MIE :: Volume #4

#134: Was the death, worked for me?

However, this also starts merely. / 然而,这还仅仅只是开始。/ Sends the Magic rocket projectile to run upon the Magic safety mask under Juna arrange/cloth innumerably, after around his body erupts the innumerable group bright fireworks, medium freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle arrived at the edge of the cliff. 无数发魔法火箭弹撞上瑞纳布下的魔法防护罩,在他身体周围爆发无数团明亮的烟花后,一艘中型货运魔力机车开到了悬崖边缘。 This freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle as if reprinted many cargos, seems very heavy, goes rumble makes noise on the road. 这辆货运魔力机车似乎转载了很多货物,显得非常重,行驶在路上轰隆隆作响。 When freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle arrives at the edge of the cliff, Juna fixes the eyes on looked, behind the discovery this freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle carrying packing container is actually actually putting a honey-comb one grotesque thing comprised of 16 sturdy cylinders. 而等到货运魔力机车来到悬崖边缘,瑞纳定睛一看,却发现这辆货运魔力机车的载货箱后面却是放着一个由十六个粗壮圆筒组成的蜂巢一样的怪模怪样的东西。 If this thing disassembled alone, each cylinder seems like the individual Magic bazooka that and guards of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard used a moment ago to look like, just actually obviously wanted in a big way several times in the scale. 这个玩意如果拆开了单独来看,每一个圆筒看起来都和刚才新飞商会护卫队的护卫们所使用的单兵魔法火箭筒非常像,只不过在规模上却明显要大了好几倍。 16 such sturdy cylinders compose a square according to 44% arrange styles the physique, places on a rack slantingly. 十六个这样粗壮的圆筒按照40%四的排列方式组成一个正方形的形体,斜斜安置在一个架子上。 Freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle in the edge of the cliff, these pitch-dark cylinder cave entrance is floating to this time horizontally in beach above Juna. 货运魔力机车横在悬崖边缘上,这些黑漆漆的圆筒洞口就正对着此时漂浮在海滩上空的瑞纳 Juna took a look at this freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle, as well as carried behind the packing container for the first time that 16 pitch-dark cave entrance, in the heart passed over gently and swiftly a anxiety. 瑞纳瞅了一眼这辆货运魔力机车,以及载货箱后面那十六个黑漆漆的洞口,心中第一次掠过一丝不安。 The deep places of these cylinders, imitate look like may discharge a Evil Dragon to come out anytime general. 这些圆筒的深处,仿就像是随时都有可能施放出一条恶龙出来一般。 In the Juna mind passed over gently and swiftly this idea, below Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard square formation resounds two short long three clear sounds suddenly, immediately behind the freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle year of packing container 16 sturdy Magic bazookas glitter incomparably bright and beautiful Magic Power ray. 正当瑞纳脑海中掠过这个想法时,下方的新飞商会护卫队方阵中忽然响起两短一长的三下清脆响声,随即货运魔力机车载货箱后面的十六个粗壮的魔法火箭筒闪烁起无比亮丽的魔力光芒。 Bang-” “轰-” Although is 16 rounds of Magic rocket projectiles launches from that 16 Magic bazookas, because the almost simultaneous firing, then gathered an exceptionally fierce dull thumping sound. 虽然是十六发魔法火箭弹从那十六个魔法火箭筒中发射出来,但是因为几乎同时发射,便汇聚成了一下异常剧烈的闷响。 Looks that these 16 rounds of Magic rocket projectiles glitter are being more intense than much the Magic Power rays the Magic rocket projectile that these guards used a moment ago. The Juna complexion becomes extremely ugly. 看着这十六发魔法火箭弹闪烁着远比刚才那些护卫们使用的魔法火箭弹强烈得多的魔力光芒。瑞纳的脸色变得极其难看。 He is certain. The might of these Magic rocket projectiles absolutely compared with a moment ago these Magic rocket projectiles big several times even be dozens times. 他可以肯定。这些魔法火箭弹的威力绝对要比刚才那些魔法火箭弹大了数倍甚至是数十倍。 If possible. He best dealing method avoids immediately. 如果可能的话。他最好的应对方法就是立即避开。 However first he complied with Xu Yi a moment ago, wants the attack of upfront hard anti- Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard, the speed that secondly these 16 rounds of Magic rocket projectiles launch is extremely fast, almost just launched, had arrived at his front, making him simply not have how much time to dodge. 但是一来他刚才答应了许亦,要正面硬抗新飞商会护卫队的攻击,二来这十六发魔法火箭弹发射出来的速度极其快速,几乎是刚一发射出来,就已经来到了他的面前,让他根本没有多少时间去闪躲。 The range that these 16 rounds of Magic rocket projectiles cover is enormous, if he avoids hastily, cannot do well is also not necessarily able to evade completely. 况且这十六发魔法火箭弹覆盖的范围极大,他如果仓促躲避的话,搞不好还未必能够全部躲过。 Without enough preparation a round. Even he, cannot guarantee oneself can return safe and sound. 万一在没有足够准备的情况下中了一发。即便是他,也不能保证自己能够毫发无损。 Among the electric light flint, Juna made the wisest judgment immediately, stops in same place, condenses whole body Magic Power, pours into completely on the Magic safety mask. 电光火石之间,瑞纳立即做出了最明智的判断,停在原地,凝聚全身魔力,全部倾注在魔法防护罩上。 Rumbling-” “轰轰轰-” Three rounds also wanted many Magic rocket projectiles to run upon the Magic safety mask compared with the Juna head sturdily ruthlessly, immediately blew out three groups of incomparably bright rays. 三发比瑞纳脑袋还要粗壮了不少的魔法火箭弹狠狠地撞上魔法防护罩,立即爆出了三团无比明亮的光芒。 The fierce explosive sound along with the air wave volume to the sea, the night also calculates together unexpectedly the tranquil sea water also raised over two meters rough seas , indicating the might that these three explode is how huge. 剧烈的爆炸声伴随着气浪一同卷向大海,竟是将夜晚还算宁静的海水也掀起了超过两米的大浪,足见这三下爆炸的威力是多么巨大。 Juna float the body in midair in a flash, only feels the throat fiercely one sweet. Actually was a blood wells up the throat. 瑞纳悬浮在半空中的身子猛地一晃,只觉得喉咙一甜。却是一股鲜血涌上了喉咙。 If not Juna responds quickly, swallows back this blood forcefully. Only feared that he will make a boner in the presence of everyone. 如果不是瑞纳反应得快,强行把这口鲜血咽了回去。只怕他会当众出丑。 Although the might of that three rounds of Magic rocket projectiles kept off by the Magic safety mask completely, but Juna actually discovered, because the explosion powers of these three rounds of Magic rocket projectiles are extremely really huge, he can resist the explosion the might, but explodes the incomparable terrifying impulse that brings and shakes him actually unable to counter-balance completely, his ** cannot withstand the complementary waves injured to damage. 虽然那三发魔法火箭弹的威力全部都被魔法防护罩挡了下来,但是瑞纳却发现,因为这三发魔法火箭弹的爆炸威力实在太过巨大,他可以抵挡得住爆炸的威力,但是爆炸所带来的无比恐怖的冲击力和震荡他却不能完全抵消,以至于他的**承受不住余波而受伤损伤。 Juna inspected own Magic Power, in the heart with amazement. 瑞纳检查了一下自己的魔力,心中更加骇然。 These three rounds of Magic rocket projectiles, Magic Power of his within the body was only left over 1/5. 只是中了这三发魔法火箭弹而已,他体内的魔力就只剩下了连五分之一都不到。 In other words, solely is only the might of these three rounds of Magic rocket projectiles, only Pielago Nurrows's trial this casting a spell Magic slightly was bad. 换句话说,单单只是这三发魔法火箭弹的威力,就只比拉格纳罗斯的审判这种禁咒魔法稍差了一些而已。 Attractive!” Xu Yi that the distant place observes clapped two palms of the hand suddenly, the appreciation said: Worthily is Great Magician, under such intense and very intensive saturation attack, can support unexpectedly now. Great Magician Juna, so long as you can receive then this attack, my cash beforehand commitment, puts you to leave.” “漂亮!”远处观战的许亦忽然拍了两下巴掌,赞赏道:“不愧是大魔法师,在这样密集、高强度的饱和攻击下,居然还能撑到现在。瑞纳大魔法师,只要你能够接下接下来这一次攻击,我就兑现之前的承诺,放你离开。” Under Juna inspires, returns to normal the courage vigor that the chest surges, the facial expression is staring at Xu Yi complex: Come.” 瑞纳吸了一口气,平复下胸口激荡的血气,神情复杂地盯着许亦:“来吧。” Xu Yi nods, lowers the head confessed two to the Magic telephone conversation box in hand. 许亦点点头,低头向手中的魔法通话盒交代了两句。 Juna waited for a while patiently, actually discovered that the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard has not continued to attack, can't help it is somewhat strange, cannot bear urge to Xu Yi: President Xu, last time attack? Why hasn't come?” 瑞纳耐心地等待了一会儿,却发现新飞商会护卫队迟迟没有继续攻击,禁不住有些奇怪,忍不住向许亦催促道:“许会长,最后一次攻击呢?为什么还没来?” Xu Yi smiles, asked back: Great Magician Juna, do you want dead?” 许亦笑了笑,反问道:“瑞纳大魔法师,你就这么想死吗?” Juna is startled, immediately is angry: Who can be willing to suicide on own initiative? President Xu, do you want to shame me?” 瑞纳一怔,随即大怒:“谁会愿意主动寻死?许会长,你这是想羞辱我吗?” No, I do not have this meaning.” Xu Yi shakes the head. Great Magician Juna, I think that you should be clear about a fact, your present Magic Power has been not much left, but the might of this last time attack, before is actually the ultra, two attacks, you determined that you can resist?” “不,我没有这个意思。”许亦摇了摇头。“不过瑞纳大魔法师,我想你应该清楚一个事实,你现在的魔力已经所剩无几,而这最后一次攻击的威力,却是远超之前两次的攻击,你确定自己抵挡得住吗?” Juna silently long time, dream snort/hum a sound said: Nonsense! This is the condition that you open, I do not want to comply actually, but will you agree? Will Great Magician Camilla agree?” 瑞纳默然半晌,梦哼一声道:“废话!这是你开出来的条件,我倒是不想答应,但是你会同意吗?卡米拉大魔法师会同意吗?” That is uncertain.” The Xu Yi smile said. Actually you have another opportunity, destiny that can avoid dying.” “那也不一定。”许亦微笑道。“其实你还有另外一个机会,可以避免死亡的命运。” Juna narrowed the eye to size up Xu Yi one, smiled: President Xu, although I acknowledged person who oneself are not has the strength of spirit, but said that anything is also Great Magician. You want to shame me with this method, that is the delusion!” 瑞纳眯起眼睛打量了许亦一眼,嘿嘿一笑:“许会长,虽然我承认自己不是什么有骨气的人,但是说什么也是一位大魔法师。你想用这种方法羞辱我,那是妄想!” I have said that I do not want to shame you, but wants to make a transaction with you.” Xu Yi shakes the head to say. Great Magician Juna, I can ask, you said that some people asked you to assassinate me, was the price that then this person started out how many?” “我说过了,我并不是想要羞辱你,而是想和你做一个交易。”许亦摇头道。“瑞纳大魔法师,我能问一下,你说有人请你来暗杀我,那么这个人开出的价格是多少呢?” You why to this interested?” Juna asked back. “你为什么会对这个有兴趣?”瑞纳反问。 I very curious value how much money.” Xu Yi shrugs. “我很好奇自己值多少钱。”许亦耸了耸肩。 Juna curls the lip: 500,000 gold coins. What kind of, is very valuable?” 瑞纳撇了撇嘴:“五十万金币。怎么样,是不是很值钱?” 500,000 gold coins?” Xu Yi opens the eye surprised. „Were this too also few? Amn't I so valuable?” “才五十万金币?”许亦吃惊地睁大眼睛。“这也太少了吧?我难道就这么不值钱吗?” Juna also stares the big eye, a face looks at Xu Yi inconceivable: President Xu, did you also think highly of yourself? 500,000 gold coins is a super great sum of money, do you also feel unexpectedly rarely?” 瑞纳同样瞪大眼睛,一脸不可思议地看着许亦:“许会长,你也太看得起自己了吧?五十万金币可是一笔超级的巨款,你居然还觉得很少?” I naturally feel few.” Xu Yi is gratefully typical. Told you, our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce each month net profit has surpassed 1 million gold coins now, my President one year later, light/only the drawing bonus over 5 million gold coins that attained from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, finally do you tell me now, my only 500,000 gold coins? This rather looked down upon me!” “我当然觉得少。”许亦毫不客气地道。“告诉你,我们新飞商会现在每个月的纯利润都已经超过了一百万金币,我这个会长一年下来,光是从新飞商会拿到的分红都会超过五百万金币,结果你现在告诉我,我就只五十万金币?这未免太看不起我了!” „A year 5 million gold coins?” Juna is waiting for Xu Yi shocking. „Are you cracking a joke? Is this possible? Even your Lanpali Kingdom every year financial revenue, still without so many? Can your one person one year of income be more than Lanpali Kingdom entire country?” “一年五百万金币?”瑞纳震惊地等着许亦。“你在开玩笑吧?这怎么可能?就算是你们兰帕里王国每年的财政收入,也没有这么多吧?你一个人一年的收入就能比兰帕里王国整个国家还多?” This is not unusual.” Xu Yi hehe said with a smile. In fact, the Lanpali Kingdom finance is in my opinion poor, solely in Lanpali Kingdom, the yearly incomes of many big aristocrat big merchants went far beyond Wang Guonian financial revenue, this is not secret. Great Magician Juna, you feel surprised about this matter, I can only say that...... you were too ignorant.” “这并不稀奇。”许亦嘿嘿笑道。“实际上,兰帕里王国财政在我看来可是非常穷的,单单只是在兰帕里王国内,就有很多大贵族大商人的年收入就远远超过了王国年财政收入,这并不是什么秘密。瑞纳大魔法师,你对这种事情感到惊奇,我只能说……你太无知了。” You......” in the Juna heart are angry, then the discovery , Xu Yi does not have the issue to own accusation at least in this regard. “你……”瑞纳心中大怒,然后却发现,起码在这方面,许亦对自己的指责毫无问题。 Thinks, Juna depresses in the heart the anger, remains silent to ask to Xu Yi: Good, you said to me so many at sixes and sevens things, what actually do want to say?” 想了想,瑞纳压下心中怒火,闷声向许亦问道:“好吧,你向我说了这么多乱七八糟的东西,到底是想说什么?” I want to ask you , compared to take such big risk to make these 500,000 gold coins, moreover was very difficult saying that can really succeed in obtaining, were you interested in making at least 10,000 gold coins through the regular way every year, many times even can be three to 50,000 gold coins, moreover can invest into the Magic research completely, and didn't various material expenses that the Magic research institute needs to spend need to take out money?” “我只是想问问你,相比起冒着这么大的风险来挣这五十万金币,而且还很难说能不能真的到手,你有没有兴趣每年通过正规途径挣最少一万金币,多的时候甚至可以达到三到五万金币,而且还能完全投入到魔法研究,并且魔法研究所需要花费的各种材料费用都不需要自己掏钱呢?” Xu Yi Great Magician Camilla and Stille understood the meaning of Xu Yi instantaneously, simultaneously a brow wrinkle. 许亦身边的卡米拉大魔法师斯蒂尔瞬间明白了许亦的意思,同时眉头一皱。 Xu Yi, this fellow wants to assassinate your, how can you do that?” Great Magician Camilla sinking sound said. 许亦,这个家伙可是想来暗杀你的,你怎么能这么做?”卡米拉大魔法师沉声道。 Yes. Xu Yi, he nearly killed us a moment ago, how can let work for us?” “是啊。许亦,他刚才差点儿就把我们都杀了,怎么能让为我们工作?” Xu Yi beckons with the hand: „There is nothing, he was bought. Since others can buy over him, then I should. Don't forget, I am very rich.” 许亦摆了摆手:“这没什么,他只是被人收买。既然别人能收买他,那么我应该也可以。别忘了,我可是有的是钱哦。” Stille white Xu Yi, no longer persuaded. 斯蒂尔白了许亦一眼,不再劝说。 Since her clear Xu Yi has made the decision, then easily will not change. 她清楚许亦既然已经做了决定,那么就不会轻易更改。 Great Magician Camilla knits the brows to think, has not said anything again. 卡米拉大魔法师皱眉想了想,也没再说什么。 Sees two people not to express the opinion again, Xu Yi continues the speaker to ask to Juna of distant place: What kind of? Great Magician Juna, to such work interested?” 见两人都没再发表意见,许亦继续扬声向远处的瑞纳问道:“怎么样?瑞纳大魔法师,对这样的工作有没有兴趣?” The Juna ponder moment, asked to Xu Yi: President Xu, do you want to recruit me to enter your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to work for you? Snort! You thought to be rather naive!” 瑞纳沉思片刻,向许亦问道:“许会长,你这是想招募我进入你们新飞商会为你工作吗?哼!你想得未免太天真了!” „, This is not naive.” Xu Yi shakes the head with a smile. You also said a moment ago, no one is willing to suicide on own initiative. At the present in this case, if you do not accept my condition, then you only have the dead end. You the intention massacred me and Stille a moment ago, even if I killed you still to have no issue. But I am willing to you an opportunity, making you make the choice now, this is extremely benevolent. Ok, you elect now, was the death, worked for me?” “不不不,这并不天真。”许亦笑着摇了摇头。“你刚才也说了,没有人愿意主动寻死。在现在这种情况下,如果你不答应我的条件,那么你只有死路一条。你刚才意图杀掉我和斯蒂尔,我就算杀了你也没有任何问题。而我现在愿意给你一次机会,让你做选择,这已经是极为仁慈。好了,你现在选吧,是死亡,还是为我工作?” Juna smiles bitterly: „Do I have the choice?”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 瑞纳苦笑一声:“我有选择吗?”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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