MIE :: Volume #4

#131: Queen marriage

Since Sewinnie coronates, the Lanpali Kingdom successor to the throne is major problems that puzzled Lanpali Kingdom countless people. 自从瑟维尼加冕之后,兰帕里王国的王位继承人一直是一个困扰了兰帕里王国无数人的大问题。 Lanpali 13 th and King Eric died, Sewinnie mounts the throne, in the Lanpali Kingdom royal family has the throne right of inheritance, is only left over Sewinnie Second Brother Prince Meeham, only son Prince William who as well as Eric leaves behind. 兰帕里十三世和艾瑞克国王先后身亡,瑟维尼登上王位,兰帕里王国王室内拥有王位继承权的,就只剩下瑟维尼的二哥米哈姆王子殿下,以及艾瑞克留下的独子威廉王子。 Although Prince Meeham has gotten married, but he currently does not have the heir, but Queen Sewinnie simply has not gotten married. 米哈姆王子殿下虽然已经成亲,但是他目前还没有子嗣,而瑟维尼女王陛下则根本没有成亲。 In other words, if Queen Sewinnie has what accident/surprise now again, Lanpali Kingdom has the qualifications to mount the throne, is only left over Prince William and Prince Meeham. 也就是说,如果现在瑟维尼女王陛下再出什么意外的话,兰帕里王国有资格登上王位的,就只剩下威廉王子和米哈姆王子殿下。 Prince William is the son of King Eric, the Eric kingdom has misdeeds that kills by poison Lanpali 13 th, and also had launched the civil war with Queen Sewinnie, therefore as the son of King Eric, Prince William was removed out of the successor to the throne naturally. 偏偏威廉王子是艾瑞克国王的儿子,艾瑞克王国有着毒杀兰帕里十三世的劣迹,并且还和瑟维尼女王陛下曾经发动过内战,所以身为艾瑞克国王的儿子,威廉王子自然而然地就被排除到了王位继承人之外。 But Prince Meeham for spiritless has been famous in the kingdom uselessly, Lanpali 13 th was killed by poison, King Eric dies a violent death, as well as Queen Sewinnie coronated afterward, this prince has not expressed any comment, has hidden in his manor is living the almost secluded from the world life, basically does not contact with the outside world. Such a person, is certainly impossible to succeed to the throne. 而米哈姆王子殿下在王国内一直以懦弱无用著称,无论是兰帕里十三世被毒杀,还是艾瑞克国王暴毙,以及后来瑟维尼女王加冕,这位王子殿下从来都没发表过任何意见,一直躲在他的封地里过着几乎与世隔绝的生活,基本不与外界接触。这样一个人,当然也不可能继承王位。 Therefore such looked, in Lanpali Kingdom is to link a right successor to the throne unexpectedly does not have. 于是这样一看,兰帕里王国内竟是连一个合适的王位继承人都没有。 Initial time, but also no one pays attention to this matter. 起初的时候,还没有人关注这件事。 When the Lanpali Kingdom interior situation gradually stabilizes, the kingdom in Your Highness Sewinnie of queen under the leadership by the naked eye may and speed prospers rapidly, the national strength progresses day by day, Lanpali Kingdom people while thanking Your Highness Sewinnie of queen enlightened leadership. Also starts to care about her successor problem. 而等到兰帕里王国内部局势逐渐稳定,王国在瑟维尼女王殿下的带领下以肉眼可及的速度迅速繁荣起来,国力蒸蒸日上,兰帕里王国的人们在感激瑟维尼女王殿下的英明领导的同时。也就开始关心起她的继承人问题来。 Each newspaper in Lanpali Kingdom has started a discussion on this matter, finally actually draws a consistent conclusion. 兰帕里王国内的各个报纸就这件事情展开过一番讨论,最终却得出一个一致的结论。 The best method of solving this problem, is Queen Sewinnie gets married. 解决这个问题的最好方法,就是瑟维尼女王陛下成亲。 So long as is the child who Queen Sewinnie remain, then naturally is the rightest successor to the throne candidate. 只要是瑟维尼女王陛下自己剩下来的孩子,那么当然是最合适的王位继承人人选。 After drawing this conclusion, Lanpali Kingdom interior many people are in a tumult to raid for this matter. 得出这个结论后,兰帕里王国内部许许多多的人都为这件事情而骚动袭来。 Queen Sewinnie converges the Lanpali Kingdom queen. The position was needless to say. 瑟维尼女王陛下归为兰帕里王国的女王。身份地位自不用说。 Moreover Queen Sewinnie appearance, although is not beautiful, actually is also the first-class beautiful woman, and is temperate, the smiling face is kind, even regardless her queen status, purely from a girl's perspective. Still splendid. Such a status noble and handsome, character has the principle and this year's 24-year-old young queen temperately, until now has not actually married, even the fixed escorts do not have, do not say in Lanpali Kingdom, even places on entire Sainz Continent is the different numbers. 而且瑟维尼女王陛下容貌虽然不算绝美,却也是一流的美女,并且性格温和,笑容亲切,就算是抛开她的女王身份,单纯从一个女孩子的角度来看。依然十分出色。这样一位身份高贵、容貌秀丽、性格温和而有原则、今年不过24岁的年轻的女王陛下,到现在为止却还没有结婚,甚至连固定的男伴都没有,不要说在兰帕里王国内,就算放在整个赛恩斯大陆上都算是异数。 Moreover the wind of Queen Sewinnie comments has been very good. Has not spread any and her related scandal...... 而且瑟维尼女王陛下的风评一直很好。从来没有传出任何和她有关的绯闻…… Said that probably is not right. 这么说好像也不对。 Before Lanpali 13 th had not died, is crown princess Sewinnie because of frequently and Xu Yi contact, but put on the folk scandal that were many she and Xu Yi. 兰帕里十三世还没身亡之前,还是王女殿下瑟维尼因为经常和许亦接触,可是在民间穿出了不少她和许亦的绯闻。 However these scandals change with the Lanpali Kingdom situation, what is more important after is Xu Yi marriage and having child, gradually vanishes into thin air. 但是这些绯闻随着兰帕里王国的局势变化,更重要的是许亦结婚生子之后,逐渐烟消云散。 After all said no matter how, Sewinnie crown princess is also good, person who Queen Sewinnie, is impossible to marry to marry one to have the wife. 毕竟不管怎么说,瑟维尼王女殿下也好,瑟维尼女王陛下也罢,都不可能嫁嫁给一名已经有妻子的人。 Although in the Lanpali Kingdom most people mind. Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Xu Yi reputation has been very good, however is impossible to have any opportunity at this matter. 虽然在兰帕里王国的大多数人心目中。新飞商会许亦的名声一直很好,但是在这种事情上根本不可能有任何机会。 However regardless that Xu Yi did not talk, which masculine intimate meaning Queen Sewinnie has not displayed. 但是抛开许亦不谈的话,瑟维尼女王陛下至今也没有表现出和哪名男性亲近的意思。 This caused in Lanpali Kingdom the worries of many. 这就引起了兰帕里王国内不少人的担心。 If queen slowly unmarried. The Lanpali Kingdom successor to the throne issue, is a huge hidden danger. 女王陛下如果迟迟未婚。兰帕里王国的王位继承人问题,就是一个巨大的隐患。 Not only therefore is the Lanpali Kingdom folk has many people to start to care the wedding that Queen Sewinnie, many nobles and ministers also in abundance through in private or the public channel, advised to Queen Sewinnie, hopes that she started the matter that gave careful consideration to get married. 所以不仅是兰帕里王国民间有很多人开始关心起瑟维尼女王陛下的婚事,很多王公大臣们也纷纷通过私下或者公开渠道,向瑟维尼女王陛下进言,希望她开始慎重考虑成亲的事情。 Previous Sewinnie arrives at Stantin Duchy time, but also had complained to Xu Yi in secret. Said reason that oneself will run personally Stantin Duchy, a very important reason. Was compelled by these people bothersomely. 上次瑟维尼来到斯坦丁公国的时候,还曾经私下里向许亦抱怨过。说自己之所以会亲自跑来斯坦丁公国,一个很重要的原因。就是被那些人逼烦了。 Does not know their is actually thinking anything, probably all looks forward to me to get married well...... Their opinions are to recruit king a husband, in brief is hopes that I marry as soon as possible, gives birth to the heir as soon as possible. What is this regards me? Machine of having a child?” “也不知道他们一个个的到底在想什么,好像全都巴不得我嫁人……好吧。他们的意见是招纳一名王夫,总之就是希望我尽快结婚,尽快生出子嗣。这是把我当成什么?生孩子的机器吗?” When remembers previous Sewinnie to oneself complained the face quite obviously the suffering facial expression, Xu Yi can't help it smiled. 想起上次瑟维尼向自己抱怨时脸上颇显委屈的神情,许亦禁不住笑了起来。 Turned the head to look at Stille, Xu Yi said with a smile: What's wrong? Even a Sewinnie how need king husband, is impossible to be one's turn on my married man, what are you worried about?” 转头看了一眼斯蒂尔,许亦笑道:“怎么?就算瑟维尼再怎么需要一名王夫,也不可能轮到我这个有妇之夫头上,你担心什么?” Stille snort/hum said gently: That may perhaps, have the need time, I can affirm that her anything matter can be done.” 斯蒂尔轻轻哼道:“那可说不定,有需要的时候,我敢肯定她什么事情都做得出来。” Xu Yi cannot bear show the whites of the eyes: You with its are worried about this, that might as well is worried about these elves. The previous Lisanya elder gave me to issue the ultimatum, if in this year I have not been able to choose a companion of elf clan, she must consider the strong method.” 许亦忍不住翻了个白眼:“你与其担心这个,那还不如担心那些精灵们。上次利桑亚长老可是给我下了最后通牒了,如果在今年内我还不能挑选出一个精灵族的伴侣,她就要考虑强硬手段了。” Strong method?” Stille somewhat looks at Xu Yi funnily. How strong? Makes the beautiful women of these elf clans rape you?” “强硬手段?”斯蒂尔有些好笑地看着许亦。“怎么强硬?难道让那些精灵族的美女强奸你吗?” Xu Yi shrugs: This may not say certainly. With the personality of Lisanya elder, that is really anything may do.” 许亦耸耸肩:“这可说不准。以利桑亚长老的性格,那才真是什么事情都有可能做得出来。” Stille smiles: „Isn't this to you good deed? Very much you definitely anticipate right?” 斯蒂尔抿嘴一笑:“这难道对你不是好事吗?你肯定很期待的对吧?” Xu Yi white her eyes: I really have the anticipation that words, when why the Lisanya elder does give under me the ultimatum?” 许亦白了她一眼:“我真的有那么期待的话,何必等到利桑亚长老给我下最后通牒?” Perhaps you like being treated strongly.” Stille said with a smile lightly. “说不定你就是喜欢被人强硬对待的哦。”斯蒂尔轻笑道。 Xu Yi is angry immediately, a drawing Stille, has raised the hand, in she stands tall and erect, and on the extremely flexible buttocks retook again. 许亦顿时大怒,一把拉过斯蒂尔,扬起手在她高耸且极富弹性的臀部上重重拍了一记。 I thought that you like being treated strongly! Believed me to rape you again wordy now here?” “我看你才是喜欢被人强硬对待的!再啰嗦信不信我现在就在这里把你强奸了?” Stille lavished praise to Xu Yi: Come, I warmly welcome.” 斯蒂尔许亦抛了一个媚眼:“来啊,我热烈欢迎。” In the Xu Yi heart raises evil fire, was holding Stille horizontally, within the body Magic Power flows. Then prepares to report Stille to fly back to the manor on cliff directly. 许亦心中升起一股邪火,将斯蒂尔横着抱了起来,体内魔力流动。便准备报着斯蒂尔直接飞回悬崖上的庄园内。 Who knows that the body just moved, two people actually simultaneous/uniform complexion changes. 谁知道身子刚一动,两人却齐齐脸色微变。 The Xu Yi body is rising on the way, actually the whole body Magic Power violent eruption, got down a deep blue Magic safety mask in outside the body arrange/cloth suddenly rapidly. 许亦身子正在上升的途中,却陡然全身魔力猛烈爆发,迅速在体外布下了一道湛蓝色的魔法防护罩。 In nearby sea, a giant water current sticks out suddenly suddenly. As if the dragon volume is together common, charged into two people directly. 附近的大海中,一股巨大的水流突然暴起。仿佛一道龙卷一般,直接冲向了两人。 dragon scroll runs upon the Magic safety mask, sends out a dull thumping sound. 龙卷撞上魔法防护罩,发出一身闷响。 Xu Yi has risen the body of midair to be struck to fly by this huge momentum immediately directly. 许亦已经升上半空的身子立即被这股巨大的冲力直接击飞出去。 If not Xu Yi revolves immediately whole body Magic Power, relaxed this momentum using flight Magic, these will certainly install on the sheer precipice of seashore directly. 如果不是许亦立即运转全身魔力,利用飞行魔法将这股冲力缓和了下来,这一下一定会直接装上海边的悬崖峭壁上。 Xu Yi stabilizes reluctantly lives in the body, looked down Stille in bosom. Actually sees her, although the whole face is shocking, but has not obviously received any injury, this felt relieved. 许亦勉强稳定住身子,低头看了一眼怀中的斯蒂尔。却见她虽然满脸震惊,但明显并没有受到任何伤害,这才放下心来。 Turned the head to look surrounding, was a ghost has not actually seen. 转头看了周围一圈,却是连个鬼影都没看到。 Makes him feel surprised, is any Magic element fluctuates not to induce continually. 更让他感到惊奇的,则是连任何的魔法元素波动都没感应到。 A moment ago that surprise attack seemed sudden. Is, when because this water spout starts, he and Stille induce to the Magic element fluctuate, otherwise as for is not so distressed. 刚才那次突袭之所以显得突然。就是因为当这个水龙卷发动的时候,他和斯蒂尔才感应到魔法元素波动,不然绝不至于这么狼狈。 But enemy where? 可是敌人在哪儿? The question in heart just raised, is two water current raises from the sea suddenly, incomparably raids swiftly and violently to Xu Yi and Stille. 心中的疑问刚刚升起,又是两股水流突然从大海中升起,迅猛无比地袭向许亦斯蒂尔 Xu Yi lets loose Stille, making her float in the midair, both hands lifts, is the Magic safety mask falls together. Simultaneously the Water Dragon moves forward to meet somebody together. 许亦放开斯蒂尔,让她自己漂浮在半空,双手抬起,又是一道魔法防护罩落下。同时一道水龙迎了上去。 Two Water Dragons hit wickedly in the same place, the Xu Yi body in a flash, only thought that whole body Magic Power has is shaken the loose trend. In the can't help it heart startles greatly. 两道水龙恶狠狠地撞在一起,许亦身子一晃,只觉得全身魔力都有被震散的趋势。禁不住心中大骇。 This enemy in the field of vision range, does not separate obviously controls the Water Dragon to attack spatially, unexpectedly so terrifying might. 这名敌人明明不在视野范围内,隔空操控着水龙进行攻击,居然还有如此恐怖的威力。 Thus it can be seen, the Magic strength of opposite party certainly is far ultra Xu Yi, least should also be Great Magician of Great Magician rank. 由此可见,对方的魔法实力一定远超许亦,最少也应该是大魔法师级别的大魔法师 Thinks of here, Xu Yi startled and anger. Observes the situation, shouted toward the darkness sternly: As Great Magician must reveal only part of the truth unexpectedly. Simply is the Magician shame!” 想到这里,许亦又惊又怒。环视一圈,向着黑暗厉声喝道:“身为大魔法师居然还要藏头露尾。简直就是魔法师的耻辱!” Finishes speaking, in the darkness resounds one long to smile suddenly. 话音刚落,黑暗中忽然响起一阵长笑。 Then in front of being away from Xu Yi in not far void. The space seemed torn generally, suddenly had the crack that was too deep to see the bottom shiny black. 然后就在距离许亦面前不远的虚空中。空间仿佛被撕裂了一般,突然出现了一道黑黝黝深不见底的裂缝。 The laughter transmits from this crack, appearance, a shadow. 笑声就是从这道裂缝中传来,随之出现的,还有一个黑影。 If to the Magician shame, President Xu, your insisted oneself is a merchant, even thought that the merchant status is more important than much fellows the Magician status, can be joined to compared with me?” “如果说到魔法师的耻辱,许会长,你这个坚持自己是商人,甚至觉得商人身份比魔法师身份还重要得多的家伙,要比我更配得上吧?” Xu Yi grips the hand of Stille to stretch out a finger, in her palm flexure, then stared at that to come from the space crack, obviously are very least should also be the high rank Great Magician person's shadow, the sinking sound said: Underhanded matter that why at least I never sneak attack despicable. You are the Great Magician rank, actually must do that doesn't feel ashamed?” 许亦握住斯蒂尔的手伸出一根手指,在她的手心挠了一下,然后盯着那名从空间裂缝中现身,很明显最少也应该是高阶的大魔法师的人影,沉声道:“最起码我从来不干什么卑鄙偷袭的下作事情。你已经是大魔法师级别,却还要这么做,难道就不觉得羞愧吗?” Ashamed?” That person of hollow laugh two. My Ashura works, always only looked that in the heart likes, how also to have this meaningless shame. First hid a moment ago, but wants first to sexually harass you also to have this little miss. From you performance, your Magic strength seriously was a moment ago good, no wonder will be called in the Lanpali Kingdom younger generation Magician of most talent. Only pitifully you wasted the time and energy in doing business. If you invest into the Magic research in full power, only feared that can surpass me in less than ten years.” “羞愧?”那人干笑两声。“我阿修罗做事情,从来只看心中喜好,又怎么会有这种毫无意义的羞愧。刚才之所以先藏起来,只是想先调戏一下你还有这个小姑娘罢了。从你刚才的表现来看,你的魔法实力当真不错,难怪会被人称为兰帕里王国年轻一代中最为天才的魔法师。只可惜你把时间和精力都浪费在了经商上。如果你全力投入到魔法研究上,只怕用不了十年就能超过我。” Many thanks your commendation, but this saying has many people to say to me spread, does not need you to be redundant actually.” Xu Yi coldly said. “多谢你的称赞,不过这话已经有很多人对我说过很多遍了,倒是不需要你再重复一遍。”许亦冷冷道。 Oh?? I indeed did not like speaking the idle talk, particularly spoke the idle talk with a deceased person.” That person of sound gradually transfers coldly. Now, the little darling suffers to death!” 哦?是吗?我也的确不喜欢和人说废话,尤其是和一个死人说废话。”那人的声音逐渐转冷。“现在,乖乖受死吧!” Saw that in opposite that person of hand shines the Magic ray long, Xu Yi inspires together. 看到对面那人手中亮起一道魔法光芒,许亦长吸了一口气。 The Magic strength of opposite party far exceeds and Stille, after this should be he passes through to the world , the most difficult war. 对方的魔法实力远超自己和斯蒂尔,这应该是他穿越到世界后最艰苦的一战。 However sees in the Stille pocket the ray of Magic telephone conversation box to glitter, Xu Yi felt relieved. B 不过看到斯蒂尔口袋里魔法通话盒的光芒正在闪烁,许亦放下心来。b ... ...
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