MIE :: Volume #4

#152: Selecting the least of two evils

Looks that the Magic Power speeding car changes to the flowing light far escaping horizon that together the light cyan and fiery-red mix up, Xu Yi spits to exhale gently.: 3 w. 看着魔力飞车化作一道淡青色和火红色混在一起的流光远遁天际,许亦轻轻吐出了一口气。:3w. Great Magician Aisenka agreed finally Xu Yi proposed, conducts the proposition of cooperation in the name of Xu Yi individual. 艾森卡大魔法师最终还是同意了许亦提出的,以许亦的个人名义进行合作的提议。 He does not have other choices. 他没有其它选择。 Although currently in Lanpali Kingdom has many chambers of commerce to indenpendently produce has some Magic machineries, but oneself have few of R & D capability, but can participate in Magic Power speeding car complex Magic machinery research and development, absolutely does not have. 尽管现在兰帕里王国内已经有很多商会能够自行生产出一些魔法机械,但是自身具备研发能力的屈指可数,而能够参与到魔力飞车这种复杂魔法机械研发中的,更是完全没有。 Wants others to participate in the research and development of Magic Power speeding car together , to promote completion of this Magic Power speeding car project, Great Magician Aisenka only then chooses and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation. 想要其他人共同参与到魔力飞车的研发,促进这个魔力飞车项目的完成,艾森卡大魔法师就只有选择和新飞商会合作。 Although Xu Yi rejected by the name cooperation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but he agreed individual name cooperation, by his Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President status, this and cooperates with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will not have the too big difference. 许亦虽然拒绝了以新飞商会的名义合作,但是他同意了个人名义合作,凭借他新飞商会会长的身份,这和与新飞商会合作并不会有太大区别。 Moreover words that Xu Yi cooperates in a personal capacity, but also proposed that does not participate in later profit sharing, instead is more powerful to Aisenka big Magic, he will certainly not reject. 而且许亦以个人身份合作的话,还主动提出不参与之后的利益分成,反而对艾森卡魔法更加有力,他当然不会拒绝。 As for Xu Yi, in his mind, had not in fact thought that the research and development of this Magic Power speeding car really also waste the time, energy and fund completely. 至于许亦自己,实际上在他的心目中,并没有觉得这个魔力飞车的研发真的还完全浪费时间、精力和资金。 Xu Yi believes that once this Magic Power speeding car researches and develops successfully, can yield the quite good income. 许亦相信,这个魔力飞车一旦研发成功,还是能够获得相当不错的收益的。 However this Magic Power speeding car simultaneously had the land travel and altitude flying two functions at first sight probably, as if built up the Magic Power sedan and Magic Power airship two big functions, seems very comprehensive, but the careful analysis, will find that it in fact is a weak. Is impractical. 但是这个魔力飞车乍一看好像同时具备了陆地行驶和高空飞行两项功能,似乎集结了魔力轿车和魔力飞艇两大功能,显得十分全面,但仔细一分析,就会发现它实际上是个鸡肋。并不实用。 Limited to the tare and design of Magic Power sedan. The Magic Power speeding car can fly to ascend the sky freely. Is impossible to fly in how high upper air. 限于魔力轿车的车身重量和设计。魔力飞车尽管能够飞上天。却不可能飞到多么高的高空中去。 From a moment ago the driving experience of Great Magician Aisenka, as well as Xu Yi judged in Magic Power flowing that on the vehicle induced, this Magic Power speeding car was highest perhaps also can only not fly over 100 meters upper air. 从刚才艾森卡大魔法师的驾驶体验,以及许亦在车上感应到的魔力流动来判断,这辆魔力飞车最高恐怕也只能飞到不超过一百米的高空。 This point, is highest with the Magic Power airship has been able to surpass 800 meters distance without doubt different from the ground. 这一点,和魔力飞艇最高已经能够距离地面超过八百米的距离无疑天差地远。 But goes the words that in the ground, although this Magic Power speeding car installed the extra wind system and fire is magic array as auxiliary, making its speed Xinfei Magic Power sedan that the present is ordinarier than quicker, but the maximum speed actually still can only break through 80 kilometers reluctantly, where did not have to go quickly quickly. 而在地面上行驶的话,尽管这台魔力飞车加装了额外的风系和火系魔法阵作为辅助,使得它的速度比现在普通的新飞牌魔力轿车更快,但最高时速却依然只能勉强突破八十公里,快也没快到哪儿去。 But from cost. This promotion appears really is not cost-effective. 而从成本上来看。这个提升就显得实在不怎么划算。 According to some materials that Great Magician Aisenka disclosed finally, Xu Yi judges the manufacture lowest cost also over 10,000 gold coins of this Magic Power speeding car. 根据艾森卡大魔法师最后透露的一些资料,许亦判断出这辆魔力飞车的制造成本最低也会超过一万金币。 But in actual performance, because it is giving dual attention to the flight function, simultaneously urges six high-level magic array also to revolve, the power loss even is over ten times of Magic Power sedan. 而实际运行中,因为它兼顾着飞行功能,同时驱使着六个高级魔法阵同时运转,功耗甚至是魔力轿车的十倍以上。 Even with big its dozens times, the loading is dozens times of Xinfei small-scale Magic Power airships compares, his power loss still has not been short of many. 甚至和大了它数十倍,装载量更是数十倍的新飞牌小型魔力飞艇比起来,他的功耗依然没有少多少。 But in continue voyage, due to the automobile body limit, it is well below the Magic Power airship. 而在续航方面,由于车身限制,它就更远远不及魔力飞艇。 Therefore , the flight function of this Magic Power speeding car. In fact is only a weak, is completely impractical. 所以说,这个魔力飞车的飞行功能。实际上就只是一个鸡肋,完全不实用。 Xu Yi did not suspect that in this world will have many people to like this type of Magic Power speeding car. He did not suspect that after the Magic Power speeding car researches and develops is successful , can definitely have certain market, but this can only express at most after it, will only become a thing of young numerous, in the manufacture with Xu Yi mind can suit the general public to use, had better be able let the idea of Magic machinery everyone enjoys, some violates. 许亦并不怀疑这个世界上会有不少人就喜欢这种魔力飞车。他也不怀疑魔力飞车研发成功后肯定能够拥有一定的市场,但是这顶多只能表示它以后只会成为一个小众的玩意,和许亦心目中的制造能够适合普通大众使用,最好能够让每个人都享用到的魔法机械的理念,有些相违背。 Xu Yi complies to be willing to use individual name and Great Magician Aisenka cooperation, and complies to transfer Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce some research and development resource support Great Magician Aisenka to complete this research and development, even does not request profit sharing, actually to support idea and investment of Great Magician Aisenka on research and development new Magic machinery. 许亦之所以答应愿意用个人名义和艾森卡大魔法师合作,并答应调用新飞商会的部分研发资源协助艾森卡大魔法师完成这个研发,甚至不要求利益分成,其实只是为了支持艾森卡大魔法师在研发新型魔法机械上的想法和投入。 He even hopes that in this world can be many some Magician like Great Magician Aisenka to invest into the research to the Magic machinery. 他甚至希望这个世界上能够多一些像艾森卡大魔法师这样的魔法师投入到对魔法机械的研究中来。 Regardless of their goals are to make money or other, so long as they are willing to research and develop the Magic machinery, Xu Yi is willing to help them. 无论他们的目的是为了赚钱还是其它,只要他们愿意研发魔法机械,许亦就愿意帮助他们。 Gazes after Great Magician Aisenka to vanish after the nighttime sky of distant place, in the Xu Yi mind passed over gently and swiftly suddenly a strange idea. 目送艾森卡大魔法师消失在远处的夜空中后,许亦脑海中忽然掠过一个奇怪的想法。 The Anweimaer city as Lanpali Kingdom first, to guard against Magician the foray from upper air, has certain control to the sky of Anweimaer city, does not allow Magician to fly the midair at will. 安威玛尔城身为兰帕里王国的首度,为了防备魔法师们从高空中的突然袭击,对安威玛尔城的上空有一定管制,不允许魔法师们随意飞上半空。 However now Great Magician Aisenka actually relies on the Magic Power speeding car to fly the midair, is this breaking a prohibition? 但是现在艾森卡大魔法师却是凭借着魔力飞车飞上半空的,这算不算违禁呢? Perhaps next time will see Sewinnie time, should propose to this matter. 或许下次见到瑟维尼的时候,应该向她提一下这件事情。 Xu Yi shakes the head, flung the thought that this braves suddenly, about looked, discovered not far away can see on crecent moon grand theater that copy Earth the sailing ship roof of Sydney Opera House. 许亦摇摇头,将这个突然冒出来的念头甩了出去,左右一看,发现不远处就能看到新月大剧院那个仿造地球上悉尼歌剧院的帆船屋顶。 In the Xu Yi heart is startled slightly. 许亦心中微微一惊。 Strength of this Great Magician Aisenka in Anweimaer city the strength of his surface is more fearful. 这个艾森卡大魔法师安威玛尔城内的实力比他表面的实力还要可怕。 He not only can grasp itself the time of accurately from the royal palace leaving, even also knows that Stille and the others in the crecent moon grand theater, are understanding at this time he goes out for looks for Stille and the others to the crecent moon grand theater. 他不仅能够准确把握自己从王宫离开的时间,甚至还知道斯蒂尔等人此时正在新月大剧院,明白他出门是为了到新月大剧院来寻找斯蒂尔等人。 Such strength similarly powerful Great Magician, can cooperate not to take the enemy with him, is really the wise choice. 这样一位自身实力同样强大的大魔法师,能够和他合作而不作为敌人,实在是明智的选择。 Looked at one to the sailing ship roof of distant place, Xu Yi tidied up the mood, walked toward the crecent moon opera troupe half step. 向远处的帆船屋顶看了一眼,许亦收拾心情,向新月歌剧团快步走去。 Because came late, Xu Yi has not prepared the ticket ahead of time, entered the crecent moon grand theater to make him work hard actually. 由于来得晚了,许亦也没有提前准备票,进入新月大剧院倒是让他费了一番功夫。 Saw Stille in the upper exclusive theater box of crecent moon grand theater with great difficulty, Xu Yi then relaxed, shows a smiling face from the heart. 好不容易在新月大剧院的上层专属包厢里见到了斯蒂尔,许亦这才松了一口气,露出一个发自内心的笑容。 Stille still as usual, does not have scruples to have others , offered a warm kiss to Xu Yi directly. 斯蒂尔依然像往常一样,根本不顾忌有旁人在,直接给许亦奉上了一个热情的吻。 Two people separate, Stille is just about to speak, side flees suddenly a person's shadow, threw in front of Xu Yi directly. 两人分开,斯蒂尔正要说话,旁边忽然窜过来一个人影,直接扑到了许亦面前。 Immediately, Xu Yi feels own lips again by a pair of soft fragrant sleek/moist thin hickey on. 随即,许亦感觉到自己的双唇再次被一对柔软香润的薄唇印上。 -” “唔-” Xu Yi stares the big eye, actually saw that nearby Stille not only does not have least bit to be disgruntled, instead a face titter the facial expression that sees a play. 许亦瞪大眼睛,却看到一旁的斯蒂尔不仅没有半点儿不悦,反而一脸偷笑看戏的神情。 After a while, Janice moved out of the way itself deeply to imprint finally on Xu Yi lips, then asked to Stille: Elder Sister Stille, I like this is right?” 一会儿后,亚妮丝终于挪开了自己深深印在上许亦的双唇,回头向斯蒂尔问道:“斯蒂尔姐姐,我这样对吗?” Stille shows a faint smile, spits the fragrant tongue smart-alecky, replied: Janice, in kissing, must study also to extend the tongue, Xu Yi likes this very much.” 斯蒂尔微微一笑,俏皮地吐了吐香舌,答道:“亚妮丝,在接吻的时候,要学着把舌头也伸出去哦,许亦很喜欢这样的。” Right?” Janice appears to understand but not really understand turns the head to regard as important looks newly to Xu Yi, wants to throw knowledge main point that” tried Stille just to hand over evidently again. “是吗?”亚妮丝似懂非懂地转头看重新看向许亦,看样子就想再次扑上来试试斯蒂尔刚交的“知识要点”。 Xu Yi beckons with the hand hastily, prevented nearness of Janice, then stared Stille one. 许亦连忙摆了摆手,阻止了亚妮丝的靠近,然后瞪了斯蒂尔一眼。 Stille, has you to teach Janice?” 斯蒂尔,有你这么教亚妮丝的吗?” Stille snort/hum, touched in the bosom gently, puts out a light book to raise. 斯蒂尔轻轻哼了一声,在怀里一摸,拿出一本薄薄的书扬了扬。 I did not have somebody to be positive.” “我还没有某人积极哦。” Xu Yi shot a look at a that book, the discovery is the Ailucia elder gives his «Elf Clan And Human Union Specific detail Research», greatly is immediately embarrassed. 许亦瞥了一眼那本书,发现是艾露希亚长老交给他的那本《精灵族和人类结合的具体细节研究》,顿时大窘。 This...... this is the Ailucia elder gives me, I...... feed, Liz, I do not make you put well? How did you take?” Xu Yi turns the head to shout a question to Liz who the one side titter. “这个……这是艾露希亚长老给我的,我……喂,丽丝,我不是让你好好放着的吗?你怎么拿出来了?”许亦转头向一旁偷笑的丽丝喝问。 Liz will not shout a question to frighten by Xu Yi one like the common maidservant, heard that the word purses the lips to say with a smile: This is madame discovered that I may not have to take actively.” 丽丝可不会像一般的女奴一样被许亦一声喝问就吓到,闻言抿嘴笑道:“这是夫人自己发现的,我可没主动拿出来。” Xu Yi shows the whites of the eyes. 许亦翻了个白眼。 Initiative hasn't taken? Does not have to give Stille this on own initiative. 没有“主动”拿出来?只是没有主动把这个交给斯蒂尔吧。 Liz and Linda these two fellows, because treats with Stille in the same place time is longer, now is partial to Stille. 丽丝和琳达这两个家伙,因为和斯蒂尔待在一起的时间更长一些,现在可是更偏向斯蒂尔了。 Ok, you did not need to cover-up.” Stille touches the face of Xu Yi with a smile. Since you had accepted Janice, this matter must study. However something aren't you always good directly with the Janice discussion? Therefore this book first places here, after I study well, then taught Janice, after so as to avoid, you...... coughed, you unified made what mistake.” “行了,你也不用藏着掖着嘛。”斯蒂尔笑着摸了摸许亦的脸。“既然你已经接受了亚妮丝,这种事情也是必须要研究研究的。不过有些事情你总不好直接和亚妮丝讨论吧?所以这本书就先放在我这里,等我好好研究过后,再教导一下亚妮丝,也免得以后你们……咳,你们结合的时候出了什么差错。” A Xu Yi face looks at Stille strangely, sees her to smile, cannot bear ask: Stille, don't you mind seriously?” 许亦一脸古怪地看着斯蒂尔,见她满脸笑容,忍不住问道:“斯蒂尔,你当真不介意吗?” This issue you have asked many.” Stille white Xu Yi. I minded, but did not mind, you did understand?” “这个问题你已经问过很多遍了。”斯蒂尔白了许亦一眼。“我介意,但是并不是非常介意,你懂了吗?” Xu Yi shakes the head, he really does not understand. 许亦摇摇头,他真的不懂。 Good, you are a wood/blockhead, I have long known.” “好吧,你就是个木头,我早就知道的。” Stille sighed, draws Xu Yi to sit down in the theater box, happen to stage under the stage in grand theater. 斯蒂尔叹了口气,拉着许亦在包厢里坐下,正好对着台下大剧院的舞台。 I have said that I naturally hope that you only have Therefore although I minded, but will not really mind not the unacceptable situation. Moreover at least I currently have the choice not? You looked, Liz and Linda I had treated as the whole family them. As for Janice, is the elf clan girl who my is only familiar with and accepts truly, I have also treated as the family member to regard her.” “我说过了,我当然希望你永远只拥有我一个女人,可是以你现在的身份地位,这是肯定不可能的事情。所以我虽然介意,但并不会真的介意到无法接受的地步。而且最起码我现在是有选择的不是吗?你看,丽丝和琳达我早就把她们当做了一家人。至于亚妮丝,也是我唯一一个真正熟悉并接受的精灵族女孩儿,我也早就把她当做家人看待了。” In other words...... you are forced to accept eventually?” Xu Yi asked. “也就是说……你终究还是被迫接受的了?”许亦愣愣地问道。 Fool.” Stille selected Xu Yi forehead, sighed in a soft voice: You are not do not understand my character. If I really do not want, you think that I will accept? I said that although I in the heart somewhat minded, but this does not affect anything. On the contrary, you can choose Janice, I am very happy. Because Janice I am very familiar, can be many she in the side, I felt relieved very much.” “傻瓜。”斯蒂尔点了许亦的额头一下,轻声叹道:“你又不是不了解我的性格。如果我真的不愿意,你以为我会接受吗?我只是说,我虽然心中有些介意,但这并不影响什么。相反,你能够选择亚妮丝,我心里还挺高兴的。因为亚妮丝我很熟悉,能够多她在身边,我很放心。” Xu Yi sighed: Good, I understood your meaning. This actually should be selects the least of two evils.” 许亦叹息一声:“好吧,我明白你的意思了。这个其实应该算是两害相权取其轻。” What selects the least of two evils? Strange.” Stille knit the brows to stare Xu Yi one, then stretched out the finger to aim at the front stage. If I really must worry for your woman, should worry. For example she actually also wants to marry you, I go to catch up with by far her, making her unable to see you again?” “什么两害相权取其轻?古古怪怪的。”斯蒂尔皱眉瞪了许亦一眼,然后伸出手指指向前方的舞台。“如果我真的要为你的女人发愁的话,早就该愁死了。比如说她其实也想嫁给你,难道我去把她赶得远远的,让她再也见不到你吗?” She?” “她?” In the Xu Yi heart moves, turns the head to look to the stage.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 许亦心中一动,转头望向舞台。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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