MIE :: Volume #4

#146: Cannot stutter a fatty

The so-called rising of power operation, placing to install the fire is on the new Magic Power sedan of Magic Power engine, that was manifests is raising the acceleration and maximum speed of Magic Power rubber tired vehicles. \ { 3 w. 所谓提升功率,放在加装了火系魔力发动机的新型魔力轿车上面,那就是体现在提升魔力胶车的加速度和最高速度。\{3w. Because the fire is Magic compared to wind system Magic, or is much stabler, therefore this research must be quite more dangerous, before Great Magician Truch, most of the time does the research in Magic aspect, the corresponding data back headquarters, will give other researchers to conduct the detail to confirm again, as well as makes Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center conduct the practice experiment. 因为火系魔法相对于风系魔法要不稳定得多,所以这个研究要较为危险一些,特鲁奇大魔法师之前大多数时候都是自己做魔法方面的研究,再将相应的数据送回总部,交给其他研究员们进行细节确认,以及让魔力机床研发中心进行实践实验。 Half a month ago, the data that Great Magician Truch passed on suggested that if according to him studied most newly for the fire was the fire of Magic Power engine is magic array, then theoretically, carrying the new fire is a Magic Power sedan maximum speed even possibly over 100 kilometers every hour of Magic Power engine! 在半个月前,特鲁奇大魔法师传回来的数据表明,如果依照他最新研究出来的适用于火系魔力发动机的火系魔法阵,那么从理论上来讲,搭载了新型火系魔力发动机的魔力轿车最高时速甚至可能超过一百公里每小时! Great Magician Camilla received this message accidentally, then immediately rushed to Lanpali Kingdom to come, continuously and Great Magician Truch in half a month mixes up, for successful was the Magic Power engine researches and develops this new fire. 卡米拉大魔法师无意中收到了这个消息,然后立即赶到了兰帕里王国来,在这半个月内一直和特鲁奇大魔法师混在一起,就是为了成功把这个新型火系魔力发动机研发出来。 Because especially here not complete Magic Power R & D Center, therefore the Great Magician Truch present test piece just carried the new fire with a chassis of Magic Power sedan is the Magic Power engine, then performed the experiment on by this crude installment. 特因为这边并没有完整的魔力研发中心,所以特鲁奇大魔法师现在的试验品只不过是用一个魔力轿车的底盘搭载了新型火系魔力发动机,然后就以这个简陋的装置做试验。 Sits as for Great Magician Camilla above, is because this is more convenient, is easier to obtain the experimental data. 至于卡米拉大魔法师坐在上面,则是因为这样更加方便,也更容易获得实验数据。 Before Xu Yi, does not know that two people make the concrete situation of experiment, now saw that Great Magician Camilla sits, in this on crude chassis that does not have the protection and security measures, some can't help it worries. 许亦之前并不知道两人做试验的具体情形,现在看到卡米拉大魔法师坐在这个毫无防备和安全措施的简陋底盘上,禁不住有些担心。 What having is good to be worried?” Great Magician Camilla beckons with the hand. Relied on my Magic strength, does not need to be worried.” “有什么好担心的?”卡米拉大魔法师摆了摆手。“凭我的魔法实力,根本不需要担心。” Xu Yi one wants also to be. Then no longer persuaded. One side falls back on. The waiting experiment starts. 许亦一想也是。便不再劝说。退到一边。等待实验开始。 All are ready, Great Magician Truch put out a hand in that fire that on the chassis mounted is on the Magic Power engine selected, the fiery-red Magic Power ray flashed through together, the fire was the Magic Power engine is at being ready condition. 一切准备就绪,特鲁奇大魔法师伸手在底盘上镶嵌的那个火系魔力发动机上点了一下,一道火红色的魔力光芒闪过,火系魔力发动机便处于蓄势待发状态。 Camilla, a while you, so long as pours into Magic Power slowly, stimulating this fire to be the Magic Power engine starts to rotate, this......” 卡米拉,一会儿你只要缓慢注入魔力,激发这个火系魔力发动机开始转动,这个……” Great Magician Truch has not said, on Great Magician Camilla has shone the Magic Power ray. 特鲁奇大魔法师还没有说完,卡米拉大魔法师身上已经亮起魔力光芒。 Buzz-” “嗡-” The fierce buzzing sound gets up. Xu Yi only saw that the dazzling fiery-red shadow from flashes through together at present instantaneously, belt/bring together fiery-red bright glow straight straight thrust to distant place. 剧烈的蜂鸣声响起。许亦只看到一道炫目的火红色影子从眼前瞬间闪过,带起一道火红色亮芒直直刺向远方。 After the moment . 片刻后。 Bang-” “轰-” A loud sound. 一声巨响。 Xu Yi has a scare, just wants to overrun the examination outcome, actually saw that during everywhere dust detritus dances in the air, one group of light cyan Magic Power rays shine, Great Magician Camilla carries under the arm the ray to shoot up to the sky, flies to fall to Xu Yi and Great Magician Truch side directly, laughs. 许亦吓了一跳,刚想冲过去查看究竟,却看到漫天灰尘碎屑飞舞之中,一团淡青色的魔力光芒亮起,卡米拉大魔法师挟带着光芒冲天而起,直接飞落到许亦特鲁奇大魔法师身边,哈哈大笑。 Refreshed! Too refreshed! Truch, this engine I like! If the speed a bit faster were again better!” “爽快!太爽快了!特鲁奇,这个发动机我喜欢!要是速度再快点儿就更好了!” Looks at the Great Magician Camilla excited appearance, Xu Yi cannot bear show the whites of the eyes. 看着卡米拉大魔法师一脸兴奋的模样,许亦忍不住翻了个白眼。 This not awfully common experiment. Besides Great Magician Camilla, but also is really no one dares to do that. 这种不要命一般的实验。除了卡米拉大魔法师之外,还真是没有任何人敢这么做。 Great Magician Truch also is really. Is steady he, how always willing to deliberately create trouble with Great Magician Camilla? 特鲁奇大魔法师也真是的。一向稳重的他,怎么就这么愿意和卡米拉大魔法师一起这么胡闹呢? Turns the head to look to the distant place, because hits the wall to turn into everywhere the experimental body of fragment high-speed, Xu Yi touches the chin, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly together the color of pleasant surprise. 转头看向远处因为高速撞上墙而变成满地碎片的试验机体,许亦摸了摸下巴,眼中掠过一道惊喜之色。 Great Magician Camilla flushed that a moment ago, although did not have the actual data test, but depending on the estimate, the final speed also surpassed absolutely 100 kilometers every hour. 刚才卡米拉大魔法师冲出去那一下虽然没有实际数据测试,但是光凭估算,最后的速度也绝对超过了一百公里每小时。 Moreover toggle speed strange quick of this experimental body, used less than two seconds of speed merely, has raised such high speed from zero the speed, obviously the power erupts to be intrepid. 而且这个试验机体的启动速度奇快,仅仅只是用了不到两秒钟的速度,就已经将速度从零提升到了这么高的速度,可见动力爆发有多么强悍。 Before comparing, well organized Wind Element Magic Engine that uses, the fire was the Magic Power engine really manifests the fire is the Magic characteristics, intense and sporty. 相比起之前采用的四平八稳的风系魔力发动机,火系魔力发动机果然体现出了火系魔法的特点,激烈而冲劲十足。 Although before then, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute has researched and developed Fire Element Magic Engine, the fire that but researches and develops now with Great Magician Truch is compared with the Magic Power engine, actually wants in power inferior extremely numerous. 虽然在此之前,新飞商会魔法研究院已经研发出了火系魔法发动机,但是和特鲁奇大魔法师现在研发出来的这台火系魔力发动机相比,却在动力方面要逊色极多。 The fire that if researched and developed before is the Magic Power engine is only slightly stronger than Wind Element Magic Engine, then this fire is the power that the Magic Power engine manifests, almost can mediate Wind Element Magic Engine is completely two concepts. 如果说之前研发的火系魔力发动机只是比风系魔力发动机稍强的话,那么这台火系魔力发动机体现出来的动力,几乎可以说和风系魔力发动机完全是两个概念。 Has such powerful dynamic output, not only can make the speed of Magic Power sedan greatly enhance , before can cause Xu Yi , the research and development of many large-scale Magic machinery thinks of make become possible. 拥有这么强大的动力输出,不仅可以使得魔力轿车的速度大幅提高,也可以使许亦之前想到的很多大型魔法机械的研发制造成为了可能。 Naturally, the fire of Great Magician Truch research and development is the Magic Power engine is also at the preliminary research and development stage, still has insufficient, at least in the stable aspect also by far insufficient, from is operational truly also differs very far. 当然,特鲁奇大魔法师研发的这台火系魔力发动机还处于初步研发阶段,依然有着许多不足,最起码在稳定性方面还远远不够,距离真正投入使用还相差很远。 However Xu Yi did not plan that restricts in this aspect Great Magician Truch. 不过许亦并不打算在这方面对特鲁奇大魔法师做出限制。 Now Magic Research Institute headquarters that aspect and Great Magician Truch this aspect get a light from another light simultaneously are the Magic Power engine make the corresponding research and development, the research and development direction is completely different. 现在魔法研究院总部那方面和特鲁奇大魔法师这方面同时对火系魔力发动机做相应研发,研发方向却完全不同。 That side the headquarters mainly pays great attention to the stability and usability, the research and development progress is gentle and stable, Great Magician Truch this aspect is actually directly changes the fire from the most fundamental magic array aspect is the constitution of Magic Power engine, then on this basis pursues the stability and usability again. 总部那边主要注重稳定性和实用性,研发进度平缓而稳定,特鲁奇大魔法师这方面却是直接从最根本的魔法阵方面改变火系魔力发动机的构成,然后在这样的基础上再去追求稳定性和实用性。 Both's research and development direction entirely is at first sight opposite, but will actually reach the same goal or conclusion from different approaches finally. 两者的研发方向乍一看完全相反,但最终却会殊途同归。 The words that simultaneously researches and develops, can speed up getting a light from another light are actually the research and development of Magic Power engine, can earlier make the technology in this aspect mature. 同时研发的话,倒是可以加快对火系魔力发动机的研发,能够更早地让这方面的技术成熟起来。 Xu Yi and Great Magician Truch discussed after this fire is the dynamic output and issue in machine capability coordination of Magic Power engine, then threw down Great Magician Camilla to continue with the Great Magician Truch exchange attainment, arrived situated in a joint venture plant in Falling Rain Valley. 许亦又和特鲁奇大魔法师讨论了一下关于这台火系魔力发动机的动力输出与机械性能配合方面的问题后,便丢下卡米拉大魔法师继续和特鲁奇大魔法师交流刚才的心得,来到位于落雨谷地内的一家合资工厂内。 This joint venture plant is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Bunta City cooperation project, main production is Magic Powered Fan. 这家合资工厂是新飞商会邦塔城的合作项目,主要生产的就是魔力风扇 In the summer of this year, Magic Powered Fan of this joint venture plant production sold in Lanpali Kingdom reached as high as 80,000, not only brought the huge incomes of over 50,000 gold coins for the factory, made Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtain shares of over 20,000 gold coins. 在今年夏天,这家合资工厂生产的魔力风扇兰帕里王国内售出了高达八万台,不仅为工厂带来了超过五万金币的庞大收益,也让新飞商会从中获得了超过两万金币的分成。 Although only 20,000 gold coins are seemingly few. However this joint venture plant is only Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali net country in which one that over a hundred factory pools capital to found. And is also only relatively small that. The words that therefore the synthesis calculates, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce through pools capital to put up a factory with Lanpali Kingdom, still yielded massive incomes. 虽然区区两万金币看起来很少。但是这家合资工厂只是新飞商会兰帕里网国方面合资创建的上百家工厂中的其中一家而已。并且还只是规模较小的那一家。所以综合来算的话,新飞商会通过和兰帕里王国合资建厂,依然从中获得了大量的收益。 Naturally, Xu Yi arrives at this joint venture plant now, actually for does not calculate itself in the income of this chamber of commerce, because Princess Caroline is visiting in this factory. 当然,许亦现在来到这家合资工厂,却不是为了来计算自己在这家商会的收益,而是因为卡洛琳郡主正在这家工厂参观。 Xu Yi enters in the factory, sees Princess Caroline under this joint venture plant the accompaniment of Manager, stands in a Magic Power lathe nearby earnest observation. 许亦走进工厂内,就看到卡洛琳郡主正在这家合资工厂的主管的陪同下,站在一台魔力车床旁边认真观察。 Her side also stands Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to keep the technical personnel in this joint venture plant. Is pointing at front Magic Power lathe, compares a blueprint in hand to give Princess Caroline to explain anything again. 她身边还站着一名新飞商会留在这家合资工厂里的技术人员。正指着面前的魔力车床,对照手中的一份图纸再给卡洛琳郡主讲解着什么。 Princess Caroline hears very earnestly, arrived at her side to treat a while until Xu Yi, this responded. 卡洛琳郡主听得十分认真,直到许亦来到她身边待了一会儿,这才反应过来。 Ah? President Xu, you came.” 啊?许会长,你来了。” Perhaps also immerses in the technical question that the technical personnel explained a moment ago, Princess Caroline and Xu Yi greeted, appearing was somewhat vacant and careless. 或许是还沉浸在刚才技术人员讲解的技术问题中,卡洛琳郡主许亦打招呼的时候,显得有些茫然和漫不经心。 Xu Yi shoots a look by in the technical personnel hand takes the blueprint, discovered that above the schematic drawing about Magic Powered Fan bearing bridge joint part, then nods, asked to Princess Caroline: What kind of? Listened to the explanation? What feelings has?” 许亦瞥了一眼旁边技术人员手上拿着的图纸,发现上面是关于魔力风扇轴承桥接部分的示意图,便点点头,向卡洛琳郡主问道:“怎么样?听完讲解了?有什么感想吗?” Princess Caroline recovered at this time probably. First shows a bright smiling face to Xu Yi, then looked at a Magic Power lathe. Has a look at the blueprint again, sighed lightly: After this inspection, I discovered, we really thought before too simply the Magic machinery.” 卡洛琳郡主这时候才像是回过神来。先向许亦露出一个灿烂的笑容,然后回头看了一眼魔力车床。再看看图纸,轻叹道:“经过这次考察,我才发现,我们之前实在是把魔法机械想得太简单了。” How did Oh? say?” 哦?怎么说?” Before we always feel, since Lanpali Kingdom the technology of so many chambers of commerce's after acquiring your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce transfer, can manufacture the same Magic machinery. Even if in the quality were somewhat inferior, but actually uses not to have the issue, therefore thought that the Magic machinery is actually not difficult.” “以前我们总是觉得,既然兰帕里王国内这么多商会在获得你们新飞商会转让的技术之后,就能制作出同样的魔法机械。就算质量上有些不如,但实际使用上却没问题,所以觉得魔法机械其实并没有那么难。” Therefore you thought that indenpendently develops is also very simple?” Xu Yi also asked. “于是你们就觉得自行研发也很简单?”许亦又问。 On the Princess Caroline face passed over gently and swiftly a shame, the forced smile said: Yes. However we have not actually thought, imitating a Magic machinery manufactures is possibly easy, but wants to indenpendently develop the innovation, is actually that simple. On these Magic Powered Fan of having problems, the major failure is centralized in this bearing bridge joint part, is we changes, wants to come with your Xinfei Magic Powered Fan to make the discrimination by this place. Thinks that is not difficult, the actual result makes us suffer a loss.” 卡洛琳郡主脸上掠过一丝羞愧,苦笑道:“是啊。然而我们却没想到,模仿一件魔法机械来制作可能还算容易,但想要自行研发创新,却是那么简单。在出问题的那些魔力风扇上,主要故障就是集中在这个轴承桥接部分,也是我们自行更改,想要以此来和你们新飞牌魔力风扇作区分的地方。原以为并不难,实际效果却让我们吃了大亏。” This is not strange.” Xu Yi shows a faint smile. Manufacturing the Magic machinery seemingly is simple, but in fact actually involves the innumerable say/way working procedures. Perhaps the pure imitation does not have the issue, but wants to indenpendently develop, actually needs the complete industrial system and research and development foundation forms a complete set. You research and develop rashly, did not have problems is strange.” “这并不奇怪。”许亦微微一笑。“制作魔法机械只是看起来简单,但实际上却涉及到无数道工序。单纯模仿或许没问题,但想要自行研发,却需要有一个完整的工业体系和研发基础配套。你们贸然自己研发,不出问题才奇怪了。” Princess Caroline nods, asked to Xu Yi: President Xu, after if that we want, can be capable of researching and developing the new Magic machinery, how should also do?” 卡洛琳郡主点点头,向许亦问道:“许会长,那么如果我们想要以后自己能够有能力研发新型魔法机械的话,又该怎么做呢?” „Very simple, step by step come.” Xu Yi sincere say/way. Cannot eat a fatty to come. To indenpendently develop does not have the issue, I also support your ideas. For example these joint venture plants in Lanpali Kingdom, I support them to innovate. However before then, must build the good foundation to be good.” “很简单,一步步来。”许亦正色道。“一口是吃不出一个胖子来的。想要自行研发没问题,我也非常支持你们这种想法。比如说兰帕里王国内的这些合资工厂,我就非常支持他们能够自己创新。但是在此之前,必须要打下良好的基础才行。” At this point, Xu Yi has transferred appearance nearby joint venture plant Manager. 说到这里,许亦转过面相一旁的合资工厂主管 Supervisor Feuss, Magic Powered Fan automatic start and stop technology of your chamber of commerce research and development, now progress how?” 菲斯主管,你们商会研发的魔力风扇自动启停技术,现在进度怎么样了?” Fat Supervisor Feuss smiles to reply: Has soon succeeded. Naturally, this is because has the great support of President Xu and your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. The words that otherwise light/only researches and develops by us perhaps, several years are not necessarily able to succeed.” 胖胖的菲斯主管满脸笑容答道:“已经快要成功了。当然,这是因为有许会长和你们新飞商会的大力支持。不然光靠我们自己研发的话,恐怕好几年都未必能成功。” You do not use too modestly.” Xu Yi shakes the head with a smile. Produces the Magic Powered Fan chamber of commerce factory with our chamber of commerce cooperation, as well as these obtained the chamber of commerce of Magic Powered Fan related technology from our chamber of commerce, in addition have 47, but actually only then your chamber of commerce can research and develop this automatic start and stop technology. This is your advantages, hopes after you, can continue maintains.” “你也不用太谦虚。”许亦笑着摇摇头。“和我们商会合作生产魔力风扇的商会工厂,以及那些从我们商会获得了魔力风扇相关技术的商会,加起来已经有四十七家,但是却只有你们商会能够研发出这个自动启停技术。这就是你们的优势,希望你们以后能够继续保持下去。” Supervisor Feuss nods again and again: Naturally, naturally. Also hopes after President Xu, can continue to support us.” 菲斯主管连连点头:“当然,当然。也希望许会长以后能够继续支持我们。” Wants you is not reckless, I will definitely not continue to support you.” Xu Yi nods, shifts to Princess Caroline to say again: Supervisor Feuss they research and develop this Magic Powered Fan automatic start and stop technology, starting from the beginning of this year, by the present over ten months, initially has actually also completed. But this is also only in my opinion a very primary technical research and development. Compares the bearing bridge joint technology, waited for the grading to be many.” “只要你们不冒进,我肯定不会会继续支持你们。”许亦点点头,再转向卡洛琳郡主道:“菲斯主管他们研发这个魔力风扇自动启停技术,从今年年初开始,到现在已经超过十个月,却还只是初步完成。而这还只是一个在我看来非常初级的技术研发。相比起轴承桥接技术,等级差了非常多。” Princess Caroline deep took a deep breath, numerous nods. 卡洛琳郡主深吸了一口气,重重点头。 I understand your meaning. The technical research and development indeed cannot act with undue haste. We later will certainly build the foundation, step by step with steady steps research and development.” “我明白你的意思。技术研发的确是不能操之过急的。我们以后一定会打好基础,一步步稳步研发。” Xu Yi shows a faint smile, thinking Princess Caroline can understand truly this truth words, later Drake Duchy should step in the step in the Magic industry marching forward is steadier. 许亦微微一笑,心想卡洛琳郡主能够真正明白这个道理的话,以后德拉克公国应该就会在魔法工业行业上行进的步伐迈得更加稳健一些。 As the matter stands, later Drake Duchy may become important one in Xu Yi enough early Magic industrial system domain.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 这样一来,以后德拉克公国就极有可能成为许亦够早的魔法工业体系版图中的重要一块。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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