MIE :: Volume #4

#156: The blood debt blood recompenses

Great Magician Camilla has grasped the space principle, broke through Great Magician boundary news also only to be restricted in Great Magician Camilla, Great Magician Truch and Xu Yi three people knows, there is a rumor that has not gone out.[][] .[] 卡米拉大魔法师已经掌握空间法则,突破了大魔法师的界限这条消息也只限于卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师以及许亦三人知道,并没有外传出去。[][]..[] Although this is the faits accomplis, but Great Magician Camilla felt, before obtaining the approval of Magician Guild headquarters, announced rashly oneself have become Magister, that radically is a joke. 尽管这已经是既成事实,但卡米拉大魔法师觉得,在没有获得魔法师工会总部的认可之前,贸然就宣布自己已经成为了魔导师,那根本是一个笑话。 Therefore in the strict order Xu Yi security, after most only permits told Stille one person, Great Magician Camilla then quietly, alone stepped to lead to Magician Guild headquarters location- journey of Castle in the Sky. 所以在严令许亦保密,最多只准告诉斯蒂尔一人之后,卡米拉大魔法师便悄悄地、独自踏上了通向魔法师工会总部所在地-天空之城的旅程。 After Great Magician Truch sends off Great Magician Camilla, also returned to Bunta City to continue his research. 特鲁奇大魔法师送走卡米拉大魔法师之后,也随之回到了邦塔城继续他的研究。 Because Great Magician Camilla obtains the reason of breakthrough, he now to conducting the research in Magic mechanical aspect had the strong interest. 因为卡米拉大魔法师获得突破的缘故,他现在对进行魔法机械方面的研究有了更加浓厚的兴趣。 If before he were only because felt grateful Xu Yi to change on Karasga Island the living conditions of residents, to feel grateful chose to join Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, participated in the research the words, then he to enhance own Magic strength now, but invested diligently. 如果说之前他只是因为感激许亦改变了卡拉斯加岛上居民们的生活环境,为了感恩才选择加入新飞商会,参与研究的话,那么现在他就是为了提升自己的魔法实力,而努力投入进去。 The mentality is different, the power is different, the effect will not be definitely different. 心态不同,动力不同,效果肯定也不会不同。 Xu Yi believes, Great Magician Truch affirmed quick is at the research and development of Magic Power engine will obtain the breakthrough in the fire. 许亦相信,特鲁奇大魔法师肯定很快就会在火系魔力发动机的研发上获得突破。 But he, calms the mind the good news that is waiting for Great Magician Camilla and Great Magician Truch spreads respectively. 而他,就静心等待着卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师分别传来的好消息。 Naturally, Xu Yi is not idling completely. 当然,许亦也不是完全闲着。 Is still continuing on the discussion of Magic Refill Station with Sewinnie. 瑟维尼补魔站的商议还在继续。 At this matter, Sewinnie showed her strong boldness. 在这件事情上,瑟维尼展现出了她超强的魄力。 Xu Yi proposed first completes Magic Refill Station, trial operation after some time . Again wantonly promotion. 许亦原本只是提议先建成一座补魔站,试运行一段时间后。再大肆推广。 But Sewinnie actually in decides with Xu Yi after technical transfer some issues. Direct decision. Decided that the one breath completes ten Magic Refill Station in Lanpali Kingdom. 瑟维尼却在和许亦商定好关于部分技术转让的问题后。直接拍板。决定一口气在兰帕里王国内建成十座补魔站 But from Sewinnie in these ten Magic Refill Station positions that on the Lanpali Kingdom map label, can see that Sewinnie passed through careful and deep consideration at this matter. 而从瑟维尼兰帕里王国地图上标注出来的这十座补魔站的位置,可以看出瑟维尼在这件事情上经过了深思熟虑。 Because these ten Magic Refill Station all construct in the extremely essential place, is operational Magic Powered Vehicle continues the supplies the place. 因为这十座补魔站全都建在极为关键的地点,都是正在运行的魔力机车继续补给的地方。 Once these ten Magic Refill Station complete, although was unable saying that can drive Magic Powered Vehicle to open access in Lanpali Kingdom soaringly, but can solve overwhelming majority Magic Powered Vehicle power supplies problems at least. 一旦这十座补魔站建成,虽然还不能说可以高枕无忧地驾驶着魔力机车兰帕里王国内畅通无阻,但起码可以解决了绝大部分魔力机车的动力补给问题。 Regarding the bold plan of Sewinnie, Xu Yi naturally vigorously supports. 对于瑟维尼的大胆计划,许亦自然是大力支持。 If there are if possible, he wishes one could comprehensively to promote now in Lanpali Kingdom the new energy standard, even in Rudson Kingdom as well as several other have in the contact country to promote similarly with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 如果有可能的话,他恨不得现在就将新能源标准在兰帕里王国内全面推广开,甚至在鲁尔逊王国以及其它几个和新飞商会有接触的国家中同样推广开。 If can build this good foundation in these countries. Deepens the foundation of Magic industrial system to have the enormous help to Xu Yi in these countries. 如果能够在这些国家中打下这个良好的基础。对许亦在这几个国家内加深魔法工业体系的基础将有极大的帮助。 Naturally, the food must eat one after another, the road must walk step by step. 当然,饭要一口一口吃,路要一步一步走。 The Xu Yi priority target, is to promote in Lanpali Kingdom, as for other countries, was actually the later matter. 许亦的首要目标,是在兰帕里王国内推广开,至于其它国家,却是以后的事情了。 Discussed with Sewinnie established, Xu Yi then came to an end at the matter of Anweimaer city. 瑟维尼商议既定,许亦安威玛尔城的事情便宣告结束。 While Xu Yi and Sewinnie signed about establishing the Magic Refill Station preliminary agreement, planned and Stille, Janice and the others returns to Stantin Duchy together the time, actually received a shocking bad news suddenly. 然而正当许亦瑟维尼签署了关于建立补魔站的初步协议,打算和斯蒂尔亚妮丝等人一起回到斯坦丁公国的时候,却突然收到了一个让人震惊的坏消息。 Angkelu and Grand Duke Velun made war comprehensively. 盎克鲁威纶大公全面开战了。 # # # ### Three days later, the Xu Yi complexion appeared in Heimi Wastelands and Stantin Duchy intersection point heavily. 三天后,许亦脸色沉重地出现在了黑米荒原斯坦丁公国的交界处。 Has waited Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard team leader Hart here to welcome. 早就候在这里的新飞商会护卫队队长哈特迎了上来。 Now situation how?” Xu Yi looked on a distant place Stantin Duchy border line to defend crossroad Grand Duke Velun hand/subordinate the soldier. The sinking sound asked. “现在情况怎么样?”许亦看了一眼远处斯坦丁公国边境线上守住了路口的威纶大公手下士兵。沉声问道。 „It is not quite good.” Hart shakes the head. Grand Duke Velun has seized now beforehand ceded to Sir President all your territories, is only left over that piece that our chamber of commerce main base is at unable to enter. Now he shut off all paths of our main base to lead to outside world. The main base was used to surround with large army by him, cannot break through.” “不太好。”哈特摇了摇头。“威纶大公现在已经重新占领了之前割让给会长大人您的所有领土,只剩下我们商会主基地所在的那一片没能进入。现在他切断了我们主基地通向外界的所有道路。主基地被他用重兵包围住,根本突围不出来。” Snort, this fellow suffered certainly previous time, does not dare to treat it lightly to us.” Xu Yi cold snort/hum, realizes a issue in Hart words suddenly. You said a moment ago he did block paths of our main base to lead to all outside world? On the land he can block, how in the sea level did he possibly block?” “哼,这个家伙一定是吃了上次的亏,不敢对我们掉以轻心了。”许亦冷哼一声,忽然意识到哈特话语中的一个问题。“你刚才说他封锁了我们主基地通向所有外界的道路?陆地上他能封锁,海面上他怎么可能封锁得了?” The Hart forced smile said: While Grand Duke Velun launches the attack, the Sakk Kingdom first fleet went downstream from the Heimi Wastelands north coastline, blocked our main base to lead to outside coastline. Although the Smilton island lords lead to rescue, because actually is really the population misses too, without means breakthrough blockade.” 哈特苦笑道:“在威纶大公发动攻击的同时,萨克王国第一舰队从黑米荒原北面的海岸线上顺流而下,封锁了我们主基地通向外面的海岸线。虽然斯米尔顿岛主率领着很多手下来救援,却因为实在是人数差得太远,没办法突破封锁。” „Did Sakk Kingdom also join?” Xu Yi shot a look at one to the direction of west coast, sneers saying: I said how Grand Duke Velun suddenly becomes such bold, originally was Sakk Kingdom colludes with one in secret.” 萨克王国也加入进来了吗?”许亦向西面海岸的方向瞥了一眼,冷笑道:“我说威纶大公怎么突然间变得这么大胆,原来是和萨克王国暗中勾结到了一起。” Hart sighed: Sir President, I thought but actually this is not the main reason, the biggest problem, we were too actually negligent.” 哈特叹道:“会长大人,我倒觉得这并不是最主要的原因,最大的问题,其实还是我们太大意了。” Oh? 哦? „If not we are extremely negligent, Count Velun is impossible to launch the attack unexpectedly, and seizes the chance to overtake large quantities of military Magic machineries that our chamber of commerce just made completely, impossible to suppress us in the offensive of present stage thoroughly. Without the help of these military Magic machineries, the subordinate of Grand Duke Velun is not worth mentioning.” “如果不是我们太过大意,威纶伯爵根本不可能这么出其不意地发动攻击,并且趁机将我们商会刚刚生产出来的大批军用魔法机械全部抢了过去,也就不可能在现阶段的攻势中彻底压制我们。没有这些军用魔法机械的帮助,威纶大公的手下根本就不值一提。” Xu Yi nods, thought that Grand Duke Velun has planned Zhou Xiang obviously, is waiting for this not in the time starts suddenly. 许亦点点头,心想威纶大公显然早就计划周翔,就等着这个自己不在的时机突然发动。 Because oneself are not , the response of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will be inevitably slower, this causes him to be able successfully to capture these important military cargos, thus has the advantage in the firepower. 因为自己不在,新飞商会的反应势必会慢一些,这才导致他能够成功夺取那些重要的军用物资,从而在火力上占据优势。 Obviously, he obtained the lesson in previous and conflict of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, even the importance of military Magic machinery to military development, therefore the first goal placed on these resources. 很显然,他在上次和新飞商会的冲突中得到了教训,甚至军用魔法机械对部队战斗力的重要性,所以第一目标就放在了这些资源上。 Hart, the situation of you a moment ago describing, should our main bases be are all right?” 哈特,从你刚才描述的情况来看,我们的主基地应该是没事喽?” That natural.” Hart throws out the chest, proud typical: Our convoy guard, although only then more than 1000 people, even if Grand Duke Velun sends out tens of thousands people. Also cannot break through Abe Dante river absolutely! Even I lead these 200 people to break through. He cannot block!” “那当然。”哈特挺了挺胸,一脸自豪地道:“我们护卫队虽然只有一千多人,但是就算威纶大公派出好几万人。也绝对攻不破阿布丹特河!甚至连我率领着这两百人突围。他也根本拦不住!” Xu Yi can't help it smiles. 许亦禁不住莞尔。 Although Hart said the heroic spirit very. However he can lead only 200 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce guard to break through Grand Duke Velun hand/subordinate several tens of thousands people of numerous surrounding, what perhaps depends is not being brave in battle of he and these guards, but is other thing. 尽管哈特说得很是十分豪气。但是他能够率领区区两百名新飞商会的护卫突破威纶大公手下数万人的重重包围,恐怕靠的并不是他和这些护卫们的英勇善战,而是别的东西。 This thought just raised in the mind, in the sky of distant place a shadow flew suddenly fast. 这个念头刚刚在脑海里升起,远处的天空中忽然一片黑影快速飞了过来。 After the moment, this black shadow band huge humming sound the sound flies to Xu Yi one line of top of the heads. 片刻后,这片黑影带着巨大的嗡嗡声飞临许亦一行人头顶。 Looking up, is actually a medium Magic Power airship. 抬头一看,却是一艘中型魔力飞艇。 The Magic Power airship falls slowly, is away from Xu Yi not far away to be very steady. 魔力飞艇缓缓落下,在距离许亦不远处挺稳。 The cabin door opens, one group of people one after another. 舱门打开,一群人鱼贯而出。 Xu Yi as far as eyes can reach. Discovered that these people are the ordinary peasants in new flying farm. 许亦一眼望去。发现这些人都是新飞农场的普通农民。 At this time they all in rags, look haggard, the front section day are living very unsettled life obviously. 此时他们个个衣衫褴褛,神情憔悴,显然前段日子过着非常不安定的生活。 After seeing Xu Yi, these vision was lax, on the face full was the exhausted ordinary peasants seems like actually poured into the vitality general suddenly again, the eyes also shone, on the face also showed the information smiling face cannot help but, encircled in abundance quickly. 见到许亦后,这些原本目光涣散,脸上满是疲惫的普通农民们却陡然像是重新被灌入了生机一般,双眼同时发亮,脸上也露出了不由自主的信息笑容,纷纷快步围了过来。 Sir President, you came back!” 会长大人,您回来了!” Good! Sir President came back!” “太好了!会长大人回来了!” Haha, Sir President came back. That damn Grand Duke Velun does not certainly have the good end!” “哈哈,会长大人回来了。那个该死的威纶大公一定没有好下场的!” Sir President, you must revenge for us!” 会长大人,您一定要为我们报仇啊!” ...... …… Xu Yi nods to the people. Sincere say/way: Everyone please feel relieved, you are the staff of chamber of commerce, your benefits are the interests of chamber of commerce. You are insulted by Grand Duke Velun now, the chamber of commerce will certainly want the justice for you. Regardless of everyone has anything to lose, the chamber of commerce will give the corresponding compensation to you.” 许亦向众人点点头。正色道:“大家请放心,你们都是商会的员工,你们的利益就是商会的利益。你们现在被威纶大公欺辱了,商会就一定会为你们讨回公道。大家无论有什么损失,商会都会给你们给予相应的补偿。” But my family member......” a middle-aged woman of whole face dust cried. My family member by these damn fellows killing off! How you accompany to me......” “可是我的家人……”一名满脸灰土的中年妇女失声痛哭起来。“我的家人都被那些该死的家伙给杀光了!你怎么陪给我啊……” Surroundings everyone is also low-spirited. 周围所有人同时黯然。 The attack that Grand Duke Velun launches suddenly makes everyone be unexpected, these people who under was assigned to Xu Yi obtains in the territory that is responsible for reclaiming to be caught off guard newly, has almost not all escaped. 威纶大公突然发动的攻击让所有人始料未及,被分配到许亦新获得的领地上负责开垦的这些人措手不及下,几乎全部没有逃开。 Their these more than ten people can also live, because according to the circumstances quick , the luck is good, just bumped into the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce rescue crew, otherwise, they only feared that can also be ordinary with the family member, hides in the section of Grand Duke Velun completely starts. 他们这十几人还能活着,还是因为见机得快,又运气不错,刚好碰到了新飞商会的救援队,不然的话,他们只怕也会和家人一般,全部藏身于威纶大公的部下手中。 Xu Yi deep took a deep breath, narrows the eyes slightly, the sinking sound said: Human life has no goods to compensate, but I can promise you, I will certainly make these damn fellow blood debt blood recompense!” 许亦深吸了一口气,微微眯起双眼,沉声道:“人命没有什么物品可以补偿,但是我可以向你们保证,我一定会让那些该死的家伙血债血偿!” After comforting these people, Xu Yi made Hart select some guards, escorted these people to enter Heimi Wastelands. 安慰好了这些人后,许亦哈特选出一些护卫,护送着这些人进入了黑米荒原 According to the arrangement, these people will be delivered to Heimi City to go temporarily, settles temporarily under the arrangement of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate factory. 按照安排,这些人将会被暂时送到黑米城去,在新飞商会下属工厂的安排下暂时安顿下来。 As for the later matter, after actually must wait to solve Grand Duke Velun, said. 至于之后的事情,却要等待解决了威纶大公之后再说了。 Gazes after these people to go far away under escorting of guard, Xu Yi turns the head to look that to last Evita that walks from the airship, seeing her looks tired, is pale, can't help it sighed gently. 目送这些人在护卫的护送下远去,许亦转头看向最后一个从飞艇中走出来的艾薇塔,见她神情疲惫,脸色苍白,禁不住轻轻一叹。 This gentle girl, these years actually has been shuttling back and forth in the chaotic battlefield, depend upon the Magic Power airship to keep the seeker survivor, were also exhausted. 这个性格平和的女孩儿,这些年却一直穿梭着混乱的战场上,依靠着魔力飞艇不停地搜索者幸存者,想必也是累坏了。 Sees the Xu Yi vision to sweep, Evita shows a slightly obviously weak smile to him. 许亦目光扫过来,艾薇塔冲他露出一个略显无力的微笑。 President, sorry, I want first to lead in chamber of commerce these technical personnel who you attaches great importance, but sees these people, does not have the means to refuse their to pray for rescue......” 会长,对不起,我本来想把商会里您最重视的那些技术人员先带出来的,但是看到这些人,却没办法拒绝他们的求救……” Xu Yi beckons with the hand: You do very well, does not need to I apologize.” Said that reaches out Evita. For serveral days you, since has sauntered in the sky, then has certainly the harvest?” 许亦摆了摆手:“你做得很好,不用向我道歉。”说罢向艾薇塔伸出手。“这些天你既然一直都在天空转悠,那么一定有收获吧?” Un.” Evita pulled out one to be folded the neat paper to hand over from the bosom. “嗯。”艾薇塔从怀里掏出一张被叠得整整齐齐的纸递了过来。 Xu Yi receives to open looks, discovered that this is a Stantin Duchy northern map. 许亦接过来打开一看,发现这是一张斯坦丁公国北方的地图。 However is different from the general map, on this map has many special labelling. 不过和普通地图不同,这张地图上却有很多特别的标注。 President, on this is the military of Count Velun I investigate step by step. These are he deposits the military cargo the warehouse. These places, I, although cannot determine, but guessed that should also deposit some military cargos......” 会长,这上面都是我探查出来的威纶伯爵的兵力分步。这几个是他存放军用物资的仓库。还有这几个地方,我虽然不敢确定,但猜测应该也存放了一些军用物资……” Xu Yi listens to Evita to explain various labelling on this map patiently, grips tightly the right fist, made an effort to pound a fist in the paralysis on the map of ground. 许亦耐心地听艾薇塔讲解完这张地图上的各种标注,紧握右拳,用力在瘫在地上的地图上砸了一拳。 Very good, Evita, this time words that routs Grand Duke Velun, you are the merit are absolutely biggest.” “很好,艾薇塔,这次击溃威纶大公的话,你绝对是功劳最大。” Said that he sets out, observes the situation to about, raises the sound to shout: Brothers, I, since had come back, then...... the counter-attack starts!”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 说罢他直起身,向左右环视一圈,提高声音喝道:“兄弟们,我既然已经回来了,那么……反击开始!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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