MIE :: Volume #4

#136: Demon mark in addition holds

Xu Yi is not coy, 2-3 then all removed the whole body clothing, took off/escaped none, the underpants remaining, did not look like the newborn baby to show in front of the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder generally completely. < 许亦也不扭捏,2-3便将浑身衣物全部褪去,脱了个精光,连裤衩也不剩下,就像是初生婴儿一般完全展现在艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老面前。< Two elders do not have the facial expression of least bit difference, beckons to hint Xu Yi to come to the body, first carefully observed his body from top to bottom, then searched from Xu Yi each inch flesh with the finger little. 两位长老更是没有半点儿异样的神情,招了招手示意许亦到身前来,先是从上到下仔细观察了他的身体一番,再用手指一点点地从许亦身上的每寸肌肤上都探了过去。 These to the health examination that Xu Yi makes time, with the previous time when to let Xu Yi masters the elf clan unique contemplation method the examination that takes is slightly different. 这一次对许亦做的身体检查,和上次为了让许亦掌握精灵族特有的冥想方法时所作的检测略有不同。 After examining, in the fingertips of two elders emits a wisp of quiet blue Magic Power ray simultaneously, has delimited on the body of Xu Yi, then left a pale blue trace on the flesh. 在检测完后,两位长老的手指尖上同时冒出一缕幽蓝色的魔力光芒,在许亦的身体上划过,便在肌肤上留下了一道淡蓝色的痕迹。 This pale blue trace glittered two, then gradually hidden, sank to the body of Xu Yi probably directly general. 这道淡蓝色的痕迹闪烁了两下,便逐渐隐去,就好像直接沉入了许亦的身体内一般。 This movement as if bears very heavy appearance regarding two elders, two people joint effort, left behind approximately less than 20 not long lines on Xu Yi, then took back the hand one after the other, simultaneously puts out the one breath slowly, seems like very exhausted. 这个动作对于两位长老来说似乎负担很重的样子,两人合力,也只是在许亦身上留下了大约不到二十条并不长的线条,便一先一后收回了手,同时缓缓吐出一口气,看起来似乎很是疲惫。 Xu Yi, starts to have a look.” The Lisanya elder said. 许亦,发动一下看看。”利桑亚长老道。 Xu Yi nods, slightly one is moved, within the body Magic Power twinkling circulation, on the exposed body emits the line that immediately is glittering innumerably the blue ray, almost covers his entire body. 许亦点点头,微一动念,体内魔力瞬息流转,裸露的身体上立即冒出无数闪烁着蓝色光芒的线条,几乎将他整个身体都笼罩在内。 These lines proliferate his whole body densely and numerously, besides face on, even on the buttocks has not let off. 这些线条密密麻麻地遍布他全身,除了脸上之外,甚至连屁股上也没放过。 This time Xu Yi, a whole body covered entirely the blue band of light probably, the light person who sent out the blue ray outward was ordinary. Looks very strange. 这时候的许亦,就好像一个浑身布满了蓝色光带,向外散发出蓝色光芒的光人一般。看起来十分诡异。 Un. The fluctuation is very stable. It seems like should not have the issue.” The Lisanya elder nods , to continue said: Xu Yi, gives a try with space Magic.” “嗯。波动很稳定。看来应该是没问题。”利桑亚长老点了点头,续道:“许亦,用一个空间魔法试试看。” Xu Yi slightly one hesitant, within the body Magic Power starts full power, the whole body glitters the blue ray line to echo immediately, he then felt that the Magic Power circulation in within the body becomes extremely smooth fast, but during being moved has then condensed completely in the right hand heart, immediately pitch-dark. As if even the ray attracted the small black ball of going to appear above his right hand. 许亦略一犹豫,体内魔力全力发动,全身闪烁着蓝色光芒的线条立即呼应起来,他便感觉体内的魔力流转变得极为顺畅快速,只是动念之间便已经完全凝聚在右手心,随即一个黑漆漆的。仿佛连光芒都吸了进去的小小黑球出现在他的右手上方。 Do not stop, maintains this appearance.” The Lisanya elder told. “不要停,保持这个样子。”利桑亚长老吩咐道。 Xu Yi continually revolution Magic Power, black ball on hand then steadily float above his right hand heart, motionless slightest. 许亦持续运转魔力,手上的黑球便稳稳地悬浮在他的右手心上方,不动分毫。 Sees this situation, the Ailucia elder smiles to nod: ” President Xu, your Magic talent is really splendid, unexpectedly only used in less than half a month, to be able space Magic to grasp this situation. ” 看到这个情形,艾露希亚长老微笑点头:”许会长,你果然魔法天赋出色,居然只用了不到半个月的时间,就能将空间魔法掌握到这种地步。” The Lisanya elder also nods: Un, good, according to this progress gets down. Perhaps you have more than enough for a half year, can grasp the space transmission.” 利桑亚长老也点了点头:“嗯,不错,照这个进度下去。或许你用不了半年,就能掌握空间传送了。” Two elders finish speaking. The black ball tiny light mark on Xu Yi right hand heart passed over gently and swiftly suddenly together, immediately the black ball then vibrated. 两位长老话音刚落。许亦右手心上的黑球忽然一道细小的光纹掠过,随即黑球便抖动了一下。 The Xu Yi forced smile said: Two elders, you praised too early, I could not insist quickly.” 许亦苦笑道:“两位长老,你们夸得太早了,我快坚持不住了。” „There is nothing, you continue to insist how long has a look to insist.” The Lisanya elder said. “这没什么,你继续坚持,看看能坚持多久。”利桑亚长老道。 Good, I try.” “好吧,我试试。” Xu Yi continues to transfer whole body Magic Power , to continue to try hard to maintain in this space Magic Magic of most foundation- swallows the ball. 许亦继续调动全身魔力,继续努力保持着这个空间魔法中最基础的一个魔法-吞噬球。 However maintains with this Magic Power that swallows the ball to need is quite terrifying, even if he Magic Power in within the body has surpassed general nine levels of Magician now, because still has not been the Great Magician degree, therefore still has not been able to control this to swallow the ball like Great Magician at will, Magic Power therefore consumes extremely quickly. 然而维持和这个吞噬球所需要的魔力极为恐怖,就算他现在已经体内的魔力已经超出了一般的九级魔法师,但是因为依然没有达到大魔法师的程度,所以依然还不能像大魔法师一样可以随意操控这个吞噬球,魔力因此消耗极快。 Also insisted after two minutes, swallows the transparent white colored light mark that in the ball surface flashes through to be getting more and more, is getting more and more dense, swallows the ball also to start more and more fierce vibration. 又坚持了两分钟过后,吞噬球表面上闪过的亮白色光纹越来越多,越来越密,吞噬球也开始越来越剧烈的抖动起来。 Saw that Xu Yi can still maintain to swallow the ball the cardinal principle shape, making it not be defeated and dispersed thoroughly, the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder exchanged an astonished look. 看到许亦依然能够维持住吞噬球的大体形状,使其没有彻底溃散,艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老交换了一个惊异的眼神。 Magic department that space Magic grasps awkwardly, even if Great Magician has the profound understanding of the concept of space Magic, wants to control and uses space Magic still have a difficulty matter. 空间魔法是最为难掌握的魔法系,就算大魔法师已经对空间魔法的概念有了深刻理解,想要操控和使用空间魔法依然是非常有难度的一件事情。 Like Xu Yi, because its Magic Power does not have the means to maintain to swallow the ball in insufficient the situation, actually can still maintain the cardinal principle shape of swallowing the ball, is almost a impossible matter. 许亦这样因为本身魔力不足而没办法维持吞噬球的情况下,却依然能够维持住吞噬球的大体形态,几乎是一件不可能的事情。 However Xu Yi actually achieved, and he can maintain this shape unexpectedly lasted two minutes, obviously control in of Xu Yi Magic element to own Magic Power and Magic has reached an exceptionally astonishing degree. 然而许亦却做到了,并且他居然能够维持这个形态长达两分钟之久,可见许亦对自身魔力和所用魔法中的魔法元素的控制已经达到了一个异常惊人的程度。 Currently speaking, Xu Yi is really an extremely splendid Magic talent. 从这一点来看,许亦真的是一个极其出色的魔法天才。 Two elders show the look that regrets together. 两位长老齐齐露出惋惜的神色。 If Xu Yi is willing uses all energy and time on studying Magic, or is more attentive, his Magic achievement does not stop now this level. 如果许亦肯把所有精力和时间都用在研究魔法上,或者只是多用心一些,他的魔法成就绝不止现在这个水平。 If he is really willing to do this, only feared that now has become Great Magician, how also to have the beforehand that type nearly by that the Great Magician assassination of Juna named matter that died. 如果他真的肯这样做的话,只怕现在早就已经成为大魔法师,又怎么会发生之前那种差点儿被那个叫做瑞纳大魔法师暗杀身亡的事情。 If not because Xu Yi encounters this danger, the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder does not think that must conduct demon mark in addition to hold to Xu Yi, enabling him to break through boundary between Magician and Great Magician shortly, can use space Magic limited? 如果不是因为许亦遭遇到这种危险,艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老也不会想到要对许亦进行魔纹加持,使他能够短暂的突破魔法师大魔法师之间的界限,可以有限制地使用空间魔法呢? Demon mark in addition holds is the secret of elf clan, easily in the situation, two elders impossible to use it on a human absolutely. 魔纹加持是精灵族的机密,轻易情况下,两位长老绝对不可能将其用在一名人类身上。 However Xu Yi now the body is the Night Song Tribe and Night Song Tribe liangs elf tribe enormous benefit, if he had/left what accident/surprise, will create the extremely serious attack to two tribe, even might affect two tribe future. 但是许亦现在身系夜歌部族个精灵部族的巨大利益,他如果出了什么意外,对两个部族都会造成极其严重的打击,甚至有可能影响到两个部族的未来。 Now Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe development situation is quite gratifying, the elves in tribe lived to present the enormous change, and also had the opportunity to make them fit into the human society truly, enabling them to continue to continue in this mainland. 现在夜歌部族月影部族的发展形势极为喜人,部族中的精灵们生活出现了极大改变,并且又有机会让他们真正融入人类社会,使得他们能够在这片大陆上继续延续下去。 Like this good opportunity, two elders not to miss absolutely. 这样的好机会,两位长老绝对不会错过。 But all these keys, are Xu Yi. 而这一切的关键,就是许亦 If Xu Yi died, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce new leader is not necessarily able really to consider for the development of their elf tribe like Xu Yi, but two elders will also be very difficult like trusting Xu Yi trust another human again. 如果许亦死了,新飞商会新的领导人未必会像许亦一样真的在为他们两个精灵部族的发展考虑,而两位长老也很难会像信任许亦一样再去信任另外一名人类。 Therefore , Xu Yi cannot die absolutely accidentally/surprisingly. 所以说,许亦绝对不能意外死去。 Therefore even if two elders put together the exposed elf clan to inherit several thousand years of secret, must conduct demon mark in addition to hold to Xu Yi. Behavior. Is hopes that Xu Yi has the maintaining life method at crucial moments. 于是两位长老就算拼着暴露精灵族传承了数千年的机密,也要对许亦进行魔纹加持。所为的。就是希望许亦在危急时刻有保命手段。 Demon mark in addition holds Magic Power running rate that can promote Magician shortly. Promotes Magic Power indirectly, thus enables Magician to jump the ranks to use Magic. 魔纹加持可以短暂提升一名魔法师魔力运行速度。间接提升魔力,从而使魔法师能够越级使用魔法 The Xu Yi present strength already to the Great Magician edge, the words that jumped the ranks again, can use space Magic normally. 许亦现在的实力已经是到了大魔法师的边缘,再越级的话,就能正常使用空间魔法了。 On the current effect, because the Xu Yi extremely splendid Magic talent, all conduct extremely smoothly. 就目前的效果来看,因为许亦极其出色的魔法天赋,一切都进行得极为顺利。 Believes so long as demon mark in addition holds completely, Xu Yi under the strict guidance of Great Magician Camilla, will not certainly need to spend too can grasp in space Magic for a long time most important transmission Magic. 相信只要魔纹加持完全,许亦一定会在卡米拉大魔法师的严格教导下,不用花费太长时间就能掌握空间魔法中最重要的传送魔法 This Magic can transmit Magician to the long-distance range beyond instantaneously. Saves the Xu Yi life at crucial moments sufficiently. 这个魔法可以将一名魔法师瞬间传送到远距离之外。足以在危急时刻保住许亦的性命。 Although Juna bumped into Great Magician Camilla before time, the opportunity of even escaping does not have, but that is because the Great Magician Camilla nowadays Magic strength has increased the apex of Great Magician rank, only misses one step to break through to become Magister, even he has touched part of space principles, this can make Juna transmit the opportunity that Magic escapes the use not to have. 虽然之前瑞纳碰上卡米拉大魔法师的时候,连逃命的机会都没有,但那是因为卡米拉大魔法师现今的魔法实力已经提升到了大魔法师级别的顶点,只差一步就能突破成为魔导师,甚至他已经触碰到了一部分空间法则,这才能够使得瑞纳连使用传送魔法逃命的机会都没有。 But generally speaking, will not have Great Magician of Magister rank from falling the status runs to assassinate Xu Yi. 而一般来说,也不会有魔导师级别的大魔法师会自降身份跑来暗杀许亦 Strikes to kill as for the upfront? 至于正面击杀? Is spelling risk that and entire Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce battles against, what advantage also there is? 拼着和整个新飞商会开战的风险,又有什么好处呢? Let alone, by the strength that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has now, even if Magister comes personally. Also is not necessarily able to take what advantage. 更何况,以新飞商会现在拥有的实力,就算是一名魔导师亲自前来。也未必能占到什么便宜。 When two elder mind flashes through these thoughts fast, Xu Yi could not have insisted completely. Swallows ball fierce rocking, then reduces rapidly, after the moment, then completely vanishes does not see. 两名长老脑海中快速闪过这些念头时,许亦已经完全坚持不住。吞噬球一阵剧烈的晃动,然后迅速缩减,片刻后便完全消失不见。 Sees this situation, the Ailucia elder and in the look of Lisanya elder flashes through an astonishment again. 看到这个情形,艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老的眼神中再次闪过一丝惊异。 Actually they have prepared for all protective measures , when Xu Yi Magic loses control guards against the contingency. 其实她们已经做好了一切防护措施,准备在许亦魔法失控的时候防备意外情况。 Has not actually thought that Xu Yi in this case, can still extract Magic Power unexpectedly little, lets swallow the ball to eliminate in the gentlest way. 却没想到许亦居然在这种情况下,依然能够一点点抽出魔力,让吞噬球以最平缓的方式消去。 From this point, Xu Yi for the Magic control degree that oneself use, is really exceptionally astonishing. 从这一点看,许亦对自己使用的魔法的操控程度,真的是异常惊人。 However regarding two elders, the Xu Yi Magic talent is stronger, is naturally better. 然而对于两位长老来说,许亦魔法天赋越强,自然就越好。 Xu Yi probably is very unsatisfied, looks at the air-to-air right hand heart, sighed, shakes the head: Really pitifully, I did not have the means completely to grasp this to swallow the ball to the present, wanting grasping more difficult much transmission Magic to be much more difficult perhaps.” 许亦却好像十分不满意,看着空空的右手心,叹了口气,摇摇头:“真可惜,我到现在还没办法完全掌握这个吞噬球,想要掌握难得多的传送魔法恐怕就要难得多了。” The Ailucia elder smiles saying: No, President Xu, swallowing ball, although is in space Magic Magic of most foundation, but is actually representing basic of all space Magic. Enable you to grasp this Magic, mainly to let you realizes the space Magic characteristics, thus other more convenient study space Magic.” 艾露希亚长老微笑道:“不,许会长,吞噬球虽然是空间魔法中最基础的一个魔法,但是却代表着一切空间魔法的基本。让你掌握这个魔法,主要是为了让你体会空间魔法的特点,从而更方便的学习其它空间魔法。” Right, theoretically, so long as you can grasp space Magic, that in the Magic Power sufficient situation, you can use any space Magic. Swallows the ball you to grasp, transmits Magic you certainly to use.” The Lisanya elder added. “对,理论上来说,只要你能掌握一个空间魔法,那么在魔力充足的情况下,你就能够使用任何一个空间魔法。吞噬球你能够掌握,传送魔法你就一定能够使用。”利桑亚长老补充道。 In Magic Power sufficient situation?” Xu Yi frowns, the forced smile said: Issue is my Magic Power is insufficient, swallows ball such foundation space Magic only to maintain such short time continually, how possibly to maintain to transmit the mass consumptions of Magic?” 魔力充足的情况下?”许亦皱起眉头,苦笑道:“问题是我的魔力根本不充足啊,连吞噬球这么基础的空间魔法都只能维持这么短时间,怎么可能维持住传送魔法的大量消耗?” You think that what we do conduct demon mark in addition to hold to you make?” The Lisanya elder stared Xu Yi one. Told you, demon mark in addition held Magic Power that may not only be able to promote your condensed the speed and your control to the Magic element, what was more important, has words that demon mark in addition held, you when conducted the space transmission, can reduce many space Magic element to shake to your influence, was you transmits when the use Magic conducted the space transmission consumes very few Magic Power. You can maintain to swallow the ball three minutes now, then you can use to transmit Magic to adopt the space three minutes, even is longer.” “你以为我们给你进行魔纹加持是做什么?”利桑亚长老瞪了许亦一眼。“告诉你,魔纹加持可不仅仅只是能够提升你的魔力凝聚速度和你对魔法元素的操控,更重要的是,拥有魔纹加持的话,你在进行空间传送的时候,就能够减轻很多空间魔法元素震荡对你的影响,是你在使用传送魔法进行空间传送时消耗非常少的魔力。你现在能够维持吞噬球三分钟,那么你就能使用传送魔法在通过空间三分钟,甚至是更久。” Three minutes? Can I transmit far?” Xu Yi asked most issue of concern. “三分钟?那我到底能传送多远呢?”许亦问出了最关心的问题。 This present does not know.” The Lisanya elder shakes the head. Carries on the speed of space transmission to look at understanding of each Magician to space Magic as well as to transmitting the utilization of Magic, each Magician is different. However by your talent, I thought that should not be bad. How three minutes of words...... said that can also transmit to one kilometer beyond.” “这现在可不知道。”利桑亚长老摇摇头。“进行空间传送的速度要看每名魔法师对空间魔法的理解以及自身对传送魔法的运用,每名魔法师都不一样。不过以你的天赋,我觉得应该不会太差。三分钟的话……怎么说也能传送到一公里之外吧。” One kilometer......” Xu Yi thinks, nods: That should enough flee the danger.” “一公里啊……”许亦想了想,点点头:“那应该足够逃离危险了吧。” Generally speaking does not have the issue.” The Ailucia elder nods to say. What is actually most important, do not fall into extremely dangerous Kyongjiri by yourself on the line. Moreover by your Magic talent, I believes soon, you can break through to become Great Magician. By that time, even if no help that demon mark in addition holds, you can still use to transmit Magic at will.” “一般来说没问题。”艾露希亚长老点头道。“其实最重要的是,你不要让自己陷入太过危险的境地里就行了。而且以你的魔法天赋,我相信用不了几年,你就能够突破成为大魔法师。到那个时候,就算没有魔纹加持的帮助,你也能够随意使用传送魔法了。” Xu Yi laughs, thought that the Ailucia elder also thought highly of himself. 许亦哈哈一笑,心想艾露希亚长老也太看得起自己了。 Although he is away from Great Magician to only have the one pace, but these step is very difficult to step. 虽然他距离大魔法师只有一步之遥,但是这一步却很难迈得出去。 Many Magician its life can only stay in nine levels of Magician degrees finally, does not have the means to tread this step. 很多魔法师终其一生都只能停留在九级魔法师的程度,就是没办法踏出这一步。 Although he had confidence to step over this threshold very much, but said that was soon...... that really cannot determine. 虽然他很有信心自己可以迈过这个门槛,但是说是用不了几年……那就实在不敢确定了。 Turns the head, actually glimpses the Lisanya elder to knit the brows slightly, seems lost in thought. 一转头,却瞥见利桑亚长老微微皱眉,似乎陷入沉思。 Xu Yi is astonished however asks: What's wrong? Does the Lisanya elder, what issue have?” 许亦讶然问道:“怎么?利桑亚长老,有什么问题吗?” The Lisanya elder hesitation moment, asked suddenly: Xu Yi, can you with my copulation?”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 利桑亚长老沉吟片刻,忽然问道:“许亦,你要不要和我交配?”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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