有斯坦丁大公之实。 Even more exaggerating point said, depending on his control to the Stantin Duchy, he can be said as the king in this country completely! 甚至更夸张点儿说,凭他对斯坦丁公国的掌控,他完全可以说是这个国家的国王! # # # ### Breeze injected from the window, brought a chill in the air. 一阵微风从窗口吹入,带来了一丝寒意。 The Xu Yi vision takes back from the statistical returns on hand, looks up to out of the window. 许亦的目光从手上的统计报表上收回,抬起头看向窗外。 Although this time out of the window is still the sight of green everywhere, but is actually at the end of December, formally entered the severe winter season. 虽然此时的窗外依然是绿意遍地,但却已经是十二月底,正式进入了深冬季节。 From left Lanpali Kingdom initially, until now, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce had arranged for over two years in Stantin Duchy. 从当初离开兰帕里王国,到现在为止,新飞商会已经在斯坦丁公国布置了超过两年时间。 Until now, is takes root truly. 时至今日,才算是真正扎下了根来。 Recalled each time these two years Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the repeated difficulties of Stantin Duchy experience, in the Xu Yi can't help it heart sighs with emotion. 每次回想起这两年新飞商会斯坦丁公国经历的风风雨雨,许亦禁不住心中感慨。 Although Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce just left Lanpali Kingdom at first, after entering Stantin Duchy, appears the strength to be insufficient, Xu Yi decides first to stand firm importantly. 虽然起初新飞商会刚刚离开兰帕里王国,进入斯坦丁公国后显得实力不足,许亦决定先站稳脚跟最为重要。 But in fact in these two years, actually Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce completely has greatly the opportunity controls the Stantin Duchy situation like the present thoroughly completely. 但实际上在这两年内,其实新飞商会完全有大把的机会像现在一样彻底完全掌控斯坦丁公国的局势。 Reason that does not do that is Xu Yi this does not catch cold completely. 之所以不这么做,完全是许亦此并不感冒而已。 But in these two years in Stantin Duchy the situation fluctuates, because Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Xu Yi did not catch cold to pay the serious price. 可是这两年内斯坦丁公国内局势变幻,新飞商会因为许亦的不感冒而付出了惨重的代价。 Previous Grand Duke Velun has not caused too many essence damage to the surprise attack of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce time, but Grand Duke Velun united Sakk Kingdom to try to attack and occupy the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce action before to make Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce lose thoroughly seriously. 上一次威纶大公对新飞商会的突袭并没有造成太多实质伤害,但是之前威纶大公联合萨克王国试图彻底攻占新飞商会的举动却让新飞商会损失惨重。 Loss Xu Yi economically does not care specially. 在经济上的损失许亦并不是特别在意。 Although these takes care of the threat that Grand Duke Velun and Sakk Kingdom bring time, from all sides Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce invested enough over 3 million gold coins for this reason, the fund that in addition the post-war reconstruction invested, and follow-up development project, Xu Yi estimated next year Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will always invest will even be close to 10 million gold coins, but Xu Yi will actually not feel grievedly. 尽管这一次解决威纶大公和萨克王国带来的威胁,前前后后新飞商会为此投入了足足超过三百万金币之多,再加上之后的战后重建所投入的资金,以及后续的发展规划,许亦预估明年新飞商会的总投入甚至会接近一千万金币,但是许亦却不会感觉到心痛。 Makes him grieved truly, is massive human lives that in this practice loses. 真正让他心痛的,是这次实践中损失的大量人命。 If I can be firmer initially, perhaps won't have so many people therefore dead?” “如果我当初能够坚决一些,或许就不会有这么多人因此身亡了吧?” Looks that out of the window piece of red leaves fall lightly, in the Xu Yi eyes flashes through low-spirited, after the moment, actually changes into firmly. 看着窗外一片红叶翩然而落,许亦双眼中闪过一丝黯然,片刻后,却又化为坚定。 No matter what, since has decided that then later cannot hesitate.” “不管怎么样,既然已经决定了,那么以后就不能再犹豫了。” Xu Yi made an effort to pinch the fist, relaxed again. 许亦用力捏了捏拳头,再放松开来。 After controlled the situation in entire Stantin Duchy thoroughly, once many people proposed that makes him be in the position of Grand Duke Stantin, even ascends the throne to call the king simply directly. 在彻底掌控了整个斯坦丁公国内的局势之后,曾经有很多人提议让他登上斯坦丁大公的位置,甚至干脆直接登基称王。 Xu Yi rejected completely. 许亦全部拒绝了。 Although has experienced the beforehand matter, making his mentality transform, now is willing to control the situation on own initiative, but he is very clear, by the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce current strength, controls entire Stantin Duchy not to have the issue, resists coveting of other influences sufficiently to Stantin Duchy and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but wants to put on controls entire Stantin Duchy is not realistic outwardly. 虽然经历过之前的事情,使得他的心态转变,现在愿意主动掌控局势,但他很清楚,以新飞商会目前的实力,掌控整个斯坦丁公国没有问题,也足以抵挡住其它势力对斯坦丁公国新飞商会的觊觎,但想要摆在明面上控制整个斯坦丁公国却并不现实。 In any event, later cannot hand over the destiny on other manpower, but should completely grasp in own hand.” “无论如何,以后再也不能把命运交在其他人手上,而应该完全掌握在自己的手中。” Xu Yi looks that out of the window red leaves fall gently, the woods are sparse, suddenly thought that had a clear(ly) to become aware. 许亦看着窗外红叶飘落,树林稀疏,忽然觉得心中生出一股明悟。 Lifts hand one finger/refers, out of the window was similar to the early fall common fallen leaf scenery seems like invested the pebble to be together ordinary suddenly, ripple swing. 抬手一指,窗外原本如同初秋一般的落叶风景忽然像是被投入一块小石子一般,一道道波纹荡开。 At this time, Xu Yi broke through unexpectedly. 在这个时候,许亦竟是突破了。 ( Vol. 4 «Throne» ends) (第四卷《王位》完) ( Has saying that vol. 4 writes very difficultly. The story that this book writes is mainly the industrial theoretical knowledge how to describe Xu Yi to use itself to master changes this mainland, therefore I have wanted the main line to maintain, in promotes in the description in aspect to the research and development of Magic machinery. However this related to a matter of the world, wants to change this world after all, some things actually have to describe. I must acknowledge, this aspect I write insufficiently well. However starts from the next volume, the story-telling session since the new stage, the main line will be clearer, can describe about Magic the effect of machinery on this world more interesting diverse. Therefore...... asks respectfully to anticipate that vol. 5 «Advances to Mainland Footsteps».)( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! (不得不说,第四卷写得很艰难。这本书写的故事主要是描述许亦如何利用自己掌握的工业理论知识改变这个大陆,所以我一直想把主线保持在对魔法机械的研发推广方面的描述上。但是这毕竟是涉及到一个世界的事情,想要改变这个世界,有一些事情却不得不去描写。我必须承认,这方面我写得不够好。不过从下一卷开始,故事会进入新的阶段,主线会更加清晰,关于魔法机械对这个世界的影响也会描写的更加有趣多样。所以……敬请期待第五卷《迈向大陆的脚步》。)(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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