MIE :: Volume #4

#141: Highest-end competition

Next morning, Xu Yi is then holding longing Frye, with Liz, Linda who accompanying her come, in addition Janice says goodbye to the Ailucia elder together.? 第二天一早,许亦便抱着依依不舍的弗莱娅,和陪伴她一起来的丽丝、琳达两人,再加上亚妮丝一起向艾露希亚长老告辞。? A four people of elf sat Xu Yi to stop outside Magic Power sedan, only used for two hours then to drive into long-separated for a long time Bunta City, and drove to enter the City Lord mansion. 四人一精灵坐上了许亦停在外面的魔力轿车,只用了两个小时便驶入了阔别已久的邦塔城,并驱车直入城主府。 Since Sewinnie coronates after the queen, Bunta City traded new City Lord. 自从瑟维尼加冕为女王陛下之后,邦塔城就又换了一个新的城主 In current City Lord Count Will is Sewinnie firmly is supporting, this year 40 years old, can be in the Lanpali Kingdom Count is young and promising. 现任城主威尔伯爵瑟维尼的坚定支持着,今年不过四十来岁,在兰帕里王国的伯爵中算得上非常年轻有为。 Sewinnie sends him to hold the post of Bunta City new City Lord, manifested Sewinnie to Bunta City attaches great importance to especially. 瑟维尼派他来担任邦塔城新任城主,体现了瑟维尼邦塔城的格外重视。 But since Count Will has become Bunta City City Lord in this year the time, is complying with the meaning of Queen Sewinnie diligently, is the Magic industry of Bunta City promotes has been doing diligently. 而里威尔伯爵成为邦塔城城主这一年时间以来,努力遵从着瑟维尼女王陛下的意思,为邦塔城魔法工业行业重新振兴一直在做努力。 With the great support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, present Bunta City, although because of many chambers of commerce, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce removed most base industry particularly, causing the prosperity less initially, but is relying on and comprehensive cooperation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, in the city had restored overwhelming majority prosperous scenes. 新飞商会的大力支持下,现在的邦塔城虽然因为很多商会,尤其是新飞商会把大部分基业撤了出去,导致繁荣程度不及当初,但是凭借着和新飞商会的全面合作,城内已经恢复了绝大部分繁荣景象。 Enters the Bunta City range, can see the propaganda slogans and signs of various Magic machineries everywhere. 进入邦塔城的范围,随处都能看到各类魔法机械的宣传标语和标志。 However if the attention looks, will discover that in the symbols of these Magic machineries, has the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce trace. 不过如果注意看的话,就会发现这些魔法机械的标志上,都带有新飞商会的痕迹。 Because Bunta City currently produces the chamber of commerce of Magic machinery mostly, appears through the joint capital of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom. 因为邦塔城目前大部分生产魔法机械的商会,都是通过新飞商会兰帕里王国的合资才出现的。 Strict, these chambers of commerce have not sold a Magic machinery, the new flying merchant will therefore make a profit. 严格来说,这些商会没卖出一台魔法机械,新飞商户都会因此获利。 Nevertheless and was inferior that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sells Xinfei Magic machinery to make money alone. However is relying on these joint capital chambers of commerce. And in Lanpali Kingdom mature and huge market. Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this year in the past nine months, still had yielded the huge incomes of over 5 million gold coins from Lanpali Kingdom. 尽管这样并不如新飞商会单独售卖新飞牌魔法机械赚钱。但是凭借着这些合资商会。以及兰帕里王国内成熟而庞大的市场。新飞商会在今年已经过去的九个多月内,依然从兰帕里王国内获得了超过五百万金币的庞大收益。 However this time, Xu Yi arrives at Bunta City is actually not comes for the things of these joint capital chambers of commerce, but looks like in many people for one is not very important, completely not the minor matter that needs his Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Sir President to go into action personally. 然而这一次,许亦来到邦塔城却并不是为了这些合资商会的事情而来,而是为了一件在很多人看来并不是特别重要,完全不需要他这位新飞商会会长大人亲自出马的小事。 Because of ahead of time instruction of some li (0.5 km) Count Will, the Magic Power sedan of Xu Yi driving entered the City Lord mansion without any hindrances, and quick Xu Yi then saw in Count Will oneself. 因为有里威尔伯爵的提前吩咐,许亦驾驶的魔力轿车毫无阻碍地进入了城主府,并且很快许亦便见到了里威尔伯爵本人。 Sees Xu Yi, in Count Will showed the warm smiling face immediately. 一见到许亦,里威尔伯爵立即露出了热情的笑容。 President Xu. Two years later, you returned to Bunta City finally again, I represent Bunta City all people, extended most sincere welcome for you.” 许会长。时隔两年之久,你终于再次回到了邦塔城,我代表邦塔城所有子民,对你表示最真诚的欢迎。” Xu Yi laughs, shakes hand in Count Will, said: Count Sir, you spoke discreetly. Bunta City in my mind is my second hometown, where need anything special welcome I return to here to come.” 许亦哈哈一笑,和里威尔伯爵握了握手,道:“伯爵大人,您言重了。邦塔城在我的心目中一直是我的第二故乡,我回到这里来哪里需要什么特别的欢迎。” Good, hoping President Xu can remember, Bunta City is your second hometown. Also hopes after President Xu, can return to this hometown much.” In Count Will fills says with a smile sincerely: Present Bunta City is in the most crucial high-speed period of development, may probably have President Xu your great support.” “好,希望许会长能够一直记住,邦塔城就是你的第二故乡。也希望许会长以后能够多多回到这个故乡来。”里威尔伯爵充满真诚地笑道:“现在的邦塔城正处于最关键的高速发展时期,可少不了许会长你的大力支持。” The Xu Yi smile shakes the head: Observed situation from my road. Bunta City is very stable high-speed development condition now, even without me, I believes that Bunta City can still certainly become in Lanpali Kingdom one of the topest cities.” 许亦微笑摇头:“从我路上观察到的情况来看。邦塔城现在可是出于非常稳定高速的发展状态,就算没有我,我相信邦塔城也一定能够成为兰帕里王国内最为顶尖的城市之一。” Two people several pleasantries said that was in the material object talking stage quickly. 两人几句客套话讲完,很快便进入了实物讨论阶段。 Xu Yi this time returns to Bunta City, the main purpose is to participate in Bunta City one year twice, besides the fall of last year, the Spring and Autumn Period season around the city bicycle competition that every year held. 许亦这次回到邦塔城,主要目的就是来参加邦塔城一年两度,除了去年秋季之外,每年都举办的春秋季环城自行车大赛。 Although this around the city bicycle competition until now only conducted six, but the scale is one by one bigger, by this year, is only the first half of the year spring changes into the bicycle competition the time, the participant reached as high as more than 50,000 people. 这个环城自行车大赛迄今为止虽然只举办了六届,但是一届比一届规模更大,到了今年,光是上半年春季换成自行车大赛的时候,参赛者就高达了五万余人。 But the around the city bicycle competition of the fall of this year besides the participants in Bunta City as well as beside peripheral several city, the people in many other Lanpali Kingdom cities also catches up to register far away. 而今年秋季的环城自行车大赛则除了邦塔城以及周边几座城市的参赛者之外,还有很多兰帕里王国其它城市的人也大老远赶来报名参赛。 Even except Lanpali Kingdom beside, Drake Duchy, Milano Duchy as well as some Rudson Kingdom also many registrations. 甚至除开兰帕里王国之外,德拉克公国米兰多公国以及鲁尔逊王国也有不少人报名参赛。 Therefore , this Bunta City beltway cycling race could be an international competition, not only in Lanpali Kingdom has a great influence, even also to have the enormous influence in the surrounding countries. 所以说,这一届邦塔城环城公路自行车赛已经可以算是一个国际赛事,不仅在兰帕里王国内影响很大,甚至在周边国家里也有极大的影响力。 With the former years competition more different is, starts from this beltway cycling race, starts to accept the collective registrations of some motorcades. 与往届大赛更加不同的则是,从本届环城公路自行车赛开始,开始接受一些车队的集体报名参赛。 Because of this stipulation, in this road cycling race, then had by the player who the motorcade registers. 因为这个规定,这一届公路自行车赛中,便有了很多以车队报名参赛的选手。 In these motorcades, besides the motorcades of few spontaneous organization, other most motorcades is some chamber of commerce invests to complete either, either is some big aristocrat investment forms. 这些车队中,除了少量自发组织的车队之外,其余大部分车队要么是某家商会投资建成,要么就是某名大贵族出资组建。 In these motorcades, the motorcade attracted everyone's attention, because the name of this motorcade is called the new speeding car team. 在这些车队里面,有一只车队吸引了所有人的注意力,因为这支车队的名字就叫做新飞车队。 This new speeding car team, is certainly formed by the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce investment. 这支新飞车队,当然就是由新飞商会投资组建而成。 Bicycle type of thing, was researched and developed by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 自行车这种东西,原本就是由新飞商会研发出来。 Although many family/home chambers of commerce are obtaining the related technology transfer of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce now, starts to produce the brand the bicycle, but everyone believes firmly, in the bicycle manufacture, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will be higher than other chambers of commerce to plan absolutely. 尽管现在有很多家商会在得到新飞商会的相关技术转让好,开始生产自己品牌的自行车,但是所有人都确信,在自行车制造上,新飞商会绝对会高出其它商会一筹。 Therefore most people when purchase the bicycle, will first choose the Xinfei bicycle. 所以绝大多数人在购买自行车的时候,都会优先选择新飞牌自行车。 The present Xinfei bicycle occupied the bicycle battlefield to exceed 80% terrifying shares, but this was Xu Yi but intentionally for digit. 现在的新飞牌自行车占据了自行车战场超过80%的恐怖份额,而这还是许亦故意而为的数字。 If he really wants, even can promote this proportion to 90% and even higher. 如果他真的愿意的话,甚至可以把这个比例提升到90%甚至更高。 The new speeding car team attended the road cycling race, in most people opinion, the champion only possibly falls into the hand of new speeding car team. 新飞车队参加公路自行车赛,在绝大多数人看来,冠军只可能落入新飞车队之手。 However Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce immediately also announced on 《National Tower Daily》 a new decision, that to avoid the competition bonus that puts out by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce falls into the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce hand again, therefore the competition result of new speeding car team will not integrate to the position. 不过新飞商会随即却又在《邦塔日报》上宣布了一条新的决定,那就是为了避免由新飞商会拿出的大赛奖金再落入新飞商会自己手中,所以新飞车队的比赛成绩将不会纳入到名次之中。 However Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also stated simultaneously, to promote the healthy and orderly development of Bike Tour Race, the road cycling race starts from the fall of next year. The new speeding car team will integrate during the competition officially. If the new speeding car team wins the competition championship. The bonus same will provide truthfully. 但是新飞商会同时还声明,为了促进公路自行车比赛的健康有序发展,从明年秋季公路自行车赛开始。新飞车队就会正式纳入比赛竞争之中。假如新飞车队获得比赛冠军。奖金一样会如实发放。 In this through the statement of 《National Tower Daily》 issue, rephrased in own words Xu Yi to a few words that everyone announced. 在这份通过《邦塔日报》发布的声明中,转述了许亦面向所有人公布的一句话。 Gives you one year to catch up with the new speeding car team, if cannot achieve, that do not think champion matter.” “给你们一年时间追上新飞车队,如果做不到的话,那就不要去想冠军这回事了。” These words regarding the ordinary participant, perhaps seem extremely aggressive, making in their hearts some not be perhaps convinced, has no alternative. 这句话对于普通的参赛者来说,或许只是显得太过霸气,让他们心中或许有些不服气,却也无可奈何。 However regarding motorcade that representative other chambers of commerce and big aristocrats register, actually without doubt is ** bare provocation. 但是对于代表其它各家商会和大贵族们报名参赛的车队来说,却无疑是**裸的挑衅。 But produces the chamber of commerce's participating motorcade of bicycle regarding these representative several similarly. Is a challenge. 而对于那些代表几家同样生产自行车的商会参赛的车队来说。就更是一份挑战。 Regarding these motorcades, they will use the bicycle participation that the chamber of commerce produces at this road cycling race obviously. 对于这几个车队来说,他们显然会在这个公路自行车赛上使用自家商会生产的自行车参赛。 If this can obtain the good achievements in the competition, even can press player who uses the Xinfei bicycle, the bicycle that then the chamber of commerce makes to oneself without doubt made an extremely good advertisement. 如果这样能够在比赛中取得好成绩的话,甚至能够压过使用新飞牌自行车的选手的话,那么无疑是给自家商会生产的自行车做了一个极佳的广告。 Attention that the Bunta City road cycling race receives is very high, if successfully achieves this point, will make this chamber of commerce all of a sudden extremely famous, without doubt can promote the bicycle sales volume of chamber of commerce sharply. 邦塔城公路自行车赛受到的关注度很高,如果成功做到这一点,就会使这家商会一下子变得极为出名,无疑可以大幅提升自家商会的自行车销量。 However now Xu Yi loses these words, without doubt tells other chambers of commerce, you now are unqualified. 但是现在许亦丢出这句话来,无疑就是告诉其它各家商会,你们现在还不够格。 Although other chambers of commerce refuse to accept, but actually no one can express the rebuttal. 其它商会虽然不服,但却无人能够对此表示反驳。 On getting up in mechanical realm strength. Any chamber of commerce, impossible to place on a par with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce now. 论起在机械领域的实力。无论是哪家商会,现在都不可能和新飞商会相提并论。 Introduced after Xu Yi the relevant detail of road cycling race a next tomorrow must start officially. In Count Will Xu Yi welcome to City Lord mansion conference room. 许亦介绍了一下明天就要正式开赛的公路自行车赛的相关细节后。里威尔伯爵许亦请到了城主府的会议室内。 The front door shoves open, Xu Yi then saw several some faces of looking familiar. 大门一推开,许亦便看到了几张有些眼熟的面孔。 Thinks carefully, Xu Yi thinks, these people are Bunta City President of several joint capital chambers of commerce. 仔细想了一下,许亦想起来,这几个人都是邦塔城内的几家合资商会的会长 If memory serves, the principal work that the chambers of commerce under these President names, operates probably is a bicycle. 如果没记错的话,这几位会长名下的商会,所经营的主业好像就是自行车。 Sees Xu Yi and in Count Will comes in together, several President stood hastily together, on the face brimmed with simultaneously was also wanting warmly several times of smiling faces compared in Count Will a moment ago. 一见到许亦和里威尔伯爵一起进来,几位会长连忙一起站了起来,脸上同时洋溢着远比刚才里威尔伯爵还要热情了好几倍的笑容。 After both sides exchanged greetings several, in Count Will will talk to introduce the subject rapidly. 双方寒暄了几句后,里威尔伯爵迅速将谈话引入了正题。 Originally President of these bicycle chambers of commerce are convened today specially by Count Will, so-called, wants to let them and taking the opportunity that Xu Yi comes, discussed with Xu Yi the deep cooperation in bicycle. 原来这几位自行车商会的会长今天就是被里威尔伯爵专程召集来的,所谓的,就是想让他们和借着许亦来的机会,和许亦商讨一下在自行车方面的深入合作。 Xu Yi is not accidental/surprised, in fact this is also he disclosed ahead of time to Count Will the meaning, is his arrangement. 许亦对此并不意外,实际上这也是他提前就向里威尔伯爵透露出的意思,算是他自己的安排。 Couple days ago Xu Yi stated through Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce that 《National Tower Daily》 emitted, actually was also an upholstery, for this discussion. 前几天许亦通过《邦塔日报》放出的新飞商会声明,其实也算是一个铺垫,就是为了这次商谈。 These joint capital chambers of commerce are relying on and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce joint capital production bicycle, even if did not have the means to break up the monopoly of Xinfei bicycle, still gained not the poor benefit, now Xu Yi is willing to explore the deep cooperation with them, naturally obtained their welcome vigorously. 这几家合资商会凭借着和新飞商会的合资生产自行车,就算一直没办法打破新飞牌自行车的垄断,却也从中获取了不菲的利益,现在许亦愿意和他们探讨深入合作,自然得到了他们的极力欢迎。 The thorough partnership model that however Xu Yi proposed, made these President be somewhat in a daze. 不过许亦提出的深入合作模式,却让这几位会长都有些发呆。 Xu Yi is not as they expected, or like they expect, plans to give them the more bicycle production related technology, enhances the bicycle quality that they manufacture directly, but is an opens the mouth, actually proposed and them jointly holds any specialized competition! 许亦并不是像他们预料,或者说像他们期望的那样,打算交给他们更多的自行车生产相关技术,直接提升他们所制作的自行车品质,而是一开口,竟然提议和他们共同举办一个什么专业比赛! Simply speaking, is the specialized bicycle competition that and tomorrow's forthcoming road cycling race will distinguish. If the Bunta City beltway cycling race is the populace competition that one type who can attend, then our competition present, is one only permits the bicycle competition that the specialized cyclest and specialized bicycle motorcade attend.” “简单来说,就是和明天即将举办的公路自行车赛区别开的专业自行车比赛。如果说邦塔城环城公路自行车赛是一种谁都可以参加的大众比赛的话,那么我们现在举办的这个比赛,就是一个只允许专业的自行车选手、专业的自行车车队参加的自行车比赛。” Several President have a look mutually, one of them cannot bear ask: But does President Xu, what significance make like this? If conducts the competition, present Bunta City beltway cycling race already enough mature, attracted attention.” 几位会长互相看看,其中一人忍不住问道:“可是许会长,这样做有什么意义吗?如果只是进行比赛,现在的邦塔城环城公路自行车赛已经足够成熟,也引人关注了。” Picking several other President is also an appearance of face approval, Xu Yi shows a faint smile, shakes the head. 捡其他几位会长也是一脸赞同的模样,许亦微微一笑,摇了摇头。 No, the competition that I want to hold, only allows the specialists to participate, on the motorcade that attended the competition only permits with the name title of oneself chamber of commerce, only permits the bicycle that uses the chamber of commerce to make, therefore is representing the highest-end level of bicycle competition.” “不,我想要举办的这个比赛,只允许专业人员参加,参加比赛的车队身上只准用自己商会的名字冠名,只准使用自己商会生产的自行车,所以是代表着自行车比赛的最高端水准。” This highest-end, not only means that the participants are highest-end, means that the participating bicycle is highest-end. Do you understand my meaning?” “这个最高端,不仅意味着参赛人员最高端,也意味着参赛的自行车最高端。你们明白我的意思吗?” Listened to the explanation of Xu Yi, several President think, the look shone simultaneously.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 听了许亦的讲解,几位会长想了想,眼神同时亮了起来。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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