MIE :: Volume #4

#142: Amul hotel

Reason that will choose other sets up a specialized sports event, is actually Xu Yi wants on copy Earth these competitions, builds a specialty, is bicycle athletics high-end specially, and on these famous competitions like Earth, comes through this sports event for the cycle racing and bicycle makes the promotion, making the people on Sainz Continent be able to accept existence of bicycle. * 之所以会选择另外开办一个专业赛事,其实是许亦想要仿造地球上那些赛事,打造出一个专业的,专属于自行车竞技的高端赛事,并像地球上那些著名赛事一样,通过这个赛事来为自行车运动和自行车本身做推广和宣传,让赛恩斯大陆上的人们能够更加接受自行车的存在。* The Bunta City beltway cycling race has been the focus of attention freely, because is only the populace sports event that all the people attend, does not have the specialization, no high-end representative significance in the general public mind, therefore the advertisement propaganda effect is not in fact good. 邦塔城环城公路自行车赛尽管已经备受关注,但因为只是一个全民参加的大众赛事,并不具备专业性,在普通民众心目中也没有什么高端代表意义,所以实际上广告宣传效果并不好。 If can successfully hold the sports event of Xu Yi proposition and stokes up the fame, the propaganda effect that has was much bigger. 而如果能够把许亦提议的这个赛事成功举办并打响名气,那所产生的宣传效果就要大得多了。 In addition, Xu Yi also hopes that helps these chambers of commerce train the name effect through this sports event. 除此之外,许亦也希望通过这个赛事帮助这几家商会培养出品牌效应来。 Thinks to look, can invites to enter this by the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce approval specialized and highest-end bicycle sports event common athletics, did not prove the bicycle quality of this brand did obtain the affirmation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce? 想想看,能够被新飞商会认可并邀请进入这个最专业、最高端的自行车赛事共同竞技,不就证明了这个品牌的自行车品质得到了新飞商会的肯定吗? If pays attention to the bicycle, pays attention to the Xinfei bicycle through this sports event, will naturally also notice several other chambers of commerce the bicycles of corresponding brand. 而如果关注自行车的话,通过这个赛事关注新飞牌自行车,自然也会注意到其它几家商会的相应品牌的自行车。 With Earth on these are always worried the company business who presents the competitor is different, now Xu Yi is worried is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce does not have the competitor on the contrary. 和地球上那些总是担心出现竞争对手的公司商家不同,许亦现在担心的反倒是新飞商会没有竞争对手。 To complete the dream of establishment entire industrial system on Sainz Continent, depends upon him alone, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this chamber of commerce is the impossible matter, only then allows more people, more chambers of commerce to participate, may realize this dream. 想要在赛恩斯大陆上完成创立完整工业体系的梦想,单独依靠他一个人,新飞商会这一家商会是不可能的事情,只有让更多人、更多商会参与进来,才有可能实现这个梦想。 Peer who therefore Xu Yi always pays attention to train this industry. Helps them enter the Magic industry. And helps them stand firm in this industry. 所以许亦一直以来都十分注意培养这个产业的同行。帮助他们进入魔法工业产业。并帮助他们在这个产业中站稳脚跟。 The chamber of commerce that Bunta City these make the bicycle in pools capital to produce in more than one year time of bicycle to perform well with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. Obtained the approval of Xu Yi, therefore he is willing to hold this sports event to help them establish the brand image on own initiative. 邦塔城的这几家生产自行车的商会在和新飞商会合资生产自行车的这一年多时间内表现不错。得到了许亦的认可,所以他愿意主动来举办这个赛事帮助他们确立品牌形象。 Xu Yi these chamber of commerce President of idea in the heart after come out honestly, obtained the vigorous commendations of several President, expressed willingness full power to support the proposition of Xu Yi. 许亦将自己心中的想法向这几位商会会长坦诚出来后,得到了几位会长的大力称赞,纷纷表示愿意全力支持许亦的提议。 The one side is naturally glad to see agreement of this matter as Liewehr City Lord of intermediate, because this will help these chambers of commerce rapidly grow. 一旁算是作为中间人的里威尔城主自然乐于见到这件事的达成,因为这样会帮助这几家商会迅速成长起来。 So long as after these chambers of commerce, can stand firm, then may very much becomes in the bicycle industry can with the big chamber of commerce that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is on par with, to Bunta City has a great influence. 只要这几家商会以后能够站稳脚跟,那么很有可能在自行车行业成为能够和新飞商会比肩的大商会,对邦塔城的影响极大。 Is working as Xu Yi and several President surface, the Liewehr City Lord solemn promise. Certainly will fully support conducting of this sports event, and this chamber of commerce provides the convenience that all can provide in the cooperation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and. 当着许亦和几位会长的面,里威尔城主郑重承诺。一定会全力支持这项赛事的举办,并在新飞商会和这家商会的合作中提供所有能够提供的便利条件。 This discussion successfully ended in everyone's jubilance. 这次会谈在所有人的喜气洋洋中圆满结束。 After several President leave, Liewehr City Lord asked to Xu Yi: President Xu, since you can propose this partnership model in the bicycle industry, then other industries...... you also do have the method to help them develop as soon as possible?” 几位会长离开后,里威尔城主许亦问道:“许会长,既然在自行车行业你能够提出这种合作模式,那么其它行业……你是不是也有方法能够帮助他们尽快发展起来呢?” Liewehr City Lord can be sent Bunta City to hold the post of City Lord by Sewinnie, naturally can be the Sewinnie trusted aide, before has heard appraisal of many times from the Sewinnie mouth to Xu Yi, knows that Xu Yi and ordinary business man are different, not just pays great attention to itself to earn the benefit, but cares about growing strong of entire Magic industry. 里威尔城主能够被瑟维尼派到邦塔城来担任城主,自然可以算是瑟维尼的心腹,之前从瑟维尼口中听到过很多次对许亦的评价,知道许亦和一般商人不同,并不是只注重自己赚取利益,而是更在意整个魔法工业行业的发展壮大。 Therefore now sees that Xu Yi wants to help produce these chambers of commerce of bicycle to grow strong. Then cannot bear want to help in Bunta City the related chambers of commerce of other Magic industries also gain the benefit. 于是现在看到许亦想要帮助生产自行车的这几家商会发展壮大起来。便忍不住想要帮邦塔城内其它魔法工业行业的相关商会也争取一下利益。 Xu Yi shows a faint smile, beckons with the hand: Count Sir. This cannot eagerly for a while. The my first choice bicycle industry cooperates thoroughly , because the bicycle actually earnest cannot be the Magic machinery, entering the threshold is low, masters the production process the difficulty is also low. The bicycle quality that now Bunta City these chambers of commerce produce has certain level, this can with our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce put together conducts athletics, upfront comparison. As for other industries......” 许亦微微一笑,摆了摆手:“伯爵大人。这个不能急于一时。我之所以第一步选择自行车这个行业深入合作,是因为自行车其实认真来说并不能算是魔法机械,进入门槛较低,掌握制作工艺的难度也较低。现在邦塔城这几家商会生产的自行车质量已经具备了一定水准,这才能够和我们新飞商会放在一起进行竞技,正面比较。至于其它行业嘛……” Xu Yi has not said, Liewehr City Lord actually understood the meaning of Xu Yi instantaneously. 许亦并没有说下去,里威尔城主却瞬间明白了许亦的意思。 Very simple, besides the bicycle, the Magic machinery that other Magic machinery related chambers of commerce make, cannot enter the Xu Yi discernment, including does not have with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production the qualifications of Magic machinery competition. 很简单,除了自行车之外,其它魔法机械相关的商会所生产的魔法机械,根本就入不了许亦的法眼,连和新飞商会生产的魔法机械竞争的资格都没有。 If now these Magic machinery and Xinfei Magic machinery puts together competes directly, only then resulted in the dregs not to remain by the steamroll. 如果现在把这些魔法机械和新飞牌魔法机械放在一起正面竞争,那只有被碾压得渣都不剩。 This not only could not help them, harmed them on the contrary. 这样不仅帮不了他们,反倒是害了他们。 Thinks of here, in Liewehr City Lord heart sighs with emotion. 想到这里,里威尔城主心中感慨。 Xu Yi indeed wholeheartedly is the other chambers of commerce of Magic industry considers, otherwise, by the absolute leading position that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is in now, as well as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has overcome the reputation, other chamber of commerce absolutely least bit opportunities do not even have. 许亦的确是真心实意地在为魔法工业行业的其它商会着想,不然的话,以新飞商会现在占据的绝对领先地位,以及新飞商会早就打下了口碑,其它商会根本连半点儿机会都没有。 Will praise Xu Yi several when again, a Xu Yi sudden thread of conversation revolution, asked: „Did the motorcade that Count Sir, Drake Duchy sends out also arrive?” 正要再赞扬许亦几句时,许亦却突然话锋一转,问道:“伯爵大人,德拉克公国派出的车队也到了吗?” Liewehr City Lord was startled being startled, thinks, nods: Yes, Drake Duchy only sent out a motorcade, the used name is a chamber of commerce in representative Drake Duchy, three days ago had arrived, now newly-opened that Amul hotel outside the city is staying.” 里威尔城主怔了怔,想了一下,点点头:“是的,德拉克公国只派出了一支车队,用的名义是代表德拉克公国内的一家商会,三天前就已经到了,现在正在城外新开的那家阿姆利大酒店住宿。” Amul hotel?” Xu Yi whispered in a low voice, suddenly smiles, then said goodbye to Liewehr City Lord: Some of my also things need to process, Count Sir, the competition will start tomorrow, I will rush on time.” 阿姆利大酒店?”许亦低声嘀咕一句,忽然笑了笑,然后向里威尔城主告辞:“我还有些事情需要处理,伯爵大人,明天大赛开始的时候,我会按时赶到。” Liewehr City Lord wants to keep Xu Yi to have the lunch in the City Lord mansion, but sees the look on Xu Yi face, knows that he has other arrangements, are not many does to detain. 里威尔城主本想留许亦城主府共进午餐,但看到许亦脸上的神色,知道他另有安排,也就不多做挽留。 Although asked in the motorcade heart of Drake Duchy to have doubts to Xu Yi suddenly, but still looked the smiling face, with the Xu Yi farewell. 虽然对许亦突然问起德拉克公国的车队心中疑惑,但依然面露笑容,和许亦告别。 After leaving the City Lord mansion, Xu Yi is driving the Magic Power sedan, is carrying Frye, Janice, Liz and Linda again directly soars the Bunta City west Xincheng District part. 离开城主府后,许亦驾驶着魔力轿车,再次载着弗莱娅亚妮丝、丽丝和琳达直奔邦塔城西面的新城区部分。 After Sewinnie mounts the throne, because of the tremendous cooperation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the Bunta City Xincheng District that before stagnated develops again high-speed. 瑟维尼登上王位后,因为和新飞商会的大力合作,之前停滞下来的邦塔城新城区再一次高速发展起来。 By the present, the area of Bunta City Xincheng District enough is ten times of Bunta City old city also many. 到了现在,邦塔城新城区的面积已经足足是邦塔城旧城的十倍还多。 Not only in the industrial district set up many chambers of commerce is close to more than hundred various type factories, the quarters also become extremely lively. Various types of stores stand in great numbers everywhere. On the street is much visited house. As far as eyes can reach is a lively scene. 不仅工业区内树立了多家商会的接近百余家各式工厂,生活区也变得极为繁华。各种商铺林立满目。街上更是人头涌涌。一眼望去就是一片繁华景象。 But in the quarters of Xincheng District, most noticeable, is one rises straight from the ground, has more than 20 meters high seven buildings. 而在新城区的生活区内,最为引人注目的,就是一栋拔地而起,足足有二十多米高的七层大楼。 Except that outside this building, the Xincheng District other highest construction is also more than ten meters, therefore looks from the distant place, this building is similar to like a crane among chickens general, appears focuses attention on especially. 除开这栋大楼之外,新城区其它最高的建筑也不过就是十余米,所以从远处看去,这栋大楼就如同鹤立鸡群一般,显得格外瞩目。 This building. Last month is the Amul hotel that was just completed to construct. 这栋大楼。就是上个月才刚刚落成兴建的阿姆利大酒店。 Reason that called this name, naturally was because this building was Amul Chamber of Commerce constructs. 之所以叫这个名字,当然是因为这栋大楼就是阿姆利商会兴建的。 The construction success of this building, represented Amul Chamber of Commerce in the major breakthrough of construction industry. 这栋大楼的兴建成功,代表了阿姆利商会在建筑行业的一次重大突破。 Because before this building, on entire Sainz Continent, although also has the dozens-meter supertall, for example the imperial palace apex of Candela empire from ground enough more than 50 meters. 因为在这栋大楼之前,整个赛恩斯大陆上虽然也有高达几十米的超高建筑,比如坎德拉帝国的皇宫尖顶就距离地面足足五十余米。 However these high-rise constructions build, the human physical resource that consumes with the giant stone forcefully are quite fearful, is not the average person can complete by far. 但是这些高层建筑都是用巨大的石块硬生生垒起来的,所消耗的人类物力都极为可怕,远远不是普通人能够完成。 But the Amul hotel more than 20 meters in height that Amul Chamber of Commerce constructs, the floor area exceeds 1000 square meters, the total investment is only 260,000 gold coins merely. 阿姆利商会兴建的这栋阿姆利大酒店高20余米,底层占地面积超过一千平米,总投资却仅仅只有二十六万金币而已。 Although this number is still quite considerable regarding the average person, but is actually not unattainable. 虽然这个数字对于普通人来说依然极为可观,但却并不是那么遥不可及。 What is more important is. This hotel constructs, the average person can also enter at any time. Moves in also well, the visit is also good, completely at will. 更重要的是。这栋大酒店兴建起来,普通人也可以随时进入。入住也好,参观也好,完全随意。 But similar Candela imperial palace apex kind of place, how the average person possibly can go. 而类似坎德拉帝国皇宫尖顶这类地方,普通人又怎么可能进得去。 Therefore the Amul hotel was just completed and put into use, then sold out creates disaster immediately, top level of the hotel in the construction viewing balcony, was was almost filled with the person specially at any time. 所以阿姆利大酒店刚一建成投入使用,便立即客满为患,酒店顶层专门修建的观景阳台上,更是几乎任何时候都挤满了人。 Everyone hopes that can stand in the high place, watches the following scenery exhaltedly. 所有人都希望能够站在高处,居高临下地观赏下面的风景。 Before this was only the patents of Magician and certain privilege characters, but now, anybody can stand in such high place. 以前这只属于魔法师和某些特权人物的专利,而现在,任何人都可以站在这么高的地方了。 Xu Yi saw Princess Caroline in a Amul Chamber of Commerce luxurious room. 许亦阿姆利商会顶层的一个豪华房间里见到了卡洛琳郡主 Sees her time, Princess Caroline is standing by the landing big window of room, looks at the scenery of out of the window, an appearance looking pensive. 见到她的时候,卡洛琳郡主正站在房间的落地大窗旁边,看着窗外的风景,一副若有所思的模样。 Hears to push the gate sound, Princess Caroline has not turned head, arrives at her side until Xu Yi, stands with her when the window abreast in row, looked at a while following scenery, she exudes one to sigh: President Xu, stands here, I understand finally why many people long for controlling the power extremely. Because is overlooking everyone in the high place, regards the ants to regard everyone generally, is very easy to make the life have the feeling of satisfaction.” 听到推门的声音,卡洛琳郡主并没有回头,直到许亦走到她的身边,和她并排站在窗前,看了一会儿下面的风景时,她才发出一声叹息道:“许会长,站在这里,我才终于明白,为什么有很多人都极度渴望掌控权力。因为在高处俯视着所有人,把所有人都当成蝼蚁一般看待,真的是很容易让人生出满足感。” Xu Yi shot a look outside an eye piece under the bustling crowd, thought that this is just seven floors, if made you get up on Earth the buildings of these hundred story-high, saw that the following crowd almost could not see the sunspot, to be sigh with emotion? 许亦瞥了一眼窗外下面熙熙攘攘的人群,心想这只不过是七层楼而已,要是让你上了地球上那些百层高的大楼,看到下面的人群连黑点都几乎看不到,岂不是更为感慨? Do not look at Princess Caroline one excessively, discovered that about two years later does not see, Princess Caroline now even more seems bright-colored, and before compares, now the whole person also has mature flavor, compares among the beforehand features also shy, was actually tempting. 别过头看了卡洛琳郡主一眼,发现时隔近两年不见,卡洛琳郡主现在越发显得明艳,并且和之前相比,现在整个人还多出了一股成熟的韵味,相比之前眉目间还略带一丝青涩,却是更加具有诱惑力了。 Feels the Xu Yi vision, Princess Caroline turns the head, shows a bright smiling face to Xu Yi. 感受到许亦的目光,卡洛琳郡主转过头来,向许亦露出一个灿烂的笑容。 This smiles, immediately probably the fresh flower is in full bloom the common, tender and beautiful not local products. 这一笑,立即像是鲜花盛开一般,娇艳不可方物。 Xu Yi cannot bear also smiles: Princess your highness, does not see two years later, you unexpectedly were more and more attractive, was the old friend, I was pleased.” 许亦忍不住也笑了笑:“郡主殿下,时隔两年不见,你竟是越来越漂亮了,身为老朋友,我感到十分欣慰。” Is only very gratified?” The Princess Caroline smiling face hangs up a smart-alecky meaning. Hasn't felt ten to divert attention?” “只是十分欣慰吗?”卡洛琳郡主的笑容挂上一丝俏皮之意。“没有觉得十分心动?” Xu Yi laughs: Regarding the heart movement of princess your highness, whether I never has the submission.” At once actually restraining smiling face, sincere say/way: Princess your highness, does not discuss the heart movement not excited this issue now time?” 许亦哈哈大笑:“对于郡主殿下的心动,我可从来没有否认过。”旋即却收敛笑容,正色道:“不过郡主殿下,现在并不是讨论心动不心动这个问题的时候吧?” Princess Caroline collects the smiling face rapidly, sighed one lightly, nods: Yes, President Xu, my time sees you secretly, comes to pray for rescue from you. If you are not willing to extend the aid, perhaps our Drake Duchy must fall into the hopeless situation.”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 卡洛琳郡主迅速敛去笑容,轻叹一声,点了点头:“是的,许会长,我这次偷偷来见你,是来向你求救的。如果你不肯伸出援手,我们德拉克公国恐怕就要陷入绝境了。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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