MIE :: Volume #4

#128: Fortification

Sewinnie this time makes a special trip to Stantin Duchy, in name must meet to speak in detail cooperation matters concerned between Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce with Xu Yi and Lanpali Kingdom, but according to her view, is uses this excuse to come out to relax well for two days. 瑟维尼此次专程来到斯坦丁公国,名义上是要和许亦见面详谈新飞商会兰帕里王国之间的合作事宜,但是按照她自己的说法,则是利用这个借口好好地出来放松两天。 She poured indeed implemented this goal, except for hiring Western Guard Regiment to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this matter was she personally with the Xu Yi discussion beside, remaining about Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and various matters concerned of Lanpali Kingdom joint venture plant, was the subordinates who were brought by her is all negotiating with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 她倒的确是实行了这个目标,除了“出租”镇西军新飞商会这件事是她亲口和许亦商议的之外,剩下的关于新飞商会兰帕里王国合资工厂的各项事宜,全都是由她带来的手下们在和新飞商会进行谈判。 With this corresponding, Xu Yi has not basically taken care these things, the concrete negotiation process, he gave Kennard and other chamber of commerce related heads, oneself accompanied Sewinnie to play well for two days. 与此相应的,许亦也基本没管这些事情,具体的谈判过程,他都交给了肯纳德和商会其它相关负责人,自己则陪着瑟维尼好好地玩了两天。 According to the view of Sewinnie, besides Xu Yi, entire Lanpali Kingdom simply does not have any others to be the same with Xu Yi, stops at nothing before her, but regards an ordinary friend to receive her, making her let loose the mood heartily entertainment. 按照瑟维尼的说法,除了许亦之外,整个兰帕里王国根本没有其他任何一个人会和许亦一样,在她面前无所顾忌,只是把她当成一个普通朋友来接待,让她放开心情尽情娱乐。 In the two days time, Xu Yi besides bringing Sewinnie is going to sea to swim, enjoys the sand beach sunlight bath, but also enjoys the stimulation that car race with Sewinnie in the territory, boarded the small-scale Magic Power charge ship, cleaves the waves in the sea level overshooting wind. 在这两天时间内,许亦除了带着瑟维尼下海游泳,享受沙滩阳光浴之外,还和瑟维尼在领地内享受了一下飙车的刺激,更是登上了小型魔力冲锋艇,在海面上冲风破浪。 Last day, Xu Yi and Sewinnie rode the Magic Power airship together, making her experience one personally in the feeling of in the air free soaring. 最后一天,许亦则和瑟维尼一起乘上了魔力飞艇,让她亲自体验了一把在空中自由飞翔的感觉。 After riding, exciting Sewinnie requests Xu Yi how directly, regardless of also to want first to provide to her Magic Power airship, for her special-purpose. 乘坐完后,兴奋的瑟维尼直接要求许亦无论如何也要第一时间提供给她一艘魔力飞艇,供她专用。 This Magic Power airship actually cannot place in the Lanpali Kingdom expenditure, is completely by the private fiscal payment of Sewinnie. 这艘魔力飞艇却是不能放在兰帕里王国财政支出中的,完全是由瑟维尼的私人财政支付。 Sewinnie, although expensive/noble is the Lanpali Kingdom queen, but the private finance was not ample. Now is actually willing to put out 300,000 gold coins to purchase a Magic Power airship all of a sudden, obviously her the affection degree depth to Magic Power airship. 要知道,瑟维尼虽然贵为兰帕里王国的女王陛下,但私人财政却一直并不宽裕。现在却肯一下子拿出三十万金币购买一艘魔力飞艇,可见她对魔力飞艇的喜爱程度之深。 After two days, finished Sewinnie of Stantin Duchy short traveling schedule rotating Lanpali Kingdom, because of her arrival, but is highly alerted Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to relax finally. Returns to own daily life during. 两天过后,结束了斯坦丁公国短暂行程的瑟维尼回转了兰帕里王国,因为她的到来,而处于高度戒备状态的新飞商会终于可以松一口气。重新回归到自己的日常生活之中。 Since the summer, is various Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce kind of Household Magic Machine sales peaks. 进入夏季,是新飞商会各类家用魔力机械的销售高峰期。 Is only in June this month, according to finally counts, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce solely was only Magic Powered Fan sells enough 30 Rokumandai, Magic Power Air Conditioning also sold more than 80,000, the Magic Power refrigerator were slightly less. Actually also sold more than 30,000. 仅仅只是六月这一个月,根据最终统计,新飞商会单单只是魔力风扇就售出了足足三十六万台,魔力空调也售出了八万多台,魔力冰箱略少一些。却也同样售出了三万多台。 Through these three types most urgently needed Household Magic Machine, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtained the astonishing 1.57 million gold coins in June this month in the summer. 只是通过这三种夏季最急需的家用魔力机械,新飞商会在六月这一个月内就获得了惊人的一百五十七万金币。 But in Magic Powered Machine Tool department, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Powered Vehicle is greatly popular in Rudson Kingdom. 而在魔力机床部门方面,新飞商会魔力机车鲁尔逊王国内大受欢迎。 First was middle-and-small freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle sold more than 4000, large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle sold more than 700, but relied on freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle. Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce got 600,000 gold coins profits. 首先是中小型货运魔力机车售出了四千多辆,大型货运魔力机车售出了七百多辆,只是凭借货运魔力机车新飞商会就获得了六十万金币的利润。 Next is Magic Power sedan, because enjoyed praises of Rudson Kingdom almost all aristocrat merchants, once were said that the Magic Power sedan then sells in Rudson Kingdom massively. 其次是魔力轿车方面,因为受到了鲁尔逊王国几乎所有贵族商人的追捧,一经引进,魔力轿车便在鲁尔逊王国内大量售出。 Solely is only in June in this one month, the Magic Power sedan sold more than 300 in Rudson Kingdom, brought 50,000 gold coins profits to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 单单只是六月这个一个月内,魔力轿车就在鲁尔逊王国内售出了三百多辆,给新飞商会带来了五万金币的利润。 Although this number compared the profit that other departments created to want lowly, but Xu Yi believes, the market of Magic Power sedan was very broad. 虽然这个数字相比起其它部门创造的利润要低了很多,但是许亦相信,魔力轿车的市场是非常广阔的。 After the Rudson Kingdom ordinary people living condition gradually turns for the better. The sales volume of Magic Power sedan definitely like the sedan on Earth, will have explosive increase. 鲁尔逊王国的普通子民们生活条件逐渐转好后。魔力轿车的销量必然会像地球上的轿车一样,出现爆发性增长。 Even in Lanpali Kingdom, has manifested the little such sign. 甚至在兰帕里王国内,就已经体现出了一点点这样的迹象。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom cooperation project and does not include the Magic Powered Vehicle aspect. Therefore the Magic Power sedan enters the Lanpali Kingdom sell the words, is equivalent to the import commodity, must pay certain tariff, therefore fixed a price is forced to be higher. 新飞商会兰帕里王国的合作项目并不包括魔力机车方面。所以魔力轿车进入兰帕里王国出售的话,相当于进口商品,必须要缴纳一定关税,于是定价就被迫更高了一些。 However this, the Magic Power sedan still is extremely even popular in Lanpali Kingdom. 但是就算是这样,魔力轿车依然在兰帕里王国极受欢迎。 The Magic Power sedan as the place that origins, aristocrat merchants almost everyone in Lanpali Kingdom must have a Magic Power sedan. 身为魔力轿车起源的地方,兰帕里王国内的贵族商人们几乎每人都必须拥有一辆魔力轿车。 If you also take the carriage. That simply is a shame, simply does not have the face to go out sees the person. 如果你还乘坐马车的话。那简直就是一种耻辱,根本没脸出门见人。 But makes Xu Yi pay attention truly. Then is in Lanpali Kingdom starts to have some civilians to start to present the demand to the Magic Power sedan. 而真正让许亦关注的。则是兰帕里王国内开始有一部分平民开始对魔力轿车出现需求。 This some civilians are not the aristocrats, is not the big merchant. Actually also longs to the Magic Power sedan equally extremely. 这部分平民不是贵族,也不是什么大商人。却也一样对魔力轿车极为渴望。 However these civilian enough economic strength one breaths have not pulled out to be close to over a thousand gold coins purchasing a Magic Power sedan, therefore Xu Yi starts to consider like Earth on, implements the installment payment to the sell of Magic Power sedan. 不过这些平民没有足够的经济实力一口气掏出接近上千金币购买一辆魔力轿车,所以许亦开始考虑像地球上一样,对魔力轿车的出售也实行分期付款。 Although does this to have certain risk on Sainz Continent, but considering the market factor, Xu Yi thought that this approach is worth. 虽然在赛恩斯大陆上这样做存在一定风险,但是考虑到市场因素,许亦觉得这个做法还是值得的。 Even if abandons these civilians to ignore, the Magic Power sedan still sold more than 600 in Lanpali Kingdom last month, brought over 100,000 gold coins profits to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 然而就算是抛开这些平民忽略不计,魔力轿车在兰帕里王国内上个月也销售出了六百多辆,给新飞商会带来了超过十万金币的利润。 But in freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle and large and middle scale passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle aspect, then presented the explosive sales volume to grow, in June, these two categories of Magic Powered Vehicle sold astonishing more than 13,000 in Lanpali Kingdom unexpectedly! 而在货运魔力机车和大中型客运魔力机车方面,则更是出现了爆发性的销量增长,在六月内,这两大类魔力机车居然在兰帕里王国内一口气售出了惊人的一万三千多辆! By this point, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtained the terrifying is close to 2 million gold coins the profits! 只是凭借这一点,新飞商会就获得了恐怖的接近二百万金币的利润! The bicycle, tire, Magic Powered Machine Tool wait/etc. aspect in the profits, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in June this month, the acquired gross profit surpassed 5 million gold coins again unexpectedly! 再把自行车、轮胎、魔力机床等等方面的利润,新飞商会在六月这一个月内,获得的总利润居然超过了五百万金币! Even if abandons all disbursements, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce still surpassed 3 million gold coins in the net profit that in this month obtained. 就算把所有的支出都抛开,新飞商会在这个月内获得的纯利润也超过了三百万金币之多。 But this, in has not calculated in military Magic mechanical aspect the situation of profit completely. 而这,还是在完全没有计算军用魔法机械方面的利润的情况下。 Naturally, in fact in the military Magic mechanical aspect, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in fact has not really made how much money but actually. 当然,实际上在军用魔法机械方面,新飞商会倒也真的没有实际上赚多少钱。 Made Xu Yi obtain the big piece territory with the ceasefire agreement of Count Velun, but actually also needs to supply Count Velun similarly large number of military Magic machineries. 威纶伯爵的停战协议使得许亦获得了大片的领地,但是却也需要供给威纶伯爵同样大量的军用魔法机械。 But now Xu Yi and Sewinnie reached the agreement, Xu Yi was equivalent to rent Western Guard Regiment from the Sewinnie hand, that to enhance the Western Guard Regiment battle efficiency, Xu Yi naturally must give Western Guard Regiment to equip certain military Magic machinery. 而现在许亦又和瑟维尼达成了协议,许亦相当于从瑟维尼手中租借来了镇西军,那么为了提高镇西军的战斗力,许亦自然也必须给镇西军装备一定的军用魔法机械。 Although after Xu Yi is very clear, he is impossible to return to these from the Western Guard Regiment hand again to the military Magic machinery that they equip, is equivalent gives in vain, but he desperately short of manpower, can earn the support of Western Guard Regiment now, a lot can be easily solved. 尽管许亦很清楚以后他不可能再从镇西军手中要回这些给他们装备的军用魔法机械,相当于白送,但是他现在急缺人手,能够获得镇西军的支持,很多事情都可以迎刃而解。 But by the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce present financial resource, sufficiently support such consumption. 而以新飞商会现在的财力,也足以支持这样的消耗。 In July crosses, although the weather is burning hot, equips Lanpali Kingdom Western Guard Regiment of military Magic machinery massive Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce provided still the army to open dials, pushed onward Heimi Wastelands. 七月一过,尽管天气炎热,装备了大量新飞商会提供的军用魔法机械的兰帕里王国镇西军依然全军开拨,挺进了黑米荒原 If before is, Western Guard Regiment dares to do this, definitely will cause Heimi Wastelands resistance on vigorously Beast-men Clan, thinks that this is the human kingdom intention invades Heimi Wastelands, seizes to be the Beast-men Clan land. 如果是以前镇西军敢这样做的话,必然会引起黑米荒原上的兽人族们的极力反抗,认为这是人类王国意图入侵黑米荒原,抢占属于兽人族的土地。 However this time, Beast-men Clan on Heimi Wastelands has no response, even Western Guard Regiment when passing by the Beast-men Clan tribe, will also receive warm welcome of Beast-men Clan, obtains a lot of supplies. 但是这一次,黑米荒原上的兽人族却对此没有任何反应,甚至镇西军在路过兽人族部落时,还会受到兽人族的热烈欢迎,从中获得大量补给。 Obviously, this is the role that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce plays. 很显然,这就是新飞商会从中起到的作用。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce arrives at first Heimi Wastelands investment puts up a factory, by almost all Beast-men Clan is hostile, but after a few years of development, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and several other family member class chambers of commerce obtain the comprehensive approval of Beast-men Clan. 新飞商会起初来到黑米荒原投资建厂的时候,被几乎所有兽人族敌视,但是经过几年的发展,新飞商会和其它几家人类商会已经得到了兽人族的全面认同。 The reason is very simple, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and several other family member class chambers of commerce brought the good life to them. 原因很简单,新飞商会和其它几家人类商会给他们带来了更好的生活。 After opening access enters Heimi Wastelands, Western Guard Regiment immediately has not approached Heimi Wastelands and Sakk Kingdom intersection point, but is coordinating Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce as well as Amul Chamber of Commerce, starts at the border construction fortification. 一路畅通无阻地进入黑米荒原后,镇西军并没有立即靠近黑米荒原萨克王国的交界处,而是配合着新飞商会以及阿姆利商会,开始在边境处修建防御工事。 This fortification may be different from that cob brick city wall that the past on two people border line constructed, but used Amul Chamber of Commerce at present the technical maturest reinforced concrete structure. 这个防御工事可不同于以往两人边境线上修建的那种土砖城墙,而是采用了阿姆利商会目前技术最成熟的钢筋混凝土结构。 Initially when helping Sandy River upstream construction dam, Amul Chamber of Commerce with the technical support that Xu Yi provided, with dam that this construction built. 当初在帮助桑迪河上游修建大坝时,阿姆利商会就在许亦提供的技术支持下,采用这种架构修筑的大坝。 Now accumulates after several years experience, Amul Chamber of Commerce seems extremely handy under this construction pattern. 现在经过数年的实践经验积累,阿姆利商会在这种架构模式下显得极为得心应手。 Speed strange quick who in addition the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce continuous fund and resource support, this fortification builds. 再加上新飞商会源源不断的资金和资源支持,这个防御工事修筑的速度奇快。 Is only one month, constructed over 30 kilometers fortification. 仅仅只是一个月的时间,就修建起了超过三十公里的防御工事。 If looking from the outside, this fortification and Great Wall is a bit like, but the scale is slightly smaller, excellent five meters, above width about three meters. 如果从外表来看,这个防御工事和长城有点儿像,只不过规模略小一些,高超过五米,上面宽三米左右。 However compared with the Great Wall, the firm degree of this fortification without doubt is much higher. 但是和长城相比,这个防御工事的坚固程度无疑要高得多。 With fortification that the reinforced concrete structure cast, do not say that can resist in this world with ease the attack of ordinary armies, even if Xu Yi rumbled with nine levels of Magic of powerful force quite a while, still pounded a pit above. 采用了钢筋混凝土结构铸成的防御工事,不要说能够轻松抵挡住这个世界上普通军队们的攻击,就算许亦用威力强大的九级魔法轰了半天,也不过就在上面砸出一个坑而已。 When this crosses the Heimi Wastelands northern fortification to cast, can say that can die of suffocation completely Sakk Kingdom through any possibility that Heimi Wastelands goes south, causing Heimi Wastelands can not by any harassment, the relieved development. 等到这个横贯黑米荒原北方的防御工事铸成,可以说就能够完全堵死了萨克王国通过黑米荒原南下的任何可能性,使得黑米荒原可以不受任何骚扰,安心发展。 But regarding Lanpali Kingdom, this similarly is very advantageous. 而对于兰帕里王国来说,这同样是非常有利。 If Heimi Wastelands is worry-free, Lanpali Kingdom can concentrate on more energy north the kingdom. 黑米荒原如果无忧,兰帕里王国就可以将更多精力投注在王国北方。 Although Sewinnie hiring suffered the voice of many criticism and opposition to Xu Yi when Lanpali Kingdom Western Guard Regiment, when Xu Yi proposed this partnership model, actually obtained the comprehensive approval. 所以虽然瑟维尼镇西军“出租”给许亦兰帕里王国内遭受到了很多批评和反对的声音,但是当许亦提出这种合作模式时,却获得了全面赞同。 Naturally, in fact in the Xu Yi innermost feelings is not willing this. 当然,实际上许亦内心里并不愿意这样做。 This fortification looks like in Sainz Continent people, almost can be impregnable, however looks like in Xu Yi, the so-called fortification significance is not big, is very difficult to resist the truly powerful attack. 这个防御工事在赛恩斯大陆的人们看来,几乎可以算是牢不可破,但是在许亦看来,所谓的防御工事意义并不大,很难抵挡住真正强大的进攻。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to construct this fortification, it is expected that the total investment reaches as high as 3 million gold coins. 新飞商会为了修建这个防御工事,预计总投资高达三百万金币。 If this sum of money brings to do other matter, the return obtained are certainly more. 这笔钱如果拿来干别的事情,所获得的回报一定更多。 However in order to obtains the approval of Lanpali kingdom side, as well as creates a stable environment to Heimi Wastelands, these 3 million gold coins actually have to spend. 不过为了能够获得兰帕里王*方的认可,以及给黑米荒原创造一个安定的环境,这三百万金币却是不得不花。 However regarding Xu Yi and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, Heimi Wastelands is only a place of need calm and steady environment, the peaceful rule of another place is more important. 然而对于许亦新飞商会来说,黑米荒原只是其中一个需要安稳环境的地方,另外一个地方的安定则更加重要。 But this place unsettled...... 可偏偏这个地方并不安定…… ... ...
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