MIE :: Volume #4

#143: Value 5 million gold coins?

Princess Caroline Xiu face/color like a flower, on the face is hanging the facial expression of entreaty at this time, is to make the person look to arouse pity, however Xu Yi shot a look at Princess Caroline, look actually slightly motionless, instead the sound transfers coldly.! 卡洛琳郡主秀颜如花,此时脸上挂着哀求的神情,更是让人一看生怜,然而许亦瞥了一眼卡洛琳郡主,神色却丝毫不动,反而声音转冷。! Princess your highness , this matter is your Drake Duchy does not obey my advice with all due respect completely, has only self to blame, now actually comes to pray for rescue from me, doesn't feel somewhat laughably?” “郡主殿下,恕我直言,这件事情完全是你们德拉克公国不听从我的劝告,咎由自取,现在却来向我求救,不觉得有些可笑吗?” Princess Caroline look one gloomy , actually collected the anxious look on face, hangs up the charming smiling face, pulls the arm of Xu Yi unrestrained/no trace of politeness, swung swinging gently. 卡洛琳郡主神色一黯,顿了顿,却敛去了脸上的愁容,重新挂上娇媚的笑容,毫不客气地挽起许亦的胳膊,轻轻摇了摇。 Although this indeed is actually the mistake that we violate, but I know, absolutely President Xu you will not sit by and do nothing not? Otherwise, you definitely do not meet after the wedding see me originally.” “虽然这的确却是我们自己犯下的错,但是我知道,许会长你绝对不会坐视不管的不是吗?不然的话,你肯定不会亲自来见我。” Xu Yi coldly visits her, did not reply, the facial expression does not see any change. 许亦冷冷地看着她,并不回答,神情也不见任何变动。 The motorcade that this Princess Caroline and Drake Duchy send out arrives at Bunta City together, naturally to not give the Drake Duchy motorcade refuels, but has the important matter to with Xu Yi discuss, or was clear about saying that came to seek help from Xu Yi. 这一次卡洛琳郡主德拉克公国派出的车队一起来到邦塔城,当然不是为了给德拉克公国的车队加油的,而是另有要事要和许亦相谈,或者明确点儿说,就是来向许亦求助的。 In King Eric when the throne, Count Samo was worried that King Eric can with Duke Stark, keep the industry of Sever City in view of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, therefore after the Xu Yi contact discussion, gradually shifted Drake Duchy to go some industries. 在艾瑞克国王在王位上时,萨摩伯爵担心艾瑞克国王会和斯塔克公爵,针对新飞商会留在瑟韦尔城的产业,所以在和许亦联络商议后,将这部分产业逐步转移到了德拉克公国去。 Because of the support of Drake Duchy, these industries maintain quite completely, and is takes root to germinate in Drake Duchy, not only self development well, made Drake Duchy obtain a lot of technical data, started itself to invest into to the research and development of Magic machinery industry during. 因为德拉克公国的支持,这些产业保持得相当完整,并且在德拉克公国内已经算是生根发芽,不仅自身发展得不错,也使得德拉克公国从中获得了大量的技术资料,开始自己投入到对魔法机械行业的研发之中。 Naturally, these also obtained connivance of Xu Yi. Otherwise the Magic industry of Drake Duchy self development will not develop like the present well is so so quick. 当然,这些也得到了许亦的默许。不然德拉克公国自己发展的魔法工业绝不会像现在这样发展得这么好这么快。 But perhaps is because develops extremely smoothly. The speed is too fast. Simultaneously because in Lanpali Kingdom the royal power change, fell into some time turmoil, caused Drake Duchy and Xu Yi once lost the contact. 可是或许是因为发展得太过顺利。速度太快。同时又因为兰帕里王国内部王权更替,陷入了一段时间的动乱之中,使得德拉克公国许亦一度失去了联系。 Does not have the concrete technical support that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce gave, Drake Duchy to start to strengthen the Magic machinery related engineering research, poured also made some progress, even also indenpendently developed left several home Magic machineries that were different from Xinfei, and sold and in these home Magic machineries the Drake Duchy neighboring two countries, earned massive benefits. 没有了新飞商会给出的具体技术支持和指导,德拉克公国自行开始加强对魔法机械相关的技术研究,倒也取得了一些进步,甚至还自行研发出了有别于新飞牌的几种家用魔法机械,并且把这些家用魔法机械卖到了和德拉克公国相邻的两个国家中去,从中赚取了大量的利益。 In Xu Yi obtains after the relation between Drake Duchy. Learned this matter, immediately then requests Drake Duchy related is the technical data delivers their independently developed Magic machineries, making Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce study, has a look to have what errors and flaw, was actually rejected by Drake Duchy. 许亦重新取得和德拉克公国之间的联系后。获知了这件事情,当即便要求德拉克公国把他们自行研发的魔法机械相关是技术资料送过来,让新飞商会研究一下,看看有没有什么错漏和缺陷,却被德拉克公国拒绝了。 At that time Xu Yi therefore gave the warning to Drake Duchy, claimed that the research and development of Magic machinery is a systems engineering, without solid foundation indenpendently developed rashly, was extremely easy to have the problem. 当时许亦因此向德拉克公国提出了警告,声称魔法机械的研发是一个系统工程,在没有深厚基础的情况下贸然自行研发,极易出现问题。 But the Drake Duchy aspect actually ignores to the warning of Xu Yi, even also therefore downplayed and relation between Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce on own initiative. 可是德拉克公国方面却对许亦的警告置若罔闻,甚至还因此主动淡化了和新飞商会之间的联系。 Xu Yi naturally does not have the strength interference distance Stantin Duchy to be close to the decision of Drake Duchy 2000 km away, and Drake Duchy aspect is not willing to cooperate. He is not naturally willing to demand, sees the Drake Duchy aspect to reveal a perfidious countenance. Then does not manage simply independently. 许亦自然没有实力去干涉距离斯坦丁公国接近2000公里之外的德拉克公国的决定,并且德拉克公国方面不愿意合作。他自然也不愿意强求,见德拉克公国方面露出一副背信弃义的嘴脸。干脆便放手不管。 Initial time, this also has no issue, last month, the Drake Duchy aspect actually blew out the extremely serious concern. 起初的时候,这倒也没什么问题,可是就在上个月,德拉克公国方面却爆出了极其严重的问题。 Drake Duchy sold to independently developed Magic Powered Fan and Magic Power of refrigerator neighboring two country suddenly presented several accidents continuously, later erupted a large area of breakdown, similarly caused many accidents, therefore caused in that two countries the people sincere discontented and to Drake Duchy did not trust extremely. 德拉克公国出售给相邻两个国家的自行研发的魔力风扇魔力冰箱突然连续出现了几起事故,之后又爆发了大面积的故障,同样引发了多起事故,因此引起了那两个国家内子民们的深切不满和对德拉克公国的极度不信任。 That two countries because of this matter, proposed to Drake Duchy grave protest, so inferior the product to Drake Duchy will sell unexpectedly toward them expresses extremely angrily, requesting the Dellard duchy to continue to compensate immediately, and proposed that solves the problem the plan. 那两个国家因为这件事情,向德拉克公国提出了严正抗议,对德拉克公国居然将如此劣质的产品售往他们表示极为愤怒,要求德拉尔公国立即对此继续赔偿,并提出解决问题的方案。 The compensation said but actually fortunately, was in solution, Drake Duchy actually came across the difficult problem. 赔偿倒还好说,可是在解决方案方面,德拉克公国却遇到了难题。 Because Drake Duchy aspect after careful research, in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce keeps under Drake Duchy the help of technical personnel, discovered that their independently developed Magic Powered Fan and Magic Power refrigerator large surface area will have problems and even causes the accident, completely because of design defects. 因为德拉克公国方面经过仔细研究,并在新飞商会留在德拉克公国的技术人员的帮助下,发现他们自行研发的魔力风扇魔力冰箱之所以会大面积地出现故障乃至引发事故,完全是因为设计缺陷。 But this design defects want to change, means that all production lines and flows will therefore present the change. 而这种设计缺陷想要进行更改,就意味着所有生产线和流程都会因此出现更改。 Drake Duchy does not have this ability, impossible, therefore really changes all production lines and technical processes, because wants to achieve this point, according to the estimate, least must invest 3 million gold coins. 德拉克公国既没有这个能力,也不可能因此真的去更改所有的生产线和工艺流程,因为想要做到这一点,按照估算,最少也要投入三百万金币之多。 In addition compensation to that two country, Drake Duchy, because this matter lowest place may over 5 million gold coins. 再加上对那两个国家的补偿,德拉克公国因为这件事最低之处有可能超过五百万金币之多。 Regarding Drake Duchy of one year of financial revenue altogether also over 1 million gold coins, this without doubt is the heavy loss that is unable to bear. 对于一年财政收入总共也不过超过一百万金币的德拉克公国来说,这无疑是一个根本无法承受的严重损失。 However the corresponding compensation to that two country must, to the change of production line and technical process must continue, otherwise, is equivalent to research and development of Drake Duchy in this aspect to invest is defeated completely, the initial investment complete wipe-out. 然而对那两个国家的相应赔偿必须要给,对生产线和工艺流程的更改也要继续,不然的话,就相当于德拉克公国在这方面的研发投入完全失败,初期投资更是血本无归。 But depends upon Drake Duchy, simply does not have the sufficient strength to achieve this point. 可是依靠德拉克公国自己,却根本没有足够的实力做到这一点。 But, they naturally can only seek help from Xu Yi. 无奈之下,他们自然只能求助于许亦 Xu Yi is very but discontented with the Drake Duchy breaking a promise action, now Drake Duchy encounters the difficulty, turned the head to ask, even sent out Princess Caroline this tempting super beautiful woman, how he possibly easily complied. 可是许亦德拉克公国的背信举动十分不满,现在德拉克公国遇到困难,又转头求了过来,就算是派出了卡洛琳郡主这个极具诱惑力的超级美女,他又怎么可能轻易答应。 Seeing Xu Yi is cold the face, a Princess Caroline eyeball revolution, the dangling head, makes a pitiful appearance slightly, said in a soft voice: I know that you are definitely angry very much, but we have the difficulties. Our Drake Duchy is a small country, if cannot grasp the thing in the hand, share that was bullied by others.” 许亦冷着脸,卡洛琳郡主眼珠一转,微微垂下头,做出一副可怜兮兮的模样,轻声道:“我知道你肯定很生气,但是我们也是有苦衷的。我们德拉克公国是个小国家,如果没能自己掌握一点儿东西在手上的话,就只有被别人欺负的份儿。” Xu Yi stuffy snort/hum: Therefore you can abandon our beforehand agreements completely, in does not know completely meets in my situation to indenpendently develop? Don't forget, I have also therefore warned you specially, is you do not listen. Now came across the issue. How aren't solved?” 许亦闷哼一声:“所以你们就可以完全背弃我们之前的协议,在完全不知会我的情况下自行研发吗?别忘了,我还因此专程警告过你们,是你们自己不听。现在遇到问题了。怎么不自己解决呢?” Others knew wrong.” Princess Caroline exhibits an acting like a spoiled brat appearance. Also held the arm of Xu Yi to shake shaking, showed an extremely charming smiling face, supple sound said: You, if the vitality/angry, we will give you to compensate. For example......, so long as you want, I can use itself to compensate......” “人家知道错了嘛。”卡洛琳郡主摆出一副撒娇的模样。又抓住许亦的胳膊晃了晃,露出一个极其娇媚的笑容,柔声道:“你如果生气的话,我们会给你赔偿的。比如说……只要你愿意,我可以用自己补偿哦……” The Xu Yi right arm shook slightly, got rid of both hands of Princess Caroline, drew back one step, shook the head gently. Sincere say/way: Princess your highness, I thinks that you should be clear, at this matter, your ** does not have any significance. Moreover I also this time uninteresting, therefore do not waste the time.” 许亦右臂微微一震,摆脱了卡洛琳郡主的双手,退开一步,轻轻摇头。正色道:“郡主殿下,我想你应该清楚,在这件事情上,你的**不具备任何意义。而且我也这次毫无兴趣,所以还是不要浪费时间了。” Princess Caroline could not bear stare Xu Yi one, thought oneself inborn outstandingly beautiful, not only in Drake Duchy absolutely was the first beautiful woman, even experienced so many people outside, still only then Xu Yi present wife Stille can place on a par in the appearance, other person many somewhat was inferior. Regardless of why how use the method, Xu Yi actually not by any seduction? 卡洛琳郡主忍不住瞪了许亦一眼,心想自己天生绝色,不仅在德拉克公国内绝对是第一美女,就算在外见识了这么多人,也只有许亦现在的夫人斯蒂尔在容貌上能够和自己相提并论,其他人都多少有些逊色。为什么无论自己怎么使用手段,许亦却都总是不受任何诱惑呢? If his interest is special. Not good beautiful woman, how also to marry Stille such wife? 如果说他兴趣特别。不好美女,又怎么会娶斯蒂尔这样的妻子? Even his several female slaves are each one attractive exceptionally, obviously he generally are not right to the beautiful woman generally resisting force with the ordinary man. 甚至连他的几名女奴隶都是个个漂亮异常,显然他也和普通男人一般对美女没有太大抵抗力才对。 Xu Yi does not know that the idea in Princess Caroline this moment heart has fluttered the side matter to come up completely, sees her to be somewhat in a daze, sighs , to continue said: You said a moment ago right, if not willing to solve the problem for you, I will not see you.” 许亦并不知道卡洛琳郡主此刻心中的想法已经飘到了完全不着边的事情上去,见她有些发愣,叹了口气,续道:“不过你刚才说得对,如果不是愿意替你们解决问题的话,我也不会来见你了。” Hears these words, Princess Caroline facial expression, in a big eye that the circle stares full is happy intent. 听到这句话,卡洛琳郡主神情一阵,圆瞪的一双大眼睛中满是喜意。 Really? Real? President Xu, are you willing to helping us?” “真的?真的吗?许会长,你愿意对帮助我们?” Yes.” Xu Yi nods slowly. „Regardless how your Drake Duchy regards our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, how to regard me, but in my mind, Drake Duchy is still an important cooperative partner, so long as you later are willing to cooperate with us truly, then the beforehand matter, I can, when it has not happened.” “是的。”许亦缓缓点头。“无论你们德拉克公国怎么看待我们新飞商会,怎么看待我,但是在我心目中,德拉克公国依然是一个重要的合作伙伴,只要你们以后愿意和我们真正进行合作,那么之前的事情,我可以当它没发生过。” Seeing the Xu Yi look is serious, Princess Caroline immediately in heart great happiness. 许亦神色郑重,卡洛琳郡主顿时心中大喜。 Related to the huge amounts of 5 million gold coins, has pressed like a mountain generally in the Drake Duchy high-level each individual heart, has pressed Princess Caroline recently is anxious look over the face. 足足涉及到五百万金币的庞大金额,一直像一座大山一般压在德拉克公国高层的每个人心中,也一直压得卡洛琳郡主最近一段时间都是愁容满面。 As we all know, if Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is willing to lend a hand to help, certainly can solve this difficult problem with ease, the matter that because Drake Duchy handled before, the Drake Duchy aspect no one has any assurance, thought that Xu Yi will comply to assist. 所有人都知道,新飞商会如果肯出手帮助的话,一定可以轻松解决这个难题,但是因为之前德拉克公国所做的事情,德拉克公国方面却没有人有任何把握,觉得许亦会答应协助。 Princess Caroline this time seeks an interview Xu Yi while the opportunity of Bunta City beltway cycling race, and obtained the agreement of Xu Yi, this was in the heart ignited a ray of hope. 卡洛琳郡主这次趁着邦塔城环城公路自行车赛的机会求见许亦,并得到了许亦的同意,这才算是心中燃起了一丝希望。 Only then present, when Xu Yi complies to assist personally, Princess Caroline then put down pressed the mountain in heart, the smiling face on face became for the first time brightly is truly bright. 然而只有现在等到许亦亲口答应协助,卡洛琳郡主这才放下了压在心中的这座大山,脸上的笑容第一次变得真正明亮灿烂起来。 Looks at the smiling face on Princess Caroline face, Xu Yi shakes the head gently, in the heart sighed. 看着卡洛琳郡主脸上的笑容,许亦轻轻摇了摇头,心中微叹。 If from the personal feeling perspective, Drake Duchy abandons the agreement, making him quite discontented, he is not willing to extend the aid to Drake Duchy. 如果从个人感情角度来看,德拉克公国背弃协议,让他极为不满,他是非常不愿意对德拉克公国伸出援手的。 However from the overall perspective, Drake Duchy by the Magic industry influence, in the plan of Xu Yi, is the important together domain of foundation complete Magic industrial system now deeply, does not allow easily to lose absolutely. 但是从整体角度来看,德拉克公国现在已经深受魔法工业影响,在许亦的规划中,属于创建完整魔法工业体系的重要一块版图,绝对不容轻易丢失。 Even if Drake Duchy has not appeared at this matter, he will still find the way to recapture to this domain influence, making him defer to own plan smooth development. 就算德拉克公国没出现在这种事情,他也会想办法重新夺回对这块版图的影响力,使其按照自己的规划顺利发展。 Now Drake Duchy has this type to even to injure to the national strength important matter seriously, in turn hopes that he makes a move to assist, is placed in front of him on the contrary an excellent opportunity. 现在德拉克公国出了这种严重到甚至能够伤害到国力的大事,反过来希望他出手协助,反倒是摆在他面前的一个极好机会。 Just started in the stance in front of Princess Caroline making, but was acts in a play. 刚开始在卡洛琳郡主面前摆出来的姿态,只不过是做戏而已。 Moreover his performing skill is really not much, if trades to make Kennard, comparing will develop is more lifelike than much him at this time. 而且他的演技实在不怎么样,如果换做肯纳德的话,相比会在这个时候演得比他逼真得多。 But if trades to make Kennard, only feared that will not talk with Princess Caroline such directly. 但如果换做肯纳德的话,只怕也不会和卡洛琳郡主交谈得这么直接。 In the mind these thoughts flash past, Xu Yi nods to Princess Caroline , to continue said: Helps you not have the issue, but princess your highness, I am not the selfless help, accordingly, must set some requests.” 脑海中这些念头一闪而过,许亦卡洛琳郡主点点头,续道:“帮助你们没问题,但是郡主殿下,我也不是无私帮助,相应的,必须要提出一些要求。” This naturally is not out of the anticipation of Princess Caroline, she nods, said with a smile tenderly: This naturally does not have the issue. So long as President Xu you are willing to lend a hand to assist, regardless of you put forward what condition, we can discuss. Moreover in these conditions, including me......” 这自然不出卡洛琳郡主的意料,她点点头,娇笑道:“这当然没问题。只要许会长你肯出手相助,无论你提出什么条件,我们都可以商议。而且这些条件中,也包括我哦……” Stares at Princess Caroline to be full of the charming eyes and smiling faces, Xu Yi still both eyes pure brightness, sincere say/way: Princess your highness, this time matter, related to 5 million gold coins. But I believe that in this world no woman ** can the value 5 million gold coins.” 盯着卡洛琳郡主充满娇媚的双眼和笑容,许亦依然双目清明,正色道:“郡主殿下,这次的事情,涉及到五百万金币。而我相信,这个世界上没有哪个女人的**能够价值五百万金币之多的。” The Princess Caroline complexion immediately changes. 卡洛琳郡主脸色顿时一变。 Xu Yi this saying, clearly treats as to betray itself her ** woman. 许亦这话,分明是把她当做出卖自己**的女人。 However changes mind thinks, words that she said a moment ago, with betraying oneself ** what also has to distinguish? 然而转念一想,她刚才说出的话,和出卖自己**又有什么区别? Thinks through this point, the Princess Caroline complexion fluctuates immediately, in the heart only feels the humiliation, anger and helplessness, there is a deep sadness. 想通这一点,卡洛琳郡主脸色顿时变幻起来,心中只觉得屈辱、愤怒、无奈,也有深深的悲伤。 Xu Yi calmly looked at her a while, suddenly grasps her hand, the sound was gentler. 许亦静静地看了她一会儿,忽然又抓起她的手,声音轻柔了许多。 At the same time, I also believe, in this world, without the mind of that woman solely depends upon 5 million gold coins to buy.” “与此同时,我同样相信,在这个世界上,没有那个女人的心灵是单单依靠五百万金币就能买到的。” Princess Caroline is startled slightly, looks up first Xu Yi limpid incomparable look, the sincere incomparable facial features, only thought that an unusual mood well ups, unexpectedly was suddenly crazy.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 卡洛琳郡主微微一怔,抬头看先许亦清澈无比的眼神,诚挚无比的面容,只觉得一股异样的情绪涌上心头,一时间竟是痴了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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