MIE :: Volume #4

#138: Elf clan companion

King?” “国王?” This noun in the Xu Yi mind stayed less than one second, then by him was flung beyond the long distance. ».[] 这个名词只是在许亦的脑海中停留了不到一秒钟的时间,便被他甩到了十万八千里之外。》.[] Xu Yi is very clear, oneself absolutely do not have the talent politically, if makes him the king, that actually will not be what good deed. 许亦很清楚,自己在政治上完全没有天赋,如果让他成为国王,那其实并不会是什么好事。 Therefore before Grand Duke Velun, some people have actually mentioned to him freely in secret, since Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce basically controls most parts of Heimi Wastelands now, as well as in Stantin Duchy big piece territory, then he can definitely establish an independent kingdom, oneself are this king, but Xu Yi has actually disregarded this proposition. 所以尽管其实在威纶大公之前,就有人私下里向他提起过,既然新飞商会现在基本控制了黑米荒原大部,以及斯坦丁公国内大片的领地,那么他完全可以自己成立一个独立王国,自己来当这个国王,但是许亦却一直无视了这个提议。 First, he becomes the king to have no interest in this. 一来,他对这成为国王并没有什么兴趣。 Secondly, by strength that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has now, really establishes a country is not actually inappropriate, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce various aspect strengths and are not enough to haunch a country. 二来,以新飞商会现在拥有的实力,真的建立一个国家其实并不恰当,新飞商会的各方面实力并不足以撑起一个国家。 Therefore Xu Yi from beginning to end, treats as a normal chamber of commerce to operate Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 于是许亦从始至终,都只是把新飞商会当做一家正常的商会在经营。 Only and other chambers of commerce have the difference place, probably lies in the military Magic mechanical aspect. 唯一和其它商会有区别的地方,大概就在于军用魔法机械方面。 But in fact on the Xu Yi conscience, he most regards as important, actually forever is the civil Magic mechanical aspect. 而实际上就许亦的本心来看,他最看重的,却永远是民用魔法机械方面。 Through with some Angkelu also Grand Duke Velun discussions, determined Stantin Duchy must maintain stable, making the Stantin Duchy people live in contentment to be glad, after developing Stantin Duchy this big policy stably, Xu Yi the related plan will lose to Angkelu and Grand Duke Velun, making them go back to consider how should coordinate, oneself, are driving Magic Powered Vehicle, leaves Stantin Duchy. 通过和盎克鲁还有威纶大公的商谈,确定了斯坦丁公国必须保持局势稳定,让斯坦丁公国的子民们安居乐意,稳定发展斯坦丁公国这个大方针之后,许亦将相关的规划丢给盎克鲁威纶大公,让他们回去自行考虑该怎么配合,自己则驾驶着魔力机车,驶离斯坦丁公国 Passed by Heimi Wastelands time, Xu Yi inspected as usual in Heimi City, determined that Heimi City all after deferring to the established path steady progression. Also arrived at northern Heimi Wastelands and Sakk Kingdom intersection point. 路过黑米荒原的时候,许亦照例在黑米城视察了一下,确定黑米城一切都在按照既定轨迹稳定发展后。又来到了北方黑米荒原萨克王国的交界处。 After several months of stepping up constructions. The Heimi Wastelands northern fortification has taken shape initially. 经过几个月的加紧施工。黑米荒原北方防御工事已经初见雏形。 The big fortification that the reinforced concrete structure casts blocks the Heimi Wastelands north directly. Almost intercepted Sakk Kingdom to enter the southern possibility through Heimi Wastelands. 钢筋混凝土结构铸成的高大防御工事将黑米荒原的北方直接阻断。几乎拦截了萨克王国一切通过黑米荒原进入南方的可能。 Made a discussion with Commander Landis, determined Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will continue after some fortification concentrate on the fund, Commander Landis to Xu Yi guaranteed, so long as the commodity is abundant, Western Guard Regiment will complete the initial fortification in next year at the latest, in three years complete this fortification completely, cut off the hope of Sakk Kingdom invasion. 兰蒂斯提督做了一次会谈,确定了新飞商会会继续对这部分防御工事投注资金后,兰蒂斯提督许亦保证,只要物资充沛,镇西军最迟会在明年内就完成初期防御工事,三年内完全建成这个防御工事,断绝萨克王国入侵的希望。 Xu Yi after Commander Landis said goodbye, has not returned to Stantin Duchy. But to east, drove to drive into Lanpali Kingdom. 许亦兰蒂斯提督告辞后,并没有回到斯坦丁公国。而是一路向东,驱车驶入了兰帕里王国 Even if the Sewinnie coronation ceremony sent out the invitation to Xu Yi before specially time, Xu Yi has not returned to Lanpali Kingdom, therefore this return, is actually Xu Yi in more than one year, returned to this to pass through for the first time , lived many years, was almost the country of second hometown. 就算是之前瑟维尼加冕仪式专程向许亦发出邀请的时候,许亦都没有回到兰帕里王国,所以这一次归来,却是许亦时隔一年多以来,第一次回到这个穿越后生活了很多年,几乎算是第二故乡的国家。 After three hours of fast travel, Xu Yi will soon enter the raining road section is actually making a turn, booklet to northern Falling Rain Forest. 经过三个小时的快速行驶,许亦却是在即将进入落雨公路路段时转了个弯,折向北方的落雨之森中。 Regardless how Bunta City peripheral the development and construction, nearby Falling Rain Forest is actually still maintaining the primitive shape. Xu Yi drove Magic Powered Vehicle only to be able after before to give several dwarf tribes to open the road that went less than ten kilometers, then has to put down Magic Powered Vehicle. Flies directly to Falling Rain Forest. 无论邦塔城周边如何开发建设,落雨之森附近却依然保持着原始形态。许亦驾驶着魔力机车只能沿着之前给几个矮人部落开辟的公路行驶了不到十公里后,便不得不放下魔力机车。直接飞向落雨之森 Just arrived at the Falling Rain Forest edge, in the forest then lightens together the person's shadow, threw to Xu Yi. 刚刚来到落雨之森边缘,森林中便闪出一道人影,直直地向许亦扑了过来。 Xu Yi just showed the smiling face, the person's shadow gust had jumped in the bosom of Xu Yi generally, then on a pair of soft mouth hickey Xu Yi face. 许亦刚刚露出笑容,人影已经一阵风一般扑进了许亦的怀中,然后一双柔软的嘴唇印上了许亦的脸庞。 Xu Yi touched a face reluctantly, looks that in the bosom shows an incomparably happy smiling face Janice, sighed: Janice, you now all of a sudden become such warm, I do not adapt very much.” 许亦无奈地摸了一下脸,看着怀中露出一副无比开心笑容的亚妮丝,叹道:“亚妮丝,你现在一下子变得这么热情,我很不适应。” Janice seems strange. 亚妮丝似乎很奇怪。 „Don't you like? But Vivian said, the male of human like oneself lover very much, when sees itself to offer a kiss.” “你不喜欢吗?可是薇薇安说,人类的男性都很喜欢自己的爱人在见到自己的时候奉上一个吻的。” Un...... I am not do not like, but you......” see on the Janice face confused to have an anxious facial expression, in Xu Yi heart one soft, touches her head, said with a smile: forget it, in any case you happily good.” “嗯……我不是不喜欢,只不过你……”看到亚妮丝脸上迷茫中带着一丝不安的神情,许亦心中一软,摸了摸她的头,笑道:“算了,反正你高兴就好。” Janice smiled immediately happily: Un, you were also happy that was better.” 亚妮丝立即又开心地笑了起来:“嗯,你也高兴就更好了。” Looks on the Janice face that busy pure smiling face, in the Xu Yi heart sighs slightly. 看着亚妮丝脸上那无暇的纯真笑容,许亦心中微微叹息。 Such beautiful and has the pure elf clan girl, like this because of Night Song Tribe, or the will of Ailucia elder chose with oneself, this really? 这样一个美丽而有纯真的精灵族女孩儿,就这样因为夜歌部族,或者艾露希亚长老的意志而选择跟了自己,这样真的好吗? After with Stille talked, Xu Yi discovered, Janice that Stille proposed indeed was a very good candidate. 斯蒂尔交谈过后,许亦发现,斯蒂尔提议的亚妮丝的确是一个非常不错的人选。 Again after giving careful consideration, Xu Yi and Janice made a conversation, clearly proposed own true idea, and gave Janice the option. 再经过慎重考虑后,许亦亚妮丝做了一次交谈,明确提出了自己的真实想法,并把选择权交给了亚妮丝 So long as Janice do not want, Xu Yi decided how, regardless of the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder forces again, he will not really choose a elf clan girl and its union absolutely at will. 只要亚妮丝自己不愿意,许亦决定无论艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老再怎么逼迫,他也绝对不会真的去随意挑选一个精灵族女孩儿与其结合。 After Xu Yi proposed own idea, Janice actually exceptionally nodded to express the agreement happily refreshedly. 但是当许亦提出自己的想法后,亚妮丝却异常高兴爽快地点头表示了同意。 Janice indicated, she has said to Xu Yi, oneself have been used to and Xu Yi in the same place, and thought that in is very together happy with Xu Yi, therefore hopes to be able with Xu Yi continuously in the same place. 亚妮丝表示,她早就向许亦说过,自己已经习惯了和许亦在一起,并且觉得和许亦在一起很开心,所以希望能够和许亦一直在一起。 Now the Xu Yi choice and she unifies, then from her individual wish, is the overall wish consideration from elf clan, she wants. 现在许亦选择和她结合,那么无论是从她的个人意愿,还是从精灵族的整体意愿考虑,她都十分愿意。 Since Janice has nothing to express any opposition, Xu Yi then 既然亚妮丝并没有任何表示任何反对,许亦便和又和斯蒂尔深切交谈过后,向艾露希亚长老以及利桑亚长老提出自己做出的选择,决定让亚妮丝作为精灵族的代表,成为和他结合的人选。 Regarding the choice of Xu Yi, the Ailucia elder is not surprised, Lisanya elder some are not quite satisfied. 对于许亦的这个选择,艾露希亚长老并不怎么吃惊,利桑亚长老却有些不太满意。 Because she chose several most outstanding elf clan beautiful women from Moon Shadow Tribe, Xu Yi actually does not elect, finally actually chose Janice this to seem like and no special little miss from Night Song Tribe. 因为她从月影部族中挑选了好几个最为出色的精灵族美女,许亦却一个都不选,最终却从夜歌部族中挑选了亚妮丝这个看起来并没有什么特别的小姑娘。 However since Xu Yi is willing to be willing to make the choice finally, the Lisanya elder will not naturally have what opinion. 不过既然许亦终于肯愿意做出选择,利桑亚长老自然也不会有什么意见。 But the Ailucia elder will not certainly oppose. 艾露希亚长老当然更加不会反对。 Therefore after various consensus, after Janice this Xu Yi arrives at this world , the elf clan girl of first understanding, then becomes in the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder looks like. Symbolizing is profound and long-term significance. With Xu Yi union. 于是经过多方面的共识,亚妮丝这个许亦来到这个世界后第一个认识的精灵族女孩儿,便成为了在艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老看来。象征着非常深刻和长远意义的。与许亦的结合者。 According to the view of elf clan. Janice becomes the Xu Yi companion now, from now henceforth, its life will only accompany Xu Yi one person finally, will not consider and any other opposite sexes unifies-, no matter elf or human. 按照精灵族的说法。亚妮丝现在成为了许亦的伴侣,从今以后,将会终其一生只陪伴许亦一人,再也不会考虑和其他任何异性相结合-不管是精灵还是人类。 Therefore now sees Xu Yi again, Janice had then transformed the status, with a stance of elf clan, does not demonstrate own enthusiasm to Xu Yi shyly. 所以现在再见到许亦,亚妮丝便已经变换了身份,以一名精灵族的姿态,毫不羞涩地向许亦展现出自己的热情。 Although Moon Shadow Tribe that several elf clan girls had demonstrated a more intense enthusiasm to Xu Yi before, but Janice is different from them. Xu Yi many some do not adapt. 虽然之前月影部族的那几名精灵族女孩儿向许亦展现过更加激烈的热情,但亚妮丝毕竟和她们不同。许亦多少有些不适应。 And Janice accompanies toward Falling Rain Forest walks, Xu Yi while asked: „Does Frye play here happily?” 一边和亚妮丝结伴向落雨之森内走去,许亦一边问道:“弗莱娅在这里玩得开心吗?” Janice nods smiling: Un, Frye likes here very much, every day plays very happily. For these days I frequently her taking away deep woods, making her experience in the forest all kinds of plants and animals, she liked this very much. this morning, she has also played a morning with the big black bear.” 亚妮丝笑意盈盈地点点头:“嗯,弗莱娅很喜欢这里,每天都玩得很开心。这几天我经常会把她带去森林深处,让她见识森林里各种各样的植物和动物,她很喜欢这样。就在今天上午,她还和一直大黑熊玩了一上午呢。” Plays with the big black bear?” Xu Yi has a scare, just wants saying that this was also too dangerous, immediately responded, but Falling Rain Forest Night Song Tribe family/home. But the elf clan is inborn and plant and animal have the clever ability, the animal in Falling Rain Forest has the danger to many human very much. However regarding the Night Song Tribe elves, is also similar to the pet that raise. “和大黑熊玩?”许亦吓了一跳,刚想说这样也太危险了,随即反应过来,落雨之森可是夜歌部族的家。而精灵族天生和植物以及动物都有着通灵的能力,落雨之森里的动物对很多人类来说很有危险。但是对于夜歌部族的精灵们来说,和自己养的宠物也差不多。 Has Janice to accompany, naturally does not need to be worried that Frye has what danger. 亚妮丝陪伴着,当然不用担心弗莱娅有什么危险。 However...... 不过…… Frye she saw that the big black bear doesn't fear? Hadn't been frightened to cry?” Xu Yi asked curiously. 弗莱娅她见到大黑熊不怕吗?没有被吓哭吗?”许亦好奇地问道。 No.” Janice shakes the head. Frye is brave, she dares to crawl to conducting the back of big black bear, rides the neck of big black bear to play.” “没有啊。”亚妮丝摇摇头。“弗莱娅胆子很大的,她敢自己爬到大黑熊的背上,骑着大黑熊的脖子玩呢。” The Xu Yi daydream this situation, could not bear shake the head. 许亦遐想了一下这副情形,忍不住摇摇头。 Frye indeed displays since childhood very brave, and rarely will cry. 弗莱娅的确从小就表现得十分胆大,并且很少会哭。 Now her two years old, this special characteristics are manifest extremely obviously. 现在她两岁多了,这个特质更是体现得极为明显。 As a girl, this personality makes Xu Yi satisfy actually very much. 身为一个女孩子,这个性格特点倒是很让许亦满意。 Frye comes back to play to Falling Rain Forest, obtained the Ailucia elder's invitation. 弗莱娅之所以回来到落雨之森玩耍,是得到了艾露希亚长老的邀请。 Stille was somewhat worried, was been comfortable by Xu Yi. 斯蒂尔原本有些担心,却被许亦舒服了。 Frye is the Xu Yi presumed successor, after growing up, will be very likely to take over control of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce all business. 弗莱娅许亦既定的继承人,长大后极有可能会接管新飞商会的所有事务。 But Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and relation between elf clans is very important, then makes Frye be familiar with and elf clan since childhood is together, and familiar elf clan, after her will have very big help. 新飞商会和精灵族之间的联系十分重要,那么让弗莱娅从小就习惯和精灵族相处,并且熟悉精灵族,对她以后会有很大的帮助。 Actually the Ailucia elder will invite Frye to come Falling Rain Forest to be a guest, is definitely also saving such thoughts. 其实艾露希亚长老之所以会邀请弗莱娅落雨之森做客,肯定也存着这样的心思。 Even if abandons these considerations not to discuss, Falling Rain Forest and in Night Song Tribe this elf tribe, many novel funs, will still let the happiness that Frye plays absolutely. 而且就算抛开这些考虑不谈,落雨之森夜歌部族这个精灵部族里面,也有很多新奇好玩的东西,绝对会让弗莱娅玩的开心。 From the present performance, Frye adapts to here life obviously. 从现在的表现来看,弗莱娅显然对这里的生活十分适应。 In the company of Janice, the Xu Yi familiar house entered Falling Rain Forest, shuttles back and forth in the forest, then arrived quickly illusion Array edge that protects Night Song Tribe. 亚妮丝的陪伴下,许亦熟门熟路地进入了落雨之森,在森林中穿梭一阵,很快便来到了保护夜歌部族的幻象法阵边缘。 When Janice is just about to open illusion Array to let Xu Yi goes, suddenly probably remembered anything, turns the head to ask to Xu Yi: Right, Sir President, our when copulation?” 亚妮丝正要打开幻象法阵许亦进去时,忽然像是想起了什么事情,转头向许亦问道:“对了,会长大人,我们什么时候交配呢?” Xu Yi inadequate falls down, the expression looks at Janice strangely, smiles bitterly: I said that Janice...... you are a girl, can't speak thoughtlessly says understanding of copulation word?” 许亦差点儿一头栽倒,表情诡异地看着亚妮丝,苦笑一声:“我说亚妮丝……你是一个女孩子,不能随口就说出交配这个词的明白吗?” Right?” Expression that a Janice face does not understand. Copulation is the matter that all lifeform can handle, why can't speak thoughtlessly? The elders said that since you have chosen and me unify, then we definitely meet the copulation. Therefore I want to ascertain, when you want to hand over with me......” “是吗?”亚妮丝一脸不理解的表情。“交配是所有生物都会做的事情,为什么不能随口说呢?长老说了,你既然已经挑选了和我相结合,那么我们肯定会交配的。所以我想问清楚,你想什么时候和我交……” Stops!” Xu Yi can not raise the sound, interrupted the Janice words, the straight complexion, said to Janice: Janice, although you are the elf clan, since you want with me in the same place, then should study the human the approach. Regarding our human, copulation word cannot say at will, particularly a girl. Un...... I not good to say these things to you, you many consult Vivian in the leisure, or directly asked that Stille is also good, making them teach you human girl's approach. For example when...... you met a moment ago gave me a kiss, this is the matter that a human girl can handle, did you understand?” “停!”许亦不得提高声音,打断了亚妮丝的话,端正脸色,向亚妮丝道:“亚妮丝,虽然你是精灵族,但是既然你想要和我在一起,那么就应该多学习一下人类的做法。对于我们人类来说,交配这种词是不能随意说出口的,尤其是一个女孩子。嗯……我不太好向你说这些事情,你在闲暇的时候多去请教一下薇薇安,或者直接去问斯蒂尔也行,让她们多教教你人类女孩子的做法。比如说……你刚才见面时给了我一个吻,这就是一个人类女孩子会做的事情,你明白了吗?” Janice appears to understand but not really understand, after thinking, nods: Good, I go back to consult to them.” 亚妮丝似懂非懂,想了想后,还是点点头:“好,我回去向她们请教的。” When un............ as for hands over with you...... coughs, this is must look at the atmosphere, you gave me to process on the line.” “嗯……那么……至于什么时候和你交……咳,这是要看气氛的,你交给我来处理就行了。” Un, good.” “嗯,好的。” Looks that Janice anything does not understand, the appearance that actually nods firmly, in the Xu Yi heart can't help it passed over gently and swiftly a feeling of guilty. 看着亚妮丝什么都不懂,却坚定点头的模样,许亦心中禁不住掠过一丝罪恶感。 The Janice age is just equivalent to the human also underage little miss, but by her to the human society unknown pure, she was also even inferior to the little miss of human in this aspect. 亚妮丝的年龄只不过相当于人类还未成年的小姑娘,而以她对人类社会的未知纯真,她在这方面甚至连人类的小姑娘也不如。 Unifies with such a simple-hearted little girl, simply is the crime.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 和这样一位天真无邪的小女孩儿相结合,简直就是犯罪嘛。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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