MIE :: Volume #4

#154: Has Magician most chambers of commerce

In the following week, Xu Yi has then stayed in the Anweimaer city.: 3 w. 接下来的一个星期内,许亦便一直留在安威玛尔城内。:3w. Except that must be summoned by Sewinnie every day, with her discussed that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom the relevant issue of joint venture plant, more importantly, is to determine constructs first Magic Refill Station various details. 除了每天都要被瑟维尼召见,和她商讨新飞商会兰帕里王国的合资工厂的相关事宜,更重要的,就是要确定修建第一个补魔站的各种细节问题。 This so-called Magic Refill Station, is actually equivalent to the gas station on Earth. 这个所谓的补魔站,其实就相当于地球上的加油站。 Now various type Magic Powered Vehicle of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production have sold to amount to over 10,000 in Lanpali Kingdom, on almost every road can see Xinfei Magic Powered Vehicle form. 现在新飞商会生产的各式魔力机车已经在兰帕里王国内卖出总计超过一万辆,几乎每条公路上都能看到新飞牌魔力机车的身影。 However the Magic Powered Vehicle power consumption far ultra common home Magic machinery, at present most Xinfei Magic Powered Vehicle the sizes of power reserve box, can only not load Magic Crystal of over 40 rises volume at most. 但是魔力机车的动力消耗远超一般的家用魔法机械,以现在大部分新飞牌魔力机车的动力储备箱的大小,顶多只能装载不超过四十升体积的魔力水晶 Even if with is high quality Magic Crystal, still can only support Magic Powered Vehicle to go merely less than 200 kilometers to consume continuously cleanly. 就算是采用的全都是高品质魔力水晶,也仅仅只能支持魔力机车连续行驶不到两百公里就会消耗得一干二净。 Therefore now these Magic Powered Vehicle are going, can only guarantee that travels between two cities, is in order to the prompt supplement when the Magic Crystal consumption termination. 所以现在这些魔力机车在行驶中,只能保证在两座城市之间往返,就是为了能够在魔力水晶消耗完结时及时补充。 This drastically reduced the Magic Powered Vehicle applicable scope, therefore limited Xinfei Magic Powered Vehicle sales volume. 这样就大幅降低了魔力机车的适用范围,也因此限制了新飞牌魔力机车的销量。 If can build up a Magic Refill Station network in Lanpali Kingdom, can make these Magic Powered Vehicle unashamedly run quickly in Lanpali Kingdom at will, making the Magic Powered Vehicle coverage scope expand sharply. 而如果能够在兰帕里王国建起一个补魔站网络的话,就可以使得这些魔力机车毫无顾忌地在兰帕里王国内随意奔驰,使得魔力机车的覆盖范围大幅扩大。 Moreover Magic Refill Station that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sets up what provides is refined highly concentrated Magic Crystal, with this Magic Crystal words, similarly is 40 rises volume, can actually promote from 200 kilometers the Magic Powered Vehicle continue voyage course to close to 500 kilometers. Lived to promote one time many. 而且新飞商会设立的补魔站提供的是经过提炼后的高浓度魔力水晶,采用这种魔力水晶的话,同样是四十升体积,却可以将魔力机车的续航里程从两百公里提升到接近五百公里。住提升了一倍还多。 Moreover this highly concentrated Magic Crystal compared the high quality Magic Crystal also to enhance also less than half in the selling price. Calculates casually. Also knows that which Magic Crystal uses more cost-effective. 而且这种高浓度魔力水晶相比起高品质的魔力水晶在售价上也不过提高了还不到一半而已。随便计算一下。也知道采用哪种魔力水晶更加划算。 Moreover Magic Crystal of this high potency and not only uses on Magic Powered Vehicle. 另外这种高浓度的魔力水晶并不仅仅是在魔力机车上采用。 According to the plan of Xu Yi, all types Magic machineries that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce later makes can use highly concentrated Magic Crystal to take the power supply, and promotes this standard, making the Magic machinery that other chambers of commerce make also use the similar standard. 按照许亦的规划,新飞商会以后生产的所有种类的魔法机械都会采用高浓度魔力水晶作为动力源,并且将这个标准推广出去,让其它商会生产的魔法机械也采用同样的标准。 As the matter stands, not only can save the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce massive research costs to invest, what is more important, can make highly concentrated Magic Crystal that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce produces the only choices of all Magic machineries. 这样一来,不仅可以节约新飞商会大量的研发成本投入,更重要的是,可以让新飞商会生产的高浓度魔力水晶成为所有魔法机械的唯一选择。 With Xu Yi to the view that Sewinnie proposed, this was equivalent to control Magic Crystal this most important energy. 采用许亦瑟维尼提出的说法,这就相当于控制住了魔力水晶这个最为重要的能源。 Naturally. Sewinnie is not silly, naturally can see this matter regarding the enormous influence of Lanpali Kingdom, when Xu Yi proposed that hopes Lanpali Kingdom applies the energy standard, Sewinnie first requests to Xu Yi, technical transfer of Magic Crystal refinement. 当然。瑟维尼并不傻,自然看得出这件事情对于兰帕里王国的巨大影响,所以当许亦提出希望兰帕里王国推行能源标准的时候,瑟维尼第一时间就向许亦要求,将魔力水晶提炼的技术转让出来。 Xu Yi naturally cannot comply with the transfer technology, because this involves fundamentally, but the agreement lets Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom cooperation, builds up three Magic Crystal refinement factories in Lanpali Kingdom, making Lanpali Kingdom have refines the highly concentrated Magic Crystal ability. 许亦自然不会答应转让技术,因为这涉及到根本,但是却同意让新飞商会兰帕里王国合作,在兰帕里王国内建起三座魔力水晶提炼工厂,让兰帕里王国拥有自行提炼高浓度魔力水晶的能力。 Naturally, this approach actually also involved some technical transfer. Therefore Xu Yi and Sewinnie met for serveral days each time the discussed issue, the main centralism is involving the depth range of technology. 当然,这个做法其实也涉及到了部分技术转让。于是许亦瑟维尼这些天每次见面所讨论的问题,就主要集中在涉及技术的深浅范围。 Sewinnie naturally is hopes that the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce aspect transfers comprehensively. Xu Yi hopes the fewer the better that the Lanpali Kingdom aspect obtains. 瑟维尼自然是希望新飞商会方面全面转让。许亦则希望兰帕里王国方面获得的越少越好。 After multiple consultations, both sides preliminarily determined, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce refined highly concentrated Magic Crystal is divided into five ranks. 经过多次协商之后,双方初步确定,新飞商会将经过提炼后的高浓度魔力水晶分成五个等级。 With these five Magic Crystal refinement factories that in the Lanpali Kingdom joint capital constructs, will open the primary and second-level highly concentrated Magic Crystal refinement technology to the Lanpali Kingdom aspect, the latter third-level actually keeps secret temporarily. 兰帕里王国合资兴建的这五座魔力水晶提炼工厂中,会向兰帕里王国方面开放初级和二级高浓度魔力水晶的提炼技术,后三级却暂时保密。 But the Lanpali Kingdom aspect to acquire these technologies, pays in the kingdom to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce five Magic Crystal ores exploit rights, the time limit is 50 years. 兰帕里王国方面为了获得这些技术,则向新飞商会支付王国内五座魔力水晶矿的开采权,时限为五十年。 If from the current situation, these five Magic Crystal ores is not in fact valuable, in addition not over 1 million gold coins. 如果从目前的形势来看,实际上这五座魔力水晶矿并不值钱,加起来也不会超过一百万金币。 But if according to the situation develop of Xu Yi estimate, the values of these five Magic Crystal ores obtained several times even dozens times of increases, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will naturally get enough interests. 但假如按照许亦估算的形势发展下去,这五座魔力水晶矿的价值就获得了数倍甚至数十倍的提升,新飞商会自然会从中获得足够的利益。 With the gap of Sewinnie intense discussion, Xu Yi also met several with Great Magician Aisenka, by oneself the profound research in Magic mechanical aspect, proposed to the Magic Power speeding car many valued suggestions, making Great Magician Aisenka obtain the enormous inspiration. 在和瑟维尼紧张商谈的间隙里,许亦还和艾森卡大魔法师见了几次面,凭借自己在魔法机械方面的深刻研究,给魔力飞车提出了很多宝贵意见,让艾森卡大魔法师获得了极大启发。 If nothing else, solely is only the change of assistance magic array Xu Yi proposed, when was the Magic Power speeding car started the energy consumption reduced at least 30%. 别的不说,单单只是许亦提出的辅助魔法阵的变动,就为魔力飞车启动时的能源消耗降低了最少百分之三十。 But besides these two things, Xu Yi this time arrives at the Anweimaer city also very important things, that participates in the annual Magician qualifications authentication inspection. 而除了这两件事情之外,许亦这次来到安威玛尔城还有一件很重要的事情,那就是参加一年一度的魔法师资格认证考核。 Naturally, by Xu Yi now far ultra general nine levels of Magician, even is close to the Great Magician strength infinitely, he does not participate in the inspection evaluation for himself, but comes to be Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce recruits the talent in Magician aspect. 当然,以许亦现在远超一般九级魔法师,甚至无限接近大魔法师的实力,他可不是为了自己参加考核评定的,而是来为新飞商会招募魔法师方面的人才的。 Except that because last year Lanpali Kingdom fell into the turmoil, even the Magician qualifications authentication inspection was therefore blocked is forced to cancel beside, in several other years, every year Lanpali Kingdom Magician qualifications authentication inspection, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will have in one pile of Magic Research Institute researcher and each factory is responsible for drawing up magic array Magician to come to participate. 除了去年因为兰帕里王国陷入动乱,连魔法师资格认证考核都因此受阻被迫取消之外,其余几年内,每年的兰帕里王国魔法师资格认证考核,新飞商会都会有一堆魔法研究院的研究员和各个工厂里负责绘制魔法阵魔法师们前来参加。 Every year to this time, wore unifies uniform/subdue the arrivals of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce a group of Great Magician, will trigger a stir in the Anweimaer city. 每年到了这个时候,身穿统一制服的新飞商会大群大魔法师们的到来,都会在安威玛尔城内引发一场轰动。 This year much worse. 今年尤甚。 Is counted everyone's words, the population that this year Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce comes to participate in the Magician qualifications authentication inspection amounted to was over 1000 unexpectedly! 算上所有人的话,今年新飞商会前来参加魔法师资格认证考核的人数总计居然超过了一千名之多! Although only then more than 200 are qualified for participating in the high-level Magician qualifications authentication inspection, other more than 700 famous metropolises can only participate in the low level Magician qualifications authentication inspection, but solely is only a Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce chamber of commerce, can have over 1000 Magician, this already enough shocking. 尽管其中只有二百余名有资格参加高级魔法师资格认证考核,其余七百多名都只能参加低级魔法师资格认证考核,但是单单只是新飞商会一家商会,就能拥有超过一千名魔法师,这已经足够让人震惊。 Let alone, in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce many Magician have not come to participate for various reasons. 更何况因为各种原因,新飞商会内还有很多魔法师并没有来参加。 If sends completely, total even over 2000! 如果全部派出来的话,总数甚至会超过两千! Do not say in Lanpali Kingdom, even on entire Sainz Continent, will not have the second chamber of commerce to have so huge Magician quantity. 不要说在兰帕里王国内,就算是整个赛恩斯大陆上,也不会有第二家商会能够拥有如此庞大的魔法师数量。 Although has the larger part is only low level Magician, but the so terrifying quantity, still is quite astonishing. 尽管其中有一大半都只是低级魔法师,但如此恐怖的数量,却依然极为惊人。 What is different from other chambers of commerce, Magician that other chambers of commerce hire to protect the chamber of commerce security, Magician of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce employment, actually really is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce carries out the general work. 和其它商会不同的是,其它商会雇佣的魔法师都是为了保护商会安全,新飞商会雇佣的魔法师们,却是实实在在地在为新飞商会进行一般工作。 When Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce as before, while the opportunity of Lanpali Kingdom Magician qualifications authentication inspection, propagandizes in the Anweimaer city wantonly, is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce recruits Magician time, Magician that overwhelming majorities participate in the qualifications authentication inspection for it heart movement. 所以当新飞商会和往年一样,趁着兰帕里王国魔法师资格认证考核的机会,在安威玛尔城内大肆宣传,为新飞商会招募魔法师的时候,绝大多数参加资格认证考核的魔法师们都为之心动了。 Finally after the one-week qualifications authentication inspection ended, finally Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce recruited to amount to 261 Magician to join in the chamber of commerce. 最终长达一个星期的资格认证考核结束后,最终新飞商会从中招募到了总计两百六十一名魔法师加入了商会之中。 In these 261 Magician, 73 are six levels and over six levels high-level Magician, remaining 188 Magician are the third-level to Fifth Class low level Magician. 这两百六十一名魔法师中,有七十三名是六级和六级以上的高级魔法师,剩下的一百八十八名魔法师则是三级到五级的低级魔法师 As for third-level following Magician, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and over 500 people signed the preliminary agreement. 至于三级以下的魔法师们,新飞商会则和其中超过五百人签署了初步协议。 Once these Magician achieved the qualifications authentication inspection that passed third-level Magician, can choose to join Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 一旦这些魔法师们达到了通过了三级魔法师的资格认证考核,就可以选择加入新飞商会 Regardless of this regarding Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, is these Magician, is a win-win choice. 这无论对于新飞商会来说,还是这些魔法师们来说,是一个双赢的选择。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce continues to expand the capacity now, needs massive Magician to join the improvement manpower. 新飞商会现在继续扩大产能,需要大量的魔法师加入提升人力。 But these Magician majorities actually do not have the fixed income, many Magician to support oneself Magic research, can only find the way to strive for money. 而这些魔法师们大部分其实都没有固定的收入,有很多魔法师为了支持自己的魔法研究,只能自己去想办法争取金钱。 Because their rank is not high, the strength is not strong, participates in the risk squad for other chamber of commerce work, slightly is insufficient, therefore in fact most Magician cross very difficultly. 而因为他们等级不高,实力不强,无论是参加冒险小队还是为其它商会工作,都略显不足,所以实际上大部分魔法师都过得十分艰难。 On Sainz Continent has the person of Magician talent to be many, but overwhelming majority can only give up in midway, in fact because of the reason of money. 赛恩斯大陆上拥有魔法师天赋的人并不少,但其中绝大部分都只能中途放弃,实际上就是因为金钱的缘故。 Now has Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, can make these Magician obtain the stable work, every year least income 200 gold coins above, sufficiently while obtaining quite superior daily life, the ample force invests into the consumption of Magic research during. 现在有新飞商会在,可以让这些魔法师们获得稳定的工作,每年最少收入两百金币以上,足以在获得较为优越的日常生活的同时,还有余力投入到魔法研究的消耗之中。 Let alone the work in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also involves all kinds of Magic issues, similarly is equivalent is conducting the Magic research. 更何况在新飞商会内的工作也是涉及到各种各样的魔法问题,同样相当于在进行魔法研究。 Therefore regarding most current economic condition not good Magician, obtains a work of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, is their long-awaited things. 所以对于绝大多数经济条件不太好的魔法师来说,获得一份新飞商会的工作,都是他们梦寐以求的事情。 Let alone, in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute has Great Magician Camilla and Great Magician Truch these two Great Magician exists. 更何况,新飞商会魔法研究院里可是有卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师这两位大魔法师存在。 If can enter Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, obviously can many and opportunities of these two Great Magician contacts. 如果能够进入新飞商会魔法研究院的话,显然可以多出很多和这两位大魔法师接触的机会。 If can consult the issue in Magic aspect taking these opportunities to two Great Magician much, can be made the great strides by own Magic strength? 假如能够借着这些机会向两位大魔法师多多请教一下魔法方面的问题,岂不是可以让自己的魔法实力获得长足进步? Perhaps...... in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work several years, even more than ten years later, oneself also become Great Magician that ten thousand people respect hopefully! 说不定……在新飞商会工作个几年,甚至十几年之后,自己也有希望成为万人敬仰的大魔法师 These choices join Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magician not to think, these two Great Magician that in their hearts talked over, actually inspected that afternoon of complete conclusion in Magician qualifications authentication, arrived at the Anweimaer city quietly. 这些选择加入新飞商会魔法师们没有想到,他们心中念叨的这两位大魔法师,却在魔法师资格认证考核完全结束的当天下午,悄悄地来到了安威玛尔城。 Sees two Great Magician time, Xu Yi is accidental/surprised. 见到两位大魔法师的时候,许亦非常意外。 These two Great Magician are not studying the new fire in Falling Rain Valley outside Bunta City is the Magic Power engines, knocks the appearance that they invest, Xu Yi also thinks that they will not leave for a long time, cannot think that then separated them to go to the Anweimaer city to come in less than half a month. 这两位大魔法师不是正在邦塔城外的落雨谷地内研究新型的火系魔力发动机嘛,敲他们两人投入的模样,许亦还以为他们很长时间都不会离开呢,想不到这才分开了不到半个月他们就跑到安威玛尔城来了。 The Xu Yi itself thinks that they were at the research and development of Magic Power engine made any new breakthrough in the fire, or came across what issue, wanted to ask itself to discuss. 许亦本以为他们两人是在火系魔力发动机的研发上取得了什么新突破,或者是遇到了什么问题,想要来找自己商量。 However after inquiry, actually obtained one to stem from him to be accidental completely, making him be startled, actually extremely joyful answer.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 然而询问过后,却获得了一个完全出乎他意外,让他大吃一惊,却又极为欣喜的答案。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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