MIE :: Volume #4

#149: Control energy

Sewinnie is almost character by character, the speed slowly and reads earnestly the book. + + + + 瑟维尼几乎是一个字一个字的,速度缓慢而认真地将册子看完。++++ Although this book is thin, but actually above character a little also many, spent Sewinnie a half hour, the last character will look. 这个册子虽然薄,但其实上面的字一点儿也不少,足足花了瑟维尼半个小时的时间,才将最后一个字看完。 After looking, Sewinnie also shuts the eyes, pondered enough ten minutes, this opens the mouth. 看完后,瑟维尼还微闭双眼,沉思了足足十分钟之久,这才开口。 Xu Yi, this above writes is the energy standardization to the benefit that we Lanpali Kingdom provides, then you can tell me, what advantage does this have regarding your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce?” 许亦,这上面写的都是能源标准化给我们兰帕里王国带来的好处,那么你能不能告诉我,这对于你们新飞商会有什么好处吗?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: „Does Queen Dear, you want to listen to the truth or the lie?” 许亦微微一笑:“尊敬的女王陛下,您想听真话还是假话呢?” Sewinnie stared Xu Yi one ill-humoredly: Evil intention deceives the king, this is the capital crime.” 瑟维尼没好气地瞪了许亦一眼:“恶意欺瞒君王,这可是死罪。” Xu Yi hehe said with a smile: If isn't malicious deceiving? At least...... is deceiving that nothing too affects greatly?” 许亦嘿嘿笑道:“如果不是恶意的欺瞒呢?最起码……是没什么太大影响的欺瞒呢?” That is not good.” Sewinnie sincere say/way: If cannot know that this energy standardization has what advantage to your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the congressmen of Kingdom Parliament, will be will not feel relieved the proposition that absolutely will obey, will implement this policy.” “那也不行。”瑟维尼正色道:“如果不能知道这个能源标准化对你们新飞商会有什么好处,王国议会的议员们,是绝对不会放心听从的提议,推行这个政策的。” „The queen you were believe my?” Xu Yi also asked. “这么说女王陛下您是相信我的了?”许亦又问。 „If not believe that you, I can speak so many idle talk with you?” Sewinnie sighed suddenly gently. Here others, always do not call me for the queen, did we call the name is not good as before mutually?” “如果不是相信你的话,我会和你说这么多废话嘛?”瑟维尼忽然轻轻叹了口气。“这里没有别人在,不要老是称呼我为女王陛下了,我们还是像以前一样互相称呼名字不好吗?” Xu Yi hesitation moment, slowly nod: Good. Sewinnie, this energy standardization main centralized assigns in the energy central management regarding the Lanpali Kingdom advantage, can tighten the jurisdiction and control to place, these I write very clearly in the report. As for energy standardization regarding our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce advantage. If I said that can let our chamber of commerce therefore remaining many strengths. Do you believe?” 许亦沉吟片刻,缓缓点头:“那好吧。瑟维尼,这个能源标准化对于兰帕里王国的好处主要集中在能源统一管理分配,可以加强对地方的管辖和控制上,这些我在报告书上写得很清楚。至于能源标准化对于我们新飞商会的好处。如果我说能够让我们商会因此剩下很多力气。你信吗?” Oh? Sewinnie is somewhat curious. What strength saves?” 哦?瑟维尼有些好奇。“省下什么力气呢?” Draws an analogy.” Xu Yi said: Similarly is Magic Powered Fan. Because the Magic Crystal quality is different, even is of different sizes, our chamber of commerce when designs Magic Powered Fan, must therefore consider the factors in many aspect, being forced, therefore pays to be many several times of research and development designed costs, as well as unnecessary production cost.” “打个比方吧。”许亦顿了顿道:“同样是一台魔力风扇。因为魔力水晶的品质不同,甚至是大小不同,我们商会在设计魔力风扇的时候,都必须因此考虑到很多方面的因素,被迫因此付出多出好几倍的研发设计成本,以及多余的生产成本。” Therefore you do want to let all Magic Powered Fan with Magic Crystal of unification specification?” Sewinnie asked immediately. “所以你想让所有的魔力风扇都是用统一规格的魔力水晶?”瑟维尼立即问道。 Yes.” Xu Yi nods. Actually this matter our chamber of commerce has been doing, for example our chamber of commerce has set up a Magic Crystal refinement factory at present, Magic Crystal of special production specific and unified specification. And when production new Household Magic Machine, with the standard that our chamber of commerce set, causes to purchase our new model Household Magic Machine person to use this refined standardized Magic Crystal.” “是的。”许亦点点头。“其实这件事情我们商会一直在做,比如我们商会目前已经开办了一家魔力水晶提炼工厂,专门生产特定、统一规格的魔力水晶。并在生产新型的家用魔力机械时,都采用我们商会自己定下的这个标准,使得购买我们新型号家用魔力机械的人必须采用这种经过提炼后的标准化魔力水晶。” Un, like this makes actually a good idea.” The Sewinnie appreciation said: By your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the absolute monopoly position of home Magic machinery industry, wants to use the person of home Magic machinery simply not to choose at present, must accept the standard that you promote, was forced to accept this new standardized Magic Crystal.” “嗯,这样做倒是个不错的主意。”瑟维尼赞赏道:“以你们新飞商会目前在家用魔法机械行业的绝对垄断地位,想要使用家用魔法机械的人根本没有选择,必须接受你们推出的这个标准,也就被迫接受了这种新型的标准化魔力水晶。” Fact may be inferior that you think that happily.” The Xu Yi forced smile said. Although our Xinfei home Magic machinery indeed most receives the home Magic machinery that the populace welcome, after promoting this new standard, obtained massive support. However...... this approach actually still causes our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce old user, because does not want to use standardized Magic Crystal that we promote, then purchases the home Magic machinery that other chambers of commerce make. Because of this. The home Magic mechanical department of our chamber of commerce slid 13% in last month sales volume.” “事实可不如你想得那么美好。”许亦苦笑道。“虽然我们新飞牌家用魔法机械的确是最受大众欢迎的家用魔法机械,推出这个新标准后,也得到了大量的支持和理解。但是……这个做法却依然使得很多我们新飞商会的老用户因为不想使用我们推出的标准化魔力水晶,转而去购买其它商会生产的家用魔法机械。因为这个。我们商会的家用魔法机械部门在上个月的销量可是下滑了百分之十三。” Unexpectedly dropped so many?” Sewinnie could not bear select the eyebrow, the facial expression was astonished. “居然下降了这么多?”瑟维尼忍不住挑了挑眉,神情讶异。 In the home Magic mechanical aspect. Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce without doubt is topest, moreover leads other chambers of commerce is not a tiny bit. 在家用魔法机械方面。新飞商会无疑是最为顶尖的,而且领先其它商会不是一点半点。 Although the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce home Magic machinery was generally more expensive than the home Magic machinery of other brand, because the Xinfei home Magic machinery outstanding performance and quality, actually cause people, when purchases the home Magic machinery, the first choice forever is Xinfei. 虽然新飞商会的家用魔法机械普遍比别的品牌的家用魔法机械贵了一些,但是因为新飞牌家用魔法机械优秀的性能和质量,却使得人们在购买家用魔法机械的时候,第一选择永远是新飞牌。 However in this case, the sales volume of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce home Magic machinery slid unexpectedly 13%, this may really be surprises people. 然而在这种情况下,新飞商会家用魔法机械的销量居然下滑了百分之十三之多,这可实在是让人意外。 This is not right......” the Sewinnie puzzled said/tunnel. Uses this standard Magic Crystal obviously to make the operating time of home Magic machinery lengthen, even can also prolong the service life of home Magic machinery, why haven't these people been willing to accept? Is you have not propagandized this standardized Magic Crystal performance?” “这不对吧……”瑟维尼不解地道。“使用这种标准魔力水晶明明可以让家用魔法机械的工作时间延长,甚至还能延长家用魔法机械的使用寿命,为什么那些人还不愿意接受呢?难道是你没有把这个标准化魔力水晶的性能宣传好?” No, because wants to promote this standard, our chamber of commerce invested at least 200,000 gold coins, in benefit that in propaganda standardization Magic Crystal provides. However...... regarding the customer of many purchase home Magic machinery, what they most care is easy-to-use, with using to facilitate. The home Magic machinery of our chamber of commerce can only use standardized Magic Crystal, but at present can purchase the standardized Magic Crystal place is not many, making them use is not convenient, naturally can make them give up.” “不,因为想要推出这个标准,我们商会可是投资了最少二十万金币,在宣传标准化魔力水晶所带来的好处上。但是……对于很多购买家用魔法机械的顾客来说,他们最在意的是好不好用,和使用起来方不方便。我们商会的家用魔法机械只能使用标准化魔力水晶,而目前能够购买到标准化魔力水晶的地方却并不多,使得他们使用起来并不方便,自然会让他们放弃。” Is impossible.” Sewinnie shakes the head suddenly firmly. Xu Yi, you are impossible unable to expect that this matter, why can also do that?” “不可能。”瑟维尼忽然坚定地摇了摇头。“许亦,你绝不可能预料不到这种事情的,为什么还要这么做?” Xu Yi curls the lip, smiled saying with a smile: Good, I indeed have expected this result, therefore this time in fact is an experiment that I do. I want to take a look, solely by our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, can smoothly promote the energy standardization.” 许亦撇了撇嘴,笑了笑道:“好吧,我的确已经预料到这种结果了,所以这次实际上是我做的一次实验。我就是想看看,单单凭借我们新飞商会自己,能不能顺利推动能源标准化。” Then failed, therefore asks me to help?” The Sewinnie faint smile looks at Xu Yi. “然后失败了,于是来找我帮忙?”瑟维尼似笑非笑地看着许亦 This...... the queen......” sees the Sewinnie eyes first-grade, Xu Yi changed a statement immediately. „, Sewinnie you are my good friend, shares sorrow for the friend, this is the duty as friend. Let alone this matter also has very big advantage to Lanpali Kingdom, can you not reject me?” “这个嘛……女王……”见瑟维尼双眼一等,许亦立即改口。“咳,瑟维尼你可是我的好朋友,为朋友分忧,这是身为朋友的本分嘛。更何况这件事对兰帕里王国也有很大好处,你总该不会拒绝我吧?” Sewinnie stared at Xu Yi to look at a while, then lowered the head to have a look at that light booklet, hesitated well long time, this nodded slowly. 瑟维尼盯着许亦看了一会儿,然后低头看看那本薄薄的小册子,沉吟了好半晌,这才缓缓点头。 Good, even if I promised you, how then in fact you did plan to do? If does not have any additional method, wants to promote your energy standard forcefully, that is impossible to pass in the Kingdom Parliament absolutely.” “好吧,就算我答应你了,那么实际上你打算怎么做?如果没有任何附加手段,就想硬生生推动你这个能源标准,那是绝对不可能在王国议会通过的。” Naturally.” Sees Sewinnie to nod finally, Xu Yi showed the confident smiling face. First, I suggested that Sewinnie you in the name of royal family, establishes a chamber of commerce.” “当然。”见瑟维尼终于点头,许亦露出了成竹在胸的笑容。“首先,我建议瑟维尼你以王室的名义,成立一家商会。” „The chamber of commerce under royal family name has, is Lewis is responsible , don't you know him?” The Sewinnie surprise asked back. “王室名下的商会已经有了,就是里维斯负责,你不是认识他吗?”瑟维尼诧异地反问。 This different.” Xu Yi shakes the head. This chamber of commerce must be clear that told everyone clearly, was respective by the royal family, but the business that this chamber of commerce conducted, can only involve by Lanpali Kingdom, did not allow other chambers of commerce to involve.” “这不一样。”许亦摇头。“这家商会必须清楚明白地告诉所有人,就是由王室所属,而这家商会经营的业务,就只能由兰帕里王国涉及,不允许其它商会介入。” Sewinnie stares: Is so overbearing? But the aristocrat parliament has the stipulation, the aristocrat does not permit direct doing business, even the royal family is not good.” 瑟维尼一愣:“这么霸道?可是贵族议会有规定,贵族是不允许直接经商的,就算是王室也不行。” This indifferent, adopts what name, you only needed to give such information to be right. In brief, does not allow others to connect in this business.” “这无所谓,无论是采取什么名义,你只需要传递出这样的信息就对了。总之,不允许其他人接入到这个业务中来。” Sewinnie knits the brows slightly: As for is so serious?” 瑟维尼微微皱眉:“至于这么严重吗?” Xu Yi nods layer on layer/heavily: Naturally as. Sewinnie, I can definitely tell you, this business involves the basis of later entire mainland, only then controlled this business, controlled the true power. If you think that the royal family can continue to control Lanpali Kingdom, must control this business completely in own hand.” 许亦重重点头:“当然至于。瑟维尼,我可以肯定地告诉你,这个业务涉及到以后整个大陆的根本,只有掌控了这门业务,才算是掌控了真正的权力。如果你想王室能够继续掌控兰帕里王国的话,就必须将这项业务完全掌控在自己手中。” Sewinnie is astonished however looks to Xu Yi. 瑟维尼讶然看向许亦 Knew that Xu Yi is so long, although has also seen many Xu Yi earnest serious appearances, but had not actually seen that Xu Yi will exhibit the so serious sentiment like the present. 认识许亦这么久,虽然也见过许多次许亦认真严肃的样子,但是却从来没有见到许亦会像现在这样摆出如此郑重情。 Coordinates his tone, making Sewinnie very clear, in the Xu Yi mind, the business that this chamber of commerce conducts, the importance has the possibility far to exceed her imagination extremely. 配合他的语气,让瑟维尼很清楚,在许亦的心目中,这个商会经营的业务,重要性极有可能远超她的想象。 , Sewinnie nodded gently: Good, I can consider. However you have not told me, is the business that this chamber of commerce conducts what?” 顿了顿,瑟维尼轻轻点头:“好吧,我可以考虑。不过你还没有告诉我,这个商会经营的业务到底是什么呢?” General, is the energy. The name of this chamber of commerce, can actually give a name is the Lanpali energy chamber of commerce.” Xu Yi replied. “笼统来说,就是能源。这家商会的名字,其实就可以起名为兰帕里能源商会。”许亦答道。 Energy? Is Magic Crystal?” Sewinnie is stranger. Magic Crystal everywhere is, what has to deserve consideration?” “能源?就是魔力水晶吗?”瑟维尼更加奇怪。“魔力水晶遍地都是,到底有什么值得重视的?” Xu Yi shakes the head: Sewinnie, if you have this idea, Lanpali Kingdom might miss the best rise opportunity. I make a bold prediction here. On later Sainz Continent, controls the energy, is equal to controlling the trim mainland. This energy is only one makes a general reference, currently speaking, then in fact refers to is Magic Crystal.” 许亦摇了摇头:“瑟维尼,如果你还抱有这种想法的话,兰帕里王国将很可能错过最好的崛起机会。我在这里做一个大胆的预言。以后的赛恩斯大陆上,掌控能源,就等于掌控整片大陆。这个能源只是一个泛指,就目前来说,则实际上指的就是魔力水晶。” Sewinnie is hesitating, the facial expression is still doubtful. 瑟维尼沉吟着,神情依然充满疑惑。 However after staring Xu Yi that facial expression firm face was looking at a while, on Sewinnie face confused actually gradually abates. 不过盯着许亦那张神情坚定的脸看了一会儿后,瑟维尼脸上的迷茫却逐渐消退。 Good, I believe you.” It seems like to strengthen own confidence, Sewinnie makes an effort to nod. Xu Yi you foresee until now have not failed, the prediction about this what energy, my natural selection believes you. But if the energy refers to Magic Crystal, wants to control is completely perhaps impossible. Because in this mainland, Magic Crystal is really everywhere is.” “好,我相信你。”似乎是为了加强自己的信心,瑟维尼用力点了点头。“许亦你迄今为止的预见从来没有落空,关于这个什么能源的预言,我自然选择相信你。但是如果能源只是指魔力水晶的话,想要完全掌控恐怕根本不可能。因为在这片大陆上,魔力水晶实在是到处都是。” Therefore I will put forward energy standardization this proposal not?” Xu Yi selected that light booklet on table with a smile. Magic Crystal, although everywhere is, but can conform to the standard high-purity and high potency, refined standard Magic Crystal, is actually not everywhere.” “所以我才会提出能源标准化这个提案不是吗?”许亦笑着点了点桌子上的那本薄薄的小册子。“魔力水晶虽然到处都是,但是能够符合标准的高纯度、高浓度、经过提炼后的标准魔力水晶,却不是到处都是哦。” Sewinnie only with rapt attention, immediately eyes one bright. 瑟维尼唯一凝神,随即双眼一亮。 Xu Yi, are you willing refining the Magic Crystal technology hand over?” 许亦,难道你愿意将提炼魔力水晶的技术交出来吗?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile, reaches out Sewinnie. 许亦微微一笑,向瑟维尼伸出了手。 Queen Dear, you wants representative Lanpali Kingdom, sets up on Sainz Continent with our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce together first Magic Refill Station?”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 尊敬的女王陛下,你愿意代表兰帕里王国,和我们新飞商会共同开办赛恩斯大陆上第一家补魔站吗?”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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