MIE :: Volume #4

#148: The city of hot spring

It seems like you also noticed this issue.''” Sewinnie nods to Xu Yi. This explained that this issue is serious, cannot delay again.” “看来你也注意到这个问题了。``”瑟维尼许亦点点头。“这说明这个问题已经非常严重了,不能再耽搁下去。” Delays?” Xu Yi frowns. What's wrong? To change this to have the difficulty?” “耽搁?”许亦微皱眉头。“怎么?想改变这个有困难吗?” A moment ago when outside the Anweimaer city saw city gate the crowded situation, Xu Yi then thinks must cancel into city tax issue. 刚才在安威玛尔城城外看到城门口的拥挤情况时,许亦便想到了要取消入城税这个问题。 When he enters in the city, when did not have with enough time and Stille meets, actually directly the waiter who was sent by the royal palace found, and informs the queen to want first to summon him. 而当他进入城内,还没有来得及和斯蒂尔见面时,却直接被王宫派来的侍者找到,并告知女王陛下要第一时间召见他。 Happen to some Xu Yi also a lot need as soon as possible and Sewinnie set the main key, therefore lets Liz and Linda, Janice escorts Frye the agreed location to see Stille, oneself enter the palace to see Sewinnie with the waiter. 正好许亦也有很多事情需要尽快和瑟维尼定下基调,于是边让丽丝和琳达、亚妮丝三人护送着弗莱娅去约定地点见斯蒂尔,自己则随着侍者入宫见瑟维尼 Saw Sewinnie, Xu Yi first then said in the city gate story, then to Sewinnie proposed cancelled into city tax obviously obsolete thing. 一见到瑟维尼,许亦首先便将自己在城门口的见闻说了出来,然后向瑟维尼提出取消入城税这个明显已经过时了的东西。 Sewinnie approves of regarding his proposition, but actually as if encounters what difficulty now. 瑟维尼对于他的提议十分赞同,但是现在却似乎遇到了什么困难。 Naturally.” Sewinnie spreads out both hands reluctantly, the facial expression slightly obviously. City gate tax is always the important sources of income of kingdom major cities, wants to cancel the words that all of a sudden, naturally will cause the oppositions of many.” “当然。”瑟维尼摊开双手,神情略显无奈。“城门税一直以来都是王国各大城市的重要收入来源,想要一下子取消的话,当然会引起很多人的反对。” The Xu Yi brow wrinkled, the facial expression is puzzled. 许亦眉头皱紧了一些,神情不解。 This what age? Does the city depend upon into the city tax to treat as the main tax revenue?” “这都什么年代了?还有城市依靠入城税当做主要赋税收入?” Sewinnie white Xu Yi: Where naturally is like Bunta City, every year don't the tax revenue over 2 million gold coins, even need for trivial to enter the city tax to worry? Told you, according to this year's financial statistics estimate. In Lanpali Kingdom amounts to 37 cities. The annual tax revenue even 200,000 gold coins of more than 50% cities. Regarding these cities. A year can collect the entering city taxes of over 50,000 gold coins, naturally is important.” 瑟维尼白了许亦一眼:“当然什么地方都和邦塔城一样,每年税收甚至超过两百万金币,根本不需要为区区入城税发愁吗?告诉你,根据今年的财务统计预估。兰帕里王国内总计三十七座城市中。还有一半以上城市的全年赋税收入甚至连二十万金币都不到。对于这些城市而言。一年能够收取到了的超过五万金币的入城税,当然非常重要。” Xu Yi cannot bear shake the head: In the kingdom is putting the Bunta City such good example obviously, actually does not know that studies, but also is defending as before ancient traditional times of poverty, what are City Lord of these cities actually thinking? Sewinnie, should this also be the dereliction of duty of your queen? Is the Lanpali Kingdom cities, you cannot favor one and discriminate against the other.” 许亦忍不住摇了摇头:“明明王国内就放着邦塔城这么好的例子,却不知道学习一下,还像以前一样守着古老的传统过穷日子,这些城市的城主到底在想什么?瑟维尼,这也应该算是你这个女王陛下的失职吧?都是兰帕里王国的城市,你不能厚此薄彼啊。” Sewinnie gently snort/hum, probably a little girl generally slightly honk mouth. 瑟维尼轻轻哼了一声,像是一个小女孩儿一般微微嘟起嘴。 You, when I don't want all cities to become and Bunta City the kingdom in equally am abundant? However this needs to spend the time. Also. In the kingdom the situation in each city is different. With several cities of northwest province, because that side terrain is very complex, built a road is quite difficult continually in the past, the transportation was quite disadvantageous. Trading to do is your words, is willing to go to there investment to put up a factory?” “你当我不希望把王国内所有的城市都变得和邦塔城一样富足吗?但是这需要花时间啊。再说了。王国内每座城市的情况都不一样。就拿西北行省的几座城市来说,因为那边的地形特别复杂,连修一条公路过去都极为艰难,交通极为不利。换做是你的话,愿意去那里投资建厂吗?” Xu Yi can only shake the head. 许亦只能摇头。 He is a merchant, naturally must choose the maximum benefit the method. 他是一名商人,当然要选择利益最大化的方法。 Puts up a factory in the northwest province transportation extremely inconvenient remote mountain area investment, the cost of investment of needs in several times that other city investments will put up a factory, he will certainly not do this doing business at a loss business. 在西北行省这种交通极为不便的偏远山区投资建厂,所需的投资成本将会是在其它城市投资建厂的数倍,他当然不会做这种赔本生意。 How therefore , even I want to change the situation in entire kingdom again, actually still can only take your time.” Sewinnie shot a look at Xu Yi one. „Before this is not you, frequently to the words that I did speak?” “所以说,就算我再怎么想改变整个王国的情况,却也只能慢慢来。”瑟维尼瞥了许亦一眼。“这不是你以前经常对我说的话吗?” Xu Yi touches the nose. Thought oneself do not seek its politics in its, he is not the Lanpali Kingdom king. Naturally does not need to worry about the entire Lanpali Kingdom matter. 许亦摸了摸鼻子。心想自己是不在其位不谋其政,他又不是兰帕里王国的国王。自然不需要操心整个兰帕里王国的事情。 This matter also has the solution.” A Xu Yi suddenly thread of conversation revolution. Takes this to enter city tax for instance, will carry out the reform to be opposed in the entire kingdom simultaneously, then first selected several pilots to be good.” “不过这件事情也不是没有解决方案。”许亦忽然话锋一转。“就以这个入城税为例,在整个王国同时进行改革会遭到反对,那么就先选取几个试点好了。” Pilot?” The Sewinnie doubts look at Xu Yi. “试点?”瑟维尼疑惑地看着许亦 Still remembers before , I hope that Lanpali 13 th your majesty does have the Bunta City area for the special economic zone?” Xu Yi also asked. “还记得之前我希望兰帕里十三世陛下将邦塔城地区设为经济特区吗?”许亦又问。 Un, that idea is good, because what a pity afterward in the kingdom the situation accident, actually cannot implement. I had considered before must implement this plan, because actually worried temporarily to put aside.” Sewinnie said. “嗯,那个想法不错,可惜后来因为王国内局势变故,却没能一直实行下去。我之前本来考虑过要重新实施这个计划,却因为顾虑暂时搁置起来了。”瑟维尼道。 „Before now, different. Before I hope that Bunta City turned into the special economic zone, was facilitates me to be able in Bunta City to make some reforms. But now entire kingdom during your control, why also to assign a special economic zone to come out forcefully? Naturally, this plan uses to change to enter city tax, is you can first pick up several cities to take the pilot, making these cities eliminate into the city tax, treats as an experiment.” Xu Yi said. “现在和以前不同。以前我希望邦塔城变成经济特区,是方便我能够在邦塔城做些改革。而现在整个王国都在你的控制之中,又何必强行划出一个经济特区出来呢?当然了,这个方案用在改个入城税方面,就是你可以先挑出几个城市来作为试点,让这几个城市取消入城税,当做一个实验。”许亦道。 I understand your meaning.” Sewinnie nods to say. „The effect of if experimenting is good, then other cities did not have the reason of opposition. But if the effect isn't good? Moreover even the effect is good, but in the kingdom some cities indeed do not have the condition that eliminates into the city tax, what to do should that?” “我明白你的意思。”瑟维尼点点头道。“如果试验出来的效果好,那么其它城市也就没有了反对的理由。可是如果效果不好呢?而且就算效果不错,但是王国内一些城市的确不具备取消入城税的条件,那该怎么办?” Simple, when the time comes you carry out this reform program forcefully. Is insufficient as for these conditions, several city this of similar western province, gave the subsidy from the kingdom finance and supports specially.” “简单,到时候你就强行推行这个改革方案。至于那些条件不足,类似西部行省的几个城市这样的,就从王国财政中给予补贴和特别扶持好了。” Xu Yi according to in various reform programs that Earth could come up, described the actual feasibility of this plan to Sewinnie. 许亦根据之前在地球上得来的各种改革方案,向瑟维尼描述这种方案的实际可操作性。 How although his not clear detail should implement, but he is not such talent in aspect, therefore only needs to propose the general orientation on the line. 虽然他并不清楚细节应该怎么实施,但是他本来就不是这么方面的人才,所以只需要提出大方向就行。 But after Sewinnie hears these plan roughly, actually the eyes shine, obviously in the heart had found the answer. 瑟维尼听到这些大体的方案后,却双眼放光,显然心中已经找到了答案。 Moreover the light conducts the subsidy unable to solve this problem from the kingdom finance completely, cannot make these relatively poor cities obtain the fundamental change. Therefore I suggested that moreover finds the way to solve the problems of these cities, improves their tax revenues, this is the key.” “另外光是从王国财政中进行补贴并不能根本解决这个问题,也不能让那些条件较差的城市获得根本性的改变。所以我建议,另外想办法解决这些城市的问题,提高他们的赋税收入,这才是关键。” Sewinnie stared Xu Yi one: You said actually with ease. If really has such good method, I have used.” 瑟维尼瞪了许亦一眼:“你说得倒是轻松。如果真的有这么好的方法,我早就用了。” Said that sees on the Xu Yi face the faint smile expression, Sewinnie in the heart moves immediately: You have the solution is right?” 说完看到许亦脸上似笑非笑的表情,瑟维尼立即心中一动:“你心里已经有解决方案了对不对?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: „ This is only 许亦微微一笑:“这只是我的一个粗浅想法,算不上什么解决方案。” Do not manage so many, mentioned listens?” Appearance that Sewinnie one is interested in brazenly. “不要管那么多,说来听听?”瑟维尼一脸大感兴趣的模样。 Xu Yi coughs lightly, opens the mouth slowly. 许亦轻咳一声,缓缓开口。 Since the different city conditions are different, then do not limit to letting each city is like Bunta City, depends upon is developing the Magic industry becomes becomes wealthy. After all except the Magic industry, many other industries can make money.” “既然不同的城市本身条件不同,那么就不要局限于让每个城市都和邦塔城一样,依靠着发展魔法工业来变得富裕起来。毕竟除开魔法工业,还有很多别的行业可以赚钱嘛。” Sewinnie is startled slightly. 瑟维尼微微一怔。 Hears him to propose that from Xu Yi this Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President mouth develops beyond the Magic industry the suggestion of industry, is really greatly not as she expected. 许亦这个新飞商会会长口中听到他提出发展魔法工业以外行业的建议,实在是大大出乎她的意料。 For example...... Batru City. My last passing by time, discovered that this Batru City indeed has no scarce resources, because of the mountainous multi- rivers, the terrain is not good, the words that wants to develop is limited very much. However there actually another very valuable resources.” “比如说……巴特鲁城。我上次路过的时候,发现这个巴特鲁城的确没有什么稀缺的资源,也因为多山多河,地形并不好,想要发展的话很受限制。但是那里却又一个很珍贵的资源。” What resources?” Sewinnie is asking, while is recalling before the mind sees the material about Batru City, actually still cannot think what noteworthy thing. “什么资源?”瑟维尼一边问着,一边在脑海里回忆着之前看到的关于巴特鲁城的资料,却依然想不起来什么值得注意的东西。 Is the hot spring.” “就是温泉。” Hot spring?” Sewinnie frown slightly wrinkle. I heard on actually Batru City nearby mountain has many natural hot springs, the words that soaks in inside is usually very comfortable. Is this also but useful?” “温泉?”瑟维尼双眉微皱。“我倒是听说巴特鲁城附近的山上有很多天然温泉,平时在里面浸泡的话很舒服。可是这又有什么用?” Naturally useful.” Xu Yi raised the sound exaggeratingly. Hot spring type of thing is not only representing extremely good tourist resources, but also is representative the large amounts of geothermal resources. If can use well, can build to become city of the hot spring Batru City absolutely, attraction many people travels to there. Because the geothermal resource is rich, entire Batru City in fact only needs to make the development to meet this request slightly.” “当然有用。”许亦夸张地提高了声音。“温泉这种东西不仅代表着极佳的旅游资源,还代表着大量的地热资源。如果能够利用得好的话,绝对可以把巴特鲁城打造成为一个温泉之城,吸引很多人到那里去旅游。而且因为地热资源丰富,整个巴特鲁城实际上只需要稍做开发就能满足这个要求。” „The city of hot spring?” Sewinnie knit the brows to think some little time, gently the nod. This actually good proposition, but this surely needs lots of initial investments, actually a difficult problem......” “温泉之城?”瑟维尼皱眉想了好一会儿,轻轻点头。“这倒是个不错的提议,不过这肯定需要大量的初期投资,倒是一个难题……” Lowers the head and thinks, Sewinnie discovered that this is not a short time can think one side the detail plan the matter, then first puts, asked to Xu Yi: Then northwest province how many cities? There may have no rich hot spring resources, the terrain is worse than Batru City, what means do you have to change this aspect?” 低头又想了一阵,瑟维尼发现这绝不是一时半会儿就能想到细节方案的事情,便先放到一边,又向许亦问道:“那么西北行省那几座城市呢?那里可没有什么丰富的温泉资源,地形还比巴特鲁城更加恶劣,你有什么办法改变这种局面?” Xu Yi smiles: Respected queen, so long as actually you want, even the terrain of northwest province that several city again how complex bad, has the means to make a path in inside, making their transportation unobstructed.” 许亦嘿嘿一笑:“敬爱的女王陛下,其实只要您愿意的话,就算是西北行省那几座城市的地形再怎么复杂恶劣,都是有办法在里面建造出一条道路,让它们的交通通畅的哦。” Sewinnie sighed, shakes the head: Incorrect. I have made Amul Chamber of Commerce explore on the spot, President Cruise said to me personally, their chamber of commerce is helpless. Even Amul Chamber of Commerce cannot achieve, I thought that this matter is impossible.” 瑟维尼叹了口气,摇了摇头:“不行的。我已经让阿姆利商会去实地勘探过,克鲁斯会长亲口向我表示,他们商会无能为力。连阿姆利商会都做不到,我觉得这件事情根本就不可能。” Xu Yi haha said with a smile: That is because before President Cruise, has not discussed with me. If he knows that our chamber of commerce can research and develop the high efficiency immediately, the new project Magic Power machinery of high performance, I believe that he will definitely take back these words.” 许亦哈哈笑道:“那是因为克鲁斯会长之前没有和我讨论过。如果他知道我们商会马上就能研发出更大功率、更高性能的新型工程魔力机械的话,我相信他肯定会收回这句话。” Sewinnie takes a look at Xu Yi up and down, on the face the facial expression somewhat aerobic somewhat is also funny. 瑟维尼上下瞅了瞅许亦,脸上神情有些好气又有些好笑。 After all this time, were you ran up to here to sell your chamber of commerce newest product? President Xu, you have the project Magic Power machinery that the leisurely mood sells you to research and develop newly, then I must ask but actually when I can deliver from that 100 Magic Power airships that your chamber of commerce does order? If there are that 100 Magic Power airships, I think that any responsible terrain won't become the hindrance?” “弄了半天,原来你是跑到我这里来推销你们商会最新的产品喽?许会长,你有闲心推销你们新研发的工程魔力机械,那么我倒要问问,我向你们商会订购的那一百架魔力飞艇什么时候能够交货呢?如果有那一百架魔力飞艇,我想任何负责的地形都不会成为阻碍吧?” This......” Xu Yi smiles awkwardly. Queen, the Magic Power airship will also be limited very much, without you thinks that powerful. As for delivers...... our chamber of commerce to enhance the capacity diligently, believes that soon can give you an accurate answer.” “这个嘛……”许亦尴尬地笑了笑。“女王陛下,魔力飞艇也会受到很大局限的,没有您想得那么强大。至于什么时候交货嘛……我们商会正在努力提高产能,相信用不了多久就能给您一个准确的答复。” Sewinnie cold snort/hum, did not continue to closely examine Xu Yi actually. 瑟维尼冷哼了一声,倒是不继续追问许亦 One side Xu Yi wipes away sweat, decides first to put this topic, traces in the bosom, pulls out a light book, handed over. 许亦擦了一把汗,决定还是先把这个话题放到一边,在怀中摸了摸,掏出一本薄薄的册子来,递了过去。 I just entered the city time, sees various many type Magic Powered Vehicle outside city gate, suddenly thinks of an issue, then recorded on this, asking the queen you to glance.” “我刚刚入城的时候,看到等在城门外的很多辆各式魔力机车,突然想到一个问题,便记载了这上面,请女王陛下您过目。” Sewinnie does not certainly believe that this book is Xu Yi conceives a plan to arrange temporarily, but looked that his expression is so serious, then nods to receive. 瑟维尼当然不会相信这本册子是许亦临时起意编出来的,不过看他的表情这么郑重,便点点头接了过来。 Opens the title page to look, discovered on p. 1 inscribed a long title with the large character- on significant role of energy standardization to Magic industrial system.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 翻开封面一看,发现第一页上用大字写上了一个长长的标题-论能源标准化对魔法工业体系的重要作用。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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