MIE :: Volume #4

#135: Makes an easy-to-use board game piece

An astonishing news rapidly spread over entire Stantin Duchy. « 一条惊人的消息迅速传遍了整个斯坦丁公国。《 Count Velun, declares war to Grand Duke Stantin officially! 威纶伯爵,正式向斯坦丁大公宣战! Although according to the beforehand development, everyone knows that Count Velun will have with one day that Grand Duke Stantin contends with directly sooner or later. 虽然按照之前的局势发展,所有人都知道威纶伯爵早晚会有和斯坦丁大公正面抗衡的一天。 However no one has expected, on this day unexpectedly comes such rapidness. 但是谁也没有料到,这一天居然来得如此之快。 Even if Count Velun the development momentum again were recently swift and violent, how many young feudal lords but just annexed after all, even if the strength had the large promotion, the territory situation that but first cannot come newly is stable, secondly still goes on an expedition again and again, should stop to rest and build up strength is right some time, how can also in the direct and entire duchy strength most powerful Grand Duke Stantin makes war? 就算威纶伯爵最近发展势头再怎么迅猛,但毕竟只是刚刚吞并了几个小领主,实力就算有了大幅提升,但一来还没有把新得来的领地局势稳定,二来也是连连征战,理应停下来休养生息一段时间才对,又怎么能够直接和整个公国内实力最强大的斯坦丁大公开战呢? Let alone Grand Duke Stantin sat already for over 30 years in the position of duchy Grand Duke, saved strength strong, no one is able to forecast. 何况斯坦丁大公在公国大公的位置上坐了已经超过三十年,积攒的实力有多强,谁都无法预测。 Count Velun chooses and Grand Duke Stantin rashly makes war, was too is not very really wise. 威纶伯爵贸然选择和斯坦丁大公开战,实在是太不够明智了。 Before just like when Count Velun makes war the situation to be the same with other feudal lords, after Count Velun and Grand Duke Stantin make war officially, Grand Duke Stantin army hand/subordinate cannot resist the attack of Count Velun, from the beginning retreats in defeat again and again. 可是正如之前威纶伯爵和其他领主开战时的情形一样,当威纶伯爵和斯坦丁大公正式开战后,斯坦丁大公手下的部队根本抵挡不住威纶伯爵的进攻,从一开始就节节败退。 Passed merely half a month, the army of Count Velun then advanced enough 200 kilometers in the territory of Grand Duke Stantin, seized the 1/3 territories under Stantin big common noun to be many. 仅仅只是过去了半个月,威纶伯爵的军队便在斯坦丁大公的领地内推进了足足两百公里,一句占领了斯坦丁大公名下的三分之一领土还多。 Before also looked to Count Velun and Grand Duke Stantin can have a fierce battle, best both sides to be mutually wounded, or Grand Duke Stantin can teach in the duchy of Count Velun ruthlessly other feudal lords, after seeing this situation, completely became completely silent. 之前还翘首期待着威纶伯爵和斯坦丁大公能够发生一场恶战,最好双方两败俱伤,或者斯坦丁大公可以狠狠教训一下威纶伯爵的公国内其他领主们,看到这种情形后,全部变得鸦雀无声。 Quick. In the Stantin labor duchy then emitted call that requests to replace the Grand Duke. 很快。斯坦丁工公国内便冒出了要求更换大公的呼声。 Other feudal lords who have not been able to resist Count Velun shortly the advance footsteps. Now starts to support Count Velun to become new Grand Duke Stantin. 眼看已经无法抵挡威纶伯爵前进脚步的其他领主们。现在纷纷开始拥戴威纶伯爵成为新的斯坦丁大公。 Even some feudal lords also sang the praises to Count Velun. Said that it may become Stantin Duchy first be able to unify the entire duchy in history truly, making Stantin Duchy really turn into a Grand Duke in country. 甚至一部分领主还对威纶伯爵歌功颂德。称其极有可能成为斯坦丁公国有史以来第一位真正能够统一整个公国,让斯坦丁公国真的变成一个国家的一任大公。 If Count Velun can complete this cause, then he will become the Stantin Duchy in history greatest Grand Duke, certainly in Stantin Duchy historical writes a piece of gorgeous chapter. 如果威纶伯爵能够完成这个伟业,那么他将成为斯坦丁公国有史以来最伟大的大公,一定会在斯坦丁公国的历史上写下一片绚丽的篇章。 Suddenly, the situation in Stantin Duchy flickers changes. 一时间,斯坦丁公国内的局势瞬即改变。 Before Grand Duke Stantin also received support of one group of feudal lords, after Count Velun and Grand Duke Stantin fought officially, feudal lords who these supported Grand Duke Stantin then immediately treachery. 之前斯坦丁大公还收到一堆领主的支持,但是在威纶伯爵和斯坦丁大公正式交手过后,这些支持斯坦丁大公的领主们便立即倒戈。 In an instant, Count Velun seems to have become the only candidate of new Grand Duke. 转眼之间,威纶伯爵似乎就已经成为了新一任大公的不二人选。 However this time Count Velun. The innermost feelings do not have the least bit joyful meaning. 然而此时的威纶伯爵本人。内心却没有半点儿欣喜之意。 # # # ### President Xu, this is the following some time combat plan, please glance.” Count Velun the thick prospectus double handed over the hand , the manner is respectful. 许会长,这是接下来一段时间的作战计划,请你过目。”威纶伯爵将手上厚厚的计划书双手递了过去,神态恭敬。 Before faces the Xu Yi arrogance, when is in a rage dares commands the army to attack the Xu Yi private territory rampant completely different, present Count Velun does not have the means to show any arrogant stance in front of Xu Yi, on the contrary seems respectful to Xu Yi, does not dare to show the least bit arrogant countenance. 和之前面对许亦时的倨傲,甚至一怒之下就敢率军攻打许亦私人领地时的嚣张完全不同,现在的威纶伯爵在许亦面前已经没办法摆出任何盛气凌人的架势,反倒对许亦显得毕恭毕敬,不敢摆出半点儿倨傲的嘴脸来。 Sometimes, Count Velun feels the anger and shame for oneself such manner. 有些时候,威纶伯爵自己都为自己这样的神态感到愤怒和羞辱。 However he has no means. 但是他却没有任何办法。 Although in the bystander, particularly looks like in Stantin Duchy other feudal lords. He now is awe-inspiring, even if makes war with Grand Duke Stantin can hit the opposite party to be completely routed. Really is in Stantin Duchy the crest of wave most vigor character. 虽然在外人,尤其是在斯坦丁公国的其他领主们看来。他现在可谓威风八面,就算和斯坦丁大公开战都能打得对方落花流水。实在是斯坦丁公国内风头最劲的人物。 However he is very clear, all these, establish, in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has the support attitude to him the foundation. 但是他自己却很清楚,这一切,都是建立在新飞商会对他采取支持态度的基础上。 If lost the support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, other he and Stantin Duchy feudal lords in have no difference, anything is not. 如果失去了新飞商会的支持,他和斯坦丁公国内的其他领主们没有任何区别,什么都不是。 If causes the Xu Yi disaffection, Xu Yi can definitely support another feudal lord to replace him immediately. 假如引起许亦的不满,许亦完全可以立即扶持起另外一个领主来取代他。 So long as is cut off to the supply supplies in his military Magic mechanical aspect, the battle efficiency of his army almost will turn into zero, he obtains all now, will only turn into the bubble. 而只要断掉对他军用魔法机械方面的供应补给,他手下军队的战斗力几乎会变成零,他现在所获得一切,都只会变成泡影。 Sometimes, the Velun feudal lord wants to give up all military Magic machineries, because he thought that by domain, manpower, physical resource that oneself present have wait/etc., in any feudal lord with the duchy wants to contend sufficiently, even does not drop the wind facing Grand Duke Stantin. 有些时候,威纶领主很想放弃所有的军用魔法机械,因为他觉得凭借自己现在拥有的地盘、人力、物力等等,足以和公国内任何一名领主想抗衡,甚至面对斯坦丁大公也不落下风。 However he also is very clear, if really lost the military Magic machinery, now his hand/subordinate these already the soldiers who were used to the use military Magic machinery efficient lethality to win with ease, before the battle efficiency even could not compare him, these soldiers who had. 但是他同时也很清楚,如果真的失去了军用魔法机械,现在他手下那些早就习惯了利用军用魔法机械高效杀伤力轻松获胜的士兵们,战斗力甚至比不上他之前拥有的那些士兵。 Uses the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce military Magic machinery, satisfies thirst by drinking poison probably general. 使用新飞商会的军用魔法机械,就好像饮鸩止渴一般。 Does not use, he will be finished immediately, but continues with, he was also finished same. 不用,他会立即完蛋,但是继续用下去,他也一样完蛋。 Count Velun is very helpless to present this situation, he cannot think of any means solution, therefore the time is long, he completely had then given up the idea of solving this problem. 威纶伯爵对现在这种局势很无奈,他想不到任何办法解决,于是时间一长,他便已经完全放弃了解决这个问题的想法。 He had made the decision in the innermost feelings, since Xu Yi wants to treat as a board game piece to use him, then he strives to work as this easy-to-use board game piece. 他已经在内心里做出了决定,既然许亦想要把他当做一枚棋子来使用,那么他就来力争当这枚好用的棋子。 Xu Yi probably is only in any case interested to money-making, but to to become a feudal lord, has in everyone's living to the territory kills power matter to have little interest. 反正许亦好像只对赚钱有兴趣,而对成为一名领主,拥有对领地内所有人的生杀大权这种事情没有太大兴趣。 So long as he completes the matter according to the instruction of Xu Yi, then he can certainly become in Stantin Duchy the most powerful Grand Duke. 只要他依照许亦的吩咐把事情做好,那么他一定能够成为斯坦丁公国内最有权势的一任大公。 Although the premise obeys the arrangement of Xu Yi. 尽管前提是听从许亦的安排。 Xu Yi received the operational prospectus, but swept one, then one side puts. 许亦接过作战计划书,只是扫了一眼,便放到一边。 Count Velun, I did not care to the detail that you battle, I only cared you can achieve me to hope goal that you achieve. But in achieving the process of this goal, regardless of you need me and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce adopt anything to support to you, I will make contribution.” 威纶伯爵,我对你作战的细节并不关心,我只关心你能不能达成我希望你达成的目标。而在达成这个目标的过程中,无论你需要我和新飞商会对你采取什么支持,我都会尽力。” Looks on the Xu Yi face the sincere vision, Count Velun in the heart criticizes one. 看着许亦脸上真诚的目光,威纶伯爵心中暗骂一声。 This Xu Yi, simply is the most false villain! 这个许亦,简直就是最虚伪的小人! Front he clearly like control entire Stantin Duchy, actually overthrows himself goes to risk one's life for him, in other feudal lords with duchy non-stop making war, oneself hide in behind anything is not dry. 他分明就像一手掌控整个斯坦丁公国,却把自己推倒前面去为他出生入死,和公国内的其他领主们不停开战,自己躲在后面什么都不干。 Although at heart thinks, Count Velun on the face actually still shows the smiling face. The nod said: Yes. President Xu. Then here is the place that we need to supply. Please glance.” 心里虽然这么想,威纶伯爵脸上却依然露出笑容。点头道:“是的。许会长。这里就是接下来我们需要补给的地方。请你过目。” Xu Yi received this supplies statistical data, actually looked earnestly. 许亦接过这份补给统计资料,却是认真地看了起来。 Looked at a while, he then frowns. 只是看了一会儿,他便皱起眉头。 Count Velun, was the consumption of this Magic arrow arrow too rather high? In half a month, you and Grand Duke Stantin battle to amount to five times, unexpectedly consumed enough 100,000 Magic arrow arrows? Soldier altogether also not over 10,000 people that but the glorious battle achievements, Grand Duke Stantin the aspect loses. Do you need to spend over ten Magic arrow arrows to strike on average to kill an enemy?” 威纶伯爵,这个魔法箭矢的消耗未免太高了点儿吧?这半个月内,你和斯坦丁大公交战总计五次,居然就消耗了足足十万枝魔法箭矢?可是从战果来看,斯坦丁大公方面损失的士兵总共还不超过一万人。难道你需要平均花费十枝以上的魔法箭矢才能击杀一名敌人吗?” Count Velun sinking sound said: President Xu, the situation in battlefield is very difficult to decide totally. Grand Duke Stantin soldiers hand/subordinate protect strictly. The Magic arrow arrow is very difficult to create effective killing to them, therefore consumed were many.” 威纶伯爵沉声道:“许会长,战场上的局势很难一概而定。斯坦丁大公手下的士兵们防护严密。魔法箭矢很难对他们造成有效杀伤,所以消耗就多了一些。” Right? What solution do you have?” Xu Yi also asked. “是吗?那你有什么解决办法吗?”许亦又问。 Has. Since the opposite party has the method of guarding against our common military Magic machineries, so long as that President Xu you can provide to my high level military Magic machinery, I can certainly rout Grand Duke Stantin with ease.” Count Velun fearless say/way. “有。既然对方已经有了防备我们一般的军用魔法机械的方法,那么只要许会长你能提供给我更高级的军用魔法机械,我一定能够轻松击溃斯坦丁大公。”威纶伯爵昂然道。 Oh? Xu Yi raised the head, the faint smile looked at Count Velun. What high-level military Magic machinery do you want?” 哦?许亦抬起头,似笑非笑地看了威纶伯爵一眼。“你想要什么样的高级军用魔法机械?” Does not use too high-level. My previous time saw Magic bazooka that your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard demonstrates, the might is good. If gave my subordinate to provide this Magic bazooka, army that I thought Grand Duke Stantin certainly irresistibly.” “也不用太高级的。我上次看到你们新飞商会护卫队演示的魔法火箭筒,威力就非常不错。如果给我的部下配备了这个魔法火箭筒,我想斯坦丁大公的军队一定无法抵抗。” Xu Yi knocked the stool arm rest, the hesitation moment, said: Provides part to you this Magic bazooka is not. However Count Velun, so far our chamber of commerce provides to your various military Magic machineries. Your majority is the buy on credit. The might of demon Magic bazooka is indeed intrepid, but the price is also very high. A Magic bazooka needs 700 gold coins. Also needs 30 gold coins with Magic rocket projectile one round of its match. You determined that can afford?” 许亦敲了敲凳子扶手,沉吟片刻,道:“把这个魔法火箭筒给你提供一部分也不是不可以。但是威纶伯爵,到目前为止我们商会提供给你的各类军用魔法机械。你大部分都是赊欠。魔魔法火箭筒的威力的确强悍,但是价格也十分高昂。只是一枚魔法火箭筒就需要七百金币。与其匹配的魔法火箭弹一发也需要三十金币。你确定买得起吗?” Velun Count cold snort/hum, thought that you are willing the buy on credit to provide to my these military Magic machineries, has not hoped that I risk one's life for you, now adds that what these idle talk do make? 威纶伯爵冷哼一声,心想你之所以肯赊欠提供给我这些军用魔法机械,还不是希望我为你出生入死,现在还说这些废话做什么? Naturally in the surface actually cannot say. 当然表面上却是不能这么说的。 Count Velun thinks to reply: This, President Xu, according to the old rule, I cedes to your territory again, how do you look?” 威纶伯爵想了想答道:“这样吧,许会长,按照老规矩,我再割让给你一块领地,你看怎么样?” Xu Yi shakes the head: Too many territory significances are not to me big, now this territory enough our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce development, you have given me to be many some territories, to me has not distinguished.” 许亦摇了摇头:“太多的领地对我来说意义并不大,现在这块领地已经足够我们新飞商会发展,你给我再多一些领地,对我来说也没区别。” Count Velun spreads out both hands immediately: That what to do? Asks for money I not to have.” 威纶伯爵立即摊开双手:“那怎么办?要钱我可是没有的。” Sees Count Velun to show a rascal countenance, Xu Yi can't help it laughs in spite of trying not. 威纶伯爵摆出一副无赖嘴脸,许亦禁不住失笑。 Count Velun this was clarifies abandoned something as beyond redemption, he will be sure Xu Yi not to raise one's head to handle these things in any case now, but among a short time, Xu Yi was impossible to look for a new feudal lord to replace his function again. 威纶伯爵这是摆明了破罐子破摔了,反正他吃准了许亦现在不会自己出头来做这些事情,而一时半会儿间,许亦也不可能再去寻找一位新的领主来顶替他的作用。 Territory I do not need temporarily, money I do not lack at present, the thing that I most need now only has one, that is a person.” Xu Yi sincere say/way. “领地我暂时不需要,钱我目前也不怎么缺,我现在最需要的东西就只有一个,那就是人。”许亦正色道。 Person?” “人?” Right. Count Velun, we sign an agreement. Starting today, so long as is the territory that you overcome, our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in half of people to this territory has the control. Simply speaking, I must divide half of people.” “对。威纶伯爵,我们重新签署一份协议。从今天起,只要是你打下的领地,我们新飞商会都对这片领地上的一半人拥有控制权。简单来说,我要分走一半人。” Half?” Count Velun the complexion is somewhat ugly. „Were this too also many? If you picked these young men, my territory what to do?” “一半?”威纶伯爵脸色有些难看。“这也太多了吧?如果你把那些青壮男子都挑走了,那我的领地怎么办?” Don't worry.” Xu Yi beckons with the hand with a smile. The manpower who I need is mainly not the young man. On the contrary, in many factories under our chamber of commerce name, those who are desperately short is these grown females.” “不用担心。”许亦笑着摆了摆手。“我需要的人手并不主要是青壮男子。相反,我们商会名下的很多工厂里,急缺的是那些成年的女性。” Right?” Count Velun looked at Xu Yi one bewilderedly. “是吗?”威纶伯爵莫名其妙地看了许亦一眼。 Except for being used to vent ** with having a child beside, was the adult female useful? 除了用来发泄**和生孩子之外,成年女性有什么用? Really must select the words of woman, is these young pretty girls is on the contrary more attractive? 真要挑女人的话,反倒是那些年轻漂亮的女孩子更有吸引力吧? Thinks of here, Count Velun suddenly thinks, before he gives to Xu Yi two maid Liz and Linda has treated now side Xu Yi, probably also received the affection of Xu Yi. 想到这里,威纶伯爵突然想起来,之前他送给许亦的两名女仆丽丝和琳达现在就一直待在许亦身边,好像还非常受许亦的喜爱。 Perhaps...... Xu Yi really has the special hobby in this aspect. 或许……许亦真的有这方面的特殊嗜好。 Xu Yi has not paid attention to Count Velun the strange idea in mind, will have prepared the good agreement to take to make Count Velun glance. 许亦没有理会威纶伯爵脑海里的怪异想法,将早就准备好的协议拿出来让威纶伯爵过目。 Count Velun looked at several carelessly, then signed own name. 威纶伯爵草草看了几眼,便签下了自己的名字。 He can only obey the arrangement of Xu Yi in any case, how to look is also not meaningful again clearly. 反正他只能听从许亦的安排,看得再怎么清楚也没什么意义。 After agreement signing, after two people some cooperation directions discussed several, Count Velun then left the Xu Yi private manor. 协议签订后,两人就之后的一些合作方向讨论了几句,威纶伯爵便离开了许亦的私人庄园。 After Count Velun leaves, Xu Yi sets out, actually returned to own bedroom. 威纶伯爵离开后,许亦起身,却是回到了自己的卧室。 Opened the bedroom door, the Ailucia elder and vision of Lisanya elder swept together. 一推开卧室门,艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老的目光一起扫了过来。 The Lisanya elder swept Xu Yi up and down, shouted lightly: Escapes.”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 利桑亚长老上下扫了一眼许亦,轻喝道:“脱。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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