MIE :: Volume #4

#150: Has in the interest my car(riage)?

Xu Yi leaves the royal palace time, is at nightfall. Novel 许亦离开王宫的时候,已经是入夜时分。小说 Rushes over with the Stille agreement entering night/lodge place, discovery Stille is not only, including first step arrives at Janice that and the others here moves to be also missing. 匆匆赶到和斯蒂尔约定的入宿地点,却发现不仅斯蒂尔不在,连先一步来到这里入住的亚妮丝等人也不见了踪影。 Had asked the after servant in this other institute, was informed Madame Stille to wait for a long time Xu Yi not to see the person, then brings full of enthusiasm Frye, went out to window-shop with Janice et al . 问过这座别院的仆人后,被告知斯蒂尔夫人久等许亦还不见人,便带着兴致勃勃的弗莱娅,和亚妮丝等人出门逛街去了。 Madame said that if after Sir President you come back, they have not come back, that please go to the city west newly-built crecent moon grand theater to look for them.” “夫人说了,如果会长大人您回来后她们还没回来,那就请去城西新建的新月大剧院找她们。” Crecent moon grand theater? What's wrong? Today does the heart moon/month song-and-dance troupe have the performance?” “新月大剧院?怎么?今天心月歌舞团也有表演吗?” In one group of Beast-men Clan girls of crecent moon song-and-dance troupe return to Stantin Duchy after Xu Yi, underwent more than one-year training. 在新月歌舞团的一群兽人族女孩儿们随许亦回到斯坦丁公国后,又经过了长达一年多的培训。 Until the Lanpali Kingdom situation stabilizes, the crecent moon song-and-dance troupe enters Lanpali Kingdom to conduct various performances again. 直到兰帕里王国的局势重新稳定下来,新月歌舞团才再次进入兰帕里王国进行各种表演。 Although one year later, but the crecent moon song-and-dance troupe's popularity in Lanpali Kingdom still does not reduce, just returned to Lanpali Kingdom, received hounded vigorously. 虽然时隔一年多,但新月歌舞团在兰帕里王国内的人气依然不减,刚一回到兰帕里王国,就受到了极力追捧。 However the crecent moon song-and-dance troupe's continuously no foundation in Lanpali Kingdom, therefore performance time, mostly can only rent the location, is not convenient. 不过新月歌舞团在兰帕里王国内一直没什么根基,所以表演的时候,大多只能租借场地,非常不方便。 Therefore Stille then decided oneself invest in the Anweimaer city establishes one to give the place that the crecent moon song-and-dance troupe uses specially, and proposed by way of Xu Yi, cooperates with the Lanpali Kingdom aspect again, with the support of Queen Sewinnie, completed was similar on Earth grand theater same crecent moon grand theater. 于是斯蒂尔便决定自己投资在安威玛尔城内建立一个专门给新月歌舞团所用的场所,并且经由许亦提议,再和兰帕里王国方面合作,在瑟维尼女王陛下的支持下,建成了类似地球上大剧院一样的这个新月大剧院。 What is worth mentioning is, the construction total investment of this crecent moon grand theater reaches as high as 600,000 gold coins, Stille actually not from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Xu Yi hand gains, even if a support of copper coin. Is undertaken by her completely. 值得一提的是,这个新月大剧院的建造总投资高达六十万金币,斯蒂尔却没有从新飞商会许亦手中获取哪怕一枚铜币的支持。完全由她自己承担。 And adopts beyond some funds that the performance of beforehand crecent moon song-and-dance troupe saves except Crescent Moon Chamber of Commerce. A large part from obtains other race worker there that the Lanpali Kingdom labor proves to obtain the incentive from these through Crescent Moon Chamber of Commerce. 其中除开新月商会通过之前新月歌舞团的表演积攒下来的部分经费之外。还有很大一部分都是来自从那些通过新月商会获得兰帕里王国劳工证的其他种族工人那里获得中介费。 Naturally. These are still insufficient, therefore Stille also obtained some loans in the name of Crescent Moon Chamber of Commerce from Qimeila Chamber of Commerce. 当然。这些依然是不够的,于是斯蒂尔还以新月商会的名义从奇美拉商会获得了部分贷款。 Although the Qimeila Chamber of Commerce loan interest is extremely high, but crecent moon song-and-dance troupe current performance full, Crescent Moon Chamber of Commerce therefore gains extremely abundantly, according to the estimate of Stille, only takes two years at most, can pay off all loans. 虽然奇美拉商会的贷款利息极高,但是新月歌舞团目前的演出场场爆满,新月商会因此盈利极丰,按照斯蒂尔的估算,顶多只需要两年时间,就可以还清所有贷款。 Xu Yi knows the very powerful character in Stille heart, after Stille expressed wants itself to solve this problem. From beginning to end he had not proposed conducts support in money to Stille. 许亦知道斯蒂尔心中的好强性格,所以当斯蒂尔表示出想要自己一个人解决这个问题之后。从头到尾他都没有提出对斯蒂尔进行金钱上的支援。 Yes. The crecent moon song-and-dance troupe every week will conduct three performances, today happen to will also be this month in the middle of the month, will be much bigger than usually the scene of performance.” At this point, on the face of maid reveals one to regret. Together originally last month had several companions to make me to look......” “是的。新月歌舞团每个星期都会进行三场表演,今天正好又是本月月中,会比平时表演的场面大得多。”说到这里,女仆的脸上露出一丝遗憾。“本来上个月就有几名同伴约我一起去看的……” Xu Yi cannot bear smile: What's wrong? Because my sudden visit, making you miss an opportunity?” 许亦忍不住笑了笑:“怎么?因为我的突然造访,让你错过机会了吗?” Maids immediately facial expression one tight, beckons with the hand to say hastily: „, Sir President, I do not have this meaning, do not misunderstand, I have not complained your meaning. Instead was very happy that you can come. Knows the news that you must come, the madame was ready ahead of time for half a month. For serveral days has been very happy.” 女仆立即神情一紧,连忙摆了摆手道:“不不不,会长大人,我没有这个意思,您千万别误会,我没有抱怨您的意思。反而很高兴您能来。知道您要来的消息,夫人可是提前半个月就做好准备了。这些天一直都很高兴呢。” Stille or Xu Yi, are usually excellent to the servant, therefore this maid will say this words in front of Xu Yi. 无论是斯蒂尔还是许亦,平时都对下人极好,所以这名女仆才会在许亦面前说出这种话。 Trading to do is in other big aristocrats or the big merchant families/home, getting down people dares the mouth before the master to spit the word of complaint, that cannot fall the good end absolutely. 换做是其他的大贵族或者大商人家里,下人们敢在主人面前口吐抱怨之词,那绝对落不了好下场。 Ok, did not use anxiously, I may not have to misunderstand you to complain. The misunderstanding makes your companion is a girl, is the boy?” “行了,不用紧张,我可没误会你抱怨。只是误会约你的同伴到底是女孩子呢,还是男孩子呢?” Maid elegant face slightly red: Naturally was the girl.” 女仆俏脸微红:“当然是女孩子了。” Right?” Xu Yi laughs, shakes the head, without continue closely examine, but is told that the maid does not need to prepare to prepare the dinner for oneself again alone, plans to leave other institute, went to the crecent moon grand theater to look for Stille and the others on the roads to solve again casually on the line. “是吗?”许亦哈哈大笑,摇摇头,没有继续追问,而是吩咐女仆不用准备再为自己单独准备晚餐,打算离开别院,再去新月大剧院寻找斯蒂尔等人的路上随便解决掉就行了。 Finally just got to other institute entrance, sad and shrill sharply checks the sound to resound suddenly, a pure black Magic Power sedan stops suddenly before other institute front door. 结果刚走到别院门口,凄厉的急刹声忽然响起,一辆纯黑色的魔力轿车陡然停在别院大门前。 The vehicle door opens, Great Magician Aisenka takes a step from the vehicle. 车门打开,艾森卡大魔法师从车上迈步下来。 Saw Xu Yi, Great Magician Aisenka stretches out the arms immediately, laughs to welcome. 一看到许亦,艾森卡大魔法师立即张开双臂,大笑着迎了过来。 Xu Yi and he hugged, the smile said: Great Magician your excellency, you really come quickly. I just now arrive shortly, you walked in unexpectedly.” 许亦和他拥抱了一下,微笑道:“大魔法师阁下,您来得真快。我才刚到没多久,你居然就找上门来了。” Perhaps President Xu, you do not know do oneself have many are paid attention?” Great Magician Aisenka said with a smile. I dare saying that you just entered a city, some countless people knew this news. Because you were summoned immediately by the queen, everyone can only repress motionless. Perhaps besides me, does not have others like me, so impatiently after you ended and meeting of queen, first sees you.” 许会长,你恐怕是不知道自己有多受人关注吧?”艾森卡大魔法师笑道。“我敢说,你刚一进城,就有无数人知道了这个消息。只不过因为你马上就被女王陛下召见走了,大家就只能按捺不动。除了我之外,恐怕也没有别人会像我这样,如此迫不及待地在你结束和女王陛下的见面之后,第一时间来见你。” Oh? Great Magician your excellency you worry to see me, is it possible that has what urgent matter discussion?” Xu Yi asked with a smile. 哦?大魔法师阁下您如此着急来见我,莫非是有什么急事商谈吗?”许亦笑着问道。 Naturally has the urgent matter, moreover is very anxious.” Great Magician Aisenka definitely nods, then approached Xu Yi little, said to him in a low voice: President Xu, heard that you planned besides organizing a bicycle series grand prize contest, but also did the plan organize a skills competition of Magic Power sedan?” “当然有急事,而且很急。”艾森卡大魔法师肯定地点了点头,然后凑近了许亦少许,低声向他道:“许会长,听说你打算除了创办一个自行车系列大奖赛之外,还打算创办一个魔力轿车的竞技比赛?” Xu Yi is startled slightly. 许亦微微一惊。 This matter he only has mentioned to Great Magician Camilla and Great Magician Truch, cannot think that now crosses in less than half a month, Great Magician Aisenka knew unexpectedly. 这个事情他只向卡米拉大魔法师特鲁奇大魔法师提起过,想不到现在才过了不到半个月,艾森卡大魔法师居然就知道了。 However thinks that they are Great Magician, perhaps own contact way, Xu Yi also felt relaxed. 不过想到他们都是大魔法师,或许互相之间自己的联络方式,许亦也就释然了。 Right, I indeed have this idea, but this is also only a tentative plan, from conducts truly, but also missed.” Xu Yi had not denied. At least, at the speed of present Magic Power sedan, is far from anything to compete, because is such slow.” “对,我的确有这个想法,不过这还只是一个设想,距离真正举办,还差了很多。”许亦也没否认。“最起码,以现在魔力轿车的速度来说,根本就谈不上什么比赛可言,因为都是这么慢。” „Very slow?” Great Magician Aisenka reveals the smiling face of understanding clearly in chest/heart. President Xu, uses the Wind Element Magic Engine words, the speed of Magic Power sedan is actually not quickly. But if turns into other Magic Power engines? For example is your chamber of commerce fire being developed the Magic Power engine?” “很慢吗?”艾森卡大魔法师露出一个了然于胸的笑容。“许会长,使用风系魔力发动机的话,魔力轿车的速度却是算不上很快。但如果变成其它魔力发动机呢?比如说你们商会正在研发的火系魔力发动机?” Xu Yi frowns slightly. 许亦微微皱起眉头。 Although Great Magician Truch and Great Magician Aisenka are Great Magician, has the close contact is also normal. 虽说特鲁奇大魔法师艾森卡大魔法师都是大魔法师,互相之间有紧密联络也属正常。 However about the fire is the research and development of Magic Power engine, is the secret in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. If Great Magician Truch also told Great Magician Aisenka the matter in this aspect. That could not really be justified. 但是关于火系魔力发动机的研发,在新飞商会中属于机密。特鲁奇大魔法师如果把这方面的事情也告诉艾森卡大魔法师的话。那就实在说不过去了。 However changes mind thinks. Xu Yi does not feel right. 不过转念一想。许亦却又觉得不对。 Great Magician Truch again how and Great Magician Aisenka personal friendship is deep, should know that truth of security, let alone the Great Magician Truch always conduct is steadier, how also to do this matter. 特鲁奇大魔法师再怎么和艾森卡大魔法师私交深厚,也应该知道保密的道理,更何况特鲁奇大魔法师一向行事稳重,又怎么会干出这种事情来。 Thinks of here, the Xu Yi restraining frown, smiled saying with a smile: About the fire is the Magic Power engine, the research and development of our chamber of commerce have not carried out thoroughly. Although is certain power is much stronger than Wind Element Magic Engine, but how did not have the means determination concrete performance.” 想到这里,许亦收敛双眉,笑了笑道:“关于火系魔力发动机,我们商会的研发还没有彻底完成。虽然可以肯定动力方面比风系魔力发动机强得多,但是还没办法确定具体的表现怎么样。” Right?” The smiling face on Great Magician Aisenka face disclosed suddenly excitement that mysterious and slightly cannot be checked. Then President Xu. Is interested in my car(riage) having a look?” “是吗?”艾森卡大魔法师脸上的笑容忽然透露出一丝神秘和微不可查的兴奋。“那么许会长。有没有兴趣上我的车看看呢?” Your car(riage)?” “你的车?” Xu Yi looked stops startled to Great Magician Aisenka in that pure black Magic Power sedan of entrance, suddenly thinks, a moment ago before going out of gate, hears the sound of bellow and slam on the brakes that Magic Power engine rotates, as if the Magic Power sedan of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production somewhat is slightly different. 许亦愕然看向艾森卡大魔法师停在大门口的那辆纯黑色魔力轿车,忽然想起来,刚才在走出门之前,听到门外的魔力发动机转动的轰鸣声和急刹车的声音,似乎都和新飞商会生产的魔力轿车略有些不同。 „Did Great Magician Aisenka conduct to this Magic Power sedan re-equipped in private inadequately?” “难道艾森卡大魔法师对这台魔力轿车进行了私下改装不成?” Thinks of here, Xu Yi the interest is big immediately. 想到这里,许亦顿时兴趣大起。 Currently speaking, in the market all Magic Power sedans are produce by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, because other chamber of commerce the production of Magic Power sedan is complex, but does not have the means to master the production technology truly. 就目前而言,市面上所有的魔力轿车都是由新飞商会生产,别的商会因为魔力轿车的生产复杂,而都没办法真正掌握生产技术。 But now Great Magician Aisenka impossible to make a Magic Power sedan freely, but he, if can conduct to the Magic Power sedan re-equips. That showed that he definitely also grasped not the low degree to the Magic Power sedan related technology. 而现在艾森卡大魔法师尽管也不可能自己生产出一辆魔力轿车,但是他如果能够对魔力轿车进行自行改装。那证明他对魔力轿车相关的技术肯定也掌握了不低的程度。 Xu Yi always not because others can grasp with the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce equal Magic machinery related technology feel intense, instead was very happy that others can have profound grasping in this aspect. 许亦从来都不会因为其他人能够掌握和新飞商会相等的魔法机械相关技术而感到紧张,反而还很高兴其他人能够在这方面也有深刻的掌握。 Even he also anticipates besides Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce very much. Also can have others can study the renewal well, the technology about Magic machinery. 甚至他还很期待除了新飞商会之外。还能有其他人能够研究出更新、更好的关于魔法机械的技术。 Because only by doing so, can be others also participates truly in the development that promotes the Magic industry, making Xu Yi centripetal found ideal about one step of entire industrial system. 因为只有这样,才能算是其他人也真正参与到了推动魔法工业的发展中来,让许亦向心中创建完整工业体系的理想更近一步。 Therefore he excited anticipated that looks at that pure black Magic Power sedan, numerous nods: Good!” 于是他一脸兴奋期待地看着那辆纯黑色魔力轿车,重重点头:“好!” Regarding the response of Xu Yi, Great Magician Aisenka somewhat seems to be stunned, but responded immediately, boarded the Xu Yi invitation with a smile. 对于许亦的反应,艾森卡大魔法师似乎有些错愕,不过随即反应过来,笑着将许亦邀请上车。 Just sat the copilot position, Xu Yi discovered immediately, the Magic Power sedan that this Magic Power sedan really and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce entered the stage was different. 刚一坐上副驾驶位,许亦立即发现,这辆魔力轿车果然和新飞商会出场的魔力轿车有所不同。 Under main driving position, had/left a footboard, but on central control desk, besides controlling in car(riage) Magic Power Air Conditioning button, but also had/left several not to know that does button that anything used. 在主驾驶位上的下方,多出了一个踏板,而在中央控制台上,除了控制车内魔力空调的按钮之外,还多出了几个不知道做什么用的按钮。 These buttons that because have, the overall outward appearance of control bench also had the change. 因为多出的这几个按钮,控制台的整体外观也起了变化。 As for what turned into, because was actually separated by the smooth plastic board, is unable to see clearly. 至于其中到底变成了什么样,却因为被光滑的塑胶板隔开,无法看得清楚。 Xu Yi turned the head to look at behind the compartment, has not discovered too many differences actually. 许亦又转头看了看车厢后面,倒是没有发现太多不同之处。 Thinks that Great Magician Aisenka as if to this Magic Power sedan confident appearance, Xu Yi thought the Magic Power sedan core component that perhaps the biggest difference, should unable to see at present is right. 想到艾森卡大魔法师似乎对这辆魔力轿车信心满满的样子,许亦心想恐怕最大的不同之处,应该是在目前看不到的魔力轿车核心部分才对。 „Did President Xu, sit?” Has sat Great Magician Aisenka to ask in the driving position. 许会长,坐好了吗?”已经在驾驶位坐正的艾森卡大魔法师问道。 Un, can start.” Xu Yi nods. “嗯,可以开动了。”许亦点点头。 Good, we walk!” “那好,我们走吧!” Great Magician Aisenka puts out a hand to press down the button of control bench, Xu Yi felt immediately Magic Power sedan domain Magic Power fluctuates. 艾森卡大魔法师伸手按下控制台的一个按钮,许亦立即感觉到魔力轿车地盘一阵魔力波动。 Feels to fluctuate with this Magic Power, but below super revolving mobile wind system Magic Power element, in the Xu Yi heart has doubts. 感受到随着这股魔力波动而在下方高速旋转流动的风系魔力元素,许亦心中疑惑。 The light from the start, the Magic Power sedan that this Magic Power sedan and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce leave the plant has no difference, uses Wind Element Magic Engine, where has other Magic Power engines that” Great Magician Aisenka said a moment ago performance? 光从启动来看,这辆魔力轿车和新飞商会出厂的魔力轿车没有任何区别,都是采用风系魔力发动机,又哪有艾森卡大魔法师刚才所说的“其它魔力发动机”的表现? However the next quarter, Xu Yi actually felt that suddenly the chassis of Magic Power sedan leaves to erupt an intense fire is the Magic element fluctuates, immediately put in order the Magic Power sedan then to flee likely incorrigible general fiercely. 然而下一刻,许亦却陡然感觉到魔力轿车的底盘出爆发出一股强烈的火系魔法元素波动,随即整辆魔力轿车便像脱缰野马一般猛地窜了出去。 In the Xu Yi heart startles greatly. 许亦心中大骇。 But here the downtown area of Anweimaer city! 这里可是安威玛尔城的闹市区! This speed to/clashes, may run upon the person anytime! 这种速度冲出去,随时都有可能撞上人! The train of thought has not fallen, the Magic Power sedan has then run out of an intersection, on the front road the pedestrian is close. 思绪未落,魔力轿车便已经冲出一个街口,前面路上行人近在咫尺。 „Is Great Magician Aisenka this wants to kill people?” An anger appears from the Xu Yi heart. 艾森卡大魔法师这是想杀人吗?”一丝怒气从许亦心头浮现。 When he wants to assemble whole body Magic Power compels the Magic Power sedan forcefully, a Great Magician Aisenka actually suddenly right hand swayed, immediately disrupted around him the Magic Power fluctuation of space, making him unable the fast Magic Power element. 正当他想调集全身魔力硬生生逼挺魔力轿车时,艾森卡大魔法师却忽然右手一摆,顿时打乱了他周围空间的魔力波动,让他根本无法快速魔力元素。 Xu Yi startled and anger, does not have the means that can only look helplessly the Magic Power sedan rushes over high-speed, must run upon on a road shortly the pedestrian. 许亦又惊又怒,却又毫无办法,只能眼睁睁地看着魔力轿车高速冲了过去,眼看就要撞上一名路上行人。 In the meantime, the right hand of Great Magician Aisenka selected on the button of central control desk.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 就在此时,艾森卡大魔法师的右手又点在了中央控制台的一个按钮上。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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