MIE :: Volume #4

#130: Decides the situation the factor

Strict, has not passed through Grand Duke Stantin the authentication words, the territory that in Stantin Duchy all feudal lords control at present is illegal. 严格来说,没有经过斯坦丁大公认证的话,斯坦丁公国内所有领主目前控制的领地都是非法的。 Therefore according to this standard, actually Count Velun now almost over 80% territories is illegal. 所以按照这个标准,其实威纶伯爵现在几乎八成以上的领地都是非法。 At first Count Velun is only a young feudal lord, the present territory robs from other feudal lord hands, this was the default rule in Stantin Duchy, whose fist is big, who snatched, even whose, no one raised the question. 起初威纶伯爵只是一个小领主而已,现在的领地都是从其它领主手中抢夺过来,这本来在斯坦丁公国内属于默认的规则,谁拳头大,谁抢到了,就算是谁的,从来也没有人对此提出质疑。 However now, Grand Duke Stantin suddenly announced that belonging to some territories of Velun feudal lord enfeoffed to Xu Yi. 但是现在,斯坦丁大公却突然宣布把属于威纶领主的部分领地分封给了许亦 Jurisprudentially speaking, this does not have the issue, because Grand Duke Stantin in all territories to Stantin Duchy has to enfeoff urges. 从法理上来说,这是没问题的,因为斯坦丁大公对斯坦丁公国内的所有领土都有分封劝。 But in fact does this, is actually no different is hitting the face of Count Velun. 但实际上这样做,却无异于在打威纶伯爵的脸。 But enfeoffs this big piece territory to Xu Yi, obvious in instigating Xu Yi and relations between Count Velun. 而将这大片领地都分封给许亦,却是明摆着在挑拨许亦威纶伯爵之间的关系了。 The key question is, any aristocrat of territory on regarding Sainz Continent is quite important, even can say that the size of territory is representing all of this aristocrat. 关键问题是,领地对于赛恩斯大陆上任何一名贵族来说都极为重要,甚至可以说领地的大小就代表着这名贵族的一切。 Grand Duke Stantin does that now, clearly is the open intrigue, clarified to throw a bait, let Xu Yi and Count Velun snatches. 斯坦丁大公现在这么做,分明就是阳谋,摆明了扔出一个诱饵,让许亦威纶伯爵去抢。 If Xu Yi and Count Velun, because this territory gets angry, then natural is center under Grand Duke Stantin bosom. 如果许亦威纶伯爵真的因为这块领地翻脸,那么自然是正中斯坦丁大公下怀。 Count Velun now becomes so domineering, the most important reason earned the great support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, got angry with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, lost the support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, was equal to giving Count Velun to strike fatally. 威纶伯爵现在变得如此强势,最重要的原因就是获得了新飞商会的大力支持,和新飞商会翻脸,失去了新飞商会的支持,就等于给了威纶伯爵致命一击。 As the matter stands, in Stantin Duchy has produced Count Velun of enough threat nothing to be worried regarding Grand Duke Stantin. 这样一来,斯坦丁公国内对于斯坦丁大公已经产生了足够威胁的威纶伯爵就不足为虑。 Even if Xu Yi and Count Velun not because this stretch of territory gets angry, the ownership of this stretch of territory will actually still insert a deep thorn between both sides. Definitely will affect relations of both sides. 就算许亦威纶伯爵不会因为这片领地翻脸,这片领地的归属权却依然会在双方之间插入一根深深的刺。势必会影响双方的关系。 Has saying that Grand Duke Stantin this move was wise, makes full use of him the status advantage as Grand Duke Stantin, effortless, this threat reduced and solved Count Velun most probably. 不得不说,斯坦丁大公这一招非常高明,充分利用了他身为斯坦丁大公的身份优势,不费吹灰之力,就将威纶伯爵这个威胁化解了大半。 He does what certainly is. Also enfeoffing the Xu Yi new territory's order notified entire Stantin Duchy, making in the duchy all feudal lords know this matter completely. 他做的更绝的是。还把分封许亦新领地的命令通报了整个斯坦丁公国,让公国内所有领主全部都知道了这件事。 Therefore in Stantin Duchy other feudal lords all elongated the neck, waits. 于是斯坦丁公国内其他所有领主们全都伸长了脖子,翘首以待。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and combination of Count Velun was too fearful, among the relations them does not destroy, in the duchy other feudal lords cannot see the hope. 新飞商会威纶伯爵的组合太可怕了,不把他们之间的关系破坏掉,公国内其它领主们根本看不到希望。 However Xu Yi and Count Velun to that this matter reacts, greatly is not as everyone expected. 然而许亦威纶伯爵对此事做出的反应,却大大出乎所有人的意料。 First. Xu Yi accepted enfeoffment of Grand Duke Stantin refreshedly, explicitly expressed oneself will accept this stretch of territory. 首先。许亦非常爽快地就接受了斯坦丁大公的分封,明确表示自己会接受这片领地。 Then most accidental/surprised, is Count Velun has not enfeoffed to this unexpectedly expresses any comment. 然后最让人意外的,就是威纶伯爵居然没有对这个分封发表任何意见。 After Xu Yi expressed willingness to accept this stretch of territory, Count Velun will arrange in this stretch of territory immediately all removed hand/subordinate. 许亦表示愿意接受这片领地后,威纶伯爵立即将原本布置于这片领地的所有手下全部撤了出去。 Not is only the army, even he was used to control all administrative personnel in this stretch of territory also one and removed. Clarified completely gave up to the control of this stretch of territory. 不仅仅是军队,甚至连他用来控制这片领地的所有行政人员也一并撤了出去。摆明了完全放弃对这片领地的控制权。 Afterward, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard enters this stretch of territory, follows close on the Amul Chamber of Commerce construction team also to enter this stretch of territory, starts the construction in this stretch of territory to have the industrial buildings as well as various staff housing of bright Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce symbol, symbolizes that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce takes over this stretch of territory officially. 随后,新飞商会护卫队进入这片领地,紧跟着阿姆利商会的施工队伍也进驻这片领地,开始在这片领地里修建带有鲜明的新飞商会标志的工厂厂房以及各种员工住房,标志着新飞商会正式接手这片领地。 In the entire process, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Count Velun both sides have not had any conflict completely, instead when the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard and Count Velun the army contacts, both sides also display cordial extremely. Cannot smell any in short supply aura. 整个过程之中,新飞商会威纶伯爵双方完全没有产生任何冲突,反而在新飞商会护卫队和威纶伯爵手下军队接触的时候,双方还表现得极为亲切友好。嗅不到任何紧张气息。 This performance makes the people shock. 这种表现让众人大跌眼镜。 Count Velun is at north the duchy to be vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered invincible, the people think his imposing manner such hold, will definitely not tolerate oneself territory to be robbed forcefully is right. 威纶伯爵在公国北方可以算是纵横无敌,原本众人认为他气势如此之盛,肯定不会容忍自己的领地被人硬生生抢走才对。 But facing Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. He has not made any resistance unexpectedly, the opinion of even opposing has not raised. 可是面对新飞商会。他竟然没有做出任何反抗,甚至连反对的意见都一点儿没提。 ...... Does he dread Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce? 难道说……他就这么忌惮新飞商会吗? No one knows that Count Velun is actually thinking anything, but after everyone actually knows Count Velun, movement that adopts. 没有人知道威纶伯爵心里到底在想什么,但是所有人却知道威纶伯爵之后采取的动作。 Perhaps is because thought that own territory drops, after this matter, Count Velun immediately started to the attack of neighboring two feudal lord, only uses for a month. Then routed these two feudal lords thoroughly, puts in the bag similarly their territories. 或许是因为觉得自己的领地有所减少,在这件事之后,威纶伯爵立即发动了对相邻的两位领主的进攻,只用时一个月的时间。便彻底击溃了这两位领主,将他们的领地同样收入囊中。 The territories of these two feudal lords added to be possible Grand Duke Stantin to enfeoff to Xu Yi that stretch of territory are much bigger. Therefore calculates, the territory of Count Velun increased on the contrary much. 这两位领主的领地加起来可比斯坦丁大公分封给许亦的那片领地大得多了。于是算下来,威纶伯爵的领地反倒是又增加了不少。 Half a month later. Grand Duke Stantin plays the same old trick, enfeoffed a stretch of territory of Count Velun again to Xu Yi, and this stretch of territory outside a piece far away from Xu Yi existing territory, the middle also separated a territory of big piece of Velun feudal lord. 半个月后。斯坦丁大公重施故技,再次将威纶伯爵的一片领地分封给了许亦,并且这次这片领地是远离许亦已有的领地之外的一片,中间还隔了一大片威纶领主的领地。 However this Count Velun still had not proposed time any opposing opinion, that stretch of territory in all removed, even that stretch of territory all also removed hand/subordinate similarly, will actually separate that stretch of territory in Xu Yi two stretches of territories also to let on own initiative, making the Xu Yi territory link completely in one. 然而这一次威纶伯爵依然没有提出任何反对意见,将那片领地上的所有手下撤了出来,甚至连中间那片领地的所有手下也同样撤了出来,却是主动将隔开许亦两片领地的那片领地也让了出来,让许亦的领地完全连在了一起。 As the matter stands, the Xu Yi territory has exceeded the astonishing 2000 square kilometers. 这样一来,许亦的领地已经超过了惊人的两千平方公里。 But territory again reduced Count Velun aims at other feudal lords the goal again, this time offensive is fiercer, only uses merely less than one month, then routed three feudal lords again, finally expanded own territory again much. 而领地再次被削减的威纶伯爵再一次将目标指向其它领主,这一次的攻势更加猛烈,仅仅只用不到一个月的时间,便再次击溃了三名领主,最终再次将自己的领地扩张了不少。 Finally this twice , the territory that now Count Velun controls had even been close to 20,000 square kilometers, even has been able the actual control territory to miss few with Grand Duke Stantin. 结果这样两次过后,现在威纶伯爵控制的领地甚至已经接近了两万平方公里,甚至已经能够和斯坦丁大公实际控制的领地所差无几。 And Count Velun, because makes war with other feudal lords continuously, the army quantity rises dramatically, breaks through 50,000 numbers unexpectedly, compares 60,000 soldiers who Grand Duke Stantin declared to the outside only to differ 10,000 merely. 并且威纶伯爵因为连续和其它领主开战,手下军队数量暴增,竟是突破五万之数,相比起斯坦丁大公对外宣称的六万士兵仅仅只相差一万而已。 If by having the actual battle efficiency, Count Velun this 50,000 has been through repeatedly hand/subordinate battles repeatedly, what is more important also provides various military Magic machineries that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce provided, the battle efficiency without doubt be much higher than Grand Duke Stantin. 如果论起实际战斗力,威纶伯爵这五万手下历经多次激战,更重要的是还配备了新飞商会提供的各种军用魔法机械,战斗力无疑要比斯坦丁大公高得多了。 This point, has confirmed in beforehand Count Velun and other feudal lord the fights of were actually innumerable. 这一点,在之前威纶伯爵和其它领主发生的战斗中早就实际验证了无数次。 Such after a contrast, in Stantin Duchy the increasing number of people believe. Count Velun will certainly replace Grand Duke Stantin, becomes the new Grand Duke. 这样一对比之后,斯坦丁公国内越来越多的人相信。威纶伯爵一定会取代斯坦丁大公,成为新一任大公。 In this duchy, can resist Count Velun only the footsteps, probably only then southern Viscount Angkelu? 在这个公国内,唯一能够抵挡威纶伯爵脚步的,大概就只有南方的盎克鲁子爵吧? However thinks again Count Velun and Viscount Angkelu can display so strongly, the reason was they accepted the great support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 然而再想到威纶伯爵和盎克鲁子爵之所以能够表现得如此强势,原因就是他们都接受了新飞商会的大力支持。 But once other feudal lords lose the military Magic machinery that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce provided. Simply not with the ability that these two feudal lords contend with. 而其它领主们一旦失去了新飞商会提供的军用魔法机械。就根本没有和这两位领主相抗衡的能力。 Is inferred by this point, in fact, true decision Stantin Duchy destiny, not these two crest of wave vigor feudal lord Sirs, but is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 由这一点来推断,实际上,真正决定个斯坦丁公国命运的,并不是这两位风头正劲的领主大人,而是新飞商会 Or is Xu Yi. 或者说,就是许亦 # # # ### Night of summer end. The Stantin Duchy seashore is still burning hot, although the weather is complete, on the beach was still bustling, crowded. 夏末时分的夜晚。斯坦丁公国的海边依然炎热,尽管天色全黑,海滩上仍然熙熙攘攘,人来人往。 Today is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce every week a day of fixed holiday, after the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce staff gets off work . Does not eat the food, then changes the swim suit to directly soar the seashore. 今天是新飞商会每周一天固定的休息日,新飞商会的员工们下班之后。连饭都不吃,便换上泳装直奔海边。 This public beach vigorously the investment and development after Xu Yi, now had turned into a destination of very suitable summer leisure. 这片公共海滩经过许亦大力投资开发,现在已经变成了一片非常适合夏日休闲的去处。 Near the beach built up the terrace, then became various types of stores, at night will be brilliantly illuminated, bakes, the liquor water one should but foot. 海滩边上建起了一排房屋,便成了各种商铺,每到夜晚都会灯火通明,其中烧烤、酒水一应而足。 When the dim light of night arrives, stands erect to shine the incomparably bright ray in the beach giant Magic square lamp in all directions, illuminates insightfully the entire beach. People in twos and threes gathering becomes one group, laughed heartily loudly, dyed city of the non- night the entire beach. 等到夜色降临,竖立在海滩四处的巨大魔法广场灯照射出无比明亮的光芒,将整个海滩都照得通透。人们三三两两的聚成一团,高声欢笑,将整个海滩都染成了一片不夜之城。 Xu Yi and Stille stroll on the personal beach. Watches brilliantly illuminated and sounds of people on distant place beach is turbulent, Stille can't help it sighs with emotion: Still remembers more than one year the money we come here time, this beach is bleak, at night a person's shadow could not see, now actually has become such lively, can simply compared with the night of Anweimaer city.” 许亦斯蒂尔漫步在私人海滩上。看着远处海滩上的灯火通明和人声汹涌,斯蒂尔禁不住感慨道:“还记得一年多钱我们来到这里的时候,这片海滩还是一片荒凉,每到夜晚连个人影都看不到,现在却已经变得这么热闹,简直能够和安威玛尔城的夜晚相比。” Xu Yi smiles: What's wrong? Fondly remembered Anweimaer? Several days later the crecent moon song-and-dance troupe do not go to the Anweimaer performance? Words that you want to go. With went together.” 许亦笑了笑:“怎么?怀念安威玛尔了?过几天新月歌舞团不是又要去安威玛尔演出吗?你想去的话。就跟着一起去好了。” Stille shakes the head: No, I sigh with emotion. In fact. Now in my opinion, the Anweimaer city has seemed very backward. Compares the insufficiently convenient place with Bunta City. If nothing else, until now, the Anweimaer city was unable to build up a complete urban public transport system, I go to the Anweimaer city each time, the journey is not very convenient.” 斯蒂尔摇了摇头:“不,我只是感慨一下。实际上。现在在我看来,安威玛尔城已经显得十分落后了。和邦塔城相比有很多不够便利的地方。别的不说,到现在为止,安威玛尔城还没能建起一个完整的城市公共交通系统,我每次去安威玛尔城,出行都很不方便。” Matter that this does not have the means that the urban public transport system is the social welfare facility, cannot bring to make money, wants to cause a completing urban public transport system, must invest the large amounts of funds to be good. Although the kingdom finance of Lanpali Kingdom currently has big improvement, but does not have the ample force investment temporarily on these.” Xu Yi sighed. “这也是没办法的事,城市公共交通系统是社会福利设施,不能拿来赚钱的,想要弄出一个完成的城市公共交通系统,必须投入大量资金才行。虽然兰帕里王国的王国财政现在有了很大的好转,但是暂时也没有余力投资在这些上面。”许亦叹道。 Stille shot a look at Xu Yi one: You very understand the difficulties of queen actually.” 斯蒂尔瞥了许亦一眼:“你倒是挺理解女王陛下的苦衷啊。” Xu Yi looked at Stille, smiles, blew on her nose: What's wrong? Was jealous?” 许亦看了看斯蒂尔,莞尔一笑,在她鼻子上刮了一下:“怎么?吃醋了?” Stille gently snort/hum: Previous time you and she hug tight me is not jealous, now I eat what vinegar.” 斯蒂尔轻轻哼了一声:“上次你和她抱得那么紧我都没吃醋,现在我吃什么醋。” Xu Yi laughs, thought that previous hold Sewinnie to fly from the cliff, happen to fell in Stille that and the others under the cliff wait for in the eye, Stille has not certainly said anything, but in the heart minds obviously. 许亦哈哈大笑,心想上次自己抱着瑟维尼从悬崖上飞下来,正好落入了在悬崖下面等待的斯蒂尔等人眼中,斯蒂尔当然没说什么,但是心中显然还是十分介意的。 Ok, I and Sewinnie were impossible to have anything, you should be very clear.” Xu Yi is blocking the Stille waist supple sound said. “行了,我和瑟维尼是不可能发生什么的,你应该很清楚。”许亦拦着斯蒂尔的腰柔声道。 Why does she want to do that?” Stille white Xu Yi: Do not think that I cannot look, the queen at heart is actually interesting about you. Although she conceals very well, but I am also a woman, can look at the idea in her heart.” “那她为什么要这么做?”斯蒂尔白了许亦一眼:“别以为我看不出来,女王陛下其实心里对你是有意思的。虽然她掩饰得很好,但是我也是女人,看得出来她心中的想法。” Xu Yi frowns: „Do you want? With her character, if she is really interesting about me, instead impossible to make that action before you. Previous perhaps she really for the stance that and my negotiations make time intentionally.” 许亦皱起眉头:“你想多了吧?以她的性格,如果她真的对我有意思,反而不可能在你面前做出那种举动。上一次说不定她真的只是为了和我的谈判故意摆出来的姿态而已。” No, you do not understand.” Stille shakes the head gently. If a woman is not the innermost feelings approves a man, will be will not make such affectionate action absolutely. You think that the queen is a frivolous person?” “不,你不懂。”斯蒂尔轻轻摇头。“如果一个女人不是内心认可一个男人的话,是绝对不会做出这样亲昵的举动的。难道你认为女王陛下是一个轻浮的人吗?” She naturally is not the frivolous person, but in the final analysis, our two are impossible. She is the Lanpali Kingdom queen, but I have you with this wife, therefore we are in any event impossible to link.” Xu Yi shakes the head: Stille, do you regard her one time to be willful this?” “她当然不是什么轻浮的人,但是说到底,我们两个是绝不可能的。她是兰帕里王国的女王陛下,而我又已经有了你和这个妻子,所以无论如何我们也不可能结合在一起。”许亦摇了摇头:“斯蒂尔,你就把这当成她的一次任性好吗?” Stille shrugs: I am actually indifferent. If my husband including queens for it heart movement, that did not show that my vision is especially splendid? However Xu Yi, don't you really care about this matter? Don't forget, as of late, in Lanpali Kingdom in many newspapers may appear to the discussion article of kingdom successor to the throne.” 斯蒂尔耸了耸肩:“我倒是无所谓啊。如果我的丈夫连一位女王陛下都为之心动,那不是证明我的眼光格外出色吗?但是许亦,你真的不在意这件事情吗?别忘了,最近这段时间,兰帕里王国内很多报纸上可都出现了对王国王位继承人的讨论文章哦。” Successor to the throne?” In the Xu Yi heart moves. ( to be continued ) “王位继承人?”许亦心中一动。(未完待续) ... ...
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