MIE :: Volume #4

#137: Must select one

Xu Yi has a scare. / 许亦吓了一跳。/ Advantage...... did the Lisanya elder, what you...... you say?” “利……利桑亚长老,您……您说什么?” Although the Ailucia elder does not have Xu Yi so to be shocked, actually also is surprised looks at the Lisanya elder, has not actually closely examined. 艾露希亚长老虽然没有许亦这么震惊,却也同样是一脸惊讶地看着利桑亚长老,却没有追问。 I asked you to with my copulation.” Lisanya elder exceptionally indifferently redundant say/way. Then referred to the lower part of Xu Yi. I picked up several pretty girls to make you choose from the clan specially, you had no interest in them, but each time you in me and in front of Ailucia, actually will display exuberantly **, therefore I think, you perhaps were instead more interested to and our copulation?” “我问你要不要和我交配。”利桑亚长老异常淡然地重复道。然后指了指许亦的下体。“我专门从族中挑出了几个漂亮的女孩儿让你挑选,你却一直对她们没兴趣,但是每次你在我和艾露希亚面前,却总是会表现出旺盛的**,所以我想,你或许对和我们交配反而更有兴趣?” „......” Xu Yi does not make an effort to beckon with the hand hastily. „The Lisanya elder, you misunderstood, you really misunderstood! Really! My this......” “不不不不不……”许亦连忙用力摆手。“利桑亚长老,您误会了,您真的误会了!真的!我这……” Lowers the head to have a look at itself still the soaring little brother, has a look at two elders to stare here vision again, although Xu Yi has been used to it before two elders naked **, still even was awkward the face to become red-hot popular. 低头看看自己依然高昂的小兄弟,再看看两位长老凝视这里的目光,尽管许亦早就习惯了在两位长老面前赤身**,却依然尴尬得连脸都红透了。 This...... this instinct as human man, I already had explained to you and Ailucia elder many were times, I really do not have other meaning, but the instinct...... this cannot control.” “这个……这个只是身为一个人类男人的本能而已,我已经向您和艾露希亚长老解释过很多次了,我真的没有别的意思,只是本能……这个控制不住啊。” I have also said that I have not blamed your meaning.” LiSang outstanding elder shakes the head. I was clear that this is you as the human masculine proper normal reaction, because just this is the normal reaction, therefore showed that you indeed are full of the copulation to us ** right? I think you should like the ordinary human man, is interested in younger elf clan girls, but from your performance, you as if such elf clan old women to me and Ailucia is more interested?” “我也说过了,我没有责怪你的意思。”丽桑卓长老摇摇头。“我清楚这是你身为人类男性应有的正常反应,但正因为这是正常反应,所以才证明你的确对我们充满交配的**对吗?我本来以为你应该会像普通的人类男人一样,对更加年轻的精灵族女孩儿感兴趣,但是从你的表现来看,你似乎对我和艾露希亚这样的精灵族老女人更有兴趣?” Xu Yi wishes one could to dig tunnel one to worm one's way into. Has bought own clothes hastily. Goes all out to put on. 许亦恨不得挖个地洞一头钻进去。连忙扯过自己的衣服。拼命套上。 After well-dressed . Under Xu Yi then returns to normal reluctantly the mood. 待穿戴整齐后。许亦这才勉强平复下心情。 Welcomed the inquiry vision of two elders, Xu Yi is coughing lightly, sincere say/way: Lisanya elder, if really makes me make the choice, I favor the young elf clan girl. Naturally, this did not think that you and Ailucia elder are the old women, on the contrary, I thought that you and Ailucia elder both are charming. Is more splendid than much the elf clan female the common elf clan girls.” 迎着两位长老的询问目光,许亦轻咳一声,正色道:“利桑亚长老,如果真让我做选择的话,我还是更倾向于年轻的精灵族女孩儿。当然,这并不是觉得您和艾露希亚长老是老女人,相反,我觉得您和艾露希亚长老两位都充满魅力。是远比一般精灵族女孩儿出色得多的精灵族女性。” „Do why you want to reject?” A Lisanya elder face wonders. Since you thought that I and Ailucia am charming, your reaction also proved you have **, why hasn't been willing with my copulation?” “那为什么你要拒绝?”利桑亚长老一脸纳闷。“既然你觉得我和艾露希亚都充满魅力,你的身体反应也证明了你有**,为什么还不愿意和我交配呢?” This is completely two matters!” Xu Yi has to raise the sound. „The Lisanya elder, the Ailucia elder, in my mind, your two are worth the Dear elder, is close to the Great Magician Camilla position in my mind. Even if I had the reaction because of the instinct, but if lets me really with you...... and your copulation, I definitely am unacceptable.” “这完全是两回事!”许亦不得不提高声音。“利桑亚长老,艾露希亚长老,在我心目中,您们二位都是值得尊敬的长辈,和卡米拉大魔法师在我心目中的地位十分接近。就算我因为本能而产生了身体反应,但如果让我真的和您……和您交配,那我肯定是不能接受的。” The Lisanya elder knits the brows, shakes the head gently: Your human is really the strange and contradictory race. You want obviously very much. Because actually this unnecessary worry rejects. I and Ailucia are not your what elder, because we have no ties of relationship. I do not understand that your worry came from where.” 利桑亚长老皱了皱眉,轻轻摇头:“你们人类真的是奇怪而矛盾的种族。明明你很愿意。却因为这种毫无必要的顾虑而拒绝。我和艾露希亚并不是你的什么长辈,因为我们没有任何亲属关系。我不明白你的顾虑从何而来。” This...... is only my is thinking at heart, lets me and you...... coughs, with your copulation, I cannot cross itself.” Xu Yi said. “这个……只是我的心里在这么想罢了,让我和您……咳,和您交配,我过不了自己这一关。”许亦道。 The Lisanya elder and Ailucia elder looks at each other one, sighed: Good. I also think, since you are interested in me and Ailucia elder, then chooses and my copulation, can make you be familiar with and adapt to and female of our elf clan ** with, can let the elf clan girl who you can choose you most to like truly, unifies to give birth to the descendant with her. Now looks like, your human was to really think much, I am unable to understand.” 利桑亚长老和艾露希亚长老对视一眼,叹了口气:“好吧。我本来还以为,你既然对我和艾露希亚长老感兴趣,那么选择和我交配,就能够让你习惯并适应和我们精灵族的女**配,也就可以让你能够真正挑选出一个你最喜欢的精灵族女孩儿,和她结合生出后代。现在看来,你们人类实在是想得太多了,我无法理解。” Xu Yi smiles bitterly, thought that the Lisanya elder circled a circle, finally actually for this matter. 许亦苦笑一声,心想利桑亚长老绕了一个圈子,最终却还是为了这件事。 That several elf clan girls had treated more than half a year here, he has been rejecting, the Lisanya elder is obviously impatient, even does not hesitate to use itself to achieve this goal. 那几名精灵族女孩儿已经在这里待了大半年了,他一直都在拒绝,利桑亚长老显然已经非常不耐烦了,甚至不惜利用自己来达成这个目的。 This approach obviously saw the Lisanya elder and Ailucia elder's difference in character. 这个做法就明显看出了利桑亚长老和艾露希亚长老在性格上的差别。 If the Ailucia elder, does not think comes to be accepted by oneself absolutely through this method with the elf clan girl union. 如果是艾露希亚长老,绝对不会想到通过这个方法来让自己接受和精灵族女孩儿结合。 However when turns the head to look to the Ailucia elder, Xu Yi actually discovered that the vision of Ailucia elder happen to falls on own lower part, an appearance looking pensive. 然而转头看向艾露希亚长老时,许亦却发现艾露希亚长老的目光正好落在自己的下体,一副若有所思的模样。 Even does the Ailucia elder have this idea?” Xu Yi felt suddenly, but whole body one cold. “难道连艾露希亚长老也有这个想法?”许亦陡然觉得而全身一寒。 He is very clear, the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elders are the Magic strength and Great Magician Camilla equally matched powerful elf clan Great Magician, if under them decided the decision strongly to oneself with, he has no strength of resistance. 他很清楚,艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老都是魔法实力和卡米拉大魔法师不相上下的强大的精灵族大魔法师,如果她们两人下定了决定对自己用强的话,他根本没有任何反抗之力。 Is good has not become the reality because of the worry of Xu Yi, two elder ponder moments, the Lisanya elder sighed, a face regretted the said/tunnel: Originally I also to with human male ** with some interests, since President Xu you do not want, that has forget it. However President Xu, initially I and Ailucia elder to you proposed when this suggestion, complies to give you one year of consideration, now immediately must to one year, if you have not been able to make the decision when the time comes, I and Ailucia determined you to lose the option, met to help you choose, hopes when the time comes do not regret.” 好在许亦的担心并没有成为现实,两位长老思考片刻,利桑亚长老叹了口气,一脸惋惜地道:“本来我还对和人类男**配有些兴趣的,但是既然许会长你不愿意,那就只好算了。不过许会长,当初我和艾露希亚长老向你提出这个建议时,答应给你一年时间考虑,现在马上就要到一年了,如果你到时候还不能做决定的话,我和艾露希亚就判定你失去了选择权,会自己帮你挑选出来,希望你到时候不要后悔。” Xu Yi can't help it smiles bitterly. 许亦禁不住苦笑起来。 Because of this issue, he already and two elders argued innumerable. 因为这个问题,他已经和两位长老争论了无数次了。 Regardless how he said, both elders insisted must make Xu Yi choose and elf clan girls unifies, because they need Xu Yi and elf clan unify to give birth to the descendant, the significance that this matter represents is extremely great, they regard as important extremely, does not allow Xu Yi to reject. 但是无论他怎么说,两位长老都坚持一定要让许亦选择和一名精灵族女孩儿相结合,因为他们需要许亦和精灵族结合生下后代,这件事所代表的意义太过重大,她们极为看重,绝不允许许亦拒绝。 Before Xu Yi has resisted to this matter extremely, but sees the Lisanya elder now to facilitate this matter, even did not hesitate itself to go forth to battle personally, Xu Yi cannot help but presented one to become less crowded at heart. 之前许亦对这件事一直极为抗拒,但是现在看到利桑亚长老为了促成这件事情,甚至不惜自己亲自上阵,许亦的心里却不由自主地出现了一丝松动。 Perhaps...... really looks for elf clan girls to unify, is the acceptable matter? 或许……真的寻找一名精灵族女孩儿相结合,也是可以接受的事情吧? Makes Xu Yi worry truly, is he resists oneself regards the stud horse to use this fact. 真正让许亦顾虑的,则是他非常抗拒把自己当成种马来使用这个事实。 These elf clan girl Xu Yi that but the Lisanya elder chooses in this period of time because of resisting, but rarely contacts, whom regardless of chooses and unifies. Cannot escape from him to be treated as the destiny of stud horse use...... 可是利桑亚长老选出来的那些精灵族女孩儿许亦在这段时间内一直因为抗拒而很少接触,无论选择和谁结合。都逃不出他被当做种马使用的命运…… # # # ### That is uncertain.” The Stille chuckle shakes the head. Xu Yi. You forgot a person. Chooses her words, you should not feel oneself were treated as stud horse.” “那可不一定。”斯蒂尔轻笑摇头。“许亦。你忘了一个人哦。选择她的话,你应该不会觉得自己被当做‘种马’。” After two elders send off, Stille as usual comes to visit the Xu Yi situation. 将两位长老送走后,斯蒂尔照例过来探望许亦的情况。 Two people chatted one, Xu Yi does not conceal, words that the Lisanya elder spoke a moment ago, as well as worry in his heart told Stille completely. 两人聊了一阵,许亦也不隐瞒,将利桑亚长老刚才说的话,以及他心中的顾虑全部告诉了斯蒂尔 Actually requests Xu Yi to choose elf clan girls to unify regarding two elders, person who Stille this looks like in Xu Yi most should have the opinion actually never has what opposing opinion, on the contrary she also displays very actively. Always urged that Xu Yi is determined to choose one as soon as possible. 其实对于两位长老要求许亦选择一名精灵族女孩儿相结合,斯蒂尔这个在许亦看来最该有意见的人却从来没什么反对意见,相反她还表现得十分积极。总是催促许亦尽快下定决心挑选一个。 According to the view of Stille, this is because she thought that by the Xu Yi status, many several women has nothing unusually, she also accepted Liz and Linda as the Xu Yi woman in any case, now makes Xu Yi many girls of elf clan instead to make her feel more interesting. 按照斯蒂尔的说法,这是因为她觉得以许亦的身份,多几个女人并没什么稀奇,反正她也接受丽丝和琳达作为许亦的女人了,现在让许亦多出一个精灵族的女孩儿反而更有让她觉得更加有趣。 Xu Yi does not know whether to laugh or cry to the attitude that Stille shows, but this also let his many reductions some psychological burdens, therefore was only left over stud horse this worry. 许亦斯蒂尔表现出的这种态度哭笑不得,不过这也让他多少减少了一些心理负担,所以就只剩下“种马”这个顾虑而已。 However now Stille says that Xu Yi forgot a person. 然而现在斯蒂尔却说许亦忘了一个人。 Who is?” “是谁?” Naturally is Janice.” Stille said with a smile. “当然是亚妮丝啊。”斯蒂尔笑道。 Xu Yi was startled being startled, immediately suddenly. 许亦怔了怔,随即恍然。 Right, speaking of elf clan girl's words, he most familiar naturally was Janice. 对啊,说到精灵族女孩儿的话,他最熟悉的当然是亚妮丝了。 After this Xu Yi goes to this mainland, elf clan girl of first understanding. Until now has surpassed with the Xu Yi acquaintance for four years, both sides are quite familiar. No unfamiliar feeling. 这个许亦来到这片大陆上之后第一个认识的精灵族女孩儿。迄今为止已经和许亦相识超过四年了,双方极为熟悉。根本没有任何的生疏感。 However because just between both sides is extremely familiar, this caused the Xu Yi always unconsciousness to neglect Janice is actually elf clan girl fact. 但是正因为双方之间太过熟悉,这才导致许亦总是无意识地忽略了亚妮丝其实是精灵族女孩儿这个事实。 If unifies with Janice, Xu Yi does not think actually oneself were treated as the stud horse use. 如果和亚妮丝相结合,许亦倒是不会认为自己被当做种马使用。 But...... 可是…… This how line, I have regarded the youngest sister to regard Janice, like Vivian, unifies with her, was that too also irritable?” Xu Yi shakes the head to say. “这怎么行,我一直把亚妮丝当成小妹妹看待的,就像薇薇安一样,和她结合,那也太别扭了吧?”许亦摇头道。 Stille shows a faint smile, poked the stamp with the finger on the face of Xu Yi: Do not think that I do not know, actually you had moved to Janice before? Such attractive lovable elf clan girl, where has the normal man not to move.” 斯蒂尔微微一笑,用手指在许亦的脸上戳了戳:“别以为我不知道,其实你以前对亚妮丝动过心吧?这么漂亮可爱的精灵族女孩儿,哪有正常男人不为之动心的。” Xu Yi smiles awkwardly. 许亦尴尬地笑了笑。 He indeed was Janice excited, the time of however being together was long, now he treats as the family member to regard Janice more often, he has treated as the younger sister to regard general Vivian like the present. 他的确曾经为亚妮丝心动过,但是相处的时间久了,现在他更多的时候都是把亚妮丝当做亲人来看待,就像现在他已经把薇薇安当做自己妹妹看待一般。 Actually you spoke of Vivian...... on the Stille face to appear a slightly strange smiling face a moment ago. Xu Yi, do you know, Vivian said many times, later will certainly marry your, you said that treats as the younger sister to regard her, if Vivian knew, will be very certainly sad.” “其实你刚才说到薇薇安……”斯蒂尔脸上现出一丝略显诡异的笑容。“许亦,你知不知道,薇薇安可是说了很多次,以后一定会嫁给你的哦,你却说把她当做妹妹看待,如果薇薇安知道了,一定会很伤心的。” Xu Yi can only smile bitterly: Stille, I have you now, Liz and Linda they, I thought that is very enough. If are many, I affirmed myself energy and time, more important sentimental radically insufficient for allocating. I do not hope oneself are an irresponsible man, this will only make them sad.” 许亦只能苦笑:“斯蒂尔,我现在拥有你,还有丽丝和琳达她们,我觉得已经很足够了。如果再多的话,我肯定自己无论是精力、时间,还有更重要的感情根本不够分配。我不希望自己做一个不负责任的男人,这样只会让她们伤心。” You......” Stille put out a hand to caress the Xu Yi face, gently stroking gently, in the look full is the affections. Xu Yi, you sometimes were extremely gentle, considered too many for others. Actually many people, for example Liz, Linda, have Vivian they, actually only needs to treat side you, they will think that safely was very very joyful. On the contrary if you have had this idea, cannot determine and their relations, instead has been harming them, do you understand?” “你啊……”斯蒂尔伸手抚上许亦的脸庞,轻轻摩挲着,眼神中满是爱意。“许亦,你有时候就是太过温柔了,为其他人考虑得太多了。其实很多人,比如丽丝、琳达、还有薇薇安她们,其实只需要待在你身边,她们就会觉得很安心很快乐了。相反如果你一直抱有这种想法,不能确定和她们的关系的话,反而只是在一直伤害她们,你明白吗?” Xu Yi is startled: Real?” 许亦一怔:“真的吗?” Naturally.” Stille sighed in a soft voice: „Do you know, I had seen Vivian hid to cry secretly several times. I have asked her, she said that you these days few and she chatted the speech like before, even met almost few, making her feel that you did not like her, she was afraid very much.” “当然。”斯蒂尔轻声叹息道:“你知不知道,我已经看到过薇薇安偷偷躲起来哭过好几次了。我问过她,她说你这段时间很少和她像以前那样聊天说话,甚至连见面的几乎都很少,让她觉得你是不是不喜欢她了,她很害怕。” Xu Yi long time, sighed silently: If so, she really marries me, I later still do not have so many time and she in the same place, will she feel lonelier afraid?” 许亦默然半晌,叹道:“如果是这样的话,那她真的嫁给我,我以后依然没有那么多时间和她在一起,她岂不是会觉得更加孤单害怕?” No, this different. What Vivian need is you give her security sense. Now from name, her is still only your slave, she will be afraid is abandoned by you momentarily. If she can marry you, at least she will think that is more relieved.” “不,这不一样。薇薇安需要的是你给她的安全感。现在从名义上来说,她依然只是你的奴隶,她害怕随时会被你抛弃。而如果她能够嫁给你,起码她就会觉得安心很多。” Xu Yi is silent. 许亦沉默下来。 He has very good talent in the mechanical aspect, has the considerable good talent in the Magic aspect, in male and female does not have the least bit talent. 他在机械方面有非常不错的天赋,在魔法方面也有着相当不错的天赋,但是在男女方面却没有半点儿天赋而言。 If not Stille reminds, perhaps he cannot pay attention to the idea of Vivian. 如果不是斯蒂尔提醒,他恐怕根本注意不到薇薇安的想法。 Thought a while, Xu Yi sighed: Then Janice? She and are Vivian always different?” 想了一会儿,许亦叹道:“那么亚妮丝呢?她和薇薇安总不一样吧?” Janice be much better compared with the Vivian mentality, she is sunlight is a, the elf clan girl of being positive and progressive, she has said to me, she likes you, is willing with you in the same place, I to believe that this is she most real desire, without other least bit ideas. I think, if you must choose a elf clan girl union, Janice is you best choice.” 亚妮丝要比薇薇安心态好多了,她是个很阳光乐观,积极向上的精灵族女孩儿,她向我说过,她喜欢你,愿意和你在一起,我相信这就是她最真实的愿望,没有半点儿其它的想法。我想,如果你非要选择一个精灵族女孩儿结合的话,亚妮丝是你最好的选择。” Xu Yi nods, thinks, asked: Then you, Stille. Your true idea?” 许亦点点头,想了想,又问道:“那么你呢,斯蒂尔。你的真正想法呢?” Stille shows a faint smile: As a qualified wife, most important is supports own husband not? You go to do according to your wish freely, what choice regardless of you make, I will support you.” 斯蒂尔微微一笑:“身为一名合格的妻子,最重要的就是支持自己的丈夫不是吗?你尽管去按照自己的意愿去做吧,无论你做出什么样的选择,我都会支持你。” Xu Yi pinched the elegant face of Stille with a smile, thought that although Stille said very firmly, but he still does not have the means completely to let loose. 许亦笑着捏了捏斯蒂尔的俏脸,心想虽然斯蒂尔说得很坚定,但是他却依然没办法完全放开。 Whenever at this time, he felt if oneself were really in that novel cartoon opens the actor in harem to be good, such will not have any psychological burden, starting the choice was much easier.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 每当这个时候,他都觉得自己如果真的是那种小说漫画中开后宫的男主角就好了,那样就不会有任何心理负担,做起选择就要容易得多。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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