MIE :: Volume #4

#132: Laghos Nurrows's trial

Bang-” “轰-” A giant fireball touches and goes the body of Xu Yi slantingly, pounds on the cliff, exudes the giant explosive sound, explodes an astonishing gulf on the cliff. 一个巨大的火球斜斜擦过许亦的身子,砸在峭壁上,发出巨大的爆炸声,在峭壁上炸出一个惊人的深坑。 Xu Yi and Stille dispersion flies away, somewhat pants. 许亦斯蒂尔分散飞开,都有些气喘吁吁。 Just fights with Great Magician that this braves suddenly is less than three minutes, two people have actually used the skills, happening was several times thrilling. 和这个突然冒出来的大魔法师只不过交手不到三分钟,两人却已经使出浑身解数,发生数次惊险。 Without the means that Great Magician and Magician have the disparity of level, the strength is no comparison between them completely. 没办法,大魔法师魔法师拥有位阶的差距,实力完全不可同日而语。 Even Xu Yi only has the one pace from Great Magician, before breaking that matter boundary, can only not have the strength to hit back facing Great Magician. 就算许亦距离大魔法师只有一步之遥,但是在没有突破那层界限之前,面对大魔法师就只能是毫无还手之力。 However two people actually cannot only sit waiting for death. 不过两人却也不是只能坐以待毙。 Is relying on Great Magician Camilla regular teaching by personal example, two people have the clear understanding regarding the control of Great Magician to Magic, depends on this understanding, they can insist under this Great Magician fierce attack such for a long time. 凭借着卡米拉大魔法师经常性的言传身教,两人对于大魔法师魔法的掌控力有着清楚的认识,正是靠着这点儿认识,他们才能在这名大魔法师的猛烈攻势下坚持这么久。 Looks that two people left Shanyou under oneself offensive evade, occasionally also uses to defend Magic to counter-balance part of injuries ingeniously, avoids itself receiving the severe wound truly, that Great Magician laughs suddenly. 看着两人在自己的攻势下左闪右避,偶尔还巧妙地利用防御魔法抵消一部分伤害,避免自己真正受到重伤,那名大魔法师忽然大笑起来。 I said, you two give up earlier. Do not think that like this drags some people to save you, I have supposed spatial separation Array in this surroundings, any sound and image that here makes cannot escape from this space, some people will not discover that you have an accident.” Xu Yi cold snort/hum, actually a moment ago when avoiding the attack of this Great Magician, he has discovered existence of this spatial separation Array. “我说,你们两个还是早点儿放弃吧。不要以为这样拖下来就会有人救你们,我早已经在这周围设下了空间隔离法阵,这里发出的任何声音和影像都逃不出这片空间,不会有人发现你们出了事的。”许亦冷哼一声,其实刚才在躲避这名大魔法师的攻击时,他就已经发现了这个空间隔离法阵的存在。 This Great Magician said right, in space that in this spatial separation Array separates, any sound and image cannot transmit, this point when the previous Lisanya elder and Xu Yi discussed the matter is proven. 这个大魔法师说得没错,在这个空间隔离法阵隔断出来的空间中,任何声音和影像都传递不出去,这一点在上次利桑亚长老和许亦商谈事情的时候已经得到了验证。 If in daytime. This space strange phenomenon is actually very easy to bring to the attention of others. 如果是在白天的话。这片空间诡异的现象倒是很容易引起其他人的注意。 But the present is late at night, here is the Xu Yi personal beach, originally does not have others, in addition the curtain of night covers, some people will not discover here unusual form. 可是现在是深夜,这里又是许亦的私人海滩,本来就没有别人在,加上夜幕笼罩,就更加不会有人发现这里的异状。 Naturally. Xu Yi had expected this point, and first found out the countermeasure. 当然。许亦早就料到了这一点,并且第一时间想出了对策。 But now they must do, delays the time with every effort. 而现在他们要做的,就是尽力拖延时间。 Thinks of here, Xu Yi stops the body simply, raises the right hand. 想到这里,许亦干脆停下身子,举起右手。 That Great Magician gawked, immediately said with a smile: What's wrong? Finally did the decision give up?” 那名大魔法师愣了一下,随即笑道:“怎么?终于决定放弃了吗?” Xu Yi sighed. Nods saying: We possibly cannot escape today, but was dying in any case, can you make us die understand a little. We had not seen you before, does not know where offended you, making you not hesitate to submerge here to assassinate us?” That Great Magician sends out one coarse quack laughter. 许亦叹了口气。点点头道:“我们夫妻二人今天可能是逃不掉了,但是反正要死了,你能不能让我们死得明白一点儿。我们以前从来没有见过你,不知道到底是什么地方得罪了你,让你不惜潜入这里来暗杀我们?”那名大魔法师发出一阵难听的嘎嘎笑声。 You indeed have not offended me. However you......, President Xu, was not the person who you offended are too many. Good, looked in share that in you must die immediately, I told you to be good, my time killed you, received Grand Duke Stantin invitation. As for concrete what's the matter, when you arrived in the hell to think slowly!” “你们的确没有得罪我。但是你们……不,许会长,是你得罪的人太多了。好吧,看在你马上要死的份上,我就告诉你好了,我这次来杀你,是受到了斯坦丁大公的邀请。至于具体是怎么回事,等你到了地狱里慢慢想吧!” The voice falls. This Great Magician raises hand, the innumerable dark-red fireball continuous balls generally flew to Xu Yi and Stille fully. 话音一落。这名大魔法师又是一扬手,无数个暗红色的火球连珠弹一般向许亦斯蒂尔铺天盖地地飞了过来。 Xu Yi and Stille look at each other one, nods. Put down the hand, exhibits an appearance that gives up revolting against. 许亦斯蒂尔对视一眼,点点头。都放下了手,摆出一副放弃反抗的模样。 Sees two people responses, that Great Magician laughs again. 看到两人的反应,那名大魔法师再次大笑起来。 Grand Duke Stantin asked for the high prices of 500,000 gold coins to remove Xu Yi, he thinks that was a very difficult matter, never expected that was actually so must go well now with ease. 斯坦丁大公开出了五十万金币的高价想要除掉许亦,他本以为是一件很难的事情,没想到现在却是如此轻松就要得手了。 Rumbling rumbling-” “轰轰轰轰-” The first even/including fleeing fireball pounds Xu Yi and Stille, immediately causes flees the fierce explosive sound. 一连窜火球砸上许亦斯蒂尔,顿时引起一窜剧烈的爆炸声。 That Great Magician smiles. Thought that these two fellows really gave up the resistance unexpectedly, now was pounded by this deep flame fireball. Is dies absolutely not entire corpse. 那名大魔法师嘿嘿一笑。心想这两个家伙居然真的放弃了抵抗,现在被这深炎火球砸中。绝对是死无全尸。 Pitifully that little miss named Stille, was only long such attractively. Now actually also same turns into rotten meat one pile, simply is careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 只可惜了那个叫做斯蒂尔的小姑娘,长得这么漂亮。现在却也一样变成烂肉一堆,简直是暴殄天物。 However after moment, his actually complexion changes. 然而片刻过后,他却脸色一变。 The sound that the deep flame fireball pounds is not obviously right, if really hit two people *, at this time two people should be exploded two mud, how also to have possibly also exuded such fierce explosive sound. 深炎火球砸上去的声音明显不对,如果是真的击中了两人的*,此时两人早就应该被炸成了两摊烂泥,又怎么可能还一直发出这样剧烈的爆炸声。 When the flame clears, that Great Magician fixes the eyes on looked, actually discovered Xu Yi and around the Stille body shone pale blue light screen, wrapped completely two people. 待火焰散尽,那名大魔法师定睛一看,却发现许亦斯蒂尔身体周围亮起了一个淡蓝色的光幕,将两人完全包裹起来。 These deep flame fireballs pound above, unexpectedly has not caused any damage to two people. 那些深炎火球砸在上面,居然没有对两人造成任何损伤。 That Great Magician looked at two on this pale blue light screen, the complexion changes, cold snort/hum: Snort, Great Magician Camilla also is really enough gives up, unexpectedly is willing to give you such precious Magic defense item, moreover unexpectedly gives is two.” 那名大魔法师在这道淡蓝色光幕上看了两眼,脸色微变,冷哼一声:“哼,卡米拉大魔法师还真是够舍得的,居然肯把这么珍贵的魔法防御道具给你们,而且居然一给就是两个。” Xu Yi and Stille smile. 许亦斯蒂尔相视一笑。 Great Magician Camilla to have been famous poorly, how possibly to have such precious Magic defense item to give to them. 卡米拉大魔法师可是一直以贫穷著称,怎么可能有这么珍贵的魔法防御道具送给他们。 Actually the Magic defense item that they currently use is not Great Magician Camilla gives, but is the Ailucia elder, when their wedding bestows to their gifts. 其实他们现在使用的魔法防御道具并不是卡米拉大魔法师给的,而是艾露希亚长老在他们婚礼的时候赠送给他们的礼物。 It is said this deep blue protection was Night Song Tribe inherited several thousand years of treasure, the Magic defense effect was splendid, now looks like, the Ailucia elder said at that time not empty. 据说这个湛蓝守护是夜歌部族传承了数千年的宝物,魔法防御效果非常出色,现在看来,艾露希亚长老当时所言不虚。 That Great Magician vision sweeps on Xu Yi and Stille up and down, sneers saying: Very good, since you have such treasure , after my a while killed you, can obtain a little good thing additionally. Told you, even if there is this thing, you were impossible to escape. I urged you to be the little darling suffer to death, perhaps like this I will also keep to you entire......” 那名大魔法师的目光在许亦斯蒂尔身上上下一扫,冷笑道:“很好,既然你们身上有这样的宝物在,那我一会儿杀了你们之后,就可以额外获得一点儿好东西了。告诉你们,就算有这个东西,你们也不可能逃得掉的。我劝你们还是乖乖受死吧,这样我说不定还会给你留个全……” The words have not said that Great Magician feels to have different suddenly, looks up, the discovery extremely sturdy column of flame falls from his top of the head together swiftly and violently. 话还没说完,那名大魔法师忽然感觉有异,抬头一看,就发现一道极其粗壮的火柱从他的头顶迅猛落下。 Laghos Nurrows's trial!” “拉格纳罗斯的审判!” That Great Magician has a big shock immediately. 那名大魔法师顿时大惊失色。 This is the fire is casting a spell Magic! 这可是火系禁咒魔法 Sudden, he has no space and time of avoidance, can only assemble whole body Magic Power, Magic defense cover under top of the head full power arrange/cloth. 事发突然,他已经没有任何躲避的空间和时间,只能调集全身魔力,在头顶全力布下魔法防御罩。 Bang-” “轰-” It seems innumerable movies of Xu Yi on Earth in the last judgment scene that sees to be the same, the giant column of flame flies high to fall, covers that Great Magician completely. 就好像许亦在地球上无数电影中看到的末日审判场景一样,巨大的火柱凌空落下,将那名大魔法师完全笼罩在内。 The column of flame illuminates completely the surrounding space. Actually just complements that Great Magician shadow extremely obviously. 火柱将周围的空间完全照亮起来。却刚好把那名大魔法师的黑影映衬得极为明显。 Words that from side, that Great Magician whole person bathes in the column of flame, seems standing the trial of deity to be the same. 从旁边看的话,那名大魔法师整个人就沐浴在火柱之中,似乎正在接受天神的审判一样。 The column of flame continued for several seconds then to vanish to remove. 火柱只是持续了几秒钟便消失褪去。 Has saying that Great Magician strength is indeed splendid, in suddenly by the fire is in the situation of casting a spell Magic attack. Unexpectedly had not died as before directly. 不得不说,那名大魔法师的实力的确非常出色,在突然被火系禁咒魔法攻击的情况下。居然依旧没有直接身亡。 Even he clothes have not damaged least bit, except that the facial expression was obviously thin and pale, no longer had beside the rampancy, returned safe and sound unexpectedly probably. 甚至他连身上的衣服都没有损坏半点儿,除了神情明显憔悴了许多,不再有刚才的嚣张之外,竟然像是毫发无损。 That Great Magician raised the head, looks to the sky, shouted angrily: Which Great Magician is? Unexpectedly so despicably shameless directly with the casting a spell Magic attack! You to iron rule challenge between our Magician!” 那名大魔法师顿了顿抬起头,看向天空,愤怒地大喊:“是哪位大魔法师?居然会如此卑劣无耻地直接用禁咒魔法攻击!你这是在向我们魔法师之间的铁则挑战!” Snort!” “哼!” With numerous cold pshaws. Great Magician Camilla falls from the upper air slowly, stops between Xu Yi, Stille and that people, is cold the face to say to that Great Magician: Juna, you dare to assassinate my granddaughter and granddaughter's husband unexpectedly, what Magician iron rule did I also speak to you? Did you have a face to say?” 伴随着重重的冷哼声。卡米拉大魔法师从高空缓缓落下,停在许亦斯蒂尔和那人中间,寒着脸向那名大魔法师道:“瑞纳,你居然敢暗杀我的孙女和孙女婿,我还跟你讲什么魔法师的铁则?你有脸说吗?” Great Magician Camilla?” That Great Magician complexion changes: „Do you know me?” 卡米拉大魔法师?”那名大魔法师脸色一变:“你认识我?” Nonsense! Except that the degenerate in your Great Magician. Also there is that Great Magician to do this type despicably as shameless as the assassination of extreme? You have been the shame in our Great Magician! The iron rule between what Magician unexpectedly also dares and me speaks?”... “废话!除了你这个大魔法师中的败类。又有那名大魔法师会搞这种卑劣无耻到极点的暗杀?你早就已经是我们大魔法师之中的耻辱!居然还敢跟我讲什么魔法师之间的铁则?”… Was called Juna that Great Magician carefully to look at Great Magician Camilla, suddenly showed the shocking look, is pointing at Great Magician Camilla, the expression that a face cannot believe that said loudly: „Have you...... you...... you grasped the space principle unexpectedly? No wonder you destroy my space to separate Array, had not actually been discovered by me.” 被称作瑞纳的那名大魔法师仔细看了看卡米拉大魔法师,忽然露出震惊的神色,指着卡米拉大魔法师,一脸不敢相信的表情,大声道:“你……你……你居然已经掌握到了空间法则?难怪你破坏我的空间隔断法阵,却没有被我发现。” The Great Magician Camilla corners of the mouth raise, reveal one to sneer: What's wrong? Feared? Told you, I have not grasped the space principle truly. However copes with you to have more than enough to spare. Therefore you give me to suffer to death obediently!” 卡米拉大魔法师嘴角一扬,露出一丝冷笑:“怎么?怕了?告诉你,我还没有真正掌握空间法则。但是对付你还是绰绰有余。所以你就给我乖乖受死吧!” Saw that Great Magician Camilla must begin, Juna immediately surface like dying embers. 眼看卡米拉大魔法师就要动手,瑞纳顿时面如死灰。 He will accept the employment of Grand Duke Stantin, comes to assassinate Xu Yi and Stille. First, because Grand Duke Stantin asked for the astonishing high prices of 500,000 gold coins. Second, he has the confidence to massacre Xu Yi and Stille quietly, but was not discovered. 他之所以会接受斯坦丁大公的雇佣,前来暗杀许亦斯蒂尔。一是因为斯坦丁大公开出了五十万金币的惊人高价。二是他有信心可以悄悄杀掉许亦斯蒂尔而不被发现。 Even if had/left what accident/surprise, was discovered, he still has the absolute confidence not to have any problem. 就算万一出了什么意外,被发现了,他也有绝对的信心不会出任何问题。 In Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce most powerful Magician is Great Magician Camilla. 新飞商会内最强大的魔法师就是卡米拉大魔法师 But according to the information, Great Magician Camilla is Fourth Class Great Magician, although wanted compared with him high first-level, but the power gap is not big. Even if he cannot stand off, can still escape absolutely with ease. 而根据情报,卡米拉大魔法师四级大魔法师,虽然比他要高了一级,但是实力差距却并没有太大。他就算敌不过,也绝对可以轻松逃跑。 However he has not thought. Unexpectedly the Great Magician Camilla Magic strength gives the information is much higher. 但是他万万没有想到。卡米拉大魔法师魔法实力竟然远比情报中给出的高得多。 He not only surpassed the Fourth Class Great Magician level, even has exceeded the Fifth Class Great Magician level. Grasped some space principles! 他不仅超过了四级大魔法师的水准,甚至已经超出了五级大魔法师的水准。掌握了一些空间法则! Although Great Magician Camilla has not calculated that now broke the boundary, the jump is Magister, but he grasped the space principle, then in the understanding of Magic and grasps on has far exceeded him. 尽管卡米拉大魔法师现在还不算是突破了界限,跃升为魔导师,但是他掌握了空间法则,那在对魔法的理解和掌握上就已经远远超出他。 If Great Magician Camilla has not grasped the space principle, then he can also escape with ease, but now Great Magician Camilla, since has grasped the space principle, so long as that Great Magician Camilla does not want to make him escape, he is very difficult to depend upon space Magic to run away. 如果卡米拉大魔法师还没有掌握空间法则,那么他还能轻松逃跑,但是现在卡米拉大魔法师既然已经掌握了空间法则,那么只要卡米拉大魔法师不想让他逃跑,他就很难依靠空间魔法逃走。 Let alone Great Magician Camilla use the trial of Laghos Nurrows's had no omen a moment ago, making him eat up the injury of this casting a spell Magic completely. 更何况刚才卡米拉大魔法师使用的拉格纳罗斯的审判没有任何预兆,使得他完全吃下了这个禁咒魔法的伤害。 Although he resisted this casting a spell Magic by his strength, but Magic Power actually therefore consumed most, even if wanted to revolt, was still has a mind to be incapable. 尽管他凭借自身的实力抵挡住了这个禁咒魔法,但是魔力却因此消耗大半,就算想要反抗,也是有心无力。 Thinks of here, the Juna surface like the dying embers, in the heart surges the meaning of infinite regret. 想到这里,瑞纳面如死灰,心中涌起无穷的后悔之意。 If we had known the Great Magician Camilla Magic strength promotes such rapidness unexpectedly, he really should not to seek after these 500,000 gold coins assassinates Xu Yi. 早知道卡米拉大魔法师魔法实力居然提升如此之快,他真不该为了贪图这五十万金币来刺杀许亦的。 Sees in the Great Magician Camilla hand to glitter the Magic Power ray that the Magic element condenses, in the Juna heart sighs deeply, dangling both hands plan to resign oneself to extinction. 眼看卡米拉大魔法师手中闪烁起魔法元素凝聚的魔力光芒,瑞纳心中长叹,垂下双手打算束手待毙。 Xu Yi actually opens the mouth to shout suddenly: Wait!” 许亦却突然开口喊道:“等等!” Great Magician Camilla turns the head to knit the brows to look to Xu Yi: Does?” 卡米拉大魔法师转头皱眉看向许亦:“干什么?” Xu Yi flies to press down the hand of Great Magician Camilla, the smile said: Grandfather, is this good opportunity that makes the actual combat to experiment not? Before with you to war, these fellows always said insufficiently enjoy oneself to the full, now the living target is actually placed in the front can attack at will, they will be very certainly happy.” 许亦飞过来按下卡米拉大魔法师的手,微笑道:“爷爷,这是一个做实战试验的好机会不是吗?之前和您对战的时候,那些家伙总说不够尽兴,现在却有一个活靶子摆在面前可以随意攻击,他们一定会很高兴的。” They?” Sees the expression that on the Xu Yi face smiles, Great Magician Camilla understands immediately meaning of Xu Yi, turned the head to look at Juna one, nods: Good, indeed is a good target.” B “他们?”看到许亦脸上笑眯眯的表情,卡米拉大魔法师立即明白了许亦的意思,转头看了瑞纳一眼,点了点头:“不错,的确是个好靶子。”b ... ...
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