MIE :: Volume #4

#129: Frye leisure

Obtains the vigorous aid of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, Count Velun continued his fierce offensive to the Stantin Duchy southern each feudal lord. 得到新飞商会的大力援助,威纶伯爵继续了他对斯坦丁公国南方各个领主的凶猛攻势。 Several months later, Count Velun not only routed that four jointly to revolt against his feudal lord alliance thoroughly, in addition routed three feudal lords, over over ten thousand square kilometers big piece territories will put in the bag completely. 几个月下来,威纶伯爵不仅彻底击溃了那四位联合反抗他的领主联盟,另外还击溃了三位领主,将超过上万平方公里的大片领土全部收入囊中。 Present Count Velun, has become in Stantin Duchy the strength strongest feudal lord, does not have one. 现在的威纶伯爵,已经成为斯坦丁公国内实力最强的领主,没有之一。 Northern Stantin Duchy falls into piece of flames of war, the south also is not peaceful. 北方的斯坦丁公国陷入一片战火之中,南方则同样不怎么太平。 Angkelu at first several years continuously in savings strength, although has kept in the development territory, the strength, caused many people to pay attention south Stantin Duchy, but compared the Velun feudal lord, could actually have been conceals one's abilities and bides one's time extremely. 盎克鲁起初几年一直在积蓄力量,虽然一直不停地在拓展领土,增强实力,在斯坦丁公国南方引起了很多人注意,但是相比起威纶领主,却已经算得上极为韬光养晦。 Since however has entered the mainland to undergo 3785, Angkelu actually departs from the norm, starts to develop south Stantin Duchy wantonly. 然而进入大陆历3785年以来,盎克鲁却一反常态,开始在斯坦丁公国南方大肆发展。 Is only in the first half of the year, Angkelu expanded enough two times own territory area, now territory total area already over 10,000 square kilometers. 仅仅只是上半年,盎克鲁就将自己的领地面积扩展了足足两倍有余,现在领地总面积已经超过一万平方公里。 Although has not been the Stantin Duchy south territory area biggest feudal lord, but by the strength, the strength in battlefield, no one dares to suspect that only particularly absolutely he is most powerful that. 虽然还算不上斯坦丁公国南方领土面积最大的领主,但是单论实力,尤其是在战场上的实力来说,绝对没有人敢怀疑他就是最强大的那一位。 The reason is very simple, because he has the full power support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 理由很简单,因为他有新飞商会的全力支持。 After the Velun feudal lord signs the agreement, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cut off and in Stantin Duchy besides the Velun feudal lord and Angkelu all feudal lords the supplies of military Magic machinery. 威纶领主签署协议后,新飞商会断绝了和斯坦丁公国内除了威纶领主和盎克鲁之外所有领主的军用魔法机械的供应。 In the supply without following ammunition, as well as under the provision condition of maintenance, how long the military Magic machinery is naturally impossible to use. 在没有后续弹药的供应,以及维修保养的提供状况下,军用魔法机械自然不可能使用多久。 Initial time, other feudal lords can also contend by the stock and Velun feudal lord as well as Angkelu. However after some time, after the military Magic machineries in their hand are unable to display the strength, other feudal lords are utterly routed under the Velun feudal lord and Angkelu attack, does not have any ability of resistance. 起初的时候,其它领主还能凭借库存和威纶领主以及盎克鲁抗衡。但是一段时间后,他们手中的军用魔法机械无法发挥战力后,其它领主便在威纶领主和盎克鲁的攻击下溃不成军,根本没有任何反抗的能力。 In all will of the people is very clear, in Stantin Duchy feudal lords between war. Decided that victory and defeat key, lies in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 所有人心里都很清楚,斯坦丁公国内领主们之间的战争。决定胜负的关键,就在于新飞商会 Said is straightforwarder, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has even been able completely about the development in Stantin Duchy. 说得再直白一些,新飞商会甚至已经可以完全左右斯坦丁公国内的局势发展。 After realizing this point, how regardless of many people naturally could not sit still. 认识到这一点后,很多人自然无论如何也坐不住了。 # # # ### Knowledge- knowledge-” “知-了-知-了-” On Sainz Continent has many places to be entirely different from Earth, but also some places are the same. 赛恩斯大陆上有很多地方都和地球截然不同,但是却也有一些地方相同。 The summer cicada in autumn is one of them. 夏日秋蝉便是其中之一。 When summer, hears since childhood very familiar cicada whining noise. The Xu Yi association/will surges warm feelings from the heart. 每到夏日时分,听到从小就十分熟悉的蝉鸣声。许亦总会从心中涌起一股亲切感。 Arrived at this world already eight years, although had adapted to the life of this world, and in this world marriage and having child, got married and began a career, but Xu Yi still met regularly fondly remembers all on Earth. 来到这个世界已经八年了,虽然早就已经适应了这个世界的生活,并且在这个世界结婚生子,成家立业,但是许亦依然会经常性地怀念地球上的一切。 Is listening to the cicada whining noise. He as if returned to the childhood also when Earth, when the summer takes self-made catches net with the little friends, pursuing butterfly catches cicada all over cheerful time. 听着蝉鸣声。他仿佛就回到了小时候还在地球上时,每到夏日就和小伙伴们一起拿着自制的捕网,漫山遍野的追蝶捕蝉的欢快时光。 This year's summer is still burning hot, Xu Yi snatches a little leisure from the busy schedules, rides the tree shade to enjoy the cool air in the manor backyard, listens to the cicada cry that in the top of the head is keeping, remembered in the past the time on Earth, suddenly the childlike innocence was big. Let Linda look for a fine-structur mesh and a section of iron wire, breaks off next to be thick or thin again the branch that from the tree suits, proficiently completed one to moisten the net. 今年的夏日依然炎热,许亦忙里偷闲,在庄园后院里乘着树荫纳凉,听着头顶上不停的蝉鸣,想起以往在地球上的时光,忽然童心大起。让琳达找来一个细网和一截铁丝,再从树上掰下一根粗细正适合的树枝,熟练地做好了一个沾网。 Hey. Frye, the father leads you to seize the butterfly, seizing the cicada is good?” Xu Yi to has stared at him to manufacture to moisten Frye of net in the side steadily to smile to ask. “嘿。弗莱娅,爸爸带你去捉蝴蝶,捉蝉好不好?”许亦向一直在身边目不转睛地盯着他制作沾网的弗莱娅笑问道。 Frye already two years old, although is also in the ignorant age, but has been able to run to jump, the speech is also quite smooth. Hears the question of Xu Yi, is supine the face to look at that in Xu Yi hand to moisten the net. Asked back in a baby voice: Father, why must seize the butterfly and seizes cicada Ah? 弗莱娅已经过两岁了,虽然还处于懵懵懂懂的年纪,但是已经能跑能跳,说话也极为流畅。听到许亦的问话,仰着脸看着许亦手中的那个沾网。奶声奶气地反问道:“爸爸,为什么要捉蝴蝶和捉蝉啊? Xu Yi squatting lower part of the body with a laugh. Pinched a small face of Frye fat, asked: Frye, you thought that the butterfly is attractive Ah? 许亦笑呵呵的蹲下身。捏了一把弗莱娅肉呼呼的小脸,问道:“弗莱娅,你觉得蝴蝶好不好看啊? Un, the butterfly was most attractive.” “嗯,蝴蝶最好看了。” Good, do you think to be closer, having a look at the butterfly so to be why attractive?” Xu Yi also asked. “那好,你想不想贴近一些,看看蝴蝶为什么那么好看呢?”许亦又问。 Thinks that the father you can call to make me take a good look the butterfly they?” “想啊,爸爸你能把蝴蝶叫过来让我好好看看它们吗?” Naturally can. Come, follows the father, my leads you to go to and butterflies chats!” “当然能。来,跟着爸爸走,我这就带你去和蝴蝶们聊天!” If under the ordinary climate, now is in mid August, does not have the trail of butterfly. 如果是在普通气候下,现在已经是八月中旬,早就没有了蝴蝶的踪迹。 However Stantin Duchy because actually in the mainland south, the climate has been burning hot, in addition the Xu Yi private territory close to the seashore, the air is moist, at this time still has the innumerable butterflies to flutter. 不过斯坦丁公国却因为地处大陆南方,气候一直炎热,加上许亦的私人领地临近海边,空气潮湿,此时依然有无数的蝴蝶在翩翩飞舞。 Xu Yi takes in high spirits Frye one lead to sneak by in manor grove, then can see that several colorful butterflies shuttle back and forth in the woods back and forth. 许亦带着兴高采烈的弗莱娅一头钻进庄园旁边的小树林中,一眼便能看到数种色彩斑斓的蝴蝶在树林中来回穿梭。 Frye cheered to throw, was startled the butterfly in in the air randomly to fly actually everywhere, Xu Yi will moisten the net to in the air to extend, then seized several butterflies easily. 弗莱娅欢呼着就扑了过去,倒是惊得蝴蝶在空中到处乱飞,许亦将沾网向空中一伸,轻而易举地便捉住了好几只蝴蝶。 Xu Yi picked a butterfly cautiously, puts in the Frye palm, within the body Magic Power flows, forms a small cyclone near the Frye palm, just presses this butterfly in the Frye palm, making it not have the means to fly away. 许亦小心翼翼地将一只蝴蝶摘了下来,放入弗莱娅手心,体内魔力流动,在弗莱娅的手心附近形成一个小小的气旋,刚好将这只蝴蝶压在弗莱娅的手心,让它没办法飞离。 A Frye face pleasantly surprised, holds the butterfly with both hands cautiously, about looked at a while, actually raises head suddenly to Xu Yi asks: Father, why it does not fly Ah? 弗莱娅一脸惊喜,小心翼翼地用双手捧着蝴蝶,左右看了一会儿,却忽然仰头向许亦问道:“爸爸,它为什么不飞啊? Xu Yi somewhat felt strange: „Don't you want to chat with the butterfly? It now in your hands, aren't you and its quite fun a while very?” 许亦有些奇怪:“你不是想和蝴蝶聊天吗?它现在就在你的手里,你和它好好玩一会儿不是很好吗?” Frye shakes the head: But I just the appearance that liked it flying. Like this stops is not unattractive.” Was saying looks to the moistening net in Xu Yi hand, points is sticking in the above butterfly said: Father, puts them, they are quite pitiful.” 弗莱娅摇了摇头:“可是我刚喜欢它飞起来的样子。这样停下来就不好看了。”说着又看向许亦手中的沾网,指着粘在上面的蝴蝶道:“爸爸,把它们也放下来吧,它们好可怜啊。” Xu Yi was astonished however looked at Frye, could not bear laugh. 许亦讶然看了一眼弗莱娅,忍不住哈哈大笑起来。 Although Frye is only two years old over, is actually a good-hearted little miss, but this point, is he most regards as important exactly. 弗莱娅虽然才两岁出头,却是一个心地善良的小姑娘,而这一点,恰恰就是他最看重的。 Xu Yi only picked butterfly one according to the instruction of Frye, all releases for flight. 许亦依照弗莱娅的吩咐将蝴蝶一只只摘了下来,全部重新放飞。 Looks that in the woods flocks of butterflies flutter, Frye laughed heartily again happily, stepped the small step to run in the woods back and forth, seemed vital. 看着树林中一群群的蝴蝶翩翩飞舞,弗莱娅再一次开心地欢笑起来,迈着小小的步子在树林里来回奔跑,仿佛充满活力。 Looks at the Frye happy appearance. Xu Yi also thought that the wholeheartedly becomes joyful. 看着弗莱娅高兴的样子。许亦也觉得全身心都变得愉悦起来。 These days he because of Heimi Wastelands and various issues of Stantin Duchy interior situation, is tied up, now and Frye in together playing a while, simply is best relaxation. 这一段时间他因为黑米荒原斯坦丁公国内部局势的各种问题,忙得不可开交,现在和弗莱娅在一起玩耍一会儿,简直就是最好的放松。 When will bring Frye to continue to the forest is thorough, has defended outside the forest. Flushed to Liz who Xu Yi and Frye stay behind two people of spaces suddenly hurriedly. 正要带着弗莱娅继续向森林里深入时,一直守在森林外面。给许亦弗莱娅留下二人空间的丽丝突然急匆匆冲了过来。 Master, had the guest to come.” “主人,有客人来了。” Sees on the Liz face the slightly tense look, Xu Yi is somewhat strange. 看到丽丝脸上略显紧张的神色,许亦有些奇怪。 What guest is?” “是什么客人?” Is the chief executive officer Sir brings, said that is envoy who Stantin greatly government-sponsored comes.” “是首席执行官大人带过来的,说是斯坦丁大公派来的使者。” „Does Stantin greatly government-sponsored come?” Xu Yi is startled, immediately actually smiled. Also right, this Grand Duke should also unable to bear.” 斯坦丁大公派来的?”许亦一怔,随即却笑了起来。“也对,这位大公也该忍不住了。” Gives Liz , after Frye. Xu Yi arrives at the front courtyard directly, saw in the reception room envoy one group of who Kennard and Stantin greatly government-sponsored come. 弗莱娅交给丽丝后。许亦径直来到前院,在会客厅见到了肯纳德斯坦丁大公派来的使者一行人。 The envoy three people but are actually the Xu Yi acquaintances. 使者三人倒都是许亦的熟人。 Then after they are Xu Yi arrives at Stantin Duchy, have contacted three Grand Duke Stantin for the first time minister hand/subordinate. 他们是许亦第一次来到斯坦丁公国后便接触过的三位斯坦丁大公手下的大臣。 These year of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce total invested at least 2 million gold coins on them from all sides, all feeds the full stomach pig's intestines these, when sees Xu Yi, is quite naturally polite. 这些年新飞商会在他们身上前前后后总计投资了最少两百万金币,将这几位全都喂得满肚肥肠,见到许亦时,自然极为客气。 After both sides firing off greeting of a laugh . Xu Yi asked several people to come here goal suddenly. 双方笑呵呵的打完招呼后。许亦问起了几人突然来到这里的目的。 Three people look at each other one, a fat minister smilingly replied: President Xu, no, Viscount Xu, our times, come to report a good news to you.” 三人对视一眼,其中一位胖胖的大臣笑眯眯地答道:“许会长,不,许子爵,我们这次来,是来向你报告一个喜讯的。” Good news?” Xu Yi. What good news has?” “喜讯?”许亦哦了一声。“有什么喜讯?” The fat minister haha said with a smile: Viscount Xu, in view of the fact that you and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce made the unignorable contribution to Stantin Duchy, Grand Duke resolution. Promotes from the viscount your title for the Count. In other words, starting today, we must call you for Count permits.” 胖胖的大臣哈哈笑道:“许子爵,鉴于您和新飞商会斯坦丁公国做出了不可忽视的贡献,大公决议。将您的爵位从子爵提升为伯爵。也就是说,从今天起,我们就要称呼您为许伯爵了。” A nearby Kennard face is pleasantly surprised. 一旁的肯纳德一脸惊喜。 He is the aristocratic family family background. Regards as important to the aristocrat status extremely, before did not feel about the Xu Yi title high worried, because he in fact also has a Baron status in Lanpali Kingdom. 他是贵族家庭出身。对贵族身份极为看重,以前一直对许亦的爵位不高而感到苦恼,因为他自己在兰帕里王国内实际上也拥有一个男爵身份。 If Xu Yi did not have the title, that is equivalent to his Baron Lanpali Kingdom to think the civilian subordinate. 如果许亦一直没有爵位的话,那就相当于他这个兰帕里王国男爵在以为平民手下。 Although no one will really treat as ordinary civilians to regard Xu Yi, but the status difference is putting here, many will let in his heart some obstructions. 尽管没人会真的把许亦当做一位普通的平民看待,但身份区别在这里放着,多少会让他心中有些芥蒂。 Now Xu Yi is promoted as a Count. Even if this Count status is Grand Duke Stantin gives, is the disparity is naturally enormous compared to the Lanpali Kingdom Count. But so long as Xu Yi has the appropriate aristocrat status, that was enough. 现在许亦被提升为一位伯爵。就算这个伯爵身份是斯坦丁大公给的,相对于兰帕里王国的伯爵自然是差距极大。但许亦只要拥有合适的贵族身份,那就足够了。 Xu Yi is actually calm. Smiling, nod is understands. 许亦却是一脸平静。笑了笑,点点头算是明白。 Three messengers have a look mutually, the fat minister puts out a blueprint from the bosom, spreads out in front of Xu Yi. 三名使者又互相看看,胖胖的大臣从怀中拿出一张图纸,在许亦面前摊开。 permits meets...... not, Viscount Xu...... not, Count permits, since your title were promoted, then according to the custom, your territory should also obtain the corresponding expansion. After the research, the Grand Duke decided finally, confers this land for your territory, do you have a look to satisfy?” “许会……不,许子爵……哦不,许伯爵,既然您的爵位获得了提升,那么按照规矩,您的领地也应该获得相应的扩大。经过研究,大公最终决定,将这块土地册封为您的领地,您看看可满意?” The Xu Yi vision passed over gently and swiftly on this type of precision extremely low Stantin Duchy map following the finger of this fat minister, seals to look at newly to his territory Stantin Duchy, in the heart sneers immediately. 许亦的目光顺着这名胖胖的大臣的手指在这种精度极低的斯坦丁公国地图上掠过,将斯坦丁公国新封给他的领地看完,心中立即冷笑一声。 Grand Duke Stantin confers rank and title in that stretch of 24 square kilometers territory before him to extend an eldest child same place to the Xu Yi territory downward, at first sight indeed expanded several times. 斯坦丁大公册封给许亦的领土是从他之前那片不过二十四平方公里的领地上向下延伸出一老大一块,乍一看的确是扩大了好几倍。 But if looks earnestly, will discover, this stretch of new territory belongs to the new territory that Count Velun seizes now radically. 但是如果认真看的话,就会发现,这片新领地根本就是属于威纶伯爵现在占领的新领地。 If Xu Yi accepted this stretch of territory, was equivalent from Count Velun in the hand snatches hardly. 许亦如果接受了这片领地,就相当于从威纶伯爵手中硬抢了。 Grand Duke Stantin obviously is intentionally, does this to destroy Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Count Velun without doubt the existing cooperation. 斯坦丁大公显然是故意的,这样做无疑是为了破坏新飞商会威纶伯爵现有的合作关系。 Clearly, Grand Duke Stantin, has produced to the domineering of Count Velun dreaded. 很明显,斯坦丁大公,已经对威纶伯爵的强势产生了忌惮。 Destroys Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Count Velun cooperation of both sides, wants to strike down Count Velun fundamentally. 破坏新飞商会威纶伯爵双方的合作关系,就是想从根本上击倒威纶伯爵。 This is a very low level trap, do not say Xu Yi, nearby Kennard also looked, the face sneers presently. 这是一个非常低级的陷阱,不要说许亦,旁边的肯纳德也一眼就看了出来,脸现冷笑。 By him the understanding Xu Yi, Xu Yi definitely does not stop in such low level trap. 以他对许亦的了解,许亦肯定不止于中这么低级的陷阱。 However after Xu Yi silent a while, actually opens the mouth with a smile: Thank the gracious gift of Grand Duke, this stretch of territory, I wanted.” 然而许亦沉默了一会儿后,却笑着开口:“感谢大公的恩赐,这片领地,我要了。” A Kennard face is astonished however, three messengers actually smile. 肯纳德一脸讶然,三名使者却是满脸笑容。 Xu Yi is also smiling looks at three people, does not know this inside bad risk probably. ( to be continued ) 许亦同样是一脸微笑地看着三人,就好像根本不知道这里面的凶险。(未完待续) ... ...
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