MIE :: Volume #4

#158: Optimistic Xu Yi

Why?” A Xu Yi face looks to look the doubts naturally President Cruise. + + + + „isn't this simple? Naturally is because does this spends.” “为什么?”许亦一脸理所当然地看着面露疑惑的克鲁斯会长。++++“这还不简单吗?当然是因为这样做太花钱喽。” Spends?” On the President Cruise face twitched. Now this situation relates to your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce life and death, you actually ran to tell that me feared to spend? You have money!” “太花钱?”克鲁斯会长脸上抽搐了一下。“现在这个局势可是关系到你们新飞商会的生死存亡,你却跑来跟我说怕花钱?你又不是没钱!” Xu Yi beckons with the hand with a smile: So should not be excited. I indeed am rich right, but is rich cannot the casual chaotic flower? Don't forget, after ending this matter, the reconstruction territory must spend the big money. Now used up after money, what to do?” 许亦笑着摆了摆手:“别这么激动。我的确算是有钱没错,但是再怎么有钱也不能随便乱花吧?别忘了,结束这件事情后,重建领地还要花费大笔的钱呢。现在把钱用光了以后怎么办?” A President Cruise face looks at Xu Yi inconceivable. 克鲁斯会长一脸不可思议地看着许亦 I said that what...... you are actually thinking? At this kind of time, did you also give priority to the post-war reconstruction? Do not forget the parent base of your chamber of commerce to be possible now by the subordinate of that Grand Duke Velun, that fellows who Sakk Kingdom comes are surrounding all round. You did not worry when they cannot insist, was broken through the defense, swallowed the entire main base?” “我说……你到底在想什么呢?在这种时候,你还优先考虑战后重建?别忘了现在你们商会的主要基地可都被那个威纶大公的手下,还有萨克王国来的那帮家伙们给团团包围着呢。你就不担心他们什么时候坚持不住,被攻破防守,将整个主基地都吞了吗?” Xu Yi shot a look at his one eyes: Can listen to the truth?” 许亦瞥了他一眼:“要听真话?” Nonsense!” “废话!” Good, the truth is...... I was not worried.” The reply of Xu Yi makes President Cruise can't help it foam with rage again. “那好,真话就是……我不担心。”许亦的回答让克鲁斯会长禁不住再次吹胡子瞪眼。 This Xu Yi was simply insane! 这个许亦简直是疯了! According to information that various aspects transmit, now surrounded in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce main base outside Velun feudal lord subordinate and Sakk Kingdom army population adds to surpass 30,000, but Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard actually pitiful more than 1000 people who Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can be used to defend. 根据各方面传来的情报,现在包围在新飞商会主基地外面的威纶领主部下和萨克王国的军队人数加起来足足超过了三万,而新飞商会能够用来防御的新飞商会护卫队却只有可怜兮兮的一千多人。 Who no matter what, will think that the both sides strength differs disparately, appearance why Xu Yi face has not been worried about? 任谁来看,都会觉得双方实力相差悬殊,为什么许亦还一副一脸儿也不担心的模样? Why do I want to be worried? You said. The both sides strength differs disparately. What am I worried about?” Xu Yi asked back. “我干嘛要担心?你都说了。双方实力相差悬殊。我担心什么?”许亦反问。 President Cruise was been quickly muddled by the Xu Yi air/Qi. 克鲁斯会长快被许亦气糊涂了。 Hey. You think that is the strength ratio of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard are too many to Fang Qiang inadequately?” “喂。难道你以为是你们新飞商会护卫队的实力比对方强太多不成?” Who knows that Xu Yi actually nods. 谁知道许亦却点了点头。 Right, I think.” “对,我就是这么认为的。” President Cruise makes an effort to pat the forehead, thinking Xu Yi should at present the stern situation not compelling insanely? How otherwise to say this nonsense. 克鲁斯会长用力一拍额头,心想许亦该不会是被眼前严峻的局势给逼疯了吧?不然怎么会说出这种鬼话。 Do not suspect.” Xu Yi beckons with the hand with a smile. Cruise, you had not discovered, since our chamber of commerce researched and developed large number of military Magic machineries, before present war mode already, different? If nothing else, last year this time, the civil war happening in Lanpali Kingdom you can know?” “别怀疑。”许亦笑着摆了摆手。“克鲁斯,难道你还没有发现,自从我们商会研发出了大量的军用魔法机械,现在的战争模式早就和以前不一样了吗?别的不说,去年这个时间,发生在兰帕里王国的内战你总该知道吧?” A President Cruise brow wrinkle: What's wrong? You want to say that Queen Sewinnie did lead only 5000 private guards to rout the resistance in Duke Stark aspect? Right, the private guard of Queen Sewinnie indeed obtained massive military Magic machinery of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce support to have such strong battle efficiency. However private guard after all also more than 5000 people of Queen Sewinnie, but your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce all guards add to only have more than 2000 point, your how ratio?” 克鲁斯会长眉头一皱:“怎么?你是想说瑟维尼女王陛下率领区区五千私人护卫就一路击溃了斯塔克公爵方面的反抗吗?没错,瑟维尼女王陛下的私人护卫的确是获得了你们新飞商会支持的大量军用魔法机械才能拥有这么强大的战斗力。但是瑟维尼女王陛下的私人护卫毕竟也有五千多人,而你们新飞商会所有的护卫加起来却只有两千多点儿,你怎么比?” Do not forget, at that time and present was also separated by entire one year. Military Magic machinery that now our chamber of commerce provides, is not the military Magic machinery that the private guard of last year Queen Sewinnie provided can compare.” The Xu Yi smile said. “不要忘了,那时候和现在也相隔了整整一年时间。现在我们商会配备的军用魔法机械,可不是去年瑟维尼女王陛下的私人护卫配备的军用魔法机械能够相比。”许亦微笑道。 You want to say that the present military Magic machinery is stronger?” President Cruise still brow deep wrinkle. But do not forget, the subordinate of Grand Duke Velun uses may also be the military Magic machinery that your chamber of commerce provides.” “你想说现在的军用魔法机械更强?”克鲁斯会长依然眉头深皱。“可是你别忘了,威纶大公的部下用的可也是你们商会提供的军用魔法机械。” You should not think that I will be silly must also provide latest highest-end military Magic machinery to the subordinate of Grand Duke Velun?” Xu Yi white President Cruise. Moreover you think that what I was making for serveral days? Told you, most arsenals of Grand Duke Velun already by the special action team and Magic Power airship that I removed ruining. Various type military Magic machineries that without supplies, Grand Duke Velun the subordinate assemble can only insist at most for three days. But without the support of military Magic machinery, what his these hand/subordinate and weaponless also had to distinguish?” “你该不会认为我会傻得把最新型最高端的军用魔法机械也提供给威纶大公的部下吧?”许亦白了克鲁斯会长一眼。“而且你以为我这些天都在做什么?告诉你,威纶大公的大部分军备库都已经被我排除的特别行动队和魔力飞艇给毁掉了。在没有补给的情况下,威纶大公部下所装配的各式军用魔法机械顶多只能坚持三天。而没有了军用魔法机械的支持,他那些手下和手无寸铁又有什么区别?” President Cruise opens mouth, actually discovered oneself are incapable of refuting radically. 克鲁斯会长张了张嘴,却发现自己根本无力反驳。 Xu Yi a little also said right. 许亦说得一点儿也没错。 After last year Lanpali Kingdom civil war. And more than one year the Stantin Duchy multiple fights between feudal lords, everyone clearly recognized a fact. 经过去年兰帕里王国的内战。以及这一年多来斯坦丁公国内的领主之间的多次战斗,所有人都认清楚了一个事实。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production existences of various military Magic machineries. Had completely changed the war mode in this mainland. 新飞商会生产的各种军用魔法机械的存在。已经彻底改变了这片大陆上的战争模式。 The present war, whose person no longer competes both to be many, whose weapon armor enough excellent, whose soldier quality also does not compete to be higher, the training is better, but is looked radically the military Magic machinery of which side assembly are more is more complete. 现在的战争,不再比拼双方谁的人多,谁的武器盔甲够精良,也不是比拼谁的士兵素质更高,训练更好,而根本就是看哪一方装配的军用魔法机械更多更完整。 But under this comparison, who can make compared with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce of production military Magic machinery with it? 而在这种比较下,又有谁能够和本身制造生产军用魔法机械的新飞商会相比呢? Makes President Cruise not think that only credibly, was the population of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard is really short were too many. 唯一让克鲁斯会长觉得不靠谱的,就是新飞商会护卫队的人数实在是少了太多。 Otherwise, even Grand Duke Velun united the Sakk Kingdom aspect in private, President Cruise does not think that he had any opportunity. 不然的话,就算威纶大公私下联合了萨克王国方面,克鲁斯会长也绝不会认为他有任何机会。 Naturally, perhaps if so, the Velun feudal lord will not make such crazy choice. 当然,如果是这样的话,威纶领主恐怕也不会做出这么疯狂的选择。 President Cruise can guess correctly the plan of Velun feudal lord. 克鲁斯会长可以猜到威纶领主的打算。 He definitely wants to unite Sakk Kingdom in secret, while Xu Yi leaves Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce time, uses oneself powerful strength superiority to seize all facilities in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce base directly, even all personnel one and catch, seizes entire Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce thoroughly. 他肯定是想私下里联合萨克王国,趁着许亦离开新飞商会的时候,利用自己强大的兵力优势直接占领新飞商会基地内的所有设施,甚至连所有人员都一并捕获,彻底抢占整个新飞商会 So long as can completely control to advocate Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, then Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will become he biggest support and backing. 只要能够完全控制主新飞商会,那么新飞商会就会成为他最大的支持和后盾。 At this time even Xu Yi responded, wanted to counter-attack, but lost the support that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce provided, he radically was helpless. 这时候就算许亦反应过来,想要反扑,但失去了新飞商会提供的支持,他根本是无能为力。 But Grand Duke Velun simply has not thought, he built up such lots of subordinates, actually still cannot break through the defense outside Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce main base, enabling him the unexpectedly entire merit. 可是威纶大公根本没有想到,他集结了这么大量的部下,却依然没能攻破新飞商会主基地外的防御,使得他未能竟全功。 Present Grand Duke Velun has been at the condition of being unable to back down. 现在的威纶大公已经处于骑虎难下的状态。 If gives up, Xu Yi will not let off him absolutely, he will not only lose the beforehand all power and influence, even Lian has possibility difficult insurance. 如果放弃,许亦绝对不会放过他,他不仅会失去之前所有的权势,甚至连姓名都有可能难保。 But continues to maintain the offensive words, he also does not have the means to beat the resistance of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce thoroughly. 而继续保持攻势的话,他又没办法彻底击垮新飞商会的反抗。 President Cruise does not need to guess, he is certain. Grand Duke Velun only then seeks help Sakk Kingdom this only means. 克鲁斯会长根本不用猜,他可以肯定。威纶大公只有求助萨克王国这唯一的办法。 He can only place hopes in Sakk Kingdom to increase the reinforcement. Thus routs Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce thoroughly. Grasps in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce own hand. 他只能寄希望于萨克王国能够加大增援。从而彻底击溃新飞商会。将新飞商会掌握到自己手中。 However if it's going to be like this, Sakk Kingdom will clinch the biggest achievement absolutely completely, leaves the thing of Grand Duke Velun is not definitely many. 但是这样做的话,萨克王国绝对会把最大的成果全部摘走,留给威纶大公的东西肯定不多。 This condition, perhaps compared with before he obeys Xu Yi the time also very to where goes, even. 这种状态,恐怕比起之前他服从许亦的时候也好不到哪儿去,甚至更遭。 President Cruise was worried Xu Yi and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, worry does not come from Grand Duke Velun the threat in aspect, but came from Sakk Kingdom. 克鲁斯会长担心许亦新飞商会,担心的并不是来自威纶大公方面的威胁,而是来自萨克王国 Sakk Kingdom can suppress Lanpali Kingdom in these several hundred years, the national strength is not allowing to look down upon. 萨克王国能够在这数百年内一直压制着兰帕里王国,国力不容小视。 If Sakk Kingdom thought that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has enough value to make them expand the investment. Perhaps Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce solely by the strength of oneself chamber of commerce, cannot resist. 如果萨克王国觉得新飞商会有足够的价值让他们加大投入的话。新飞商会单单凭借自己一个商会之力,恐怕根本抵挡不住。 Your this worry is very reasonable, therefore I must snatch before the Sakk Kingdom true reinforcement arrival, solution here all issues.” Xu Yi nods, approved of the opinion of President Cruise. “你这个担心很有道理,所以我必须抢在萨克王国真正的增援到来之前,就解决这边的所有问题。”许亦点点头,赞同了克鲁斯会长的意见。 President Cruise smiles bitterly: How to solve? Depending on your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce that 2000 guards? Xu Yi, why you are not willing to obey my advice, seeks help from Queen Sewinnie? I think, no matter by you and queen's private relationship, is relying on the importance of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to Rhambha both countries, the queens will not sit by and do nothing.” 克鲁斯会长苦笑一声:“怎么解决?就凭你们新飞商会那两千护卫?许亦,你为什么就是不肯听从我的劝告,向瑟维尼女王陛下求助呢?我想不管是凭借你和女王陛下的私人关系,还是凭借着你们新飞商会对兰帕两国的重要性,女王陛下都不会坐视不理。” A few words, asking the god to be easy to deliver the god to be difficult.” Xu Yi shakes the head. „After I do not want Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, was limited. Therefore this matter, must depend upon our strength solutions.” “一句话,请神容易送神难。”许亦摇摇头。“我不愿意新飞商会以后受人限制。所以这件事情,必须依靠我们自己的力量解决。” President Cruise frowns again. 克鲁斯会长再次皱起眉头。 I could not see that you have what strength to solve such powerful enemy.” “我看不出你有什么力量能够解决这么强大的敌人。” Xu Yi smiles. Not connection topic, but looked at one to President Cruise behind, asked: These people that you bring reliable?” 许亦笑了笑。并不接口这个话题,而是向克鲁斯会长身后看了一眼,问道:“你带来的这些人可靠吗?” President Cruise sighed, nods: Relax, I, since brought, that definitely reliable.” 克鲁斯会长叹了口气,点点头:“放心吧,我既然带过来了,那就肯定可靠。” Good.” Xu Yi turns the head to nod to Hart: Sends the thing.” “那好。”许亦转头向身边的哈特点了点头:“把东西发下去吧。” Hart receives an order to leave. 哈特领命离开。 Before long, Hart is getting 200 human guards, takes the batches of brand-new Magic bazookas, gives 500 guard Amul Chamber of Commerce who President Cruise brought. 不一会儿,哈特又领着手下的两百名人类护卫们,拿着一批批崭新的魔法火箭筒,递给了克鲁斯会长带来的五百名阿姆利商会护卫。 Looks that Hart and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce guards were teaching how oneself subordinate uses these Magic bazookas, President Cruise asks to Xu Yi: You determined that can give me enough 1000 Magic bazookas?” 看着哈特新飞商会的护卫们正在教导自己的手下怎么使用这些魔法火箭筒,克鲁斯会长许亦问道:“你确定要把足足一千支魔法火箭筒给我吗?” Naturally. This employs the commission of your chamber of commerce guard, this cannot save.” Xu Yi said with a smile. “当然。这可是雇用你们商会护卫的佣金,这可不能省。”许亦笑道。 President Cruise nods: „If not you complies to give me these things, I will not make our chamber of commerce's precious guards come this turbid water.” 克鲁斯会长点点头:“如果不是你答应给我这些东西,我可不会让我们商会宝贵的护卫们来趟这个浑水。” You think that the guards of our chamber of commerce aren't precious?” Xu Yi chuckle, takes up a telescope, looks to the distant place. “你以为我们商会的护卫们就不宝贵了吗?”许亦轻笑一声,拿起一个望远镜,看向远方。 At this time he and President Cruise, as well as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce 200 guard and Amul Chamber of Commerce 1000 guards actually on giant 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship Magic Power steamboat. 此时他和克鲁斯会长,以及新飞商会的两百名护卫和阿姆利商会的一千名护卫其实都在巨大的展翅号魔力轮船上。 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship at this time by about ten speed navigation above the sea level, the northwest side situated in Heimi Wastelands, the navigation is surpassing 50 kilometers words again forward, will enter in the Sakk Kingdom sea area range. 展翅号此时正以十节左右的时速航行在海面之上,位于黑米荒原的西北面,再向前航行超过五十公里的话,就会进入萨克王国的海域范围之内。 Xu Yi with the telescope looked at a while after the front, the body suddenly resounds a buzzing sound. 许亦用望远镜向前方看了一会儿后,身上忽然响起一阵蜂鸣声。 Xu Yi searches the hand to enter the bosom, puts out an exquisite fine Magic telephone conversation box. 许亦探手入怀,拿出一个小巧精致的魔法通话盒。 Pressed down the telephone conversation key, in the Magic telephone conversation box resounded Evita that tranquil moderate sound. 按下通话按键,魔法通话盒中响起了艾薇塔那平静温和的声音。 President, has seen the Sakk Kingdom fleet. At this time situated in the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship northwest 11 o'clock direction, from about 20 kilometers.” 会长,已经看见萨克王国的舰队了。此时位于展翅号西北十一点钟方向,距离大约二十公里。” Good, received. Continues to observe, has the situation to notify when necessary.” Xu Yi said. “好,收到了。继续观察,有情况随时通报。”许亦道。 Yes.” “是。” Xu Yi hangs the telephone conversation, turns the head to look, discovered the President Cruise whole face looks strangely the Magic telephone conversation box in own hand, shows a self-satisfied smiling face. 许亦挂掉通话,转头一看,发现克鲁斯会长正满脸古怪地看着自己手中的魔法通话盒,露出一丝得意的笑容。 Modern warfare, heavy information. We lead the Sakk Kingdom aspect in this aspect completely, you thought that I also do need to be worried about the victory and defeat?” “现代战争,首重情报。在这方面我们可是完全领先萨克王国方面,你觉得我还需要担心胜负吗?” Said no matter also President Cruise has anything to respond, Xu Yi to has waited in nearby Nival orders: Northwest 11 o'clock direction, full speed advance!” 说罢也不管克鲁斯会长有什么反应,许亦向早就等候在旁边的涅瓦尔下令道:“西北十一点钟方向,全速前进!” Nival turns around to depart. 涅瓦尔转身离去。 After the moment, a 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship huge hull fierce vibration, the speed rises to maximum speed 15 rapidly, cleaves the waves to go toward the northwest side boundless sea level.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 片刻后,展翅号巨大的船体猛的一阵震动,速度迅速攀升到最高时速十五节,向着西北面的茫茫海面破浪而去。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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