MIE :: Volume #4

#147: Must see mother

The Bunta City around the city bicycle competition successfully ends, Xu Yi also and Bunta City several chambers of commerce reached the agreement, starts to prepare for new flying bicycle series grand prize contest.() 邦塔城环城自行车大赛圆满落幕,许亦也和邦塔城的几家商会达成了共识,开始着手为“新飞自行车系列大奖赛”做准备。() Meanwhile, Xu Yi also with signed the preliminary agreement on behalf of Princess Caroline in Drake Duchy aspect. 同时,许亦还和代表德拉克公国方面的卡洛琳郡主签署了初步协议。 According to agreement, in Drake Duchy at present all chamber of commerce factories that make the Magic machinery will be integrated to the standard that in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce assigns, must conduct the product manufacturing and research and development under the guidance of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 按照协议,德拉克公国内目前所有生产魔法机械的商会工厂都将被纳入到新飞商会指定的标准中来,必须在新飞商会的指导下进行产品生产和研发。 As the matter stands, including Lanpali Kingdom, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has applied the Magic machinery related standard that oneself assigned in several countries completely. 这样一来,包括兰帕里王国在内,新飞商会已经在好几个国家内完全推行了自己指定的魔法机械相关的标准。 Although Rudson Kingdom has not reached the agreement with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce on this aspect temporarily, but by the Rudson Kingdom present development situation, this is also sooner or later matter. 鲁尔逊王国虽然暂时还没有和新飞商会就这方面达成共识,但是以鲁尔逊王国现在的发展情况,这也是迟早的事情。 Integrates in these countries the uniform standard, regarding Xu Yi is a very important matter. 将这几个国家纳入统一标准之中,对于许亦来说是一个非常重要的事情。 Because only by doing so, he can enable the Magic industries of these countries according to oneself plan to develop, the aspect he establishes a more complete complete Magic industrial system. 因为只有这样,他才能使得这几个国家的魔法工业行业都能按照自己的规划发展下去,方面他建立一个更加齐全完整的魔法工业体系。 Currently speaking, except Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce beside, early in Magic industry, system most complete is Lanpali Kingdom. 从目前来看,除开新飞商会之外,早魔法工业行业中,体系最为完整的就是兰帕里王国 Beyond military Magic mechanical aspect that except that Xu Yi had not relented, Lanpali Kingdom has even started with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and doing, is involved in the Magic Powered Machine Tool aspect gradually. 除开许亦一直没有松口的军用魔法机械方面之外,兰帕里王国甚至已经开始和新飞商会和做,在魔力机床方面逐步涉入。 Outside Bunta City, has set up a Magic Powered Machine Tool factory, main production is the Magic Power lathe and milling machine. 邦塔城外,就已经开办了一家魔力机床工厂,主要生产的就是魔力车床和铣床。 Although the technology of this Magic Powered Machine Tool factory must come by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce at present, however instructed by Xu Yi, the technical personnel who Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sends is also training the others in this factory gradually to master the Magic Powered Machine Tool fabrication technique. 虽然目前这个魔力机床工厂的技术还都是凭借新飞商会得来,但是在许亦的授意下,新飞商会派过来的技术人员也在培养着这个工厂的其他人逐步掌握魔力机床的制作技术。 From the present effect. Also is good. 从现在的效果来看。还算是不错。 Naturally. Because human inborn among talent disparity with dwarf. To make one technical workers in this factory reach the technical standards of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce internal these dwarf artisans, but also requires period of long time. 当然。因为人类天生和矮人之间的天赋差距。想让这间工厂的人类技术工人们达到新飞商会内部那些矮人工匠的技术水准,还需要一段漫长的时间。 But except Lanpali Kingdom beside, Drake Duchy, Rudson Kingdom or Milano Duchy, limit with the project of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation in the home Magic mechanical aspect at present. 而除开兰帕里王国之外,无论是德拉克公国鲁尔逊王国还是米兰多公国,目前和新飞商会合作的项目都只是局限在家用魔法机械方面。 Has saying that home Magic machinery because of the suitable surface is extremely broad, extremely has been popular in these countries, therefore caused these and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce joint capital the home Magic machinery of chamber of commerce production also obtained the good sales volume. 不得不说,家用魔法机械因为的适用面极广,在这几个国家中一直都极受欢迎,所以使得这些和新飞商会合资的商会生产的家用魔法机械也取得了不错的销量。 Moreover is not only Drake Duchy, Lanpali Kingdom as well as Rudson Kingdom some chambers of commerce other domestic-made brand home Magic machineries will also sell in other countries. 而且不仅仅是德拉克公国,兰帕里王国以及鲁尔逊王国的一些商会也将自己生产的其它品牌家用魔法机械售卖到了其它国家中去。 But these chambers of commerce in Lanpali Kingdom and Rudson Kingdom are overcautious. When conducting research and development is very careful, has not made such fatal accident like Drake Duchy actually. 只不过兰帕里王国鲁尔逊王国内的这些商会们谨小慎微。进行研发时十分小心,倒是没有像德拉克公国一样闹出这么重大的事故来。 Princess Caroline kept in Bunta City these days, almost soaked that several each family who joint capital outside the city and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce organized every day with the Magic machine shop, is understanding in detail about these factory and all technical questions of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation research and development home Magic mechanical aspect. 卡洛琳郡主留在邦塔城的这几天里,几乎每天都泡在城外和新飞商会合资创办的那几家家用魔法机械工厂内,详细了解着关于这些工厂和新飞商会合作研发家用魔法机械方面的一切技术问题。 She actually the issues in these technical, reason that does that also has shown own stance to Xu Yi, showed that Drake Duchy indeed has the sincerity, urgently needs very recalls the heavy loss that the beforehand that heavy accident incurs. 她其实并不懂这些技术方面的问题,之所以这么做,也过就是向许亦展现出自己的姿态,证明德拉克公国的确是非常有诚意,也十分迫切地需要挽回之前那场重大事故带来的巨大损失。 However Xu Yi stayed for a week in Bunta City, then continued to carry Liz, Linda, Frye and Janice left Bunta City. 不过许亦只是在邦塔城停留了一个星期,便继续载着丽丝、琳达、弗莱娅亚妮丝离开了邦塔城 He actually does not return to the Stantin Duchy Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce headquarters, but directly soars the Lanpali Kingdom capital Anweimaer city. 他却不是回到斯坦丁公国新飞商会总部,而是直奔兰帕里王国首都安威玛尔城。 Princess Caroline wants to follow the Xu Yi same place. Was actually rejected by Xu Yi. 卡洛琳郡主本想跟着许亦一起。却被许亦拒绝了。 According to the arrangement of Xu Yi, Princess Caroline must rush to Stantin Duchy now. The related technology personnel with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce headquarters do the research, will strive soon to solve Drake Duchy to have Magic Powered Fan and product quality of Magic Power of refrigerator accident. 按照许亦的安排,卡洛琳郡主现在必须赶往斯坦丁公国。和新飞商会总部的相关技术人员做研究,力争早日解决德拉克公国出事故的魔力风扇魔力冰箱的产品质量问题。 At this matter, the time does not wait for the person, delays much for one minute, means that Drake Duchy will suffer a loss. 在这种事情上,时间可是不等人的,多耽搁一分钟,就意味着德拉克公国会多遭受一份损失。 Therefore Princess Caroline wants to continue to treat freely side Xu Yi , to continue to deepen the relations with him, actually also has to go separate ways with Xu Yi, goes to Stantin Duchy. 所以尽管卡洛琳郡主非常想继续待在许亦身边,和他继续加深关系,却也不得不和许亦分道扬镳,自行前往斯坦丁公国 With arriving at uneasy and anxiety helpless serious before Bunta City is different, leaves Bunta City time, Princess Caroline has actually been hanging the happy smiling face of the heart. 和来到邦塔城之前的忐忑不安、焦急无奈的沉重心情不同,离开邦塔城的时候,卡洛琳郡主却一直挂着发自内心的开心笑容。 Not for other, because only Xu Yi promised her, since Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce had complied with the cooperation, then later will help Drake Duchy go through this difficulty full power. 不为别的,只因为许亦向她保证,新飞商会既然已经答应了合作,那么之后就会全力帮助德拉克公国度过这次难关。 Princess Caroline fully realized that Xu Yi is not the person who easily under pledged, since now he guaranteed, then Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce met the kind assistance. 卡洛琳郡主深知许亦绝不是轻易下承诺的人,现在他既然保证了,那么新飞商会一定会鼎力协助。 But had the great support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the Drake Duchy current problem, cannot be the issue. 而有了新飞商会的大力支持,德拉克公国现在遇到的问题,就根本不能算是问题。 Therefore when bids good-bye with Xu Yi, Princess Caroline did not attend to Liz, Linda, Janice and Frye presents, is in front of everyone to give a Xu Yi warm kiss unexpectedly. 于是在和许亦分手的时候,卡洛琳郡主不顾丽丝、琳达、亚妮丝弗莱娅在场,当着所有人的面出其不意地给了许亦一个热情的吻。 Simultaneously throws down inviting words. 同时丢下一句充满诱惑的话语。 Xu Yi, I am waiting for you momentarily.” 许亦,我随时等着你哦。” Xu Yi smiles certainly to these words. 许亦对这句话当然是一笑而过。 After Princess Caroline said goodbye, he drives the Magic Power sedan to carry one group of immediately to leave Bunta City, spent enough one daytime time, finally entered in the toward evening was away from the Anweimaer city Bunta City more than 400 kilometers away. 卡洛琳郡主告别后,他驾驶着魔力轿车载着一行人立即离开邦塔城,花了足足一个白天的时间,终于在黄昏时分进入了距离邦塔城四百多公里之外的安威玛尔城。 Sees the city gate of Anweimaer city from afar, Xu Yi relaxes finally. 远远地看到安威玛尔城的城门,许亦终于松了一口气。 After using to stretch oneself, Xu Yi shot a look at a Liz, Linda also to have Janice, after thinking, how, regardless of must make their three also societies drive Magic Powered Vehicle. 用了伸了伸懒腰后,许亦瞥了一眼丽丝、琳达还有亚妮丝,心想以后无论如何也要让她们三个也学会驾驶魔力机车 Otherwise, bumps into such making a long journey again, always depends upon the words that he drives, this was also too tired. 不然的话,再碰到这样的长途旅行,总是依靠他一个人开车的话,这也太累了。 Hey, Frye, must see mother immediately, happy?” Xu Yi is driving the Magic Power sedan slowly the interest in the city gate, while asked to Frye on back row seat. “嘿,弗莱娅,马上就要见到妈妈了,高兴吗?”许亦一边驾驶着魔力轿车缓缓向城门内兴趣,一边向后排座位上的弗莱娅问道。 Un, was very happy.” Frye nods unquestioning layer on layer/heavily. I have not seen mother for a long time, is good to think her.” “嗯,很高兴。”弗莱娅毫不迟疑地重重点头。“我好久没见到妈妈了,好想她啊。” Xu Yi laughs: Relax, after entering a city . You the opportunity saw mother immediately. I can affirm. The mother definitely also thinks you very much.” 许亦哈哈一笑:“放心吧,等进城后。你立即机会见到妈妈了。我敢肯定。妈妈肯定也很想你。” Un. I know.” Frye nods again, suddenly asked to Xu Yi: „Does father, you think mother?” “嗯。我知道。”弗莱娅再次点头,忽然向许亦问道:“爸爸,你想妈妈吗?” Naturally thought that I also had have not seen mother for a long time, how can not think her?” Xu Yi replied. “当然想了,我也有好长时间没有见到妈妈了,怎么会不想她呢?”许亦答道。 But I thought that you do not think mother.” Frye said. “可是我觉得你不想妈妈。”弗莱娅道。 Why thought so?” Xu Yi is stunned. “为什么这么觉得?”许亦愕然。 Because Elder Sister Caroline is also very pretty.” “因为卡洛琳姐姐也很漂亮啊。” Xu Yi has turned the head surprisedly, looks at face earnest Frye, cannot bear laugh in spite of trying not. 许亦惊讶地转过头,看着一脸认真的弗莱娅,忍不住失笑。 This little fellow now was about two years old, unexpectedly such manpower ghost was big. Unexpectedly even this words can also say. 这个小家伙现在才不过两岁多了,居然就这么人手鬼大的。居然连这种话也能说出来。 Nearby Liz and Linda are also a face titter. 一旁的丽丝和琳达也是一脸偷笑。 Couple days ago Princess Caroline almost stuck together Xu Yi every day, how they could not see the Princess Caroline thoughts. 之前几天卡洛琳郡主几乎每天都黏着许亦,她们怎么看不出来卡洛琳郡主的心思。 Thinks that Princess Caroline that is not inferior in the appearance of Madame Stille, Liz and in the Linda heart also some can't help it worries. 想到卡洛琳郡主那绝不逊色于斯蒂尔夫人的容貌,丽丝和琳达心中也禁不住有些担心。 Should the masters not by that princess your highness seduction? 主人应该不会被那位郡主殿下诱惑了吧? Only the Janice expression does not see any difference, holds Frye, making her sit on own leg, said with a smile to her: Frye, Princess Caroline, although is very attractive, but your father he can definitely think your mother. Because I know, your father at heart, your mother is ranked the first. You said right?” 只有亚妮丝表情不见任何异样,一把抱起弗莱娅,让她坐在自己的腿上,向她笑道:“弗莱娅,卡洛琳郡主虽然很漂亮,但是你爸爸他肯定还是会想你妈妈的。因为我知道,你爸爸的心里,你妈妈一直都是排在第一的。你说对吗?” Frye is young, had not understood that expressed the emotion of innermost feelings with the language correctly. However actually makes an effort to nod, proves own idea. 弗莱娅毕竟年纪还小,还不懂得用语言正确表达出自己内心的情感。不过却使劲点了点头,来证明自己的想法。 Xu Yi laughs, cannot bear put out a hand, pinched on her small cheek. 许亦哈哈一笑,忍不住伸出手,在她的小脸蛋上捏了一下。 „After our Frye grow up, will certainly become a beautiful woman, perhaps will be more attractive than mother.” “我们的弗莱娅长大之后也一定会成为一名美女的,说不定会比妈妈更漂亮哦。” Frye hee smiled, Xu Yi pinched her small face, the vision falls on the face of Janice, in the heart suddenly were many uneasy. 弗莱娅嘻嘻笑了起来,许亦又捏了捏她的小脸,目光落在亚妮丝的脸上,心中忽然多了一丝忐忑不安。 Immediately must see Stille. 马上就要见到斯蒂尔了。 Although admits Janice, was he and Stille discussed after the result, Stille at this matter has not only proposed what opposing opinion repeatedly, instead extremely support. 尽管接纳亚妮丝,是他和斯蒂尔商议了多次后的结果,在这件事情上斯蒂尔不仅没有提出什么反对意见,反而极为支持。 Even Janice this candidate, Stille recommends to Xu Yi personally. 甚至连亚妮丝这个人选,还是斯蒂尔亲自向许亦推荐的。 However in any event, Janice under agreeing of Ailucia elder, officially becomes the Xu Yi companion now, still made in the Xu Yi heart fill to the guilt of Stille. 但是无论如何,现在亚妮丝艾露希亚长老的首肯下,正式成为了许亦的伴侣,依然让许亦心中充满了对斯蒂尔的愧疚。 Thinks that immediately Stille must meet with Janice, in the Xu Yi heart somewhat is anxious. 想到马上斯蒂尔就要和亚妮丝见面,许亦心中就有些不安。 How even if in the Stille surface to display does not care again, how to support to Xu Yi again, however her heart of hearts, will definitely mind to this matter? 就算斯蒂尔表面上表现得再怎么不在意,再怎么对许亦支持,但是她的内心深处,肯定还是会对这件事情介意的吧? The Magic Power sedan is carrying train of thought complex Xu Yi and several other people are leading the way to the city gate slowly. 魔力轿车载着思绪复杂的许亦和其他几人向城门缓缓前行着。 After Queen Sewinnie coronates, the largest movement at the government affairs, constructs various roads in Lanpali Kingdom wantonly. 瑟维尼女王陛下加冕之后,在政务上第一个大动作,就是大肆修建兰帕里王国内的各条公路。 Lays down after this year stepping up, now the road total length in Lanpali Kingdom has exceeded 50,000 kilometers. 经过这一年的加紧铺设,现在兰帕里王国内的公路总里程已经超过了五万公里。 Not only in each cities has the road connection, even in some cities also incessantly. 不仅每个城市之间都有公路连通,甚至有的城市之间还不止一条。 And because of the great support of Sewinnie, in the rural areas of many city subordinate also starts to construct the road. 而且因为瑟维尼的大力支持,很多城市下属的农村之间也开始修建公路。 According to Sewinnie through the ruling policy of «Lanpali Weekly report» putting forward, her preliminary plan, transformed to be close to Bunta City such convenient traffic conditions Lanpali Kingdom each. 按照瑟维尼通过《兰帕里周报》提出的执政方针,她的初步计划,就是将兰帕里王国的每一处都改造成接近邦塔城那样的便利交通条件。 Perhaps other cities of this point in Lanpali Kingdom manifests is not quite also obvious, however actually manifests incisively in the Anweimaer city. 这一点在兰帕里王国内其它城市或许体现得还不太明显,但是在安威玛尔城内却体现得淋漓尽致。 Xu Yi came from Bunta City, what goes by car is the bringing peace and order to the nation roads that in connection two cities three years ago like, but currently beside the bringing peace and order to the nation road, there is reaches seven roads also to connect the Anweimaer city, and in being away from the place Anweimaer city south city gate about five kilometers away gathers together. 许亦邦塔城过来,驱车走的是早在三年前就喜好的连接两城的安邦公路,但是现在在安邦公路之外,有多达七条公路同样连接着安威玛尔城,并在距离安威玛尔城南城门大约五公里外的地方汇聚在一起。 Therefore now outside the city gate gathers through each passenger and vehicles that this grand total eight roads come, the transportation then appears crowds. 所以现在城门之外聚集了通过这总计八条公路而来的各个旅客、车辆,交通便显得拥挤起来。 Looked into a stream of people and stream of vehicles of distant place city gate slowly creeping motion, Xu Yi knits the brows slightly. 眺望了一眼远处城门口慢慢蠕动的人流和车流,许亦微微皱眉。 Perhaps sees Sewinnie again time, should first propose to her cancels this procedure that enters the city to collect taxes. 或许再次见到瑟维尼的时候,应该首先向她提议,取消这个入城收税的手续。 Like present this situation, but really lost the time.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 像现在这种情况,可实在是太耽误时间了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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