MIE :: Volume #4

#155: Magister Camilla

A space slight vibration of nihility thing, ripple produce suddenly baseless.[ 虚无一物的空间忽然一阵轻微的震动,一道道波纹凭空生成。[ The entire space as if seems like invested gravel the water surface general suddenly, ripple swing, the space also becomes because of the shake of ripple slurred. 整个空间仿佛像是突然被投入一个石子的水面一般,波纹一道道荡开,空间也因为波纹的震荡而变得模糊不清起来。 The frequency that as the ripple vibrates is getting quicker and quicker, the entire space also more and more seems in broken bits, finally ripple continuously in the same place, making the entire space disrupt, is forming one at present toward the forbidden area that it is awestruck. 随着波纹震动的频率越来越快,整个空间也随之越来越显得细碎,最终一道道波纹连续在一起,让整个空间都变得碎裂起来,在眼前形成了一块让人往之生畏的禁区。 Xu Yi is staring at the slow evolution of this space, finally cannot bear make noise. 许亦盯着这块空间的缓慢演变,终于忍不住出声。 This probably and ordinary space does Magic have no difference?” “这好像和普通的空间魔法也没有什么区别吧?” Is condensing Magic Power Great Magician Camilla to have no free time to pay attention to Xu Yi with single-hearted devotion, nearby Great Magician Truch actually knit the brows to stare Xu Yi one. 正在专心凝聚魔力卡米拉大魔法师没空理会许亦,一旁的特鲁奇大魔法师却皱眉瞪了许亦一眼。 Looks patiently. This may have the essential difference from ordinary space Magic.” “耐心看。这可和普通的空间魔法有着本质区别。” Right?” “是吗?” Xu Yi still shuts up , to continue to stare at the Great Magician Camilla movement. 许亦依然闭嘴,继续盯着卡米拉大魔法师的动作。 Brings to tell him in Great Magician Truch pleasantly surprised, Great Magician Camilla broke the Great Magician boundary unexpectedly, successfully grasped the space principle time, he does not dare to be detailed your ear. 特鲁奇大魔法师带着惊喜地告诉他,卡米拉大魔法师居然突破了大魔法师的界限,成功掌握了空间法则的时候,他根本就不敢详细你自己的耳朵。 Grasping space principle this is the ability that Magician of Magister rank can master, Great Magician Camilla, if really achieved this point, to mean he really does jump to become Great Magister? 掌握空间法则这可是魔导师级别的魔法师才能掌握的能力,卡米拉大魔法师如果真的做到了这一点,岂不是意味着他真的跃升成为了大魔导师 Although last year time, Great Magician Camilla has exposed a little to grasp the space principle the sign, but according to the normal Magician standard, but contacts the space principle, with grasps the space principle to have huge difference thoroughly. 虽然去年的时候,卡米拉大魔法师就已经展露出了一点儿自己已经掌握空间法则的迹象,但是按照正常的魔法师标准来看,只是接触到空间法则,和彻底掌握空间法则有着天壤之别。 This difference may make Magician study Magic little several years with single-hearted devotion. Many dozens years can also understand. 这个区别有可能会让一名魔法师专心研究魔法少则几年。多则数十年也才能参透。 Even many Magician stay in the boundary between Great Magician and Magister for a lifetime. Life-long is unable to break through. 甚至有很多魔法师一辈子就停留在大魔法师魔导师之间的这条界限上。终生无法突破。 Now Great Magician Camilla only uses merely for a year broke this boundary. This was too rather inconceivable. 现在卡米拉大魔法师仅仅只用了一年的时间就突破了这个界限。这未免太不可思议了。 Therefore sees freely now with own eyes Great Magician Camilla works as the space principle that own surface is demonstrating him to grasp, Xu Yi in the heart is actually still holding a suspicion. 于是尽管现在亲眼见到卡米拉大魔法师当着自己的面演示他掌握的空间法则,许亦却依然心中抱着一丝怀疑。 Should not be Great Magician Camilla and Great Magician Truch will deceive itself to play? 该不会是卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师骗自己玩的吧? The space that the front has disrupted suddenly is a slight vibration, immediately the entire space expanded suddenly, then reduces instantaneously, seems like in the breath general ballooning. 面前已经碎裂的空间忽然又是一阵细微的震动,随即整个空间陡然扩大了一下,然后瞬间缩小,就好像是在呼吸一般鼓胀。 So after repeating several times, this small space caves in fiercely completely, turns cave entrance that was too deep to see the bottom pitch-dark. 如此重复了几次之后,这片小小的空间猛地完全塌陷下去,变成了一个黑漆漆深不见底的洞口。 This situation Xu Yi also saw in former Great Magician Camilla and Great Magician Truch, the Ailucia elder as well as Lisanya elder for he demonstrated space Magic the time has seen many times. Therefore is not accidental/surprised and surprised. 这副情形许亦也见在之前卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师,还有艾露希亚长老以及利桑亚长老为他演示空间魔法的时候见过很多次。所以并不意外和惊奇。 On the contrary this made suspicion in his heart deeper. 相反这让他心中的怀疑更深了一些。 If this pattern, where that Great Magician Camilla so-called control the space principle did manifest? 如果还是这种模式,那卡米拉大魔法师所谓的掌控了空间法则又体现在哪里呢? This thought just flashed through in the mind, the space changes suddenly again. 这个念头刚刚在脑海中闪过,空间再次突变。 Ordinary space Magic conducts the compression control the space somewhere, thus affects in all things to this space. 普通的空间魔法是将某处空间进行压缩操控,从而影响到这处空间内的一切事物。 Skilled space Magic Magician, can use this characteristics continuously compression space, thus makes own body also be compressed enters in this space, transmitted the past to other spaces directly, becomes transmits Magic. 熟练空间魔法魔法师,可以利用这个特性连续压缩空间,从而使得自己的身子也被压缩进入这片空间里,向其它空间里直接传递过去,也就成为了传送魔法 But the appearance that although now this space pitch-dark even/including any ray is still not able to show, cannot see anything to distinguish from the surface, but Xu Yi actually could not feel that suddenly this space any Magic element fluctuates. 而现在这处空间虽然依然黑漆漆的连任何光线都无法透出的样子,从表面上看不出什么区别,但是许亦却忽然间就感觉不到这处空间的任何魔法元素波动。 This is the impossible matter! 这是不可能的事情! Any space has the Magic element. Will naturally have the Magic element to fluctuate. 任何空间都存在魔法元素。自然也会有魔法元素波动。 But now Xu Yi concentrates the energy in any event, cannot feel in this space, even if the tiny bit Magic element fluctuates. 而现在许亦无论如何集中精神,去感觉不到这处空间里哪怕一丝一毫的魔法元素波动。 Probably...... this space vanished baseless generally! 就好像……这处空间凭空消失了一般! Xu Yi stares the big eye to stare at this congealment in the midair. As if forcefully poached from the front the space, hesitant, asked to Great Magician Camilla: Grandfather, do I use Magic Power to investigate to be good?” 许亦瞪大眼睛盯着这处凝结在半空中。仿佛硬生生从面前挖走了的这块空间,犹豫了一下,向卡米拉大魔法师问道:“爷爷,我用魔力探察一下能行吗?” Great Magician Camilla smiles: Casual, does not need to be worried injured.” 卡米拉大魔法师嘿嘿一笑:“随便,不用担心受伤。” I am worried that you control not well.” Xu Yi whispered at heart, still finds out Magic Power. “我是担心您控制不好。”许亦心里嘀咕了一句,依然探出魔力 At the beginning, he was cautious, but controlled thread of magic power to investigate the past from side. 刚开始的时候,他非常小心翼翼,只是控制着一丝魔力从旁边探查过去。 In surrounding space all normal, his Magic Power investigation in the past, will then initiate very natural Magic element to fluctuate, when this thread of magic power talked about that space edge, actually the sensation did not arrive at existence of any Magic element again, this thread of magic power lost basing on instantaneously, as if a person lost footing to fall into the abyss general, separated and relation between Xu Yi completely. 周围的空间内一切正常,他的魔力探查过去,便会引发很自然的魔法元素波动,而当这一丝魔力谈到那处空间的边缘附近时,却再也感知不到任何魔法元素的存在,这一丝魔力瞬间失去了凭依,仿佛一个人失足掉进了万丈深渊一般,完全断开了和许亦之间的联系。 Xu Yi is startled. 许亦吃了一惊。 This is own Magic Power that he transfers, has not actually thought that is only touches this space the edge, unexpectedly seemed like swallowed generally, this was also too inconceivable. 这是他调动的自身的魔力,却没想到只是触碰到这处空间的边缘,居然就像是被吞噬了一般,这也太不可思议了。 , Xu Yi was not convinced strengthened reassignment Magic Power. 顿了顿,许亦不服气地加强了调动的魔力 When Magic Power touches that space again the edge, still with, completely lost and between him a moment ago the relation. 然而当魔力再次触碰到那块空间的边缘时,依然和刚才一样,完全失去了和他之间的联系。 Will try again, the Truch desert flew to think to lift the hand to prevent him. 正要再试的时候,特鲁奇大漠飞思抬起手阻止了他。 Ok, did not need to try again. Even if I use Magic Power to investigate, still is same as you, cannot bump into this space.” “行了,不用再试了。就算是我用魔力探察,也只有和你一样,根本碰不到这处空间。” Isn't good Great Magician Truch? 特鲁奇大魔法师都不行? Xu Yi looked at Great Magician Camilla surprisedly, sees him, although is smiling slightly, but in the smiling face actually full is the arrogance. 许亦惊奇地看了一眼卡米拉大魔法师,见他虽然只是微微笑着,但是笑容中却满是得意之情。 Xu Yi gathered round this space to circle, discovered let his astonished place. 许亦围着这块空间绕了一圈,又发现了一个让他惊异的地方。 According to beforehand Great Magician Camilla gives his explanation, the Magician use space Magic image space time, the space that under normal conditions affects can only be a regular spheroid. 按照之前卡米拉大魔法师给他的讲解,魔法师使用空间魔法影像空间的时候,通常情况下所影响的空间只会是一个正规的球体。 The space that however now Great Magician Camilla controls, is actually a square cube. 然而现在卡米拉大魔法师所控制的这块空间,却是个四四方方的正方体。 Only is this point, has manifested the strong control of Great Magician Camilla to this space. 光是这一点,就已经体现出卡米拉大魔法师对这块空间的超强控制。 But this is useful?” Xu Yi wonders to look at this square space, cannot bear ask. Grandfather, so-called space principle. Should unable to rub the space at will?” “但是这个到底有什么用呢?”许亦纳闷地看着这块四四方方的空间,忍不住问道。“爷爷,所谓的空间法则。该不会是可以随意揉搓空间吧?” Nonsense. Possibly so to be how simple?” Great Magician Camilla stared Xu Yi one. I grasp some space principles now initially. Can so easily operate the space. This space principle I call it the imprisonment. So long as under my influence, any space can fall into the complete imprisoned the condition. In this space, do not say the object, even the time can be controlled by me even completely. What kind of? Feared?” “废话。怎么可能那么简单?”卡米拉大魔法师瞪了许亦一眼。“我现在只是初步掌握了部分空间法则。才能如此轻易地操纵空间。这个空间法则我称之为禁锢。只要在我的影响下,任何一处空间都可以陷入完全禁锢的状态。在这块空间里,不要说物体,甚至就算是时间都可以被我完全掌控。怎么样?怕了吗?” Fierce! Very fierce!” Xu Yi nods. “厉害!非常厉害!”许亦一个劲地点头。 As has contacted and has certain understanding nine levels of Magician to space Magic, Xu Yi knows certainly fierce that Great Magician Camilla said. 身为已经接触到并对空间魔法有了一定了解的九级魔法师,许亦当然知道卡米拉大魔法师所说的厉害。 Regarding Great Magician Camilla only used unexpectedly merely less than two years breaks through this by many high-level Magician to be thought most difficult important pass, in the Xu Yi heart is quite joyful. 对于卡米拉大魔法师居然仅仅只用了不到两年的时间就突破了这个被很多高级魔法师认为最难的关口,许亦心中极为欣喜。 Beforehand Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has Great Magician Camilla this Great Magician to assume personal command, has made many people be wary sufficiently, no means start to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce directly. 之前的新飞商会卡米拉大魔法师这个大魔法师坐镇,就已经足以使得很多人心存顾忌,没办法对新飞商会直接下手。 But now Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce not only has Great Magician Juna of Great Magician Truch and hidden place. Even Great Magician Camilla changes to become Magister! 而现在新飞商会不仅多出了特鲁奇大魔法师和暗处的瑞纳大魔法师。甚至卡米拉大魔法师摇身一变成为了魔导师 Did not say entire Sainz Continent, in Lanpali Kingdom, Rudson Kingdom and in Stantin Duchy these mainland border small countries, that absolutely is second to none! 不说整个赛恩斯大陆,在兰帕里王国鲁尔逊王国斯坦丁公国这几个大陆边境小国之中,那绝对是首屈一指! Do not be happy too soon. Great Magician Truch threw basin cold water to exciting Xu Yi. „ Although Camilla strength boundary indeed enough, but wants officially to become Magister, but must the approval of Guild headquarters be good.” ”别高兴得太早了。“特鲁奇大魔法师给兴奋的许亦泼了一盆冷水。“虽然卡米拉的实力境界的确够了,但是想要正式成为一名魔导师,还得工会总部的认可才行。” Xu Yi stares: Wanted the strength to not on the line? Why also to want the Guild headquarters to approve?” 许亦一愣:“只要实力到了不就行了?干嘛还非要工会总部认可?” Because only had the Guild headquarters to approve, all talents will approve you are Magister.” Great Magician Camilla answered. Your boy thinks nothing but was I becomes Magister, can blow the gathering place to the chamber of commerce. But if others do not approve me are Magister, you cannot take my Magister sign to be everywhere scary.” Great Magician Camilla cold -ly snorted and said. “因为只有工会总部认可了,所有人才会认可你是一名魔导师。”卡米拉大魔法师解释道。“你小子想的无非是我成为魔导师了,就可以给商会镇住场子。但是如果其他人不认可我是魔导师,你就不能拿我这个魔导师的牌子到处吓人了。”卡米拉大魔法师冷哼道。 Xu Yi smiles, did not deny. 许亦嘿嘿一笑,也不否认。 No wonder you and Great Magician Truch will run suddenly the Anweimaer city, then should to go to Magician Guild headquarters one?” “难怪您和特鲁奇大魔法师会突然跑来安威玛尔城,接下来应该是要去魔法师工会总部一趟吧?” Right. Not only to obtain the approval of Guild headquarters. I also want to consult to strive soon to consolidate my strength boundary to other Magister.” Great Magician Camilla said. “对。不仅是为了获得工会总部的认可。我还想向其它魔导师们请教一下争取早日稳固自己的实力境界。”卡米拉大魔法师道。 Great Magician Truch sighed suddenly: Camilla has become Magister, grasped the space principle. I actually also stay in the Fourth Class Great Magician degree, for a long time cannot break through. Since Camilla, you have been our Lanpali Kingdom several hundred years of history first Magister, perhaps later our four can only look up at you.” 特鲁奇大魔法师忽然叹息一声:“卡米拉已经成为魔导师,掌握了空间法则了。我却还停留在四级大魔法师的程度,这么久也没能突破。卡米拉,你是我们兰帕里王国数百年历史以来第一位魔导师,以后我们四个恐怕都只能仰视你了。” Great Magician Camilla laughed, makes an effort to pat the shoulder of Great Magician Truch, pointed at Xu Yi saying: You must try hard, perhaps otherwise, in ten years, must be caught up by this boy. However you do not need to worry, I promoted is so quick for these years , because participates in the research work in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute. I discovered, studies the issue of this Magic machinery, can very good promotion I the understanding of Magic. You now are not quite clear, when you treat some time, naturally knew.” 卡米拉大魔法师哈哈一笑,用力拍了拍特鲁奇大魔法师的肩膀,指着许亦道:“你的确要努力了,不然的话,说不定再过十来年,都要被这小子追上。不过你也不用担心,我这几年之所以提升这么快,就是因为在新飞商会魔法研究院里参与研究工作。我发现,研究这个魔法机械的问题,可以很好的提升我对魔法的理解。你现在还不太明白,等你多待一段时间,自然就知道了。” Great Magician Truch nods: Un, actually I currently have the feeling in this aspect. For example Xu Yi has requested our Magic Research Institute researchers to describe magic array with the most precise data refinement, and hopes that can establish a complete data system to display. I utilize this mentality in the research to Magic, discovered one understanding about Magic be more profound than before.” 特鲁奇大魔法师点点头:“嗯,其实我现在就已经有这方面的感觉了。比如许亦一直要求我们魔法研究院的研究员们用最精确的数据细化描述魔法阵,并且希望能够建立一个完整的数据体系来表现。我把这个思路运用到对魔法的研究上,发现自己对魔法的认识要比以前深刻了很多。” Real?” Xu Yi is delighted. Great Magician Truch your excellency, this said you, so long as will also become Magister several years later? If were really this is too good! Our chamber of commerce can have two Magister, looked, who also dares to have the idea of our chamber of commerce!” “真的吗?”许亦喜出望外。“特鲁奇大魔法师阁下,这是不是说您只要再过几年也会成为魔导师呢?如果真是这样的话就太好了!我们商会能够拥有两名魔导师,看以后谁还敢打我们商会的主意!” Great Magician Camilla and Great Magician Truch smile. 卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师相视一笑。 With Great Magician Camilla looked that to the Xu Yi vision full is looks the favoring drowning look that the later generation wantons mischief is different, in the Great Magician Truch vision actually full is firm. 卡米拉大魔法师看向许亦的目光中满是看着后辈瞎胡闹的宠溺眼神不同,特鲁奇大魔法师的目光中却满是坚定。 Since Camilla can promote is so quick in these years, then have no reason oneself is not good! 既然卡米拉能够在这几年内提升这么快,那么没理由自己不行! Thinks of here, Great Magician Truch looked that were many a difference to the Xu Yi vision. 想到这里,特鲁奇大魔法师看向许亦的目光多了一丝异样。 If he later can also promote strange quick like Camilla, perhaps that also really entered the reason of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 如果他之后也能够像卡米拉一样提升奇快,那恐怕还真的是进入了新飞商会工作的缘故。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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