MIE :: Volume #4

#144: National brand image

On October 1, has the day of commemorative significance regarding Xu Yi very much, but regarding Sainz Continent people, is actually not any special date. ~ ~ ~ ~ 十月 1 日,对于许亦来说是个很有纪念意义的日子,但是对于赛恩斯大陆的人们来说,却不是任何特别的日期。~~~~ Even in Lanpali Kingdom, on October 1 similarly still nothing special. 就算在兰帕里王国,十月 1 日同样也没什么特别。 Only then in Bunta City, every year October 1, would appearing some and is usually different. 只有在邦塔城内,每年的十月 1 日,总会显得有些与平时不同。 Because the day, was the start day of Bunta City beltway cycling race. 因为这一天,就是邦塔城环城公路自行车赛的开赛日。 Except that because last year Lanpali Kingdom fell into the civil strife, causing the competition to be forced to cancel outside, since Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce after four years ago proposed held this sports event, every year April 1 and on October 1, was Bunta City in a year the liveliest day. 除了去年因为兰帕里王国陷入内乱,导致比赛被迫取消外,自从新飞商会在四年前提出举办这个赛事之后,每年的四月 1 日和十月 1 日,都是邦塔城一年内最为热闹的日子。 The time grew, this has even become the important holiday of Bunta City people. 时间长了,这甚至已经成为了邦塔城人们的一个重要节日。 Especially this year's autumn beltway cycling race, as a result of the Bunta City City Lord mansion and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation, ahead of time enough one month started in Lanpali Kingdom and in the peripheral several countries propagandizes wantonly, causes before the play day, innumerably comes with admiration people who want to attend this competition then to come in swarms. 尤其是今年的秋季环城公路自行车赛,由于邦塔城城主府和新飞商会合作,提前了足足一个月就开始在兰帕里王国和周边数个国家内大肆宣传,使得临近比赛日之前,无数慕名而来想要参加这个比赛的人们便蜂拥而至。 Even some people ride oneself bicycle from being away from Bunta City at least place over 800 km away simply, rides the line. 甚至有人干脆骑着自己的自行车从距离邦塔城至少超过800公里之外的地方,一路骑行而来。 《National Tower Daily》 after exaggerating later to report such deeds, lit everyone's participating enthusiasm, making this road cycling race number reach new high at one fell swoop, far exceeded the beforehand several competitions. 《邦塔日报》把这样的事迹经过渲染之后报道出来,更是点燃了所有人的参赛热情,使得这一届的公路自行车赛参赛人数一举创下新高,远超之前数届比赛。 By competition day the day before, is the registration deadline date, finally counts the population of registration, unexpectedly surpassed 60,000. 到了比赛日前一天,也就是报名截止日,最终统计报名参赛的人数,居然超过了六万之多。 Naturally, reason that will make so many people register, can complete besides the Bunta City City Lord the propaganda of mansion and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. An important reason. That is this time sports event. The bonus far exceeded the past. 当然,之所以会使得这么多人报名参赛,除了邦塔城城主府和新飞商会的宣传做得好之外。还有一个至关重要的原因。那就是这次的赛事。奖金远超以往。 According to sports event bonus of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce one month ahead of schedule announcement, simultaneously according to the tradition of past sports event, so long as can finish sports event first 100, will have the cash prize. 按照新飞商会提前一个月公布的赛事奖金,同时根据以往赛事的传统,只要能够获得赛事前一百名,都会有现金奖励。 But this Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce greatly raises the reward standard. 只不过这一次新飞商会把奖励标准大幅提高。 51 st to 100 th, everyone rewards 100 gold coins. 第五十一名到第一百名,每人奖励一百金币。 11 th to 50 th, everyone rewards 300 gold coins. 第十一名到第五十名,每人奖励三百金币。 Fourth to tenth, everyone rewards 500 gold coins. 第四名到第十名,每人奖励五百金币。 Third rewards 1100 gold coins. 第三名奖励一千百金币。 The second place rewards 2000 gold coins. 亚军奖励两千金币。 But champion, then rewards the astonishing 5000 gold coins! 而冠军,则奖励惊人的五千金币! The reward standard that after the major newspapers set Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce announced. Caused the ebullition in each place. 当各大报纸把新飞商会定下的奖励标准公布出来后。在每处地方都引起了沸腾。 The champions must reward 5000 gold coins! 冠军可是要奖励五千金币啊! If can win the championship, this can not need to worry for a lifetime! 如果能够获得冠军的话,这一辈子都可以不用发愁了! Even if cannot win the championship, obtains the second place still 2000 gold coins, similarly is an extraordinary wealth. 就算不能获得冠军,获得亚军也有两千金币,同样是一笔惊人的财富。 So long as intrusion first 100, least also 100 gold coins deposit. 而只要闯入前一百名,最少也有一百金币入账。 Although many people of 100 gold coins in regarding present Bunta City are not specially, but regarding people in other places, still the attraction is full. 虽然一百金币对于现在的邦塔城内很多人都算不上特别多,但是对于其它地方的人们来说,却依然吸引力十足。 Therefore the light to this is higher much the bonus, same makes countless people go after like ducks to this sports event. 所以光是冲着这高得离谱的奖金,也一样使得无数人对这项赛事趋之若鹜。 Hey, President Xu, has to say. You are really a great writer.” Liewehr City Lord and Xu Yi stand in behind of opening ceremony chairman's podium together, is away from the curtain to look at the competition beginning place dense crowd. Cannot bear sigh with emotion: Even if not raise regardless the propaganda expense and organization expense, is only all bonuses adds, over 30,000 gold coins. Moreover this sports event is also only a public welfare sports event, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce may not have the means to yield the income. I think that...... besides President Xu, will no merchant do this matter?” “嘿,许会长,不得不说。你真是大手笔啊。”里威尔城主许亦共同站在开幕式主席台的后面,隔着帷幕看着比赛起点处黑压压的人群。忍不住感慨道:“就算抛开宣传费用和组织费用不提,光是所有的奖金加起来,就超过三万金币了。而且这个赛事还只是一个公益赛事,你们新飞商会从中可没办法获得收益。我想……除了许会长之外,没有哪名商人会干这种事情吧?” No, Count Sir, you were wrong.” Xu Yi shakes the head, the smile said: Although our chamber of commerce does not have the means to yield the real income from this sports event, even invested from all sides for this reason was close to 100,000 gold coins. But if said that we do not have the means to yield any income, that may be completely mistaken.” “不,伯爵大人,您错了。”许亦摇了摇头,微笑道:“虽然我们商会没办法从这项赛事中获得实际收益,甚至前前后后为此投入了接近十万金币。但如果说我们没办法从中获得任何收益,那可就大错特错了。” Oh? Liewehr City Lord looks at Xu Yi curiously. How can't I see?” 哦?”里威尔城主好奇地看着许亦。“我怎么看不出来?” Xu Yi smiles, lifts to point at crowd that refers to the distant place. 许亦笑了笑,抬起手指了指远处的人群。 You look, Count Sir, is only the person who attended this sports event, at present has surpassed 60,000, but without oneself participates, the people that but surrounds, surpassed this digit. Simultaneously because various types of channels know person who this sports event, and has the attention, only feared that is several times in this number. How even if I underestimated again, I want to know the person of this sports event still over 1 million.” “您看,伯爵大人,光是参加这项赛事的人,眼下就已经超过了六万,而没有自己参加,只是围观的群众,就更是超过了这个数字。同时因为各种渠道知道了这项赛事,并对此有关注的人,只怕更是数倍于这个数字。就算我再怎么低估,我想知道这项赛事的人也会超过一百万吧。” Incessantly are so absolutely few.” Liewehr City Lord shakes the head. At the beforehand publicity, other country does not dare saying that at least in our Lanpali Kingdom, I dares to say this person deaf person and blind person, definitely will still know this sports event even. Calculates the words that even over 5 million still definitely have the possibility.” “绝对不止这么少。”里威尔城主摇摇头。“以之前的宣传力度,别的国家不敢说,起码在我们兰帕里王国内,我敢说这个人就算是聋子、瞎子,也一定会知道这项赛事。算下来的话,就算超过五百万也绝对是有可能的。” Therefore, this is the maximum profit that our chamber of commerce yields.” Xu Yi said with a smile. You did not feel, this is actually a best advertisement method? Through this sports event, can so many to know our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, will also be making the profound impression at heart, I think, if depends on the usual propaganda only, do not say that with 100,000 gold coins, even 200,000 and 300,000 gold coins, cannot achieve such effect.” “所以说啊,这就是我们商会从中获得的最大收益。”许亦笑道。“您不觉得,这其实就是一个最好的广告手段吗?通过这项赛事,能够让这么多人知道了我们新飞商会,甚至还会在心里留下深刻的印象,我想如果单靠平时的宣传,不要说用十万金币,就算是二十万、三十万金币,都达不到这样的效果。” Liewehr City Lord was startled being startled, immediately shows a facial expression suddenly. 里威尔城主怔了怔,随即露出一副恍然的神情。 That is true. No wonder you have propagandized this sports event by the sunlight and health slogan, this is also creates the positive image in people's mind for your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce.” “的确如此。难怪你一直以阳光、健康的口号来宣传这项赛事,这也算是为你们新飞商会树立在人们心目中的正面形象吧。” Count Sir really understands everything right off.” Xu Yi said with a smile. “伯爵大人果然一点就透。”许亦笑道。 Liewehr City Lord nods gently, immediately actually somewhat wonders to ask: But President Xu, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has been known to everybody to be known to everybody in our Lanpali Kingdom, why also to depend upon this sports event, the expenditure such big strength and do money create the propaganda? Don't you feel the waste?” 里威尔城主轻轻点头,随即却又有些纳闷地问道:“可是许会长,你们新飞商会在我们兰帕里王国内早就无人不知无人不晓了,又何必依靠这项赛事,花费这么大力气和金钱来做宣传呢?你不觉得浪费吗?” No. Sir City Lord, the establishment of brand image is a very long project, and forever will be without limits. Moreover the brand image establishes is extremely difficult, destroying is very easy, therefore regardless at any time, must try hard to create the propaganda for own brand image, and maintains it diligently, making it easily should not be damaged.” “不。城主大人,品牌形象的创立是一项非常漫长的工程,并且永无止境。而且品牌形象创立极难,破坏起来却十分容易,所以无论任何时候,都必须努力为自己的品牌形象做宣传,并努力维护它,使它不要轻易受到损伤。” At this point, Xu Yi has turned the head suddenly, looks to standing in the one side. At the same time sizes up the distant place participation crowd interestingly. At the same time audits Xu Yi and Liewehr City Lord dialogue Princess Caroline. 说到这里,许亦忽然转过头,看向站在一旁。一边饶有兴趣打量远处参赛人群。一边旁听许亦和里威尔城主对话的卡洛琳郡主 Princess your highness. With all due respect, because before your Drake Duchy , the accident , the brand image of entire country had received the enormous damage. To recall keeps negative impressions in other person of minds, must pay very big price to be good. This point, I hope that you can have the preparation, and makes Grand Duke Drach also be able to realize this point clearly.” “郡主殿下。恕我直言,你们德拉克公国因为之前发生的事故,整个国家的品牌形象已经受到了极大的损坏。想要挽回留在其他人心目中的负面印象,必须付出非常大的代价才行。这一点,我希望你能够有心理准备,并且让德拉克大公也能够清楚认识到这一点。” The Princess Caroline facial expression is startled slightly, immediately shows a smile, nods. Earnest said/tunnel: I understand. However President Xu, establishes regarding the brand image that you said that I also too did not understand, you can also help our one in this point?” 卡洛琳郡主神情微微一怔,随即露出一丝微笑,点点头。认真地道:“我明白。不过许会长,对于你说的品牌形象创立,我同样不太了解,你能不能在这一点上也帮助我们一下呢?” Xu Yi shakes the head, thought that Princess Caroline will crawl along the pole actually very much, unexpectedly immediately depended on itself in turn. 许亦摇摇头,心想卡洛琳郡主倒是很会顺杆爬,居然立即就反过来赖上了自己。 However wants to help Drake Duchy establish the Magic industrial system, making it integrate in the Magic industry domain in Xu Yi mind, reconstructs matter that Drake Duchy the image of Magic machinery must handle, therefore he has not rejected, nods. Complied. 不过想要帮助德拉克公国重新创立起魔法工业体系,使其纳入许亦心目中的魔法工业版图之中,重建德拉克公国魔法机械的形象也是必须要做的事情,所以他并没有拒绝,点了点头。应了下来。 Sees Xu Yi to comply, Princess Caroline beams from ear to ear immediately. Does not evade nearby Liewehr City Lord, takes over the arm of Xu Yi, the body leans forward, the chest front plentiful pressed the Xu Yi upper arm directly, then showed a sweet smiling face to Liewehr City Lord. 许亦答应,卡洛琳郡主立即笑逐颜开。毫不避讳一旁的里威尔城主,一把揽住许亦的胳膊,身子前倾,胸前的丰满直接压上了许亦的上臂,然后向里威尔城主露出一个甜甜的笑容。 Liewehr City Lord, you, if thought that President Xu will do the business that loses money, that may be completely mistaken. I knew he is so long, has not seen him to do anything to lose money.” “里威尔城主,你如果觉得许会长会做赔钱的生意,那可就大错特错了。我认识了他这么久,可从来没见过他做过任何一件事会亏本哦。” Xu Yi slanting her eyes, coldly the said/tunnel: Other matter did not say, at your Drake Duchy matter, I owed in a big way.” 许亦斜了她一眼,冷冷地道:“别的事情不说,在你们德拉克公国的事情上,我可是亏大了。” Princess Caroline knows Xu Yi still before Drake Duchy abandons the agreement to be offended, hearing the word is unable to refute, can only spit the tongue, then smiles, pulls the arm of Xu Yi to try harder, the chest front pasted tightened, the coquettish look like the silk, said in a soft voice: At the worst I compensate to you......” 卡洛琳郡主知道许亦依然对德拉克公国之前背弃协议十分介怀,闻言无法反驳,只能吐了吐舌头,然后莞尔一笑,挽住许亦的胳膊加了把劲,胸前贴得更紧了些,媚眼如丝,轻声道:“大不了我赔给你嘛……” Xu Yi slightly one knit the brows, was startled being startled, wanted to pull out the arm, has not actually thought that the Princess Caroline strength used enormously, making him unable to pull out suddenly unexpectedly. 许亦微一皱眉,怔了怔,想要把胳膊抽出来,却没想到卡洛琳郡主的力气用得极大,让他一时间竟是抽不出来。 At the present, Xu Yi is in this case impossible really to work loose full power , can only reluctantly, whatever she goes. 在现在这种情况下,许亦又不可能真的全力挣脱,也就只能无奈地任由她去。 Princess Caroline sees Xu Yi unable to work loose, immediately shows a self-satisfied smiling face. 卡洛琳郡主许亦无法挣脱,立即露出一个得意的笑容。 Nearby Liewehr City Lord sees that to laugh, to two humanity: I must preside over the opening ceremony, if two are willing to watch the competition, please go to the reserved seats to wait a minute.” 一旁的里威尔城主见状哈哈一笑,向两人道:“我要去主持开幕式了,两位如果愿意观看比赛的话,请去贵宾席稍候吧。” Gazes after Liewehr City Lord to depart, Princess Caroline turns the head to look suddenly to Xu Yi, knits the brows to ask slightly: President Xu, your two beautiful maid I know, your daughter Frye I also know, but where do that pretty elf clan girls brave? Was she so why late also in your room? Even she is also your......” 目送里威尔城主离去,卡洛琳郡主忽然转头看向许亦,微微皱眉问道:“许会长,你那两个美丽的女仆我知道,你的女儿弗莱娅我也知道,但是那个漂亮的精灵族女孩儿是从哪里冒出来的?她为什么那么晚了还在你的房间里?难道说连她也是你的……” Sees Princess Caroline to be puzzled, Xu Yi cannot bear laugh. 看到卡洛琳郡主一脸疑惑,许亦忍不住哈哈一笑。 Because left Bunta City before time, Xu Yi already all the industries of keeping Bunta City transferred, even Falling Star Manor hands over to sell out, therefore this coming back, Xu Yi actually not fixed dwelling. 因为之前离开邦塔城的时候,许亦已经把所有留在邦塔城的产业都转让了出去,连落星庄园都转手卖掉,所以这次回来,许亦其实并没有固定的住处。 He refused Liewehr City Lord to keep hold of him to live in the invitation of City Lord mansion, but was the choice checked into the Amul hotel. 他拒绝了里威尔城主挽留他住在城主府的邀请,而是选择入住了阿姆利大酒店。 First for meets the discussion with Princess Caroline and Drake Duchy the detail that continues to cooperate, secondly because also the Amul hotel is in Bunta City is now most luxurious the upscale residence, in addition President Cruise has given a Xu Yi honored guest card, he lives in the one cent not to use the flower here, naturally cannot choose other places. 一来是为了方便和卡洛琳郡主见面商谈和德拉克公国继续合作的细节,二来也因为阿姆利大酒店现在是邦塔城内最为豪华高档的住所,再加上克鲁斯会长早就给了许亦一张贵宾卡,他住在这里一分钱都不用花,自然不会选择其它地方。 Princess Caroline moves in is also the most luxurious room, is neighboring with Xu Yi, yesterday at nightfall, Princess Caroline then knocked the Xu Yi gate. 卡洛琳郡主入住的也是最为豪华的房间,和许亦相邻,昨天入夜时分,卡洛琳郡主便敲开了许亦的门。 In the Princess Caroline heart was also holding unusual thoughts, but the gate opens, in the discovery room besides Xu Yi, elf clan girls, makes her puzzled unexpectedly immediately. 原本卡洛琳郡主心中还抱着一丝异样的心思,可是门一打开,却发现房间内除了许亦之外,竟然还有一名精灵族女孩儿在,顿时让她大惑不解。 Although Princess Caroline therefore gave way before difficulties, but regarding the appearance of this elf clan girl, in the heart has had doubts extremely, now finally cannot bear ask to Xu Yi. 虽然卡洛琳郡主因此知难而退了,但是对于这个精灵族女孩儿的出现,却一直心中极为疑惑,现在终于忍不住还是向许亦问了出来。 You guess right.” Xu Yi replied confidently. She is called Janice, is elf clan wife who I marry newly.” “你猜得没错。”许亦坦然答道。“她叫做亚妮丝,是我新娶的精灵族妻子。” Princess Caroline looked at Xu Yi dull quite a while, pulled out the one breath some little time, the whole face sighed shocking: You can conquer the elf clan girls unexpectedly, no wonder can disregard my charm.” 卡洛琳郡主呆呆地看了许亦半天,好一会儿才抽了一口气,满脸震惊地叹道:“你居然连精灵族女孩儿都能征服,难怪可以无视我的魅力。” Xu Yi shows a faint smile, thought that if Princess Caroline knows even Janice this elf clan girl, he compelled for a long time to be forced to choose by the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder very much, does not know that what expression can be?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 许亦微微一笑,心想如果卡洛琳郡主知道就算是亚妮丝这个精灵族女孩儿,还是他被艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老强逼了很久才被迫挑选出来的话,不知道又会是一副什么表情呢?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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