MIE :: Volume #4

#151: The mass production is the key

Xu Yi feels instantaneously, bottom of the Magic Power sedan surges suddenly a Magic Power fluctuation that mixes the wind system Magic element and fire is being the Magic element. + 许亦瞬间感觉到,魔力轿车底部忽然涌起一股混合着风系魔法元素和火系魔法元素的魔力波动。+ The entire Magic Power sedan soared suddenly, scratches the top of the head of that pedestrian to graze, had been frightened dumbfounded the pedestrian to lose that after behind, changes into together the meteor rapidly, rushed to the sky of Anweimaer city directly. 整辆魔力轿车陡然腾空而起,擦着那名行人的头顶飞掠了过去,将那名早就被吓得呆住了的行人丢在身后,迅速化为一道流星,直接冲上了安威玛尔城的上空。 Xu Yi then looked at a more and more far Anweimaer city, relaxes, then reverses the head, serious said to Great Magician Aisenka: Great Magician your excellency, no matter you want to make anything to test, please first worry the safety of innocent person.” 许亦回头看了一眼越来越远的安威玛尔城城区,松了一口气,然后扭转头,一脸严肃地向艾森卡大魔法师道:“大魔法师阁下,不管您是想做什么实验,请优先顾虑一下无辜人士的生命安全。” Great Magician Aisenka do not take a look at Xu Yi excessively, an interested appearance. 艾森卡大魔法师别过头瞅了瞅许亦,一副饶有兴趣的模样。 President Xu, it seems like you have not been familiar with to become a great person.” 许会长,看来你还是没有习惯成为一名大人物啊。” The Xu Yi complexion sinks: „Is this and familiar with the great person status to have nothing to do. Even Queen Sewinnie, will not crack a joke with the lives of others.” 许亦脸色微沉:“这和习不习惯大人物身份无关。就算是瑟维尼女王陛下,也不会拿其他人的性命开玩笑。” Great Magician Aisenka shakes the head, said with a smile lightly: Relax, if no definitely grasps, you think that I will do this matter in the lively urban district at will?” 艾森卡大魔法师摇了摇头,轻笑道:“放心吧,如果不是有绝对把握的话,你以为我会随意在热闹的市区干出这种事情吗?” Even if you have the full assurance, but the accidental/surprised association/will happened. Especially uses this type not to call in my opinion completely maturely, Magic machinery that even pieces together radically forcefully time.” “就算您有十足的把握,但是意外总会发生的。尤其是使用这种在我看来还完全称不上成熟,甚至根本是硬生生拼凑起来的魔法机械的时候。” Because was enraged by the Great Magician Aisenka action, tone that Xu Yi speaks now slightly ice-cold, is quite impolite. 因为被艾森卡大魔法师刚才的举动激怒了,许亦现在说话的口气略显冰冷,极为不客气。 Great Magician Aisenka also somewhat seems to be accidental/surprised to Xu Yi this attitude , had not pestered at this matter. But asked: „Don't you feel maturely? Which aspect mainly refers to?” 艾森卡大魔法师似乎也对许亦这种态度有些意外,顿了顿,并没有在这件事情上纠缠。而是问道:“你觉得不成熟?主要是指哪方面?” Many aspects.” Xu Yi said. First. You have very big erroneous zone in the design concept. Great Magician your excellency. I think that you give in this Magic Power sedan embed flight Magic magic array, causes it by the wind system Magic driving influence, has certain flying ability, that weaves the Magic Power airship that is inspired from our chamber of commerce?” “很多方面。”许亦道。“首先。在设计理念上您就存在很大的误区。大魔法师阁下。我想您之所以给这辆魔力轿车镶嵌上飞行魔法魔法阵,使其凭借风系魔法的驱动力,具备一定的飞行能力,是从我们商会织造的魔力飞艇得到的启发吧?” Not is completely.” Great Magician Aisenka shakes the head. Besides the Magic Power airship of your chamber of commerce, I stumbled upon the record about Magic flight instrument in the ancient Magic literature that before glanced through. In your chamber of commerce researches and develops beside the Magic Power airship, beforehand Magician make has used Magic to conduct the actuation place flight instrument. But in this regard, the research of elf clan must be more thorough. According to record, more than 3000 years ago. Race war time, the elf clan even has giant Magic Power flight battleship that can launch the strong attack, that may be much stronger than your Magic Power airships.” “也不完全是。”艾森卡大魔法师摇了摇头。“除了你们商会的魔力飞艇之外,我在之前翻阅的古代魔法文献中偶然发现了很多关于魔法飞行器械的记载。早在你们商会研发出魔力飞艇之外,以前的魔法师们就制造过使用魔法进行驱动地方飞行器械。而在这方面,精灵族的研究要更加深入。根据记载,三千多年前。种族战争的时候,精灵族甚至有能够发动超强攻击的巨大的魔力飞行战舰,那可比你们的魔力飞艇要强得多了。” Then Great Magician your excellency, you thought how many this type of Magic Power airship battleships the elf clan does have?” Xu Yi asked back. “那么大魔法师阁下,您觉得精灵族拥有多少艘这种魔力飞艇战舰呢?”许亦反问。 Great Magician Aisenka stares slightly, thinks, shakes the head slowly. 艾森卡大魔法师微微一愣,想了想,缓缓摇头。 In literature has only recorded one, but I want to rule the powerful strength of trim mainland by the elf clan at that time, Magic Power flight battleship incessantly that has is absolutely right.” “文献上只记载过一艘,但是我想以精灵族当时统治整片大陆的强大实力,所拥有的魔力飞行战舰绝对不止一艘才对。” Right?” Xu Yi smiles. Even if, does compare incessantly are still no more? But the Magic Power airship of our chamber of commerce in the might cannot temporarily compared with the Magic Power flight battleship of elf clan, so long as has enough material. Depending on our chamber of commerce, one year can produce dozens to come at present. Was not worse than the Magic Power airship battleship.” “是吗?”许亦笑了笑。“就算不止一艘,相比也多不到哪里去吧?而我们商会的魔力飞艇虽然在威力上暂时不能和精灵族的魔力飞行战舰相比,可是只要拥有足够的材料。光凭我们商会自己,目前一年就可以生产出几十艘来。并不比魔力飞艇战舰差了。” Great Magician Aisenka deeply looked at Xu Yi one. Beckoning with the hand of: Returned to the issue. President Xu, you thought that my Magic Power speeding car is not very mature, can't compare the Magic Power airship of your chamber of commerce?” 艾森卡大魔法师深深地看了许亦一眼。摆了摆手:“还是回到刚才的问题吧。许会长,你觉得我这个魔力飞车不够成熟,是比不上你们商会的魔力飞艇吗?” If refers to flight function, yes.” Xu Yi definitely nods to say. “如果是指飞行功能方面,是的。”许亦肯定地点头道。 Great Magician Aisenka some are not convinced. 艾森卡大魔法师有些不服气。 Why can't compare? When my Magic Power speeding car from the sky flies the speed even compared with not to miss in the ground. In the fire that I install is under the assistance of wind system magic array, the maximum speed even can break through 80 kilometers. Couldn't this have compared your Magic Power airship?” “为什么比不上?我这个魔力飞车在空中飞行时的速度甚至不比在地面的时候差。在我加装的火系和风系魔法阵的辅助下,最高时速甚至能够突破八十公里。难道这还比不上你们的魔力飞艇?” Xu Yi stretched out a finger to shake shaking, the smile said: Great Magician your excellency, the speed does not represent all. Even if your two Magic Power speeding cars indeed have high flying speed, and has dual function that the flight and land go, but this will cause a very serious concern exactly.” 许亦伸出一根手指晃了晃,微笑道:“大魔法师阁下,速度并不代表一切。就算你这两魔力飞车的确拥有很高的飞行速度,并且具备飞行和陆地行驶的双重作用,但是这恰恰会造成一个很严重的问题。” What?” “什么?” That is the cost.” Xu Yi serious should say. Great Magician your excellency, you know why the Magic Power flight battleship of elf clan only did record one in the literature? Although I cannot affirm that the elf clan only has one, but will definitely not have, reason because of cost. According to various descriptions in literature, I estimate a Magic Power flight battleship is not lower than 1 million gold coins lowest cost. Even the elf clan ruled the trim mainland at that time, is impossible to make too.” “那就是成本。”许亦一脸严肃地应道。“大魔法师阁下,您知道为什么精灵族的魔力飞行战舰在文献中只记载了一艘吗?虽然我不敢肯定精灵族是不是只拥有一艘,但是绝对不会有很多,原因就是因为成本。根据文献中的各种描述,我估算一艘魔力飞行战舰成本最低也不会低于一百万金币。就算精灵族当时统治了整片大陆,也不可能造出太多艘。” This time, Great Magician Aisenka has not refuted Xu Yi, instead silent. 这一次,艾森卡大魔法师并没有反驳许亦,反而沉默了起来。 Because he knows, Xu Yi could be said as pointed out directly issue that in his heart most worried about. 因为他知道,许亦可以说是直接指出了他心中最担忧的问题。 Right, although this Magic Power speeding car the performance is quite splendid, enabling him even happily to show off in front of Xu Yi, and wants discusses the deep cooperation by this Magic Power speeding car and Xu Yi. 没错,这辆魔力飞车虽然性能极为出色,让他甚至得意地可以在许亦面前显摆,并且想凭借这辆魔力飞车和许亦商谈深入合作。 However he is very clear, for the research and development of this Magic Power speeding car, he had invested the huge amounts of over 200,000 gold coins from all sides, when this may compared with purchasing Xinfei Magic Power sedan 8000 gold coins that spend had/left dozens times to continue. 但是他很清楚,为了这辆魔力飞车的研发,他前前后后已经投入了超过二十万金币的庞大金额,这可比购买新飞牌魔力轿车时所花的八千金币多出了数十倍都不止。 Wanting quantity......” “不过只要量……” Mass production is impossible.” Xu Yi interrupted the Great Magician Aisenka words directly. “量产是不可能的。”许亦直接打断了艾森卡大魔法师的话。 A Great Magician Aisenka brow wrinkle: President Xu, you had fully not known about this Magic Power speeding car why to assert the mass production is impossible?” 艾森卡大魔法师眉头一皱:“许会长,你还对这辆魔力飞车完全不了解,凭什么断言量产不可能?” Does not need extremely in the understanding.” Xu Yi shows a faint smile. Great Magician your excellency, this Magic Power speeding car can fly, obviously used flight magic array that is similar our chamber of commerce Magic Power airship inlays to carve, even the magic array magic array of level on compared with Magic Power airship is much higher.” “不需要太过于了解。”许亦微微一笑。“大魔法师阁下,这辆魔力飞车能够飞行起来,显然是采用了类似我们商会魔力飞艇的飞行魔法阵镶刻,甚至魔法阵的水准比魔力飞艇上的魔法阵高出不少。” That natural. This above inlays flight magic array that carves is I studies specially, reaches eight levels of magic array levels sufficiently.” Great Magician Aisenka quite contented said/tunnel. “那当然。这上面镶刻的飞行魔法阵可是我特别研究出来的,足以达到八级魔法阵的水准。”艾森卡大魔法师颇为自得地道。 This was the issue.” Xu Yi said. The Magic Power airship that our chamber of commerce makes what adopts is the same pattern plate, therefore third-level Magician, can still complete on the Magic Power airship corresponding magic array to inlay even to carve after skilled. But on your Magic Power speeding car inlays the flight magic array rank of carving too to be really high. Also is extremely really complex. Wants words that grasps and draws up smoothly. I think that low level Magician is absolutely impossible.” “这就是问题所在了。”许亦道。“我们商会生产的魔力飞艇都采取的是相同的模版,所以就算是一名三级魔法师,在熟练之后也可以完成魔力飞艇上相应的魔法阵镶刻。而您这辆魔力飞车上镶刻的飞行魔法阵等级实在太高。也实在太过复杂。想要掌握并顺利绘制出来的话。我想低级魔法师是绝对不可能的。” Great Magician Aisenka is silent. 艾森卡大魔法师再次沉默下来。 He knows. Xu Yi said is the fact. 他知道。许亦说得是事实。 After this magic array he studies, until now had passed for two months, actually only three high-level Magician mastered the depicting method hand/subordinate. 这个魔法阵他研究出来后,迄今为止已经过去了两个多月,手下却只有区区三名高级魔法师掌握了绘制方法。 This also causes him also only to make this merely one Magic Power speeding car until now, without the means achieves the scale mass production. 这也导致他至今也只能制造出这仅仅一辆魔力飞车,没办法做到规模量产。 In fact he found Xu Yi today, plans on the Magic Power speeding car and Xu Yi discussion cooperation, is hugging the research and development strength of staying for temporary lodging Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, changes this issue the idea. 实际上他今天找到许亦,打算就魔力飞车和许亦商谈合作,也是抱着借住新飞商会的研发力量,改变这个问题的想法。 However now this issue is actually pointed out by Xu Yi one, this made Great Magician Aisenka prepare the good excuse to be suppressed in the belly ahead of time suddenly. 然而现在这个问题却被许亦一口指出,这让艾森卡大魔法师提前准备好的说辞一时间都被憋回了肚子里。 Great Magician your excellency. I understood that you want to research and develop the idea of your Magic machinery. If you want to research and develop a new Magic machinery, is used to entertain, then I will certainly be full of the appreciation to this Magic Power speeding car. But if your wish makes this Magic Power speeding car go into batch production, causes the conventional Magic machinery that it becomes most people able to contact and use, the issue that needs to consider was much more complex.” A Xu Yi face serious said/tunnel. 大魔法师阁下。我理解您想要研发出自己的魔法机械的想法。如果您只是想要研发出一种新型的魔法机械,用来自娱自乐,那么我对这辆魔力飞车一定会充满赞赏。但如果您想要让这辆魔力飞车投入量产,使它成为大多数人都能接触并使用的常规魔法机械,需要考虑的问题就要复杂得多了。”许亦一脸郑重地道。 During Great Magician Aisenka frowns, is lost in thought. 艾森卡大魔法师皱起眉头,陷入沉思之中。 At this time the Magic Power speeding car has carried two people to depart the range of Anweimaer city. 此时魔力飞车已经载着两人飞出了安威玛尔城的范围。 Great Magician Aisenka is thinking, while controls the Magic Power speeding car to approach the Anweimaer city west whereabouts slowly. 艾森卡大魔法师一边思索着,一边控制着魔力飞车缓缓向安威玛尔城西下落。 Brings the Magic Power speeding car to bump into the ground again, automobile body, after sliding a section of road, stopped, Great Magician Aisenka seems like considers finally clearly. Setting firm resolve. 魔力飞车再次碰到地面,车身一阵,滑行了一段路后停了下来,艾森卡大魔法师像是终于考虑清楚。下定了决心。 Good, President Xu. Actually my time sees you, wants to invite your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to participate in the R & D program of my Magic Power speeding car.” Great Magician Aisenka is staring at the eyes of Xu Yi, adopted very official stance. If this Magic Power speeding car project can research and develop successfully, interests that then therefore gets, I can allow your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also to divide part.” “好吧,许会长。其实我这次来见你,就是想邀请你们新飞商会参与到我这个魔力飞车的研发项目中来。”艾森卡大魔法师盯着许亦的双眼,摆出了非常正式的姿态。“如果这个魔力飞车项目能够研发成功,那么因此获得的利益,我可以允许你们新飞商会也分割一部分。” The Xu Yi hesitation moment, actually comes as a surprise to Great Magician Aisenka, shakes the head. 许亦沉吟片刻,却出乎艾森卡大魔法师的预料,摇了摇头。 No, Great Magician your excellency. What if you proposed was the official cooperative research invites, I can only to you say that was sorry.” “不,大魔法师阁下。如果您提出的是正式的合作研究邀请,我只能对您说一声抱歉。” Great Magician Aisenka stares: Why?” 艾森卡大魔法师一愣:“为什么?” Because of......” Xu Yi, the decision considers truthfully. This R & D program in my opinion is completely the waste time, energy and fund, and does not have any profit. Considered from income, I unacceptable.” “因为……”许亦顿了顿,还是决定如实相告。“这个研发项目在我看来完全是浪费时间、精力和资金,并没有任何益处。从收益方面考虑,我不能接受。” Great Magician Aisenka was startled being startled, is somewhat angry. 艾森卡大魔法师怔了怔,有些恼怒。 President Xu, although I acknowledged that in the research in Magic mechanical aspect, I definitely am inferior to your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but you said that this R & D program is completely the waste time, energy and fund, is rather impolite?” 许会长,虽然我承认在魔法机械方面的研究上,我肯定不如你们新飞商会,但是你说这个研发项目完全是浪费时间、精力和资金,未免太不客气了吧?” The Xu Yi complexion slightly has not changed: This is the truth. Great Magician your excellency, I cannot find out this R & D program to bring any real income. Considered from benefit of entire chamber of commerce, I am unable to comply.” 许亦脸色丝毫未变:“这是实话。大魔法师阁下,我想不出这个研发项目能够带来任何实际收益。从整个商会的效益方面考虑,我无法答应。” Saw Xu Yi to say firmly, the Great Magician Aisenka complexion changed, rapid cold. 许亦说得坚决,艾森卡大魔法师脸色变了变,迅速冷了下来。 President Xu, I think that you are interested in the research and development of any Magic machinery, certainly will support and my cooperation, has not actually expected you is also the same with other merchants, is so unbearably vulgar.” 许会长,我原以为你对任何魔法机械的研发都非常感兴趣,一定会支持和我的合作,却没料到你也和其他商人一样,如此俗不可耐。” Xu Yi cannot bear smile. 许亦忍不住笑了笑。 Great Magician Aisenka was known as in the entire Lanpali Kingdom Magician circle was corroded most serious one by money, is one of the closest merchant, now actually despises itself unbearably vulgar, is really somewhat funny. 艾森卡大魔法师可是号称整个兰帕里王国魔法师圈子里被金钱腐蚀最为严重的一位,也是最贴近商人的一位,现在却来鄙视自己俗不可耐,真是有些滑稽。 However Xu Yi has not taken offense, but shakes the head , to continue said: Great Magician your excellency, you do not need to be busy with drawing a conclusion. A moment ago what I said that considered from income of chamber of commerce, I must reject your cooperation invitation. But if from my perspective, I am actually willing to extend the aid to your R & D program.” 不过许亦并未动气,而是摇了摇头,续道:“大魔法师阁下,您不用忙于下结论。我刚才说的是,从商会的收益方面考虑,我必须拒绝您的合作邀请。但是如果从我个人的角度来看,我却非常愿意向您的这个研发项目伸出援手。” Great Magician Aisenka eye one bright: Your meaning is......” 艾森卡大魔法师眼睛一亮:“你的意思是……” If you want, but shares the technical data of part about this Magic Power speeding car to me, but I can give the technical support in the corresponding place, the assistance you complete the research and development of this Magic Power speeding car.” Xu Yi said. “如果您愿意的话,可是向我共享部分关于这个魔力飞车的技术资料,而我则可以在相应的地方给予技术支持,协助您完成这个魔力飞车的研发。”许亦道。 Great Magician Aisenka frowns: What does this and have to distinguish with your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation?” 艾森卡大魔法师皱起眉头:“这和与你们新飞商会合作有什么区别?” Naturally has the difference. With our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation, the income that then the Magic Power speeding car will have in the future our chamber of commerce needs certainly to be divided. But if only and I cooperates, I can provide the free technical support, does not need profit sharing.” “当然有区别。和我们新飞商会合作,那么魔力飞车日后产生的收益我们商会当然需要分成。但如果只是和我个人合作,我可以提供无偿的技术支持,并不需要利益分成。” Sees Great Magician Aisenka to start to speak but hesitate, Xu Yi continues said: You do not need to worry that I will leave behind the related information, then our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce indenpendently develops the Magic Power speeding car. Because you can definitely apply for the patent ahead of time, regarding this limits.” 艾森卡大魔法师欲言又止,许亦续道:“您不用担心我会把相关资料留下,然后我们新飞商会自行研发魔力飞车。因为您完全可以提前申请专利,对此进行限制。” Great Magician Aisenka nods gently, since this is Xu Yi proposed that he felt relieved. 艾森卡大魔法师轻轻点头,既然这是许亦主动提出的,他就放心了。 However he is some doubts. 不过他还是有些疑惑。 President Xu, why you must persist in cooperating with me in his own name, but isn't willing and I cooperates in the name of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce?” 许会长,为什么你要坚持以个人名义和我合作,而不愿意用新飞商会的名义和我合作呢?” Reason is very simple, because I will not hold a favorable view on the Magic Power speeding car future income completely.” “原因很简单,因为我对魔力飞车日后的收益完全不看好。” Hears this reply, Great Magician Aisenka complexion can't help it changed.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 听到这个回答,艾森卡大魔法师的脸色禁不住变了变。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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