MIE :: Volume #4

#133: Gives you ten minutes

Juna looks that Xu Yi and Great Magician Camilla keep on oneself sweeping to sweep off with the vision that one type as if harbors evil intentions, only felt that in the heart the chill in the air gets up gradually. 瑞纳看着许亦卡米拉大魔法师不停地用一种似乎不怀好意的目光在自己身上扫来扫去,只感觉心中寒意渐起。 However now the situation is completely disadvantageous to him, he hits cannot be victorious, escapes cannot escape, share that only then does as one pleases. 然而现在形势对他完全不利,他打也打不过,逃也逃不掉,只有任人摆布的份。 If Great Magician Camilla under the killer to him, he surely is the least bit opportunity does not have directly, on the contrary is if the opposite party wants to cause any method to come, perhaps he can also seek an opportunity of life. 卡米拉大魔法师如果直接对他下杀手,他肯定是半点儿机会也没有,反倒是如果对方想要弄出点儿什么手段来的话,他说不定还能寻到一丝活命的机会。 Thinks of here, although Juna in the surface still exhibits a secondary surface like the dying embers, the appearance that as if loses hope, in the head actually has in fact moved, the preparation seizes any possible opportunity. 想到这里,瑞纳虽然表面上依然摆出一副面如死灰,仿佛心死的模样,实际上脑袋里却已经活动开,准备抓住任何可能的机会。 Does to Great Magician Camilla closely to stare at him, making him simply not condense Magic Power to use the possibility that space Magic escapes suddenly. 奈何卡米拉大魔法师一直都在紧紧盯着他,让他根本没有凝聚魔力突然使用空间魔法逃跑的可能。 Juna can only wait for patiently. 瑞纳只能耐心等待下去。 But makes him feel strange, is in that little miss hand named Stille takes an iron box, whispered to this iron box seems like saying anything. 而让他感到奇怪的,则是那个名叫斯蒂尔的小姑娘手中拿着一个铁盒子,对这铁盒子嘀嘀咕咕地像是在说着什么。 Juna can feel thread of magic power to fluctuate from that small iron box, looking at the situation should be any novel Magic machinery that Lane Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce comes out. 瑞纳能够从那个小小的铁盒子里面感受到一丝魔力波动,看情况应该是新飞商会出来的什么新奇的魔法机械。 However can this small iron box be useful? Juna not startled counter- happy. 但是这个小小的铁盒子又能有什么用?瑞纳不惊反喜。 Under this condition, the person are more will be only more chaotic, but is more chaotic, he more has the opportunity to run away. 这种状况下,人越多只会越混乱,而越混乱,他就越有机会逃走。 The neat sound of footsteps turns round on the cliff, extends from nearby hillside, after the moment, the distant place beach connects the hillside the place. Presented one crowd to put on the neat soldier. 整齐的脚步声在悬崖上拐了个弯,从旁边的山坡下延伸下来,片刻后,远处海滩连接山坡的地方。出现了一群穿着整齐的士兵。 Juna swept a past, in the heart is startled. 瑞纳扫了一眼过去,心中吃了一惊。 These soldier about four and 500 people of appearances, not only each person armor of disclosed that a Magic Power fluctuation of faint trace, it is estimated that was in addition held beside the magic array Magic armor, including various grotesque things that on them carried. Unexpectedly also disclosed that similarly Magic Power fluctuates, obviously is also the Magic machineries. 这些士兵大约四、五百人的样子,不仅每个人身上的盔甲都透露出一丝丝的魔力波动,估计是加持了魔法阵魔法装甲之外,连他们身上携带的各种怪模怪样的东西。居然也同样透露出魔力波动,显然也都是魔法机械。 Although has long known the military Magic mechanical great variety of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but one sees the equipment so complete military Magic machinery, Juna somewhat is still dazzled. 虽然早就知道新飞商会的军用魔法机械花样繁多,但是一下见到装备如此齐全的军用魔法机械,瑞纳依然有些看花了眼。 Great Magician Juna?” Xu Yi suddenly to the Juna opens the mouth. 瑞纳大魔法师是吧?”许亦忽然向瑞纳开口。 A Juna brow wrinkle, gently snort/hum: What's wrong? What words did President Xu have to say?” 瑞纳眉头一皱,轻轻哼了一声:“怎么?许会长有什么话要说?” Xu Yi showed a faint smile, refers to the distant place the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard that exhibited the battle formation saying: Great Magician Juna. Believes that you have understood, you absolutely do not have the means to escape in the grandfather hand/subordinate. However, I give you now an opportunity of escape.” He swept a Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard of distant place, the frown selected: What opportunity?” 许亦微微一笑,指了指远处已经摆开阵势的新飞商会护卫队道:“瑞纳大魔法师。相信你已经明白,你绝对是没办法在爷爷手下逃命的。但是,我现在给你一个逃命的机会。”他扫了一眼远处的新飞商会护卫队,双眉一挑:“什么机会?” Wants you to be able in the attack under-bracing ten minutes of our chamber of commerce convoy guard, then I make the grandfather put you to walk, how do you look?” “只要你能够在我们商会护卫队的攻击下支撑十分钟,那么我就让爷爷放你走,你看怎么样?” Juna is startled, is first angry. 瑞纳一怔,先是大怒。 Oneself are solemn Great Magician! Xu Yi said unexpectedly what...... lets itself in the attack under-bracing ten minutes of their chamber of commerce convoy guard? 自己可是堂堂一位大魔法师许亦居然说什么……让自己在他们商会护卫队的攻击下支撑十分钟? Crack a joke! 开什么玩笑! On these ordinary soldiers, his finger can be run over and die them completely! 就这些普通的士兵,他一根指头就能把他们全部碾死! Xu Yi proposed that this condition, simply is to his biggest shame! 许亦提出这个条件,简直就是对他的最大羞辱! Immediately great happiness. 随即大喜。 Xu Yi dares so to despise him unexpectedly, that this is he best opportunity. 许亦居然敢如此轻视他,那这就是他最好的机会。 Juna did not reply Xu Yi. But turns the head to ask to Great Magician Camilla: Great Magician Camilla, how did you say?” 瑞纳也不回答许亦。而是转头向卡米拉大魔法师问道:“卡米拉大魔法师,你怎么说?” Great Magician Camilla shrugs: Here is Xu Yi takes responsibility.” 卡米拉大魔法师耸了耸肩:“这里是许亦做主。” Good.” Juna turns the head to look again to Xu Yi. President Xu, do you mean what he says?”... “好。”瑞纳再转头看向许亦。“许会长,你说话算话?”… Xu Yi said with a smile: Even if I do not mean what he says. How can that?” 许亦笑道:“就算我说话不算话。那又能怎么样呢?” You......” Juna fly into a rage, are pointing at Xu Yi, wants to scold two, the discovery scolded radically does not export. “你……”瑞纳勃然大怒,指着许亦,想要骂两句,却发现根本骂不出口。 The situation compared with person, under this situation, he also can only share that now, whatever Xu Yi organizes. 正所谓形势比人强,现在这种形势下,他也只能任由许亦摆布的份。 Thinks. Juna pressed the anger forcefully, sinking sound said: Good. President Xu, hopes that you mean what he says. Let your chamber of commerce convoy guards start to attack. Snort. Do not say for ten minutes, depends on their these average people, I stood to make them attack my ten hours unable to move my slightest here! President Xu, you underestimated Great Magician!” 想了想。瑞纳强行将怒火压了下去,沉声道:“好吧。许会长,希望你说话算话。让你那些商会护卫队开始攻击吧。哼。不要说十分钟,就凭他们这些普通人,我站在这里让他们攻击我十个小时也动不了我分毫!许会长,你太小看大魔法师了!” Right?” Xu Yi smiles. I have not despised the grandfather.” “是吗?”许亦笑了笑。“我可从来没有小看过爷爷哦。” Juna shot a look at smiling Great Magician Camilla, in the heart flashed through not a good premonition suddenly. 瑞纳瞥了一眼一脸微笑的卡米拉大魔法师,心中忽然闪过一丝不好的预感。 Should this Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce chamber of commerce convoy guard, not really somewhat strange? 这个新飞商会的商会护卫队,该不会真的有些古怪吧? However turns the head to look at distant place these soldiers, Juna actually felt relieved. 不过转头一看远处那些士兵们,瑞纳却放下心来。 Even these fellows equipped the so-called military Magic machinery, still compared with average person a little, what can also have to threaten inadequately to his Great Magician? 就算这些家伙装备了所谓的军用魔法机械,也不过就是比普通人强一点儿,对他这个大魔法师还能有什么威胁不成? Ok, making them start to attack.” Juna waves to say. “行了,让他们开始攻击吧。”瑞纳一挥手道。 Great Magician Juna, you determined that prepared?” 瑞纳大魔法师,你确定准备好了?” Nonsense! Let them start!” “废话!让他们开始!” Good.” “那好。” Xu Yi received the Magic telephone conversation box from the Stille hand. 许亦斯蒂尔手中接过魔法通话盒。 Chief Hart, starts to attack.” 哈特队长,开始攻击。” Next ends the order, Xu Yi is drawing Stille immediately, falls back on the distant place with Great Magician Camilla. 下完命令,许亦立即拉着斯蒂尔,和卡米拉大魔法师退到远处。 Juna swept three people of one bewilderedly, thought oneself were attacked, do they avoid do do? 瑞纳莫名其妙地扫了三人一眼,心想自己受攻击,他们躲开那么远干嘛? Especially Great Magician Camilla, he leaves far away, was not that worried do oneself use space Magic to run away suddenly? 尤其是卡米拉大魔法师,他离开那么老远,就不担心自己突然使用空间魔法逃走吗? However the next quarter, Juna actually discovered, oneself has not pondered this issue the time. 然而下一刻,瑞纳却发现,自己根本已经没有思考这个问题的时间。 First is innumerable only glitters Magic Power ray arrow to launch from the square formation of convoy guard, as if the rainstorm is common, raids to Juna. 先是无数只闪烁着魔力光芒的箭枝从护卫队的方阵中发射出来,仿佛暴雨一般,袭向瑞纳 Juna exudes one to sneer. 瑞纳发出一声冷笑。 This type has a little low level flame Magic Magic arrow arrow, wants to pose the threat to oneself this Great Magician? 这种不过带有一点儿低级火焰魔法魔法箭矢,也想对自己这个大魔法师产生威胁? Simply laughable! 简直可笑! The body of Juna is entirely still, but transfers arrange/cloth next Magic safety mask of Magic Power around the body. 瑞纳的身子纹丝不动,只是调动魔力在身体周围布下一个魔法防护罩。 The Magic arrow arrow of blotting out the sky runs upon the Magic safety mask, even a ripple on safety mask is unable to swing. 铺天盖地的魔法箭矢撞上魔法防护罩,甚至连防护罩上的一道波纹都无法荡起。 What these Magic arrow Yakami adhere to stick cohere is only the third-level fire is magic array, naturally is impossible to destroy Magic safety mask under the Great Magician arrange/cloth. 这些魔法箭矢上附着的只是三级火系魔法阵,当然不可能破坏掉一名大魔法师布下的魔法防护罩。 Juna sneers to look that opposite Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard keeps continue launch the Magic arrow arrow. Turns the head to clash Xu Yi of distant place to sneer again. 瑞纳冷笑看着对面新飞商会护卫队不停地继续发射出魔法箭矢。再转头冲远处的许亦冷笑一声。 President Xu, you should naive thinking, not depend on this type of child common thing, can make me surrender?” 许会长,你该不会天真的以为,就凭这种小孩子一般的玩意,就能让我投降吧?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile, did not reply. 许亦微微一笑,根本不回答。 Juna flies into a rage. Thought that this Xu Yi so despises itself unexpectedly, if under this situation, he will not certainly lift the hand to destroy completely opposite that several hundred Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce guard, to a lesson of Xu Yi blood. 瑞纳勃然大怒。心想这个许亦居然如此小看自己,如果不是在在这种局势下,他一定会抬手灭掉对面那几百名新飞商会的护卫,给许亦一个血的教训。 But a moment later, Juna actually suddenly discovered, oneself seemed like some is too naive. 可是片刻之后,瑞纳却突然发现,自己似乎有些太天真了。 single Zhi the Magic Repeating Crossbow nature does not have the threat regarding Juna. However these guards of opposite Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard, as if are general inexhaustible, keeps projecting the dense and numerous Magic arrow arrow. 单支的魔法连弩自然对于瑞纳毫无威胁。但是对面新飞商会护卫队的那些护卫们,却仿佛无穷无尽一般,不停地射出密密麻麻的魔法箭矢。 Under the attack of extremely high frequency rate/lead, although the Magic safety mask under Juna arrange/cloth still does not reduce any becomes less crowded, but Juna actually feels clearly. His Magic Power actually because of resisting these Magic arrow arrows, but is keeping sliding fast. 在极高频率的攻击下,尽管瑞纳布下的魔法防护罩依然不减任何松动,但是瑞纳却清楚地感受到。他的魔力却因为抵御这些魔法箭矢而在不停地快速下滑。 In the Juna heart estimates forget it, then discovered shocking, if according to this speed, his remaining Magic Power could not insist absolutely for ten minutes! 瑞纳心中估算了一下,然后震惊地发现,如果按照这个速度,他剩下的魔力绝对坚持不了十分钟! Thinks of here, Juna can only first depress shock of heart, the hand lifts, several fireballs flew, burns large quantities of Magic arrow arrow that the front surface raids for the ashes completely. 想到这里,瑞纳只能先压下心头的震撼,手一抬,几个火球飞了出去,将迎面袭来的大批魔法箭矢全部烧为灰烬。 Compared to use the Magic protection to look for purely the passive defensive. Like this consumption Magic Power is much smaller. 相比起使用魔法防护找纯粹被动防御。这样消耗的魔力就要小得多。 Nearby Xu Yi three people saw that Juna adopts such movement suddenly, can't help it smiles. 一旁的许亦三人看到瑞纳突然采取这样的动作,禁不住相视一笑。 Grandfather, this Great Magician Juna was really much worse than you. You practice with the convoy guard for the first time to the war. Only spent for a half minute to find the problem, he actually uses for three minutes to discover now.” Stille said with a smile. “爷爷,这个瑞纳大魔法师果然比你差得多了。你第一次和护卫队练习对战的时候。只花了半分钟就发现问题了,他现在却足足用了三分钟才发现。”斯蒂尔笑道。 Great Magician Camilla smilingly touches on the chin the sobbing beard, the nod said: Un, according to this appearance, this fellow cannot support the tertiary wave attack absolutely, he definitely insists less than ten minutes.” 卡米拉大魔法师笑眯眯地摸了摸下巴上唏嘘胡须,点头道:“嗯,照这个样子,这个家伙绝对撑不过第三波攻击,他肯定坚持不到十分钟的。” Xu Yi has not actually participated in the master grandson dialogue. But is the entire journey is observing the war steadily. 许亦却没有参与爷孙俩的对话。而是全程目不转睛地观察着战局。 Although the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard usually and Great Magician Camilla has conducted several times to the war, but actually practices the nature. Great Magician Camilla or the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard has scruples, without the means acts full power. 新飞商会护卫队虽然平时和卡米拉大魔法师进行过数次对战,但是却都只是练习性质。无论是卡米拉大魔法师还是新飞商会护卫队都有所顾忌,没办法全力出手。 But these launches the attack to Juna time. Actually can not have scruples, naturally can see the true striking power of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard. 而这一次对瑞纳展开攻击。却可以毫无顾忌,自然能够看出新飞商会护卫队的真正攻击力。 From the present performance, the striking power that the convoy guard displays without doubt usually and Great Magician Camilla practice was much stronger. 从现在的表现来看,护卫队表现出来的攻击力无疑要比平时和卡米拉大魔法师练习时强得多了。 Juna at least is also third-level Great Magician, actually under the attack of convoy guard, cannot insist quickly, is forced to counter-attack on own initiative. 瑞纳起码也是三级大魔法师,却在护卫队的攻击下,这么快就坚持不住,被迫主动反击。 However Juna found that the problem discovered too late. 然而瑞纳发现问题发现得太晚了。 After Juna starts uses Magic to hit back, the offensive of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard changes. 瑞纳开始使用魔法进行反击后,新飞商会护卫队的攻势又是一变。 Half of guards maintained are still using Magic Repeating Crossbow to conduct the Magic arrow rain to Juna the crowded offensive, the other half guards put out the individual Magic bazooka that conducted the back, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform aimed at Juna in midair. 一半护卫依然保持着使用魔法连弩瑞纳进行魔法箭雨的密集攻势,另一半护卫们则拿出背上的单兵魔法火箭筒,齐齐瞄准了半空中的瑞纳 Looks the Magic Power ray that in these individual Magic bazookas erupts, Juna sends out cold snort/hum. 看着那些单兵魔法火箭筒中爆发出的魔力光芒,瑞纳发出一声冷哼。 Although this grotesque thing might obviously be much bigger than the Magic arrow arrow, but still impossible to have anything to threaten to him. 虽然这个怪模怪样的东西威力明显要比魔法箭矢大得多,但是依然不可能对他有什么威胁。 Counter-balances the attack of part of Magic arrow arrows with Magic, Juna while continues to maintain the Magic safety mask, the Magic rocket projectile that whatever the individual Magic bazooka sends out hit. 一边用魔法抵消掉一部分魔法箭矢的攻击,瑞纳一边继续保持着魔法防护罩,任凭单兵魔法火箭筒发出的魔法火箭弹撞了上来。 Juna by doing so, to personally experience the might of this Magic rocket projectile, decides the later countermeasure again. 瑞纳之所以这样做,也是为了亲身体验一下这个魔法火箭弹的威力,再决定之后的对策。 After the first law rocket projectile runs upon the Magic safety mask, in the Juna heart has the regret immediately. 然而当第一法火箭弹撞上魔法防护罩后,瑞纳心中立即生出悔意。 This individual Magic bazooka looks not big, the rocket projectile that fires is also very small, but runs upon the Magic safety mask to have the radical explosion immediately, the might that brings and six levels even are seven levels of single body Magic place on a par unexpectedly sufficiently. 这个单兵魔法火箭筒看起来不大,发射出来的火箭弹同样很小,但是撞上魔法防护罩立即产生剧烈的爆炸,所带来的威力居然足以和六级甚至是七级的单体魔法相提并论。 Even by the Juna third-level Great Magician strength, six levels and seven levels of single body Magic cannot pose any threat to him, but wants to protect this might completely, will actually still consume his many Magic Power. 就算以瑞纳三级大魔法师的实力,六级和七级单体魔法对他不能造成任何威胁,但是想要完全防护下来这个威力,却依然会消耗他不少的魔力 Let alone this Magic rocket projectile, not only a round, but enough more than 200 rounds! 更何况这个魔法火箭弹并不只是一发,而是足足两百多发! In more than 200 rounds of Magic rocket projectiles has the larger part runs upon the Juna Magic safety mask precisely, around the Juna body blows out the innumerable group bright flames, emits one group of fireworks general in the midair probably. 当两百多发魔法火箭弹中有一大半都精确地撞上瑞纳魔法防护罩时,瑞纳身体周围爆出无数团明亮的火光,就好像在半空中放出一团烟花一般。 Explodes the sound innumerably, Juna discovered Magic Power of own within the body consumed a big truncation instantaneously, unexpectedly was only left over 1/3. 无数爆炸声响过,瑞纳发现自己体内的魔力瞬间消耗了一大截,居然只剩下了连三分之一都不到。 In the Juna heart startles greatly. 瑞纳心中大骇。 Before also had with Xu Yi Stille had the fight, he has not basically consumed what Magic Power. 之前在和许亦还有斯蒂尔发生战斗的时候,他基本没消耗什么魔力 Later consumes many, then to resist the Great Magician Camilla fire is casting a spell Magic- Laghos Nurrows's trial. 之后消耗最多的,则是为了抵御卡米拉大魔法师的火系禁咒魔法-拉格纳罗斯的审判。 Only to resist this casting a spell Magic, he consumed 1/3 Magic Power to be many. 光是为了抵御这一记禁咒魔法,他就消耗了三分之一的魔力还多。 But this after all is casting a spell Magic, he can resist completely, and has not consumed including half of Magic Power, has been good enough to make one feel proud. 可是这毕竟是禁咒魔法,他能够完全抵御下来,并且连一半的魔力都没消耗,已经足以自豪。 However after this, he just for Magic Repeating Crossbow and later Magic rocket projectile that to resist that several hundred ordinary soldier launches, Magic Power that consumes unexpectedly resisting Laghos Nurrows's trial are more than! 然而在这之后,他只不过是为了抵御那几百名普通士兵发射出来的魔法连弩以及之后的魔法火箭弹,所消耗的魔力竟然比抵御拉格纳罗斯的审判还要多! This is how possible! 这怎么可能! Can a trivial ordinary soldier also less than five minutes of attack, be as good as casting a spell Magic sufficiently? B 区区普通士兵还不到五分钟的攻击,就足以抵得上一个禁咒魔法?b ... ...
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