MIE :: Volume #4

#157: Has no alternative

Fierce explosive sound transmits from the distant place. { 2 } \ { 3 } \ { w } \ { x }] 一声剧烈的爆炸声从远方传来。—\\\{w}\{x}] Is hearing the sound, although from extremely remote place, but still makes the ground in hall also shiver slightly, the obvious explosion is how fierce. 听着声音虽然是来自极其遥远的的地方,但是却依然让大厅内的地面也微微颤抖起来,可见爆炸是多么剧烈。 Feels vibration that the chair under buttocks brings, the complexion of Grand Duke Velun sank completely. 感受到屁股下的椅子带来的抖动,威纶大公的脸色完全沉了下去。 When the explosive sound ended, he turns the head to look to one side similarly complexion gloomy middle-aged man, the sinking sound said: General Lalor, when your can Magician send?” 待爆炸声结束,他转头看向一旁同样脸色阴郁的一名中年男子,沉声道:“柯莱勒将军,你们的魔法师什么时候能派来?” Was called the middle-aged man of General Lalor to frown, looked at out one. 被称作柯莱勒将军的中年男子皱起眉头,看了一眼门外。 At this time the distant place heard fierce explosive sound, making him cannot help but wrinkle deeply the brow. 这时远方又传来一声剧烈的爆炸声,让他不由自主地将眉头皱得更深了一些。 , He replied: Velun loudly made a joint invitation to feel relieved, support that kingdom sent out on road, believes that will rush in less than several days. Because received my tactical situation report, therefore kingdom will certainly send out enough Magician.” 顿了顿,他答道:“威纶大公请放心,王国方面派出的支援正在路上,相信用不了几天就会赶到。因为收到了我的战况汇报,所以王国方面一定会派出足够的魔法师的。” Grand Duke Velun layer on layer/heavily snort/hum: General Lalor, I warned you, if your Sakk Kingdom cannot send out enough reinforcement, causing us unable to stand off Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce finally, do not blame me not to get angry when the time comes politely.” 威纶大公重重地哼了一声:“柯莱勒将军,我警告你,如果你们萨克王国不能派出足够的增援,导致我们最终敌不过新飞商会,可别怪我到时候翻脸不客气。” General Lalor in the eyes flashes through an anger, shot a look at Grand Duke Velun, thought that this fellow is a puppet Grand Duke in trivial Stantin Duchy, if not the present has the aid of our Sakk Kingdom, he does not even dare to revolt against Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce of only less than 2000 guard. 柯莱勒将军双眼中闪过一丝怒气,瞥了威纶大公一眼,心想这家伙不过就是区区斯坦丁公国内的一个傀儡大公,如果不是现在有我们萨克王国的援助,他甚至连区区一个只有不到两千名护卫的新飞商会都不敢反抗。 Such useless fellow, dares to foam with rage before the this Sakk Kingdom first commodore now unexpectedly, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth simply! 这么没用的家伙,现在竟然敢在自己这个萨克王国第一舰队司令官面前吹胡子瞪眼,简直是不知天高地厚! After going back, must report to kingdom * the section, making the above person give careful consideration to the attitude to this Grand Duke Velun. 回去后一定要上报给王**部,让上面的人慎重考虑对这个威纶大公的态度。 Even if finally solves the harassment of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. This Grand Duke Velun cannot stay behind absolutely. 就算最后解决掉新飞商会的骚扰。这个威纶大公也绝对不能留下。 These thoughts in the mind flash past in General Lalor. He is just about to open the mouth to deal with the Velun big hectogram sentence again. Outside hears fiercer explosive sound suddenly. 这些念头在柯莱勒将军脑海中一闪而过。他正要开口再应付威纶大公两句。外面忽然又传来一下更加剧烈的爆炸声。 Judged from the sound, these actually must approach here compared with before time. 从声音判断,这一次却是比之前要更加靠近这里了。 General Lalor the complexion changes. 柯莱勒将军脸色又是一变。 Although this Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce altogether also has the trivial less than 2000 guards, but actually extraordinarily hard to deal with. 这个新飞商会虽然总共也不过就拥有区区不到两千名护卫,但是却出奇地难缠。 Because in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce guard has lots of elf clan soldier and dwarf soldier, oneself battle efficiency originally on far ultra ordinary human soldier. 因为新飞商会的护卫内拥有大量的精灵族战士和矮人战士,自身战斗力本来就远超普通的人类战士。 Because is the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce guard, each of them provides exceptionally complete military Magic machinery, the battle efficiency is rising dramatically to a terrifying degree. 而且因为是新飞商会的护卫,他们每个人都配备着异常齐全的军用魔法机械,战斗力更是飙升到一个恐怖的程度。 Before Grand Duke Velun used enough 10,000 people unable to break through Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to set up when the defense of Abe Dante river, General Lalor also in the heart despised Grand Duke Velun greatly the battle efficiency hand/subordinate. 之前威纶大公动用了足足一万人还没能攻破新飞商会设立在阿布丹特河的防御时,柯莱勒将军还心中大大鄙视了一下威纶大公手下的战斗力。 But when when afterward he is leading the soldier of kingdom's first fleet launches the attack from the sea level, actually personally realizes the strong battle efficiency of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard. 可是后来当他率领着王国第一舰队的士兵从海面上发动攻击时,却亲自体会到了新飞商会护卫队的强大战斗力。 The first fleet this time always sponsored the big 30 large sea boats. Delivered enough 5000 elite soldiers, actually approaches the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce main base unable to achieve in the coastline of territory radically continually. 第一舰队这次总共派来了多大三十艘大型海船。运载了足足五千精锐士兵,却根本连靠近新飞商会主基地所在领地的海岸线都做不到。 So long as the fleet close to the coastline in one kilometer, will encounter full Magic Repeating Crossbow and attack of Magic rocket projectile. 只要舰队靠近海岸线一千米内,就会遭遇到铺天盖地的魔法连弩魔法火箭弹的攻击。 Is only the first contact, the first fleet direct loss the entire seven large sea boats, the casualty was close to 1000 soldiers, making General Lalor to lead the first fleet to return to the sea. 仅仅只是第一次接触,第一舰队就直接损失了整整七艘大型海船,死伤了接近一千名士兵,使得柯莱勒将军不得不率领第一舰队退回到了海上。 Now the first fleet is relying on own strength superiority completely, can block the sea level. 现在第一舰队完全是凭借着自身的兵力优势,才能封锁住海面。 If Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has enough many manpower, General Lalor may not have the confidence to be able to resist. 如果新飞商会拥有足够多的人力,柯莱勒将军可没有信心能够抵挡得住。 Thinks of here, General Lalor felt suddenly, before Grand Duke Velun , can only obey orders to the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President Xu also little darling. As if is also excusable. 想到这里,柯莱勒将军忽然觉得,威纶大公之前只能对新飞商会会长许亦乖乖听令。似乎也是情有可原。 Such a thinks, General Lalor then depresses the effort in heart. To the Velun greatly fair color: Grand Duke Velun, now at this time, we do not have the internal strife, finds the way to repel the counter-attack of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. I send a letter/believes on whereabouts kingdom now again, urged that their support arrive as soon as possible....... Resists as far as possible as for your aspect.” 这么一想,柯莱勒将军便压下心中的努力。向威纶大公正色道:“威纶大公,现在这个时候,我们还是不要起内讧了,还是想办法击退新飞商会的反击吧。我现在就去向王国方面再发一封信,催促他们的支援尽快到来。至于你这方面……尽量抵挡住吧。” Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce just started to hit back time, General Lalor also instigates Grand Duke Velun to send out hand/subordinate the upfront and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard has regretted hardly. 新飞商会刚开始进行反击的时候,柯莱勒将军还怂恿着威纶大公派出手下正面和新飞商会的护卫队硬憾过。 However finally actually really horrible to look. 然而结果却着实惨不忍睹。 Grand Duke Velun sent out enough 5000 people, however when facing the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce 200 people of convoy guards, basic does not have with the opposite party least bit means. 威纶大公派出了足足五千人,然而在面对新飞商会不过两百人的护卫队时,却根本拿对方半点儿办法都没有。 If bumps into Grand Duke Velun few subordinates, is relying on the strong personal ability of guards Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, as well as gives birth to the high equipment military Magic machinery that Grand Duke Velun plans hand/subordinate incessantly, often can the upfront regret over five times enemies hardly, even can also rout the opposite party thoroughly. 如果是碰到威纶大公少量的手下,凭借着新飞商会护卫们的超强个人能力,以及生出威纶大公手下不止一筹的高配备军用魔法机械,往往能够正面硬憾五倍以上的敌人,甚至还能把对方彻底击溃。 If runs into large numbers of subordinates who Grand Duke Velun sent out, then provided the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guards of more than ten Magic Power carriers to have the strong maneuvering force, the fundamental upfront combat, escaped directly, the subordinate who let Grand Duke Velun can only look that they left have no alternative. 而如果遇到了威纶大公派出的大批手下,那么配备了十余辆魔力装甲运输车的新飞商会护卫队拥有着超强的机动力,根本正面作战,直接远遁,让威纶大公的手下只能看着他们离开无可奈何。 Like this pestered for a week later, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce drifts away these 200 guard not only one outside main base not to lose, greatly government-sponsored goes out to cope with their 5000 armies Velun to burn out on the contrary forcefully, finally is only left over the exhausted more than 1000 people, does not have the pursuit ability again. 这样纠缠了一个星期之后,新飞商会游离在主基地外面的这两百护卫不仅一个都没损失,反倒把威纶大公派出去对付他们的五千大军给硬生生拖垮,最终只剩下精疲力竭的一千余人,再无追击能力。 Grand Duke Velun can only give up but the idea of encircling these 200 guards, but strengthens in the territory the defensive strengths of various places, as far as possible the activity spaces of compression these 200 guards. 威纶大公无奈之下只能放弃了围剿这两百名护卫的想法,而是加强领地内各处的防守力量,尽量压缩这两百名护卫的活动空间。 This approach took the good effect. 这个做法取到了不错的效果。 Although these 200 guards the striking power is outstanding, but the population are too after all few, when the storm fortification is unable to play the sufficient might, since these days has rarely been able to harass behind the territory of Grand Duke Velun. 这两百名护卫虽然攻击力超群,但毕竟人数太少,在强攻防御工事的时候无法发挥出足够的威力,这段时间以来已经很少能够在威纶大公的领地后方骚扰。 However when Grand Duke Velun and General Lalor put down new, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce actually started a new harassment method, makes two people have a headache on the contrary. 然而就在威纶大公和柯莱勒将军都放下新来的时候,新飞商会却发动了一种新的骚扰方法,反倒让两人更加头疼。 Moreover facing this harassment method, they cannot even discover any solution. 而且面对这种骚扰方法,他们甚至找不出任何解决的办法。 After Grand Duke Velun promised that can urge the Saari kingdom discharges the Magician reinforcement as soon as possible, General Lalor said goodbye to leave the manor of Grand Duke Velun. 威纶大公保证会催促萨尔王国尽快排出魔法师增援后,柯莱勒将军告辞离开威纶大公的庄园。 After turning over/standing up steps up to the warhorse, General Lalor eventually cannot bear to the sky of distant place looked at one. 翻身跨上战马后,柯莱勒将军终究还是忍不住向远方的天空看了一眼。 One group dark clouds are running away to the distant place fast. 一团“黑云”正在向远方快速遁去。 This group dark clouds. Is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sends to harass to attack Grand Duke Velun the Magic Power airship of rear territory. 这团“黑云”。就是新飞商会派来骚扰攻击威纶大公后方领地的魔力飞艇。 Facing this can in the colossus that flies from a ground several hundred meters upper air. Not only few Magician Grand Duke Velun does not have the means hand/subordinate. General Lalor should also this time not bring what powerful Magician, similarly is at wit's end. 面对这个能够在距离地面数百米高空中飞行的庞然大物。不仅手下根本没几个魔法师威纶大公毫无办法。就连柯莱勒将军也应该这次并没有带来什么强大的魔法师,同样是无计可施。 But in situation of no threat, this Magic Power airship actually to the territory of Grand Duke Velun, even stays to General Lalor is being away from here coastline not far away, blocked the Sakk Kingdom first fleet of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce main base sea level exit|to speak to bring the enormous trouble. 而在毫无威胁的情况下,这艘魔力飞艇却是给威纶大公的领地,甚至给柯莱勒将军停留在距离这里海岸线不远处,封锁新飞商会主基地海面出口的萨克王国第一舰队带来了极大的麻烦。 This Magic Power airship almost will fly every day in the sky, once for a while abandons several Magic rocket projectiles, triggers the intense explosion in the ground. 这艘魔力飞艇几乎每天都会在上空飞一圈,时不时地扔下几个魔法火箭弹,在地面引发强烈的爆炸。 Moreover the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce information is very precise, the target of each time aiming is the commodity warehouse and army camp of Velun feudal lord. 而且新飞商会的情报十分精确,每次对准的攻击目标都是威纶领主的物资仓库和部队营地。 Almost sends out each time. This Magic Power airship will bring the massive loss to the Velun feudal lord. 几乎每次出动。这艘魔力飞艇都会给威纶领主带来巨大的损失。 Simultaneously it also sent out to attack the first fleet two. 同时它还出动攻击了第一舰队两次。 Because freely the first fleet is quite flexible, avoided several fatal attacks, so long as it to send out, the first fleet must be forced to avoid, this lets Lalor in the morale of troops quite angry. 尽管由于第一舰队比较灵活,躲开了几次致命的攻击,但是只要它以出动,第一舰队就必须被迫避开,这让柯莱勒将军心中极为愤怒。 The heroic invincible Sakk Kingdom first fleet, was actually compelled this situation by only grotesque Magic Power airship, simply is disgraced! 英勇无敌的萨克王国第一舰队,却只是被区区一艘怪模怪样的魔力飞艇就逼到了这种地步,简直就是丢人! However he also can only in the heart the anger, actually still be nothing means. 然而他也只能心中愤怒,却依然是没有任何办法。 The Magic Power airship was really flies high, only if were high-level Magician flies outside the upper air, cannot pose any threat. 魔力飞艇实在是飞得太高了,除非是高级魔法师飞上高空之外,根本就不能对它产生任何威胁。 General Lalor currently has not had Magician of sufficient strength hand/subordinate. Naturally can only look that this Magic Power airship hovers in the sky at will, has no alternative.. 柯莱勒将军手下目前可没有拥有足够实力的魔法师。自然只能看着这艘魔力飞艇在天空中随意翱翔,却无可奈何。。 And other military headquarters sent enough powerful Magician. Must make you attractive.” “等军部派过来足够强大的魔法师。一定要让你好看。” General Lalor stared a that going far away Magic Power airship bitterly, the vision looks into the distance to the north direction. 柯莱勒将军恨恨地瞪了一眼那艘远去的魔力飞艇,目光眺望向更北面的方向。 He is very clear, this Magic Power airship is also good, is that 200 guard Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is also good, without the base makes them supply, does not have a wood eventually, is impossible to pose the real threat. 他很清楚,无论是这艘魔力飞艇也好,还是那两百名新飞商会护卫也好,如果没有基地让他们补给的话,终究也只是无根之木,根本不可能产生真正的威胁。 But the issue lies in these two has a powerful base to be the backing, helping them to launch the attack to the territory of Velun feudal lord without any worries. 但问题就在于这两者都有着一个强大的基地做后盾,使得他们可以毫无后顾之忧地对威纶领主的领地展开攻击。 But this base, is located in Heimi City on Heimi Wastelands. 而这个基地,就是位于黑米荒原上的黑米城 Originally in launching this volume Sakk Kingdom unites Grand Duke Velun in view of the attack of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, kingdom * the section setting plan will transfer the cheetah regiment to cross the kingdom and Heimi Wastelands border line simultaneously, launches the attack to Heimi Wastelands, strives for one to seize Heimi City. 原本在展开这次额萨克王国联合威纶大公针对新飞商会的攻击时,王**部定下的方案是会同时调动猎豹军团越过王国和黑米荒原的边境线,向黑米荒原上发动攻击,争取一句占领黑米城的。 But the cheetah regiment actually just crossed the border line, then by the city wall common fortification that on Heimi Wastelands constructed blocking the path of leading the way. 可是猎豹军团却只是刚刚越过边境线,便被黑米荒原上修建的城墙一般的防御工事给阻住了前行的道路。 At first Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom Western Guard Regiment jointly constructs this fortification time, the Sakk Kingdom aspect does not care, because this fortification constructs not high, has not connected completely, instead is off and on, simply cannot block the residence to have the path to lead to Heimi Wastelands deep place completely. 起初新飞商会兰帕里王国镇西军联合修建这个防御工事的时候,萨克王国方面并不怎么在意,因为这个防御工事修建得并不高,也还没有完全连接起来,反而断断续续的,根本没能完全阻断住所有通向黑米荒原深处的道路。 When but the cheetah regiment takes the action truly, these seemingly useless fortification, actually posed the extremely serious threat to the cheetah regiment. 可是等到猎豹军团真正展开行动时,这些看起来没什么用的防御工事,却对猎豹军团造成了极其严重的威胁。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce prevented many powerful military Magic machineries in the fortification, is relying on these fortification, occupying a commanding position to wanting to break through the cheetah regiment of fortification to launch the attack to facilitate extremely with ease. 新飞商会在防御工事里防止了很多火力强大的军用魔法机械,凭借着这些防御工事,居高临下的对想要突破防御工事的猎豹军团进行攻击极为轻松便利。 Cheetah regiment successive attack five times, actually the trivial less than 1000 people rushed over from the fierce firepower, actually threw down enough over 6000 people of corpses under the fortification. 猎豹军团连续突击了五次,却只有区区不到一千人从凶猛的火力中冲了过去,却在防御工事下面丢下了足足超过六千人的尸体。 Moreover behind the fortification, the Lanpali Kingdom Western Guard Regiment majority has defended there, simply has not given the cheetah regiment any opportunity of breakthrough blockade. 而且在防御工事后面,兰帕里王国镇西军的大部分早就守在那里,根本没有给猎豹军团任何突破封锁的机会。 Is blocked from the Heimi Wastelands north offensive, causes the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard and this Magic Power airship can launch the harassment attack to this aspect unscrupulously, lets Grand Duke Velun and General Lalor is tired of extremely bothersomely. 来自黑米荒原北面的攻势受阻,也就使得新飞商会护卫队和这艘魔力飞艇都可以肆无忌惮地对这方面展开骚扰攻击,让威纶大公和柯莱勒将军都烦不胜烦。 The vision takes back from the remote north, General Lalor the head goes up slightly, looks that has turned into a sunspot in the distant place horizon the Magic Power airship, in the heart passed over gently and swiftly suddenly a question. 目光从遥远的北方收回,柯莱勒将军脑袋微微上翘,看着那艘已经在远处天际变成一个黑点的魔力飞艇,心中忽然掠过一丝疑问。 Since Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can persuade Lanpali Kingdom Western Guard Regiment to assist them to defend, why that doesn't make Western Guard Regiment assist them to storm into the territory of Grand Duke Velun simply directly? 新飞商会既然能够说动兰帕里王国镇西军协助他们防御,那为什么不干脆让镇西军直接协助他们攻入威纶大公的领地呢? If can also fully equip on similar Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard such complete set military Magic machinery to Western Guard Regiment, by the first fleet soldiers who the subordinate of Grand Duke Velun and leads, is not definitely able to resist. 如果能够给镇西军也全部装备上类似新飞商会护卫队那样的全套军用魔法机械,凭借威纶大公的手下和自己率领的第一舰队士兵们,肯定无法抵挡得住。 From obtaining the information indicated, this is the instruction that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President Xu also gives. 从获得的情报显示,这是新飞商会会长许亦做的指示。 Why then this Xu Yi can decide like this?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 那么这个许亦为什么要这样决定呢?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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