MIE :: Volume #4

#140: The mess is incorrect

( On a chapter of chapter miscounted, is not easy to revise, asking everyone to excuse me. /) (上一章章节数错了,不易修改,请大家见谅。/) ------ ------ Frye indeed plays very happily in Falling Rain Forest, when Xu Yi appears before her, must she picks, she even makes a tearful scene is not being willing to leave. 弗莱娅的确在落雨之森里玩得很开心,以至于当许亦出现在她面前,要把她接走的时候,她甚至哭闹着不愿意离开。 After Xu Yi and Janice guaranteed repeatedly will often bring she plays, Frye longingly reluctantly agrees with and Xu Yi together walks. 许亦亚妮丝多次保证以后会经常带她来玩之后,弗莱娅才恋恋不舍地勉强同意和许亦一起走。 Xu Yi can't help it smiles bitterly to the Ailucia elder: I looked that the elder you do not need to worry Frye and your relations, after is I should is worried about Frye to grow up, be able on the contrary to the elf clan eccentric.” 许亦禁不住艾露希亚长老苦笑:“我看长老您根本不需要担心弗莱娅和你们的关系,反倒是我应该担心弗莱娅长大以后会不会对精灵族更偏心呢。” The Ailucia elder shows a faint smile: Child is purest, who is good to her, she who is good. However after growing up, was different. Frye after all is human, after growing up, how, regardless to also stand in the standpoint of human considers the issue, President Xu has no need to be worried. I only hope after her, can like President Xu you, treated our elf clan equally on the line.” 艾露希亚长老微微一笑:“小孩子是最纯真的,谁对她好,她就会谁好。但是长大以后,就不一样了。弗莱娅毕竟是人类,长大后无论如何也会站在人类的立场上考虑问题,许会长用不着担心。我只希望她以后能够像许会长你这样,平等地对待我们精灵族就行了。” Relax, she is Xu Yi complied with one with a smile. “放心吧,她是我的女儿。”许亦笑着应了一句。 This time arrives at Falling Rain Forest, besides meeting Frye, the Xu Yi also duty, is the Ailucia elder discusses Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Night Song Tribe new cooperation project. 这次来到落雨之森,除了接弗莱娅之外,许亦还有一个任务,就是和艾露希亚长老商讨新飞商会夜歌部族的新合作项目。 Night Song Tribe presented the new breakthrough in the research in plastic processing, now has been able to produce one new plastic product that has extremely high-intensity and degree of hardness, simultaneously because of the marvelous function of elf clan Magic, this new-typed material also has certain resistance to elevated temperatures, even can replace the function of steel products to a certain extent, therefore was named as steel plastic by Xu Yi. 夜歌部族在塑料加工方面的研究出现了新突破,现在已经能够生产出一种具备极高强度和硬度的新型塑胶制品,同时因为精灵族魔法的奇妙作用,这种新型材料还具备一定的耐高温性能,甚至可以在一定程度上取代钢材的作用,所以被许亦命名为“钢化塑胶”。 This type of steel plastic can utilize on the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce overwhelming majority Magic machineries. Replaces certain spare parts. 这种钢化塑料可以运用在新飞商会绝大部分魔法机械上。取代某些零部件。 Not can only reduce the costs of these Magic machineries. Also can therefore reduce the weights of these Magic machineries. Reduces some energy consumptions. 不仅能够降低这些魔法机械的成本。还能因此减轻这些魔法机械的重量。降低部分能源消耗。 Takes simplest Magic Powered Fan for instance, now besides inlaying the quarter magic array key measure part, the remainders even can use a lot of ordinary plastics, coordinates part of steel plastic to make again, can therefore cause weight saving of Magic Powered Fan 1/3, the cost can also about reduce from a beforehand gold coin to 80 silver coins about. 以最简单的魔力风扇为例,现在除了镶刻魔法阵的关键核心部件之外,其余部分甚至都可以采用大量普通塑料,再配合一部分钢化塑胶来制成,因此可以使得魔力风扇的重量减轻三分之一之多,成本也可以从之前的一金币左右降低到八十银币左右。 Although seems like not many, so long as thinks in summer that solely was just passing, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce total sells to reach as high as 700,000 Magic Powered Fan in each country. Can know that depends upon the change of this material, can save the costs of enough hundreds of thousands gold coins for Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 尽管看起来并不多,但是只要想一下单单在刚刚度过的夏季中,新飞商会就在各个国家内总计售出高达七十万台魔力风扇。就可以知道只是依靠这一种材料的变更,就可以为新飞商会节约足足十几万金币的成本。 And because of the strong plasticity of steel plastic, can make the Magic Powered Fan outlook more bountiful, when the summer of next year time, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can promote various kinds of Magic Powered Fan, will be naturally more popular. 而且因为钢化塑胶的超强可塑性,能够使得魔力风扇的外型变得更加丰富多样,等到来年夏天的时候,新飞商会就能推出更多种类型的魔力风扇,自然会更受欢迎。 Matter that Xu Yi and Ailucia elder discussed that importance centralized in the cooperation project of this steel plastic. 许亦艾露希亚长老商谈的事情,重要就集中在这个钢化塑胶的合作项目上。 According to the statistics that Kennard makes, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce proposed initially about 300,000 tons, and reach 76 steel plastic spare parts much the processing demands. 按照肯纳德做出的统计,新飞商会初步提出了大约三十万吨,并多达七十六种钢化塑胶零部件的加工需求。 The issue is by the Night Song Plastic Factory present capacity, satisfies the ordinary plastic demands of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce as well as other chambers of commerce even. Very reluctantly, is impossible to extract the sufficient manpower to complete such huge steel plastic processing order that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce proposed. 问题是以夜歌塑料加工厂现在的产能,就算是满足新飞商会以及其它商会的普通塑料需求。就已经是十分勉强,根本不可能在抽出足够的人力完成新飞商会提出的这么庞大的钢化塑胶加工订单。 The Xu Yi nature have several about this situation at heart. Therefore this time comes and Ailucia elder discussed, besides discussing this cooperation project, an important matter, is helps Night Song Plastic Factory enhance the capacity. 许亦心里自然对这个情况有数。所以这次来和艾露希亚长老商谈,除了讨论这个合作项目之外,还有一件重要的事情,就是帮助夜歌塑料加工厂提高产能。 Although Night Song Plastic Factory before and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce other factories mixed in together, learned some administrative modes of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate factory, therefore greatly raised the production efficiency, however looked like in Xu Yi, was actually by far insufficient. 尽管夜歌塑料加工厂之前和新飞商会的其它工厂混合在一起,从中学到了新飞商会下属工厂的部分管理模式,因此大幅提高了生产效率,但是在许亦看来,却还是远远不够。 „The Ailucia elder, according to my observation, through the management level, Night Song Plastic Factory can also raise at least 30% the production efficiency merely and even more, if you are willing to strengthen the management to the factory, making the brothers and sisters of elf clan try hard again, I think the income that Night Song Tribe therefore yields will enhance much compared with the present.” Xu Yi sincere said/tunnel. 艾露希亚长老,根据我的观察,仅仅只是通过管理层面,夜歌塑料加工厂也可以将生产效率提高至少30%甚至更多,如果您肯加强一下对工厂的管理,让精灵族的兄弟姐妹们再努努力的话,我想夜歌部族因此获得的收益将比现在提高不少。”许亦诚恳地道。 The Ailucia elder nods gently: I understand. However President Xu, the instinct of our elf clan is to pursue the freedom, in fact now the management in plastic manufacturing place has made many clansmen feel that the instinct received depressing some. Words that strengthens again, I thought that will keep many clansmen from enduring.” 艾露希亚长老轻轻点头:“我明白。但是许会长,我们精灵族的天性就是追求自由,实际上现在塑料加工场里的管理已经让很多族人感觉天性受到了一些压抑。再加强的话,我觉得会让很多族人无法忍受。” Xu Yi said startled: „Isn't this able to endure? Compared in our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate factory the working strengths of these workers, Night Song Plastic Factory has missed many.” 许亦愕然道:“这都无法忍受吗?相比起我们新飞商会下属工厂里那些工人们的工作强度,夜歌塑料加工厂已经差了很多了啊。” Does not have the means that this is the instinct of our elf clan, although I have forced them to change, instinct that but is very difficult to constrain the clansman. President Xu, I choose and your chamber of commerce cooperation set up this plastic processing factory, to let the clansmen can live happily, but because if this factory helps the clansmen cross the depressing words, this didn't put the cart before the horse?” The Ailucia elder asked back. “没办法,这是我们精灵族的天性,虽然我已经迫使他们改变了很多,但是却很难压抑族人的天性。许会长,我之所以选择和你们商会合作开办这家塑料加工厂,就是为了让族人们能够更加愉快地生活,但是如果因为这间工厂让族人们过得压抑的话,这不就是本末倒置了吗?”艾露希亚长老反问。 Xu Yi shakes the head, is somewhat helpless. 许亦摇了摇头,有些无奈。 As a human, he is very difficult to understand the elf clan so-called free instinct. 身为一名人类,他很难理解精灵族所谓的自由天性。 However since the Ailucia elder had explained to him officially this issue, that showed that this issue is quite actually serious. 但是艾露希亚长老既然已经正式向他说明了这个问题,那就证明这个问题其实已经比较严重了。 If continues to force, perhaps will instead really have problems. 如果继续逼迫的话,说不定反而真的会出问题。 After considering a while, Xu Yi suggested: Then manages. The Ailucia elder, we still choose to strengthen the management to Night Song Plastic Factory, but does not force to implement, but like the factory of our chamber of commerce subordinate, according to the work achievements decides the reward. Is willing to accept the high-intensity work works some, the reward of corresponding possession are also more, does not want also indifferent, but the reward are relatively less, how do you look?” 考虑了一会儿后,许亦建议道:“那么这么办吧。艾露希亚长老,我们依然选择加强对夜歌塑料加工厂的管理,但是并不强制实行,而是像我们商会下属的工厂一样,按照工作业绩来决定报酬。愿意接受高强度工作的就多工作一些,相应的拿到的报酬也更多一些,不愿意的也无所谓,只不过报酬相对少一些,你看怎么样?” The Ailucia elder knits the brows slightly: But all incomes of this factory are run the assignment by the clansman at present together, does not have reward many division.” 艾露希亚长老微微皱眉:“可是这间工厂的所有收益目前都是由族人共同掌管分配,并没有报酬多少之分啊。” Ah? 啊? Cooperated with Night Song Tribe was so long, this first time was Xu Yi benefit division pattern that knew Night Song Plastic Factory. 夜歌部族合作了这么久,这还是许亦第一次知道夜歌塑料加工厂的利益分割模式。 After a while, this Night Song Plastic Factory all incomes converged Night Song Tribe public, no wonder the elves in factory are not high to the work interest. 搞了半天,这个夜歌塑料加工厂的所有收益都归为了夜歌部族公有,难怪工厂里的精灵们对工作兴致不高呢。 The pattern of this type of mess. Definitely cannot stimulate anything enthusiastically. 这种大锅饭的模式。肯定是激发不出什么积极性的。 This is not good.” Xu Yi shakes the head. Ailucia elder. With all due respect. Your this allocation models are unreasonable. If you want to make Night Song Plastic Factory have a better income, the clansmen live the good life, please obey my advice, cancels the present allocation model, but like our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate factory, gives each clansman corresponding reward, this can make them positive.” “这样不行。”许亦摇头。“艾露希亚长老。恕我直言。你们这种分配模式是不合理的。如果您想让夜歌塑料加工厂产生更好的收益,族人们过上更好的生活,请听从我的建议,取消现在的分配模式,而是像我们新飞商会的下属工厂一样,给予每一名族人相应的报酬,这样才能让他们积极起来。” The Ailucia elder had not opposed, but is the hesitation moment. Gently nod: Actually this issue I have also considered, has wanted you to discuss with President Xu. Since President Xu you think that now this way has the issue, then I can attempt to correct.” 艾露希亚长老并没有反对,而是沉吟片刻。轻轻点头:“其实这个问题我也早就已经考虑过了,一直想和许会长你讨论一下。既然许会长你现在觉得这个方式有问题,那么我可以尝试去改正一下。” Must as soon as possible.” Xu Yi reminded immediately. “一定要尽快。”许亦立即提醒道。 By understanding of Xu Yi the elf clans, that the Ailucia elder said attempts, could not do well must spend on for 1-2 years. 许亦对精灵族们的了解,艾露希亚长老所说的这个“尝试一下”,搞不好就要花上1-2的时间。 Really, hears the urging of Xu Yi, the Ailucia elder thinks saying: Good, I will make the corresponding change attempt in six months.” 果然,听到许亦的催促,艾露希亚长老想了想道:“好,我会在半年内做出相应的改变尝试的。” Xu Yi cannot bear show the whites of the eyes: A half year was also too long. Like this, Ailucia elder, I who if you believe. I send out several administrators from the chamber of commerce, comes to make a pattern to reform for your Night Song Plastic Factory. How do you feel?” 许亦忍不住翻了个白眼:“半年也太久了。这样吧,艾露希亚长老,如果您信的我的话。我从商会内派出几名管理人员,来替你们夜歌塑料加工厂做一个模式改革。您觉得怎么样?” The Ailucia elder seriously considered a while, slowly nod: Good.” 艾露希亚长老认真考虑了一会儿,缓缓点头:“好。” Sees the Ailucia elder to comply, Xu Yi then relaxes. 艾露希亚长老答应,许亦这才松了一口气。 The Night Song Plastic Factory capacity relates to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce massive practical interests, will relate to the future development of Night Song Tribe, as well as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Night Song Tribe future relations, will be beyond control Xu Yi seriously not to consider. 夜歌塑料加工厂的产能关系到新飞商会的大量现实利益,也关系到夜歌部族的将来发展,以及新飞商会夜歌部族将来的关系,由不得许亦不认真为之考虑。 Moreover the plastic product relevant industry that Night Song Tribe grasps, is in an extremely important position in the entire industrial system in Xu Yi mind, Xu Yi is making no mistake. 而且夜歌部族掌握的塑胶制品相关产业,在许亦心目中的整个工业体系中也占据着一个极其重要的位置,许亦不容有失。 Enhances the Night Song Plastic Factory capacity, besides the improvement in reinforcement of management this software, the improvement options of two hardware. 提高夜歌塑料加工厂的产能,除了加强管理这个软件方面的改善之外,还有两个硬件方面的改善方法。 First, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is Night Song Plastic Factory researches and develops the new Magic Power plastics processing mechanics, the promotion production efficiency. 一是新飞商会夜歌塑料加工厂研发新型的魔力塑料加工机械,提升生产效率。 For example Night Song Plastic Factory produces in the production line of ordinary plastic use now, the major installation is one can hold two tons plastic resolver the Magic Power plastic hardening pot. 比如说夜歌塑料加工厂现在生产普通塑料使用的生产线中,主要装置就是一个能够容纳两吨塑料溶剂的魔力塑料硬化罐。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute and Night Song Tribe several elf clan Magician jointly studied, improved processing plastic most important elf clan unique magic array, coordinated Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center again, succeeded to research and develop to hold processes five tons plastic resolver the new generation Magic Power plastic hardening pot. 新飞商会魔法研究院夜歌部族的几名精灵族魔法师共同研究,改善了加工塑料最重要的精灵族特有的魔法阵,再配合魔力机床研发中心,成功研发出了能够容纳加工五吨塑料溶剂的新一代魔力塑料硬化罐。 Depending on borrowing this point, made the production efficiency of ordinary plastic promote one time all of a sudden. 光凭借这一点,就使得普通塑料的生产效率一下子提升了一倍有余。 Coordinates other related Magic Power to process the improvement of machinery again, in mechanical hardware, the Night Song Plastic Factory production efficiency will obtain the large promotion inevitably. 再配合其它相关魔力加工机械的改良,在机械硬件方面,夜歌塑料加工厂的生产效率势必获得大幅提升。 Another method, then promotes the personnel. 另外一个方法,则是提升人员。 Although the Night Song Tribe elf clan total number of people have been growing for these years, satisfying the Ailucia elder quite, but at the speed of population growth of elf clan, in also grew for these years was less than ten, the total population is also more than 1000 point, is extremely still limited. 夜歌部族的精灵族总人数虽然这几年一直都在不停增长,让艾露希亚长老极为满意,但是以精灵族的人口增长速度,这几年内也不过就增长了不到十名,总人口至今也不过就是一千多点儿,极其有限。 Therefore Xu Yi proposed to the Ailucia elder, can look like the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce study, recruiting the personnel outside some Night Song Tribe to enter the plastic processing factory to work, to promote capacity. 所以许亦艾露希亚长老提议,可以像新飞商会学习,招募一些夜歌部族以外的人员进入塑料加工厂工作,以提升产能。 Is simply same as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, adopts the joint capital pattern, constructs the new plastic processing factory in other local investments directly, gives others to do the tedious working procedure in plastic processing, so long as grasp core technologies to be good. 或者干脆和新飞商会一样,采取合资模式,直接在其它地方投资建设新的塑料加工厂,把塑料加工中的繁琐工序都交给其他人去做,自己只要掌握其中的核心技术方面就好。 The Ailucia elder proposed ten to divert attention regarding Xu Yi, claimed that will seriously consider. 艾露希亚长老对于许亦的这个提议十分心动,声称会认真考虑一下。 Naturally, according to the custom of elf clan, the so-called of Ailucia elder considers, refers to erratically must spend on lowest a half year. 当然,按照精灵族的习惯,艾露希亚长老的这个所谓“考虑一下”,指不定又要花上最低半年。 This point, Xu Yi has no alternative. 这一点,许亦无可奈何。 After discussing initially, the weather has gotten dark. 初步商谈完毕后,天色已经黑了下来。 Xu Yi has not rejected detaining of Ailucia elder, decides one has walked in Night Song Tribe late again. 许亦并没有拒绝艾露希亚长老的挽留,决定在夜歌部族里过一晚再走。 Originally all normal, however after using up dinner, the Ailucia elder actually draws suddenly Xu Yi one side, gives a he light book quietly. 原本一切正常,但是在用完晚餐之后,艾露希亚长老却突然将许亦拉到一边,悄悄递给他一本薄薄的书。 Saw on the Ailucia long face slightly strange expression, Xu Yi wonders to receive this book. 看到艾露希亚长老脸上略显诡异的表情,许亦十分纳闷地接过这本书。 Lowers the head looked, Xu Yi inadequate falls down. 低头一看,许亦差点儿一头栽倒。 In the title page of this book, inscribed the title with the elf clan writing that Xu Yi did not know, but actually by the title, conducts labelling with the Sainz Continent commonly used language now specially. 这本书的封面上,原本用许亦根本不认识的精灵族文字写上了标题,但是现在却在标题旁边,被特别用赛恩斯大陆通用语重新进行了标注。 The meaning of this labelling, is naturally representing the name of this book. 这个标注的意思,自然代表着这本书的名字。 ...... Is called «Elf Clan And Human Union Specific detail Research» as for this name. 至于这个名字……就叫做《精灵族和人类结合的具体细节研究》。 If after coordinating to open the book, various lifelike careful picture descriptions and writing that sees described, this book was a small pornography of out-and-out elf clan edition......( please search the floating astronomy simply to be continued, the novel was better to renew is quicker! 如果配合翻开书后看到的各种逼真细致的画面描绘以及文字描述,这本书简直就是一本不折不扣的精灵族版本的小黄书……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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