MIE :: Volume #4

#145: Does Great Magician might as well ride the bicycle?

The final outcome of Bunta City beltway cycling race makes many people be surprised. / 邦塔城环城公路自行车赛的最终结果让不少人大感意外。/ In motorcade that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sends out altogether only then five riders, but these five riders actually surpassed others to cross the finish line completely, assumed full responsibility of first to fifth. 新飞商会派出的车队中总共就只有五名车手,而这五名车手却全部超出其他所有人冲过终点,包揽了第一到第五名。 Although because of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce ahead of time statement, these five riders will not occupy the position actually, will not rob the bonus, however in everyone opinion, the Guanya third place and even fourth, fifth of this competition, is only the new speeding car team obviously, as for others, but picks the remnant thick soup food left over that the new speeding car team remained. 虽然因为新飞商会提前的声明,这五名车手并不会实际占据名次,也不会抢走奖金,但是在所有人看来,这次比赛的冠亚季军乃至第四、第五名,都显然只属于新飞车队,至于其他人,只不过是捡了新飞车队剩下来的残羹剩饭罢了。 Because the players of new speeding car team had absolutely the lead in the competition from beginning to end, other players majority can only be sincerely convinced, somewhat is simultaneously depressed. 因为新飞车队的选手在比赛中从头到尾都占据了绝对领先优势,其他参赛选手们大多数都只能心服口服,同时却又有些沮丧。 According to the statement of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the players of new speeding car team must participate next year officially, write down the result, will the most important thing is take away the bonus. 按照新飞商会的声明,新飞车队的选手明年就要正式参赛,记入成绩,最重要的是会拿走奖金。 But merely is only one year, they possibly pull closer such big disparity, catches up with these riders of new speeding car team? 可是仅仅只是一年的时间,他们又怎么可能拉近这么大的差距,追上新飞车队的这些车手呢? Is good several days later, on 《National Tower Daily》 publishes the statement that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce issued. 好在几天之后,《邦塔日报》上又刊登出了一条新飞商会发表的声明。 In this statement, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce indicated that starting from the next year, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will unite several other chambers of commerce, jointly holds a specialized bicycle competition, as official athletics. 在这份声明中,新飞商会表示,从明年开始,新飞商会将会联合其它几家商会,共同举办一个专业性的自行车比赛,作为一个正式竞技赛事。 The riders of new speeding car team will not attend similar Bunta City beltway cycling race such populace sports event starting from the next year, but only attended the specialized sports event. 新飞车队的车手从明年起并不会参加类似邦塔城环城公路自行车赛这样的大众赛事,而只参加专业赛事。 This news brought to everyone's attention. 这条消息引起了所有人的注意。 What is called the specialized sports event? 什么叫做专业性的赛事? Differently what has with the Bunta City beltway cycling race? 邦塔城环城公路自行车赛有什么不同吗? Does the so-called specialty, where manifest? Is only the participating player is quite strong? 所谓的专业,体现在什么地方呢?仅仅只是参赛的选手比较强吗? If this is really the case, that to wants through participating in the person of Bunta City beltway cycling race is actually an enormous good news. 如果真的是这样的话,那倒是对想通过参加邦塔城环城公路自行车赛的人来说是个极大的好消息。 After being short of these quite strong opponent . They obtained the hope of bonus considerably to increase. 少了那些比较强的对手后。他们从中获得奖金的希望就大大增加了。 When everyone saw in the statement after this is named as new flying bicycle series grand prize contest temporarily the detailed explanation of so-called specialized bicycle competition. Actually shocked completely. 然而当所有人看到声明中对这个暂时被命名为“新飞自行车系列大奖赛”的所谓专业性自行车比赛的详细解释后。却都全部震惊了。 Because in statement. Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce indicated, the annual chief champion rider of this series grand prize contest, will have the possibility to obtain over 50,000 gold coins high the ultra-high bonuses! 因为在声明中。新飞商会表示,这个系列大奖赛的年度总冠军车手,将有可能最高获得超过五万金币的超高奖金! 50,000 gold coins! 五万金币! Regarding most people, this is the incomparable huge amount that they have a dream cannot think of! 对于绝大多数人来说,这可是他们做梦都想不到的无比巨大的金额! If can obtain 50,000 gold coins, that this whole life do not say does not need to worry about food or clothing, even before can on them, long-awaited high life! 如果能够获得五万金币的话,那这辈子不要说衣食无忧,甚至可以过上他们以前梦寐以求的奢侈生活! To many, if gives him 50,000 gold coins, regardless of pays anything to have no issue for this reason absolutely! 对于很多人来说,如果给他五万金币,无论为此付出什么都绝对没有任何问题! This so-called new flying bicycle series grand prize contest. So is really valuable? 这个所谓的“新飞自行车系列大奖赛”。真的就这么值钱吗? Hey, does the boy, you really plan to give the so-called annual total champion rider 50,000 gold coins the bonuses?” “喂,小子,你真打算给所谓的年度总冠军车手五万金币的奖金?” By the Xu Yi present position, but also dares to foam with rage to her, the words impolite person, has certainly Great Magician Camilla. 许亦现在的地位,还敢对她吹胡子瞪眼,话语一点儿也不客气的人,当然只有卡米拉大魔法师 He has a look at 《National Tower Daily》 in hand, has a look at Xu Yi that a face greets with a smile again, layer on layer/heavily snort/hum. 他看看手中的《邦塔日报》,再看看一脸陪笑的许亦,重重地哼了一声。 I did in Magic Research Institute laboriously for a year, you also start out 10,000 gold coins the wage. Now is one rides the bicycle to ride well, are you willing to give 50,000 gold coins unexpectedly? Enough is my five times! You thought that my Great Magician so isn't valuable?” “我在魔法研究院里辛辛苦苦干了一年,你也才开出一万金币的薪水。现在不过就是一个骑自行车骑得好点儿的,你居然就肯给五万金币?足足是我的五倍!难道你觉得我这个大魔法师就这么不值钱吗?” Xu Yi beckons with the hand hastily. Explained: „, Cannot certainly. Great Magician position in my mind. But no one can, you says, Great Magician Truch?” 许亦连忙摆了摆手。解释道:“不不不,当然不会。大魔法师在我心目中的地位。可是无人能及的,您说是吧,特鲁奇大魔法师?” The one side looks Great Magician Truch that with a smile Great Magician Camilla acts crazy shows a faint smile, the nod said: Un, I believe in Xu Yi your heart to regarding as important of Great Magician. However......” Great Magician Truch deliberately stretched out the sound. Like such that Camilla said that rode the bicycle, the attained money were more than our two Great Magician, was this not quite probably reasonable?” 一旁含笑看着卡米拉大魔法师发飙的特鲁奇大魔法师微微一笑,点头道:“嗯,我相信许亦你心中对大魔法师的看重。不过……”特鲁奇大魔法师刻意拉长了声音。“就像卡米拉说的那样,一个骑自行车的,拿到的钱却比我们两个大魔法师还要多,这好像不太合理吧?” Sees two Great Magician all bad looks, Xu Yi cannot bear smile bitterly. 看到两位大魔法师全都不善的眼神,许亦忍不住苦笑一声。 Initially formulated this sports event rule time, he patronized must create the sensational effect, actually forgot had scruples this point. 当初制定这个赛事规则的时候,他光顾着要造成轰动效果,却忘记了顾忌这一点。 Thought slightly, Xu Yi immediately the sincere say/way: Grandfather, Great Magician Truch, you must notice, what this above said that this chief champion rider may receive excellent the bonuses of 50,000 gold coins, rather than certain. In fact, according to the contest rule, can receive the highest bonus radically is the impossible matter.” 稍微想了一下,许亦立即正色道:“爷爷,特鲁奇大魔法师,你们要注意到,这上面说的是,这个总冠军车手有可能获得最高超过五万金币的奖金,而不是一定。实际上,按照比赛规则,能够获得最高奖金根本是不可能的事情。” How many can that in fact obtain?” Great Magician Truch closely examines. „Should the highest 50,000 gold coins, in fact have 20,000 gold coins? That may be more than us.” “那实际上能获得多少呢?”特鲁奇大魔法师追问。“最高五万金币,实际上怎么也应该有个两万金币吧?那可还是比我们多啊。” Right!” The Great Magician Camilla eye stares. Boy, today you , if not explain, do not blame me not being impolite to you!” “没错!”卡米拉大魔法师眼睛一瞪。“小子,今天你要是不说明白,别怪我对你不客气!” The Xu Yi forced smile shakes the head: Grandfather, Great Magician Truch, my regarding as important to Great Magician, I thinks that you should very be clear. Actually so long as you want, my one year do not say that starts out 50,000 gold coins to you, even is the wage of 100,000 gold coins does not have the issue. So long as also has other Great Magician you to be willing to join our chamber of commerce, gives them also to offer such high wage not to have the issue. However...... has scruples the wage structure of chamber of commerce, actually cannot do that hopes that you can forgive our difficulties.” 许亦苦笑摇头:“爷爷,特鲁奇大魔法师,我对大魔法师的看重,我想你们应该都十分清楚。其实只要你们愿意的话,我一年不要说给你们开出五万金币,甚至是十万金币的薪水也没问题。而且只要还有其它的大魔法师你愿意加入我们商会,给他们也开出这么高的薪水也没问题。但是……顾忌到商会的薪水结构,却是不能这么做的,希望你们能够体谅我们的苦衷。” Great Magician Camilla cold snort/hum: „Aren't you clear? I and Truch do not dislike the present wage to be few, actually 10,000 gold coins are many, enough we use. But we are not convinced, why this chief champion rider attains can be higher than our two Great Magician? Moreover high so many?” 卡米拉大魔法师冷哼一声:“你还不明白吗?我和特鲁奇并不是嫌现在的薪水少,其实一万金币已经很多了,足够我们使用。只不过我们不服气,凭什么这个总冠军车手拿到的要比我们两个大魔法师还高?而且高了这么多?” Bonus that this...... the grandfather, actually this chief champion rider receives, is not our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce one leaves, but is all chambers of commerce that participate in this sports event disburse together. According to the present dispatching rule, even if this chief champion rider can obtain 50,000 gold coins the bonuses, our chamber of commerce will still only bear at most less than 8000 gold coins.” “这个嘛……爷爷,其实这个总冠军车手获得的奖金,并不是我们新飞商会一家出,而是所有参与这个赛事的商会共同支出。按照现在的分配规则,就算这个总冠军车手能够获得五万金币的奖金,我们商会顶多也只会负担其中不到八千金币而已。” 8000? Un...... this also almost.” Great Magician Camilla nods. This was very high. In Magic Research Institute so many good Magician, one year also can only take several hundred gold coins.” “八千?嗯……这还差不多。”卡米拉大魔法师点点头。“不过这还是非常高了。魔法研究院里那么多不错的魔法师们,一年也不过就只能拿几百金币而已。” This different.” Xu Yi shakes the head. In fact, this sports event mainly plays an advertisement publicity role. Through attention that this sports event receives. But propagandizes our several chambers of commerce well. Therefore in fact the prize money amount the higher the better. Because only then this can the enough appealing eyeball.” “这不一样。”许亦摇摇头。“实际上,这个赛事主要就是起到一个广告宣传作用。通过这个赛事受到的关注。可是更好地宣传我们几家商会。所以实际上奖金金额越高越好。因为只有这样才能足够吸引人的眼球。” Great Magician Camilla thinks. Slowly nod: Un...... said but actually also right. Good, calculates that your boy said reasonable.” 卡米拉大魔法师想了想。缓缓点头:“嗯……这么说倒也没错。好吧,算你小子说得有道理。” Sees Great Magician Camilla to put down this matter finally, Xu Yi relaxes immediately. 卡米拉大魔法师终于放下这件事,许亦立即松了一口气。 The vision glimpses the thing that Great Magician Camilla sits down at this time, in the Xu Yi heart moves, said with a smile: Actually...... the grandfather, is not only a bicycle, after later the Magic Power sedan popularized, I also plan to conduct one again with the Magic Power sedan related specialized sports event. Moreover this sports event will be bigger than this bicycle grand prize contest scale. Investing are more, naturally, the bonus are also more.” 目光瞥见卡米拉大魔法师此时坐下的东西,许亦心中一动,又笑道:“其实……爷爷,不仅仅是自行车,以后当魔力轿车普及了之后,我还打算再举办一个和魔力轿车相关的专业赛事呢。而且这个赛事会比这个自行车大奖赛规模更大。投入更多,当然,奖金也更多。” Race car?” Great Magician Camilla the eyes shine immediately. This was good! Right, this sports event must conduct! When the time comes I will certainly participate!” “赛车?”卡米拉大魔法师立即双眼放光。“这太好了!对,这个赛事一定要举办起来!到时候我一定会参加的!” Saw the Great Magician Camilla exciting appearance, the Xu Yi corners of the mouth cannot bear twitch. 看到卡米拉大魔法师兴奋的模样,许亦嘴角忍不住抽搐了一下。 Great Magician Camilla relies on the spirit that are never saying die, and strong Magic strength protection, was disciplines finally a perfect driving skills, but actually because also deeply fell in love with the car race. 卡米拉大魔法师凭借着自己锲而不舍的精神,以及超强的魔法实力保护,终于算是磨练出了一身过硬的车技,但是却也因为深爱上了飙车。 Even if Xu Yi does not raise this sports event, he will still drive the Magic Power sedan to dash about wildly frequently everywhere, is hitting the name that does the experiment dashes about wildly everywhere. 就算许亦不提这个赛事,他也会经常驾驶着魔力轿车到处狂奔,打着做实验的名义到处狂奔。 Segmentum anterius day. The Lisanya elder lives in the Xu Yi private manor. 前段日子。利桑亚长老在许亦的私人庄园内居住。 Because she also fell in love with the car race similarly, almost must go out every day crazy with Great Magician Camilla. 因为她也同样爱上了飙车,和卡米拉大魔法师几乎每天都要出去疯狂一把。 Short one month. Two people therefore hit the Magic Power sedan that discards to reach as high as seven thoroughly. 短短一个月的时间内。两人因此彻底撞得报废掉的魔力轿车就高达七辆之多。 Is good because of two people Magic strengths is extremely outstanding, therefore is always the vehicle has an accident, they is actually safe and sound. 好在两人的魔法实力都是极为出众,所以从来都是车子出事,他们自身却是安然无恙。 After thinking , if really held the f1 grand prize contest of this different world, Great Magician Camilla cannot do well will really register, but the Lisanya elder perhaps also meets on the ginseng/partake a foot, in the Xu Yi heart feels incomparably strangely. 想到以后假如真的举办了这个异世界的f1大奖赛,卡米拉大魔法师搞不好真的会报名参赛,而利桑亚长老说不定也会参上一脚,许亦心中就觉得无比诡异。 A 60-year- old man, with one more than 500 along with when old woman f1 rider? 一个60多岁的老头子,和一个五百多随的老女人当f1车手? This simply is the huge joke! 这简直就是天大的笑话! But what most pulls, this joke is really! 而最扯的是,这个笑话偏偏还是真的! Under Xu Yi returns to normal reluctantly in the heart the strange thought that coughs lightly , to continue said: „ Grandfather, before then, we must complete the present research. I think that you should be clear compared with anyone, Wind Element Magic Engine has its limit, therefore causes the speed of Magic Power sedan unable to obtain the breakthrough. To enjoy super fast truly, must first get a light from another light is the research and development of Magic Power engine tries harder to be good. 许亦勉强平复下心中怪异的念头,轻咳一声,续道:“爷爷,在此之前,我们必须要完成现在的研究。我想您应该比谁都清楚,风系魔力发动机有它的局限,所以导致魔力轿车的速度一直不能获得突破。想要真正享受超级的快速,必须先对火系魔力发动机的研发加把劲才行。 Great Magician Camilla stared Xu Yi one: Nonsense! You think why I do run over from Stantin Duchy far away am?” 卡米拉大魔法师瞪了许亦一眼:“废话!你以为我大老远从斯坦丁公国跑过来是为什么?” Xu Yi nods, sets out, gave a hand signal to Great Magician Truch, hinting to start. 许亦点点头,直起身,向特鲁奇大魔法师做了个手势,示意可以开始了。 Now they are located in Falling Rain Valley in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute branch. 现在他们就是位于落雨谷地新飞商会魔法研究院分院内。 Great Magician Truch is hired after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, has stayed in this branch does the research. 特鲁奇大魔法师受聘于新飞商会之后,一直都呆在这个分院内做研究。 Because of his Great Magician special status, even kingdom civil strife time, here too had not been affected. 因为他大魔法师的特殊身份,就算是王国内乱的时候,这里也没有受到太多影响。 But in these two years time, Great Magician Truch also made many research. 而在这两年时间内,特鲁奇大魔法师也做出了不少研究。 Recently his main research direction, in the fire is on the Magic Power engine. 最近他的主要研究方向,就是在火系魔力发动机身上。 Reason that is not responsible for by Great Magician Camilla, first Xu Yi was worried that Great Magician Camilla invests thoroughly, perhaps will encounter the danger, secondly single Lunhuo is the attainments in Magic aspect, Great Magician Truch compared with Great Magician Camilla. 之所以不是由卡米拉大魔法师负责,一来许亦担心卡米拉大魔法师彻底投入进去,说不定会遇到危险,二来单论火系魔法方面的造诣,特鲁奇大魔法师要比卡米拉大魔法师更强一些。 Similarly is gets a light from another light is the research and development of Magic Power engine, the Great Magician Truch research and development direction and Stantin Duchy the research direction of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute headquarters is also slightly different. 同样是对火系魔力发动机的研发,特鲁奇大魔法师的研发方向和斯坦丁公国内的新飞商会魔法研究院总部的研究方向还略有不同。 Headquarters these Magician main research and development directions are promote the fire to be the stabilities of Magic Power engine, reduces power loss and other aspects, but the Great Magician Truch research and development direction only has one- promotion fire is the power of Magic Power engine.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 总部那些魔法师们主要的研发方向是提升火系魔力发动机的稳定性,降低功耗等方面,而特鲁奇大魔法师的研发方向却只有一个-提升火系魔力发动机的功率。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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